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Alhamdulillah thank Allah for His grace so that we could successfully completed the
Project 1 Paper Lantern Report for the BFC 23702 Creativity & Innovation to meet the
requirements for this course.
Thank you very much and my sincere appreciation to Prof. Madya Dr Zainal Abidin
Bin Akasah as a course lecturer for giving a lot of useful knowledge and the guidance about
the flying lantern during the project.
Appreciation and thanks to group members also play a major role in this project. Thank
you and congratulations for each of us for successfully participating in the program and making
sure to run smoothly. This report can also be completed and sent within the time given to us.
Finally, thanks to all who have supported our group as long as this program goes. We
feel very lucky to be able to live among people who never disappointed.

Sky lantern is essentially a small hot air balloon made out of paper that has a wire
construction at the bottom where the fire is. Fire generates hot air, which is lighter than the
cold air, and it lifts the lantern. It originated in the Asia where is traditionally used in festivals
or for play. Historians agree that sky lantern was first used in the 3th century BC in China for
signaling between the troops. Myth says that military strategist Zhuge Liang (also known as
Kongming) used it for the first time to write a message on it and let it to the sky, to summon
the help when the enemy surrounded him. Because of this, they are also known as Kongming
lanterns. Other myth says that Kongming lanterns are called like that because they look like
hat with which is Zhuge Liang often represented on illustrations.

After its invention, it became popular with children (and with the adults) during the
festivals. In China, they are released during the Lantern Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.
Taiwan has its own Lantern Festival when hundreds of sky lanterns are released into the night
with wishes and prayers written on them. In Thailand, on a very important festival Yi Peng,
people release many sky lanterns because they believe it will bring them good luck. In
addition, many Thai believe that when they set lantern flying, they are releasing they worries
and problems away. If you give sky lantern to a monk, you will receive enlightenment
because its believed that lanterns will show the way to the knowledge. In Brazil, sky lanterns
are characteristic of winter holidays when people are releasing lanterns of all sizes even one
or two meters in diameter.

Sky lanterns are nowadays becoming a very popular even in non-traditional

celebrations like birthdays, parties and weddings. Thats with a good reason - hundreds flying
sky lanterns in the night sky looks really beautiful. However, they can be dangerous. If a hot
air gets cold while a flame is weak but still burning, sky lantern can land and cause a fire. If
the wind is too strong, lantern can tilt and catch fire, fall on something flammable like woods
or buildings. It can also present danger for flying airplanes. Some companies that produce sky
lanterns changed materials from which they make lanterns into non-flammable variants to
lessen the chance of lantern catching fire. Some countries have banned use of sky lanterns
because of these dangers. Whether you use sky lanterns for communication with troops or for
communication with heavens, they remain pretty sight - as long they do not cause any

1. To coordinate design creativity to human sensibilities and building design
2. To further exercise on model making techniques
3. To exercise graphic communication skills .


Lighter Scissors


Thread Ruler and Measurement Tape

Wire Burner

Total Cost of Lanterns

Material Costs
Salotape RM2.00
Thread RM1.00
Wire RM3.00
Lighter RM1.50
Burner RM0.80
Paper RM4.00
Total RM10.80



Differentiation between Existing Lanterns and Leaf Lantern

Existing Lanterns Leaf Lantern

Heavy and expensive Light Weight and economic

The actual design is simple and not illustrate The design of lantern show look like leaf on
something the tree
Difficult to take off on the sky Easy to take off on the sky
Need a lot of the burner material Just use less burner material
Less durability More durability
Difficult to handle Easier to handle


Leaf Lantern

Our group has chosing this design of latern. The design illustrate the leaf on the tree. As
we know the tree give the meaning about the fresh environment and related to our faculty

The main conceptual design for our lanrerns is about Cancer Awareness . Cancer is a
group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other
parts of the body.Not all tumors are cancerous; benign tumors do not spread to other parts of
the body.Possible signs and symptoms include a lump, abnormal bleeding, prolonged cough,
unexplained weight loss, and a change in bowel movements. While these symptoms may
indicate cancer, they may have other causes.Over 100 types of cancers affect humans.

Tobacco use is the cause of about 22% of cancer deaths. Another 10% are due to obesity,
poor diet, lack of physical activity, and excessive drinking of alcohol.Other factors include
certain infections, exposure to ionizing radiation and environmental pollutants.In the
developing world nearly 20% of cancers are due to infections such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C

and human papillomavirus infection. These factors act, at least partly, by changing the genes
of a cell.Typically many genetic changes are required before cancer develops.Approximately
510% of cancers are due to inherited genetic defects from a person's parents. Cancer can be
detected by certain signs and symptoms or screening tests. It is then typically further
investigated by medical imaging and confirmed by biopsy.

In 2015, about 90.5 million people had cancer.About 14.1 million new cases occur a year
(not including skin cancer other than melanoma).It caused about 8.8 million deaths (15.7%) of
human deaths.The most common types of cancer in males are lung cancer, prostate cancer,
colorectal cancer and stomach cancer.In females, the most common types are breast cancer,
colorectal cancer, lung cancer and cervical cancer.If skin cancer other than melanoma were
included in total new cancers each year, it would account for around 40% of cases.In children,
acute lymphoblastic leukemia and brain tumors are most common except in Africa where non-
Hodgkin lymphoma occurs more often. In 2012, about 165,000 children under 15 years of age
were diagnosed with cancer.The risk of cancer increases significantly with age and many
cancers occur more commonly in developed countries.Rates are increasing as more people live
to an old age and as lifestyle changes occur in the developing world.The financial costs of
cancer were estimated at $1.16 trillion USD per year as of 2010

1) Leaf Pattern

This pattern show about the fresh environment. As we know cancer patient need a fresh
environment to live longer without any pollution. The fresh environment provides many
benefits. It heals us and helps us stay healthy. While medicines are derived from the elements
of the environment and living organisms, sometimes simply being exposed to sunlight and
fresh, clean air makes a difference in how we feel. It will give a natural chemoptherapy to
patient at home.

