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Media Studies

OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Media Studies H009/02/03 Creating Media

Statement of Intent

Centre number Centre name

40131 Priestley College Warrington

Candidate number Candidate name

Samuel James Whittaker

Brief chosen:
Brief 1 Television: You have been given the task of producing the first two of what your agency hopes

will become a series of 30 second television adverts to promote a new unisex deodorant from UK
deodorants, an existing agency client.

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning
and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 350 words)

What I will be doing to follow the codes and conventions for camera shots and movements using a lot

of different and varied camera shots and techniques, i will also add the Pack shot towards the end of
the advert as well as the shot of the armpit when we demostrate the spraying. I will use a lot of panning

and shots of active people to emphasise the energy that the Wave deodorant gives to people when they
use it. We also use shots like establishing shots to emphasize where the advert is taking place, in my
case it starts in a street then leads into a house, the home of both characters. I will also use extreme

close ups to add towards the comedic feel of the advert. I will also use high angle shots to show the
characters being out of place without the deodorant to emphasize the fact that they need the deodorant

to be themselves again.
What I will be doing to follow the codes and conventions through editing is make sure that there is a

substantial amount of jump cuts to emphasise a lively nature within the advert to get the audience to
buy Wave for active use. I will also use match on action to video the characters doing their kind of sport

to show.
What I will be doing to follow the codes and conventions through sound is to put an upbeat song on in

the background of the video to show that the deodorant can protect during exercise and energetic
activities. I may use a voice over to give a narrative and a youthful vibe throughout it. What I intend to

show the representation of the target audience within my advertisements is to show the activeness of
the actors who are and portraying teenagers doing sports or active activities like Skateboarding or

Biking. I will also make the music upbeat to give off a youthful vibe.
What I will be doing to follow the codes and conventions through Graphics is to make the logo have

some humour to make it seem light hearted to appeal to the youth. I will also make the text stand out
and bright to give off more youth and sense of light hearted fun.

CCS437 Statement of Intent CCS/H009

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
What i will be doing to follow the ASA guidelines and the rules of BCAP is to make sure that the adverts
are not misleading in any way, shape or form. We also are gonna make sure we don't discriminate

against anybody including sex, race or orientation. The message of my advert is to convince the
audience of teenagers to buy a unisex deodorant and to use some humour to convince them to do so. I

will be broadcasting on the channel E4 from 7 pm to 10 pm as most teenagers usually watch television
late. I am going to address my auidence with an informal tone to emphasize the youthful nature of the

CCS437 Statement of Intent CCS/H009

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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