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Champions Role Item Spike Level Spike Game Time Spike Favorable Matchup Not Favorable Matchup

Aatrox Top Ravenous Hydra + BOTRK 2 3 and 6 20 to 25 minutes Olaf, Darius, Garen Jax, Fiora, Riven, and Renekton
Aatrox Jungle Sated/Bork/Ravenous Hydra 2 3 and 6
Ludens +
Good throughout the game but great after she gets ult. She does however fall of later into
Ahri Middle abyssal/Morelos/Rabadons/Void + 4 and 6
the game (40+) as her damage falls off slightly
Annie, Diana, Malzahar, Vladimir, Veigar, Fizz, LeBlanc
Sorc Boots
Akali Middle Hextech Gunblade 6+ Weak early but great once she gets her ult. Lee Sin, pink wards
Those that are poke orientated/squishy, ie. quinn,
Akali Top Hextech Gunblade 6+ Weak early but great once she gets her ult.
teemo (once blind is on cd)
Alistar Support 2 and 6 Good throughout the game.
Weak against anyone with good early invades, ward
Amumu Jungle Cinderhulk + Rylais/Liandrys/abyssal 3 and 6 Weak Early, Good Mid and Late. One of the best engages in game with Ult! behind your first blue and sweep your second. First is
critical, second is still important.
Anivia Middle RoA and Seraphs Embrace 2 6 and 8 (if skilled) Good throughout the game. Burst champions with low wave clear: Akali, Diana Zed, Lux?(outrange + anivia low mobility)
Annie Middle Morello/Ludens/Disortion Boots 2 and 6 Good throughout the game. Great after she gets her ult.
Sightstone, Mobis and Righteous
Annie Support
2 and 6 Decent support after 3 but great after ult.

Ashe ADC IE/BT + Shiv/PD 2 and 6 Good throughout the game.

Azir Middle Nashors Tooth + Rylais Levels 2 and 13 are pretty big for azir Can be Weak Early, Good Mid Game and Godlike Late Game! Zed, Veiger, Yasuo
Frost Queens Claim/Talisman +
Sightstone + CDR Boots/ Mobis
Bard Support
(early powerspike)
2 + 6 (Levels) Chimes - 25, 45, 65 Thresh
Zekes (later powerspike)
Mobility Boots + Glacial Shroud +
Good thorugh the game. Stand still and make a movement in lane to scare your enemy
Blitzcrank Support Sightstone + Face of The 1 2 and 6
laners. Invade with him.
Mountain/Talisman Leona, Trundle, naut
Brand Middle Rylais 6 and 11 Weak early but great mid and late game.
Frost Queens Claim + Sightstone +
Brand Support
Rylais + Liandrys
2 6 and 11
Weak early but great mid and late game.
Braum Support Face of The Mountain + Sightstone 3 and 6 Great throughout the game but very strong early. Invade with him.
Caitlyn ADC IE + Shiv/PD 3 6 and 13 Good thorugh the game. Very safe pick.
Cassiopeia Middle ROA, Rylais, Archangels 6 and 11 Weak early but great mid and godlike late game.
Cassiopeia Top ROA, Rylais, Archangels 6 and 11 Weak early but great mid and godlike late game.
Very weak early, decent mid game and godlike late game (especially team fights). The Jax, nasus (if he harasses nasus with screech and
Cho'Gath Top Roa 3 and 6
more fed he is, the earlier his godlike late game comes. e spikes early/mid game)
Cho'Gath Middle Roa 3 and 6
Corki ADC Tri Force 4 6 and 11 Strong once he gets Triforce.
A teemo that can actually kite. If you catch said teemo
Darius Top Black cleaver + Deadmans plate 3 6 11 and 16 Great early and late game.
Diana Middle Zhonyas/abbsyal 4 and 6 Weak early but godlike mid and late game when not behind.
Diana Jungle Runeglaive and Rabadons 6 and 11 Weak early but godlike mid and late game when not behind.
weak against anyone that can all in well early(if they hold
Spirit Visage and their gap closer till after his cleaver) or anyone that can
Dr. Mundo Top
Warmongs/Randuin's/Dead man's
2 6 and 11
get free poke pre 6. He is weak enough early that I have
dueled him with nasus at lv4 and won many times...

UNCONFIRMED: I would imagine that he would be weak

against early invades, considering how weak he is top
Dr. Mundo Jungle Cinderhulk 2 6 and 11
pre-6. I personally never played against a Mundo jungle,
just in top lane.

vl.2 if he picks E, he got a huge powerspike. CC/slow + Q damage.

lvl.3 for the same reason if he didn't get E earlier.

