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Makaraig tells his friends at the dormitory that the decision to issue the building permit for the
Spanish academy has been given to a commission of which Don Custodio is the leader. The
students then come up with plans and schemes to get the Don on their side and influence him to
decide on their favor. They also plan to seek the help of Ginoong Pasta, a lawyer, and Isagani
volunteers to take charge of this task.
Points of Note:
The goal of the Spanish academy, which the students are planning to build, is to make
sure that its students learn correct Spanish as early as the first year, so that it will be
easier to understand subsequent lessons.
Isagani is an honorable and idealistic youth; Juanito Pelaez is an opportunistic lad who
believes in the saying, "the end justifies the means."
Makaraig is different from the rest in that he puts the welfare of others before
himself. Those who live in his house do so without payment.
Pecson is an intellectual, but a pessimistic one. He always anticipates failure, and this
time, his predictions prove correct. Can be a good thing at times, because the pessimist
sees/predicts whatever could go wrong.
Sandoval is the image of a Spaniard who has not yet turned evil upon his residence in
the Philippines, partly because of his youth and partly because he surrounds himself with
good Filipino friends who have great love for their country.
Isagani goes to Seor Pasta and tries to convince him to support their plans of a Spanish
academy. The lawyer, an intelligent man, is aware that the friars are not in favor of this project,
and, not wishing to provoke the church, Pasta decides to side with them against it. He then tells
Isagani that the best thing the lad can do is to concentrate on his studies and stop dreaming of
such greatly impossible endeavors. Kaawang-awang bata
Points of Note:
Seor Pasta is a selfish man, with no regard for his countrymen. He believes that only
when everyone else fights for the country will he join in the spirit of nationalism.
He says the Philippines is a land of dreams because there are hundreds of plans for the
nation yet not one of them Is realized nor being put into action.
Quiroga is a Chinese doing business in the Philippines. He holds a dinner at his house, and all
the important people arrive -- merchants and other businessmen, soldiers, and even those
holding positions in the government. Simoun is there, too. He approaches Quiroga and asks him
if Simoun could use the Chinaman's warehouse momentarily to store several rifles, guns and
other weapons. Simoun offers to take out a portion of Quiroga's debt to the jeweler in exchange
for this favor. **Remember in this chapter that it is Simoun who invites the others to watch the
show by Mr. Leeds.
Points of Note:
Captain Tiago is devoted to getting, and delights himself in, an abundance of guests. This is one
distinctive Filipino trait. Quiroga, however, is different. He thinks to himself while shaking hands
with his guests, "I know you haven't come for me but for the food and enjoyment I've prepared."
The point of this gathering is to use and be used.
The night is young and wonderful. The fair is full of amusements and of excited
audiences. Twelve people from Quiroga's house head for the fair to watch Mr. Leeds's
show. Padre Camorra is delighted to see many beautiful ladies, and is even more pleased when
they come across Paulita, who is at the fair with Isagani and Doa Victorina.
May isang kuwadrong tanso ng babaing pisak ang mata, gula-gulanit ang damit, nakalupasay at
namimirinsa at namimirinsa ng lumang damit. Ayon kay Padre Camorra ay isang hanggal ang
umisip ng larawang iyon. Sumagot si Ben Zayb na iyon ay ayon sa pamagat: la Prenza Filipina o
prinsang ginagamit sa Pilipinas. Isa namang kuwadro ay naglalarawan ng isang lalaking
nakagapos ang mga kamay at tinuturuan ng mga guwardiya sibil. Pamagat Ang Bayan na Akaba
. Pinagtawanan din nila ito. They see wooden carvings and try to find ones that look like Simoun,
Don Custodio, etc. They also notice that Simoun isnt with them anymore, even if he was the one
who thought of watching Mr. Leeds show.
Points of Note:
La Prenza Filipina = press of the Philippines
1. Matandang babae = matagal na ang sistema ng press
2. Bulag = they only see what they want to see/the balita isnt true
3. Doing laundry = they fix/make the issues nicer before showing it to people
4. Magulo ang buhok = magulo ang sistema
Bayan ng Abaka


