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Plan Template

Teacher Trainee: Student Number:

Date: Subject/Grade:

Topic: Resources:

Learning the colors red\yelow \green

Learning Objectives:
Learn about the animal (chicks)
Study the name of 3 colors (red\yelow\green)
Give them excersise about number 1/2/3 (previos lesson)
Key Terms:

Key Questions: (List key questions you want students to be able to answer at the end of the lesson)
Name 3 fruits with colour red
Bring 2 things in the class that has chick picture
Count from 1 to 3 using the chicks

Lesson Introduction:
Review previoes lesson on count from 1 to 3

Teaching Activities/Learning Strategies (If it is new skills or concepts remember to utilize Gradual Release of Responsibility)
Time Learning Activity How (Teacher says and does) Student says and does
11:15 teacher will sing students should repeat the song
to and see the different colors on the

Lesson Closing:
Drawing on their own block using the 3 colours pencil
Students will be asked to bring fruit that has color orange in next class

Assessment of Understanding: (how do you know the students understand? When and how will you check their

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