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Solutions Manual

Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics

1st Edition

Gary L. Gray
The Pennsylvania State University

Francesco Costanzo
The Pennsylvania State University

Michael E. Plesha
University of WisconsinMadison

With the assistance of:

Chris Punshon
Andrew J. Miller
Justin High
Chris OBrien
Chandan Kumar
Joseph Wyne

Version: August 10, 2009

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Copyright 20022010
Gary L. Gray, Francesco Costanzo, and Michael E. Plesha

This solutions manual, in any print or electronic form, remains the property of McGraw-Hill, Inc. It
may be used and/or possessed only by permission of McGraw-Hill, and must be surrendered upon
request of McGraw-Hill. Any duplication or distribution, either in print or electronic form, without
the permission of McGraw-Hill, is prohibited.
Dynamics 1e 3

Important Information about

this Solutions Manual
Even though this solutions manual is nearly complete, we encourage you to visit

often to obtain the most up-to-date version. In particular, as of July 30, 2009, please note the following:

_ The solutions for Chapters 1 and 2 have been accuracy checked and have been edited by us. They are
in their final form.

_ The solutions for Chapters 4 and 7 have been accuracy checked and should be error free. We will be
adding some additional detail to these solutions in the coming weeks.

_ The solutions for Chapters 3, 6, 8, and 9 are being accuracy checked and the accuracy checked versions
should be available by the end of August 2009. We will be adding some additional detail to these
solutions in the coming weeks.

_ The solutions for Chapter 10 should be available in their entirety by the end of August 2009.

All of the figures in Chapters 610 are in color. Color will be added to the figures in Chapters 15 over the
coming weeks.

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If you find any errors and/or have questions concerning a solution, please do not hesitate to contact the
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We welcome your input.

August 10, 2009

4 Solutions Manual

Accuracy of Numbers in Calculations

Throughout this solutions manual, we will generally assume that the data given for problems is accurate to
3 significant digits. When calculations are performed, all intermediate numerical results are reported to 4
significant digits. Final answers are usually reported with 3 significant digits. If you verify the calculations in
this solutions manual using the rounded intermediate numerical results that are reported, you should obtain
the final answers that are reported to 3 significant digits.

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16 Solutions Manual

Chapter 2 Solutions
Problem 2.1

The position of a car traveling between two stop signs along a straight city block is
given by r D 9t .45=2/ sin.2t =5/ m, where t denotes time and 0 s  t  17:7 s. Com-
pute the displacement of the car between 2:1 and 3:7 s as well as between 11:1 and 12:7 s. For each
of these time intervals compute the average velocity.


We start with observing that the two time intervals considered have the same length. More importantly,
we observe that the argument of the sine function in the definition of the function r.t / is understood to be
expressed in radians.
The displacement of the car along the street between 2:1 s to 3:7 s is calculated from the function r.t / as

r1 D r.3:7 s/ r.2:1 s/ D 8:75 m: (1)

Similarly, the displacement between 11:1 s and 12:7 s is

r2 D r.12:7 s/ r.11:1 s/ D 13:7 m: (2)

The average velocity at which the car traveled over the first interval is calculated to be

 r.3:7 s/ r.2:1 s/
vavg 1
D D 5:47 m=s; (3)
3:7 s 2:1 s

while the average velocity of the car over the second interval is

 r.12:7 s/ r.11:1 s/
vavg 2
D D 8:58 m=s: (4)
12:7 s 11:1 s

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Problems 2.2 and 2.3

The position of the car relative to the coordinate system shown is

rE.t / D .5:98t 2 C 0:139t 3 0:0149t 4 / {O C .0:523t 2 C 0:0122t 3 0:00131t 4 / |O ft:

Problem 2.2 Determine the velocity and acceleration of the car at t D 15 s. In addition, again at t D 15 s,
determine the slope  of the cars path relative to the coordinate system shown as well as the angle 
between velocity and acceleration.

Problem 2.3 Find the difference between the average velocity over the time interval 0 s  t  2 s and
the true velocity computed at the midpoint of the interval, i.e., at t D 1 s. Repeat the calculation for the
time interval 8 s  t  10 s. What do the results suggest about the approximation of the true velocity by
the average velocity over different time intervals?

Solution to 2.2
The velocity is found by taking the derivative with respect to time of the position function:
vE.t/ D .11:96t C 0:4170t 2 0:05960t 3 / {O C .1:046t C 0:03660t 2 0:005240t 3 / |Oft=s: (1)
Hence, evaluating the above expression for t D 15 s, we have

vE.15 s/ D .72:1 {O C 6:24 |O/ ft=s:

The acceleration is found by taking the derivative with respect to time of the velocity function:
aE .t / D .11:96 C 0:8340t 0:1788t 2 /O{ C .1:046 C 0:07320t 0:01572t 2 / |O ft=s2 : (2)
Hence, evaluating the above expression for t D 15 s, we have

aE .15 s/ D . 15:8 {O 1:39 |O/ ft=s2 :

Because the velocity is always tangent to the path, we can compute the angle  as the angle formed by the
velocity vector and the horizontal axis, i.e.,  D tan 1 .vy =vx /. Hence, using Eq. (1) for t D 15 s we have

.15 s/ D 4:95 :

The angle  between the velocity and acceleration at t D 15 s is found using the dot product:
1 v E.15 s/  aE .15 s/
vE.15 s/  aE .15 s/ D vE.15 s/ aE .15 s/ cos .15 s/ ) .15 s/ D cos
vE.15 s/aE .15 s/
which, using Eqs. (1) and (2) can be evaluated to give

.15 s/ D 180 :

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18 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.3
The average velocity over the interval 0  t  2 is

rE.t2 / rE.t1 /
vEavg .t1 ; t2 / D ; (3)
t2 t1
which, for t1 D 0 s and t2 D 2 s, can be evaluated to obtain

vEavg .0 s; 2 s/ D .12:40 {O C 1:084 |O/ ft=s: (4)

The exact velocity is found by taking the derivative with respect to time of the position function and evaluating
it at t D 1 s. The velocity is determined as the first time derivative of the position function. This gives

vE.t/ D .11:96t C 0:4170t 2 0:05960t 3 / {O C .1:046t C 0:03660t 2 0:005240t 3 / |O ft=s: (5)

Evaluating the above expression for t D 1 s, we have

vE.1 s/ D .12:32 {O C 1:077/ ft=s: (6)

therefore, using the results in Eqs. (4) and (6), we have

vEavg .0 s; 2 s/ vE.1 s/ D .0:0800 {O C 0:00700 |O/ ft=s

Similarly for 8  t  10, we have

vEavg .8 s; 10 s/ D .97:57 {O C 8:524 |O/ ft=s: (7)

For t D 9 s we have
vE.9 s/ D .97:97 {O C 8:559 |O/ ft=s: (8)
Therefore, using Eqs. (7) and (8), we have

vEavg .8 s; 10 s/ vE.9 s/ D . 0:400 {O 0:0350 |O/ ft=s:

The quality of the approximation is not uniform, i.e., it depends on the time interval considered.

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Problem 2.4

If vEavg is the average velocity of a point P over a given time interval, is jE

vavg j, the magnitude of the average
velocity, equal to the average speed of P over the time interval in question?

The two quantities described in the problem statement are not equal in general. The average velocity depends
only on the position
at the time instants considered as well as the size of the corresponding time interval.
Therefore vEavg will depend on the same quantities. By contrast the average of the speed depends on the
value of the speed at every time instant during the time interval considered. Hence the two quantities cannot
be expected to be equal. For example, consider the case of a car looping around a circle with constant speed
v0 . Suppose also that t is the amount of time that the car takes in completing one full circle, i.e., to occupy
the same position after one full loop. Then, the average velocity over the the amount of time t is equal to
zero (since the car occupies the same position at time t as it does at time t C t). Therefore, the magnitude
of the average velocity over t is also equal to zero. However, since the speed of the car is constant, then the
average speed is simply equal to v0 , thus showing that the magnitude of the average velocity is, in general,
not equal to the average speed.

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Problem 2.5

A car is seen parked in a given parking space at 8:00 A . M . on a Monday

morning and is then seen parked in the same spot the next morning at the same
time. What is the displacement of the car between the two observations? What
is the distance traveled by the car during the two observations?

The displacement is equal to zero, since it only depends on the difference in position at the times indicated.
However, there is not enough information to answer the question regarding distance traveled since we would
need to know the position as a function of time throughout the entire time interval considered, i.e., between
8 W 00 A . M . Monday and 8 W 00 A . M . the following Tuesday.

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Problem 2.6

Let rE D t {O C .2 C 3t C 2t 2 / |O m describe the motion of the point P relative

to the Cartesian frame of reference shown. Determine an analytic expression of
the type y D y.x/ for the trajectory of P .

We are given

rE.t / D x.t / {O C y.t / |O; (1)

x.t / D t m and y.t / D .2 C 3t C 2t 2 / m: (2)

Solving the first of Eqs. (2) with respect to time, we have

t m D x: (3)

Substituting Eq. (3) into the second of Eqs. (2), and expressing all known coefficients to three significant
figures, we obtain:
y.x/ D 2:00 C 3:00x C 2:00x 2 m:

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22 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.7

Let rE D t {O C.2C3t C2t 2 / |O ft describe the motion of a point P relative to the

Cartesian frame of reference shown. Recalling that for any two vectors pE and qE
we have that pE  qE D jpj
E jE
q j cos , where is the angle formed by pE and qE, and
recalling that the velocity vector is always tangent to the trajectory, determine
the function .x/ describing the angle between the acceleration vector and the
tangent to the path of P .

The velocity vector is the time derivative of the position vector:

vE D 1:000 {O C .3:000 C 4:000t / |O ft=s: (1)

The acceleration vector is the time derivative of the velocity vector:

aE D .4:000 ft=s2 / |O: (2)

As stated in the problem,  is the angle between the acceleration vector and the tangent to the path of P , that
aE  vE D jE
v j cos : (3)
From Eqs. (1) and (2) we have that
q  p 
vj D 2 2
1:000 C .3:000 C 4:000t / ft=s D aj D 4 ft=s2 :
10:00 C 24:00t C 16:00 t 2 ft=s and jE

Substituting the expressions for vE and aE from Eq. (4) in Eq. (3) and solving for  we obtain
aE  vE 1 3:000 C 4:000t
cos  D )  D cos p : (5)
jEajjEvj 10:00 C 24:00t C 16:00 t 2
Since we have that rx D x D .t / ft, we can replace t with x in the last of Eqs. (5) to obtain:
1 3:00 C 4:00x
.x/ D cos p :
10:0 C 24:0x C 16:0x 2

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Dynamics 1e 23

Problem 2.8

Is it possible for the vector vE shown to represent the velocity of the point P ?

The vector vE shown is not tangent to the path at point P . Hence vE cannot be considered the velocity of P .

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Problem 2.9

Is it possible for the vector aE shown to be the acceleration of the point P ?

No, because aE does not point toward the concave side of the trajectory of P .

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Problems 2.10 and 2.11

The motionpof a point P with respect

to a Cartesian coordinate system is described
by rE D 2 t {O C .4 ln.t C 1/ C 2t / |O ft, where t is time expressed in s.

Problem 2.10 Determine P s displacement between times t1 D 4 s and t2 D 6 s.

In addition, determine the average velocity between t1 and t2 .

Problem 2.11 Determine P s average acceleration between times t1 D 4 s and

t2 D 6 s.

Solution to 2.10
The positions of P at t1 D 4 s and t2 D 6 s are given by
rE.t1 / D f2 4 {O C 4 ln.4 C 1/ C 2.4/2 |Og ft D .4:000 {O C 38:44 |O/ ft; (1)
rE.t2 / D f2 6 {O C 4 ln.6 C 1/ C 2.6/2 |Og ft D .4:899 {O C 79:78 |O/ ft: (2)

The displacement is the change in position of P from t1 to t2 and is given by

Er .t1 ; t2 / D rE.t2 / rE.t1 / ) Er .t1 ; t2 / D .0:899 {O C 41:3 |O/ ft:

The average velocity of P is the displacement divided by change in time and, recalling that t1 D 4 s, t2 D 6 s,
and using the results in Eqs. (1) and (2), is given by

Er .t1 ; t2 /
vEavg .t1 ; t2 / D ) vEavg .t1 ; t2 / D .0:450 {O C 20:7 |O/ ft=s: (3)
t2 t1

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Solution to 2.11
To find average acceleration we must first find the velocity of P as a function of time by taking the derivative
of the position function:
1 4:000
vE.t / D p {O C C 4:000t |O ft=s: (4)
t t C 1:000

The velocities of P at t1 D 4 s and t2 D 6 s are given by

vE.t1 / D .0:5000 {O C 16:80 |O/ ft=s; (5)

vE.t2 / D .0:4082 {O C 24:57 |O/ ft=s: (6)

The average acceleration of P is the change in velocity divided by the change in time and, using the results in
Eqs. (5) and (6), is given by

vE.t2 / vE.t1 /
aEavg .t1 ; t2 / D ) aEavg .t1 ; t2 / D . 0:0459 {O C 3:88 |O/ ft=s2 :
t2 t1

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Dynamics 1e 27

Problem 2.12

The motion of a stone thrown into a pond is described by

rE.t/ D 1:5 0:3e 13:6t {O C 0:094e 13:6t 0:094

0:72t |O m;

where t is time expressed in s, and t D 0 s is the time when the stone first hits
the water. Determine the stones velocity and acceleration. In addition, find
the initial angle of impact  of the stone with the water, i.e., the angle formed
between the stones trajectory and the x axis at t D 0 s.

The velocity of the stone is found by differentiating the position vector with respect to time. This gives

vE.t / D rEP .t / D .4:080e 13:60t

/ {O C . 0:7200 1:278e 13:60t
/ |O m=s; (1)

which, when expressing the equations coefficients to three significant figures, gives

vE.t / D rEP .t / D .4:08e 13:6t

/ {O C . 0:720 1:28e 13:6t
/ |O m=s:

The acceleration vector is found by differentiating the velocity vector in Eq. (1) with respect to time. Doing
so and expressing the coefficients of the resulting formula to three significant figures, we have

aE .t / D vEP .t / D . 55:5e 13:6t

/ {O C .17:4e 13:6t
/ |O m=s2 : (2)

The impact angle  is the slope of the stones trajectory at the time that the stone enters the water. Then,
recalling that the velocity is always tangent to the trajectory, we can compute  using the components of vE at
time t D 0. Using Eq. (1) to evaluate the velocity components, we have
1 vy .0/ 1 1:998 m=s
 D tan D tan )  D 26:1 :
vx .0/ 4:080 m=s

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Problem 2.13

Two points P and Q happen to go by the same location in space (though at different times).

(a) What must the paths of P and Q have in common if, at the location in question, P and Q have
identical speeds?

(b) What must the paths of P and Q have in common if, at the location in question, P and Q have
identical velocities?

Part (a) In the first case, the only thing we can expect the paths to share is that point in space which, at
different instants, is occupied by P and Q.

Part (b) In the second case, the paths in question will not only share a point, like in the previous case, but
will also have the same tangent line at that point, since the velocity vector is always tangent to the path.

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Dynamics 1e 29

Problems 2.14 and 2.15

The position of point P is given by

rE.t/ D 2:0 0:5 C sin.!t / {O C 9:5 C 10:5 sin.!t / C 4:0 sin2 .!t / |O;

with t  0, ! D 1:3 s 1 , and the position is measured in meters.

Problem 2.14 Find the trajectory of P in Cartesian components and then,

using the x component of rE.t /, find the maximum and minimum values of x
reached by P . The equation for the trajectory is valid for all values of x, yet
the maximum and minimum values of x as given by the x component of rE.t /
are finite. What is the origin of this discrepancy?

Problem 2.15

(a) Plot the trajectory of P for 0  t  0:6 s, 0  t  1:4 s, 0  t  2:3 s,

and 0  t  5 s.

(b) Plot the y.x/ trajectory for 10  x  10 s.

(c) You will notice that the trajectory found in (b) does not agree with any of
those found in (a). Explain this discrepancy by analytically determining
the minimum and maximum values of x reached by P . As you look at this
sequence of plots, why does the trajectory change between some times and
not others?

Solution to 2.14
First write the position of P in component form as
x.t / D 2:0.0:5 C sin !t / m and y.t / D .9:5 C 10:5 sin !t C 4:0 sin2 !t / m: (1)
Instead of solving the first of Eq. (1) for t, we solve it for sin !t as a function of x. This gives
x 1:000 m
sin !t D ; (2)
2:000 m
which can then be substituted into the second of Eqs. (1) to obtain the trajectory y.x/ as
x 1:000 x 1:000
y.x/ D 9:500 C 10:50 C 4:000 m
2:000 2:000

y.x/ D 5:25 C 3:25x C 1:00x 2 m:

) (3)

Referring to Eq. (1), for xmax ; sin !t D C1 ) t D 2! s and for xmin ; sin !t D 1)t D 2! s: Thus, the
maximum and minimum values are

xmax D 3:00 m and xmin D 1:00 m:

The maximum and minimum values of the x coordinate occur due to the presence of a periodic function in
the equation for this component. Therefore, the trajectory, which is valid for all times t , is constrained to
oscillate between 1:000 m and 3:000 m on the x axis.
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30 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.15
Part (a). Since ! D 1:3 s 1 , we write the x and y coordinates of point P as

x.t/ D f2:00:5 C sin.1:3t /g m and y.t / D 9:5 C 10:5 sin.1:3t / C 4:0 sin2 .1:3t / m: (4)

One strategy to plot the trajectory of point P is to plot the line that connects the points of coordinates
x.t/; y.t/ as time t varies within a given time interval. This way of plotting the trajectory does not involve
finding y as a function of x. Rather, it consists of generating a list of .x; y/ values, each of which is computed
by first assigning a specific value of time. This procedure is called a parametric plot, where the parameter
used to generate the plotted points is time and does not appear directly on the plot (i.e., the plot uses x and y
axes, but it does not show the time values corresponding to the points on the plot). Parametric plots can be
generated using any appropriate numerical software such as MATLAB or Mathematica.
The parametric plots shown below of the trajectory of P were generated in Mathematica with the
following code:

Part (b). In this part of the problem we first need to write the trajectory in the form y D y.x/. To do so,
we start with solving the first of Eq. (4) for sin.1:3t / as a function of x. This gives
x 1:000 m
sin.1:3t / D ; (5)
2:000 m
which can then be substituted into the second of Eqs. (4) to obtain
x 1:000 x 1:000
y.x/ D 9:500 C 10:50 C 4:000 m
2:000 2:000
y.x/ D 5:25 C 3:25x C 1:00x 2 m; (6)


where we have expressed all known coefficients to three significant figures.

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Now that we have the trajectory in the form y.x/, we can plot it over the
given interval 10 m  x  10 m as shown on right. This plot was generated
using Mathematica with the following code:
Plot!5.250 ! 3.250 x ! 1.00 x^2, "x, "10.0, 10.0#, Frame # True,
FrameTicks # ""Automatic, None#, "Automatic, None##, AspectRatio # 1,
GridLines # Automatic, ImageSize # 170, FrameLabel # $"x (m) ", "y (m) "%,
PlotLabel # "Trajectory y(x) "&

Part (c). Referring to Eq. (4), for xmax ; sin !t D C1 ) t D 2! s and for xmin ; sin !t D 1)t D 2! s:
Thus, the maximum and minimum values are

xmax D 3:00 m and xmin D 1:00 m:

The maximum and minimum values of the x coordinate occur due to the presence of a periodic function in the
equation for this component. Therefore, the trajectory, which is valid for all times t , is constrained to oscillate
between 1:00 m and 3:00 m on the x axis. This fact explains why in the plot sequence in Part (a) the
trajectory seems not to change after a while: point P keeps tracing the same curve segment again and again.
The periodicity of the motion of P also explains the discrepancy between the trajectory obtained in Part (a)
and that obtained in Part (b). In fact, since the plot generated in Part (a) was based on a direct application
of Eqs. (4), we see that the plot in question correctly reflects the periodic time dependence the coordinates
of point P . By contrast, the trajectory computed in Part (b) no longer carries any direct relationship with
time. Now it is important to realize, that the trajectory plotted in Part (b) does contain the trajectory plotted in
Part (a) as a sub-curve. The problem with the trajectory in Part (b) is that we have no direct way of knowing
what part of the entire curve actually pertains to the motion of point P .

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32 Solutions Manual

Problems 2.16 through 2.18

A bicycle is moving to the right at a speed v0 D 20 mph on a horizontal and

straight road. The radius of the bicycles wheels is R D 1:15 ft. Let P be
a point on the periphery of the front wheel. One can show that the x and y
coordinates of P are described by the following functions of time:
x.t/ D v0 t C R sin.v0 t =R/ and y.t / D R 1 C cos.v0 t =R/ :

Problem 2.16 Determine the expressions for the velocity, speed, and acceler-
ation of P as functions of time.

Problem 2.17 Determine the maximum and minimum speed achieved by P

as well as the y coordinate of P when the maximum and minimum speeds
are achieved. Finally, compute the acceleration of P when P achieves its
maximum and minimum speeds.

Problem 2.18 Plot the trajectory of P for 0 s < t < 1 s. For the same
time interval, plot the speed as a function of time as well as the components of
the velocity and acceleration of P .

Solution to 2.16
The velocity of P is the time derivative of P s position, which, using the coordinate system shown, is given
rE D x.t / {O C y.t / |O D v0 t C R sin.v0 t =R/ {O C R 1 C cos.v0 t =R/ |O: (1)
Differentiating the above expression with respect to time, we have
v0 t v0 t
vE D v0 1 C cos {O v0 sin |O: (2)
Then, recalling that v0 D 20 mph D 29:33 ft=s and R D 1:15 ft, and expressing all known coefficients to
three significant figures, we have

vE D .29:3 ft=s/1 C cos.25:5 rad=s/t {O .29:3 ft=s/1 C sin.25:5 rad=s/t |O:

The speed is now found by taking the magnitude of the velocity vector. Hence, we have
2 2
v0 t p
v D vx .t / C vy .t / D v0 2 C 2 cos ) v D .29:3 ft=s/ 2 C 2 cos.25:5 rad=s/t : (3)
The acceleration of P is the time derivative of P s velocity. Hence, from Eq. (2), we have
v02 v02
v0 t v0 t
aE D sin {O cos |O: (4)
Then, again recalling that v0 D 20 mph D 29:33 ft=s and R D 1:15 ft, and expressing all known coefficients
to three significant figures, we have

748 ft=s2 sin.25:5 rad=s/t {O 748 ft=s2 cos.25:5 rad=s/t |O:

aE D

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Solution to 2.17
The speed of P is the magnitude of the velocity of P . Hence, we first compute the velocity of P , which is
the time derivative of P s position. Using the coordinate system shown, the position vector of P is given by
rE D x.t / {O C y.t / |O D v0 t C R sin.v0 t =R/ {O C R 1 C cos.v0 t =R/ |O: (5)

Differentiating the above expression with respect to time, we have

v0 t v0 t
vE D v0 1 C cos {O v0 sin |O: (6)

Hence, the speed is given by

q v0 t
vD vx2 .t / C vy2 .t / D v0 2 C 2 cos ; (7)

from which we see that v is maximum when cos.v0 t =R/ D 1 and minimum when cos.v0 t =R/ D 1. In
turn, this implies that
vmax D 2v0 D 58:7 ft=s and vmin D 0 ft=s; (8)

where we have used the fact that v0 D 20 mph D 29:33 ft=s.

Next, recalling that for v D vmin we have cos.v0 t =R/ D 1 and for v D vmax we have cos.v0 t =R/ D 1,
using the expression for the y component of the position of P in Eq. (5), we have

yvmin D 0 ft and yvmax D 2R D 2:30 ft;

where we have used the fact that R D 1:15 ft.

To determine the acceleration corresponding to vmin and vmax , we first need to determine the acceleration
of P by differentiating with respect to time the expression in Eq. (6). This gives

v02 v02
v0 t v0 t
aE D sin {O cos |O: (9)

Now, recall that for v D vmin we have cos.v0 t =R/ D 1 and for v D vmax we have cos.v0 t =R/ D 1. In
both cases, we have sin.v0 t =R/ D 0. Using this considerations along with Eq. (9), we have

v02 v02
aEvmin D |O D .748 ft=s2 / |O and aEvmax D |O D . 748 ft=s2 / |O;

where we have used the following numerical data: v0 D 20 mph D 29:33 ft=s and R D 1:15 ft.

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34 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.18
The velocity of P is the time derivative of P s position, which, using the coordinate system shown, is given
rE D x.t / {O C y.t / |O D v0 t C R sin.v0 t =R/ {O C R 1 C cos.v0 t =R/ |O: (10)
Differentiating the above expression with respect to time, we have
v0 t v0 t
vE D v0 1 C cos {O v0 sin |O: (11)
The speed is now found by taking the magnitude of the velocity vector. Hence, we have
q v0 t
v D vx2 .t / C vy2 .t / D v0 2 C 2 cos : (12)
The acceleration of P is the time derivative of P s velocity. Hence, from Eq. (11), we have
v02 v02
v0 t v0 t
aE D sin {O cos |O: (13)
Trajectory of P . We can plot the trajectory of point P for 0 < t < 1 s by computing the values of the
coordinates of the point P at various time values, where the coordinates in question are the component
of rE in Eq. (10). This strategy for plotting the trajectory yields what is typically called a parametric plot
(since we generate a plot with x and y axis of points whose position is determined by assigning values to
the parameter t , as opposed to plotting y as a function of x). This can be done with a variety of pieces of
numerical software. Recalling that we have v0 D 20 mph D 29:33 ft=s and R D 1:15 ft, the plot presented
below has been obtained using Mathematica with the following code
Parameters ! !v0 " 29.33, R " 1.15";
x ! v0 t # R Sin#v0 t $ R%; y ! R &1 # Cos#v0 t $ R%';
ParametricPlot#!x, y" $. Parameters, !t, 0, 1", Frame " True, GridLines " Automatic,
FrameLabel " !"x &ft'", "y &ft'"", PlotLabel " "Trajectory of P", AspectRatio " 1%

Trajectory of P

y !ft"



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
x !ft"

Speed of P . The speed of P can be plotted for 0 < t < 1 s by providing the known parameters v0 D
20 mph D 29:33 ft=s and R D 1:15 ft as well as the last expression in Eq. (12) to some appropriate numerical
software. The plot shown below was generated using Mathematica with the following code:
Parameters ! !v0 " 29.33, R " 1.15";
v ! v0 2 # 2 Cos#v0 t $ R% ;
Plot#v $. Parameters, !t, 0, 1", Frame " True, GridLines " Automatic,
FrameLabel " !"t &s'", "v &ft$s'"", AspectRatio " 1, PlotLabel " "Speed of Point P"%

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 35

Speed of Point P

v !ft#s"
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
t !s"

Velocity Components The components of the velocity of P can be plotted for 0 < t < 1 s by providing
the known parameters v0 D 20 mph D 29:33 ft=s and R D 1:15 ft as well as the expression in Eq. (11) to
some appropriate numerical software. The plot shown below was generated using Mathematica with the
following code:
Parameters ! !v0 " 29.33, R " 1.15";
vx ! v0 #1 # Cos$v0 t % R&'; vy ! $v0 Sin$v0 t % R&;
Plot$vx %. Parameters, !t, 0, 1", Frame " True, GridLines " Automatic,
FrameLabel " !"t #s'", "vx #ft%s'"", PlotLabel " "x Velocity Component", AspectRatio " 1&
Plot$vy %. Parameters, !t, 0, 1", Frame " True, GridLines " Automatic,
FrameLabel " !"t #s'", "vy #ft%s'"", PlotLabel " "y Velocity Component",
AspectRatio " 1&

x Velocity Component y Velocity Component

50 20
40 10
vx !ft#s"

vy !ft#s"

30 0
20 !10
10 !20
0 !30
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
t !s"
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
t !s"

Acceleration Components The components of the acceleration of P can be plotted for 0 < t < 1 s by
providing the known parameters v0 D 20 mph D 29:33 ft=s and R D 1:15 ft as well as the expression in
Eq. (13) to some appropriate numerical software. The plot shown below was generated using Mathematica
with the following code:
Parameters ! !v0 " 29.33, R " 1.15";
ax ! ##v02 $ R% Sin&v0 t ' R(; ay ! ##v02 $ R% Cos&v0 t ' R(;
Plot)ax '. Parameters, !t, 0, 1", Frame " True, GridLines " Automatic,
FrameLabel " *"t +s,", "ax +ft's2 ,"-, PlotLabel " "x Acceleration Component",
AspectRatio " 1.
Plot)ay '. Parameters, !t, 0, 1", Frame " True, GridLines " Automatic,
FrameLabel " *"t +s,", "ay +ft's2 ,"-, PlotLabel " "y Acceleration Component",
AspectRatio " 1.

August 10, 2009

36 Solutions Manual

x Acceleration Component y Acceleration Component

600 600
400 400

ax !ft#s2 "

ay !ft#s2 "
200 200
0 0
!200 !200
!400 !400
!600 !600

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
t !s" t !s"

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 37

Problems 2.19 through 2.21

Point C is a point on the connecting rod of a mechanism called a slider-

crank. The x p and y coordinates of C can be expressed as follows:
xC D R cos C 12 L2 R2 sin2  and yC D .R=2/ sin , where  describes
the position of the crank. If the crank rotates at a constant rate, then we can
express  as  D !t , where t is time and ! is the cranks angular velocity. Let
R D 0:1 m, L D 0:25 m, and ! D 250 rad=s.

Problem 2.19 Find expressions for the velocity, speed, and acceleration of

Problem 2.20 Determine the maximum and minimum speeds of C as

well as C s coordinates when the maximum and minimum speeds are achieved.
In addition, determine the acceleration of C when the speed is at a minimum.

Problem 2.21 Plot the trajectory of point C for 0 s < t < 0:025 s. For
the same interval of time, plot the speed as a function of time as well as the
components of the velocity and acceleration of C .

Solution to 2.19
The velocity of point C is is the time derivative of the position of C , which, using the coordinate system
shown and recalling that  D !t, can be written as
rEC D xC {O C yC |O D R cos !t C 12 L2 R2 sin2 !t {O C 12 R sin !t |O:


Hence, differentiating the above expression with respect to time and simplifying, we have
!R R sin !t cos !t !R
vEC D 2 sin !t C p {O C cos !t |O: (2)
2 L2 R2 sin2 !t 2

The speed is now found by taking the magnitude of the velocity vector:

!R 4R sin2 !t cos !t R2 sin2 !t cos2 !t
vD 4 sin2 !t C p C C cos2 !t : (3)
2 2 2 2 L 2 R 2 sin2 !t
L R sin !t

The acceleration is found by taking the derivative of the velocity. Hence, differentiating Eq. (2) with respect
to time, we have

!2R R.cos2 !t sin2 !t / R3 cos2  sin2 !t !2R

aE D 2 cos !t C p C {O sin !t |O: (4)
2 L2 R2 sin2 !t .L2 R2 sin2 !t /3=2 2

August 10, 2009

38 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.20
The velocity of point C is is the time derivative of the position of C , which, using the coordinate system
shown and recalling that  D !t, can be written as
rEC D xC {O C yC |O D R cos !t C 12 L2 R2 sin2 !t {O C 12 R sin !t |O:


Hence, differentiating the above expression with respect to time and simplifying, we have
!R R sin !t cos !t !R
vEC D 2 sin !t C p {O C cos !t |O (6)
2 L2 R2 sin !t 2 2

The speed is now found by taking the magnitude of the velocity vector:
!R 4R sin2 !t cos !t R2 sin2 !t cos2 !t
vD 4 sin2 !t C p C C cos2 !t : (7)
2 L2 R2 sin2 !t L2 R2 sin2 !t

The acceleration is found by taking the derivative of the velocity. Hence, differentiating Eq. (6) with respect
to time, we have

!2R R.cos2 !t sin2 !t / R3 cos2  sin2 !t !2R

aE D 2 cos !t C p C O
{ sin !t |O: (8)
2 L2 R2 sin2 !t .L2 R2 sin2 !t /3=2 2

To find the minimum and the maximum of the speed we begin by plotting the speed as a function of time
during a full cycle of the crank. Then we can obtain a visual estimate of the minimum and maximum values
in question. As indicated in the problem statement, the crank angle  is related to time as follows:  D !t,
where ! D 250 rad=s. A full cycle of the crank is such that 0    2 rad. Hence, the corresponding time
interval we consider is 0  t  0:02513 s. Recalling that R D 0:1 m, L D 0:25 m, and ! D 250 rad=s, the
plot of v in Eq. (7) can be obtained with any appropriate piece of numerical software. The plot given below
was obtained using Mathematica with the following code:
Parameters ! ! # 250., L $% 0.25, R # 0.1";

R 4 R Sin# t$2 Cos# t$ R 2 Sin# t$2 Cos# t$2

vC ! 4 Sin# t$2 & & & Cos# t$2 ;
2 L2 $ R2 Sin# t$2
L2 $ R 2 Sin# t$2

Plot#vC %. Parameters, !t, 0, 0.02513", Frame # True, GridLines # Automatic,

FrameLabel # !"t &s'", "v &m%s'"", PlotLabel # "Plot of Speed vs. Time",
AspectRatio # 1$

Plot of Speed vs. Time



v !m#s"





0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025

t !s"

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 39

By inspection, the plot indicates that the speed achieves its minimum value of approximately 12:50 m=s for
t D 0 and for t D 0:01256 (midpoint of the time interval considered). In addition, again by inspection, we see
that the speed achieves its maximum value of approximately 25:75 m=s for t D 0:0055 s and t D 0:01950 s.
To obtain a more precise estimate of these values, one can take advantage of numerical minimization and
maximization techniques that are often available in modern mathematical software packages. For example, in
Mathematica we can use the following code:
Parameters ! ! # 250., L $% 0.25, R # 0.1";

# 4 Sin$ t% &
R 2
4 R Sin$ t%2 Cos$ t% R 2 Sin$ t%2 Cos$ t%2
vC ! & & Cos$ t%2 ;
2 L2 $ R 2 Sin$ t%2
L2 $ R 2 Sin$ t%2
&. Parameters, 0 ' t ' 0.001", t%
Parameters, 0.012 ' t ' 0.013", t%
Parameters, 0 ' t ' 0.006", t%
Maximize$!vC Parameters, 0.019 ' t ' 0.021", t%

which gives
vmin D 12:50 m=s for t D 1:80010 s and t D 0:01257 s; (9)
vmax D 25:71 m=s for t D 0:005286 s and t D 0:01985 s: (10)

Expressing the values of the minimum and maximum speed to three significant figures, we have

vmin D 12:5 m=s and vmax D 25:7 m=s:

Substituting the values of time in Eqs. (9) and (10), into Eq. (5), and recalling that R D 0:1 m, L D 0:25 m,
and ! D 250 rad=s, we have that position of C corresponding to when the speed is at a minimum or at a
maximum is described by the following coordinates:

v D vmin ) .x; y/ D .0:225; 0:000/ m and .0:0250; 4:54105 / m; (11)

v D vmax ) .x; y/ D .0:140; 0:0485/ m and .0:140; 0:0484/ m: (12)

Finally, substituting the time values in Eq. (9) into Eq. (8), and again recalling that R D 0:1 m, L D 0:25 m,
and ! D 250 rad=s, we have that when v D vmin ,

aEC D . 7:50103 m=s2 / {O C .0 m=s2 / |O; and aEC D .5:00103 m=s2 / {O C .2:84 m=s2 / |O:

August 10, 2009

40 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.21
The velocity of point C is is the time derivative of the position of C , which, using the coordinate system
shown and recalling that  D !t, can be written as
rEC D xC {O C yC |O D R cos !t C 12 L2 R2 sin2 !t {O C 12 R sin !t |O:


Hence, differentiating the above expression with respect to time and simplifying, we have
!R R sin !t cos !t !R
vEC D 2 sin !t C p {O C cos !t |O (14)
2 L2 R2 sin2 !t 2

The speed is now found by taking the magnitude of the velocity vector:
!R 4R sin2 !t cos !t R2 sin2 !t cos2 !t
vD 4 sin2 !t C p C C cos2 !t : (15)
2 2 2 2 L 2 R 2 sin2 !t
L R sin !t
The acceleration is found by taking the derivative of the velocity. Hence, differentiating Eq. (14) with respect
to time, we have
!2R R.cos2 !t sin2 !t / R3 cos2  sin2 !t !2R
aE D 2 cos !t C p C O
{ sin !t |O: (16)
2 L2 R2 sin2 !t .L2 R2 sin2 !t /3=2 2

Plot of the trajectory and speed of C . Plots of the trajectory and speed of C for 0 < t < 0:025 s can be
generated with any appropriate numerical piece of software. The plots presented below were generated using
Mathematica with the following code:
Parameters ! ! # 250., L $% 0.25, R # 0.1";
1 R
xC ! R Cos# t$ & L2 $ R 2 Sin# t$2 ; yC ! Sin# t$;
2 2

R 4 R Sin# t$2 Cos# t$ R 2 Sin# t$2 Cos# t$2

vC ! 4 Sin# t$2 & & & Cos# t$2 ;
2 L2 $ R 2 Sin# t$2
L2 $ R2 Sin# t$2

ParametricPlot%!xC, yC" &. Parameters, !t, 0, 0.025", Frame # True,

FrameTicks # !!Automatic, None", !!0, 0.1, 0.2", None"", GridLines # Automatic,
AspectRatio # 1, FrameLabel # '"x ", "y "(, PlotLabel # "Trajectory of C ")
Plot%vC &. Parameters, !t, 0, 0.025", Frame # True,
FrameTicks # !!Automatic, None", !!0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04", None"", GridLines # Automatic,
AspectRatio # 1, FrameLabel # '"t *s+", "v *m&s+"(, PlotLabel # "Speed vC ")

Trajectory of C
0.04 Speed vC
0.02 24
v !m#s"

!0.02 18
!0.04 14
0 0.1 0.2 0 0.01 0.02
x t !s"

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 41

Plots of the components of vEC and aEC . The components of point C s velocity and acceleration are shown
below in the plots to the left and right, respectively.
Parameters ! ! # 250., L $% 0.25, R # 0.1";

$ R R Sin# t$ Cos# t$ R
vCx ! 2 Sin# t$ & ; vCy ! Cos# t$;
2 2
L2 $ R2 Sin# t$2

$2 R R %Cos# t$2 $ Sin# t$2 & R 3 Cos# t$2 Sin# t$2

%L2 $ R 2 Sin# t$2 &

aCx ! 2 Cos# t$ & & ;
2 3'2
L2 $ R2 Sin# t$2

2 R
aCy ! $ Sin# t$;
Plot(!vCx, vCy" '. Parameters, !t, 0, 0.025", Frame # True,
FrameTicks # !!Automatic, None", !!0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04", None"", GridLines # Automatic,
AspectRatio # 1, FrameLabel # )"x *m+", "v *m's+",, PlotLabel # "vC "-
Plot(!aCx, aCy" '. Parameters, !t, 0, 0.025", Frame # True,
FrameTicks # !!Automatic, None", !!0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04", None"", GridLines # Automatic,
AspectRatio # 1, FrameLabel # )"t *s+", "a *m's2 +",, PlotLabel # "aC "-

vC aC
20 4000
vy 2000
10 ax
a !m#s2 "
v !m#s"

0 !2000 ay
!10 !4000
!20 !6000
0 0.01 0.02 0 0.01 0.02
x !m" t !s"

August 10, 2009

42 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.22

The motion of a point P with respect to Cartesian frames 1 and 2 is described


.ErP =O /1 D .t C sin t / {O1 C 2 C 4t t 2 |O1 m


and n
.t C sin t / cos  C 2 C 4t t 2 sin  {O2
.ErP =O /2 D
C .t C sin t / sin  C 2 C 4t t 2 cos  |O2 m;

respectively, where t is time in seconds. Note that the two frames in this problem
share the same origin, and therefore we are writing .ErP =O /1 and .ErP =O /2 to
explicitly indicate that .ErP =O /1 is expressed relative to frame 1 and .ErP =O /2 is
expressed relative to frame 2. Determine P s velocity and acceleration with
respect to the two frames. In addition, determine the speed of P at time t D 2 s,
and verify that the speeds in the two frames are equal.

