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State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Pekanbaru

UIN SUSKA RIAU or a more complete State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif
Kasim Riau - Pekanbaru is a civil campus located in two areas in Pekanbaru city, region
Sukajadi and Panam. A more intimate campus called UIN Suska Riau before the State
Islamic Institute Sultan Syarif Qasim (IAIN SUSQA) Pekanbaru established on
September 19, 1970 based on the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs of the
Republic of Indonesia No. 194 of 1970. The Institute was inaugurated by the Minister of
Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia KH Ahmad Dahlan on September 19, 1970
signing of the charter and the inauguration of the first Rector Prof. H. Ilyas Muhammad

However, based on Presidential Regulation No. 2 / 2005 dated January 4, 2005

on Amendment IAIN Sultan Sharif Qasim Pekanbaru be UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau,
on February 9, 2005, change in status occurs and the launch into the State Islamic
University of Sultan Sharif Kasim Riau by President , Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
And then the Minister of Religious Affairs Organization and work setting UIN Suska Riau
Minister of Religious Affairs under Regulation No. 8 of 2005 dated 4 April 2005.

IAIN Susqa this was originally derived from some of Faculty of Islamic Higher
Education Private which is then transformed into a state, namely the Faculty Tarbiyah
Islamic University of Riau in Pekanbaru, Riau Islamic University Faculty of Sharia in
Tembilahan, and Faculty Ushuluddin Great Mosque of An-Nur Pekanbaru. With the
approval of Local Government, the State Islamic Institute of Pekanbaru is the name
given by Sultan Syarif Qasim, which is the name of the Kingdom of Siak Sri Sultan
Indrapura to-12 or the last, which is also the name of national fighters from Riau. Taking
the name is given the services and his devotion to the country, including in education.

IAIN Susqa Pekanbaru is taking place in the first lecture in the former Chinese
school on Jl. Cempaka, now called Jl. Lotus, then moved to the Grand Mosque An-Nur.
Then in 1973, then occupied the campus IAIN Susqa Jl. Student (Jl. K. H. Ahmad Dahlan

The first building area of 840 m2 located on the land measuring 3.65 Ha funded
entirely by local governments and inaugurated its use by the Governor of Riau, Arifin
Achmad, on June 19, 1973.

When established, IAIN Susqa only consists of three Faculties, namely Faculty of
MT, Faculty of Shariah, and the Faculty Ushuluddin. But since 1998, IAIN Susqa develop
themselves by opening the Faculty of Da'wah. Faculty was established based on the
Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia No. 104 of 1998
dated February 24, 1998. This faculty was originally derived from the existing Da'wah
Department at the Faculty Ushuluddin. In 1997 has stood well the Graduate / PPs IAIN
SUSQA Pekanbaru.

The desire to expand the field of studies at IAIN Sultan Sharif Qasim Pekanbaru
emerged through Seminars Muslim Intellectuals (1985), Seminar on Work Culture in
Islamic Perspective (1987), and dialogue as scholars and intellectuals in Riau Province.
Three years in a row (1996, 1997, 1998) gave birth to the recommendation: To IAIN
Sultan Sharif Qasim Pekanbaru unlock new courses (general). Through the decision of
the senate meeting IAIN Susqa September 9, 1998 which set a status change IAIN Susqa
State Islamic University (UIN) Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, it is done in stages of preparation.

Starting in academic year 1998/1999 have been opened a few general studies
programs in some faculties, such as Psychology courses at the Faculty of MT, course
management and management of the Company at the Faculty of Shariah, and
Communication Studies courses at the Faculty of Da'wah.

In the academic year 1999/2000 IAIN has also opened the Information
Engineering Program. One year later, the academic year 2000/2001, also opened
Industrial Engineering Program. Both courses last for a while placed under the
administration of the Faculty of Da'wah.