If he did, now with W can also chase until death. Vayne, Kogmaw, Twitch. If he snowball, he have
Draven ADC Statik Shiv/PD + IE +/BT lvl.1 - 2 - 3 are pretty big for Draven. no problem against anyone, but being so strong in
(Draven main) early game, puts him in a favorable matchup
against weak-early champs, or the ones without
If W is not a big powerspike, or you don't want to put it in, I'd better say lvl.1 and 2, instead of 1 and 3. mobility. Vayne, Twitch and Kog are the main
examples of champ who shouldn't being able to
Draven lvl.2 all-in is one of the scariest :) Great early. Unstoppable once/if he manages to snowball. high risk high reward champ. win a lane against draven.
Ekko Jungle Tank: Deadman Plate Ap: Rylas
Ekko Top RoA/Morellonomicon
Ekko Middle Ludens Echo/Lichbane
Elise Jungle Runeglaive, Rylais + Liandrys Best early game jg in game. Great throughout the game.
Elise Top Great early.
Evelynn Jungle Runeglave/Warrior + Rylais 3 and 6 Great early game. Good throughout the game.
Ezreal ADC Tear + Sheen/Triforce 2 6 and 11
Ezreal Middle Morelos + Ludens/Lich bane 3 6 and 9
Fiddlesticks Jungle Zhonyas 6
Fiddlesticks Support Frost Queens Claim + Sightstone 1 3 6 and 11
Fiora Top Hydra + Black cleaver 2, 4 and 6 "Meh" early unless ahead. Shines late game. Utility tanks Lane bullies and ranged champions
Fizz Middle Sheen/Morello and Cdr boots 3 and 6 Weak early but great mid and late game. Once he gets his ult he is good. Twisted Fate Zed
Fizz Jungle Runeglave + Cdr boots/Sorcs 3 and 6 Weak early but great mid and late game. Once he gets his ult he is good.
Galio Top athenes + abyssal 3 6 and 11 Mid game. Falls off late game AP toplaners High attack damage champions
Galio Middle athenes 3 6 and 11
Gangplank Top Triforce + ie 2 6 7 11 13 and 16 Good throughout the game.
Gangplank Middle Tri force + ie 2 6 7 11 13 and 16 Good throughout the game.
Garen Top Black cleaver and Deadmans plate 4 6 9 and 11 Falls of late Gnar.
Gnar Top Black cleaver 2 and 6 Jax Hecarim, Irelia
Gragas Jungle Cinderhulk + Rightous Glory 2 and 6
Graves ADC IE + PD/Shiv + LW 3 6 and 11
Hecarim Top Homeguard boots + Tri force 6 Good throughout the game. Gnar
Hecarim Jungle Warrior/Cinderhulk + Triforce 6 Good throughout the game. Great after 6.
Heimerdinger Middle Morelos + Rylais 3 and 6
Heimerdinger Top Morelos + Rylais 3 and 6
Irelia Top Tri force/Sheen 4 6 and 9 Weak early but great mid and godlike late game.
Janna Support Talisman + Sightstone 3 and 6
One of the Hydras + Black
Jarvan IV Top
2 and 6 Great early and mid game. Falls off late game. Non-Mobile/Squishy champions Renekton, Darius, anything with sustain/dashes

Jarvan IV Jungle Warrior/Cinderhulk 2 and 6 Great early and mid game. Falls off late game.
Jax Top Tri force + Botrk 3 and 6 Late game, Trinity Force, BoTRK, at level six. Nasus.
Jax Jungle Sated and Botrk 3 6 and 16 When he finishes his Devourer and gets it stated, completing botrk or Tri, the later the game goes the stronger he gets.
Jayce Top Tear + Brut 4
Jayce Middle Manamune, Brut and LW 2 4 and 9 nidalee;kennen and some mainly champs
Jinx ADC I.E and Static Shiv. 4 and 6
Jhin Middle
Jhin ADC
Kalista ADC Lifesteal item + Runaans 3, 6, 9 and 18 Good throughout the game.
Athenes, zeke, Frost Queens Claim Auto attack based ADCs like vayne and kalista and
Karma Support
+ Sightstone
1-5, and all game utility.
melee supports
Lulu, MF, Lucian (poke/caster supp/adc)

Karma Middle 2 3 and 9 Pre-6 and late game damage, but all game utility. Better long range poke like xerath
Karthus Middle Tear/Roa + Rylais 6 Vs Melee Champs
Karthus Top Tear/Roa + Rylais 6 11 and 16
Kassadin Middle Roa and abbysal/Zhonyas 6
Ludens + Sorcs + Abyssal or
Katarina Middle
2 6 and 16 Good thoughout the game.