The velocity is found by differentiating the position vector:

vP =O /1 D .1 C cos t / {O1 C .4 2t / |O1 m=s;

.E (1)

vP =O /2 D .1 C cos t / cos  2.t 2/ sin  {O2

2.t 2/ cos  C .1 C cos t / sin  |O2 m=s: (2)

The acceleration is found by differentiating the velocity vector:

aP =O /1 D . sin t {O1
.E 2 |O1 / m=s2 ; (3)
aP =O /2 D . cos  sin t
.E 2 sin  / {O2 C .sin  sin t 2 cos  / |O2 m=s2 : (4)

The speed of P in frame 1 is obtained by computing the magnitude of the velocity given in Eq. (1). For
t D 2 s, Eq. (1) gives

vP =O ..t D 2 s//1 D 1 C cos.2 s/ {O1 m=s

E ) jE
vP =O .t D 2 s/j1 D 0:584 m=s: (5)

The speed of P in frame two is computed by determining the magnitude of the vector in Eq. (2). Now, for
t D 2 s, Eq. (2) reduces to
vP =O .t D 2 s/2 D 1 C cos.2 s/ cos  {O2
E 1 C cos.2 s/ sin  |O2 ; (6)
so that we have
2 2 p
vP =O .t D 2 s/k2 D .1 C cos 2/ cos  C .1 C cos 2/ sin  m=s D 1 C 2 cos 2 C cos2 2 m=s;
where, in simplifying, we have used the trigonometric identity sin2 x C cos2 x D 1. Evaluating the above
expression to three significant figures, we have

vP =O .t D 2 s/j2 D 0:584 m=s;

which, by comparison with the result in Eq. (5) shows that the speeds are equal for both frames.
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 43

Problem 2.23

Let rEP =A , vEP =A , and aEP =A denote the position, velocity, and acceleration vectors of a point P with respect
to the frame with origin at A. Let rEP =B , vEP =B , and aEP =B be the position, velocity, and acceleration vectors
of the same point P with respect to the frame with origin at B. If frame B does not move relative to
frame A, and if the frames are distinct, state whether or not each of the following relations is true and why.

(a) rEP =A rEP =B D 0E

(b) vEP =A vEP =B D 0E

(c) vEP =A  aEP =B D vEP =B  aEP =B

Part (a). Since position vectors are frame dependent, in general we cannot expect them to be identical in
different frames. Hence, relation (a) is false.

Part (b). As far as relation (b) is concerned, it is always true. The velocity vector, as a vector, is frame
independent and therefore it is always the same whether or not we express it in frame 1 or 2.

Part (c). As far as relation (c) is concerned, again it is always true according to the same argument used in
case (b).

August 10, 2009

44 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.24

The velocity of point P relative to frame A is vEP =A D

. 14:9 {OA C 19:4 |OA / ft=s, and the acceleration of P relative to frame B is
aEP =B D .3:97 {OB C 4:79 |OB / ft=s2 . Knowing that frames A and B do not
move relative to one another, determine the expressions for the velocity of P in
frame B and the acceleration of P in frame A. Verify that the speed of P and
the magnitude of P s acceleration are the same in the two frames.

The frame A unit vectors can be expressed in terms of frame B as
{OA D cos 23 {OB sin 23 |OB ; |OA D sin 23 {OB C cos 23 |OB ;
D 0:9205 {OB 0:3907 |OB : D 0:3907 {OB C 0:9205 |OB :
With the frame A unit vectors known in terms of those of frame B, it is found that the velocity in frame B is
14:9.cos 23 {OB sin 23 |OB / ft=s C 19:4.sin 23 {OB C cos 23 |OB / ft=s;
vEP =B D

vEP =B D . 6:14 {OB C 23:7 |OB / ft=s: (1)

The speed of the particle in frame A is found by taking the magnitude of the velocity vector vEP =A where
vP =A D .14:9/2 C .19:4/2 ft=s ) vP =A D 24:5 ft=s; (2)

Similarly, for frame B,

vP =B D . 6:135/2 C .23:68/2 ft=s ) vP =B D 24:5 ft=s: (3)

Therefore, the magnitude of the velocity vector is verified to be independent of the reference frame.
The frame B unit vectors can be expressed in terms of frame A as
{OB D cos 23 {OA C sin 23 |OA ; |OB D sin 23 {OA C cos 23 |OA ;
D 0:9205 {OA C 0:3907 |OA : D 0:3907 {OA C 0:9205 |OA :
With the frame B unit vectors known in terms of those of frame A, we find that the acceleration in frame A is
aEP =A D 3:97.cos 23 {OA C sin 23 |OA / ft=s2 C 4:79. sin 23 {OA C cos 23 |OA / ft=s2 ;

aEP =A D .1:78 {OA C 5:96 |OA / ft=s2 : (5)

The magnitue of the acceleration in frame A is the magnitude of the acceleration vector aEP =A :
aP =A D .1:783/2 C .5:960/2 ft=s2 ) aP =A D 6:22 ft=s2 ; (6)

Similarly, for frame B,

aP =B D .3:97/2 C .4:79/2 ft=s2 ) aP =B D 6:22 ft=s2 : (7)

Therefore, the magnitude of the acceleration vector is verified to be independent of the reference frame.
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 45

Problem 2.25

At the instant shown, when expressed via the .uO t ; uO n / component system, the
airplanes velocity and acceleration are

vE D 135 uO t m=s and aE D . 7:25 uO t C 182 uO n / m=s2 :

Treating the .uO t ; uO n / and .O{ ; |O/ component systems as stationary relative to one
another, express the airplanes velocity and acceleration in the .O{ ; |O/ component
system. Determine the angle  between the velocity and acceleration vectors,
and verify that  is the same in the .uO t ; uO n / and .O{ ; |O/ component systems.

The unit vectors uO n and uO t need to be expressed in terms of the unit vectors {O and |O:
uO t D cos 57 {O C sin 57 |O; uO n D sin 57 {O C cos 57 |O;
D 0:5446 {O C 0:8387 |O: D 0:8387 {O C 0:5446 |O:
The velocity in the .O{ ; |O/ component system is
vE D .135 m=s/.0:5446 {O C 0:8387 |O/ D .73:52 {O C 113:2 |O/ m=s; (1)
which, when expressed to three significant figures, gives

vE D .73:5 {O C 113 |O/ m=s:

Similarly, the acceleration vector in the .O{ ; |O/ component system is

aE D . 7:25 m=s2 /.0:5446 {O C0:8387 |O/C.182 m=s2 /. 0:8387 {O C0:5446 |O/ D . 156:6 {O C93:04 |O/ m=s2 ;
which, when expressed to three significant figures, gives

aE D . 157 {O C 93:0 |O/ m=s2 :

Using Eqs. (1) and (2), the magnitudes of vE and aE in the .O{ ; |O/ component system are
q q
v j D .73:52/2 C .113:2/2 m=s D 135:0 m=s and jE
jE aj D . 156:6/2 C .93:04/2 m=s2 D 182:2 m=s2 :

Using the problems given information, the magnitudes of vE and aE in the .uO n ; uO t / component system are
v j D 135:0 m=s; and jE aj D . 7:25/2 D .182/2 m=s2 D 182:1 m=s2 :
One can now determine the angle with the definition of the dot product. Specifically, in the .O{ ; |O/ component
system we have
1 .73:52 {O C 113:2 |O/  . 156:6 {O C 93:04 |O/
.O{ ;|O/ D cos ) .O{ ;|O/ D 92:3 :
In the .uO t ; uO n / component system we have
O t  . 7:25 uO t C 182 uO n /
1 135 u
.uO t ;uO n / D cos ) .uO t ;uO n / D 92:3 :
The above two results allow us to say that indeed the two angles computed are identical in the two frames.
August 10, 2009
46 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.26

Two Coast Guard patrol boats P1 and P2 are stationary while monitoring the
motion of a surface vessel A. The velocity of A with respect to P1 is expressed
vEA D . 23 {O1 6 |O1 / ft=s;
whereas the acceleration of A, expressed relative to P2 , is given by

aEA D . 2 {O2 4|O2 / ft=s2 :

Determine the velocity and the acceleration of A expressed with respect to the
land-based component system .O{ ; |O/.

Define  D 72 . The unit vectors of P1 can be expressed in terms of the .O{ ; |O/ component system as

{O1 D sin  {O C cos  |O; |O1 D cos  {O C sin  |O;

D 0:9511 {O C 0:3090 |O: D 0:3090 {O C 0:9511 |O:

The velocity of the surface vessel A in the land-based frame is

vEA D 23.sin  {O C cos  |O/ 6. cos  {O C sin  |O/ ft=s;

vEA D . 20:0 {O 12:8 |O/ ft=s:

Define D 45 . The unit vectors of P2 can be expressed in terms of the .O{ ; |O/ component system as

{O2 D cos {O sin |O; |O2 D sin {O cos |O;

1 1 1 1
D p {O p |O; D p {O p |O;
2 2 2 2
D 0:7071 {O 0:7071 |O: D 0:7071 {O 0:7071 |O:

As done for the velocity vector, the acceleration vector in the land-based frame is found to be

2 . cos {O sin |O/ 4.sin {O cos |O/ ft=s2 ;


 p p 
aEA D 2 {O C 3 2 |O ft=s2 D . 1:41 {O C 4:24 |O/ ft=s2 : (1)

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 47

Problem 2.27

For a particle moving along a straight line, the table reports the particles position x as a function of
time. Determine the average velocity between every pair of consecutive time values for this motion, using
Eq. (2.6). Provide a plot of the average velocity as a function of time.

t .s/ x .m/ t .s/ x .m/ t .s/ x .m/

0.00 0.000 1.00 1.344 2.00 1.193
0.20 0.331 1.20 1.458 2.20 0.963
0.40 0.645 1.40 1.500 2.40 0.686
0.60 0.928 1.60 1.468 2.60 0.375
0.80 1.165 1.80 1.364 2.80 0.046

The following Mathematica code will find and plot the average velocity:
data ! !!0.0, 0.0", !0.2, 0.331", !0.4, 0.645", !0.6, 0.928", !0.8, 1.165",
!1.0, 1.344", !1.2, 1.458", !1.4, 1.5", !1.6, 1.468", !1.8, 1.364", !2.0, 1.193",
!2.2, 0.963", !2.4, 0.686", !2.6, 0.375", !2.8, 0.046"";
data2 ! Drop#data, 1$;
data1 ! Drop#data, "1$;

!r " Transpose!data2 # data1"!!2""

!t " Transpose!data2 # data1"!!1""
tavg " Transpose!#data2 $ data1$ % 2"!!1""
vavg " !r % !t

averagev ! Table!0, "Length!vavg#$#;

Do!averagev!!C## ! %" tavg!!C##, vavg!!C## $&, "C, Length!vavg#$#
ListPlot!"averagev$, Joined " True, Frame " True,
FrameTicks " ""Automatic, None$, "Automatic, None$$, GridLines " Automatic,
AspectRatio " 1, FrameLabel " ""time %s&", "velocity %m's&"$,
PlotLabel " "average velocity"#

average velocity
velocity !m#s"

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
time !s"

August 10, 2009

48 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.28

Continue Prob. 2.27 by treating the average velocities as if they the were the true velocities, and compute the
average accelerations corresponding to every pair of consecutive time values as was done in Example 2.6
on p. 43. Provide a plot of the average acceleration as a function of time.

The following Mathematica code must be added onto the notebook created for problem 2.27. The average
acceleration is found and plotted with:
averagev ! Table!0, "Length!vavg#$#;
Do!averagev!!C## ! %" tavg!!C##, vavg!!C## $&, "C, Length!vavg#$#
velocity2 ! Drop!averagev, 1#;
velocity1 ! Drop!averagev, "1#;

!v " Transpose!velocity2 # velocity1"!!2"";

!t " Transpose!velocity2 # velocity1"!!1"";
tavg2 " Transpose#$velocity2 $ velocity1% & 2'!!1""
acelavg " !v ( !t

ListPlot!"acelavg#, Joined ! True, Frame ! True,

FrameTicks ! ""Automatic, None#, "Automatic, None##, AspectRatio ! 1,
GridLines ! Automatic, FrameLabel ! $"time %s&", "acceleration %m's2 &"(,
PlotLabel ! "average acceleration")

average acceleration
acceleration !m#s2 "

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
time !s"

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 49

Problem 2.29

The table gives the position vs. time data for a pendulum swinging in the xy
plane. Compute the displacement between t D 0:0 s and t D 0:539 s and
between t D 0:0 s and t D 2:023 s. Furthermore, compute the average velocity
over the given time intervals. Knowing that the data in the table below concerns
a swinging pendulum, interpret the result you obtain for the average velocity
between t D 0:0 s and t D 2:023 s.
Time (s) x .ft/ y .ft/ Time (s) x .ft/ y .ft/
0.000 1.693 0.530 1.079 -1.679 0.491
0.135 1.641 0.439 1.214 -1.485 0.361
0.270 1.164 0.218 1.348 -0.898 0.129
0.405 0.627 0.052 1.483 -0.219 0.013
0.539 -0.222 0.005 1.618 0.586 0.038
0.674 -0.962 0.124 1.753 1.148 0.240
0.809 -1.489 0.343 1.888 1.542 0.435
0.944 -1.768 0.514 2.023 1.809 0.528

The displacement for the two time intervals can be calculated as

Er .0 s; 0:539 s/ D rE.0:539 s/ rE.0 s/ D x.0:539 s/ x.0 s/ {O C y.0:539 s/ y.0 s/ |O;

) Er .0 s; 0:539 s/ D . 1:92 {O 0:525 |O/ ft: (1)

Er .0 s; 2:023 s/ D rE.2:023 s/ rE.0 s/ D x.2:023 s/ x.0 s/ {O C y.2:023 s/ y.0 s/ |O;

) Er .0 s; 2:023 s/ D .0:116 {O 0:002 |O/ ft: (2)

The average velocity can then be calculated as

vEavg .0 s; 0:539 s/ D Er .0 s; 0:539 s/=.0:539 0/; (3)

) vEavg .0 s; 0:539 s/ D . 3:55 {O 0:974 |O/ ft=s: (4)

vEavg .0 s; 2:023 s/ D Er .0 s; 2:023 s/=.2:023 0/; (5)

) vEavg .0 s; 2:023 s/ D .0:0573 {O 9:89  10 |O/ ft=s: (6)

August 10, 2009

50 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.30

The table in Prob. 2.29 gives the position vs. time data for a pendulum swinging
in the xy plane. Compute the components of the average velocity as well as the
magnitude of the average velocity over each time step and plot these quantities
vs. time. Furthermore, compute the components of the approximate acceleration
as was done in Example 2.6 on p. 43 by using the average velocity data generated
and plot the results vs. time. Finally compare the results to the plots of the
components of the exact velocity and acceleration vs. time shown below. In
these plots the vertical axes represent the quantity labeling each plot whereas the
horizontal axes represent time expressed in seconds.

6 1.5 15 10

0 0 0 0

-6 -1.5 -15 -10

0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2

The magnitude of the velocity vector is computed using the equation,
vave .ti / D vx2 .ti / C vy2 .ti /: (1)

Using Mathematica we generate the plot for the magnitude with

data ! !!0.0, 1.693, 0.530", !0.135, 1.641, 0.439", !0.27, 1.164, 0.218",
!0.405, 0.627, 0.052", !0.539, "0.222, 0.005", !0.674, "0.962, 0.124",
!0.809, "1.489, 0.343", !0.944, "1.768, 0.514", !1.079, "1.679, 0.491",
!1.214, "1.485, 0.361", !1.348, "0.898, 0.129 ", !1.483, "0.219, 0.013",
!1.618, 0.586, 0.038", !1.753, 1.148, 0.240", !1.888, 1.542, 0.435 ",
!2.023, 1.809, 0.528"";

data2 ! Drop!data, 1";

data1 ! Drop!data, "1";
#t ! Transpose!data2 " data1"!!1"";
#x ! Transpose!data2 " data1"!!2"";
#y ! Transpose!data2 " data1"!!3"";

vx ! "x ! "t;
vy ! "y ! "t;
tavg ! Transpose"#data1 # data2$ ! 2%""1%%;
speed ! Sqrt&vx2 # vy2 ';

speedplot ! Table!0, "Length!tavg#$#;

Do!speedplot!!C## ! "tavg!!C##, speed!!C##$, "C, 1, Length!tavg#$#
ListPlot!"plotvelocityy$, Joined " True, Frame " True,
FrameTicks " ""Automatic, None$, "Automatic, None$$, GridLines " Automatic,
AspectRatio " 1, ImageSize " 130, FrameLabel " ""time %s&", "average speed %ft's&"$,
PlotLabel " "average speed"#

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 51

average speed

average speed !ft#s"

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
time !s"

The average of each component of the velocity vector is calculated for each interval i , between time-steps
t D i and t D .i C 1/, through the equations

x.ti C1 / x.ti /  y.ti C1 / y.ti /

.vx /i D ; vy i
D :
.ti C1 ti / .ti C1 ti /
Using the same Mathematica notebook we generate the plots for the x and y components of velocity with
plotvelocityx ! Table!0, "Length!tavg#$#;
Do!plotvelocityx!!C## ! "tavg!!C##, vx!!C##$, "C, 1, Length!tavg#$#
ListPlot!"plotvelocityx$, Joined " True, Frame " True,
FrameTicks " ""Automatic, None$, "Automatic, None$$, GridLines " Automatic,
AspectRatio " 1, ImageSize " 130, FrameLabel " ""time %s&", "vx %ft's&"$,
PlotLabel " "average x velocity"#

plotvelocityy ! Table!0, "Length!tavg#$#;

Do!plotvelocityy!!C## ! "tavg!!C##, vy!!C##$, "C, 1, Length!tavg#$#
ListPlot%"plotvelocityy$, Joined " True, Frame " True,
FrameTicks " ""Automatic, None$, "Automatic, None$$, GridLines " Automatic,
AspectRatio " 1, ImageSize " 130, FrameLabel " &"time 's(", "vy 'ft)s("*,
PlotLabel " "average y velocity"+

average x velocity average y velocity

6 1.5
4 1.0
2 0.5
vy !ft#s"
vx !ft#s"

0 0.0
!2 !0.5
!4 !1.0
!6 !1.5
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
time !s"
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
time !s"

The average acceleration components in each direction can be calculated, using the velocity components,
from the equations
vx .tiC1 / vx .ti /  vy .ti C1 / vy .ti /
.ax /i D ; ay i D ; (2)
tiC1 ti ti C1 ti
Using the same Mathematica notebook we generate the plot for the x and y components of acceleration with
the following code
August 10, 2009
52 Solutions Manual

!t2 " Table!0, "Length!tavg# # 1$#;

Do!!t2!!C## " tavg!!C $ 1## # tavg!!C##, "C, 1, Length!tavg# # 1$#
t2avg " Table!0, "Length!tavg# # 1$#;
Do!t2avg!!C## " %tavg!!C $ 1## $ tavg!!C##& ' 2, "C, 1, Length!tavg# # 1$#

ax ! Table!0, "Length!tavg# " 1$#;

Do!ax!!C## ! "t2avg!!C##, %vx!!C # 1## " vx!!C##& ' $t2!!C##$, "C, 1, Length!tavg# " 1$#
ListPlot("ax$, Joined % True, Frame % True,
FrameTicks % ""Automatic, None$, "Automatic, None$$, GridLines % Automatic,
AspectRatio % 1, ImageSize % 130, FrameLabel % )"time %s&", "ax %ft's2 &"*,
PlotLabel % "average x acceleration"+

ay ! Table!0, "Length!tavg# " 1$#;

Do!ay!!C## ! "t2avg!!C##, %vy!!C # 1## " vy!!C##& ' $t2!!C##$, "C, 1, Length!tavg# " 1$#
ListPlot("ay$, Joined % True, Frame % True,
FrameTicks % ""Automatic, None$, "Automatic, None$$, GridLines % Automatic,
AspectRatio % 1, ImageSize % 130, FrameLabel % )"time %s&", "ay %ft's2 &"*,
PlotLabel % "average y acceleration"+

average x acceleration average y acceleration

20 10
10 5
ax !ft#s2 "

ay !ft#s2 "

0 0
!10 !5
!20 !10
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
time !s" time !s"

The plots generated via numerical differentiation are typically not smooth because numerical differentiation
is an intrinsically noise producing process. By contrast, integration is a smoothing process.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 53

Problem 2.31

Let f .t/ be a function of time, and suppose that a table of values of f .t / is provided for a sequence of
equally spaced time instants. Then, for any three consecutive values of f .t /, i.e., f .ti /, f .ti C1 /, and
f .ti C2 /, you can approximate the value of the derivative of f .t / with respect to time at t D ti by using
the formula
df f .ti C2 / C 4f .ti C1 / 3f .ti /
.ti /  ; (1)
dt 2 t
where t D tiC1 ti D ti C2 ti C1 . Use this formula to compute derivatives, and rework Example 2.6
to obtain new plots for the velocity and the acceleration. Does the formula given above allow you to obtain
smoother plots for the velocity and acceleration with respect to those in Example 2.6?


Because of the formula given in Eq. (1), to calculate the velocity at

the current time ti we need data at the next two future time points
tiC1 and ti C2 . This means we can only calculate velocities for the
first 30 data points. As an example of the application of the given 0

formula, the vx component at t0 D 0:000 s can be calculated as: -2

x.t2 / C 4x.t1 / 3x.t0 /
vx .t0 /  0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
0:069 C 4.0:029/ 3.0:000/
D D 0:705 m=s:

Finding the acceleration is similar to calculating velocities. Again as

an example of the application of the given formula, the ax component 40
at t0 D 0:000 s can be calculated as: 20
vx .t2 / C 4vx .t1 / 3vx .t0 / -20
ax .t0 / 
2t -40
1:17 C 4.1:26/ 3.0:705/ -60
D D 26:3 m=s2 : 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

The results we generated produced plots similar to Figs. 3 and 4 given in Example 2.6 in the text. Our
acceleration plot appears to be worse than the one in the example because the peaks are higher. This is an
example of the difficulty of numerical differentiation.

August 10, 2009

54 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.32

Find the x and y components of the acceleration in Example 2.5 (except for the plots) by simply differenti-
ating Eqs. (4) and (5) with respect to time. Verify that you get the results given in Example 2.5.

The x component of acceleration is found with:

v0 y d xP d xP dy d xP
xP D p ) xR D D D yP
y 2 C 4a2 dt dy dt dy
v0 y 2 yP v0 yP
xR D 3=2 C p 2 ;
4a2 C y 2 4a C y 2
4a2 v0 yP
D 3=2
y 2 C 4a2

Substituting the equation for yP gives us

2v0 a 8a3 v02

yP D p ) xR D 2 :
y 2 C 4a2 4a2 C y 2

The y component of acceleration is found with:

2v0 a d yP d yP dy d yP
yP D p ) yR D D D yP
y 2 C 4a2 dt dy dt dy
2av0 y yP
yR D 3=2 ;
4a2 C y 2

Substituting the equation for yP gives us

2v0 a 4a2 v02 y

yP D p ) yR D 2 :
y 2 C 4a2 4a2 C y 2

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 55

Problem 2.33

Find the x and y components of the acceleration in Example 2.5 (except for the plots) by differentiating
the first of Eqs. (3) and the last of Eqs. (1) with respect to time and then solving the resulting two equations
for xR and y.R Verify that you get the results given in Example 2.5.


First of Eq. (3) from example W v02 D xP 2 C yP 2 ) 0 D 2xP xR C 2yP y;

R (1)
Last of Eq. (1) from example W y yP D 2axP ) 2axR D yP C y y;
R (2)

Solve the first of Eqs. (1) and (2) to find xP and y:

y yP 2 y 2av0
xP D ) v0 D yP 2 C yP 2 ) yP D p : (3)
2a 4a2 y 2 C 4a2
y yP yv0
xP D ) xP D p : (4)
2a y 2 C 4a2

Solving the second of Eqs. (1) and (2) simultaneously for the acceleration components yields

yP 3 xP yP 2
xR D ; yR D : (5)
y xP C 2ayP y xP C 2ayP
Substituting Eqs. (3) and (4) and simplifying yields the same results as Example 2.5.

8a3 v02 4a2 v02 y

xR D 2 ; yR D 2 : (6)
4a2 C y 2 4a2 C y 2

August 10, 2009

56 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.34

Pioneer 3 was a spin-stabilized spacecraft launched on 6 December 1958 by

the U . S . Army Ballistic Missile agency in conjunction with NASA. It was
a cone-shaped probe 58 cm high and 25 cm in diameter at its base. It was
designed with a despin mechanism consisting of two 7 g masses (m in the
figure) that could be spooled out to the end of two 150 cm wires when triggered
by a hydraulic timer 10 h after launch. As they are deployed, the masses slow
the spacecraft spin rate from its initial value to a desired one. The table below
reports discrete acceleration vs. time data of one of the masses as it is deployed
in a test run in which the spacecraft is kept with its axis vertical and the
masses deploy in the xy plane. Follow the steps described in Example 2.7,
and reconstruct the velocity as well as the position of the deployed mass as
a function of time. Finally plot the trajectory of the mass. Use the initial
conditions x.0/ D 0:125 m, y.0/ D 0 m, x.0/ P D 0 m=s, and y.0/
P D 1:25 m=s.

Time (s) ax .m=s2 / ay .m=s2 / Time (s) ax .m=s2 / ay .m=s2 /

0.00 0.0 0.0 0.16 4.1 -78.7
0.02 -3.9 9.2 0.18 38.3 -79.6
0.04 -14.3 13.9 0.20 73.1 -64.9
0.06 -27.8 10.8 0.22 101.0 -34.7
0.08 -39.8 -1.1 0.24 116.0 7.5
0.10 -45.2 -20.6 0.26 112.0 55.5
0.12 -40.3 -43.7 0.28 88.5 101.0
0.14 -23.5 -65.0 0.30 46.1 135.0

Following the methodology of Example 2.7, the velocity of one of the masses is calculated by Mathematica
(we could have used other mathematical software) with the following code for the x component:
ProblemData ! !!0, 0, 0", !0.02, "3.9, 9.2", !0.04, "3.9, 9.2", !0.06, "27.8, 10.8",
!0.08, "39.8, "1.1", !0.10, "45.2, "20.6", !0.12, "40.3, "43.7", !0.14, "23.5, "65.0",
!0.16, 4.1, "78.7", !0.18, 38.3, "79.6", !0.20, 73.1, "64.9", !0.22, 101.0, "34.7",
!0.24, 116.0, 7.5", !0.26, 112.0, 55.5", !0.28, 88.5, 101.0", !0.30, 46.1, 135.0"";

SampleTime ! ;
NumberofSamples " 1
v0x ! 0;

velx !
Table! ""ProblemData##1, 2$$ # ProblemData##n, 2$$% #

SampleTime"& ProblemData##k, 2$$, 'n, 2, Length#ProblemData$() # v0x;



August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 57

velxComplete ! Prepend!velx, v0x";

ListPlot!Transpose!#Transpose!ProblemData"$1%, velxComplete&", PlotRange " All,
GridLines " #Automatic, Automatic&,
FrameTicks " ##Automatic, None&, ##0, 0.15, 0.3&, None&&, Frame " True,
Joined " True, AspectRatio " 1"

4 0
vx !m, s"

vy !m, s"
2 !2
!4 !6
0 0.15 0.3
Time !s"
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Time !s"

In order to determine the position of the spinning mass, the CTR is employed to integrate the velocity data.
The x component of position and the trajectory are calculated by Mathematica with the following code:
posxComplete ! Prepend!posx, x0";
posyComplete ! Prepend!posy, y0";

ListPlot!Transpose!"Transpose!ProblemData#$1%, posxComplete&#, Joined ! True,

PlotRange ! All, GridLines ! "Automatic, Automatic&, ImageSize ! 130,
FrameTicks ! ""Automatic, None&, "Automatic, None&&, FrameLabel ! ""Time 's(", "x'm("&,
Frame ! True, AspectRatio ! 1#

0.1 0.2

0.0 0.
x !m"

y !m"

!0.3 !0.4
0. 0.1 0.2 0.3
Time !s"
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Time !s"

An alternative way to view the position of the mass is by plotting its trajectory:
ListPlot!Transpose!"posxComplete, posyComplete#$, Joined ! True, PlotRange ! All,
GridLines ! "Automatic, Automatic#, ImageSize ! 130,
FrameTicks ! ""Automatic, None#, "Automatic, None##, FrameLabel ! ""x%t&", "y%t&"#,
Frame ! True, AspectRatio ! 1$

August 10, 2009

58 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.35

The Center for Gravitational Biology Research at NASAs Ames Research Center runs a large centrifuge
capable of 20g of acceleration (12.5g is the maximum for human subjects). The distance from
q the axis of
rotation to the cab at either A or B is R D 25 ft. The trajectory of A is described by yA D R2 xA2 for
yA  0 and by yA D R2 xA2 for yA < 0. If A moves at the constant speed vA D 120 ft=s, determine
the velocity and acceleration of A when xA D 20 ft and yA > 0.

Starting with the equation of the trajectory for y > 0, and differentiating it with respect to time, we have
xA xPA
yA D R2 xA2 ) yPA D q : (1)
2 2
R xA
Recalling that the speed can be computed as v D xPA2 C yPA2 , using Eq. (1), we can express the quantity v 2 as
vA vA xA
xPA2 C yPA2 D vA2 ) xPA D R2 xA2 ) yPA D ; (2)
where we have substituted the second of Eqs. (2) into the last of Eqs. (1) to obtain the last of Eqs. (2). Then,
recalling that vA D 120 ft=s, R D 25 ft, and xA D 25 ft, evaluating the last two of Eqs. (2), we have

vEA D .72:0 {O C 96:0 |O/ ft=s:

Next, differentiating the last of Eqs. (2) with respect to time, we have
xPA vA vA2 q 2
yRA D ) yRA D 2 R xA2 : (3)
Because the speed is constant, differentiating the first of Eqs. (2) with respect to time, we have
2xPA xRA C 2yPA yRA D 0 ) xRA D : (4)
Substituting the last of Eqs. (2) and the last of Eqs. (3) into the last of Eqs. (4), we have
xA vA2
xRA D : (5)
Finally, recalling that vA D 120 ft=s, R D 25 ft, and xA D 25 ft, evaluating Eq. (5) and the last of Eqs. (3),
we have
aEA D .461 {O 346 |O/ ft=s2 :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 59

Problem 2.36

The orbit of a satellite A around planet B is the ellipse shown and is described
by the equation .x=a/2 C .y=b/2 D 1, where a and b are the semimajor and
semiminor axes of the ellipse, repectively. When x D a=2 and y > 0, the
satellite is moving with a speed v0 as shown. Determine the expression for the
satellites velocity vE in terms of v0 , a, and b for x D a=2 and y > 0.

Take the derivative with respect to time of the given equation:
 x 2  y 2 x xP y yP
C D1 ) 2
C 2 D 0: (1)
a b a b
Substitute x D a=2 into .x=a/2 C .y=b/2 D 1 to find y D .b 3/=2. Then,substituting the expressions for
x and y into the second of Eqs. (1), we have
a 3yP
xP C D 0: (2)
Now recall that the speed v0 is given by v0 D xP 2 C yP 2 . Therefore, solving Eq. (2) for xP and substituting
the result in the expression for the speed squared, i.e., xP 2 C yP 2 D v02 , we have

3a2 yP 2 v0 b
C yP 2 D v02 ) yP D p : (3)
b2 3a2 C b 2
Substituting the last of Eqs. (3) into (2), we find
xP D p : (4)
3a C b 2

Then, recalling that the velocity is given by vE D xP {O C yP |O, using Eq. (4) and the last of Eqs. (3), we can
express the velocity as
v0  p 
vE D p 3a {O C b |O :
3a2 C b 2

August 10, 2009

60 Solutions Manual

Problems 2.37 through 2.40

The following four problems refer to the car traveling between two stop signs STOP STOP

presented at the beginning of this section on p. 55, in which the cars velocity is
assumed to be given by v D 9 9 cos.2t =5/ m=s for 0  t  5 s.

Problem 2.37 Determine vmax , the maximum velocity reached by the car.
Furthermore, determine the position svmax and the time tvmax at which vmax

Problem 2.38 Determine the time at which the brakes are applied and the car
starts to slow down.

