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Alea Cornelius TLED 430

TPACK Template Mobile Applications Assignment

Mobile Application for Creating

Mobile Application for Collaborating
Subject English

Grade Level 7

Learning Objective 7.7 The student will write in a variety

of forms with an emphasis on
exposition, narration, and
c) Organize writing structure to fit
mode or topic.

k) Use computer technology to plan,

draft, revise, edit, and publish writing.

Activity - As a class and individually, students will work on

planning, drafting, revising and peer editing an
book review of a book of their choosing using
Google Docs. Students will be grouped together
and they will peer edit and comment on each
others works using Google Docs.
- Once students are ready to finalize, they will
publish their works using Word Press. Students
have the liberty to design their webpage however
they want. Upon completion of publication by
assigned date, students will read each others
webpages (at least 2) and give positive feedback on

the writing and web design. The entire writing

process will be done over a 3 week period both in
and outside of class.
Alea Cornelius TLED 430

Technology Technology Word Press

Google Docs

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