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By :mehak and gabriel

The person: Balbir singh

A Interview On The Partition On Indian

1:How old were you? : I was 7 year old when the partition happen in india
2: what were some of the reasons of the partition? : The reasons were land and
religions and more thing
3: Why didn't punjab get it own country? : this reasons were that there was a guy
that had a lot of factories over india so he vote no to the a country that punjud had
so yeah this was one of the reasons
4: What were other country that ware once a pat of india our is?: paskaskin,
punjabi, bangladesh, kimmar, naple, ware the the country and sante that were in
india and so of them nd silt there.
5: Were there so people that you knew that were involved in the partitions: yes in
my village there was a muslim family that had to leave the village because they
were muslim.
6: Was there some killed our someone that you saw that got killed?. No i didn't
see anyone one getting killed but my wife was sikh that lived pakistan and she had
to move to india but after she left her village was burned but only the house that
were hindu our sikhs.
7:Did the hindus kill sikhs?: oh yes they killed many people that were different
race they wanted sikhs to go away so they killed them.
8. Did the partition help people?: no and yes it killed around 12 million people
but the people did have there own counter but the sikhs did,not so no it did not help
it just made it worse.

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