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Alya Abdelrauof Mohammed H00354521


1. Which age is the sensorimotor stage from - to?

From 0 to 2 years.

2. What is object permanence?

When the children start to realize object exist even when they dont see

3. What ages is the preoperational period from to?

From 2 to 7 years old.

4. What is conservation?

The ability of remembering or memorizing the original picture in the

childs mind.

5. What is seriation?

The ability of putting things in a logical order such as: (from big to small,
thin to thick).

6. What is classification?

The ability of organizing things by depending on shapes, colors or size.

7. What is one to one correspondence?

Things that match with each other such as: spoon and plate\hammer and
Alya Abdelrauof Mohammed H00354521

8. According to Piaget children between ages 7-11 are in which stage?

Concrete Operational stage.

9. What can children in the above stage do that preoperational children

are unable to do?

They start to conserve (Being able to memorize and remember things in

their minds).

10. What is Piagets final stage called?

Formal Operational stage.

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