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General ideas -How children behave can be shaped by adults. Children should be exposed to English that they can
-Teachers introduce new knowledge by clear understand, and is not pressured to produce it until
explanation and demonstration. they are ready to do so naturally.
Type of Teacher-centered Teachered centered, but more modern
Advatanges - Short term - Short term
- Letting children take notes a lot and repeat - Helping children pick up some English from
patterns in choral drills. what they hear from teachers or tapes.
- Making children feel more relaxed and
positive about English
Disadvantages - Long term - Long term
- Limiting the natural curiosity and potential - Familiarizing children with reciving input
of children => Diminishing childrens without many chances to learn actively =>
motivation and ability to learn and explore not training children to become active and
English sefl -motivated
Current state Cosidered outdated and flawed but still pervasively Considered to make a lot of sense in an ESL learning
influencing the education system environmet

Humanistic approaches Constructivist appraches

General aim help children reach their help children make sense of the world (build up, test and adjust theoretical
full potential both as models of how the world works) in which they fond themselves.
learners and as people

Jean Piaget George Kelly Lev Vygotsky

Viewpoints In order to reach the Childrens development Childrens Childrens development
and ideas general aim, their should depends on their age development depends depend on their social
be 3 conditions: on their quality of interaction.
Cognitive conflict and experience.
-A tolerance of ambiguity adaptation helps chilren Children should interact
learn more deeply: Children build an with children and adults
-An acceptance of self and +Assimilation: new internal framewok and with more knowledge
others information is adapted to expand it by noticing than they to reach
fit with old known patterns and beyond their present
-Having peak information. replications in the level - Zone of proximal
experiences that lead to +Accommodation: environment aroung development.
personal tranformation known informatin is them.
through new personal adapted to fit with new We do not learn
insights information. People tend to move in language to
directions which have communicate. We first
personal meaning and learn to communicate
in which their mental and then learn
framework will be language.
enhanced and

Techniques Teachers cause deliberate As suggested by age- Teachers should attract Teachers interract with
confusion to strengthen related stages, teachers children towards the children using English
childrens ability to handle should be symply world of English, and that is just beyond their
ambiguity facilitators, getting out make them feel that if level.
of the way and letting they explore this world,
Teachers recognize the children learn naturally. they will be given a Teacher let children
importance of self-esteem However, this is not chance to experiment interact with each other
and and cooperative supported since there is for themselves in ways even though their
learning to encourage not enough learning. that feel meaningful. English is at the same
children accept level.
themselves and others. As suggested by
subsequent research When introducing a new
Teachers emphasize the which stated that target langage, teachers
impotance of children development depends crate a situation where
building up their mental more on contexts rather the children want to
model of English, on age, teachers should express themselves but
achieving success after challenge and stimulate dont have enough
struggle and children, not just necessities and finally
experimentation, and facilitators. discover the target
using patterns the have which enables them to
notoces to make guesses do so.
to help chilren learn
through peak experiences.

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