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Name: Ronnie Valencia

Code: 134262
Homework 1

Smart phones, the double-edged sword for the communication of society

Smart phones bring those who are far away and drives away those who are close. As I
can see nowadays smart phones have become indispensable for society, they exist from
expensive cell phones like Apple with their operating system IOS up to cheaper cell
phones like Samsung, Huawei, Nokia or Google with its Android operating system. The
main characteristic of these smartphones is that they are very useful: they have a good
camera, enough storage and above all Internet. these characteristics helps us communicate
with our distant loved ones, but not everything is good, it also has certain disadvantages
and one of them is that today the communication between the family has been lost and a
clear example of this is in the family meetings where the majority is locked in their own
world with their smartphone. As a result of this, smart phones are here to stay and if we
do not do something in a few years communication between human beings will be
affected in our next generations.

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