In the 2002/2003 academic year general studies program that is on faculty at

the top and added some new courses, upgraded to an independent faculty. These
faculties is the Faculty of Science and Technology with the Department / Program
Information Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Information Systems and Mathematics,

Faculty of Psychology by Department / Program Psychology, Faculty of Economics and
Social Sciences with Management Studies, Accounting and Management Diploma III and
Faculty of Animal Husbandry Science study program with concentrations of Animal
Production Technology, Technology of Livestock and Feed Technology and Nutrition.

Thus, in the academic year 2002/2003, IAIN Susqa in preparation UIN SUSKA
Riau already has eight faculties, namely Faculty of MT, Faculty of Syariah, Faculty
Ushuluddin, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Studies, Faculty of Science and
Technology, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty Economics, and Faculty of Animal Husbandry.

Upgrading UIN SUSKA RIAU be intended to produce Muslim scholars who are
able to master, develop, and implement the Islamic sciences, science and technology are
integral, as well as eliminate the dichotomy between the views of Islamic science and
general science.

UIN SUSKA development is not only done on purely academic fields, such as
through the opening of the faculties and new study programs, but also directed at
developing the physical, facilities, and infrastructure. Today Suska UIN campus already
has an area of 84.15 hectares of land consisting of 3.65 hectares on Jl. K.H. Ahmad
Dahlan and 80.50 hectares at Km. 15 Jl. Soebrantas Simpangbaru Panam Pekanbaru.

Campus land at Km 15, Jl. H.R. Soebrantas was released in the year 1981/1982
was originally an area of 60 ha and expanded in 2003-2006 to 80.50 ha. In the year
1995/1996 physical construction has started and has managed to build a building area of
5760 m2 for 70 local classrooms.

In accordance with the Minister of Religious Affairs Regulation No. 8 Year 2005
UIN Suska has 8 faculties, namely Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Faculty of
Syariah and Law, Faculty of Ushuluddin, Faculty of Dawah and Communication, Faculty
of Science and Technology, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Economic and Social
Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science and The Graduate Program.

Since the establishment of a UIN, IAIN Susqa until SUSKA until now it has several
times experienced leadership turnover, as follows :

No Name of Period

1. Prof. H. Muh Ilyas. Ali 1970 1975

2. Drs. H. A. Moerad Oesman 1975 1979

3. Drs. Ahmady Soewarno 1979 1987

4. Drs. H. Yusuf Rahman, MA 1987 1996

5. Prof. Dr. H. Amir Lutfi 1996 2005

6. Prof. Dr. H. M. Nazir 2005 - present

Faculty of Education and Teacher's Training - UIN SUSKA Riau Pekanbaru

This faculty prepared with Muslim scholars that noble ethics have competency and
skills in education and instruction as well as able to apply their knowledge
professionally. Faculty of Education and Teacher's Training consists of:

1. Department of Islamic Education with concentrations:

o Teacher's Training for Junior and Senior Intermediate School.
o Teacher's Training for Tafsir and Hadith
o Teacher's Training for Fiqh
o Teacher's Training for Aqida and Akhlaq
o Teacher's Training for Islamic Cultural History
2. Department of Elementary School Teacher's Training
3. Department of Arabic Education
4. Department of Home Education
5. Department of Mathematic Education
6. Department of Islamic Educational Sciences with Concentrations:
o Islamic Educational Management
o Guidance and Counseling
7. Department of Social Science Education
8. Department of Chemical Education

Faculty of Shariah and Law - UIN SUSKA Riau Pekanbaru

Faculty of Shariah and Law prepares Muslim scholars with good characters that
have mastery in law, especially in Islamic law, Islamic jurisprudence, and Islamic
economics and able to develop the knowledge regarding Islamic laws. This faculty
consists of several departments:

1. Department of Family Law

2. Department of Islamic Civil Law
3. Department of Islamic Criminal and Political Law
4. Department of Jurisprudence and Islamic Law Schools Comparative