Problem 2.39 Determine the average velocity of the car between the two stop

Problem 2.40 Determine jajmax , the maximum of the magnitude of the ac-
celeration reached by the car, and determine the position(s) at which jajmax

Solution to 2.37
To find vmax , we first differentiate v with respect to time and set it equal to zero to find the extrema.
dv 18 2t 2 2t 5
aD D0 ) sin m=s D 0 ) sin D 0 ) t D 0; s; 5 s; : : : (1)
dt 5 5 5 2

Find v at the only meaningful solution t D .5/=2 s:

5 2 5
v s D 9 9 cos m=s D 18:0 m=s: (2)
2 5 2

tvmax D s D 7:85 s ) vmax D 18:0 m=s: (3)

To find the position as a function of time, s.t /, we integrate

Z t    
45 2t
sD v.t / dt ) s D 9t sin C C m; (4)
0 2 5

where C is a constant of integration. To determine C , we apply the initial condition according to which
s.0/ D 0 m=s. This implies that C D 0. We then find the position at the maximum velocity to be

svmax D m D 70:7 m: (5)

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 61

Solution to 2.38
The brakes are applied when the velocity is maximum (when the acceleration changes sign).
dv 18 2t
D0 ) sin m=s2 D 0: (6)
dt 5 5

The only meaningful solution is:

tbraking D s D 7:85 s: (7)

August 10, 2009

62 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.39
To find the average velocity, we need to determine the total change in position and the time it took for that
change in position to occur. We start by finding the time over which the car was in motion. Since we know
that the car started moving at time t D 0, we need to determine when the car first came to a stop. The car
stops when v D 9 9 cos.2t =5/ m=s D 0. This occurs when t D 5 s.
To compute the change in position, we first determine s.t /, the position as a function of time by integrating
the expression for the velocity, i.e.,
Z t       
45 2t 45 2t
sD v.t / dt ) s D 9t sin C C m D 9t sin m; (8)
0 2 5 2 5

where the constant of integration C was found to be equal to zero by applying the initial condition according
to which s.0/ D 0 m=s. Next, using the above expression for s.t /, for t D 5 s, we have
5 2.5/
s.5 s/ D 9.5/ 9 sin m=s D 45 m D 141:4 m: (9)
2 5

The average velocity is then given by

sfinal sinitial 45 m 0 m
vavg D D ) vavg D 9:00 m=s. (10)
tfinal tinitial 5 s 0 s

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 63

Solution to 2.40
Since the acceleration is the time derivative of the velocity, we have
dv 18 2t
aD D sin m=s2 : (11)
dt 5 5

To find amax we differentiate the above expression with respect to time and set it equal to zero to find the
da 36 2t 3 2t 5 15
aP D D cos m=s D 0 ) cos D0 ) t D s; s; : : : (12)
dt 25 5 5 4 4

We then find a at these extremal points in our time range of interest and find the maximum magnitude. This
5 18  18
a s D sin m=s D m=s2 ; (13)
4 5 2 5
15 18 3 18
a s D sin m=s D m=s2 : (14)
4 5 2 5

Therefore, expressing our answers to three significant figures, we have

tjajmax D 3:93 s and tjajmax D 11:8 s where jajmax D 3:60 m=s2 :

To determine the position of the car corresponding to the occurrence of the maximum acceleration, we
first determine the position as a function of time by integrating the velocity.
Z t       
45 2t 45 2t
sD v.t / dt ) s D 9t sin C C m D 9t sin m; (15)
0 2 5 2 5

where the constant of integration C was found to be equal to zero by applying the initial condition according
to which s.0/ D 0 m=s. Then evaluating s.t / for the t D .5=4/ s and t D .15=4/ s, we have

2 54  2 15

5 5 45 15 15 45 4
s s D 9 sin m and s s D 9 sin m: (16)
4 4 2 5 4 4 2 5

Therefore, evaluating our result numerically and expressing them to three significant figures, we have

samax D 12:8 m and samax D 129 m: (17)

August 10, 2009

64 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.41

A ring is thrown straight upward from a height h D 2:5 m off the ground and
with an initial velocity v0 D 3:45 m=s. Gravity causes the ring to have a con-
stant downward acceleration g D 9:81 m=s2 . Determine hmax , the maximum
height reached by the ring.

The release height of the rose is given by s0 D 2:5 m. Using the constant acceleration equation, we have

v 2 D v02 2g.s s0 /; (1)

where v0 is the value of the speed corresponding to the position value s0 . The maximum height is the value
of s corresponding to v D 0. Hence, setting s D hmax and v D 0 in the above equation, and solving for hmax ,
we have
hmax D 0 C s0 ) hmax D 3:11 m; (2)
where we have used the following numerical data: v0 D 3:45 m=s and s0 D 2:5 m.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 65

Problem 2.42

A ring is thrown straight upward from a height h D 2:5 m off the ground. Grav-
ity causes the ring to have a constant downward acceleration g D 9:81 m=s2 .
Letting d D 5:2 m, if the person at the window is to receive the ring in the
gentlest possible manner, determine the initial velocity v0 the ring must be
given when first released.

Substitute s0 D h, s D .h C d /, and v D 0 m=s into the constant acceleration equation v 2 D v02 2g.s s0 /
and solve for v0 :
v0 D 2gd ) v0 D 10:1 m=s; (1)

where we have used the following numerical data: g D 9:81 m=s2 and d D 5:2 m.

August 10, 2009

66 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.43

A car stops 4 s after the application of the brakes while covering a rectilinear
stretch 337 ft long. If the motion occurred with a constant acceleration ac ,
determine the initial speed v0 of the car and the acceleration ac . Express v0 in
mph and ac in terms of g, the acceleration of gravity.

Substituting v D 0 and t0 D 0 into the constant acceleration equation v D v0 C ac .t t0 / , we have

0 D v0 C ac t ) v0 D ac t: (1)

Then, we substitute the expression for v0 in Eq. (1), s0 D 0, and t0 D 0 into the constant acceleration
equation s D s0 C v0 .t t0 / C 21 ac .t t0 /2 to obtain

ac D D 42:12 ft=s2 ; (2)
where we have used the following numerical data: s D 337 ft and t D 4 s. Expressing the above result in
terms of g, the acceleration due to gravity, and to 3 significant figures, we have
ac D 42:12 ft=s2 ) ac D 1:31g,
32:2 ft=s2

Finally, substituting the value of ac in Eq. (2) into the last of Eqs. (1) and evaluating v0 , we have
2 1 mi 3600 s
v0 D ac t D .42:12 ft=s /.4 s/ ) v0 D 115 mph; (3)
5280 ft 1h

where we have used the fact that t D 4 s.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 67

Problems 2.44 and 2.45

The motion of a peg sliding within a rectilinear guide is controlled by an

actuator in such a way that the pegs acceleration takes on the form xR D
a0 .2 cos 2!t sin !t /, where t is time, a0 D 3:5 m=s2 , ! D 0:5 rad=s, and
D 1:5.

Problem 2.44 Determine the expressions for the velocity and the position of
the peg as functions of time if x.0/ D 0 m=s and x.0/ D 0 m.

Problem 2.45 Determine the total distance traveled by the peg during the
time interval 0 s  t  5 s if x.0/
P D a0 =!.

Solution to 2.44
Integrating the acceleration equation we have

x.t/ D x.0/
P C R / dt
x.t ) P /D
x.t .sin 2!t C cos !t /t0
0 !
) P /D
x.t .sin 2!t C cos !t /;
where we have accounted for the fact that x.0/ D 0. Hence, evaluating with above expression, we have,
v.t / D 7:00 sin t C 1:50 cos.0:500t / 1:50 m=s;

where we have expressed known coefficients to three significant figures, and where we have used the following
numerical data: a0 D 3:5 m=s2 , ! D 0:5 rad=s, and D 1:5.
To determine position as a function of time, we integrate the velocity function obtained above:

s.t/ D x.t / D x.0/ C P / dt
x.t ) x.t / D 2 cos 2!t C sin !t !t 0
0 !2
) x.t / D .1 cos 2!t C 2 sin !t 2!t /;
2! 2
which can be evaluated to obtain

x.t / D 7:001:00 1:50 cos t C 3:00 sin.0:500t / m;

where we have expressed known coefficients to three significant figures, and where we have used the following
numerical data: a0 D 3:5 m=s2 , ! D 0:5 rad=s, and D 1:5.

August 10, 2009

68 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.45
Integrating the acceleration equation and accounting for the condition that x.0/ D a0 =!, we have
Z t
P / D x.0/
x.t P C R / dt ) x.t
x.t P /D sin 2!t C cos !t : (1)
0 !
P /. To do so, we first rewrite Eq. (1) as
To find the total distance traveled we must first find the sign of x.t
P /D
x.t cos !t 2 sin !t C ; (2)
where we have used the trigonometric identity sin 2!t D 2 sin !t cos !t and then factored the cos !t term.
Then, referring to Eq. (2), and keeping in mind that we are only interested in the pegs motion for 0  t  5 s,
we see that
cos !t > 0 for 0 < !t < rad ) 0 < t < Ds (3)
2 2!
where we have used the fact that ! D 0:5 rad=s. In addition, we have that

2 sin !t C > 0 for all 0 < t < 5 s: (4)

Therefore, we see that xP changes sign for t D  s. This implies that the distance traveled must be computed
by integrating the velocity on two separate time intervals as follows:
s Z 5s
a0  a0 
dD cos !t .2 sin !t C / dt cos !t .2 sin !t C / dt;
0s ! s !
a0 h i s a0 h i5 s
D cos 2!t C 2 sin !t cos 2!t C 2 sin !t ;
2! 2 0s 2! 2 s
D 3 C 4 C cos 5 2 sin 2:5 m ) d D 52:4 m;
2! 2
where we have used the following numerical data: a0 D 3:5 m=s2 , ! D 0:5 rad=s, and D 1:5

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 69

Problem 2.46

Referring to Example 2.9 on p. 63, and defining terminal velocity as the velocity at which
a falling object stops accelerating, determine the skydivers terminal velocity without
performing any integrations.

We use the equation a D g Cd v 2 =m, given in Example 2.9 on p. 63 and set a D 0 m=s2 . Then, we can
solve ofr the terminal velocity to obtain

vterm D D 5:00 m=s; (1)

where we have used the following numerical data: Cd D 43:2 kg=m, m D 110 kg, and g D 9:81 m=s2 .

August 10, 2009

70 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.47

Referring to Example 2.9 on p. 63, determine the distance d traveled by the skydiver from
the instant the parachute is deployed until the difference between the velocity and the
terminal velocity is 10% of the terminal velocity.

Recall that the acceleration can be related to the velocity and position as follows:

dv dv ds dv
aD D Dv : (1)
dt ds dt ds
From Example 2.9 on p. 63 we have that a D g Cd v 2 =m. Hence, substituting this expression into
Eq. (1), rearranging terms, and integrating from v0 to vqt D 1:10 vterm (where the subscript qt stands for
quasi-terminal), we have
Z d Z vqt
ds D dv; (2)
0 v0 g .Cd =m/v 2
where v0 is the velocity of the skydiver at the time that the parachute is deployed. Carrying out the above
integrations, we have

g .Cd =m/vqt2
dD ln : (3)
2Cd g .Cd =m/v02
Now, going back to Example 2.9 on p. 63, we have m D 110 kg, v0 D 44:5 m=s, Cd D 43:2 p kg=m. In
addition, recall that g D 9:81 m=s and that, again from Example 2.9 on p. 63, vterm D mg=Cd D
4:998 m=s, so that vqt D 5:498 m=s. Hence, using these data to evaluate the right-hand side of Eq. (3), we
d D 7:54 m:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 71

Problems 2.48 and 2.49

The acceleration of an object in rectilinear free fall while immersed in a linear viscous fluid is
a D g Cd v=m, where g is the acceleration of gravity, Cd is a constant drag coefficient, v is
the objects velocity, and m is the objects mass.

Problem 2.48 Letting t0 D 0 and v0 D 0, determine the velocity as a function of time and
find the terminal velocity.

Problem 2.49 Letting s0 D 0 and v0 D 0, determine the position as a function of velocity.

Solution to 2.48
We observe that in this problem the acceleration is provided as a function of velocity. Hence, we first proceed
to find time as a function of velocity and then inverting the result to determine the velocity as a function of
time. Specifically, recalling that we have a D dv=dt ) dt D dv=a, letting t0 D 0, we have
Z v  
dv m  v m Cd
t .v/ D D ln g .Cd =m/v D ln 1 v : (1)
0 g .Cd =m/v Cd 0 Cd mg

We then invert this to find v.t /

mg Cd t
v.t / D 1 e m :

To find the terminal velocity, we can set a D g .Cd =m/v equal to 0:

Cd vterm mg
0Dg ) vterm D . (2)
m Cd

August 10, 2009

72 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.49
Recall that acceleration velocity and positions can be related as follows:

dv vdv
aDv ) ds D : (3)
ds a
Hence, since the acceleration is given as a function of the velocity, we can determine the position as a function
of the velocity as follows:
Z v Z v Z v 
v .Cd =m/v C g g mg=Cd m
s.v/ D dv D dv D dv; (4)
0 g .Cd =m/v 0 .Cd =m/g .Cd =m/v 0 g .Cd =m/v Cd

which can be evaluated to obtain

mg m g .Cd =m/v m m mg Cd v
s.v/ D ln v ) s.v/ D vC ln 1 : (5)
Cd Cd g Cd Cd Cd mg

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 73

Problem 2.50

A 1:5 kg rock is released from rest at the surface of a calm lake. If the resistance
offered by the water as the rock falls is directly proportional to the rocks velocity,
the rocks acceleration is a D g Cd v=m, where g is the acceleration of gravity,
Cd is a constant drag coefficient, v is the rocks velocity, and m is the rocks mass.
Letting Cd D 4:1 kg=s, determine the rocks velocity after 1:8 s.

We begin by observing that

tf vf
Cd dv dv
aDg vD ) dt D
m dt 0 0 g .Cd =m/v
g .Cd =m/vf
m m Cd
) tf D ln ) tf D ln 1 vf ; (1)
Cd g Cd mg

where the subscript f stands for final. Solving the above equation for vf , we have

mg  Cd tf =m

vf D 1 e ) vf D 3:56 m=s

where we have used the following numerical data: m D 1:5 kg, g D 9:81 m=s2 , Cd D 4:1 kg=s, and
tf D 1:8 s.

August 10, 2009

74 Solutions Manual

Problems 2.51 and 2.52

A 3:1 lb rock is released from rest at the surface of a calm lake, and its acceleration
is a D g Cd v=m, where g is the acceleration of gravity, Cd D 0:27 lbs=ft is a
constant drag coefficient, v is the rocks velocity, and m is the rocks mass.

Problem 2.51 Determine the depth to which the rock will have sunk when the rock
achieves 99% of its terminal velocity.

Problem 2.52 Determine the rocks velocity after it drops 5 ft.

Solution to 2.51
Recalling that we can relate the acceleration to velocity and position as a D vdv=ds, we can write
s v v
vdv v .Cd =m/v C g g
ds D ) ds D dv D dv
a 0 0 g .Cd =m/v 0 .Cd =m/g .Cd =m/v
Z v 
mg=Cd m
) sD dv; (1)
0 g .Cd =m/v Cd

which can be evaluated to obtain

m2 g
Cd m
sD ln 1 v v: (2)
Cd2 mg Cd

We now recall that the terminal velocity can be computed as the value of velocity corresponding to the
acceleration to become equal to zero, i.e., g .Cd =m/vterm D 0. Hence, we have

vterm D mg=Cd D 11:48 ft=s; (3)

where we have used the following numerical data: mg D 3:1 lb and Cd D 0:27 lbs=ft.
Now, letting v D 0:99vterm D 11:37 ft=s, we can evaluate the right-hand side of Eq. (2) to obtain

s D 14:9 ft;

where we have used the following numerical data: m D .3:1 lb/=.32:2 ft=s2 / D 0:09627 slug, g D 32:2 ft=s2 ,
and Cd D 0:27 lbs=ft.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 75

Solution to 2.52
Recalling that we can relate the acceleration to velocity and position as a D vdv=ds, we can write
s v v
vdv v .Cd =m/v C g g
ds D ) ds D dv D dv
a 0 0 g .Cd =m/v 0 .Cd =m/g .Cd =m/v
Z v 
mg=Cd m
) sD dv; (4)
0 g .Cd =m/v Cd

which can be evaluated to obtain

m2 g
Cd m
sD ln 1 v v: (5)
Cd2 mg Cd

We now need to solve the above equation for v after setting s D 5 ft. Since this cannot be done analytically,
we will need to do it numerically. As a first step, we recall that we are given the following numerical data:
m D .3:1 lb/=.32:2 ft=s2 / D 0:09627 slug, g D 32:2 ft=s2 , and Cd D 0:27 lbs=ft. Therefore, letting s D 5 ft
and using the data just listed, we evaluate Eq. (5) (expressing all known coefficients to 4 significant figures)
to obtain
5:000 ft D .0:3566 s/v .4:094 ft/ ln1:000 .0:08710 s=ft/v: (6)
Next we need to use some numerical root finding program to determine the desired value of v. This can
de done using several pieces of mathematical software. The solution presented below was obtained using
Mathematica via the following code:
FindRoot!!0.3566 v ! 4.094 Log!1 ! 0.0871 v" " 5.000, #v, 1.$"

where we note that, as required by most root finding algorithms, one needs to specify some initial guess for
the solution (we have used v D 1 ft=s). The execution of the code above, gives the following result (once
expressed to 3 significant figures)
v D 10:1 ft=s:

August 10, 2009

76 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.53

Suppose that the acceleration of an object of mass m along a straight line is a D g Cd v=m, where the
constants g and Cd are given and v is the objects velocity. If v.t / is unknown and v.0/ is given, can you
determine the objects velocity via the following integral?
Z t 
v.t / D v.0/ C g v dt
0 m

No, because the integrand is not an explicit function of the variable of integration. Clearly, if v.t / is provided
as an explicit function of time then one could integrate. However in this case there would be no need
whatsoever to integrate since v.t / would be given to begin with.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 77

Problem 2.54

A car travels on a rectilinear stretch of road at a constant speed v0 D 65 mph.

At s D 0 the driver applies the brakes hard enough to cause the car to skid.
Assume that the car keeps sliding until it stops, and assume that throughout this
process the cars acceleration is given by sR D k g, where k D 0:76 is the
kinetic friction coefficient and g is the acceleration of gravity. Compute the
cars stopping distance and time.

Using the constant acceleration equation v 2 D v02 C 2ac .s s0 / with v0 D 65 mph D 95:33 ft=s, v D 0,
and s0 D 0, we have

v 2 D v02 C 2Rs .s s0 / ) sD ) s D 186 ft; (1)
2k g

where in addition to the data already listed we have used the following numerical values: g D 32:2 ft=s2 and
k D 0:76.
To determine the cars stopping time, we can use the constant acceleration equation v D v0 C ac t to find
v v0 v v0
tD D ) t D 3:90 s; (2)
sR k g

where we have used the following numerical data: v D 0, v0 D 65 mph D 95:33 ft=s, k D 0:76, and
g D 32:2 ft=s2 .

August 10, 2009

78 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.55

Heavy rains cause a particular stretch of road to have a coefficient of friction

that changes as a function of location. Specifically, measurements indicate that
the friction coefficient has a 3% decrease per meter. Under these conditions
the acceleration of a car skidding while trying to stop can be approximated by
sR D .k cs/g (the 3% decrease in friction was used in deriving this equation
for acceleration), where k is the friction coefficient under dry conditions, g
is the acceleration of gravity, and c, with units of m 1 , describes the rate of
friction decrement. Let k D 0:5, c D 0:015 m 1 , and v0 D 45 km=h, where
v0 is the initial velocity of the car. Determine the distance it will take the car
to stop and the percentage of increase in stopping distance with respect to dry
conditions, i.e., when c D 0.

Recalling that the acceleration can be related to the position and velocity as a D vdv=ds, we can write
Z 0 Z swet
sR D v ) v dv D .k cs/g ds; (1)
ds v0 0

where the upper limits of integration for integral on the left-hand side (i.e., v D 0) corresponds to the car
stopping, and the upper limit of integration for the integral on the right-hand side denotes the stopping
distance over wet ground. Carrying out the integration, we have
gh is g 2
1 2 2 wet 1 2
k 2k cswet C c 2 swet2
2k ;

2 0 D . k cs/ ) 2 v0 D (2)
2c 0 2c
which can be simplified to yield

2 1h q i
cswet 2k swet C v02 =g D 0 ) swet D k 2k .cv02 /=g : (3)
Recalling that c D 0:015 m 1 , k D 0:5, v0 D 45 km=h D 12=50 m=s, and g D 9:81 m=s2 , we can evaluate
the last of Eqs. (3) to obtain swet D 26:31 m or 40:35 m. Only the first solution is meaningful since the car
will not keep moving after it has come to a stop for the first time. Hence, expressing our result to 3 significant
figures, we have
swet D 26:3 m:

For dry conditions, c D 0 so that sR D k g, which implies that the acceleration is constant. Consequently,
we use the equation v 2 D v02 C 2ac .s s0 / to determine the stopping distance under dry conditions. Hence,
denoting by sdry the position s at which v D 0 under dry conditions, we have

0 D v02 2k g.sdry s0 / ) sdry D ) sdry D 15:93 m;
2k g
where we have set s0 D 0. Hence, the percentage increase in stopping distance, expressed to 3 significant
figures, is
.swet sdry /
 100 D 65:2%:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 79

Problems 2.56 through 2.59

As you will learn in Chapter 3, the angular acceleration of a simple pendulum is given
by R D .g=L/ sin , where g is the acceleration of gravity and L is the length of
the pendulum cord.

Problem 2.56 Derive the expression of the angular velocity P as a function of the
angular coordinate . The initial conditions are .0/ D 0 and P .0/ D P0 .

Problem 2.57 Let the length of the pendulum cord be L D 1:5 m. If P D 3:7 rad=s
when  D 14 , determine the maximum value of  achieved by the pendulum.

Problem 2.58 The given angular acceleration remains valid even if the pendulum
cord is replaced by a massless rigid bar. For this case, let L D 5:3 ft and assume that
the pendulum is placed in motion at  D 0 . What is the minimum angular velocity
at this position for the pendulum to swing through a full circle?

Problem 2.59 Let L D 3:5 ft and suppose that at t D 0 s the pendulums

position is .0/ D with P .0/ D 0 rad=s. Determine the pendulums period of
oscillation, i.e., from its initial position back to this position.

Solution to 2.56
Recalling that we can write R D P d P =d, and that this implies d P D R d , we can then integrate each side
to obtain
2g 2g
P d P D R . / d ) P 2 P02 D sin  d ) P 2 D P02 C .cos  cos 0 /:
P0 0 L 0 L

P we then have
Solving for ,

P . / D P02 C

cos  cos 0 : (1)

August 10, 2009

80 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.57
Recalling that we can write R D P d P =d, and that this implies d P D R d , we can then integrate each side
to obtain
2g 2g
P d P D R . / d ) P 2 P02 D sin  d ) P 2 P02 D .cos  cos 0 /:
P0 0 L 0 L

Hence, observing that the maximum angle achieved by the pendulum corresponds to when the pendulum
inverts its swinging motion and therefore for P D 0, denoting by max the angle in question, we can rewrite
the last of the above equations as
P02 D .cos max cos 0 /;
which can be solved for max to obtain
" #
1 LP02
max D cos C cos 0 ) max D 94:4 ,

where we have used the following numerical data: P0 D 3:7 rad=s, 0 D 14 , L D 1:5 m, and g D 9:81 m=s2 .

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 81

Solution to 2.58
Recalling that we can write R D P d P =d, and that this implies d P D R d , we can then integrate each side
to obtain
2g 2g
P d P D R . / d ) P 2 P02 D sin  d ) P 2 P02 D .cos  cos 0 /:
P0 0 L 0 L

Now observe that the minimum angular speed of the pendulum at  D 0 is the speed that allows the pendulum
to reach the angle  D  rad with P D 0. Hence, letting P0 denote the the angular speed of the pendulum for
0 D 0, substituting these conditions in the above equation, we have
P 2 2g  
P 2 4g P g
0 D cos. rad/ cos 0 ) 0 D ) 0 D 2 ;
which can be evaluated to obtain
P0 D 4:93 rad=s;

where we have used the following numerical data: g D 32:2 ft=s2 and L D 5:3 ft.

August 10, 2009

82 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.59
We need to establish a relationship between the angle  and time. To do so, we begin by establishing a
relation between the angular velocity P and and swing angle, and then we will proceed to establish the desired
relation. Recalling that we can write R D P d P =d, and that this implies d P D R d , we can then integrate
each side to obtain
2g 2g
P d P D R . / d ) P 2 P02 D sin  d ) P 2 D P02 C .cos  cos 0 /:
P0 0 L 0 L

Hence, solving for P as a function of  , we have

P D P02 C

cos  cos 0 : (2)
One the pendulum is released from 0 D 32 , the angle  will decrease until the angle 32 is achieved
and it will then swing back tot he original angle. The time taken to go from 32 to 32 is equal to the time
taken to swing back from 32 to 32 . Hence, the period of oscillation, which we will denote by p, is twice
the time that the pendulum takes to go from 32 to 32 . With this in mind, and referring to Eq. (2), the
relationship between P and  for after release and until  D 32 is achieved, is
P D P02 C

cos  cos 0 ; (3)

given that  will initially decrease. Now, recalling that P D d=dt, we can write dt D d=P . Hence, using
Eq. (3), we can write
dt D q ; (4)
P02 C 2g
L cos  cos  0

Hence, we can integrating over one half of a full swing to obtain

p=2 32 32
d d
dt D q ) pD 2 q  ; (5)
2g 2g 
0 32 P02 C 32

L cos  cos 0 L cos  cos.32 /

where we have enforced

p the fact that 0 D 32 and P0 D 0. Now recalling that L D 3:5 m and g D 9:81 m=s2 ,
we have that 2= 2g=L D 0:4663 s. Hence, we can rewrite the last of Eqs. (5) as
. 0:4663 s/
pD p d:
32 cos  cos 32
The above integral can be evaluated with some appropriate mathematical software. We have used the
following code using Mathematica:

, $, 32. Degree, !32. Degree%&

Cos"# ! Cos"32. Degree#

which yields the following result:

p D 2:11 s:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 83

Problems 2.60 through 2.62

As we will see in Chapter 3, the acceleration of a particle of mass m suspended by

a linear spring with spring constant k and unstretched length L0 (when the spring
length is equal to L0 , the spring exerts no force on the particle) is given by xR D
g .k=m/.x L0 /.

Problem 2.60 Derive the expression for the particles velocity xP as a function of
position x. Assume that at t D 0, the particles velocity is v0 and its position is x0 .

Problem 2.61 Let k D 100 N=m, m D 0:7 kg, and L0 D 0:75 m. If the particle
is released from rest at x D 0 m, determine the maximum length achieved by the

Problem 2.62 Let k D 8 lb=ft, m D 0:048 slug, and L0 D 2:5 ft. If the particle is
released from rest at x D 0 ft, determine how long it takes for the spring to achieve its
maximum length. Hint: A good table of integrals will come in handy.

Solution to 2.60
The acceleration can be related to the position and the velocity as follows: xR D xd
P x=dx.
P This implies that
P xP D xdx
we can write xd R and we can therefore proceed to integrate this expression as follows:
xP Z x   
xP d xP D g .x L0 / dx; (1)
v0 x0 m

where as indicated in the problem statement, v0 is the value of xP for x D x0 . Evaluating the integral gives us
the velocity as a function of x.

1 2 1 2 k  kL0
2x 2 v0 D g.x x0 / x2 x02 C .x x0 /: (2)
2m m
P we have
Then multiplying the above equation through by 2 and solving for x,

kL0 k 2
v02 x02 :

xP D C2 gC .x x0 / x (3)
m m

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84 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.61
The acceleration can be related to the position and the velocity as follows: xR D xd
P x=dx.
P This implies that
P xP D xdx
we can write xd R and we can therefore proceed to integrate this expression as follows:
xP Z x   
xP d xP D g .x L0 / dx; (4)
v0 x0 m

where as indicated in the problem statement, v0 is the value of xP for x D x0 . Now, in this particular problem,
since the particle starts from rest at x D 0, we set v0 D 0 and x0 D 0. We now observe that the coordinate x
(when positive) measures the length of the spring. In addition, denoting the maximum length by xmax , we
observe that xmax is achieved when xP D 0, i.e., when the spring has stretched to the point that it will start
recoiling back. Using these considerations, we can rewrite Eq. (4) as
Z 0 Z xmax    
k k 2 kL0
xP d xP D g .x L0 / dx ) 0 D gxmax xmax C xmax : (5)
0 0 m 2m m

The last of the above equations can be solved for xmax to obtain C kL0 /
xmax D ) xmax D 1:64 m, (6)

where we have used the following numerical data: m D 0:7 kg, g D 9:81 m=s2 , k D 100 N=m, and
L0 D 0:75 m.

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Dynamics 1e 85

Solution to 2.62
The acceleration can be related to the position and the velocity as follows: xR D xd
P x=dx.
P This implies that
P xP D xdx
we can write xd R and we can therefore proceed to integrate this expression as follows:
Z xP Z x   
xP d xP D g .x L0 / dx; (7)
v0 x0 m
where as indicated in the problem statement, v0 is the value of xP for x D x0 . Evaluating the integral gives us
the velocity as a function of x.

1 2 1 2 k  kL0
2x 2 v0 D g.x x0 / x2 x02 C .x x0 /: (8)
2m m
Then multiplying the above equation through by 2, keeping in mind that we are interested in the motion of
the spring for xP  0 (i.e., we are not interested in the recoiling motion of the spring after it has stretched to
its maximum length), and solving for x, P we have
2 kL0 k 2
x02 :

xP D v0 C 2 g C .x x0 / x (9)
m m

Now, since the particle is released from rest at x D 0, we have v0 D 0. Consequently, the above equation can
be simplified to obtain r C kL0 / k 2
xP D x x : (10)
m m
Next, we determine the maximum length of the spring, which is achieved when xP D 0. Hence, setting xP D 0
and x D xmax in Eq. (10) and solving for xmax , we have C kL0 / k 2 C kL0 /
xmax x D0 ) xmax D ) xmax k D C kL0 /: (11)
m m max k
Substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (10), we have
r r
k k 2 k
xP D xxmax x ) xP D x xmax x : (12)
m m m
Now we recall that xP D dx=dt . Therefore, we can rearrange the terms in the last of Eqs. (10) to integrate as
Z txmax Z xmax r Z x
dx dx m max dx
xP D ) dt D ) txmax D p : (13)
dt 0 0 xP k 0 x .xmax x/
The integral on the right-hand side of the last of Eqs. (13) can be carried out by substitution, or by consulting
a table of integrals, or by using some symbolic mathematical software. Regarless of the method, we have
dx x
p D 2 sin C C; (14)
x .xmax x/ xmax

where C is a constant of integration. Then using the above result we have that the last of Eqs. (13) gives
r r
m 1 1 m
txmax D 2sin .1/ sin .0/ D  ) txmax D 0:243 s; (15)
k k
where we have used the following numerical data: m D 0:048 slug and k D 8 lb=ft.
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86 Solutions Manual

Problems 2.63 and 2.64

Two masses mA and mB are placed at a distance r0 from one another. Because
of their mutual gravitational attraction, the acceleration of sphere B as seen
from sphere A is given by
mA C mB
rR D G ;

where G is the universal gravitational constant.

Problem 2.63 If the spheres are released from rest, determine

(a) The velocity of B (as seen by A) as a function of the distance r.

(b) The velocity of B (as seen by A) at impact if r0 D 7 ft, the weight of A is

2:1 lb, the weight of B is 0:7 lb, and

(i) The diameters of A and B are dA D 1:5 ft and dB D 1:2 ft, respec-
(ii) The diameters of A and B are infinitesimally small.

Problem 2.64 Assume that the particles are released from rest at r D r0 .

(a) Determine the expression relating their relative position r and time. Hint:
p  p
Z p
x=.1 x/ dx D sin 1 x x.1 x/:

(b) Determine the time it takes for the objects to come into contact if r0 D 3 m,
A and B have masses of 1.1 and 2:3 kg, respectively, and

(i) The diameters of A and B are dA D 22 cm and dB D 15 cm, respec-

(ii) The diameters of A and B are infinitesimally small.

Solution to 2.63
Part (a). Recalling that we can relate the acceleration to the velocity and position as rR D rd
P r=dt,
P we can
then write Z rP Z r
d rP 1
rR D rP ) rP dr D G .mA C mB / 2
dr 0 r0 r

which can be evaluated to obtain

1 2
 1 1 p r0 r
2 rP D G mA C mB
r r0
) rP D 2G .mA C mB /
; (1)

where we have chosen the negative root because the masses are moving toward each other.

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Part (b). Now that we have the velocity as a function of position, we can proceed to answer the questions
posed in Part (b) of the problem. For question (i), when the masses touch r D rA C rB D .dA C dB /=2.
Using this fact and recalling that G D 3:439  10 8 ft3 =slugs2 , Eq. (1) yields

p 2 1 5
rP D 2G .mA C mB / D 5:98  10 ft=s: (2)
dA C dB r0

For part (ii), we take the limit of Eq. (2) as r ! 0 to obtain

rP ! 1:

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88 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.64
We begin by finding the relation between position and velocity. To do so observe that we can relate the
acceleration to the velocity and position as rR D rd
P r=dt
P . Hence, we can then write
rP r
d rP 1
rR D rP ) rP dr D G .mA C mB / dr;
dr 0 r0 r2

which can be evaluated to obtain

1 2
 1 1 p r0 r
2 rP D G mA C mB
r r0
) rP D 2G .mA C mB /
; (3)

where we have chosen the negative root because the masses are moving toward each other.

Part (a) Next, we observe that rP D dr=dt and we write dt D dr=r. P Using this expression and the
expression for rP in the last of Eqs. (3), we can then write
Z rr Z t
1 r
p dr D dt;
2G .mA C mB / r0 1 r=r0 0

where we have divided both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction under the square root by r0 .
Next, making the substitution x D r=r0 , we obtain
3=2 r=r0
r0 x
p dx D t:
2G .mA C mB / 1 1 x

Making use of the information given in the problem statement about the integral, we get

r0 h
p p ir=r0
p sin x x .1 x/ D t;
2G .mA C mB / 1

" r   #
r0 1 r r r 
) tDp sin 1 : (4)
2G .mA C mB / r0 r0 r0 2

Part (b)

(i) Substituting the values r0 D 3 m, mA D 1:1 kg, mB D 7:5 kg, G D 6:674  10 11 m3 =kgs2 , and
r D dA Cd
D 0:1850 m (where the dA D 22 cm D 0:2200 m and dB D 15 cm D 0:1500 m) in Eq. (4),
we obtain
t D 380;600 s ) t D 106 h.

(ii) If the diameters are infinitesimally small, r ! 0. Hence, from Eq. (4) we obtain
.=2/ r0
tDp ) t D 383;100 s ) t D 106 h,
2G.mA C mB /

where again we have used the following numerical data: r0 D 3 m, mA D 1:1 kg, mB D 7:5 kg,
G D 6:67410 11 m3 =kgs2 .

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Problem 2.65

Suppose that the acceleration rR of an object moving along a straight line takes on the form
mA C mB
rR D G ;

where the constants G, mA , and mB are known. If r.0/ is given, under what conditions can you determine
P via the following integral?
Z t
mA C mB
P / D r.0/
r.t P G dt
0 r2

P can be determined if the position r of the object is known as a function of time and r.t / 0 during the
time interval of interest.

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Problems 2.66 and 2.67

If the truck brakes and the crate slides to the right relative to the truck, the
horizontal acceleration of the crate is given by sR D gk , where g is the
acceleration of gravity, k D 0:87 is the kinetic friction coefficient, and s is
the position of the crate relative to a coordinate system attached to the ground
(rather than the truck).

Problem 2.66 Assuming that the crate slides without hitting the right end of
the truck bed, determine the time it takes to stop if its velocity at the start of the
sliding motion is v0 D 55 mph.

Problem 2.67 Assuming that the crate slides without hitting the right end of
the truck bed, determine the distance it takes to stop if its velocity at the start of
the sliding motion is v0 D 75 km=h.

Solution to 2.66
Since the acceleration is constant, we can use the (constant acceleration) equation v D v0 C at to find the
stopping time. Specifically, letting tstop denote the stopping time and observing that at t D tstop we have
v D 0, we can then write

0 D v0 gk tstop ) tstop D D 2:88 s, (1)

where v0 D 55 mph D 80:67 ft=s and g D 32:2 ft=s2 .

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Solution to 2.67
Since the acceleration is constant, we can use the (constant acceleration) equation v 2 D v02 C 2ac .s s0 /
with s0 D 0, s D sstop , and v D 0 to obtain

0 D v02 2.gk /sstop ) sD D 25:4 m, (2)

where v0 D 75 km=h D 20:83 m=s and g D 9:81 m=s2 .

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Problem 2.68

If the truck brakes hard enough that the crate slides to the right relative to the
truck, the distance d between the crate and the front of the trailer changes
according to the relation
k g C aT for t < ts ;
dR D
k g for t > ts ;

where ts is the time it takes the truck to stop, aT is the acceleration of the truck,
g is the acceleration of gravity, and k is the kinetic friction coefficient between
the truck and the crate. Suppose that the truck and the crate are initially traveling
to the right at v0 D 60 mph and the brakes are applied so that aT D 10:0 ft=s2 .
Determine the minimum value of k so that the crate does not hit the right end
of the truck bed if the initial distance d is 12 ft. Hint: The truck stops before
the crate stops.


