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Lahore Garrison University

21 August, 2017

The difference between Academic
Achievement and Social Environment









1. Summary
The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between academic achievement
and social environment. The main difference between the academic achievement and social
environment is equality, culture & tradition, uneducated people, resources, poverty. Academic
achievement performance is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved
their short or long term educational goals. Cumulative GPA and completion of educational
degrees such as high school and bachelors degrees represent academic achievement.
Academic achievement is commonly measured through examination. The social environment,
social context, refer to the immediate physical and social setting in which people live or in
which something happens or develops. It includes the culture that the individual was educated
or lives in, and the people and institutions with whom they interact. When students feel safe,
engaged and respected, they can focus on their academic goals. Character education is the
foundation upon which students can reach academic achievement. In academic achievement
the digital age literacy, inventive thinking, effective communication and high productivity. If a
student has a high IQ or high achievement, he/she should be successful in the general
education classroom.

2. Introduction
My introduction is. I am from the Lahore Garrison University. Lahore Garrison University is a
university situated in Lahore, Punjab. The university was established by the Pakistan army. It
was established in 2010. It has two Campuses and I read in main campus of this university
that is situated in Defense Housing Scheme (DHA).

3. Needs/Problems
Culture is a common system of believes, values and artifacts that the members of a society use
it in their relations, and it transfers from one generation to another. We depend on our natural
environment to fulfill our needs. We also need company of other people. It seems that school
culture, basic Psychological needs. The needs is

Self-actualization like, morality, creativity, problem solving

Esteem, like confidence achievements, respect of others, need for individually

Love\belonging like friendship, family, connections

Safety like, health, employment, property, family

Physiological like, Air, food, water, clothing, sleep

The main problems are the family expands, poor diet in early childhood, lower academic
performance, less education, fewer job opportunities.

4. Goals/Objectives
The student learning and academic achievement goals are unrelated to identified student
needs but does not reflect acceptable growth.

Personal goals for life, skills for living

Goals and context of driving

Vehicle handling

The other goals are monetary goals and ethical goals

The main goal is SMART goal.





The objectives are:-

The school environment,

Teachers Dynamics,

Principles leadership condition,

The functionality of school improvement plan

Resource Generation

5. Procedures\Scope of Work
If you are not meeting the standards we expect with your studies, including poor attendance
and punctuality and not submitting work on time, you will be given support to improve by
your personal tutor, course manager and subject teachers. Clear targets to address the
relevant issue(s) will be set and reviewed.
If your study/work performance causes us concern during the first 6 weeks of your course we
will take action quickly to find out why. It could be that you have chosen the wrong course, or
the course is not what you expected. It may also be that you are on the wrong level of course. If
this happens we will work with you to resolve the situation and, where possible, transfer you
to a more suitable programme. In extreme circumstances you may be withdrawn from the
The scope will be limited only in determining the significant relationship between the use of
multimedia facilities and the academic performance of students as perceived by teachers and
by themselves. The limitation of the study is very important, because it will avoid the
researcher understanding. The other scope of the research is study area, focus of the research
and responds.

6. Budget
To establish community learning centers that help students in high poverty, low performing,
Schools meet academic achievement standards; to offer a broad array of additional services
designed, to complement the regular academic program, and to offer families of students
opportunities for educational development. Like

Time and effort

Site budget

Monthly costs

Reduction to the budget must be

Legally compliant

Operationally sound

Support academic achievement for all students

We must downsize the organization to balance the budget and prepare for additional

7. Key Personnel
I will be responsible for completion of
the project, as well as other personnel
involved in the project.
Project manager AYESHA

8. Evaluation
Achievement assessment is typically included in a full individual evaluation for any student
considered for special education services. Careful evaluation of academic strengths and
weaknesses can provide helpful information about academic and school success, as well as
significant insight into factors (both general and subject-specific) that are having an adverse impact
on academic achievement, including identification of learning gaps that have not previously been
noted. Currently, there is little research to support the use of various achievement assessments
with individuals. The following is a list of assessments that may be used for students who have or
are suspected. If students have high abilities in word calling and/or reading fluency, they have good
general reading skills. If a student has a high IQ or high achievement, he/she should be successful
in the general education classroom.

9. References
The main and only one references are the refer for this report or project is only Google.

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