5. Department of Islamic Economic, Study Program of Islamic Bank
6. Program of Diploma 3 Sharia Bank
7. Department of Law

Faculty of Usluddin - UIN SUSKA Riau Pekanbaru

This sets up the student's faculty to become Muslim scholars with good characters
that have expertise in basic Islamic knowledge and sciences integrally. The faculty
consists of departments, namely :

1. Departement of Aqida and Philosophy, with Concentrations:

o Islamic Philosophy
o Islamic Politics
2. Departement of Comparative Religion, with Concentrations:
o Study of Religions
o Sociology of Religion
3. Departement of Tafsir and Hadith, with Concentrations:
o Study of the Quran
o Study of Hadith

Faculty of Dawah and Communication - UIN SUSKA Riau Pekanbaru

This faculty prepares Muslim scholars with ethics noble that have competency and skills
in proselytizing Muslims and communication for developing community. Faculty of
Dawah and Communication consists of the department as follows:

1.Department of Islamic Guidance and Counseling

2.Department of Muslim Society Development

3.Department of Da'wah Management

4.Department of Communication

5.Program of Diploma 3 Press and Graphic

Faculty of Science And Technology - UIN SUSKA Riau Pekanbaru

Faculty of Science And Technology in State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif

Kasim Pekanbaru or called UIN SUSKA Pekanbaru Riau Indonesia - History of
establishment of the Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Suska Riau or better known
as the Faculty of Technology UIN Suska (FASTE) was founded in late 2001, Faculty of
Science and Technology UIN Suska Riau was established in preparation for the change of
status from the State Islamic Institute Syarif Qasim Sultan (IAIN SUSQA ) Pekanbaru the
State Islamic University Syarif Kasim Sultan (UIN Suska) Riau.
Embryo of the founding of the Faculty of Science and Technology begins from
the opening of Department of Informatics in 1999 and the Department of Industrial
Engineering in 2001. Establishment of the two majors under the auspices of the Faculty
of Da'wah.
Formerly faculty of science and technology, or better known as FASTE was once
ruled by the UIN campus Sukajadi Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan. But, along with the
development and progress of the construction of campus, the Faculty of Science and
technology are transferred to a campus building large lecture that is ruled by the Panam.
Now Sukajadi UIN campus more in the switch as a tuition Language and the Graduate
This faculty sets up the students to Become Muslim scholars with good
characters have that ability in developing and advancing the sciences and technology
based on high technology. The Faculty of Sciences and Technology includes
departments :

1. Department of Engineering

2.Department of Industry Engineering

3.Department of Information Systems

4.Department of Applied Mathematics

5.Department of Electro Engineering with Concentrations:

a.Electronic Engineering

b.Telecommunication Engineering

c.Computer Engineering

Faculty of Psychology - UIN SUSKA Riau Pekanbaru

Faculty of Psychology prepares Muslim scholars with good characters have that mastery
in psychology and are able to autonomously overcome psychological problems. This
faculty consists of several parts:

1.General, Experiment and Clinic Psychology

2.Religious, Developmental, and Social Psychology

3.Industrial and Educational Psychology

Faculty of Economic and Social Science - UIN SUSKA Riau Pekanbaru

This faculty prepares Muslim scholars with high integrity, that are skilled in social
sciences like economics and management, accountancy, state administration, and other
social sciences. This includes faculty Several departments as follows:

1.Department of Management

2.Program of Diploma 3 Enterprise Management

3.Department of Accountancy Diploma 3

4.Program of Accountancy

5.Department of State Administration

Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science - UIN SUSKA Riau Pekanbaru

Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science prepares Muslim scholars with good
characters have that mastery in science and technology pertaining with agriculture and
animal science.

This faculty consists of several departments as follows :

1.Department of Animal Science with Concentrating on:

a.Technology of Breeding Production

b.Technology of Livestock Product

c.Technology of Feeder and Nutrition

d.Animal Economic Social Science

2.Department of Agriculture

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