Referring to figure on the right, the acceleration of the truck relative to the
crate is given by
.aT =C /1 D k g C aT for t < ts ;
aT =C D (1)
.aT =C /2 D k g for t > ts ;
where ts is the time at which the truck comes to a stop. Using the constant
acceleration equation of the type v D v0 C ac .t t0 /, the time at which the truck stops found as
.vT /0
0 D .vT /0 C aT ts ) ts D ; (2)
where .vT /0 is the initial speed of the truck and crate. Now, the distance the crate moves relative to the truck
during the time the truck is coming to a stop, .xT =C /1 , is found using the constant acceleration equation of
the type v 2 D v02 C 2ac .s s0 /. Adapting this relation to the problem at hand, we have
.xT =C /1 D .xT =C /0 C .vT =C /0 ts C 21 .aT =C /1 ts2
D d C 21 .k g C aT /ts2 ; (3)
where .xT =C /0 is the initial position of the truck relative to the crate and .vT =C /0 is the initial velocity of the
truck relative to the crate.
Now, after the truck comes to a stop, the crate continues to slide relative to the truck with an acceleration
given by .aT =C /2 in Eq. (1). Using this acceleration, the distance the crate moves relative to the truck after
the truck comes to a stop can be found using
.vT =C /2F D .vT =C /21 C 2.aT =C /2 .xT =C /F .xT =C /1 ;
where .vT =C /F D 0 is the final velocity of the truck relative to the crate, .vT =C /1 is the velocity of the truck
relative to the crate at time ts , .xT =C /F D 0 is final position of the truck relative to the crate, and .xT =C /1 is
the position of the truck relative to the crate at time ts and is given by Eq. (3). Before finishing, we need to
find .vT =C /1 , which can readily be done as
.vT =C /1 D .vT =C /0 C .aT =C /1 ts ) .vT =C /1 D .aT =C /1 ts : (5)
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Substituting Eqs. (1), (3) and (5) into Eq. (4), we obtain

0 D .k g C aT /ts 2 C 2.k g/ 1

C aT /ts2 :
d 2 .k g

Finally, substituting in ts from Eq. (2), we get the final equation for k
"  #
.vT /0 2 .vT /0 2
0 D .k g C aT / C 2.k g/ d 2 .k g C aT / :
aT aT

Solving for k we get

.vT /20 aT
k D  D 0:301;
g .vT /20 2daT

where we have used the following numerical data: .vT /0 D v0 D 60 mph D 88:00 ft=s, aT D 10 ft=s2 ,
g D 32:2 ft=s2 , and d D 12 ft.

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94 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.69

Cars A and B are traveling at vA D 72 mph and vB D 67 mph, respectively,

when the driver of car B applies the brakes abruptly, causing the car to slide
to a stop. The driver of car A takes 1:5 s to react to the situation and applies
the brakes in turn, causing car A to slide as well. If A and B slide with equal
accelerations, i.e., sRA D sRB D k g, where k D 0:83 is the kinetic friction
coefficient and g is the acceleration of gravity, compute the minimum distance
d between A and B at the time B starts sliding to avoid a collision.

For both cars we can use the constant acceleration equation v 2 D v02 C 2ac .s s0 /. Setting to zero the final
velocities of both cars, we have
vB i
dBs W 0 D vB 2k gdBs ) dBs D ; (1)
2k g
vA2 i
dAs W 0 D vA2 i 2k gdAs ) dAs D C vAi tr ; (2)
2k g
where the vAi tr term in Eq. (2) represents the distance traveled during the reaction time, tr . Realizing that
dAs D dBs C d gives the minimum distance d to avoid collision, we then have

1  2 2

d D dAs dBs D v vB C vAi tr ) d D 187 ft, (3)
2k g Ai i

where we have used the following numerical data: k D 0:83, g D 32:2 ft=s2 , vAi D 72 mph D 105:6 ft=s,
vBi D 67 mph D 98:27 ft=s, and tr D 1:5 s.
Note: The the value of the quantity d given by the first of Eqs. (3) after substituting the available
numerical data and expressing it using 4 significant figures is d D 186:4 ft. We have rounded d from 186:4 ft
to 187 ft because 186 ft will not avoid collision.

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Dynamics 1e 95

Problem 2.70

A hot air balloon is climbing with a velocity of 7 m=s when a sand-

bag (used as ballast) is released at an altitude of 305 m. Assuming
that the sandbag is subject only to gravity and that therefore its accel-
eration is given by yR D g, g being the acceleration due to gravity,
determine how long the sandbag takes to hit the ground and its impact

Since the acceleration of the sandbag is constant, we can relate position and time via the (constant acceleration)
equation y D y0 C yP0 t C 21 at 2 , where a D g. Solving this equation for t, we have
tD 2
yP0 C yP C 2gy0 D 8:631 s; (1)

where we have used the following numerical data: g D 9:81 m=s2 , yP0 D 7 m=s, and y0 D 305 m. Expressing
the above result to three significant figures, we have

t D 8:63 s:

The impact velocity can be found by plugging the t value from Eq. (1) into the (constant acceleration)
equation yP D yP0 C at. Recalling that a D g, this gives

yP D yP0 gt ) yP D 77:7 m=s:

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96 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.71

Approximately 1 h 15 min into the movie King Kong (the one directed
by Peter Jackson), there is a scene in which Kong is holding Ann Darrow
(played by the actress Naomi Watts) in his hand while swinging his arm in
anger. A quick analysis of the movie indicates that at a particular moment Kong
displaces Ann from rest by roughly 10 ft in a span of four frames. Knowing
that the DVD plays at 24 frames per second and assuming that Kong subjects
Ann to a constant acceleration, determine the acceleration Ann experiences in
the scene in question. Express your answer in terms of the acceleration due to
gravity g. Comment on what would happen to a person really subjected to this

The time it takes for King Kong to displace Ann is 24 s D 0:1667 s. Using the constant acceleration equation
s D s0 C sP0 t C 0:5ac t , we can the estimate an acceleration ac given by
2s g
ac D ) ac D 719:7 ft=s2 D 22:35g ) ac D 22:4g, (1)
t2 32:2 ft=s2
where the last result has been expressed to 3 significant figures, and where we have used the following
numerical data: s D 10 ft, t D 0:1667 s, g D 32:2 ft=s2 . The human body can withstand around 1015g of
acceleration. Hence, at such a high acceleration the person would most certainly die.

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Dynamics 1e 97

Problem 2.72

Derive the constant acceleration relation in Eq. (2.41), starting from Eq. (2.33). State what assumption you
need to make about the acceleration a to complete the derivation. Finally, use Eq. (2.36), along with the
result of your derivation, to derive Eq. (2.42). Be careful to do the integral in Eq. (2.36) before substituting
your result for v.t / (try it without doing so, to see what happens). After completing this problem, notice
that Eqs. (2.41) and (2.42) are not subject to the same assumption you needed to make to solve both parts
of this problem.

Assuming that the acceleration is not equal to 0 and integrating Eq. (2.33), we have
Z v
1 1
t.v/ D t0 C dv ) t .v/ D t0 C .v v0 / ) v D v0 C ac .t t0 /: (1)
ac v0 ac

Integrating Eq. (2.36) we have

1 1  2
s D s0 C v dv ) s D s0 C v v02 : (2)
ac v0 2ac

Substituting for v from Eq. (1), we obtain

1 h 2 i
s D s0 C a .t t0 /2 C 2v0 ac .t t0 / ; (3)
2ac c
which can be simplified to obtain

s D s0 C v0 .t t0 / C 12 ac .t t0 /2 : (4)

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98 Solutions Manual

Problems 2.73 through 2.75

The spool of paper used in a printing process is unrolled with velocity vp and
acceleration ap . The thickness of the paper is h, and the outer radius of the
spool at any instant is r.

Problem 2.73 If the velocity at which the paper is unrolled is constant,

determine the angular acceleration s of the spool as a function of r, h, and
vp . Evaluate your answer for h D 0:0048 in:, for vp D 1000 ft=min, and two
values of r, that is, r1 D 25 in: and r2 D 10 in:

Problem 2.74 If the velocity at which the paper is unrolled is not constant,
determine the angular acceleration s of the spool as a function of r, h, vp , and
ap . Evaluate your answer for h D 0:0048 in:, vp D 1000 ft=min, ap D 3 ft=s2 ,
and two values of r, that is, r1 D 25 in: and r2 D 10 in:

Problem 2.75 If the velocity at which the paper is unrolled is constant,

determine the angular acceleration s of the spool as a function of r, h, and vp .
Plot your answer for h D 0:0048 in: and vp D 1000 ft=min as a function of r
for 1 in:  r  25 in. Over what range does s vary?

Solution to 2.73
The radius decreases by the paper thickness h for every one revolution. Hence, letting  be the angle
measuring the angular position of a fixed radial line on the spool ( increases when the spool turns clockwise),
then we have
r h
D : (1)
Assuming that the decrease in radius can be viewed as occurring continuously, we can turn the above relation
into a relation in terms of differentials. That is we can write
dr h
D : (2)
d 2
Next, observing that the angular velocity of the spool is !s D d=dt , we can then use the above equation to
relate the time rate of change of r to !s by applying the chain rule as follows:

dr dr d h 2
rP D D ) rP D !s ) !s D P
r: (3)
dt d dt 2 h
Recalling that the linear velocity of the paper is related to the angular velocity of the spool as vp D r!s , we
can use Eq. (3) to relate vp to rP as follows:

2 hvp
vp D r!s ) vp D r rP ) rP D : (4)
h 2 r
Taking the time derivative of vp in the second of Eqs. (4), accounting for the fact that vp is constant (i.e.,
ap D 0), and using the last of Eqs. (4), we have
2 2  2 h2 vp2
ap D 0 D rP C r rR ) 0D C r rR : (5)
h h 4 2 r 2

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R we
Taking the time derivative of the last of Eqs. (3) and the last of Eqs. (4) to find expressions for s and r,
can write
2 h2 vp2
s D rR and rR D ; (6)
h 4 2 r 3
which, when taken combined, imply that

s D :
2 r 3

Evaluating the expression above for h D 0:0048 in: D 0:0004000 ft, vp D 1000 ft=min D 16:67 ft=s,
r1 D 25 in: D 2:083 ft, and r2 D 10 in: D 0:8333 ft, we have

s rDr1 D 0:00196 rad=s2 s rDr2 D 0:0306 rad=s2 :


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Solution to 2.74
The radius decreases by the paper thickness h for every one revolution. Hence, letting  be the angle
measuring the angular position of a fixed radial line on the spool ( increases when the spool turns clockwise),
then we have
r h
D : (7)
Assuming that the decrease in radius can be viewed as occurring continuously, we can turn the above relation
into a relation in terms of differentials. That is we can write
dr h
D : (8)
d 2
Next, observing that the angular velocity of the spool is !s D d=dt , we can then use the above equation to
relate the time rate of change of r to !s by applying the chain rule as follows:

dr dr d h 2
rP D D ) rP D !s ) !s D P
r: (9)
dt d dt 2 h
Recalling that the linear velocity of the paper is related to the angular velocity of the spool as vp D r!s , we
can use Eq. (9) to relate vp to rP as follows:

2 hvp
vp D r!s ) vp D r rP ) rP D : (10)
h 2 r
Taking the time derivative of the second of Eqs. (10) and then using the last of Eqs. (10) to substitute for the
P we have
term r, !
2 h2 vp2
vPp D ap D C r rR : (11)
h 4 2 r 2
R we take the time derivative of rP in Eq. (9) and obtain
To find an expression for the term r,

rR D s : (12)
Substituting the result from Eq. (12) into Eq. (11), we have
2 h2 vp2 hr
ap D s : (13)
h 4 2 r 2 2

Then, solve for s and simplifying, we obtain

ap hvp2
s D C :
r 2 r 3

Evaluating the expression above for h D 0:0048 in: D 0:0004000 ft, vp D 1000 ft=min D 16:67 ft=s,
ap D 3 ft=s2 , r1 D 25 in: D 2:083 ft, and r2 D 10 in: D 0:8333 ft, we have

s rDr1 D 1:44 rad=s2 s rDr2 D 3:63 rad=s2 :


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Solution to 2.75
The radius decreases by the paper thickness h for every one revolution. Hence, letting  be the angle
measuring the angular position of a fixed radial line on the spool ( increases when the spool turns clockwise),
then we have
r h
D : (14)
Assuming that the decrease in radius can be viewed as occurring continuously, we can turn the above relation
into a relation in terms of differentials. That is we can write
dr h
D : (15)
d 2
Next, observing that the angular velocity of the spool is !s D d=dt , we can then use the above equation to
relate the time rate of change of r to !s by applying the chain rule as follows:
dr dr d h 2
rP D D ) rP D !s ) !s D P
r: (16)
dt d dt 2 h
Recalling that the linear velocity of the paper is related to the angular velocity of the spool as vp D r!s , we
can use Eq. (16) to relate vp to rP as follows:

2 hvp
vp D r!s ) vp D r rP ) rP D : (17)
h 2 r
Taking the time derivative of vp in the second of Eqs. (17), accounting for the fact that vp is constant (i.e.,
ap D 0), and using the last of Eqs. (17), we have
2 2  2 h2 vp2
ap D 0 D rP C r rR ) 0D C r rR : (18)
h h 4 2 r 2

Taking the time derivative of the last of Eqs. (16) and the last of Eqs. (17) to find expressions for s and r,
we can write
2 h2 vp2
s D rR and rR D ; (19)
h 4 2 r 3
which, when taken combined, imply that

s D :
2 r 3

To plot the above function, we first substitute the values of the known coefficients, i.e., we recall that
h D 0:0048 in:, and vp D 1000 ft=min D 200:0 in:=s and rewrite s as

30:56 in:3 =s2

s D : (20)
The above function can now be plotted with a variety of pieces of mathematical software. The plot presented
below was generated usingMathematica with the following code:

, "r, 1, 25#, PlotRange ! All, Frame ! True, GridLines ! Automatic,

AspectRatio ! 1, FrameLabel ! $"r %in.&", "s %rad's2 &"()

August 10, 2009

102 Solutions Manual




s !rad#s2 "


5 10 15 20 25
r !in."

By inspection, s appears to vary from 30:5 rad=s2 to close to zero as r varies from 1 in: to 4 in:

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Dynamics 1e 103

Problem 2.76

The discussion in Example 2.12 revealed that the angle  had to be greater than min D 0:716 . Find an
analytical expressions for min in terms of h, w, and d .


With infinite speed, there is no effect of gravity. Hence

1 w h
 D tan :

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Problem 2.77

A stomp rocket is a toy consisting of a hose connected to a blast pad (i.e., an air
bladder) at one end and to a short pipe mounted on a tripod at the other end. A rocket
with a hollow body is mounted onto the pipe and is propelled into the air by stomping
on the blast pad. Some manufactures claim that one can shoot a rocket over 200 ft in the
air. Neglecting air resistance, determine the rockets minimum initial speed such that it
reaches a maximum flight height of 200 ft.

The rocket must be fired vertically to reach 200 ft with minimum initial speed. Observing that yR D gD
constant, recalling that yP D 0, using constant acceleration equations, we have

yP 2 yP02 D
2g.hmax / ) yP0 D 2ghmax ) yP0 D 113 ft=s. (1)

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Dynamics 1e 105

Problem 2.78

Stuntmen A and B are shooting a movie scene in which A needs to pass a

gun to B. Stuntman B is supposed to start falling vertically precisely when A
throws the gun to B. Treating the gun and the stuntman B as particles, find the
velocity of the gun as it leaves As hand so that B will catch it after falling 30 ft.


Since the gun and B drop at the same time, from the same height, and
are assumed to be both subject to the same acceleration, i.e., gravity,
then in order for the gun and B to the same vertical position at the time
that B grasps the gun, it is necessary for the gun and B to fall with
equal vertical velocities. This can only be achieved if the initial vertical
velocity of the gun is equal to that of B, namely, zero. Hence, the rest
of the problem is devoted to finding the horizontal component of the
velocity of the gun at the time the gun is thrown. To do so, we start
by finding the time B takes to fall the distance h D 30 ft. Using the
coordinate system shown on the right, and using constant acceleration
equations, we have
yB D yB0 C yPB0 .t t0 / 12 g .t t0 /2 ; (1)
where yB0 and yPB0 are the position and the vertical velocity of B at time t0 , respectively. Setting t0 D 0 and
recalling that B drops from rest a distance h above the origin of the y axis, we can rewrite the above equation
in the following form:
yB D h 21 gt 2 : (2)
Due to our choice of origin, B will grasp the gun at yB D 0. Letting tf (the subscript f stands for final)
denote the time at which B grasps the gun, from Eq. (2) we then have
tf D 2h=g: (3)
We now observe that the motion of the gun in the horizontal direction is also a constant acceleration
motion with acceleration equal to zero. Hence, using the subscript A to refer to the gun (as opposed to the
stuntman who initially threw it) we have
xA D xA0 C xPA0 .t t0 /; (4)
where xA0 and xPA0 are the guns position and velocity in the x direction at time t0 . Having already set t0 D 0
and observing that xA0 D 0, and that for t D tf we must have xA D d , from the above equation we have
s r
2h g
d D xPA0 ) xPA0 D d D 14:65 ft=s; (5)
g 2h
where we have used the following numerical data: d D 20 ft, h D 30 ft, and g D 32:2 ft=s2 .
In summary, expressing our answer in vector form and to 3 significant figures, we have

vEgun D .14:7 ft=s/ {O :

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106 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.79

The jaguar A leaps from O at speed v0 D 6 m=s and angle D 35 relative to

the incline to try to intercept the panther B at C . Determine the distance R that
the jaguar jumps from O to C (i.e., R is the distance between the two points
of the trajectory that intersect the incline), given that the angle of the incline is
 D 25 .


The acceleration of A is completely in the vertical direction. Hence,

referring to the figure on the right, the components of the acceleration
of A in the x and y directions are xR D g sin  and yR D g cos  .
Again referring to the figure on the right, the components of the initial
velocity of A are vx0 D v0 cos and vy0 D v0 sin . Observing that
the x and y component of acceleration of A are both constants, we
can use constant acceleration equations to write

x D v0 .cos /t C 12 g.sin  /t 2 D t v0 cos C 21 g.sin  /t ; (1)


y D v0 .sin /t 12 g.cos  /t 2 D t v0 sin 12 g.cos  /t : (2)


For t D tC , y D 0. Therefore

1 2v0 sin
0 D v0 sin 2 g.cos  /tC ) tC D : (3)
g cos 

Observing that, for t D tC , x.tC / D R, substituting this value of t into Eq. (1), we have
2v0 sin 1 2v0 sin
RD v0 cos C 2 g.sin  / ; (4)
g cos  g cos 

which can be simplified to

2v02 sin  
RD cos C tan  sin D 5:05 m: (5)
g cos 

where we have used the following numerical data: v0 D 6 m=s, D 35 , g D 9:81 m=s2 , and  D 25 .

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Dynamics 1e 107

Problem 2.80

If the projectile is released at A with initial speed v0 and angle , derive the
projectiles trajectory, using the coordinate system shown. Neglect air resistance.

Using the coordinate system indicated in the problem statement, we set up the following constant acceleration
equations for both the x and y coordinates of the projectile:

x D xA C .v0 cos /t; (1)

1 2
y D yA C .v0 sin /t 2 gt ; (2)

where xA and yA are the coordinates of the fixed point A at which the projectile is released. Eliminating t
between Eqs. (1) and (2), we obtain
y yA D tan .x xA / .x xA /2 : (3)
2v02 cos2

Observing that xA D w and yA D h, the above equation becomes

y D h C tan .x w/ .x w/2 :
2v02 cos2

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Problem 2.81

A trebuchet releases a rock with mass m D 50 kg at point O. The initial velocity

of the projectile is vE0 D .45 {O C 30 |O/ m=s. Neglecting aerodynamic effects,
determine where the rock will land and its time of flight.

Referring to the coordinate system defined in the problem statement, we see that yland , the y coordinate of the
rock when it lands on the ground, is h. With this in mind, we can write the following constant acceleration
equation for the y displacement:
y D vy0 t 12 gt 2 ;
where it is understood that t D 0 is the time of release and y D 0 and vy0 are the vertical position and the
vertical component of velocity of the rock at time t D 0, respectively. Denoting by tflight the time at which
the rock impacts the ground, we must have
vy0 vy0 C 2gh
1 2 2
h D vy0 tflight 2 gtflight ) gtflight 2vy0 2h D 0 ) tflight D : (1)
The only physically meaningful solution for tflight is that corresponding to the C sign in front of the square
root, that is,  
1 q
tflight D vy0 C vy0 C 2gh D 6:263 s; (2)
where we have used the following numerical data: g D 9:81 m=s2 , vy0 D 30 m=s, and h D 4:5 m. Expressing
the time of flight to three significant figures, we have

tflight D 6:26 s:

Next observing that the motion is in the x direction is a constant acceleration motion with acceleration
equal to zero, we have that the x coordinate of the rock is described by the following (constant acceleration)
x D vx0 t;
where we have accounted for the fact that at t D 0 we must have x D 0 and where vx0 is the x component of
the velocity of the rock for t D 0. Hence, recalling that vx0 D 45 m=s, for t D tflight D 6:263 s (see Eq. (2)),
we have
xland D 45tflight D 281:8 m:
Hence, summarizing, the position vector where the rock will land, expressed to 3 significant figures is

rEland D .282 {O 4:50 |O/ m;

where we have used the fact that yland D h D 4:5 m.

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Dynamics 1e 109

Problem 2.82

A golfer chips the ball into the hole on the fly from the rough at the edge of
the green. Letting D 4 and d D 2:4 m, verify that the golfer will place
the ball within 10 mm of the hole if the ball leaves the rough with a speed
v0 D 5:03 m=s and an angle D 41 .


Referring to the figure on the right, we can write the balls trajectory with
respect to the x1 y1 coordinate system with origin at the golfers feet, by
using Eq. (2.52) on p. 74 of the textbook. This gives

g sec2 . C / 2
y1 D tan. C /x1 x1 : (1)

Recalling that the problem statement gives D 4 and D 41 , so that

C D 45 . This implies that tan. C / D 1 and sec2 . C / D 2,
which then implies that Eq. (1) can be given the following simpler form:
g 2
y1 D x1 x : (2)
v02 1

The x1 and y1 coordinates of the point at which the ball lands must satisfy the condition x1 tan D y1 .
Combining this requirement with Eq. (2) we have

g 2 v02 
x1 tan D x1 x ) x1 D 1 tan D 2:399 m; (3)
v02 1 g

where we have used the following numerical values: v0 D 5:03 m, g D 9:81 m=s2 , and D 4 . The value
of x1 in Eq. (3) is the x1 coordinate of the balls landing spot. With this information, letting dL denote
the distance between the balls landing spot and the the golfer, we can determine dL using trigonometry as
dL D D 2:405 m ) d dL D 0:005 m < 10 mm; (4)
where we have used the fact that D 4 and d D 2:4 m.

The golfers chip shot is successful.

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110 Solutions Manual

Problems 2.83 and 2.84

In a movie scene involving a car chase, a car goes over the top of a ramp at A
and lands at B below.

Problem 2.83 If D 20 and D 23 , determine the distance d covered by

the car if the cars speed at A is 45 km=h. Neglect aerodynamic effects.

Problem 2.84 Determine the speed of the car at A if the car is to cover
distance d D 150 ft for D 20 and D 27 . Neglect aerodynamic effects.

Solution to 2.83

Expressing the acceleration vector of the car in the xy coordinate system, we


aE D g sin {O g cos |O ) xR D g sin and yR D g cos : (1)

Now let t D 0 be the instant at which the car jumps off at A. Letting A be the
origin of the chosen xy coordinate system, the y coordinate of the car at t D 0 is
equal to zero. Next we observe that, again at time t D 0, the velocity components
of the cars are as follows:

vx .0/ D v0 cos. C / and vy .0/ D v0 sin. C /: (2)

Hence, using the above considerations along with constant acceleration equations, the y coordinate of the car
as a function of time is given by
1 2
y D v0 sin. C /t 2 g.cos /t : (3)

Point B denotes the point at which the car lands. Observing that yB D 0, the time taken by the car to reach
B is obtained by setting Eq. (3) equal to zero. This gives

1 2 2v0 sin. C /
v0 sin. C /tB 2 .g cos /tB D0 ) tB D D 1:888 s; (4)
g cos
where we have used the following numerical data: v0 D 45 km=h D 12:50 ft=s, D 20 , D 23 , and
g D 9:81 m=s2 .
Next observing that the x component of the acceleration in the second of Eqs. (1) is also constant, using
constant acceleration equations, the x coordinate of the car as a function of time is given by

x D v0 cos. C /t C 12 .g sin /t 2 : (5)

Hence, for t D tB we have

xB D d D v0 cos. C /tB C 12 .g sin /tB2 D 24:09 m; (6)

where we have used the following numerical values: v0 D 45 km=h D 12:50 ft=s, D 20 , D 23 ,
tB D 1:888 s (see Eq. (4)), and g D 9:81 m=s2 . Hence, expressing our answer to 3 significant digits, we have

d D 24:1 m: (7)

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Dynamics 1e 111

Solution to 2.84

Expressing the acceleration vector of the car in the xy coordinate system, we


aE D g sin {O g cos |O ) xR D g sin and yR D g cos : (8)

Now let t D 0 be the instant at which the car jumps off at A. Letting A be the
origin of the chosen xy coordinate system, the y coordinate of the car at t D 0 is
equal to zero. Next we observe that, again at time t D 0, the velocity components
of the cars are as follows:

vx .0/ D v0 cos. C / and vy .0/ D v0 sin. C /: (9)

Hence, using the above considerations along with constant acceleration equations, the y coordinate of the car
as a function of time is given by
1 2
y D v0 sin. C /t 2 g.cos /t : (10)

Point B denotes the point at which the car lands. Observing that yB D 0, the time taken by the car to reach
B is obtained by setting Eq. (10) equal to zero. This gives

1 2 2v0 sin. C /
v0 sin. C /tB 2 .g cos /tB D0 ) tB D : (11)
g cos
Next observing that the x component of the acceleration in the second of Eqs. (8) is also constant, using
constant acceleration equations, the x coordinate of the car as a function of time is given by

x D v0 cos. C /t C 12 .g sin /t 2 : (12)

Hence, for t D tB we have

2v0 sin. C / 2
2v0 sin. C / 1
xB D d D v0 cos. C / C 2 .g sin /
g cos g cos
2v0 sin. C /
) cos. C / C tan sin. C / D d; (13)
g cos
which can be solved for v0 to obtain
dg cos
v0 D : (14)
2 sin. C /cos. C / C tan sin. C /

Recalling that d D 150 ft, D 20 , D 27 , and g D 32:2 ft=s2 , Eq. (14) can be evaluated to obtain

v0 D 52:8 ft=s:

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112 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.85

The M777 lightweight 155 mm howitzer is a piece of artillery whose rounds

are ejected from the gun with a speed of 829 m=s. Assuming that the gun is
fired over a flat battlefield and ignoring aerodynamic effects, determine (a)
the elevation angle needed to achieve the maximum range, (b) the maximum
possible range of the gun, and (c) the time it would take a projectile to cover the
maximum range. Express the result for the range as a percentage of the actual
maximum range of this weapon, which is 30 km for unassisted ammunition.

Let  be the elevation angle and v0 D 829 m=s be the intial speed. Use the constant acceleration equation
s D v0 t C 0:5ac t 2 , the x and y displacements for constant acceleration are given by

x D .v0 cos  /t; (1)

1 2
y D .v0 sin  /t 2 gt : (2)

The time of flight can be obtained by equating Eq. (2) to zero. Hence, we have

2v0 sin 
tD : (3)

Substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (1), and using the trigonometric identity 2 sin  cos  D sin 2, we get

v02 sin 2
xDRD : (4)

(i) From Eq. (4), Rmax occurs when sin 2 D 1. The meaningful solution yields:

2 D rad ) max D rad D 45 : (5)
2 4

(ii) From Eq. (4), the maximum possible value of x or the range R is given by

Rmax D D 70:06 km ) Rmax D 234% of the actual maximum range:

(iii) Substituting the value of max from Eq. (5) into Eq. (3), we get

tD D 120 s:

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Dynamics 1e 113

Problem 2.86

You want to throw a rock from point O to hit the vertical advertising sign
AB, which is R D 30 ft away. You are able to throw a rock with the speed
v0 D 45 ft=s. The bottom of the sign is 8 ft off the ground and the sign is 14 ft
tall. Determine the range of angles at which the projectile can be thrown in
order to hit the target, and compare this with the angle subtended by the target
as seen from an observer at point O. Compare your results with those found in
Example 2.11.

This problem can be solved by following the same steps illustrated in Example 2.11 on p. 76 of the textbook.
Specifically, we recall Eq. (7) in Example 2.11 on p. 76 of the textbook:
v02 v04 g.gR2 C 2yv02 /
tan  D : (1)

Observe that we are given all of the data needed to use the above equation. Namely, we have v0 D 45 ft=s,
g D 32:2 ft=s2 , R D 30 ft, so that substituting in the above equation yA D 8 ft and yB D 22 ft we have
1 D 30:44 ;
y D yA D 8 ft ) (2)
2 D 74:50 ;
1 D 56:84 ;
y D yB D 22 ft ) (3)
2 D 69:41 :

Following the same logic as in Example 2.11 we obtain the two ranges of firing angles as


Calculating the sizes of these ranges

1 D 56:84 30:44 D 26:40 ; (5)

2 D 74:50 69:41 D 5:090 ; (6)

which, when expressed to 3 significant figures gives

1 D 26:4 and 2 D 5:09 :

The angle subtended by the target as seen from an observer at point O is

22 8
D tan 1 tan 1 ) D 21:3 : (7)
30 30

Unlike Example 2.11, the difference between the angle subtended by the target
and 1 or 2 is significant. In addition, we see that the value of 1 is much
closer to than 2 .

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114 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.87

Suppose that you can throw a projectile at a large enough v0 so that it can hit a
target a distance R downrange. Given that you know v0 and R, determine the
general expressions for the two distinct launch angles 1 and 2 that will allow
the projectile to hit D. For v0 D 30 m=s and R D 70 m, determine numerical
values for 1 and 2 .

Applying the constant acceleration equation (Eq. (2.42) on p. 59 of the textbook) for both x and y displace-
ments, we get

x D x0 C .v0 cos  /t;

1 2
y D y0 C .v0 sin  /t 2 gt ;

where .x0 ; y0 / D .0; 0/, x D R and y D 0. Eliminating t, we get

gR 2v02 sin  cos  D 0:

By simplifying, we get
sin 2 D sin.180 2 / D :
Therefore, ! !
1 1 gR 1 1 gR
1 D 2 sin and 2 D 90 2 sin :
v02 v02
Plugging in the given values, we get

1 D 24:9 and 2 D 65:1 :

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Dynamics 1e 115

Problem 2.88

An alpine ski jumper can fly distances in excess of 100 m by using his or her
body and skis as a wing and therefore taking advantage of aerodynamic
effects. With this in mind and assuming that a ski jumper could survive the
jump, determine the distance the jumper could fly without aerodynamic
effects, i.e., if the jumper were in free fall after clearing the ramp. For the
purpose of your calculation, use the following typical data: D 11 (slope of
ramp at takeoff point A), D 36 (average slope of the hill), v0 D 86 km=h
(speed at A), h D 3 m (height of takeoff point with respect to the hill). Finally,
for simplicity, let the jump distance be the distance between the takeoff point A
and the landing point B.


Referring to the figure on the right, the velocity and acceleration vectors
relative to the xy coordinate system is given by
vE D v0 cos. / {O C v0 sin. / |O (1)
aE D g sin {O g cos |O (2)
Letting t D 0 be the time at which the jumper takes off at A, we
can express the coordinates of the jumper as a function of time using
constant acceleration equations. Specifically, we have
x D v0 cos. /t C 21 .g sin /t 2 ; (3)
1 2
y D v0 sin. /t 2 .g cos /t : (4)
Therefore, letting tB denote the time at which the jumper lands at B, we have
xB D v0 cos. /tB C 21 .g sin /tB2 ; (5)
1 2
yB D v0 sin. /tB 2 .g cos /tB : (6)
Now, note that we must have yB D h cos . So, from Eq. (6) we have
h cos D v0 sin. /tB 1
2 .g cos /tB ) .g cos /tB22v0 sin. /tB 2h cos D 0
v0 sin. / v02 sin2 . / C 2hg cos2
) tB D : (7)
g cos
The only acceptable value for tB is the one obtained using the C sign in front of the square root. With this in
mind, and recalling that v0 D 86 km=h D 23:89 m=s, D 36 , D 11 , h D 3 m, and g D 9:81 m=s2 , we
then have
tB D 2:766 s: (8)
Using the data listed right above Eq. (8) and substituting the value of tB from Eq. (8) into Eq. (5), we have
xB D 81:93 m. Then, recalling that yB D h cos D 2:427 m, we have q that the distance between points
A and B can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem, i.e., dAB D xB2 C yB2 which gives

dAB D 82:0 m: (9)

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116 Solutions Manual

Problems 2.89 and 2.90

A soccer player practices kicking a ball from A directly into the goal (i.e., the ball does not bounce first)
while clearing a 6 ft tall fixed barrier.

Problem 2.89 Determine the minimum speed that the player needs to give the ball to accomplish the
task. Hint: To find .v0 /min , consider the equation for the projectiles trajectory (see, e.g., Eq. (2.52)) for
the case in which the ball reaches the goal at its base. Then solve this equation for the initial speed v0 as a
function of the initial angle  , and finally find .v0 /min as you learned in calculus. Dont forget to check
whether or not the ball clears the barrier.

Problem 2.90 Find the initial speed and angle that allow the ball to barely clear the barrier while barely
reaching the goal at its base. Hint: As shown in Eq. (2.52), a projectiles trajectory can be given the form
y D C1 x C2 x 2 where the coefficients C1 and C2 can be found by forcing the parabola to go through
two given points.

Solution to 2.89
The ball must clear a barrier and it must reach the goal post without bouncing. We will satisfying one
of the conditions and see if our solution meets the other required condition. Let v0 be the intial velocity,
be the elevation angle, and G denote the point at the base of the goal. For .v0 /min , y D yG D 0 ft at
x D xG D 80 ft. Using Eq. (2.52) on p. 74 of the textbook, we have that the trajectory of the ball is described
by the following equation: !
g sec2 2
y D .tan /x x : (1)
Thus for the ball to land at the base of the goal, we have
g sec2 2 gxG
0 D .tan /xG xG ) v0 D : (2)
2v02 sin 2

Minimizing v0 with respect to requires making the denominator of the fraction under the square root of the
last of Eqs. (2) as large as possible. The maximum value of the sine function is 1, which is achieved when the
argument of the sine function is equal to =2. Hence, we have
sin 2 D 1 ) D rad and .v0 /min D gxG D 50:75 ft=s; (3)
which, when expressed to 3 significant figures, gives

.v0 /min D 50:8 ft=s:

Substituting D .=4/ rad, .v0 /min from Eq. (3), and the value x D 58 ft into Eq. (1), we have

y.58 ft/ D 15:94 ft > 6 ft;

that is, the ball clears the obstacle in front of the goal.
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Dynamics 1e 117

Solution to 2.90
As explained in the hint, the trajectory can be given the form

y D C1 x C2 x 2 ; (4)

where it is understood that the origin of the coordinate system used is at point A where the ball is kicked. The
ball must barely clear the barrier, so we have

6 ft D C1 .58 ft/ C2 .58 ft/2 : (5)

The ball must also barely reach the goal post, so we have

0 D C1 .80 ft/ C2 .80 ft/2 : (6)

Solving Eqs. (5) and (6), we get C1 D 0:3762 and C2 D 4:70210 3 ft 1 . Using Eq. (2.52) on p. 74 of the
textbook, we have that the trajectory of the ball is described by the following equation:
g sec2 2
y D .tan /x x : (7)

Comparing Eq. (4) with the Eq. (7), we can conclude that
g sec2
C1 D tan and C2 D : (8)

Hence we have
1 g sec2
D tan .0:3762/ D 20:62 and v0 D D 62:52 ft=s; (9)

which, expressed to 3 significant figures, give

v0 D 62:5 ft=s and D 20:6 :

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118 Solutions Manual

Problems 2.91 and 2.92

In a circus act a tiger is required to jump from point A to point C so that it

goes through the ring of fire at B. Hint: As shown in Eq. (2.52), a projectiles
trajectory can be given the form y D C1 x C2 x 2 where the coefficients C1
and C2 can be found by forcing the parabola to go through two given points.

Problem 2.91 Determine the tigers initial velocity if the ring of fire is placed
at a distance d D 5:5 m from A. Furthermore, determine the slope of the tigers
trajectory as the tiger goes through the ring of fire.

Problem 2.92 Determine the tigers initial velocity as well as the dis-
tance d so that the slope of the tigers trajectory as the tiger goes through the
ring of fire is completely horizontal.

