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Media Studies

OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Media Studies H009/02/03 Creating Media

Statement of Intent

Centre number Centre name

40131 Priestley College Warrington

Candidate number Candidate name

Kayleigh Allen

Brief chosen:
Brief 1 Television: You have been given the task of producing the first two of what your agency hopes

will become a series of 30 second television adverts to promote a new unisex deodorant from UK
deodorants, an existing agency client.

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning
and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 350 words)

media language.

camera shots and movement.
i will keep most of my shot steady and not handheld, with midshots used to clearly show the users of

the deoderent and how they are benefiting. i may also use some low angle shots, looking up at the
people in the advert. i will also use a close up of my product at the begining of my first advert, to clearly
show what the advert is promoting, and to emphasise the benefits coming from its use.

i will finish my adverts with a pack shot (product plus slogan) in order to make this the most memorised
part of the advert, for when my target audiance are in the shop.

my editing will be fast pased cuts,in order to suit the fast nature of the advert, and to quickly convey the

story of the advert effectively.

i will use fast pased music, to suit the pace of my advert.
i will also use a voiceover of a key idea line and the slogan when the pack shot is shown.

i will superimpose my slogen onto the pack shot at the end.

media representation.
i want to make a representation of my target audiance which seems quite active and sociable. they will

also seem friendly, positive and happy. this may challenge ideas, especialy linked to teenagers, who are
usualy seen as lazy.
want my deoderent to be seen as reliable, and suitable for anyone, no matter how active they are. i
also want it to be shows as good for people who are busy, as only one application is needed, and

CCS437 Statement of Intent CCS/H009

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
suitable for protection when they have been in situations which may lead to an unusuall amount of
sweating, such as excersize.

media inductries.
in will follow the ASA guidelines and BCAP in many ways.

firstly, i will not make any false claims, and make sure and exadurations within my advert are extreamily
obvious, and not a potential false claim. this helps me follow the misleading advertising section of the
code, and mans that i wont lure the audiance into buying a product with false information and the wrong

also, i will not use any innapropriate language, sexual or violent images, or images which could be

classed as condoning illega or antisocial behavoir. this links to the child protection section, as well as
harm and offence. as i am avoiding offending my audiance, they will be more likely to support my brand.

media audiances
my adverts will Marget the audiance in a few ways. many people aged 16-24 are quite physically active,
or at least very sociable, so i will use people like this in my advert, in ordder to make it more relatable,
and encourage them to think that this is a deoderent suitable for themselves.
the overall message will be that the deoderent is effective, reliable and long lasting.
i would air my advert on ITV 1, as many people on my survey watched ITV, and it would be aired after
6pm, as 95% of my target audicance watch TV at this time, according to my survey.

CCS437 Statement of Intent CCS/H009

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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