Nashors + Lichbane Or Runaans /

Kayle Top
Berserkers and Deathcap
2 and 6 Mid to Late game Squishies

Nashors + Lichbane or Runaans /

Kayle Middle
Berserkers and Deathcap
2 and 6 Mid to Late game Zed,

Kayle Jungle Devouvers 2 and 6 Mid to Late game

Kennen Top Zhonyas + Sorcs 6 9 and 11
Kennen Middle Zhonyas + Sorcs 6 9 and 11
SpellThiefs Edge + Sightstone +
Kennen Support
6 9 and 11

Kennen ADC Botrk + Runaans 6 9 and 11

Kha'Zix Jungle Warrior + Tiamat/Hydra 3 6 11 and 16
Kha'Zix Top Tiamat/Hydra+LW 6 and 11
Kha'Zix Middle Tiamat/Hydra+LW 6 and 11
Elise: Probably the worst matchup you can have. She has
Warrior/Youmous/botrk...Rush in this a higher sustain in the first clear than you do and her burst
Kindred Jungle
6 13 and 16 Okay early and Weak Late. Very Strong Mid Game.
is way stronger than yours. Dodge her coccon, else you're
Kindred ADC Bortk into Runnan's and Youmou's All Power All the Time Okay Early and Weak Late. Very Strong Mid Game.
Kog'Maw ADC Botrk + Triforce 11 Late Game.
Kog'Maw Middle Tear + Ludens 11 Late Game.
Ahri, Lissandra, Annie, Champions that can burst her
Champions with low mobility and no way to cancel
LeBlanc Middle Ludens and Morello 2 3 6 11 and 16 8~ mins -Midgame
her dash.
back, waveclear fast, or cancel her dash. Generally a very
safe blind pick with no hard counters.
Lee Sin Jungle Warrior and Sightstone Early Game. Falls of Late Game!
Leona Support Face of The Mountain + Sightstone 2 3 and 6 Early + Midgame Vayne (early pressure with stun) alistar (you will never reach the adc)
Lissandra Top Roa/Morelos + Sorcs
Lissandra Middle Roa/Morelos + Sorcs 6
Lucian ADC IE + Shiv/PD 3+ None (lol)
RoA/Athene's + DCap + Lucidity
Lulu Top
6 good for diving top!

Lulu Middle Athene's + Sorcs + DCap 13 when w maxed

Lulu Support
Lux Middle Rabadons Deathcap 6 Midgame Ryze,Annie,Malzahar,Heimerdinger Zed, Fizz, Kassadin, Talon, Yasuo, Leblanc
6 is a major power spike, 9 if you are building AP, 11 if you are against squishy targets, 16 power spike is
Malphite Top armor item
only good for facing squishies
Fiora, Tryndamere. last whisper / free poke

Malphite Jungle Cinderhulk

Malzahar Middle Roa + Liandrys 6 and 11
Maokai Top Roa + Frozen Heart/Rightous Glory
Maokai Jungle Cinderhulk + Rightous Glory/abyssal
Master Yi Jungle Botrk and Sated 4,6
Miss Fortune ADC Youmuus + Duskblade 2,6.11.16
Mordekaiser ADC Triforce/Rylais 3 and 6
Mordekaiser Top Triforce/Rylais
Morgana Support Frost queens/Talisman + Sightstone Blitzcrank, Leona, Annie Janna, Vayne
Morgana Middle Morelos/Roa + Sorcs as soon as Zhonya's is done, she becomes a beast in teamfights
non-mobile champions as her skillshots can be
Champions with blinks, dashes, etc. as she can be
Nami Support Frostqueen + Sightstone 1, 2 and 6 (doesnt really spike, LOL) Never, because supports dont have powerspikes sidestepped easily. She is also good against hard
outplayed with her skillshots
engage as her disengage is great!
assuming he has decent stacks, 11 he can dive solo, and 16 he can almost completely ignore turrets (as long Favorable against Yorick, Malphite, Illaoi (if you teemo , quinn early game ... anyone with hard cc late
Nasus Top Sheen + Def Item
as he is q-ing something)
20 Mins +
can dodge her spirit steal), and Jax game
Nautilus Support Face of The Mountain + Sightstone 3 and 6
Nautilus Jungle Cinderhulk + Rightous Glory/abyssal 3 and 6
Catalyst the Protector and Rod of
Nautilus Top
3 and 6