Solution to 2.91

Referring to the figure on the right, we will be using a Cartesian

coordinate system with origin at A. As indicated in the hint given in
the problem statement, and due to the choice of coordinate system,
i.e., due to the fact that the origin is the point from which the tiger
jumps, the trajectory of the tiger can be described by the following
equation (of a parabola):
y D C1 x C2 x 2 ; (1)
where C1 and C2 are constants to be determined by making sure
that the tiger passes through point B of coordinates .xB ; yB / D .5:5 m; 3 m/, and then lands on point C of
coordinates .xC ; yC / D .9 m; 0:5 m/. Using Eq. (1) to enforce these conditions, we have
3 m D C1 .5:5 m/ C2 .5:5 m/2 D .5:5 m/C1 .30:25 m2 /C2 ; (2)
2 2
0:5 m D C1 .9 m/ C2 .9 m/ D .9 m/C1 .81:00 m /C2 ; (3)
which is a system of two equations in the two unknowns C1 and C2 whose solution is
C1 D 1:315 and C2 D 0:1400 m 1 : (4)
Recall that the in the textbook we had expressed the trajectory of a projectile in Eq. (2.52) on p. 74, which
has the form !
g sec2 2
y D .tan /x x ; (5)
where is the angle formed by the velocity vector with the horizontal at the origin, g is the acceleration due
to gravity, and where v0 is the initial speed of the projectile. Comparing Eq. (1) with Eq. (5), we conclude
that s
1 g sec2
D tan C1 D 52:75 and v0 D D 9:779 m=s; (6)
where we have used the values of C1 and C2 in Eqs. (4) in addition to the fact that g D 9:81 m=s2 . Now that
we have the values of and v0 , the initial velocity of the tiger, expressed to 3 significant digits, is

vEinitial D v0 cos {O C v0 sin |O D .5:92 {O C 7:78 |O/ m=s :

August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 119

To find the slope of the trajectory at B, we take the derivative of the trajectory equation with respect to x and
then substitute x D xB D 5:5 m to get

D C1 2C2 xB D 0:225; (7)
dx xDxB

where we have used the values of C1 and C2 in Eqs. (4).

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Solution to 2.92

Referring to the figure on the right, we will be using a Cartesian

coordinate system with origin at A. As indicated in the hint given in
the problem statement, and due to the choice of coordinate system,
i.e., due to the fact that the origin is the point from which the tiger
jumps, the trajectory of the tiger can be described by the following
equation (of a parabola):

y D C1 x C2 x 2 ; (8)

where C1 and C2 are constants to be determined by making sure

that the tiger passes through point B of coordinates .xB ; yB / D .d; 3 m/ with zero slope, and then lands on
point C of coordinates .xC ; yC / D .9 m; 0:5 m/. Using Eq. (8) to enforce these conditions, we have

yB D C1 xB C2 xB2 ) 3 m D C1 d C2 d 2 ; (9)


D0 ) 0 D C1 2dC2 (10)
dx xDd
yC D C1 xC C2 xC ) 0:5 m D .9 m/C1 .81:00 m2 /C2 : (11)

The last of Eqs. (9)(11) form a system of three equations in the three unknowns d , C1 , and C2 , which can be
solved numerically using some appropriate mathematical software. For example we have used Mathematica
with the following code
NSolve!"3. ! C1 d " C2 d2 , 0. ! C1 " 2 C2 d, 0.5 ! C1 9. " C2 81.#, $C1, C2, d%&

which yields the following two solutions:

C1 D 0:05809 C2 D 0:0002812 m d D 103:3 m; (12)
C1 D 1:275 C2 D 0:1355 m d D 4:705 m: (13)

Because the first solution implies that d > xC , the solution in question is not acceptable and therefore we
have that the only acceptable solution is

C1 D 1:275; C2 D 0:1355 m 1 ; d D 4:705 m: (14)

Expressing the result for d with 3 significant figures, we have

d D 4:70 m:

Now we turn to the determination of the initial velocity of the tiger. To do so, we recall that the in the
textbook we had expressed the trajectory of a projectile in Eq. (2.52) on p. 74, which has the form
g sec2 2
y D .tan /x x ; (15)

where is the angle formed by the velocity vector with the horizontal at the origin, g is the acceleration due
to gravity, and where v0 is the initial speed of the projectile. Comparing Eq. (8) with Eq. (15), we conclude
that s
g sec2
D tan 1 C1 D 51:89 and v0 D D 9:749 m=s; (16)
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 121

where we have used the values of C1 and C2 in Eqs. (14) in addition to the fact that g D 9:81 m=s2 . Now
that we have the values of and v0 , the initial velocity of the tiger, expressed to 3 significant digits, is

vEinitial D v0 cos {O C v0 sin |O D .6:02 {O C 7:67 |O/ m=s :

August 10, 2009

122 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.93

A jaguar A leaps from O at speed v0 and angle relative to

the incline to attack a panther B at C . Determine an expres-
sion for the maximum perpendicular height hmax above the incline
achieved by the leaping jaguar, given that the angle of the incline
is .

Align a Cartesian coordinate system with the incline as shown on
the right. The acceleration vector is then given by

aE D g sin  {O g cos  |O ) ay D g cos :

Applying the constant acceleration equation in the y direction, we

vy2 D v0y
C 2ay .y y0 /: (1)
At the hmax position the y component of velocity must be equal to
zero. enforcing this condition, we have

0 D .v0 sin /2 2g cos .hmax 0/: (2)

Solving Eq. (2) for hmax , we obtain

v02 sin2
hmax D : (3)
2g cos 

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 123

Problems 2.94 and 2.95

The jaguar A leaps from O at speed v0 and angle relative to the incline to
intercept the panther B at C . The distance along the incline from O to C is R,
and the angle of the incline with respect to the horizontal is  .

Problem 2.94 Determine an expression for v0 as a function of for A to be

able to get from O to C .

Problem 2.95 Derive v0 as a function of to leap a given distance R

along with the optimal value of launch angle , i.e., the value of necessary to
leap a given distance R with the minimum v0 . Then plot v0 as a function of
for g D 9:81 m=s2 , R D 7 m, and  D 25 , and find a numerical value of the
optimal and the corresponding value of v0 for the given set of parameters.

Solution to 2.94

Using the xy coordinate system shown on the right, we write the

following two constant acceleration equations describing the x and
y coordinates of jaguar A as a function of time:

x D x0 C v0x t; (1)
1 2
y D y0 C v0y t 2 gt ; (2)

where it is understood that the jaguar leaps at time t D 0, and

where .x0 ; y0 / are the coordinates of the point from which of the
jaguar leaps. Since the jaguar leaps from the origin of the chosen
coordinate system, letting tC denote the time at which jaguar A arrives at C , we have

R cos  D v0 cos.  / tC ; (3)

1 2
R sin  D v0 sin.  / tC 2 gtC ; (4)

where R is distance from O to C . Eliminating tC from Eqs. (3) and (4) gives

gR cos2 
sin  D cos  tan. / : (5)
2v02 cos2 .  /

Solving Eq. (5) for v0 and simplifying with the help of the trigonometric identity: sin.ACB/ D sin A cos B C
cos A sin B, we have
gR cos 
v0 D p : (6)
2 sin cos.  /

August 10, 2009

124 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.95

Using the xy coordinate system shown on the right, we write the

following two constant acceleration equations describing the x and
y coordinates of jaguar A as a function of time:

x D x0 C v0x t; (7)
1 2
y D y0 C v0y t 2 gt ; (8)

where it is understood that the jaguar leaps at time t D 0, and

where .x0 ; y0 / are the coordinates of the point from which of the
jaguar leaps. Since the jaguar leaps from the origin of the chosen
coordinate system, letting tC denote the time at which jaguar A arrives at C , we have

R cos  D v0 cos.  / tC ; (9)

1 2
R sin  D v0 sin.  / tC 2 gtC ; (10)

where R is distance from O to C . Eliminating tC from Eqs. (9) and (10) gives

gR cos2 
sin  D cos  tan. / : (11)
2v02 cos2 .  /

Solving Eq. (11) for v0 and simplifying with the help of the trigonometric identity: sin.A C B/ D
sin A cos B C cos A sin B, we have
gR cos 
v0 D p : (12)
2 sin cos. /

Recalling that g D 9:81 m=s2 , R D 7 m, and  D 25 , we can plot the above function with any appropriate
mathematical software. The plot shown below was obtained using Mathematica with the following code:
Parameters ! !g " 9.81, " 25. Degree, R " 7.";

&. Parameters, !, 0, 2", Frame " True,

gR Cos$%
Sin$% Cos$ % %

GridLines " Automatic, AspectRatio " 1, FrameLabel " !" 'rad(", "v0 'm&s("")

v0 !m#s"



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0


August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 125

We can find the optimal value of to reach a distance of R D 7 m by differentiating v0 with respect to
and setting it equal to zero. Recalling that  D 25 , this gives
dv0 1 gR cos cos.  / sin sin.  /
D cos  D0
d 2 2 sin cos.  /3=2
) cos cos. 25 / sin sin. 25 / D 0: (13)

The above equation is a transcendental equation that we will solve numerically. Again, this can be done with
any appropriate mathematical software. We have used Mathematica with the following code
FindRoot!Cos!" Cos! " 25. Degree" " Sin!" Sin! " 25. Degree" # 0, #, 25. Degree$"

Note that the use of root finding algorithms generally requires the user to provide a guess of the value of the
solution. As can be seen in the above code (see information provided at the end of the code line), we have
provided a guess of 25 . The outcome of this calculation gives

optimal D 57:52 : (14)

Then, using the above value of along with g D 9:81 m=s2 , R D 7 m, and  D 25 , from Eq. (12) we have
that the corresponding value of v0 is

.v0 /optimal D 6:297 m=s: (15)

In summary, expressing our answer to 3 significant figures, we have

optimal D 57:5 and .v0 /optimal D 6:30 m=s: (16)

August 10, 2009

126 Solutions Manual

Problems 2.96 and 2.97

A stomp rocket is a toy consisting of a hose connected to a blast pad (i.e., an air
bladder) at one end and to a short pipe mounted on a tripod at the other end. A
rocket with a hollow body is mounted onto the pipe and is propelled into the air
by stomping on the blast pad.

Problem 2.96 If the rocket can be imparted an initial speed v0 D 120 ft=s,
and if the rockets landing spot at B is at the same elevation as the launch point,
i.e., h D 0 ft, neglect air resistance and determine the rockets launch angle 
such that the rocket achieves the maximum possible range. In addition, compute
R, the rockets maximum range, and tf , the corresponding flight time.

Problem 2.97 Assuming the rocket can be given an initial speed v0 D

120 ft=s, the rockets landing spot at B is 10 ft higher than the launch point, i.e.,
h D 10 ft, and neglecting air resistance, find the rockets launch angle  such
that the rocket achieves the maximum possible range. In addition, as part of the
solution, compute the corresponding maximum range and flight time. To do

(a) Determine the range R as a function of time.

(b) Take the expression for R found in (a), square it, and then differentiate it
with respect to time to find the flight time corresponding to the maximum
range and then that maximum range.

(c) Use the time found in (b) to then find the angle required to achieve the
maximum range.

Solution to 2.96
Referring to the figure on the right, we will use an xy coordinate
system with origin at the launch point of the rocket. Let  be the
elevation angle and v0 D 120 ft=s be the intial speed. The acceleration
of the rocket is equal to g in the y direction and zero in the x
direction. Hence, we can use the constant acceleration equation s D
v0 t C 12 ac t 2 , to express the x and y coordinates of the rocket as a
function of time. This gives
x D .v0 cos  /t; (1)
1 2
y D .v0 sin  /t 2 gt : (2)
Since in this problem point B lies on the line y D 0, the time taken by the rocket to arrive at B can be
obtained by equating Eq. (2) to zero. This gives
2v0 sin 
tB D : (3)
Substituting Eq. (3) in place of t into Eq. (1), using the trigonometric identity 2 sin  cos  D sin 2 , and
observing that xB D R, we get
v 2 sin 2
RD 0 ; (4)
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 127

where R is the range of the rocket. The maximum value of R occurs when sin 2 D 1, i.e.,

2 D rad ) max D rad D 45 : (5)
2 4

Substituting max D 45 , into Eq. (4) and recalling that g D 32:2 ft=s2 , gives

RD D 447 ft:

Observing that the time of flight is the same as tB given in Eq. (3), for  D max , we have

2v0 sin max

tf D D 5:27 s:

August 10, 2009

128 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.97

Referring to the figure on the right, we will use an xy coordinate

system with origin at the launch point of the rocket. Let  be the
elevation angle and v0 D 120 ft=s be the intial speed. The acceleration
of the rocket is equal to g in the y direction and zero in the x
direction. Hence, we can use the constant acceleration equation s D
v0 t C 12 ac t 2 , to express the x and y coordinates of the rocket as a
function of time. This gives

x D .v0 cos  /t; (6)

1 2
y D .v0 sin  /t 2 gt : (7)

For t D tf the rocket is at B, so that we must have

2h C gtf2
1 2
h D v0 .sin  /tf 2 gtf ) sin  D ; (8)
2v0 tf
R D v0 .cos  /tf ) cos  D : (9)
v0 tf

Next, recalling that sin2  C cos2  D 1, using the last of Eqs. (8) and (9), we have
2h C gtf2 
C D 1; (10)
2v0 tf v0 tf

which, for convenience, we view as an equation for R2 whose solution is

R2 D v02 tf2 h C 12 gtf2 : (11)

Now we maximize R with respect to tf . Since the value of tf for which R is maximum coincides with the
value of tf for which R2 is maximum, we can find the value of tf in question by differentiating Eq. (11) with
respect to tf and then setting the results to 0. This gives
dR2   2
2 h C 21 gtf2 gtf v2
D 0 D 2v0 tf ) tfmax D hg D 5:211 s; (12)
dtf g2 0

where we have used the following numerical values: g D 32:2 ft=s2 , v0 D 120 ft=s, h D 10 ft. Expressing
this result to 3 significant figures, we have

tfmax D 5:21 s:

To find Rmax , we substitute the value of tf from the last of Eqs. (12) into Eq. (11) and then we take a square
root. To find the corresponding value of  we substitute the value of tf from the last of Eqs. (12) into the last
of Eqs. (8) and solve for . Recalling that we have g D 32:2 ft=s2 , v0 D 120 ft=s, h D 10 ft, these operations
yield the following results:
Rmax D 437 ft and Rmax D 45:7 :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 129

Problem 2.98

A trebuchet releases a rock with mass m D 50 kg at the point O. The initial

velocity of the projectile is vE0 D .45 {O C 30 |O/ m=s. If one were to model the
effects of air resistance via a drag force directly proportional to the projectiles
velocity, the resulting accelerations in the x and y directions would be xR D
.=m/xP and yR D g .=m/y, P respectively, where g is the acceleration of
gravity and  D 0:64 kg=s is a viscous drag coefficient. Find an expression for
the trajectory of the projectile.

We can integrate the x and the y components of acceleration to get the x and y displacement as a function of
time. Starting with the given acceleration components, using xR D ddtxP , we can integrate the expression for the
x component of acceleration to get x.P
xP t
d xP 

D dt ) xP D .v0 /x e mt ; (1)
.v0 /x xP 0 m

where .v0 /x is the x component of the velocity of the projectile at t D 0. Integrating Eq. (1) again with
respect to time, we obtain
Z x Z t
 m.v0 /x  

dx D .v0 /x e m t dt ) x D 1 e mt : (2)
0 0 
d yP
Using yR D dt
, P
we can integrate the expression for the y component of acceleration to get y.

yP t
d yP mg 

D dt ) yP D e mt 1 C .v0 /y e mt (3)
.v0 /y g C .=m/ yP 0 

where .v0 /y is the y component of the velocity of the projectile at t D 0. Integrating Eq. (3) again with
respect to time, we obtain
 2   2 
m g mgt m m g m 
yD 2
C .v0 /y 2
C .v0 /y e m t : (4)

From Eq. (2) we find

 x m x
e mt D 1 ) tD ln 1 : (5)
m.v0 /x  m.v0 /x

Substitute the last of Eqs. (5) into Eq. (4) and plugging in m D 50 kg, .v0 /x D 45 m=s, .v0 /y D 30 m=s and
 D 0:64 kg=s, we obtain

y D 59:9103 ln 1 4
2:8410 x C 17:7x m: (6)

August 10, 2009

130 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.99

Continue Prob. 2.98 and, for the case where  D 0:64 kg=s, determine the
maximum height from the ground reached by the projectile and the time it takes
to achieve it. Compare the result with what you would obtain in the absence of
air resistance.

We begin by determining part of the solution to Problem 2.98, namely, the function y.t / describing the
vertical position of the projectile as a function of time. To do so, we can integrate the x and the y components
of acceleration to get the x and y displacement as a function of time. Starting with the given acceleration
components, using xR D ddtxP , we can integrate the expression for the x component of acceleration to get x.P

xP t
d xP 

D dt ) xP D .v0 /x e mt ; (1)
.v0 /x xP 0 m

where .v0 /x is the x component of the velocity of the projectile at t D 0. Integrating Eq. (1) again with
respect to time, we obtain
Z x Z t
 m.v0 /x  

dx D .v0 /x e m t dt ) x D 1 e mt : (2)
0 0 
d yP
Using yR D dt
, P
we can integrate the expression for the y component of acceleration to get y.

yP t
d yP mg 

D dt ) yP D e mt 1 C .v0 /y e mt : (3)
.v0 /y g C .=m/ yP 0 

Integrating Eq. (3) again with respect to time, we obtain

 2   2 
m g mgt m m g m 
yD C .v / C .v mt
0 y 0 y e
/ ; (4)
2   2 

where .v0 /y is the y component of the velocity of the projectile at t D 0.

Now that we have an expression for y.t /, we observe that when maximum height is reached vy D 0.
Hence, letting Hmax denote the maximum height achieved by the projectile and tHmax the time at which this
height is achieved, setting Eq. (3) to zero, we obtain
mg   tHmax  
tHmax m mg C .v0 /y 
e m 1 C .v0 /y e m D 0 ) tHmax D ln D 3:000 s; (5)

where we have used the following numerical data: m D 50 kg, g D 9:81 m=s2 , .v0 /y D 30 m=s and
 D 0:64 kg=s. Expressing the result in Eq. (5) using 3 significant figures, we have

tHmax D 3:00 s:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 131

Then, the maximum height in the presence of air resistance can be calculated as Hmax D ymax Ch. In turn,
we can find ymax by substituting the value of time found in Eq. (5) into Eq. (4) along with the known values
m D 50 kg, g D 9:81 m=s2 , .v0 /y D 30 m=s and  D 0:64 kg=s. Doing so, we obtain ymax D 44:71 m.
Hence, Hmax is given by
Hmax D ymax C h D 49:21 m; (6)
which, when expressed to 3 significant figures, gives

Hmax D 49:2 m:

In the case of absence of air resistance, the maximum height is given by .Hmax /no air D .ymax /no air C h,
where .ymax /no air can be calculated by equating the y component of the velocity to zero. Using a constant
acceleration equation we have

.v0 /y2
vy2 D .v0 /y2 C 2a.ymax /no air D 0 ) .ymax /no air D D 45:87 m; (7)
where a D g. Hence, the maximum height .Hmax /no air in this case is given by

.Hmax /no air D .ymax /no air C h D 50:37 m: (8)

The maximum height reached with no air resistance 2:38% greater than that with air resistance.

August 10, 2009

132 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.100

Continue Prob. 2.98 and, for the case where  D 0:64 kg=s, determine tI and
xI , the value of t, and the x position corresponding to the projectiles impact
with the ground.

We begin by working part of the solution to Prob. 2.98. Specifically, we can integrate the x and the y
components of acceleration to get the x and y displacement as a function of time. Starting with the given
acceleration components, using xR D ddtxP , we can integrate the expression for the x component of acceleration
to get x.
Z xP Z t
d xP  
D dt ) xP D .v0 /x e m t (1)
.v0 /x xP 0 m
where .v0 /x is the velocity component of the projectile Integrating Eq. (1) again with respect to time, we
obtain Z x Z t

dx D .v0 /x e m t dt ) x D 1 e mt : (2)
0 0 
d yP
Using yR D dt
, P
we can integrate the expression for the y component of acceleration to get y.
Z yP Z t
d yP mg   t  
D dt ) yP D e m 1 C .v0 /y e m t : (3)
.v0 /y g C .=m/ yP 0 
Integrating Eq. (3) again with respect to time, we obtain
 2   2 
m g mgt m m g m 
yD C .v0 /y C .v0 /y e mt : (4)
2   2 
Next, from Eq. (2) we find
 x m x
e mt D 1 ) tD ln 1 : (5)
m.v0 /x  m.v0 /x
Substituting the last of Eqs. (5) into Eq. (4), we have
m2 g m2 g
m g x m m x
yD C 2 ln 1 C .v0 /y C .v0 /y 1 : (6)
2  m.v0 /x   2  m.v0 /x
To find the time of impact tI and the location xI of the impact we observe that the impact is characterized
by the condition y D h D 4:5 m. Hence we can use a numerical root finding method to find the the
value of t in Eq. (4) for which the condition h D h is satisfied. Similarly, we can use a numerical root
finding method to find the the value of x in Eq. (6) for which the condition h D h is satisfied. Because
the majority of root finding methods require us to provide a guess of the solution, before using any such
methods, we proceed to plot y.t / as given in Eq. (4) and of y.x/ as given in Eq. (6). These plots can be
done with any appropriate mathematical software. Recalling that we are given m D 50 kg, .v0 /x D 45 m=s,
.v0 /y D 30 m=s and  D 0:64 kg=s, the plots shown below were obtained using Mathematica with the
following code:
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 133

Parameters ! !m " 50., g " 9.81, h " 4.5, v0x " 45., v0y " 30., " 0.64";
m2 g m gt m m2 g m t
yt ! $ % v0y $ % v0y & m ;
2 2

m2 g m2 g x m m2 g m x
yx ! % Log#1 $ v0y $ % v0y 1$ ;
2 2 m v0x 2 m v0x
Plot%yt &. Parameters, !t, 0, 7", Frame " True, GridLines " Automatic,
FrameLabel " !"t 's(", "y 'm("", AspectRatio " 1)
Plot%yx &. Parameters, !x, 0, 300", Frame " True, GridLines " Automatic,
FrameLabel " !"x 'm(", "y 'm("", AspectRatio " 1)

which gives

40 40
20 20
y !m"

y !m"
0 0
!20 !20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
t !s" x !m"

From the above two plots, we see that tI is close to 6 s and xI is close to 250 m. Hence, we will use the
values just listed as guesses in an appropriate root finding numerical method to find more precise values to
the quantities tI and xI . For example, this can be don using Mathematica with the following code:
Parameters ! !m " 50., g " 9.81, h " 4.5, v0x " 45., v0y " 30., " 0.64";
m2 g m gt m m2 g m t
yt ! $ % v0y $ % v0y & m ;
2 2

m2 g m2 g x m m2 g m x
yx ! % Log#1 $ v0y $ % v0y 1$ ;
2 2 m v0x 2 m v0x
FindRoot%yt ' $h &. Parameters, !t, 6"'
FindRoot%yx ' $h &. Parameters, !x, 250"'

Evaluating the outcome of the above code to 3 significant figures, we have

tI D 6:19 s and xI D 268 m:

August 10, 2009

134 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.101

With reference to Probs. 2.98 and 2.100, assume that an experiment is conducted
so that the measured value of xI is 10% smaller that what is predicted in the
absence of viscous drag. Find the value of  that would be required for the
theory in Prob. 2.98 to match the experiment.

For the case of no air drag, the time of impact can be calculated by equating the constant acceleration equation
for the y coordinate of the projectile to h. Letting tI denote the time of impact, we would have

1 2 1 2
y D .v0 /y t 2 gt ) .v0 /y tI 2 gtI D h ) gtI2
2.v0 /y tI 2h D 0
.v0 /y v0y C gh
) tI D ) tI D 6:263 s; (1)
where we have discarded the solution with the negative square root because it yields a negative time value,
and where we have used the following numerical data: .v0 /y D 30 m=s, g D 9:81 m=s2 , and h D 4:5 m.
The impact distance xI for the case of no air drag can be calculated again by using constant acceleration
equations (with ax D 0). This gives

x D .v0 /x t ) xI D .v0 /x tI D 281:8 m: (2)

The problem statement indicates that the x position of the rock in the presence of air drag is: .xI /air D 0:9xI ,
.xI /air D 253:6 m: (3)
To be able to use these results, we first determine the trajectory of the projectile in the presence of air
resistance. We begin by working part of the solution to Prob. 2.98. Specifically, we can integrate the x and the
y components of acceleration to get the x and y displacement as a function of time. Starting with the given
acceleration components, using xR D ddtxP , we can integrate the expression for the x component of acceleration
to get x.
Z xP Z t
d xP  
D dt ) xP D .v0 /x e m t (4)
.v0 /x xP 0 m

where .v0 /x is the velocity component of the projectile Integrating Eq. (4) again with respect to time, we
obtain Z x Z t

dx D .v0 /x e m t dt ) x D 1 e mt : (5)
0 0 
d yP
Using yR D dt
, P
we can integrate the expression for the y component of acceleration to get y.

yP t
d yP mg 

D dt ) yP D e mt 1 C .v0 /y e mt : (6)
.v0 /y g C .=m/ yP 0 

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 135

Integrating Eq. (6) again with respect to time, we obtain

 2   2 
m g mgt m m g m 
yD C .v0 /y C .v0 /y e mt : (7)
2   2 
Next, from Eq. (5) we find
 x m x
e mt D 1 ) tD ln 1 : (8)
m.v0 /x  m.v0 /x
Substituting the last of Eqs. (8) into Eq. (7), we have
m2 g m2 g
m g x m m x
yD C 2 ln 1 C .v0 /y C .v0 /y 1 : (9)
2  m.v0 /x   2  m.v0 /x
We now observe that at impact the x and y coordinates of the rock are .xI /air and h. By enforcing this
condition in Eq. (9) we obtain an equation in  that can be solved numerically by using some appropriate
root finding algorithm as can be found in common mathematical software. Because most root finding
algorithms require the user to supply a guess of the solution, we begin by plotting the value of y for
x D .xI /air D 253:6 m (see Eq. (3)) as a function of . This again can be done using appropriate numerical
software. The plot presented below was obtained in Mathematica using the following code:
Parameters ! !m " 50., g " 9.81, h " 4.5, v0x " 45., v0y " 30., xAir " 253.6";

m2 g m2 g x m m2 g m x
yx ! $ Log#1 % v0y % $ v0y 1% ;
2 2 m v0x 2 m v0x
Plot%yx &. x " xAir &. Parameters, !, 0.1, 2", Frame " True, GridLines " Automatic,
FrameLabel " !" 'kg&s(", "y 'm("", AspectRatio " 1)


y !m#



0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

From the plot above, we see that y D 0 for x D .xI /air when  is a bit greater then 1 kg=s. Hence, we will
use the value  D 1 kg=s as the guess for a root finding algorithm in order to find a more accurate value of
the value of . When using Mathematica, this can be done with the following code
Parameters ! !m " 50., g " 9.81, h " 4.5, v0x " 45., v0y " 30., xAir " 253.6";

m2 g m2 g x m m2 g m x
yx ! $ Log#1 % v0y % $ v0y 1% ;
2 2 m v0x 2 m v0x
FindRoot%yx & %h &. x " xAir &. Parameters, !, 1"'

which yields the following solution

 D 1:35 kg=s:

August 10, 2009

136 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.102

Express the trajectory of the golf ball using the axes shown and in terms of
initial speed v0 , initial angle , slope , and the acceleration of gravity g.


The components of gravity and initial velocities in the xy coordinate system

xR D g sin ; and yR D g cos : (1)
xP D v0 cos ; and yP D v0 sin : (2)
Therefore, keeping in mind that the ball start at the origin to the chosen
coordinate system, the x and y of the ball are given by
1 2
x.t / D v0 cos t 2 g sin t ; (3)
1 2
y.t / D v0 sin t 2 g cos t : (4)

The trajectory is now found by eliminating t from the two equations above. One way to accomplish this is
to essentially start over and consider the motion of the ball in the x1 y1 coordinate system. Specifically, let
consider the expression for the horizontal component of velocity in the x1 y1 system. Observing that xR 1 D 0,
and that the ball starts at the origin of the x1 y1 coordinate system, using constant acceleration equations, we
xR 1 D 0 ) x1 .t / D v0 cos. C /t ) t D : (5)
v0 cos. C /
To go back to the xy coordinate system, we now express x1 in terms of x and y as follows
x cos y sin
x1 D x cos y sin ) tD : (6)
v0 cos. C /
Substituting Eq. (6) into Eq. (4), we then obtain

x cos y sin 1 x cos y sin
y D v0 sin 2 g cos :
v0 cos. C / v0 cos. C /

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 137

Problem 2.103

Consider the vectors aE D 2 {O C 1 |O C 7 kO and bE D 1 |O C 2 |O C 3 k.

O Compute the following quantities.

(a) aE  bE

(b) bE  aE

(c) aE  bE C bE  aE

(d) aE  aE

a  aE /  bE
(e) .E

(f) aE  .E E
a  b/

Parts (a)(d) of this problem are meant to be a reminder that the cross product is an anticommutative
operation while Parts (e) and (f) are meant to be a reminder that the cross product is an operation that is
not associative.

Using the vectors given in the problem statement, various properties of the cross-product are illustrated
through a few simple exercises.

Part (a) The commutative relationship for the cross-product is demonstrated by first evaluating

{O |O kO

aE  bE D det 2 1 7 ) aE  bE D 11 {O C 1 |O C 3 kO :

1 2 3

Part (b) The cross-product is again evaluated, but this time in the opposite order such that

{O |O kO

bE  aE D det 1 2 3 ) bE  aE D 11 {O 1 |O 3 kO :

2 1 7

Thus the cross-product is anti-commutative because the results are equal in magnitude, but opposite in
direction (sign).

Part (c) The fact that the cross-product relation between two vector is anti-commutative is also demonstrated
through the equation below, where

{O |O kO {O |O kO 

aE  bE C bE  aE D det 2 1 7 C det 1 2 3 D 11 {O C 1 |O C 3 kO C 11 {O 1 |O 3 kO ;

1 2 3 2 1 7

) aE  bE C bE  aE D 0:
E (4)

August 10, 2009

138 Solutions Manual

Part (d) The cross-product of a vector with itself, such as

{O |O kO


aE  aE D det 2 1 7 D 0; (5)
2 1 7

will always yield the zero vector.

Part (e) Demonstrating the non-associative nature of the cross-product, the example shows one possible
way to calculate the product of three vectors, where

aE  aE  bE D 0E  bE D 0:


Part (f) The associative property does not hold for cross-products since the result of part (e) is not equal to
the result of
{O |O kO |O kO

aE  aE  bE D aE  det 2 1 7 D det 2

1 7 ;
1 2 3 11 1 3
) aE  aE  bE D 4 {O 83 |O C 13 kO : (7)

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 139

Problem 2.104

Consider two vectors aE D 1 {O C 2 |O C 3 kO and bE D 6 {O C 3 |O.

(a) Verify that aE and bE are perpendicular to one another.

(b) Compute the vector triple product aE  .E E

a  b/.

(c) Compare the result from calculating aE  .E E with the vector jE

a  b/ E
aj2 b.

The purpose of this exercise is to show that as long as aE and bE are perpendicular to one another, you can
always write aE  .E E D jE
a  b/ E This identity turns out to be very useful in the study of the planar
aj2 b.
motion of rigid bodies.

Part (a) Two vectors are perpendicular if their dot product is zero. Thus,

aE  bE D 1  6 C 2  3 C 3  0 D 0: (1)

Part (b) The triple product is evaluated by first calculating the cross-product of aE and bE and then taking the
E The calculation proceeds by
cross-product of aE with the cross-product of aE and b.

{O |O kO kO

    {O |O
aE  aE  bE D aE  det 1 2 3 D aE  9 {O 18 |O C 15 kO D det 1

2 3 ; (2)
6 3 0 9 18 15
) aE  aE  bE D 84 {O 42 |O C 0 kO : (3)

Part (c) The vector expression is evaluated as

p 2  
aj2 bE D
jE 12 C 22 C 32 6 {O C 3 |O C 0 kO ; (4)
D 84 {O 42 |O C 0 kO ; (5)
which is the same as aE  aE  bE .

August 10, 2009

140 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.105

Let rE be the position vector of a point P with respect to a Cartesian coordinate system with axes x, y,
and . Let the motion of P be confined to the xy plane, so that rE D rx {O C ry |O (i.e., rE  kO D 0). Also,
let !E r D !r kO be the angular velocity vector of the vector rE. Compute the outcome of the products
!E r  .!E r  rE/ and !E r  .Er  !E r /.

Use the property verified in part (c) of the solution to Problem 2.104 :

j!E r j2 rE D !r2 rx {O C ry |O :
!E r  !E r  rE D (1)

The cross-product is anti-commutative,

 as verified in part (b) of the solution to Problem 2.103. Therefore the
triple cross-product !E r  rE  !E r is Eq. (1) multiplied by 1.

!E r  rE D !r2 rx {O C ry |O :
!E r  rE  !E r D !E r  (2)

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 141

Problem 2.106

The three propellers shown are all rotating with the same angular speed of
1000 rpm about different coordinate axes.

(a) Provide the proper vector expressions for the angular velocity of each of
the three propellers.

(b) Suppose that an identical propeller rotates at 1000 rpm about the axis `
oriented by the unit vector uO ` . Let any point P on ` have coordinates such
that xP D yP D P . Find the vector representation of the angular velocity
of this fourth propeller.

Express the answers using units of radians per second.

Part (a) 1000 rpm D .100= 3/ rad=s D 104:7 rad=s. The angular velocity vectors can be written as

!E 1 D 105 kO rad=s;
!E 2 D 105 {O rad=s and !E 3 D 105 |O rad=s: (1)

Part (b) The unit vector in the ` direction is

uO ` D p {O C |O C kO : (2)
Therefore, the angular velocity is expressed as

!E ` D p {O C |O C kO rad=s ) 60:5 {O C |O C kO rad=s: (3)
3 3

August 10, 2009

142 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.107

The propeller shown has a diameter of 38 ft and is rotating with a constant

angular speed of 400 rpm. At a given instant, a point P on the propeller is at
rEP D .12:5 {O C 14:3 |O/ ft. Use Eqs. (2.62) and (2.64) to compute the velocity
and acceleration of P; respectively.

O and the magnitude of ! is constant.
400 rpm = .80=3/ rad=s D 41:89 rad=s. We note that rP = 0, !E = ! k,
Therefore Eq.(2.62) becomes

rEPP D !E  rEP rEPP D . 599 {O C 524 |O/ ft=s:


The acceleration of point P is calculated using Eq. (2.64). The only non-zero term in the acceleration
equation is evaluated to find the acceleration as

rERP D !E  !E  rEP rERP D . 21;900 {O 25;100 |O/ ft=s2 :


August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 143

Problem 2.108

Consider the four points whose positions are given by the vectors rEA D 2 {O C
0 kO m, rEB D 2 {O C 1 kO m, rEC D 2 {O C 2 kO m, and rED D 2 {O C 3 kO m.

Knowing that the magnitude of these vectors is constant and that the angular
velocity of these vectors at a given instant is !E D 5 kO rad=s, apply Eq. (2.62) to
find the velocities vEA , vEB , vEC , and vED . Explain why all the velocity vectors are
the same even though the position vectors are not.

The position vectors do not change magnitude, rEP D 0. The equation reduces to vE D !E  rE.
vEA D 5 kO  2 {O D 10 |O m=s; vEB D 5 kO  2 {O C 1 kO D 10 |O m=s;
vEC D 5 kO  2 {O C 2 kO D 10 |O m=s; vED D 5 kO  2 {O C 3 kO D 10 |O m=s:

The velocities are the same because all the points have the same distance from the axis of rotation.

August 10, 2009

144 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.109

A child on a merry-go-round is moving radially outward at a constant rate of 4 ft=s. If the merry-go-round
is spinning at 30 rpm, determine the velocity and acceleration of point P on the child when the child is 0.5
and 2:3 ft from the spin axis. Express the answers using the component system shown.

rP is 4 ft=s and the angular velocity expressed in rad=s is  kO rad=s. The velocity is expressed as

rEP D rP uO r C !E r  rE uO r ) rEP D 4 uO r C  r uO q :

For r D 0:5 ft: vE D .4 uO r C 1:57 uO q / ft=s:

For r D 2:3 ft: vE D .4 uO r C 7:23 uO q / ft=s:

The acceleration is expressed as

aE D rER D rR uO r C 2!E r  rP uO r C !EP r  rE C !E r  !E r  rE :


Now because rP and ! are both constant we plug rR D 0 and !P D 0 into Eq. (1) to get

) aE D  2 r uO r C 8 uO q :

aE D 2!E r  rP uO r C !E r  !E r  rE uO r (2)

Substituting the given values for r into Eq. (2) we get

for r D 0:5 ft, aE D . 4:93 uO r C 25:1 uO q / ft=s2 ;

for r D 2:3 ft, aE D . 22:7 uO r C 25:1 uO q / ft=s2 :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 145

Problem 2.110

When a wheel rolls without slipping on a stationary surface, the point on the wheel that is in contact with
the rolling surface has zero velocity. With this in mind, consider a nondeformable wheel rolling without
slip on a flat stationary surface. The center of the wheel P is traveling to the right with a constant speed of
23 m=s. Letting R D 0:35 m, determine the angular velocity of the wheel, using the stationary component
system shown.

