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Summer is experienced by the northern part of the world such as the United States and
Europe for about 3 months, starting from about 20 June to 21-22 September each year.
Summer is usually a fairly friendly season, especially for the European countries because the
sun will shine brightly.
Some things that people do when summer is:

A vacation to the beach. Especially Europeans very rarely get the abundant sunshine.
No wonder, when summer arrives, the beach directly filled with tourists who want to
dry her body.

Come to the Summer Festival. The weather is very supportive for traveling outdoors
making the festival organizers choose the summer to hold their event.




Fall or autumn means autumn. Fall is used in American English sentences, while Autumn is
used in English English.
Autumn is the season of transition from summer to winter. This season runs from September
to the beginning of winter in late November or early December, for the northern hemisphere.
The most striking of autumn is usually the color of peophonan leaves that begin to change
into bright colors such as red, orange, yellow which then falling so as to create a very bright
atmosphere with the weather from cool to cool.
Some things people do in the fall:

Take a Look at the Dropping Leaves. Autumn is the right time to walk around looking
at the leaves that fall very beautiful color. There are also people who like to collect
foliage herbs of color and beautiful shape to be used as decoration.
Harvest Fruits. In autumn, many people start harvesting fruits in the four seasons,
such as apples, grapes and pears.
Taking a Photo with Dear People. Autumn is also widely used by many families to
take photos, because the weather is not too hot and environmental conditions are very
beautiful. This photo can then be used as greeting cards Christmas and New Year for
winter soon.





Winter starts from December to February. One of the most prominent of the winter is
the snow that makes the entire surface of the land covered with a clean white color.
Although the weather is very cold, and the temperature can be quite extreme until it
reaches below 0 degrees Celsius, but does not close the possibility to move outside the

Here are some of the usual activities people do in the winter:

Play Ice Skating or Skiing. In winter, most lakes will freeze with ice thickness
on the surface of the lake about 20 cm, allowing it to be a skating spot for ice
skating lovers. Meanwhile, in mountainous areas with a certain height, people
can start skiing.
Play with Snow. The falling snow is usually a fun thing for kids. They will race
to make snowman and sometimes play snowball war.
Drinking Alcohol. At the time of winter, alcohol consumption begins to
increase, not for the purpose of getting drunk, but rather to warm the body.
Even in Russia where temperatures are almost always below 0 C, vodka has
become a normal daily drink to warm the body.




Spring is a transition from winter back to summer. Spring usually begins mid February
to May.

Spring is also often awaited people because the weather is no longer too cold and also
not hot. This season is usually the season for the flowers to bloom, so called 'semi'
because the flowers are blossoming.

In the spring, although it is no longer as cold as winter, the weather is still quite cold
and often rainy. It was only when the summer months approached, the rain began to
fall and the flowers began to bloom.

Some things to do in the spring:

Picnic Under the Sakura Tree. Japanese cherry trees will begin to bloom when
spring comes. This beautiful pink flowers can indeed attract many tourists to
take pictures under it. Not only in Japan, some places in Europe also have
cherry trees that will bloom in unison when the time comes in the spring.
Gardening. Spring is the time when the flowers are diligent in bloom.
Therefore, many people take advantage of these times to garden and beautify
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