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Find the synonym of the bold faced typed and underlined words below!

1. For ten millions, the earths environment is steady which encourage the animals and plants to
flourish. (Text1)
A. thrive
B. lose
C. deficient
D. fail

2. The invasive species may evolve in their new environment by consuming the native species
food. (Text 2).
A. extinct
B. progress
C. persist
D. stay

3. The spill out crude oil can kill marine organism and leave toxic which will persist in ocean for
long years. (Text 3)
A. cease
B. halt
C. stop
D. endure

4. Because of the pollution, todays ocean suffers from dramatic degradation. (Text 4)
A. decency
B. elevation
C. deterioration
D. upgrade

5. Anthropogenic climate change poses a serious threat to coral reefs around the world. (Text 5)

A. care
B. guard
C. danger
D. safety

6. Because of industrial revolution, fossil fuel-powered machines have driven an unprecedented

burst of human industry and advancement. (Text 1).
A. downgrade
B. tap
C. decrease
D. blow up

7. The invasive species may harm the native existing wildlife in a various ways including
fighting the original species for food and space. (Text 2).
A. cherish
B. injure
C. aid
D. defend

8. Compared to hurricanes, typhoons, storm surges and tsunamis, human activities cause more
significant impactful and persistent environment destruction. (Text 3).
A. inconstant
B. continuous
C. occasional
D. temporary

9. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers applied by farmers inland, end up in local streams, rivers, and
groundwater and are eventually deposited in estuaries, bays, and deltas. (Text 4).
A. accumulated
B. taken out
C. dispersed
D. divided

10. Some scientists try to reconstruct the environment of coral reef by surveying the health of
coral reef, monitoring their environment and collect long coral cores. (Text 5).
A. build up
B. destroy
C. ruin
D. dismantle

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