We can express vEP in two ways:

vEP D v0 {O and vEP D rEPP D rPP {O C ! kO  rP |O: (1)

Combine Eqs. (1) and substitute v0 D 23 m=s, rP D R, rPP D 0, and solve for !.

v0 O O
v0 {O D !R {O ) !E D kD .65:7 rad=s/ k: (2)

August 10, 2009

146 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.111

Starting with Eq. (2.62), show that the second derivative with respect to time of an arbitrary vector AE is
given by Eq. (2.64). Keep the answer in pure vector form, and do not resort to using components in any
component system.

Beginning with Eq. (2.62),
E (1)
and taking the derivative with respect to time, gives

AE D AR uOA C AP uPOA C !EP  AE C !E  A; (2)

but, uPOA D !E  uOA so

AE D AR uOA C AP !E  uOA C !EP  AE C !E  AP uOA C !E  AE ; (3)

distributing the terms of the products, yields

AE D AR uOA C AP !E  uOA C !EP  AE C !E  AP uOA C !E  !E  AE :


The above equation is very similar to the form of Eq. 2.60 in the book. Utilizing a property of cross-products
where a is a scalar and cE, dE are vectors it can be stated that
a cE  dE D a cE  dE D cE  a dE : (5)

Therefore, applying the property of cross products to Eq. (4), it is concluded that

AE D AR uOA C !E  AP uOA C !E  AP uOA C !EP  AE C !E  !E  AE ;

D AR uOA C 2!E  AP uOA C !EP  AE C !E  !E  AE :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 147

Problem 2.112

The radar station at O is tracking the meteor P as it moves through the atmosphere.
At the instant shown, the station measures the following data for the motion of the
meteor: r D 21;000 ft,  D 40 , rP D 22;440 ft=s, and P D 2:935 rad=s. Use
Eq. (2.62) to determine the magnitude and direction (relative to the xy coordinate
system shown) of the velocity vector at this instant.


We define a coordinate system as shown in the figure. Then Eq. (2.62) becomes

rEP D rP uO r C !E r  rE;
D rP uO r C r!r uO  : (1)

The .uO r ; uO  / coordinate system is expressed in the .x; y/ coordinate system as

uO r D cos  {O C sin  |O; uO  D sin  {O C cos  |O: (2)

P rEP with vE, and plug Eq. (2) into Eq. (1) to get
Now we replace !r with ,

vE D rP .cos  {O C sin  |O/ C r P . sin  {O C cos  |O/ ;

D rP cos  r P sin  {O C rP sin  C r P cos  |O: (3)

Recalling that r D 21;000 ft,  D 40 , rP D 22;440 ft=s, and P D 2:935 rad=s, we can evaluate the terms
in Eq. (3) to obtain
vE D .22;430 {O 61;640 |O/ ft=s (4)
The magnitude of the velocity is given by
vj D vx2 C xy2 : (5)

Hence, since from Eq. (4) we have that vx D 22;430 ft=s and vy D 61;640 ft=s, evaluating Eq. (5), we have

v j D 65;600 ft=s:

Referring to the figure on the right, let  denote the angle formed by the veloc-
ity vector and the x axis such that tan  D vy =vx . Then the we can obtain  as
tan 1 .vy =vx /. Hence, recalling again that from Eq. (4) we have vx D 22;430 ft=s and
vy D 61;640 ft=s, we obtain
1 vy
 D tan D 70:0 : (6)

August 10, 2009

148 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.113

The radar station at O is tracking the meteor P as it moves through the atmosphere. At
the instant shown, the station measures the following data for the motion of the meteor:
r D 21;000 ft,  D 40 , rP D 22;440 ft=s, P D 2:935 rad=s, rR D 187;500 ft=s2 ,
and R D 5:409 rad=s2 . Use Eq. (2.64) to determine the magnitude and direction
(relative to the xy coordinate system shown) of the acceleration vector at this instant.

Applying Eq. (2.64) on p. 92 of the textbook, we have

rERP =O D rRP =O uO P =O C 2!E r  rPP =O uO P =O C !EP r  rP =O C !E r  !E r  rEP =O :


Using the Cartesian coordinate system shown and its companion component system, we can describe rEP =O
and !E r as follows:
rEP =O D r .cos  {O C sin  |O/ and !E r D P k:
O (2)
Rewriting each term in Eq. (1) using the expressions in Eqs. (2), we obtain

rRP =O uO P =O D rR .cos  {O C sin  |O/ ;

2!E r  rPP =O uO P =O D 2rP !E r  uO P =O ;
D 2rP P .cos  |O sin  {O/ ; (3)
!EP r  rEP =O D r R .cos  |O sin  {O/ ;
!E r  !E r  rEP =O D r P 2 . cos  {O sin  |O/ :

Now we substitute Eqs. (3) into Eq. (1) and separate components to obtain:
aEP =O D rR cos  2rP P sin  r R sin  r P 2 cos  {O
C rR sin  C 2rP P cos  C r R cos  r P 2 sin  |O: (4)

Recalling that we have r D 21;000 ft,  D 40 , rP D 22;440 ft=s, P D 2:935 rad=s, rR D 187;500 ft=s2 ,
and R D 5:409 rad=s2 , we can evaluate the right-hand side of Eq. (4) to obtain

aEP =O D . 6599 {O C 18130 |O/ ft=s2 : (5)

The magnitude of aEP =O is given by

aP =O j D .aP =O /2x C .aP =O /y2 : (6)

Observing that from Eq. (5) we have .aP =O /x D 6599 ft=s2 and .aP =O /y D 18;130 ft=s2 , we can evaluate
aP =O j in Eq. (6) to obtain
aP =O j D 19;300 ft=s2 :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 149

Referring to the figure on the right, let the angle  denote the direction of the vector
aEP =O relative to the x axis such that tan  D .aP =O /y =.aP =O /x . Then the we can
obtain  as tan 1 .aP =O /y =.aP =O /x . Hence, recalling again that from Eq. (5) we have
.aP =O /x D 6599 ft=s2 and .aP =O /y D 18;130 ft=s2 and paying attention to the fact
that .aP =O /x < 0 and .aP =O /y > 0, we obtain

.aP =O /y
 D tan D 110
.aP =O /x

August 10, 2009

150 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.114

A plane B is approaching a runway along the trajectory shown while the radar
antenna A is monitoring the distance r between A and B as well as the angle
 . If the plane has a constant approach speed v0 as shown, use Eq. (2.62) to
determine the expressions for rP and P in terms of r, , v0 , and .

Express the velocity in the following two ways:

vE D v0 cos  {O v0 sin  |O and vE D rP uO r C P kO  uO r D rP uO r C r P uO  : (1)

Express .uO r ; uO  / in terms of .O{ ; |O/.

uO r D cos  {O C sin  |OI uO  D sin  {O C cos  |O: (2)

Plug Eqs. (2) into the last of Eqs. (1) and collect the {O and |O terms.
vE D rP cos  r P sin  {O C rP sin  C r P cos  |O: (3)

Equate the {O and |O components of velocity given by the first of Eqs. (1) and Eq. (3)

rP cos  r P sin  D v0 cos ;

rP sin  C r P cos  D v0 sin :

Solve these equations simultaneously to obtain

rP D v0 cos. C / and P D sin. C /:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 151

Problem 2.115

A plane B is approaching a runway along the trajectory shown with  D 15 ,

while the radar antenna A is monitoring the distance r between A and B as well
as the angle . The plane has a constant approach speed v0 . In addition, when
 D 20 , it is known that rP D 216 ft=s and P D 0:022 rad=s. Use Eq. (2.62)
to determine the corresponding values of v0 and of the distance between the
plane and the radar antenna.

We begin by express the velocity in the following two ways:

vE D v0 cos  {O v0 sin  |O and vE D rP uO r C P kO  uO r D rP uO r C r P uO  : (1)

Expressing .uO r ; uO  / in terms of .O{ ; |O/, we have

uO r D cos  {O C sin  |OI uO  D sin  {O C cos  |O: (2)

Substituting Eqs. (2) into the last of Eqs. (1) and collecting the {O and |O terms, we have
vE D rP cos  r P sin  {O C rP sin  C r P cos  |O: (3)

Equating the {O and |O components of velocity given by the first of Eqs. (1) and Eq. (3), we have

rP cos  r P sin  D v0 cos ;

rP sin  C r P cos  D v0 sin :

Solving these equations simultaneously, we obtain

rP D v0 cos. C / and P D sin. C /: (4)
Now, solving the first of Eqs. (4) for v0 , we have
v0 D ; (5)
cos. C /
which, recalling that we have rP D 216 ft=s,  D 20 and  D 15 , can be evaluated to obtain

v0 D 264 ft=s:

Substituting Eq. (5) into the second of Eqs. (4) and solving for r, we obtain
rP sin. C / rP
rD D tan. C /; (6)
cos. C / P P

which, recalling that rP D 216 ft=s, P D 0:022 rad=s,  D 20 and  D 15 , can be evaluated to obtain

r D 6870 ft:

August 10, 2009

152 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.116

The end B of a robot arm is being extended with the constant rate rP D 4 ft=s.
Knowing that P D 0:4 rad=s and is constant, use Eqs. (2.62) and (2.64) to
determine the velocity and acceleration of B when r D 2 ft. Express your
answer using the component system shown.

The velocity is expressed using Eq. (2.62) on p. 92 of the textbook. This gives

vEB D rP uO r C P kO  r uO r ) vEB D rP uO r C P r uO  ; (1)

which, recalling that we have rP D 4 ft=s, P D 0:4 rad=s, and r D 2 ft, can be evaluated to obtain

vEB D .4:00 uO r C 0:800 uO  / ft=s:

The acceleration is expressed using Eq. (2.64) on p. 92 of the textbook while keeping in mind that rR D 0
and R D 0. This gives

aEB D 2P kO  rP uO r C P kO  P kO  r uO r ) aEB D P 2 r uO r C 2P rP uO 

which, recalling that we have rP D 4 ft=s, P D 0:4 rad=s, and r D 2 ft, can be evaluated to obtain

aE D . 0:320 uO r C 3:20 uO  / ft=s:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 153

Problem 2.117

The end B of a robot arm is moving vertically down with a constant speed
v0 D 2 m=s. Letting d D 1:5 m, apply Eq. (2.62) to determine the rate at which
r and  are changing when  D 37 .


Referring to the figure on the right, the velocity is expressed both in terms of
the {O |O component system and using the component system uO r uO  along with
Eq. (2.62) on p. 92 of the textbook. This gives

vE D v0 |O and vE D rEP D rP uO r C P kO  r uO r D rP uO r C P r uO  : (1)

Expressing the .uO r ; uO  / coordinate system in terms of .O{ ; |O/, we have

uO r D cos  {O C sin  |O uO  D sin  {O C cos  |O: (2)

Substituting Eqs. (2) into the last of Eqs. (1) and collecting the {O and |O terms, we
vE D rP cos  P r sin  {O C rP sin  C P r cos  |O (3)

Equating the {O and |O components of velocity given by the first of Eqs. (1) and Eq. (3), and keeping in mind
that r D d= cos , we have

rP cos  P r sin  D 0 ) rP cos  P d tan  D 0 (4)

rP sin  C P r cos  D v0 ) rP sin  C P d D v0 : (5)

Solving these equations simultaneously for rP and P , gives

v0 v0
rP D v0 sin  and P D 2
D cos2 ; (6)
d.1 C tan  / d

which, recalling that we have v0 D 2 m=s,  D 37 , and d D 1:5 m, can be evaluated to obtain

rP D 1:20 m=s and P D 0:850 rad=s:

August 10, 2009

154 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.118

The end B of a robot arm is moving vertically down with a constant speed
v0 D 6 ft=s. Letting d D 4 ft, use Eqs. (2.62) and (2.64) to determine r, P r,
P , R
and R when  D 0 .


Referring to the figure on the right, the velocity is expressed both in terms of
the {O |O component system and using the component system uO r uO  along with
Eq. (2.62) on p. 92 of the textbook. This gives
vE D v0 |O and vE D rP uO r C P kO  r uO r D rP uO r C P r uO  : (1)
Expressing .uO r ; uO  / in terms of .O{ ; |O/, we have
uO r D cos  {O C sin  |O and uO  D sin  {O C cos  |O: (2)
Substituting Eqs. (2) into the last of Eqs. (1) and collecting the {O and |O terms, we
vE D rP cos  r P sin  {O C rP sin  C r P cos  |O: (3)
Equating the {O and |O components of velocity given by the first of Eqs. (1) and Eq. (3), and keeping in mind
that r D d= cos , we have
rP cos  r P sin  D 0 ) rP cos  P d tan  D 0 (4)
rP sin  C r P cos  D v0 ) rP sin  C P d D v0 : (5)
Substituting  D 0 into Eqs. (4) and (5), we have

rP D 0 and P D D 1:50 rad=s; (6)

where we have used the following numerical data: v0 D 6 ft=s and d D 4 ft.
Using Eq. (2.64) on p. 92, the acceleration expressed in the .uO r ; uO  / component system is:
aE D rR uO r C 2P kO  rP uO r C R kO  r uO r P 2 r uO r :
On the other hand, the acceleration expressed in the .O{ ; |O/ component system is:
aE D rR .cos  {O C sin  |O/ C 2P rP . sin  {O C cos  |O/ C R r . sin  {O C cos  |O/ P 2 r .cos  {O C sin  |O/ :
Collecting {O and |O terms then substituting r D d ,  D 0, and the expressions in Eqs. (6), we have
{O C R d |O:

aE D0 D rR
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 155

Since vE is constant aE D 0

rR D D 9:00 ft=s2 and R D 0 rad=s2 ;

where, again we have used the fact that v0 D 6 ft=s and d D 4 ft.

August 10, 2009

156 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.119

A micro spiral pump consists of a spiral channel attached to a stationary plate. This plate has two ports,
one for fluid inlet and the other for outlet, the outlet being farther from the center of the plate than the
inlet. The system is capped by a rotating disk. The fluid trapped between the rotating disk and stationary
plate is put in motion by the rotation of the top disk, which pulls the fluid through the spiral channel. With
this in mind, consider a channel with geometry given by the equation r D  C r0 , where  D 12 m
is called the polar slope, r0 D 146 m is the radius at the inlet, r is the distance from the spin axis, and 
is the angular position of a point in the spiral channel. If the top disk rotates with a constant angular speed
! D 30;000 rpm, and assuming that the fluid particles in contact with the rotating disk are essentially
stuck to it, determine the velocity and acceleration of one of such fluid particles when it is at r D 170 m.
Express the answer using the component system shown (which rotates with the top disk).

Using Eq. (2.62) on p. 92 of the textbook, we can express the velocity of a particle moving through the pump
vE D rP uO r C !E  rE; (1)
where !E D P k,O P D 1000 rad=s, r D  C r0 , r0 D 146 m, and  D 12 m. Hence, the above
expression can be rewritten as
vE D P uO r C P . C r0 / uO  : (2)
Solving r D  C r0 for  and evaluating the result for r D 170 m, we find  D 2:000 rad. Using this
result along with the known data r0 D 146 m,  D 12 m, and P D 1000 rad=s, we can evaluate vE in
Eq. (1) to obtain
vE D .3:7710 uO r C 0:534 uO  / m=s:

We now continue with the acceleration analysis. Using Eq. (2.64) on p. 92 of the textbook, and recalling
that rR and !P are equal to zero, we have

aE D rR uO r C 2!E  rP uO r C !EP  rE C !E  .!E  rE/ ) aE D P 2 . C r0 / uO r C 2P 2 uO  ; (3)

where, in obtaining the second of Eqs. (3), we have substituted for !E D P k,

O rE D r uO r D . C r0 / uO r , and
rP D . Recalling again that we have r0 D 146 m,  D 12 m, and  D 1000 rad=s, we can evaluate the
last of Eqs. (3) to obtain
1680 uO r C 237 uO  m=s2 :

aE D

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 157

Problem 2.120

A disk rotates about its center, which is the fixed point O. The disk has a
straight channel whose centerline passes by O and within which a collar A is
allowed to slide. If, when A passes by O, the speed of A relative to the channel
is v D 14 m=s and is increasing in the direction shown with a rate of 5 m=s2 ,
determine the acceleration of A given that ! D 4 rad=s and is constant. Express
the answer using the component system shown, which rotates with the disk.
Hint: Apply Eq. (2.64) to the vector describing the position of A relative to O
and then let r D 0.

Let rE be the position of A relative to O. Then rE D r uO r where uO r D |O. For r D 0 the acceleration of rE is

aE D rR uO r C 2!E  rP uO r C !EP  rE C !E  !E  rE ;

aE D rR uO r C 2!E  rP uO r ;
aE D . 5 m=s2 /. |O/ C 2.4 rad=s/. 14 m=s/ kO  . |O/:

aE D . 112 {O C 5 |O/ m=s2

August 10, 2009

158 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.121

At the instant shown, the angular velocity and acceleration of the merry-go-
round are as indicated in the figure. Assuming that the child is walking along a
radial line, should the child walk outward or inward to make sure that he does
not experience any sideways acceleration (i.e., in the direction of uO q )?

The acceleration of the child is aE D rR uO r C 2!E  rP uO r C !EP  rE C !E  !E  rE . The terms that contribute to

the acceleration in the direction of uO q are 2!E  rP uO r and !EP  rE. Since !E and !EP are in the same direction then
we must have rP < 0 if we hope that the terms will cancel. Hence, the child should move inward.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 159

Problem 2.122

Assuming that the child shown is moving on the merry-go-round along a radial
P r, and rP must satisfy so
line, use Eq. (2.64) to determine the relation that !, !,
that the child will not experience any sideways acceleration.

The acceleration of the child takes on the form: aE D rR uO r C 2!E  rP uO r C !EP  rE ! 2 r uO r . The acceleration
in the direction of uO q is
aq D .2! rP C !r/ P uO q : (1)
Hence we must have
2! rP C !r
P D 0:

August 10, 2009

160 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.123

The mechanism shown is called a swinging block slider crank. First used in various steam locomotive
engines in the 1800s, this mechanism is often found in door-closing systems. If the disk is rotating with
a constant angular velocity P D 60 rpm, H D 4 ft, R D 1:5 ft, and r is the distance between B and O,
compute rP and P when  D 90 . Hint: Apply Eq. (2.62) to the vector describing the position of B relative
to O.

We begin by observing that we can express the velocity of B in two ways. First as the time derivative of the
position vector rEB=A and second as the time derivative of the position vector rEB=O . Referring to the figure in
the problem statement, we can express these two position vectors as follows:

rEB=A D R uO B=A and rEB=O D r uO S ; (1)

where, as given the problem statement, r is the distance between B and O, and where we observe that the
angular velocities of the unit vector in the above equations are

!E uO B=A D P kO and !E uO S D O
P k: (2)

Hence, observing that RP D 0 since R is a constant, using Eq. (2.62) on p. 92 of the textbook, we have

vEB D rEPB=A D P kO  R uO B=A and vEB D rEPB=O D rP uO S P kO  r uO S : (3)

Next, we observe that, for  D 90 , we have

p 1
uO B=A D {O; rD H 2 C R2 ; and uO S D p .R {O C H |O/: (4)
R2 C H2
Substituting Eqs. (4) into Eqs. (3), for  D 90 , we have

vEB D90 D RP |O .R {O C H |O/ C H P {O RP |O:

and vEB D90 D p (5)
R2 C H2
Equating the two above expressions for vEB component by component, we have

{O W p C H P D 0; (6)
R2 C H2
|O W p RP D RP : (7)
R2 C H 2

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 161

Equations (6) and (7) form a system of two equations in the two unknowns rP and P (at  D 90 ) whose
solution is
and P D90 D

rP D90 D p : (8)
R2 C H 2 R2 C H 2
Recalling that we have P D 60 rpm D 6:283 rad=s, H D 4 ft, R D 1:5 ft, we can evaluate the quantities in
Eqs. (8) to obtain
rP D90 D 8:82 ft=s and P D90 D 0:775 rad=s:

August 10, 2009

162 Solutions Manual

Problems 2.124 and 2.125

A sprinkler essentially consists of a pipe AB mounted on a hollow shaft. The water comes in the pipe at O
and goes out the nozzles at A and B, causing the pipe to rotate. Assume that the particles of water move
through the pipe at a constant rate relative to the pipe of 5 ft=s and that the pipe AB is rotating at a constant
angular velocity of 250 rpm. In all cases, express the answers using the right-handed and orthonormal
component system shown.

Problem 2.124 Determine the acceleration of the water particles when they are at d=2 from O (still
within the horizontal portion of the pipe). Let d D 7 in:

Problem 2.125 Determine the acceleration of the water particles right before they are expelled at B. Let
d D 7 in:, D 15 , and L D 2 in: Hint: In this case the vector describing the position of a water particle
at B goes from O to B and is best written as rE D rB uO B C r k.

Solution to 2.124
Using Eq. (2.64) on p. 92, we can express the acceleration of water particle as

aE D rR uO r C 2!E  rP uO r C !EP  rE ! 2 r uO r : (1)

O ! D 250 rpm D
next we observe that in our problem we have rP D 5 ft=s, rR D 0, uO r D uO B , !E D ! k,
P E and rE D .d=2/ uO b , where d D 7 in: D 0:5833 ft. Thus we have
26:18 rad=s, !E D 0,

!2d !2d
rER D 2! kO  rP uO B uO B ) rER D 2! rP uO C uO B ; (2)
2 2
which can be evaluated to obtain

aE D . 262 uO C 200 uO B / ft=s:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 163

Solution to 2.125

The expression for the position vector of a general point P after the horizontal
section is

rEP =O D .d O
L cos C l cos / uO B C .l sin / k: (3)

Now we take the derivative of Eq. (3), noting that d , , and L are constants, to get

rEPP =O D lP cos uO B C .d L cos C l cos / !E  uO B C lP sin k;


rEPP =O D ! .d L cos C l cos / uO C C lP cos uO B C lP sin k:
O (5)

Now we take the second derivative of rEP =O .

rERP =O D ! lP cos uO C L cos C l cos / !E  uO C C lP cos !E  uO B

! .d (6)
rERP =O D P cos uO C
2l! ! 2 .d L cos C l cos / uO B : (7)

For P at B: l D L, D 15 , ! D 250 rpm D 26:18 rad=s, and lP D 5 ft=s so we have:

aEP =O D P cos uO C
2l! ! 2 d uO B ) aEP =O D . 253 uO C 400 uO B / ft=s2

August 10, 2009

164 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.126

A particle P is moving along a path with the velocity shown. Is the sketch of the
normal-tangential component system at P correct?

No, the unit vector uO t must point in the direction of vE.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 165

Problem 2.127

A particle P is moving along a path with the velocity shown. Is the sketch of the
normal-tangential component system at P correct?

No, the unit vector uO n must point toward the concave side of the curve.

August 10, 2009

166 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.128

A particle P is moving along a straight line with the velocity and acceleration
shown. What is wrong with the unit vectors shown in the figure?

The unit vector uO n is not defined for a straight line.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 167

Problem 2.129

A particle P is moving along some path with the velocity and acceleration
shown. Can the path of P be the straight line shown?

No, because the path is straight. It would be compatible if the path were curved with a tangent at P coincident
with uO t and concavity on the side of uO n .

August 10, 2009

168 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.130

A particle P is moving along the curve C , whose equation is given by

y2 x 2 .x 3/ D 4 x 2 C y 2

1/.2x 2x ;

at a constant speed vc . For any position on the curve C for which the radius
of curvature is defined (i.e., not equal to infinity), what must be the angle 
between the velocity vector vE and the acceleration vector aE ?

The speed is constant. This tells us that there is no component of acceleration in the direction of velocity.
Therefore the angle  between vE and aE must be 90 .

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 169

Problem 2.131

Making the same assumptions stated in Example 2.17, consider the map of the Formula 1 circuit at
Hockenheim in Germany and estimate the radius of curvature of the curves Sdkurve and Nordkurve (at
the locations indicated in red).

At Sdkurve the car is traveling at a speed of 150 km=hr D 41:67 m=s with an acceleration of 3:5g D
34:34 m=s2 . Therefore the curvature is
v2 41:672
aD ) D m )  D 50:6 m:

At Nordkurve the car is traveling at a speed of 200 km=hr D 55:56 m=s with an acceleration of 3:4g D
33:35 m=s2 . Therefore the curvature is
v2 55:562
aD ) D m )  D 92:5 m:

August 10, 2009

170 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.132

The motion of the piston C as a function of the crank angle  and the lengths
ofpthe crank AB and connecting rod BC is given by yC D R cos  C
L 1 .R sin =L/2 and xC D 0. Using the component system shown, ex-
press uO t , the unit vector tangent to the trajectory of C , as a function of the crank
angle  for 0    2 rad.

uO t D |O for 0 <  <  rad. uO t D |O for  <  < 2 rad. uO t is undefined at  D 0 and  D 2 rad
because the path of C folds back on itself at these two positions.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 171

Problem 2.133

An aerobatics plane initiates the basic loop maneuver such that, at the bottom of the
loop, the plane is going 140 mph, while subjecting the plane to approximately 4g of
acceleration. Estimate the corresponding radius of the loop.

4g D 128:8 ft=s2 . 140 mi=hr D 205:3 ft=s. Thus, the radius of the loop is found with

v2 205:32
an D ) D ft; (1)

which gives
 D 327 ft:

August 10, 2009

172 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.134

Suppose that a highway exit ramp is designed to be a circular segment of radius

 D 130 ft. A car begins to exit the highway at A while traveling at a speed of
65 mph and goes by point B with a speed of 25 mph. Compute the acceleration
vector of the car as a function of the arc length s, assuming that the tangential
component of the acceleration is constant between points A and B.

The change in speed is completely due to the tangential acceleration. Hence, since this component of
acceleration is assumed to be constant, the speeds at A and B are related via the following constant
acceleration equation:
2 v 2 vA2
vB vA2 D 2a t .sB sA / ) a t D B : (1)
2.sB sA /
Next, recalling that we have sA D 0, vA D 65 mph D 95:33 ft=s, vB D 25 mph D 36:67 ft=s, and
sB D  2 D .65/ ft D 204:2 ft, the above equation can be evaluated to obtain

at D 18:96 ft=s2 : (2)

The expression for the speed in terms of arc length, s, can be found again using constant acceleration
equations, i.e.,

v 2 .s/ D vA2 C 2a t .s sA / ) v 2 .s/ D 9088 .37:92/s ft2 =s2 ; (3)

where we have used the fact that vA D 65 mph D 95:33 ft=s and that a t D 18:96 ft=s2 (see Eq. (2)).
Recalling that an D v 2 =, we have that the acceleration vector is

v 2 .s/
aE .s/ D a t uO t C uO n ) aE .s/ D f 19:0 uO t C 69:9 .0:292/s uO n g ft=s2 : (4)

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 173

Problem 2.135

Suppose that a highway exit ramp is designed to be a circular segment of radius

 D 130 ft. A car begins to exit the highway at A while traveling at a speed of
65 mph and goes by point B with a speed of 25 mph. Compute the acceleration
vector of the car along the cars path as a function of the arc length s, assuming
that between A and B the speed was controlled so as to maintain constant the
rate dv=ds.

Let K be the constant value of the quantity dv=ds. Then, the appropriate expression for the speed can be
found by integrating the equation dv
D K as follows:
Z vB Z sB
dv D Kds ) dv D K ds ) vB D vA C Ks: (1)
vA sA

Applying the conditions that at sA D 0, vA D 65 mph D 95:33 ft=s, and at sB D  2 D .65/ ft D 204:2 ft,
vB D 25 mph D 36:67 ft=s, it is found that
vB vA
KD D 0:2873 s 1 : (2)
Hence the speed as a function of the arc length s is

v.s/ D vA C Ks: (3)

Next we recall that the quantity vP can be written as

dv dv ds dv
D ) vP D v.s/ D .vA C Ks/ K: (4)
dt ds dt ds
Finally, recalling that the acceleration vector is given by aE D vP uO t C  uO n , we can write

.vA C Ks/2
aE D vA K C K 2 s uO t C

uO n

27:4 C .82510 4 /s uO t C 69:9 6
/s 2 uO n ft=s2 ;
D .0:421/s C .63510

where we have used the value of K in Eq. (2) and the following numerical data: vA D 65 mph D 95:33 ft=s
and  D 130 ft.

August 10, 2009

174 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.136

Particles A and B are moving in the plane with the same constant speed v, and their
paths are tangent at P . Do these particles have zero acceleration at P ? If not, do
these particles have the same acceleration at P ?

Without knowledge of the radii of curvature for the two curves it is not possible to answer the question. If the
curvature of the two curves is equal to zero at P , then the acceleration of the particles at P would be equal to
zero since the particles are moving with constant speed. If the radii of curvature for the two curves at P are
finite and equal but not equal to zero, then the acceleration of the two particles at P would be equal. If the
radii of curvature are different, then the accelerations of the two particles would be different.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 175

Problem 2.137

Uranium is used in light water reactors to produce a controlled nuclear reaction

for the generation of power. When first mined, uranium comes out as the oxide
U3 O8 , which is 0.7% of the isotope U-235 and 99.3% of the isotope U-238. To
be used in a nuclear reactor, the concentration of U-235 must be in the 35%
range. The process of increasing the percentage of U-235 is called enrichment,
and it is done in a number of ways. One method uses centrifuges, which spin
at very high rates to create artificial gravity. In these centrifuges, the heavy
U-238 atoms concentrate on the outside of the cylinder (where the acceleration
is largest), and the lighter U-235 atoms concentrate near the spin axis. Before
centrifuging, the uranium is processed into gaseous uranium hexafluoride or
UF6 , which is then injected into the centrifuge. Assuming that the radius of the
centrifuge is 20 cm and that it spins at 70;000 rpm, determine

(a) The velocity of the outer surface of the centrifuge.

(b) The acceleration in g experienced by an atom of uranium that is on the

inside of the outer wall of the centrifuge.

We denote by ! the angular speed of the centrifuge. Hence, we have that ! D 70;000 rpm D 7330 rad=s.

Part (a). Using the fact that the speed v and the angular speed ! are related as v D !, we have that the
speed of points on the outer surface of the centrifuge is

v D ! D 1466 m=s; (1)

where we have used the fact that ! D 7330 rad=s and  D 20 cm D 0:2000 m. Expressing the above result
to 3 significant figures, we have
v D ! D 1470 m=s:

Part (b). Under the assumption that the centrifuge is spinning with a constant angular speed, the only
component of acceleration of a point on the wall of the centrifuge will be the normal component. Hence, the
acceleration experienced by an atom at the inside surface of the centrifuge is

v2 .1466 m=s/2 g 10:75106 m=s2

an D D D ) aE D 1:10106 g uO n ,
 0:2 m 9:81 m=s2
where the unit vector v always points from a point on the periphery of the centrifuge toward the center of the
centrifuge,and where we have used the the value of v in Eq. (1) along with the fact that  D 20 cm D 0:2000 m
and g D 9:81 m=s2 .

August 10, 2009

176 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.138

Treating the center of the Earth as a fixed point, determine the magnitude of the acceleration of points on
the surface of the earth as a function of the angle  shown. Use R D 6371 km as the radius of the Earth.

Let ! denote the angular speed of the Earth. Since the Earth undergoes one full revolution per day, we have
1 rev 2 rad
!D D D 72:7210 6 rad=s: (1)
1 day .24 h/.3600 s=h/
Next, let  denote the distance between the point indicated on the figure and the axis of rotation of the Earth,
i.e., a point on the surface of the Earth characterized by the angle  off the equator and the axis of rotation of
the Earth. Then, we have we
 D R cos : (2)
Next we observe that under the assumption that the angular speed of the Earth is constant, the only component
of the acceleration of the point in question is the normal component. Hence, we must have
aE D an D v D ! 2 D R! 2 cos ;

which, recalling that R D 6371 km D 6;371;000 m, using the value of ! in Eq. (1), and expressing all known
coefficients to 3 significant figures, can be evaluated to obtain

cos / m=s2 :

aE D .33:710

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 177

Problem 2.139

A water jet is ejected from the nozzle of a fountain with a speed v0 D 12 m=s.
Letting D 33 , determine the rate of change of the speed of the water particles
as soon as these are ejected as well as the corresponding radius of curvature of
the water path.

The normal and tangential components of acceleration are:

an D g cos D I and a t D g sin D v:

Hence, recalling that g D 9:81 m=s2 , v0 D 12 m=s, and D 33 , we have

D D 17:5 m and vP D 5:34 m=s:
g cos

August 10, 2009

178 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.140

A water jet is ejected from the nozzle of a fountain with a speed v0 . Letting D 21 , determine v0 so that
the radius of curvature at the highest point on the water arch is 10 ft.

We model the water particles in the jet as projectiles subject to the constant acceleration due to gravity. Hence,
at the highest point on the water arch the vertical component of the velocity of the water particles is equal to
zero and the only nonzero component of velocity is equal to the initial component of velocity in the horizontal
direction. This component of velocity is equal to v0 cos . Therefore, at the highest point on the water arch
we have
vE D v0 cos uO t ) v D v0 cos : (1)
Recalling that speed and radius of curvature are related through the relation an D v 2 = and observing that at
the highest point on the water arch the acceleration due to gravity is completely in the normal direction, i.e.,
an D g, then we must have

v2 v 2 cos2 g
an D g D ) gD 0 ) v0 D : (2)

Recalling that D 21 , g D 32:2 ft=s2 , and  D 10 ft, we can evaluate the above expression to obtain

v0 D 19:2 ft=s:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 179

Problem 2.141

A jet is flying at a constant speed v0 D 750 mph while performing a constant

speed circular turn. If the magnitude of the acceleration needs to remain constant
and equal to 9g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity, determine the radius
of curvature of the turn.

Using the given data, we have v0 D 750 mph D 1100 ft=s. Since the speed is constant, the only component
of the acceleration is the normal component, namely, an . Relating this component of acceleration to the
speed and the radius of curvature, we have

v2 v2
an D D 9g ) D D 4180 ft: (1)

August 10, 2009

180 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.142

A car traveling with a speed v0 D 65 mph almost loses contact with the ground
when it reaches the top of the hill. Determine the radius of curvature of the hill
at its top.

For the car to almost loose contact with the ground we have

v02 v02
an D Dg ) D D 282 ft; (1)

where we have used the following numerical data: v0 D 65 mph D 95:33 ft=s and g D 32:2 ft=s2 .

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 181

Problem 2.143

A car is traveling over a hill. If, using a Cartesian coordinate system with
origin O at the top of the hill, the hills profile is described by the function
y D .0:003 m 1 /x 2 , where x and y are in meters, determine the minimum
speed at which the car would lose contact with the ground at the top of the hill.
Express the answer in km=h.

We need to calculate the curvature at the top of the hill (x D 0). TO do so, we will apply the formula
giving the radius of curvature in terms of derivatives of the curve y D .0:003 m 1 /x 2 with respect to x.
Specifically, we have
1 C .dy=dx/2

.x/ D : (1)
d 2 y=dx 2
With this in mind, we have

dy d 2y
D .0:006000 m 1 /x and D 0:006000 m 1 : (2)
dx dx 2
Substituting the values from Eqs. (2) into Eq. (1) for x D 0, we have
.0/ D 1
D 166:7 m: (3)
0:006000 m
Now we observe that for the car to almost loose contact with the ground we have
an D D g; (4)

where vmin is the value of the speed that we are trying to determine. Since g is known, i.e., g D 9:81 m=s2
and we have just determined that  D 166:7 m, we can solve the above equation to obtain
vmin D g.0/ ) vmin D 40:44 m=s ) vmin D 146 km=h: (5)

August 10, 2009

182 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.144

A race boat is traveling at a constant speed v0 D 130 mph when it performs a turn
with constant radius  to change its course by 90 as shown. The turn is performed
while losing speed uniformly in time so that the boats speed at the end of the turn is
vf D 125 mph. If the maximum allowed normal acceleration is equal to 2g, where g
is the acceleration due to gravity, determine the tightest radius of curvature possible
and the time needed to complete the turn.