2) Orange

Orange is focus on skin cancer. Skin cancer is a cancer of the cells in the outermost layer of
skin, called the epidermis. The epidermis itself has three layers: an upper and middle layer
made up of squamous cells, and a bottom layer made up of melanocytes and basal cells. Each
year, over one million people are diagnosed with cancer of the skin, making it the most common
type of cancer in the United States. Unfortunately, it is also one of the few types of cancer that
has become more common in recent years. The good news is that skin cancer is one of the most
preventable and treatable of all cancers.

3) Pink

Breast cancer occurs as normal cells in tissue start to grow and divide in an out of control
manner. As they grow, the cells often, but not always, form a tumor in the breast that can be
detected in a mammogram before it can be felt as a lump or thickening. Pink is the colour that
show the awareness about breast cancer.

4) Green

The green colours show the meaning of peaceful around the world. It also show cleaner,
greener and safer environment. This green colour also show the liver cancer community. The
more cleaner, greener and safer environment the more longer we can live in this world.

Pink (Breast Cancer)

Green ( Peaceful
Orange (Skin Cancer)
and Liver Cancer)

Leaf (Fresh Environment)







Steps to do a Leaf Lanterns
1. Prepare the equipment and materials
Start by folding four pieces of lanterns paper in half, and then draw the shape of
half a bell onto the paper. Be advised that if the lantern is too large it may not
float, so it might be necessary to experiment with the size. The bottom of the bell
shape should be wide enough that, when the paper creates a circle, it is large
enough to fit over the wood hoop frame. Cut out the bell shape, being careful not
to tear the paper.

2. Cut the lanterns Paper

Unfold the lanterns paper. If desired, this is the time to decorate the paper with
watercolors, but make sure to let all of the paint dry before proceeding. Using a
glue stick or standard craft glue thinned with water, glue two of the tissue paper
pieces together along one side. Repeat this process one edge at a time until the
paper makes a complete dome shape.

Let all glue dry completely, then check to ensure that the top is sealed and only
the bottom of the balloon is open. As an additional safety measure, consider
spraying the paper balloon with a flame-retardant spray and letting it dry

3. Build a Frame and Assemble the Lantern
A wood or bamboo hoop holds the candles that heat the air inside the balloon to
make it rise. Take a length of wire that is longer than the diameter of the hoop and
wrap it around one side of the hoop. String the wire through the middle of the
hoop, wrapping the center part of the wire to a candle, and then affixing it to the
other edge of the hoop.The candles have to generate enough heat to keep the
balloon afloat. Repeat this process with another length of wire running
perpendicular to the first.

4. Fly the Leaf Lantern Safely

The safest place to fly a sky lantern is over water, so that when the lantern
eventually deflates and drifts to the ground, it does not present a fire hazard. If
this is not possible, consider tying a length of fishing line to the lantern before
lighting it. This allows the user to reel the lantern in before it crashes to the
ground.Take the lantern to a safe space and light the candle. As the candle burns,
it creates hot air within the lantern, causing it to take flight. Fly sky lanterns at
night for a heavenly, glowing effect. The more lanterns in one place, the more
celebratory and beautiful the sky can be.


BFC23702 Creativity and Innovation subject required us to make a lantern by using our
own creativity idea with using suitable material, and also choose suitable adhesive. So we can
conclude that, after we designed and built a lantern we tested our lantern in front of FKAAS
building, we achieved our main objectives which is to coordinate design creativity to human
sensibilities and building design, to further exercise on model making techniques and to
exercise graphic communication skills .

We have to make sure that the design of bridge structure is lightweight, follow the
specification, suitable, safe and economic, besides have an aesthetic value. In this experiment,
we use to do by our own testing three time before the testing day. From the testing we can
conclude that this lantern are passed through 2meter in the sky. The most important of these
criteria is the structures ability to carry load safely in the sky of bridge. As a conclusion, after
completing this task, we learned about the steps how to design the lantern , understanding the
problem, determining the potential material burner to use and calculating the amount of
material needed to resist the loads. We have to make sure that the design is suitable, safe,
economic, and have own aesthetic value so that it will look more exclusive with high value.

We can conclude that our lantern is strong enough to carry out the load because of the
jointing and base frame, proper joint by using tape, wire and kite paper. This is the main cause
of the lantern structure strength enough. If the joint is not strong enough to support the load,
the lantern structure cannot float in air because its not stable .

After have been through this project. We realized that planning, design, analysis and idea
process are very important part to construct a begin any project. This is because this process,
easier for us to make sure our project going smoothly. Besides that, cooperation and time
management between group members are very important to achieved the objectives of project.


1. Wong, Wucius. (1993). Principles of Form and Design. New York. John Wiley.
2. D.K. Ching, Francis.1996 Architecture - Form, Space and Order. John Wiley.
3. Ocvirk. Otto G. et-al. (2002) Art Fundamental - Theory 8 Practice. McGraw Hill


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