Nidalee Jungle Runeglaive + Sorcs 3 Early Game

Nocturne Jungle Sated/Warrior + Botrk 6 11 and 16
Nunu Jungle
Champions Role Item Spike Level Spike Game Time Spike Favorable Matchup Not Favorable Matchup
Nunu Support
Olaf Top Black Cleaver + Rightous Glory 1 2 and 6 Early Game and 15 - 35
inderhulk + Rightous Glory/Black
Olaf Jungle
Orianna Middle Athenes + Rabadons + Void 6/11/ 16 20-25 Mins Anivia, Karthus, Ryze, Annie, Lux Ahri, Yasuo, Zed, Leblanc, Diana
lv 2 he gets a small power spike then 4/5/6 are big spikes. 4/5 his spears start doing very good damage and
Pantheon Top Black Cleaver/ One of the Hydras
6 lets him roam a lot more effectively, not to mention the zoning and initiation factors
Same as in top lv 2 is a smaller power spike, instead 3-6 all being power spikes. Beyond that he needs items
Pantheon Jungle Warrior + Black Cleaver/Last Wisper
to do decent damage.
Early game he is strongest. after 10-12min he falls off without hybrid items.

Poppy Top Sheen/Iceborn Gauntlet 3 for all ins, 6 for tower dives
Poppy Jungle Warrior enchantment
Quinn ADC 1
Quinn Top Brutalizer+Botrk 6 Trundle
Rammus Jungle Cinderhulk + Thornmail 3
Warrior/Cinderhulk + Black
Rek'Sai Jungle
Cleaver/Titanic Hydra

Renekton Top Tiamat + Black Cleaver 3 (especially if you take ig) and 6 First 10 minutes. He falls off but not as much as he used too with the new juggernaut items
Warrior + Tiamat/Hydra + Cdr boots
Rengar Jungle
3 6 11 and 16 15+

Rengar Top Brut + Cdr Boots 3 and 6

Riven Top Ravenous + CDR Boots 1, 2, 3,6 Irelia, Darius, Nasus and every low cc melee Renekton, Kennen, Gnar, Garen, Teemo
Nasus, Malphite, J4, Singed, Maokai, Fiora, GP, Darius, Quinn, Kennen, Voli, Lulu, Riven and
Rumble Top Liandrys + Sorcs + Rylais (maybe) 4 and 6
Wukong, Yasuo, vlad renekton.
Ryze Top Tear + Roa + Frozen Heart 4 and 6 11+
Ryze Middle Tear + Roa
Sejuani Jungle Cinderhulk + Warmogs/abyssal
Extremely fast clears and great early game! One Shot the Carries and win the Team Fights
Shaco Jungle Warrior + Hydra 2 and 6
for your team!
Shen Top Sunfirecape 6
Shen Support Face of The Mountain + Sightstone
Botrk + Sunfire Cape/Deadmans
Shyvana Top
Shyvana Jungle Devouvers + BOTRK 3 and 6
Singed Top Roa/Tear
Sion Top Tank Item + Titanic Hydra
Sion Jungle Cinderhulk
Sivir ADC IE + Shiv/PD
Warrior/Cinderhulk + Deadmans
Skarner Jungle
Sona Support Frost Queens Claim + Sightstone
traditional-style games as you just sit in lane and
let your adc 2v1. She excels against single-target
Soraka excels at denying kills to the enemy team and cheesing them out of their minds. She damage as her heal can deny tons of damage (fk Hard engage as soraka has terrible disengage. Assassins
Nomad's Medallion, Boots, Talisman
Soraka Support
+ Sightstone
1, 6, 9(5 points in w) is good all throughout the game atm, but if you want to truely be broken; you build warmogs you phreak). All you want to do is hide behind your as soraka has no response to them blowing her up.
and build enough hp items to proc the passive on it. carries and heal whichever one is getting focused. Roaming around the map as she has no catch potential
Soraka isnt so good at healing tanks as its often a
Swain Top RoA + Zhonyas pre 6 tower divers
Swain Middle Roa 6
Anything without much mobility or big range
Syndra Middle Ludens/Morellos 6 and 9 Mid to lategame, very strong in skirmishes not that good in lategame teamfights.
(Heimer, Azir, Viktor)
Yasuo (windwall blocks ult), Talon, Fizz, Lux

Face of The Mountain/Talisman +

Tahm Kench Support

Tahm Kench Top Catalyst then Roa 6

Cinderhulk/Sated + Tank/Titanic
Tahm Kench Jungle
Talon Middle Tiamat + Brutalizer 3 6 11 and 16
Taric Support Face of The Mountain + Sightstone 3 and 6 Kalista, Ezreal, Janna, Alistar Annie, Mord, Corki
Teemo Top Nashors + Liandrys
Teemo Middle Nashors + Liandrys
Face of The Mountain/Talisman +
Thresh Support