Since the normal acceleration is given by an D v 2 =, under the assumption that  D constant, the maximum
normal acceleration occurs where the speed is maximum. In turn, this occurs at the beginning of the turn
given that the speed is monotonically decreasing. Specifically, we have

vmax D v0 D 130 mph D 190:7 ft=s: (1)

then, going back to the formula an D v 2 =, we have

vmax v02
an D 2g D ) min D D 565 ft; (2)
min 2g

where we have used the value of v0 in Eq. (1) and the fact that g D 32:2 ft=s2 .
Next, recalling that the speed is decreasing uniformly in time, i.e., that vP is constant, using the constant
acceleration equation vf2 v02 D 2a t .s s0 / to find a t , we have

 vf2 v02
sD and s0 D 0 ) at D (3)
2 min
Now use the constant acceleration equation vf D v0 C a t tf to find the time to complete the turn, where
vf D 125 mph D 183:3 ft=s.

min v02
tf D ) tf D  D 4:74 s, (4)
vf C v0 2g vf C v0

where we have used the following numerical values: v0 D 190:7 ft=s (see Eq. (1)), vf D 125 mph D
183:3 ft=s, and g D 32:2 ft=s2 .

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 183

Problem 2.145

A race boat is traveling at a constant speed v0 D 130 mph when it performs a turn
with constant radius  to change its course by 90 as shown. The turn is performed
while losing speed uniformly in time so that the boats speed at the end of the turn is
vf D 116 mph. If the magnitude of the acceleration is not allowed to exceed 2g, where
g is the acceleration due to gravity, determine the tightest radius of curvature possible
and the time needed to complete the turn.

The given values of speed at the beginning and end of the turn are

v0 D 130 mph D 190:7 ft=s and vf D 116 mph D 170:1 ft=s: (1)

Treating the value of  as known and equal to the minimum value that we need to determine, then the normal
component of acceleration is given by
an D ; (2)
where v is the speed of the boat. Next, recalling that the tangential acceleration is constant, applying constant
acceleration equations, we have

vf2 v02 D 2a t .sf s0 / D 2a t min ; (3)
where .=2/min is the distance covered by the boat along its path while performing the turn. Hence, we can
solve the above equation for a t to obtain
vf2 v02
at D : (4)
Now, using Eqs. (2) and (4) we can compute the magnitude of the acceleration of the boat. In addition,
recalling that we want the maximum value of the acceleration not to exceed 2g, we can solve for min by
 2 v  2
2 2 2 2
v 4 vf
v 0
u 4
v0 vf
v 0
aj2 D an2 C a2t D 20 C D 4g 2 ) min D
jE 2 2
C D 565:9 ft; (5)
min 2
 min 4g 4 g 2

where we have the speed values in Eqs. (1) and the fact that g D 32:2 ft=s2 .
Now we solve for tf the time needed to perform the turn by observing that we must have vf D v0 C a t tf .
Hence, using the expression for a t in Eq. (4), we can write
vf v0 vf v0 min
tf D D min ) tf D D 4:927 s;
at vf2 v02 vf C v0

where we have used the speed values in Eq. (1) and the value of min in Eq. (5). Summarizing and expressing
our final answers to 3 significant figures, we have

min D 566 ft and tf D 4:93 s:

August 10, 2009

184 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.146

A truck takes an exit ramp with a speed v0 D 55 mph. The ramp is a circular
arc with radius  D 150 ft. Determine the constant rate of change of the truck
speed that will allow the truck to stop at B.

Since the tangential component of the acceleration of the truck is assumed to be constant, we can solve the
problem by using the constant acceleration equation v 2 v02 D 2v.s P s0 /. Doing so and recalling that we
have letting s0 D 0, s D ./=2 D 235:6 ft, vf D 0, and v0 D 55 mph D 80:67 ft=s, we can write

vP D ) vP D 13:8 ft=s2 . (1)

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 185

Problem 2.147

A jet is flying straight and level at a speed v0 D 1100 km=h when it turns to
change its course by 90 as shown. In an attempt to progressively tighten the
turn, the speed of the plane is uniformly decreased in time while keeping the
normal acceleration constant and equal to 8g, where g is the acceleration due
to gravity. At the end of the turn, the speed of the plane is vf D 800 km=h.
Determine the radius of curvature f at the end of the turn and the time tf that
the plane takes to complete its change in course.

Keeping in mind that we have vf D 800 km=h D 222:2 m=s and that g D 9:81 m=s2 , the radius of curvature
at the end of the turn is
vf2 vf2
an D 8g D ) f D D 629 m (1)
f 8g

Now, we need to relate the speed to the fact that the plane undergoes a change of course of 90 . To do so, let
! denote the anguar speed of the plane. Therefore ! is also the angular speed of the radial line connecting
the plane to center of curvature on an instant by instant basis. With this in mind, we have v D ! where
! D ddt
, where  is any angle that one can conveniently define to characterize the orientation of the radial
line connecting the plane to center of curvature on an instant by instant basis. So we have
d v 8g
!D D D ; (2)
dt  v
where, to obtain the last expression we have used the fact that the normal acceleration must remain constant
and equal to 8g, i.e., an D v 2 =rho D 8g so that v= D 8g=v. Now, we enforce the condition that the speed
is decrased uniformily in time. This means that we can used constant acceleration equations and write
v D v0 C a t t; (3)
where a t is the (constant) tangential acceleration. Therefore, substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (2) we have
Z tf Z =2
d 8g 8g 8g
D ) d D dt ) dt D d; (4)
dt v0 C a t t v0 C a t t 0 v0 C ac t 0
where in the above integral we have finally managed to relate the speed of the airplane to the fact that the
airplane undergoes a change of course of 90 . Carrying out the above integration, and recalling that we must
have a t D .vf v0 /=tf , we have
a t tf 8gtf vf v0
ln 1 C D ) ln 1 C D :
at v0 2 vf v0 v0 2
Hence, recalling that we have vf D 800 km=h D 222:2 m=s, v0 D 1100 km=h D 305:6 ft=s, and g D
9:81 m=s2 , we can solve the above equation for tf to obtain

.vf v0 /
tf D D 5:24 s:
16g ln.vf =v0 /

August 10, 2009

186 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.148

A car is traveling over a hill with a constant speed v0 D 70 mph. Using

the Cartesian coordinate system shown, the hills profile is described by the
function y D .0:0005 ft 1 /x 2 , where x and y are measured in feet. At
x D 300 ft, the driver applies the brakes, causing a constant time rate of
change of speed vP D 3 ft=s2 until the car arrives at O. Determine the distance
traveled while applying the brakes along with the time to cover this distance.
Hint: To compute
p the distance
p traveled by the car along the cars path, observe
that ds D dx 2 C dy 2 D 1 C .dy=dx/2 dx, and that

xp 1 
Z p p 
1 C C 2 x 2 dx D 1 C C 2x2 C ln C x C 1 C C 2 x 2 :
2 2C

Taking the derivative of y.x/ with respect to x, we have

yD .0:0005 ft 1 /x 2 ) D .0:001000 ft1 /x: (1)
Making use of the equation for ds given in the problem statement. For convenience, let C D 0:001000 ft 1 .
Then we can write q p
ds D 1 C .dy=dx/2 dx ) ds D 1 C C 2 x 2 dx: (2)
Integrating Eq. (2) from x D 300 ft to x D 0, we have
Z 0 p  p
x 1  p 0
sD 1C C 2 x 2 dx ) sD 2 2
1CC x C 2
ln C x C 1 C C x 2 : (3)
300 ft 2 2C 300 ft

Evaluating the last of Eqs. (3) and expressing the final result to 3 significant figures, we find

s D 304 ft:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 187

Problem 2.149

Recalling that a circle of radius R and center at the origin O of a Cartesian

coordinate system with axes x and y can be expressed via the formula x 2 Cy 2 D
R2 , use Eq. (2.72) to verify that the radius of curvature of this circle is equal to

Taking the differential of x 2 C y 2 D R2 with respect to x to find dx
, we have

dy dy x
2x C 2y D0 ) D : (1)
dx dx y
Takinf the derivative of Eq. (1) with respect to x and substituting Eq. (1) back into the results for dx
, we have

d 2y 1 x dy d 2y .x 2 C y 2 /
D C 2 ) D : (2)
dx y y dx dx 2 y3
3=2 3=2
1 C .dy=dx/2 1 C x 2 =y 2
y 3

D )  D ) (3)
d 2 y=dx 2 x 2 C y 2
x2 C y2 R3

D D )  D R: (4)

x 2 C y 2

August 10, 2009

188 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.150

A particle P is moving along a path with the velocity shown. Discuss in detail
whether or not there are incorrect elements in the sketch of the polar component
system at P .

The unit vector uO r must be oriented along the radial line r and point away from the origin. The unit vector
uO  is oriented perpendicular to uO r and pointing in the direction of increasing .

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 189

Problem 2.151

A particle P is moving along a path with the velocity shown. Discuss in detail
whether or not there are incorrect elements in the sketch of the polar component
system at P .

The unit vector uO  is oriented correctly but uO r must point in the direction opposite to the direction shown.

August 10, 2009

190 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.152

A particle P is moving along a path with the velocity shown. Discuss in detail
whether or not there are incorrect elements in the sketch of the polar component
system at P .

The unit vector uO r is oriented correctly. uO  must be oriented opposite to the direction shown.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 191

Problem 2.153

A particle P is moving along a circle with center C and radius R in the direction
shown. Letting O be the origin of a polar coordinate system with the coordinates
r and  shown, discuss in detail whether or not there are incorrect elements in
the sketch of the polar component system at P .

Both uO r and uO  are oriented as they should be.

August 10, 2009

192 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.154

A radar station is tracking a plane flying at a constant altitude with a speed

v0 D 550 mph. If at a given instant r D 7 mi and  D 32 , determine the
P r,
P ,
corresponding values of r, R
R and .

The velocity is vE D v0 {O, where {O D cos  uO r sin  uO  . The velocity in polar coordinates is vE D rP uO r Cr P uO  .
v0 cos  uO r v0 sin  uO  D rP uO r C r P uO  :
This vector equation gives us two scalar equations we use to solve for the desired quantites.

v0 cos  D rP ) rP D 466 mph

v0 sin  D r P ) P D 41:6 rad=h.

The problem statement implies that the velocity of the airplane is constant and that therefore the acceleration
of the airplane is equal to zero. Use the following equation to solve for the desired quantities. This implies
that we must have
0E D .rR r P 2 / uO r C .r R C 2rP P / uO  ;
This vector equation gives us two scalar equations we use to solve for the desired quantites.

rR D r P 2 ) rR D 12;100 mi=h2 ,

2rP P
R D ) R D 5550 rad=h2 .

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 193

Problem 2.155

During a given time interval, a radar station tracking an airplane records the

P / D 449:8 cos .t / C 11:78 sin .t / mph;

r.t /P .t / D 11:78 cos .t / 449:8 sin .t / mph;

where t denotes time. Determine the speed of the plane. Furthermore, de-
termine whether the plane being tracked is ascending or descending and the
corresponding climbing rate (i.e., the rate of change of the planes altitude)
expressed in ft=s.

P / and r.t /P .t/ provided by the problem statement, and realizing that r.t
Using the expressions for r.t P / D vr
and r.t/.t/ D v , we have

v 2 D vr2 C v2
D rP 2 C .r P /2
D .449:8/2 cos2  C .11:78/2 sin2  C 2 sin  cos .449:8/.11:78/ mph

C .11:78/2 cos2  C .449:8/2 sin2  2 sin  cos .449:8/.11:78/ mph:


Using the trigonometric identity sin2 ! C cos2 ! D 1, we can simplify the above expression to

v 2 D .449:8/2 C .11:78/2 mph

) v D 450 mph. (2)

Letting y denote the elevation of the airplane, we have that y D r sin  . Taking the derivative of y with
respect to time we have

yP D rP sin  C r P cos 
D .449:8/ sin  cos  C .11:78/ sin2  C .11:78/ cos2  .449:8/ sin  cos  mph
D 11:78 mph:

Converting the above result and expressing to 3 significant figures, we have

The airplane is ascending at a rate of 17:3 ft=s.

August 10, 2009

194 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.156

At a given instant, an airplane flying at an altitude h0 D 10;000 ft begins its

descent in preparation for landing when it is r.0/ D 20 mi from the radar station
at the destinations airport. At that instant, the aiplanes speed is v0 D 300 mph,
the climb rate is 5 ft=s, and the horizontal component of velocity is decreasing
steadily at a rate of 15 ft=s2 . Determine the r, P r,
P , R and R that would be observed
by the radar station.


q at time t D 0, we have  D
Referring to the figure on the right,
sin .h=r/ D 5:434 , x.0/ P D v02 y.0/
P 2 D 440:0 ft=s, and
y.0/ D 5 ft=s. In addition, we can relate the polar coordinates
.r; / to the Cartesian coordinates .x; y/ as follows:

y D r sin  ) yP D rP sin  C r P cos ; (1)

x D r cos  ) xP D rP cos  r P sin : (2)

Viewing the above equations as a system of two equations in the two unknowns rP and P , solving the system
in question and evaluating the solution for t D 0, we have

r.0/ D 438 ft=s and P .0/ D 34710 6

where we have used the data listed earlier.

Differentiating the last of Eqs. (1) and (2) yields the following system of two equations in the two
unknowns rR and :

yR D rR sin  C 2rP P cos  C r R cos  r P 2 sin 

xR D rR cos  2rP P sin  r R sin  r P 2 cos :

Recalling that we have x.0/ D 15 ft=s2 and y.0/
R D 0, solving the above system and evaluating the solution
at t D 0, we have
r.0/ D 14:9 ft=s2 and R .0/ D 10:610 6
rad=s2 :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 195

Problem 2.157

At a given instant, the merry-go-round is rotating with an angular velocity ! D 20 rpm while the child is
moving radially outward at a constant rate of 0:7 m=s. Assuming that the angular velocity of the merry-go-
round remains constant, i.e., D 0, determine the magnitudes of the speed and of the acceleration of the
child when he is 0:8 m away from the spin axis.

The childs velocity is vE D rP uO r C r P uO  , where rP D 0:7 m=s and P D ! D 20 rpm D 2:094 rad=s. Hence,
for r D 8 m, we have q
v D vE D rP 2 C r 2 P 2 )

v D 1:82 m=s. (1)

The childs acceleration is aE D .rR r P 2 / uO r C .r R C 2rP P / uO  , where R D D 0 and rR D 0.

aE D . r P 2 /2 C .2rP P /2 aE D 4:57 m=s2 .

) (2)

August 10, 2009

196 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.158

At a given instant, the merry-go-round is rotating with an angular velocity

! D 18 rpm, and it is slowing down at a rate of 0:4 rad=s2 . When the child
is 2:5 ft away from the spin axis, determine the time rate of change of the
childs distance from the spin axis so that the child experiences no transverse
acceleration while moving along a radial line.

The transverse component of acceleration is a D r R C 2rP ,
P where P D ! D 18 rpm D 1:885 rad=s and
R 2
 D D 0:4 rad=s . Hence, for r D 2:5 ft, we have

r R
rP D ) rP D 0:265 ft=s.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 197

Problem 2.159

At a given instant, the merry-go-round is rotating with an angular velocity

! D 18 rpm. When the child is 0:45 m away from the spin axis, determine the
second derivative with respect to time of the childs distance from the spin axis
so that the child experiences no radial acceleration.

The radial component of acceleration is ar D rR r P 2 , where P D ! D 18 rpm D 1:885 rad=s. Hence, for
r D 0:45 m, we have
rR D r! 2 ) rR D 1:60 m=s2 .

August 10, 2009

198 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.160

The cutaway of the gun barrel shows a projectile that, upon exit, moves with a speed vs D 5490 ft=s
relative to the gun barrel. The length of the gun barrel is L D 15 ft. Assuming that the angle  is increasing
at a constant rate of 0:15 rad=s, determine the speed of the projectile right when it leaves the barrel. In
addition, assuming that the projectile acceleration along the barrel is constant and that the projectile starts
from rest, determine the magnitude of the acceleration upon exit.

We will use a coordinate system with origin at the base of the gun, the coordinate r define as the distance of
a point along the gun from its base, and the coordinate  as shown in the figure. In this coordinate system,
P In addition, we are
we have that the rate of change of the radial position of the projectile along the gun is r.
told that P D 0:15 rad=s. Recall that in polar coordinates the velocity of the projectile is vE D rP uO r C r P uO  .
Therefore, upon exit, i.e., for r D L and rP D vs D 5490 ft=s, the speed of the projectile is

vE D rP 2 C .LP /2 D 5490 ft=s:

The assumption that the acceleration of the projectile along the gun is constant implies that the quantity rR is
assumed constant. Hence, we can compute rR using constant acceleration equations, i.e., rP 2 D rP02 C 2r.r R r0 /.
letting r0 D 0, since rP0 D 0 (the projectile start from rest), and since we know that for r D L we have
rP D vs , we can write
rR D s :
Next, recalling that in polar coordinate the acceleration of the projectile is aE D .rR r P 2 / uO r C .r R C 2rP P / uO  ,
and that we have R D 0, upon exit, we can write

LP 2 C 2vs P D 1:00106 ft=s2 ;

aE D

where we have used the fact that vs D 5490 ft=s, L D 15 ft, and P D 0:15 rad=s.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 199

Problem 2.161

A space station is rotating in the direction shown at a constant rate of 0:22 rad=s.
A crew member travels from the periphery to the center of the station through
one of the radial shafts at a constant rate of 1:3 m=s (relative to the shaft) while
holding onto a handrail in the shaft. Taking t D 0 to be the instant at which
travel through the shaft begins and knowing that the radius of the station is
200 m, determine the velocity and acceleration of the crew member as a function
of time. Express your answer using a polar coordinate system with origin at the
center of the station.

We will use a polar coordinate system with origin at the center of the station and radial coordinate going from
the center to the person moving along the shaft. The velocity of the astronaut is vE D rP uO r C r P uO  , where
rP D 1:3 m=s and P D 0:22 rad=s. Let r0 represent the radius of the station. The position is r D r0 1:3 t.
So we have
vE D 1:30 uO r C .44:0 0:286 t / uO  m=s:

The acceleration is aE D .rR r P 2 / uO r C .r R C 2rP P / uO  , where rR D 0 and R D 0.

aE D . 9:68 C 0:0629 t / uO r 0:572 uO  m=s2 :

August 10, 2009

200 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.162

Solve Prob. 2.161 and express your answers as a function of position along the
shaft traveled by the astronaut.

The velocity of the astronaut is vE D rP uO r C r P uO  . Therefore

vE D . 1:3 uO r C 0:22 r uO  / m=s:

The acceleration is aE D .rR r P 2 / uO r C .r R C 2rP P / uO  , where rR and R D 0.

. 0:0484 r uO r 0:572 uO  / m=s2 :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 201

Problem 2.163

A person driving along a rectilinear stretch of road is fined for speeding, having
been clocked at 75 mph when the radar gun was pointing as shown. The driver
claims that, because the radar gun is off to the side of the road instead of directly
in front of his car, the radar gun overestimates his speed. Is he right or wrong
and why?

The driver is wrong. The speed recorded is the component of the actual speed along the radial direction. As
such, i.e. being a component, it can only be smaller than the true speed.

August 10, 2009

202 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.164

A motion tracking camera is placed along a rectilinear stretch of a racetrack

(the figure is not to scale). A car C enters the stretch at A with a speed
vA D 110 mph and accelerates uniformly in time so that at B it has a speed
vB D 175 mph, where d D 1 mi. Letting the distance L D 50 ft, if the camera
is to track the motion of C , determine the cameras angular velocity as well as
the time rate of change of the angular velocity when the car is at A and at H .


At A the velocity of the car is vE D vA {O. Expressing the unit vector

{O via the .uO r ; uO  / component system, we have

{O D sin  uO r cos  uO  :
P we consider the transverse component of velocity v , i.e.,
To find ,

v cos 
v D r P D v cos  ) P D : (1)
For the point A we have r D .d=2/2 C L2 , cos  D L
r , and v D vA . Eq. (1) becomes

vA L
PA D 2
D 1:1610 3
rad=s: (2)
.d=2/ C L2

where we have used the following numerical data: vA D 110 mph D 161:3 ft=s, L D 50 ft, and d D 1 mi D
5280 ft.
Next, using the constant acceleration equation v 2 D v02 C 2ac .s s0 / the accelerationq of the car is
 2 2 2 2
vB vA vA CvB
aE D 2d
{O. Using the same constant acceleration equation the velocity at H is vEH D 2 {O. For
the point H we have r D L D 50 ft and cos  D 1 so that Eq. (1) gives
1 vA2 C vB
PH D D 4:29 rad=s; (3)
L 2

where we have used the following numerical data: vA D 110 mph D 161:3 ft=s, vB D 175 mph D 256:7 ft=s,
L D 50 ft, and d D 1 mi D 5280 ft.
To find R we need to find rP at A and H by using the radial component of velocity vr D rP D v sin . At
A, we have that sin  D 2r D p d 2 2 . At H , we have that sin  D 0. Therefore, we can write
2 .d=2/ CL

vA d
vr D rP D v sin  ) rPA D p ; (4)
2 .d=2/2 C L2
) rPH D 0: (5)
 2 2 
R Keeping in mind that aE D vB vA
Now we use the uO  component of acceleration to find . 2d
{O, we have
" #
vA2 vA2 2
vB 1 vB
a D r R C 2rP P D cos  ) R D cos  2rP P : (6)
2d r 2d
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 203

To find R at A we start with Eq. (6) and replace rP with Eq. (4), P with Eq. (2), and cos  with L
r, i.e.,

" #
vA2 2
vA2 dL

1 vB L
RA D 2 D 1:6810 4
rad=s2 ;
r 2d r2

where r D .d=2/2 C L2 , and where we have used the following numerical data: vA D 110 mph D
161:3 ft=s, vB D 175 mph D 256:7 ft=s, L D 50 ft, and d D 1 mi D 5280 ft.
To find R at H we start with Eq. (6) and replace rP with Eq. (5), r with L, and cos  with 1.

vA2 vB 2

R D D 0:0755 rad=s2 ;

where we have used the following numerical data: vA D 110 mph D 161:3 ft=s, vB D 175 mph D 256:7 ft=s,
L D 50 ft, and d D 1 mi D 5280 ft.

August 10, 2009

204 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.165

The radar station at O is tracking a meteor P as it moves through the atmosphere.

At the instant shown, the station measures the following data for the motion
of the meteor: r D 21;000 ft,  D 40 , rP D 22;440 ft=s, P D 2:935 rad=s,
rR D 187;500 ft=s2 , and R D 5:409 rad=s2 .

(a) Determine the magnitude and direction (relative to the xy coordinate system
shown) of the velocity vector at this instant.

(b) Determine the magnitude and direction (relative to the xy coordinate system
shown) of the acceleration vector at this instant.

Part (a). Using the polar coordinate system defined in the figure of the problem statement, we have that the
velocity of the meteor is

vE D vr uO r C v uO  D rP uO r C r P uO  D .22;440 ft=s/ uO r .6:164104 ft=s/ uO  ; (1)

where we have used the following numerical data: rP D 22;440 ft=s, r D 21;000 ft, and P D 2:935 rad=s.
Then the magnitude of vE is
v j D vr2 C v2 D 6:56104 ft=s;

where, from Eq. (1), we have used the fact that vr D 22;440 ft=s and v D 6:164104 ft=s. Let denote
the angle by which the unit vector uO r must be rotated counterclockwise to point in the same direction as the
vector vE. Then, because both vr and v are negative, the angle is given by
1 v
D 180 C tan D 250:0 : (2)

Since the radial direction is oriented at 40 counterclockwise with respect to the x axis, then the angle
formed by the velocity vector and the x axis is C 40 , where it is understood that this angle is measured
counterclockwise from the x axis. Hence, we have

Orientation of vE from x axis D 290 (ccw):

Part (b). Using the polar coordinate system defined in the figure of the problem statement, we have that the
acceleration of the meteor is

vE D ar uO r C a uO  D .rR r P 2/ uO r C .r R C 2rP P / uO  D .6:601103 ft=s2 / uO r C .18:13103 ft=s2 / uO  ; (3)

where we have used the following numerical data: rR D 187;500 ft=s2 , rP D 22;440 ft=s, P D 2:935 rad=s,
r D 21;000 ft, and R D 5:409 rad=s2 . Then the magnitude of aE is

aj D ar2 C a2 D 19:3103 ft=s2 ;

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 205

where, from Eq. (3), we have used the fact that ar D 6:601103 ft=s2 and a D 18:13103 ft=s2 . Let
denote the angle by which the unit vector uO r must be rotated counterclockwise to point in the same direction
as the vector aE . Then, because both ar and a are positive, the angle is given by
1 a
D tan D 69:99 : (4)

Since the radial direction is oriented at 40 counterclockwise with respect to the x axis, then the angle formed
by the acceleration vector and the x axis is C 40 , where it is understood that this angle is measured
counterclockwise from the x axis. Hence, we have

Orientation of aE from x axis D 110 (ccw):

August 10, 2009

206 Solutions Manual

Problems 2.166 and 2.167

As a part of an assembly process, the end effector at A on the robotic arm needs
to move the gear at B along the vertical line shown with some known velocity
v0 and acceleration a0 . Arm OA can vary its length by telescoping via internal
actuators, and a motor at O allows it to pivot in the vertical plane.

Problem 2.166 When  D 50 , it is required that v0 D 8 ft=s (down) and

that it be slowing down at a0 D 2 ft=s2 . Using h D 4 ft, determine, at this
instant, the values for rR (the extensional acceleration) and R (the angular accel-

Problem 2.167 Letting v0 and a0 be positive if the gear moves and accelerates
P r,
upward, determine expressions for r, r, P and R that are valid for any value
R ,
of .

Solution to 2.166

Referring to the figure on the right, The .O{ ; |O/ component system is converted to
the .uO r ; uO  / component system as

{O D cos  uO r sin  uO  and |O D sin  uO r C cos  uO  : (1)

The velocity vE D v0 |O is expressed in the .uO r ; uO  / coordinate system as

vE D v0 .sin  uO r C cos  uO  / : (2)

The general expression for velocity in polar coordinates is vE D rP uO r C r P uO  .

Thus rP and P are
v0 cos 
rP D v0 sin  and P D : (3)
The acceleration aE D a0 |O is converted to the .uO r ; uO  / coordinate system as

aE D a0 .sin  uO r C cos  uO  / : (4)

r P 2 uO r C r R C 2rP P uO  . Using
The general expression for acceleration in polar coordinates is aE D rR
the results of Eq. (3) and noting that r D h= cos  we obtain

rR r P 2 D a0 sin ; r R C 2rP P D a0 cos ; (5)

v02 cos3  cos  2v02 cos2  sin 
rR D a0 sin  C ; R D a0 cos  : (6)
h h h

Recalling that we have  D 50 , v0 D 8 ft=s, a0 D 2 ft=s2 , and h D 4 ft, we can evaluated the expressions
for rR and R to obtain
rR D 5:78 ft=s2 and R D 1:42 rad=s2 :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 207

Solution to 2.167

Referring to the figure on the right, the length of the arm is

rD ; (7)

The .O{ ; |O/ component system is converted to the .uO r ; uO  / componenet system as

{O D cos  uO r sin  uO  and |O D sin  uO r C cos  uO  : (8)

The velocity vE D v0 |O is expressed in the .uO r ; uO  / coordinate system as

vE D v0 .sin  uO r C cos  uO  / : (9)

The general expression for velocity in polar coordinates is vE D rP uO r C r P uO  .

Thus rP and P are
v0 cos2 
rP D v0 sin  and P D : (10)

The acceleration aE D a0 |O is converted to the .uO r ; uO  / coordinate system as

aE D a0 .sin  uO r C cos  uO  / : (11)

r P 2 uO r C r R C 2rP P uO  . Using
The general expression for acceleration in polar coordinates is aE D rR
the results of Eq. (10) and noting that r D h= cos  we obtain

rR r P 2 D a0 sin  and r R C 2rP P D a0 cos ; (12)

which can be solved for rR and R to obtain

v02 cos3  a0 cos2  2v02 cos3  sin 

rR D a0 sin  C and R D :
h h h2

August 10, 2009

208 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.168

The time derivative of the acceleration, i.e., aEP , is usually referred to as the jerk because jerky motion is
generally associated with quickly changing acceleration. Starting from Eq. (2.89), compute the jerk in
polar coordinates.

Equation (2.89) on p. 119 of the textbook states

aE D rR r P 2 uO r C r R C 2rP P uO  D ar uO r C a uO  :

Therefore, we have
aEP D aP r uO r C ar uPO r C aP  uO  C a uPO  : (2)
Recall that
uPO r D P kO  uO r D P uO  and uPO  D P kO  uO  D P uO r : (3)
Substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (2) and rearranging terms, we have Differentiate aE D ar uO r C a uO  . Remember
that uPO r D P kO  uO r and uPO  D P kO  uO  .

aEP D aP r P a uO r C aP  C P ar uO  :

Then, time differentiating the expressions ar D rR r P 2 and a D r R C 2rP ,

P gives

aP r D
r rP P 2 2r P R and aP  D rP R C r  C 2rR P C 2rP R : (5)

Substituting Eqs. (5) into Eq. (4) and simplifying, we have

  h   i
r 3r P R 3rP P 2 uO r C r  P 3 C 3rR P C 3rP R uO  :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 209

Problems 2.169 and 2.170

In the cutting of sheet metal, the robotic arm OA needs to move the cutting tool
at C counterclockwise at a constant speed v0 along a circular path of radius .
The center of the circle is located in the position shown relative to the base of
the robotic arm at O.

Problem 2.169 When the cutting tool is at D ( D 0), determine r, r, P r,

P , R
and  as functions of the given quantities (i.e., d , h, , v0 ).

Problem 2.170 For all positions along the circular cut (i.e., for any value of
P r,
P ,
), determine r, r, R and R as functions of the given quantities (i.e., d , h, ,
v0 ). These quantities can be found by hand, but it is tedious, so you might
consider using symbolic algebra software such as Mathematica or Maple.

Solution to 2.169

Referring to the figure on the right, the unit vectors {O and |O are
related to the unit vectors of the polar coordinate system as follows:

{O D cos  uO r sin  uO  and |O D sin  uO r C cos  uO  : (1)

The kinematic quantities describing the motion of the arm, in polar

coordinates, are now found for the case where  D 0. The velocity
vector of the cutting tool at C (moving with constant speed along a
circular path) is expressed in terms of our xy coordinate system as

vE D v0 |O: (2)

By substituting the second of Eqs. (1) into Eq. (2), we have

vE D .v0 sin / uO r C .v0 cos / uO  : (3)

Since in polar coordinates we have vE D rP uO r C r P uO  , then from

Eq. (3) we deduce that
v0 cos 
rP D v0 sin  and P D : (4)
Now, using geometry we see that, for  D 0,
rD h2 C .d C /2 : (5)

In addition, again for  D 0, the sines and cosines of angle  are

h d C
sin  D ; cos  D : (6)
r r
Substituting Eqs. (5) and (6) into Eqs. (4) . we have

v0 h v0 .d C /
rP D q and P D : (7)
h2 C .d C /2 h2 C . C d /2

August 10, 2009

210 Solutions Manual

Since the speed of point C is constant, the acceleration of point C is only the direction normal to the path
of C , i.e., is directed toward the center of the cutting path. Therefore, for  D 0, the acceleration of C can be
written as !
aE D {O; (8)

Substituting the first of Eqs. (1) into Eq. (8), we have

v02 cos  v 2 sin 

aE D uO r C 0 uO  : (9)

Now recall that in polar coordinates, we have aE D .rR r P 2 / uO r C .r R C 2rP P / uO  . Hence, we can use the
above expression to conclude that

r P 2  v02 cos  v 2 sin  2rP P 

rR D ; R D 0 : (10)

Employing the expressions for r, sin , and cos  of Eq. (5) and Eq. (6) respectively, and simplifying, we
! p 2rP P 
1 P2 v 2 .d C /
h2 C.d C/2
rR D   h2 C .d C /2 p 0 and R D p : (11)
 h2 C .d C /2  h2 C .d C /2

Finally, using the expressions in Eqs. (7) and simplifying, we have

v02 .d C / h2 C d.d C / hv02 d 2 C h2 2

rR D 3=2 and R D  2 : (12)
 h2 C .d C /2

 h2 C .d C /2

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 211

Solution to 2.170

Referring to the figure on the right, the unit vectors {O and |O are
related to the unit vectors of the polar coordinate system as follows:

{O D cos  uO r sin  uO  and |O D sin  uO r C cos  uO  : (13)

For a generic value of , the velocity vector of point C can be

expressed as

vE D . v0 sin / {O C .v0 cos / |O: (14)

Substituting Eqs. (13) in Eq. (14) and rearranging terms, we have

vE D .v0 cos  sin  v0 cos  sin / uO r

C .v0 cos  cos  C v0 sin  sin / uO  : (15)

Since in polar coordinates we have vE D rP uO r C r P uO  , then from

Eq. (15) we deduce that
v0 cos  cos  C v0 sin  sin 
rP D v0 sin  v0 cos  sin  and P D : (16)
Referring to the figure and using geometry, we have
rD .h C  sin /2 C .d C  cos /2 : (17)

In addition, the sines and cosines of angle  are given by

h C  sin  d C  cos 
sin  D and cos  D : (18)
r r
Substituting Eqs. (17) and (18) into Eqs. (16) and simplifying, we have

v0 .h cos  d sin / v0 . C d cos  C h sin /

rP D q and P D : (19)
d 2 C h2 C 2 C 2d cos  C 2h sin 
.d C  cos /2 C .h C  sin /2

Since the speed of point C is constant, the acceleration of point C is only the direction normal to the path
of C , i.e., is directed toward the center of the cutting path. Therefore, the acceleration of C can be written as
v02 v2
aE D cos  {O C 0 sin  |O; (20)
which, along with Eq. (13), imply
v02 sin  sin  v02 cos  sin  v02 cos  sin 
v0 cos  cos 
aE D uO r C uO  : (21)

Now recall that in polar coordinates, we have aE D .rR r P 2 / uO r C.r R C2rP P / uO  , and therefore, by comparison
with the above expression, we can conclude that

r P 2  v02 cos  cos  v02 sin  sin  2rP P  C v02 cos  sin  v02 cos  sin 
rR D and R D : (22)
August 10, 2009
212 Solutions Manual

Employing the expressions for r and  of Eq. (17) and, after simplification, it is found that
 P 2 d 2 C h2 C 2 v02 v02 2P 2 2 .d cos  C h sin /

rR D p ; (23)
 .d C  cos /2 C .h C  sin.//2
2 P  .d C  cos /2 C .h C  sin /2
h cos./v0 d sin v 2 P
R D 0
 : (24)
 .d C  cos /2 C .h C  sin /2

Substituting Eqs. (19) into the above expression and simplifying, we have

v02 . C d cos  C h sin / d 2 C d cos  C h2 C h sin 

rR D 3=2 ; (25)
 d 2 C 2d cos  C h2 C 2 C 2h sin 
v02 d 2 C h2 2 .d sin  h cos /

R D 2 : (26)
 d 2 C 2d cos  C h2 C 2 C 2h sin 

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 213

Problem 2.171

Considering the system analyzed in Example 2.23, let h D 15 ft, v0 D 55 mph, and  D 25 . Plot the
trajectory of the projectile in two different ways: (1) by solving the projectile motion problem using
Cartesian coordinates and plotting y versus x and (2) by using a computer to solve Eqs. (3), (4), (9), and
(10) in Example 2.23. You should, of course, get the same trajectory regardless of the coordinate system

To describe the trajectory of a projectile subject only to gravity and under the conditions stated in Exam-
ple (2.23) on p. 126 of the textbook, we can use Eq. (2.52) on p. 74 of the textbook. Using this equation and
observing that the projectile is released from a height h above the origin of the chosen coordinate system, we
g sec2  2
y D .tan /x x C h; (1)
For the purpose of providing a meaningful comparison between the plot of the above function and that
obtained from the equations in Example (2.23) on p. 126 of the textbook, we will compute the value of x for,
say t D 3 s and then produce plots that have the same range for the x coordinate. To do so, recall that the
acceleration equation in the x direction is equal to zero. hence, with reference to Example (2.23) on p. 126,
we have that the x coordinate of the projectile as a function of time is given by

x D v0 cos t: (2)

Hence, recalling that v0 D 55 mph D 80:67 ft=s and  D 25 , for t D s 3 we have

x tD3 s D 219:3 ft: (3)

Again, the above value of x will simply we used to make sure that the plots we generate in this solution have
a range of x value going from 0 to 219:3 ft, which corresponds to a time range going from 0 to 3 s.
With the bove in mind, recalling that we have h D 15 ft, v0 D 55 mph D 80:67 ft=s,  D 25 , and
g D 32:2 ft=s2 , we can plot the above formula using any appropriate mathematical software. The plots shown
below was obtained using Mathematica with the following code:.
Parameters ! !h " 15., v0 " 80.67, " 25. Degree, g " 32.2";
g Sec#$2
y ! Tan#$ x $ x2 % h;
2 v02
Plot#y %. Parameters, !x, 0, 219.3", Frame " True, GridLines " Automatic,
FrameLabel " !"x &ft'", "y &ft'"", PlotLabel " "With Cartesian Coords",
AspectRatio " 1$

Solution continued on next page . . .