Mr. Leeds warmly welcomes the group. He allows them time to survey the room as well as the
tools he will use to showcase the sphinx. An alcohol lamp lights the tent, which is dark and
gloomy. Mr. Leeds begins by presenting to them a box with ashes that he claimed to have been
taken from the Egyptian pyramids. He shouts a magic word, and the ashes form the image of the
sphinx, whose name is Imuthis. Imuthis narrates to the group the sad story of his life, which is
curiously parallel to the story of Crisostomo Ibarra. After the tale is told, Imuthis begins accusing
Padre Salvi of being a murderer and a hypocrite, and the young friar faints in his seat.
Points of Note:
Similarities between the story of Imuthis and that of Ibarra:
1. Both men studied in foreign lands.
2. Both men were against a league of friars.
3. Both men had a young pretentious priest as a rival in love and politics.
4. Both were pursued in the lake and died there. (Ibarra was believed to have died in
the water.)
5. The priest in Imuthis's story violated and abused the woman they both loved (who
was also the child born of another priest's wrongdoing) in a temple -- just like what Salvi
did to Maria Clara.
6. Both returned after their death to exact vengeance on the men responsible for their
dark fate -- Imuthis as a sphinx, and Ibarra as Simoun.
After the show, Mr. Leeds goes to Hongkong, which, during that time, is part of English
colony. He is fearful that Padre Salvi would start a riot among the priests and go after
him. Hongkong during those days was the land of refuge for abused Filipinos who had
enough money to flee from the country. *not super important
Placido Penitente walks out of his class. He is no longer the silent, tolerant youth who wouldn't
stand up for himself. He told his mom, Kabesang Andang, about not wanting to study anymore.
She only sent Placido to school so that she could brag to others that she has a schooled soon.
He meets Simoun and joins the jeweler in his trip around the city. Simoun tells Placido of his
plans to revolt against the Spanish government. Eventually the youth finds out Simoun's ulterior
motive for the rebellion -- to rescue Maria Clara from the convent.
Points of Note:
The former teacher of San Diego ((only called guro)) was terminated because he wanted
to teach well and in the proper manner. He became an enemy of the church and the
government, who equally didn't want the natives to learn much about anything.
The rebellion has to go earlier than planned because Simoun hears the news that Maria
Clara is on the brink of death.
Simoun compares Maria Clara to a phoenix. The phoenix is one of a kind, just like Maria
Clara was the only woman for Simoun. And if he saves Maria Clara, he will give her new
Why did Simoun imagine seeing the angry faces of Don Rafael and Elias? Those two
were not in favor of Simouns methods. Don Rafael always went for doing whats good for
the country; Simoun purposely helped corrupt the very government he was trying to
overthrow. Elias was for revolution, but only if the motivation behind it involved
nationalism and justice; Simouns motivation was revenge.


Don Custodio ponders over his stand on the proposal made by the students in the university. He
mulls over it, weighing both sides. He is torn over this decision because on one hand, he wants
to please the friars but on the other, he also wants to help the students learn and study
Spanish. As obvious as it is, the friars and the students are on opposite ends of the line and their
opinions cannot be reconciled. In his desperation, Don Custodio consults a number of trusted
people including Senor Pasta and Pepay the dancer. They, however, are unable to give him any
help. After a considerably long period of contemplation, Don Custodio finally arrives at a


People all over Manila gather at the theater to watch Les Cloches de Corneville, a French
performance. Only one person, of Spanish blood, seems to have no interest in going inside the
theater. His name is Camarroncocido. He comes from a prominent Spanish family, however is
dressed rather poorly like a peasant and keeps wandering in the streets. He occupies himself by
putting up posters of upcoming shows in the theater. As he approaches the Teatro de
Variadades, he spots suspicious-looking men and finds out that Simoun is ordering them to go
through measures to put a stop to a civil unrest. Tadeo is also there with a student from the
province, saying untrue stuff about people he sees coming in. When Makaraig offers him a ticket,
he accepts and leaves the student from the province.

