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Day 3 Tasks


Reframing behavioural characteristics:

Discuss the general behavioural characteristics of all the children in

your class with the class teacher
Record these in table form (see table 4)

Mathematical Resources in the classroom:

This week you will also look at maths in the classroom

If your class does not have math lessons talk to your teacher and try to
find out what math concepts are taught (table 6)
Find out the main math concepts covered in your year group. Write
down a list of the concepts covered throughout the year. (For example
patterning, fractions)
Find all the math resources in your classroom and take photographs of
Label all the photographs of the resources. The labels must include the
name of the resource and what math concepts it is used to teach
Complete a math activity with a group of children. Take photographs
(or a video).
Explain what concept the children worked on; They worked on one to
one correspondence activity.
- What resources did they use?
Teddies counters, fruity counters, and unifix
- How did the children learn?
They learned by telling them the instruction of the activity
- Did they work individually, in pairs or as a group?
In pairs
- What did you do?
I support them if they dont know how to do it.

Observe lessons
Make notes and ask questions

Reflections for Journal 3

(Choose one or two of the following starters): When I reflected on observations or


It made me think about..

When I thought about it

When I reflected I thought ..

I believe

When I teach I want to

I found .. very interesting because

Table 4: Reframing Behavioral Characteristics

Discuss the general behavioural characteristics of all the children in your

class with the class teacher and record these in table form. E.g. Table 4

Table 3: Example Reframing Behavioural Characteristics Record Sheet

Name of General behavioural Reframed Suggestions to
child characteristics help improve
1 Anna She always knocks over other She may want to join in Give her materials or
childrens constructions or tries with other childrens tell her to ask for others
to destroy other childrens art play but may not know material in a polite way.
work how to ask

She may be frustrated

because she does not
know how to play with
the materials or
complete her own art
2 Zahra She talks a lot. She may want some Remind her to stay on
attention. task
3 Khalid He is active and move around He may want to play Give him some
the class. more. activities to do rather
than moving around the
4 Abeghan He is not listening and sit in a He may want to talk but Let him to sit in a place
place where he distract others. its not the right time to were he can focus
talk. away from distraction

Reframe these behavioral characteristics and suggestions for improvements.

Table 6: Mathematical resources in the Classroom

Discuss possibilities for implementing activities using these resources with your peer

List of resources that target specific mathematical skills and concepts in the school

Mathematical Resources Mathematics Skill / Concept that can be developed Exploring on possible activities to develop
found in the preschool with it. mathematical skills and concepts using these
classroom: materials

Unifix cubes Classifying; color Describe how this activity will be conducted using
these resources
Comparing more/less; longer/shorter
Activity 1: Mix the unifix and let the children to
Patterning sort them by colors

Measuring Activity 2: Building towers by the unifix and let

the children to compare which tower has more
Counting and number sense and which one has less

Activity 3: Doing a pattern with the unifix

Activity 4: Measuring an object by using the


Activity 5: put a number cards for the children

and let them to build by the unifix the quantity
that is in the card.

Chain links Activity 1: Sorting the chains by colors

Counting, calculating including; more/less Activity 2: put a number cards and let the
children to do with the chains the quantity that
Measuring is in the card.

Classifying; colors Activity 3: put the chains in different cups and

let them to count how many in each cup and
Patterning then they should say which one has more and
which one has less
Number sense
Activity 4: Use the chains to measure an object

Activity 5: Doing a pattern by using the chain


Teddies counters Counting, calculating including; more/less Activity 1: Put a cards with many dots on them
and then the children should use the teddies to
Classifying; color count how many dots in the card

Patterning Activity 2: Sort the teddies by colors

One to one correspondence Activity 3: Doing a bears pattern with the

teddies counters
Number sense
Activity 4: measure an object by using the
Measuring teddies

Activity 1: Put the fruity in different cups and

let the children to count how many fruity in
Fruity counters Counting, calculating including more / less each cup and they should say which one has
more and less

Activity 2: Classify the fruits by color and the

Classifying; color, type type of the fruits.

Activity 3: Doing a fruits pattern with the fruity

Activity 4: use a fruits cards and the children
One to one correspondence should put the fruits in the right fruit place

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