Tristana ADC IE + Shiv/PD 2 and 6

Trundle Top

Trundle Support

Warrior/Cinderhulk/Sated + Botrk +
Trundle Jungle
Tank Stats
pretty much anytime he completes
an attack speed/damage/crit item it's
Tryndamere Top a power spike of some level. 6
Tryndamere Jungle Warrior/Sated + Botrk/Crit 6 Zed Hard CC
Hard engage. Also, team comps that force you to be
As soon as TF get ulti, you roam and look for the most gankable lane that you will have grouped constantly as TF. He is not the champ to be
Twisted Fate Middle Lich Bane 6
success in. TF is generally a horrible laner but makes up for it with roaming post 6
Kiteable champions
teamfighting on as his ultimate does not bring any
damage of any sort to the table.
Twitch ADC Botrk + Youmuus 2 and 6
Warrior/Sated/Cinderhulk +
Udyr Jungle
Triforce/Tank Stats
4 and 9

Level 3 is great for the synergy of his abilities, can chase anybody under their own turret and maybe even get
Urgot Top Muramana
a kill.
Stacked tear

Urgot Middle Muramana

Urgot ADC Muramana
Varus ADC IE + PD/Shiv
Powerspike is Manamune+Last
Varus Middle Whisper+CDR Boots (maybe +
Vayne ADC Botrk / Berserker greaves 3 6 9 and 11 25+ mins
Veigar Middle Morelos + Dcap/Ludens/Void 9 15-25 mins Ryze and Syndra Zed and Fizz
Vel'Koz Middle Morelos + Liandrys + Rylas 3 and 6 Katarina
Frost Queens Claim + Sightstone +
Vel'Koz Support
3 and 6

Sheen/Tri Force/Black Cleaver +

Vi Jungle
3 6 and 11

Viktor Middle Perfect Hexcore+Rylai+Deathcap 30+ min or 3 items (perfect hexcore, rylais, deathcap) Any lane you can just farm freely in Assassins with gapclosers as viktor has no decent escape
Vladimir Top Rylais 4 and 9
Vladimir Middle Rylais 4 and 9
Volibear Top Tank Stats/Tri force/Rightous Glory
Volibear Jungle Cinderhulk + Tank Stats/Tri Force
Warwick Jungle Sated + Botrk 6 Weak Early. Good and Poweful Ganks after 6.
Wukong Top Black Cleaver 2 6 and 11 Renekton, Darius
Wukong Jungle Warrior/Cinderhulk + Black cleaver
Xerath Middle Morelos + Ludens
Xin Zhao Jungle Sated/ Bork lvl 2/3 (when he lvls his e, lvl 2 for invade/really early gank, or lvl 3 for a healthier clear and normal playstyle)
Diana, Annie wrecks Yasuo post six; if he enters her
Yasuo Middle Statik Shiv + IE/Triforce + Botrk/BT 2 and 6
range he's dead.
Diana, Riven out damages Yas, and can cancel his Qs
Yasuo Top Statik Shiv + IE/Triforce + Botrk/BT 2 and 6
with her stun/knock up.
Good Mid and Early but falls off late game. As you can take a 3rd ability and start trading
Spawning into the game (lol).
Yorick Top
3 and 6 you beat any melee skirmisher since you take 15% reduced damage, slow them, heal off
your e and get an aa reset+speed boost from q.
Sunfire or Spirit Visage depending
Zac Top
on lane opponent + Liandrys

Zac Jungle Cinderhulk 3

Kayle, Irelia, Jax, Wukong, (You can win against
Zed has powerspikes at lvl 6 when he receives ultimate and is able to all-in with his
Lissandra, get a second item qss after brut and qss the
Zed Middle Cutlass/Botrk + Brut 3 and 6 ultimate. Also Zed receives a much smaller powerspike at lvl 3 since the level of poke he Kassadin, Lux, Teemo, Veigar, Orianna
ult, OR if in case she decides to ult herself just ignite while
has in lane increases dramatically when he has access to all of his spells
ulting to reduce the heal)
Ziggs Middle Mana regen item + Ludens
Zilean Middle Tear
Zilean Support Tear
Zyra Middle Rylais 6 and 9 early - midgame
Zyra Support Haunting Guise 2 and 6 Mord, Tristana, thesh,leona Morgana,Janna,Cait,Ezreal
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