Points of Note:
Rizal criticized Camarroncocidos apathetic nature. He does not care about current or
upcoming events (which he himself witnessed) that do not directly concern him, even if
those events have an impact on the country or may potentially harm other people. ((Wala
siyang paki))
The society of Manila is divided into two because of the adamant objection of the Spanish
friars to the play, and the unanimous support to it by the government officials, the people
of Manila began to wonder. Almost everyone wanted to see it: First, there were those
who wanted to watch the presentation just to see what made the friars ban people from it;
and second, those who wanted to see it so they could find out if it really was worth
Meaning of title = ?????


A number of humorous incidents take place at the show. For one, Juanito Pelaez tries to impress
Paulita by pretending to understand French. His act is discovered, however, after he fails to
translate some French lines correctly. Padre Irene attends the show in disguise. He applauds
one of the actresses, whom he particularly likes. Don Custodio is also at the theater, claiming as
an excuse that he was there to judge whether or not the performance was to be considered
indecent. He also shouts when someone keeps coughing, but pretends to write because he
doesnt want to be found out for fear that it will ruin his reputation. While the show is going on, the
students then find out about Don Custodios decision regarding the school of Spanish. ((which is
useless, and to which Tadeo says were taxpayers pala!))
Points of Note:
The play didnt start until Kapitan Heneral? came in.


Basilio is studying at Captain Tiagos house. Simoun arrives and tries to convince the youth to
join in the revolution that the jeweler is planning. However, all his efforts are in vain and Basilio
refuses to take any part in it. Simoun then further explains that the revolution is a necessary step
if he were to rescue Maria Clara from the nunnery. Basilio then tells him that the lady is
dead. Simoun leaves Captain Tiagos house deeply grieved and tormented.
Points of Note:
Basilio still strives to cure Kapitan Tiago despite the fact that he is giving him such a hard
time because Basilio is an honorable man. ((marangal))
Simoun compared Kapitan Tiago to the Philippines because just as the poisonous opium
((apyan)) has spread throughout his body, the same goes with the poisonous corruption
throughout the dying Philippines.
Simoun needs Basilio because he is the only person that can recognize Maria Clara.
Simouns plan for revolution isnt really for the good of the Philippines anymore, its for his
benefit. Revenge and to rescue Maria Clara.
The poison quickly spread throughout Kapitan Tiagos body because while Basilio is out,
Padre Irene secretly gives him apyan. Similar to how Simoun has been harming the
Isagani meets Paulita Gomez at the Luneta. At that moment, the sun is setting behind the
mountains of Maribeles. In their conversation, Isagani shares his visions of progress and social
and economic development for his country. He talks to Paulita about his plans to expand the
railways, to improve commercial trade, and to somehow achieve mutual cooperation between the
Philippines and Spain. To his dismay, however, Paulita tells him that his visions are nothing but
unattainable dreams.

Points of Note:
This chapter compares two different kinds of youth: One who loves his country, and
another who loves himself.
Rizal uses Isagani as a symbol of the Filipino youth who has dreams of progress and
greatness for their beloved country, the Philippines.


The university students organize a feast at the Panciteria Macanista de Buen Gusto in honor of
Don Custodio because of his decision regarding the Spanish academy. They are fourteen in all,
including Sandoval. They paid for the entire place, so that it would be exclusively for them and no
other customers could get in. As Don Custodio had decided, the Spanish academy would have
to be supervised by the Dominican order and they, the students, simply had to gather and collect
financial contributions for the proposed school.

Points of Note:

Points of Note:

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