August 10, 2009

214 Solutions Manual

With Cartesian Coords


y !ft"

0 50 100 150 200

x !ft"

We now will determine the trajectory of the projectile starting from Eqs. (3) and (4) derived in Exam-
ple 2.23 on p. 126 of the textbook, and subject to the initial conditions in Eqs. (9) and (10) of the example in
question. For convenience, we repeat the equations we need here below:

rR r P 2 D g sin ; (4)
r R C 2rP P D g cos ; (5)
with the initial conditions

r.0/ D h; .0/ D rad: (6)
r.0/ D v0 sin ; P .0/ D cos : (7)
The above system of differential equations and initial conditions can be integrated with any appropriate
mathematical software. However, before proceeding to the solution of the equations in question, we must
keep in mind that the mathematical software will yield r and  as a function of time. Then to get the plot of
the trajectory, we must resort to parametric plot, i.e., a plot of the coordinates of the projectile corresponding
to a certain range of the time parameter. Furthermore, to produce a plot that can be compared to the one
shown above, we must plots values of x and y corresponding to the values of r and  given by the numerical
solution. This is done by simply noticing that the .x; y/ coordinates of a point are expressed via the .r;  /
components using the following relations:
x D r cos  and y D r sin : (8)
With the above considerations in mind, we have used Mathematica with the following code to obtain a
solution with time t going from 0 to 3 s (see discussion above concerning the choice of the range of x for the
plots shown earlier):
Parameters ! !h " 15., v0 " 80.67, " 25. Degree, g " 32.2";
Equations ! #r''$t% $ r$t% &'$t%'2 !! $g Sin$$t%%,

r$t% ''$t% & 2 r'$t% '$t% !! $g Cos$$t%%, r$0% ' h, $0% ' , r'$0% ' v0 Sin$%,

v0 Cos$%
'$0% ' $

Motion ! NDSolve$Equations ). Parameters, !r, ", !t, 0, 3"%


ParametricPlot$!r$t% Cos$$t%%, r$t% Sin$$t%%" ). Motion$$1%%, !t, 0, 3",

Frame " True, GridLines " Automatic, FrameLabel " !"x &ft'", "y &ft'"",
PlotLabel " "With Polar Coords", AspectRatio " 1%

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 215

The code above yields the following trajectory, which can be seen to be identical to the one obtained earlier
(as expected).
With Polar Coords

y !ft"

0 50 100 150 200

x !ft"

August 10, 2009

216 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.172

The reciprocating rectilinear motion mechanism shown consists of a disk pinned

at its center at A that rotates with a constant angular velocity !AB , a slotted arm
CD that is pinned at C , and a bar that can oscillate within the guides at E and
F . As the disk rotates, the peg at B moves within the slotted arm, causing it to
rock back and forth. As the arm rocks, it provides a slow advance and a quick
return to the reciprocating bar due to the change in distance between C and
B. Letting  D 30 , !AB D 50 rpm D constant, R D 0:3 ft, and h D 0:6 ft,
determine P and , R i.e., the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the
slotted arm CD, respectively.


Let R D AB and r D BC . The velocity of B in the .uO R ; uO  / and .uO r ; uO  / component

systems are
vEB D R!AB uO  and vEB D rP uO r C r P uO  : (1)
To find P take advantage of the fact that for  D 30 and R D 0:5h we have a right
triangle ABC . Then uO r D uO  and uO R D uO  . Converting the uO  component of vEB to
uO R and equating components we find

r P uO R D 0 ) P D 0: (2)

The acceleration of B in the .uO R ; uO  / and .uO r ; uO  / component systems are

aEB D R! 2 uO R and aEB D rR r P 2 uO r C r R C 2rP P uO  :

AB (3)

p the uO  component of aEB to uO R , equate components of Eq. (3), plug in Eq. (2), and substitute
r D h2 R2 to find

2 R!AB
r R D R!AB ) R D p D 15:8 rad=s2 ,
h2 R2

where we have used the following numerical data: R D 0:3 ft, !AB D 50 rpm D 5:236 rad=s, and h D 0:6 ft.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 217

Problems 2.173 and 2.174

A micro spiral pump consists of a spiral channel attached to a stationary plate.

This plate has two ports, one for fluid inlet and another for outlet, the outlet
being farther from the center of the plate than the inlet. The system is capped by
a rotating disk. The fluid trapped between the rotating disk and the stationary
plate is put in motion by the rotation of the top disk, which pulls the fluid
through the spiral channel.

Problem 2.173 Consider a spiral channel with the geometry given by the
equation r D  C r0 , where r0 D 146 m is the starting radius, r is
the distance from the spin axis, and  is the angular position of a point in
the spiral channel. Assume that the radius at the outlet is rout D 190 m,
that the top disk rotates with a constant angular speed !, and that the
fluid particles in contact with the rotating disk are essentially stuck to
it. Determine the constant  and the value of ! (in rpm) such that after
1.25 rev of the top disk, the speed of the particles in contact with this disk
is v D 0:5 m=s at the outlet.

Problem 2.174 Consider a spiral channel with the geometry given by the
equation r D  Cr0 , where  D 12 m is called the polar slope, r0 D 146 m
is the starting radius, r is the distance from the spin axis, and  is the angular
position of a point in the spiral channel. If the top disk rotates with a constant
angular speed ! D 30;000 rpm, and assuming that the fluid particles in contact
with the rotating disk are essentially stuck to it, use the polar coordinate system
shown and determine the velocity and acceleration of one fluid particle when it
is at r D 170 m.

Solution to 2.173
To find  we start with r D  C r0 and substitute  D 1:25 rav.2 rad=rev/ D 7:854 rad and r D rout .
rout r0
r D  C r0 ) D D 5:602 m )  D 5:60 m, (1)
7:854 rad
where we have used the fact that rout D 190 m and r0 D 146 m. Taking the derivative with respect to time
of r D  C r0 , we have
r D  C r0 ) rP D P : (2)
Next, recalling that the speed in polar coordinates is given by v 2 D rP 2 C .r P /2 and that P D !, we have

v D .!/2 C .r!/2 ) ! D p ) ! D 2630 rad=s D 25;100 rpm, (3)
2 C r 2

where we have used the fact that v D 0:5 m=s,  D 5:602 m (see Eq. (1)), and r D rout D 190 m.

August 10, 2009

218 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.174
The velocity of a particle is vE D rP uO r C r P uO  where rP D P and P D !. Hence, we can write

vE D ! uO r C r! uO  ) vE D .37:710 uO r C 0:534 uO  / m=s, (4)

where we have used the fact that  D 12 m, ! D 30;000 rpm D 3142 rad=s, and r D 170 m. The general
expression for the acceleration of a particle is aE D rR r P 2 uO r C r R C 2rP P uO  . Note that rR D 0 and
R D 0. Hence, recalling again that rP D P and P D !, we have

aE D r! 2 uO r C 2! 2 uO  ) aE D . 1680 uO r C 237 uO  / m=s2 , (5)

where, again, we have used the fact that  D 12 m, ! D 30;000 rpm D 3142 rad=s, and r D 170 m.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 219

Problem 2.175

The mechanism shown is called a swinging block slider crank. First used in
various steam locomotive engines in the 1800s, this mechanism is often found
in door-closing systems. If the disk is rotating with a constant angular velocity
P D 60 rpm, H D 4 ft, R D 1:5 ft, and r denotes the distance between B and
O, compute r, P r,
P , R and R when  D 90 .


The motion of B is uniform circular motion. The velocity of B at  D 90

in the .uO n ; uO t / and .uO r ; uO  / component systems is

vE D RP uO t and vE D rP uO r C r P uO  : (1)

The .uO n ; uO t / unit vectors are express in the .uO r ; uO  / component system as

uO t D cos  uO r sin  uO  uO n D sin  uO r cos  uO  : (2)

Convert vE D RP uO t to the .uO r ; uO  / component

p system and equate components of Eqs. (1). Note that
sin  D p 2R 2 , cos  D p 2H 2 , r D R2 C H 2 , and P D 2 rad=s.

vE D RP cos  uO r

sin  uO  : (3)

rP D RP cos  ) rP D p D 8:82 ft=s. (4)
R2 C H 2

R2 P
RP sin  D r P ) P D D 0:775 rad=s. (5)
R2 C H 2

The acceleration of B at  D 90 in the .uO n ; uO t / and .uO r ; uO  / component systems is

aE D RP 2 uO n and aE D rR r P 2 uO r C r R C 2rP P uO 


Convert aE D RP 2 uO n to the .uO r ; uO  / component system and equate components of Eqs. (6). Plug in Eqs. (4)
and (5) and simplify.
aE D RP 2

sin  uO r cos  uO  :
Recalling that P D 60 rpm D 6:283 rad=s, H D 4 ft, R D 1:5 ft, we have

P 2 H 2 R2
rR r P 2 D RP 2 sin  ) rR D 3=2 D 18:2 ft=s2 ,
R2 C H 2

P 2 HR R2 H2

r R C 2rP P D RP 2 cos  ) R D 2 D 9:78 rad=s2 :
R2 C H2

August 10, 2009

220 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.176

The cam is mounted on a shaft that rotates about O with constant angular
velocity !cam . The profile of the cam is described by the function `./ D
R0 .1 C 0:25 cos3 /, where the angle  is measured relative to the segment
OA, which rotates with the cam. Letting !cam D 3000 rpm and R0 D 3 cm,
determine the velocity and acceleration of the follower when  D 33 . Express
the acceleration of the follower in terms of g, the acceleration due to gravity.

Let r denote the distance between the point on the follower in contact with the cam and point O. Then, the
velocity of the follower is the time rate of change of the radius of the cam, i.e., vEfollower D rP |O. Then, using
the chain rule, we have
dr d ` df d
D ;
dt df d dt
where f is the value of the angle  identifying the radial line going from O to the follower (the subscript f
stands for follower). The radial line in question lies always along the y axis. and therefore we have that f is
such that f D 90 . Consequently, we have

d` df d
D 0:75R0 cos2 f sin f ; D 1; and D !cam :
df d dt

Hence, recalling that R0 D 3 cm D 0:03000 m, !cam D 3000 rpm D 314:2 rad=s, and  D 33 , we have

vEfollower D rP |O D 0:75R0 !cam cos2 .90  / sin.90  / |O ) vEfollower D .1:76 m=s/ |O. (1)

The acceleration of the follower is given by aEfollower D rR |O. Hence, referring to Eq. (1), we can write
d rP d rP df d
D ;
dt df d dt

d rP df d
D 0:75R0 !cam cos f cos2 f 2 sin2 f ;

D 1; and D !cam :
df d dt

Hence, recalling again that recalling that R0 D 3 cm D 0:03000 m, !cam D 3000 rpm D 314:2 rad=s, and
 D 33 , we can write
cos 90  cos2 90  2 sin2 90  |O D .1343 m=s2 / |O;
aEfollower D rR |O D 0:75R0 !cam

which, when expressed to three siginificant figures and in terms of the acceleration due to gravity g D
9:81 m=s2 , gives
aEfollower D .137g/ |O:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 221

Problem 2.177

The collar is mounted on the horizontal arm shown, which is originally rotating
with the angular velocity !0 . Assume that after the cord is cut, the collar slides
along the arm in such a way that the collars total acceleration is equal to zero.
Determine an expression of the radial component of the collars velocity as a
function of r, the distance from the spin axis. Hint: Using polar coordinates,
observe that d.r 2 P /=dt D ra .

The radial component of acceleration is

ar D 0 ) rR r P 2 D 0: (1)

The transverse component of acceleration is

a D 0 ) r R C 2rP P D 0 ) ra D 0: (2)

Because d.r 2 P /=dt D ra D 0, r 2 P D K where K is a constant. Initially r D r0 and P D !0 . So

r 2 !0
r 2 P D r02 !0 ) P D 0 2 : (3)

Take the results of Eq. (1) and substitute Eq. (3) for P .

r04 !02
rR D r P 2 ) rR D : (4)
Rewrite rR using the chain rule. Eq. (4) becomes

d rP dr d rP r 4!2
rR D ) rP D 0 30 : (5)
dr dt dr r
Integrate Eq. (5):
rP r r04 !02 r04 !02 r

1 1
1 2
rP d rP D dr ) 2 rP D ) rP D r02 !0 ; (6)
0 r0 r3 2r 2 r0 r02 r2

where, in taking the square root of the second of Eqs. (6) we have paid attention to make sure that rP is positive,
given that the collar is sliding outward and therefore causing r to increase. Simplifying the last of Eqs. (6),
we have
r 0 !0
rP D r 2 r02 :

August 10, 2009

222 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.178

Particle A slides over the semicylinder while pushed by the arm pinned at C .
The motion of the arm is controlled such that it starts from rest at  D 0, !
increases uniformly as a function of , and ! D 0:5 rad=s for  D 45 . Letting
R D 4 in:, determine the speed and the magnitude of the acceleration of A
when  D 32 .


We need to find !. / such that d!

D K D constant. Therefore, we must
have !./ D K C C where K and C are constants. To evaluate K and C ,
we recall that we must have

0 D K.0/ C C D 0 ) C D 0; (1)
0:5 rad=s D K rad ) K D s 1 : (2)
Therefore !. / D K. It is demonstrated in the top figure that  D 2.
Therefore P D 2! and R D 2. Now we can determine !./.
!. / D K ) !./ D : (3)
To determine the velocity and acceleration of A we now adopt a polar coordinate system with O as the origin.
Observing that RP D 0, the velocity of A is

vEA D RP uO R C RP uO  ) vEA D RP uO  : (4)

Starting with (4), replacing P with 2!, and using Eqs. (2) and (3), we have that the speed of A at  D 32 is

v D RP

) v D 2R! ) v D KR ) v D 0:119 ft=s, (5)

where we have used the fact that R D 4 in: D 0:3333 ft and K D .2=/ s 1 . Next, observing that RR D 0
and RP D 0, the acceleration of A is

aE D RR RP 2 uO R C RR C 2RP P uO  ) aE D RP 2 uO R C RR uO  :


Converting  to , the magnitude of acceleration can be obtained as follows:

2 R
aE D 4R! uO R C 2R uO  ) jE aj D 2R 4! 4 C R 2 : (7)

Using the chain rule we rewrite R as

d! d 4 2
R D D K 2 ) R D 2 2 D 2 2 ; (8)
d dt  s  s
where, from Eqs. (2), we have used the fact that K D .2=/ s 1 . Therefore, recalling that R D 4 in: D
0:3333 ft and  D 32 , the magnitude of the acceleration of A becomes
aj D 2R 4! C 4 R 2 ) jE aj D 2 2  2 C 1 ) aj D 0:0864 ft=s2 .
jE (9)

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 223

Problem 2.179

A satellite is moving along the elliptical orbit shown. Using the polar coordinate
system in the figure, the satellites orbit is described by the equation
2 a C a2 b 2 cos 
r. / D 2b 2 ;
a C b 2 .a2 b 2 / cos.2 /
which implies the following identity

rr 00 2.r 0 /2 r2 a
D ;
r3 b2
where the prime indicates differentiation with respect to  . Using this identity
and knowing that the satellite moves so that K D r 2 P with K constant (i.e.,
according to Keplers laws), show that the radial component of acceleration is
proportional to 1=r 2 , which is in agreement with Newtons universal law of

We need to show that ar D .constant/  r2
. First we will rewrite Keplers law as

K D r 2 P ) P D 2 : (1)
We are given r D r. / so we use the chain rule to write its derivative with respect to time as

Kr 0
rP D r 0 P ) rP D ; (2)

where we have substituted Eq. (1) for P . Next we take the second derivative of r with respect to time to get

K 2 r 00 2.r 0 /2
2K  0 P  0 K  00 P 
rR D 3 r  r C 2 r  ) ; (3)
r r r2 r2 r3

where we have factored K P out of the first of Eq. (3) and substituted Eq. (1) for .
P Now recall that
P 2
ar D rR r  and we have expressions for r, r, P
R and  so we can write
" #
K 2 r 00 2.r 0 /2 K2 K 2 rr 00 2 .r 0 /2 r 2
ar D 2 r 4 ) : (4)
r r2 r3 r r2 r3

We see that the expression in brackets is our identity so we will replace it with a=b 2 . Recalling that K, a,
and b are constants, we prove the radial component of acceleration is proportional to 1=r 2 .

K 2a
ar D 2 : (5)
b r2

August 10, 2009

224 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.180

Reference frame A is translating relative to reference frame B. Both frames track the motion of a particle
C . If at one instant the velocity of particle C is the same in the two frames, what can you infer about the
motion of frames A and B at that instant?

Frame A has zero velocity relative to frame B at the instant considered. Explanation:

vEC =B D vEA=B C vEC =A : If vEC =B D vEC =A ) vEA=B D 0: (1)

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 225

Problem 2.181

Reference frame A is translating relative to reference frame B with velocity vEA=B and acceleration aEA=B .
A particle C appears to be stationary relative to frame A. What can you say about the velocity and
acceleration of particle C relative to frame B?

The velocity and acceleration of particle C relative to frame B are vEA=B and aEA=B . Explanation:

vEC =B D vEA=B C vEC =A : If vEC =A D 0E ) vEC =B D vEA=B : (1)

aEC =B D aEA=B C aEC =A : If aEC =A D 0E ) aEC =B D aEA=B : (2)

August 10, 2009

226 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.182

Reference frame A is translating relative to reference frame B with constant velocity vEA=B . A particle C
appears to be in uniform rectilinear motion relative to frame A. What can you say about the motion of
particle C relative to frame B?

Particle C will appear to be in uniform rectilinear motion relative to frame B. Explanation:

vEC =B D vEA=B C vEC =A :

If vEC =A is constant uniform rectilinear motion relative to A and vEA=B is constant then vEC =B is uniform
rectilinear motion.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 227

Problem 2.183

A skier is going down an undulating slope with moguls. Let the skis be
short enough for us to assume that the skiers feet are tracking the moguls
profile. Then if the skier is skilled enough to maintain her hips on a straight
line trajectory and vertically aligned over her feet, determine the velocity
and acceleration of her hips relative to her feet when her speed is equal to
15 km=h. For the profile of the moguls, use the formula y.x/ D hI 0:15x C
0:125 sin.x=2/ m, where hI is the elevation at which the skier starts the

The position equations for the skiers hips and feet are denoted by yH and yF respectively.

yH D .hI x tan 8:53 / m; (1)

yF D hI 0:15x C 0:125 sin m: (2)

Now, calculating the relative position of her hips with respect to her feet,
yH=F D yH yF D .0:15 tan 8:53 /x 0:125 sin m; (3)

and taking the derivative of Eq. (3) with respect to time yields
0:125 x
vH=F D xP 0:15 tan 8:53 cos m=s: (4)
2 2

However, xP D v0 cos 8:53 and v0 D 15 km=hr D 4:167 m=s. With this substitution Eq. (4) becomes
h  x i
vH=F D 5:6310 0:809 cos m=s: (5)

The relative acceleration of the skiers hips with respect to her feet can now be determined by differentiating
Eq. (5) and substituting xP D v0 cos 8:53 . This yields

2 x
aH=F D 1:271xP sin m=s ) aH=F D 5:24 sin m=s2 :
2 2

August 10, 2009

228 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.184

Two particles A and B are moving in a plane with arbitrary velocity vectors
vEA and vEB , respectively. Letting the rate of separation (ROS) be defined as the
component of the relative velocity vector along the line connecting particles A
and B, determine a general expression for ROS. Express your result in terms
of rEB=A D rEB rEA , where rEA and rEB are the position vectors of A and B,
respectively, relative to some chosen fixed point in the plane of motion.

We begin by writing uO B=A in terms of rEB=A

uO B=A D : (1)
jErB=A j

The velocity of B relative to A is:

vEB=A D vEB vEA : (2)
The component of Eq. (2) in the direction of Eq. (1) is the ROS.

ROS D vEB=A  uO B=A ) ROS D vEB vEA  :
jErB=A j

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 229

Problem 2.185

Three vehicles A, B, and C are in the positions shown and are moving with the
indicated directions. We define the rate of separation (ROS) of two particles
P1 and P2 as the component of the relative velocity of, say, P2 with respect
to P1 in the direction of the relative position vector of P2 with respect to
P1 , which is along the line that connects the two particles. At the given
instant, determine the rates of separation ROSAB and ROSCB , that is, the rate
of separation between A and B and between C and B. Let vA D 60 mph,
vB D 55 mph, and vC D 35 mph. Furthermore, treat the vehicles as particles
and use the dimensions shown in the figure.

We need to derive a convenient expression for the rate of separation.
We begin by writing uO B=A in terms of rEB=A
uO B=A D : (1)
jErB=A j
The velocity of B relative to A is:
vEB=A D vEB vEA : (2)
The component of Eq. (2) in the direction of Eq. (1) is the ROS, i.e.,
ROS D vEB=A  uO B=A ) ROS D .E
vB vEA /  : (3)
jErB=A j
Now that we have a formula for the ROS, consider the .O{ ; |O/ component
system shown in the figure on the right.

rEB=A 23 {O 94 |O ft
Dp D .0:2377 {O 0:9713 |O/ ; (4)
rB=A .23/2 C . 94/2 ft

rEC =B 42 {O C 65 |O ft
Dp D .0:5427 {O C 0:8399 |O/ : (5)
rC =B .42/2 C .65/2 ft
Recalling that vA D 60 mph D 88:00 ft=s, vB D 55 mph D 80:67 ft=s,
and 35 mph D 51:33 ft=s. In vector form, we have
vEA D . 88:00 |O/ ft=s; vEB D .80:67 |O/ ft=s; vEC D .30:17 {O C 41:53 |O/ ft=s: (6)
The rate of separation between vehicles A and B is found as
ROSAB D vEB vEA  ) ROSAB D 164 ft=s:

Similarly, the rate of separation between vehicles C and B is found as

 rEC =B
ROSCB D vEB vEC  ) ROSCB D 16:5 ft=s: (7)
rC =B

August 10, 2009

230 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.186

Car A is moving at a constant speed vA D 75 km=h, while car C is moving at a

constant speed vC D 42 km=h on a circular exit ramp with radius  D 80 m.
Determine the velocity and acceleration of C relative to A.


Orient an .O{ ; |O/ frame with |O in the direction of vEB . The velocities of A and C are

vEA D . 75 |O/ km=hr D . 20:83 |O/ m=s; and (1)

vEC D 42 cos 54 {O C 42 sin 54 |O km=hr D .6:857 {O C 9:469 |O/ m=s:


The relative velocity of C with respect to A is

vEC =A D vEC vEA ) vEC =A D .6:86 {O C 30:3 |O/ m=s. (3)

The accelerations of A and C are

vC v2
aEA D 0E and uO n D C sin 54 {O cos 54 |O :

aEC D (4)
The relative acceleration of C with respect to A is

aEC =A D aEC aEA ) aEC =A D .1:38 {O C 1:00 |O/ m=s2 . (5)

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 231

Problem 2.187

A remote control boat, capable of a maximum speed of 10 ft=s in still water,

is made to cross a stream with a width w D 35 ft that is flowing with a speed
vW D 7 ft=s. If the boat starts from point O and keeps its orientation parallel to
the cross-stream direction, find the location of point A at which the boat reaches
the other bank while moving at its maximum speed. Furthermore, determine
how long the crossing requires.


We will use a Cartesian coordinate system with its origin centered at O. The velocity of the
boat with reference to the stream bank is

vEB D vEW C vEB=W ;

vEB D .7 {O C 10 |O/ ft=s: (1)

The y component of velocity is constant so the time of crossing is

w D vy t ) t D 3:50 s. (2)

The x component of velocity is constant. Use the time given in Eq. (2) to calculate the position of A as

x D vx t ) x D 24:5 ft. (3)

August 10, 2009

232 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.188

A remote control boat, capable of a maximum speed of 10 ft=s in still water,

is made to cross a stream of width w D 35 ft that is flowing with a speed
vW D 7 ft=s. The boat is placed in the water at O, and it is intended to arrive
at A by using a homing device that makes the boat always point toward A.
Determine the time the boat takes to get to A and the path it follows. Also,
consider a case in which the maximum speed of the boat is equal to the speed
of the current. In such a case, does the boat ever make it to point A? Hint:
To solve the problem, write vEB=W D vB=W uOA=B , where the unit vector uOA=B
always points from the boat to point A and is therefore a function of time.


Referring to the figure on the right, we will use a Cartesian coordinate

system as shown. As it is central to the description of the motion of
the boat, which we denote by B, we begin with finding an expression
for the unit vector that points from the boat to points A. Denoting the
coordinates of the boat as by .x; y/, the position of points A and B are

rEA D w |O and rEB D x {O C y |O: (1)

Therefore the position of A relative to B is the vector

rEA=B D rEA rEB D x {O C .w y/ |O: (2)

Dividing rEA=B by its magnitude we then find the unit vector mentioned earlier, i.e.,
x w y
uOA=B D p {O C p |O: (3)
x2 C .w y/2 x2 C .w y/2
Next, we write in vector form what we know about the velocity of the water, which we denote by vEW and the
velocity of the boat relative to the water, which we denote by vEB=W . Specifically, we have

vEW D vw {O and vEB=W D vB=W uO B=W ; (4)

where vW D 7 ft=s, vB=W D 10 ft=s when the boat is moving at its maximum speed (relative to the water),
and where uO B=W is given in Eq. (3).
Now, to determine the time and path of the boat, we need to write the expression of the velocity of the
boat vEB . Using relative kinematics, we have vEB D vEW C vEB=W D vEW C vB=W  uO B=A , which gives
vB=W x vB=W .w y/
vEB D vW p {O C p |O: (5)
x 2 C .w y/2 x 2 C .w y/2
Now recall that the velocity of the boat can be written as

vEB D xP {O C yP |O: (6)

Hence, equating Eqs. (5) and (6) component by component we find that the motion of the boat is govered by
the following differential equations:
vB=W x vB=W .w y/
xP D vW p and yP D p ; (7)
x 2 C .w y/2 x 2 C .w y/2
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 233

which, given that the boat starts at O at time t D 0, are subject to the following initial conditions:

x.0/ D 0 and y.0/ D 0: (8)

These equations can be integrated using some appropriate mathematical software. We have used Mathematica.
Before presenting the code used to solve the problem we must observe something about Eqs. (7) which is
important to properly understand the response of the mathematical software used to solve them. Lets suppose
that the boat does make it to point A. In this case, the coordinates of the boat would be .x D 0; y D w/.
When this happens, notice that the argument of the square root in Eqs. (7) becomes equal to zero. In turn,
because the square roots appear at the denominator of fractions, when the boat makes it to A, the equations
suffer a division by zero and will cause the numerical software to fail. Now, when using a numerical method
to solve Eqs. (7) we must specify the time interval we want the solution to cover. As just discussed, as soon
as the boat makes it to A the numerical integration fails. Therefore, we need to use trial and error to find
the maximum amount of time for which the equations can be integrated. However, this maximum amount
of time will correspond to the time taken by the boat to reach A, which is one of the quantities we need to
determine in this problem. With this all the above in mind, we have integrated the equations in question for
the boat traveling at the maximum speed relative to water, i.e., wB=W D 10 ft=s, using Mathematica with the
following code:
Parameters ! !vW " 7., vBrelW " 10., w " 35.";
vBrelW &w $ y$t%'
Equations ! #x'$t% # vW $
vBrelW x$t%
, y'$t% # ,
x$t%2 % &w $ y$t%'2 x$t%2 % &w $ y$t%'2

x$0% # 0, y$0% # 0(;

Motion ! NDSolve$Equations ). Parameters, !x, y", !t, 0, 6.8627"%

Notice that, using trial and error, we were able to integrate our equation only up to t D 6:8627 s. Hence,
expressing this result to three significant figures, we will say that

For vB=W D 10 s, the boat reaches A in 6:86 s.

The solution obtained using Mathematica with the above code, can be plotted to depict the path followed by
the boat. This path was plotted with the following code:
ParametricPlot!"x!t#, y!t#$ %. Motion!!1##, "t, 0, 6.8627$, Frame ! True,
GridLines ! Automatic, AspectRatio ! 1, FrameLabel ! ""x &ft'", "y &ft'"$,
PlotLabel ! "Path of Boat with vB%W "10 ft%s"#

Path of Boat with vB#W !10 ft#s

y !ft"

0 2 4 6 8 10
x !ft"
August 10, 2009
234 Solutions Manual

Now we consider the case for which the speed of the current is equal to the speed of the boat. We repeat
the same calculations given above but with vB=W D 7 ft=s. This time we find that the mathematical software
does not fail for any amount of time, indicating that

When vB=W D 7 s, the boat does not reach A:

p our solution for t going from zero to 20 s and we plot both the path of the boat and the distance
We present
dAB D x 2 C .w y/2 of the boat from A as a function of time. As can be seen from the plot of the path
of the boat, the boat does reach the other side of the stream but when it does it points toward A while moving
relative to the water with speed equal to the (absolute) speed of the water. As a result, an observer stationary
with the banks of the stream sees the boat become stationary. The fact that the boat no longer moves relative
to the banks can be seen from the plot of the distance dAB , which, after about 9 s becomes constant (and
remains different from zero).
Parameters ! !vW " 7., vBrelW " 7., w " 35.";
vBrelW &w $ y$t%'
Equations ! #x'$t% # vW $
vBrelW x$t%
, y'$t% # ,
x$t%2 % &w $ y$t%'2 x$t%2 % &w $ y$t%'2

x$0% # 0, y$0% # 0(;

Motion ! NDSolve$Equations ). Parameters, !x, y", !t, 0, 20"%;
ParametricPlot$!x$t%, y$t%" ). Motion$$1%%, !t, 0, 20", PlotRange " All, Frame " True,
GridLines " Automatic, AspectRatio " 1, FrameLabel " !"x &ft'", "y &ft'"",
PlotLabel " "Path of Boat with vB)W ! 7 ft)s"%

Plot* x$t%2 % &w $ y$t%'2 ). Parameters ). Motion$$1%%, !t, 0, 20",

PlotRange " !!0, 20", !0, 35"", Frame " True, GridLines " Automatic, AspectRatio " 1,
FrameLabel " !"t &s'", "distance &ft'"", PlotLabel " "Distance from A with vB)W ! 7 ft)s"+

Path of Boat with vB#W ! 7 ft#s Distance from A with vB#W ! 7 ft#s
30 30

25 25
distance !ft"

y !ft"


15 15
10 10
0 5 10 15
x !ft" t !s"
0 5 10 15 20

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 235

Problem 2.189

A plane is initially flying north with a speed v0 D 430 mph relative to the
ground while the wind has a constant speed vW D 12 mph forming an angle
 D 23 with the north-south direction. The plane performs a course change

of D 75 eastward while maintaining a constant reading of the airspeed

indicator. Letting vEP =A be the velocity of the airplane relative to the air and
assuming that the airspeed indicator measures the magnitude of the component
of vEP =A in the direction of motion of the airplane, determine the speed of the
plane relative to the ground after the course correction.


We will express the velocity of the airplane using a normal tangential component system.
In this manner, the tangent direction will always be the direction of motion of the airplane.
In addition, we will use subscripts 1 and 2 to denote quantities before and after the change
in course, respectively. Before turning, the velocity of the airplane and wind relative to the
ground are
vEP1 D v0 uO t1 and vEA1 D vW . cos  uO t1 C sin  uO n1 /:
The airspeed of the plane before the turn is

v1 D vEP1 vEW1  uO t1 ) v1 D v0 C vW cos :

After turning, the velocity of the wind is

vEA2 D vW cos . C / uO t2 C sin. C  / uO n2 :

The airspeed of the plane after the turn is

v2 D vEP2 vEW2  uO t2 ) v2 D vP2 vw cos. C  /:

Enforcing the condition that v2 D v1 , we have

v0 C vW cos  D vP2 vw cos. C  / ) vP2 D v0 C vW cos  C cos. C  /:

Recalling that v0 D 430 mph, vW D 12 mph,  D 23 , and D 75 , we can evaluate vP2 to obtain

vP2 D 439 mph:

August 10, 2009

236 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.190

An interesting application of the relative motion equations is the experimental

determination of the speed at which rain falls. Say you perform an experiment
in your car in which you park your car in the rain and measure the angle the
falling rain makes on your side window. Let this angle be rest D 20 . Next
you drive forward at 25 mph and measure the new angle motion D 70 that the
rain makes with the vertical. Determine the speed of the falling rain.


We will use a Cartesian Coordinate system where x and y represent the

horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. The orientation of the
angle  allows us to write the velocity of the rain with respect to the
stationary car as

vER D vR .sin rest {O C cos rest |O/ : (1)

The second piece of information allows us to write the velocity of the rain with respect to the moving car as

vER=C D vR=C .sin motion {O C cos motion |O/: (2)

Relative kinematics tells us that we must have

vER D vER=C C vEC : (3)

Substituting Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) into Eq. (3),

vR sin rest {O vR cos rest |O D vC {O vR=C sin motion {O vR=C cos motion |O: (4)

This vector equation is a system of two equations in two unknowns vR and vR=C

vR sin rest D vC vR=C sin motion ; (5)

vR cos rest D vR=C cos motion ; (6)

The solution to the system of equations yields

vR D :
cos rest tan motion sin rest
Recalling that we have rest D 20 , motion D 70 , vC D 25 mph D 36:67 ft=s, we can evaluate the above
expression to obatin
vrain D 16:4 ft=s:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 237

Problem 2.191

A woman is sliding down an incline with a constant acceleration of a0 D

2:3 m=s2 relative to the incline. At the same time the incline is accelerating to
the right at 1:2 m=s2 relative to the ground. Letting  D 34 and L D 4 m and
assuming that both the woman and the incline start from rest, determine the
horizontal distance traveled by the woman with respect to the ground when she
reaches the bottom of the slide.

The time it takes the person to slide down the incline is found using the constant acceleration equation
s D s0 C v02 C 12 ac t 2 ) L D 21 a0 t 2 ) t D : (1)

Adopting a Cartesian coordinate system with {O in the direction of as and |O opposite to the direction of gravity,
we can describe the acceleration of the incline and the acceleration of the person relative to the incline as
aEs D as {O and aEp=s D a0 .cos  {O C sin  |O/: (2)
Therefore, using relative kinematics, we have

aEp D aEs C aEp=s D .as a0 cos  /O{ a0 sin  |O: (3)

The horizontal distance covered by the person is found with the same constant acceleration equation used
earlier but with the acceleration set to the horizontal component of aEp . This yields

xp D 1
2 .as a0 cos / t 2 ) xp D .as a0 cos / D 1:23 m:
where t was replaced by its expression given in the last of Eqs. (1) and where we have used the following
numerical data: L D 4 m, a0 D 2:3 m=s2 , as D 1:2 m=s2 , and  D 34 . In summary, we can say

The person travels 1:23 m to the left of where she started.

August 10, 2009

238 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.192

The pendulum bob A swings about O, which is a fixed point, while bob B swings
about A. Express the components of the acceleration of B relative to the component
system shown with origin at the fixed point O in terms of L1 , L2 , , , and the
necessary time derivatives of  and  .


The acceleration of A is

aEA D aAr uO r C aA uO  ; where aAr D LR 1 L1 P2 and aA D L1 R C 2L

P 1 P :
aEA D L1 P 2 uO r C L1 R uO  ; because L
P 1 and L
R 1 D 0:

The .uO r ; uO  / component system is expressed in the .O{ ; |O/ component system as

uO r D sin  {O cos  |O and uO  D cos  {O C sin  |O:

Therefore the acceleration of A in the .O{ ; |O/ component system is

aEA D L1 R cos  L1 P 2 sin  {O C L1 P 2 cos  C L1 R sin  |O:

Similarly the acceleration of B with respect to A is

aEB=A D L2 P 2 uO q C L2 R uO  :

The .uO q ; uO  / component system is expressed in the .O{ ; |O/ component system as

uO q D sin  {O cos  |O and uO  D cos  {O C sin  |O:

Therefore aEB=A in the .O{ ; |O/ component system is

aEB=A D L2 R cos  L2 P 2 sin  {O C L2 P 2 cos  C L2 R sin  |O:


aEB D aEA C aEB=A . Therefore

aEB D L1 R cos  L1 P 2 sin  C L2 R cos  L2 P 2 sin  {O
C L1 P 2 cos  C L1 R sin  C L2 P 2 cos  C L2 R sin  |O:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 239

Problem 2.193

Revisit Example 2.26 in which the movies hero is traveling on train car A with
constant speed vA D 18 m=s while the target B is moving at a constant speed
vB D 40 m=s (so that aB D 0). Recall that 4 s before an otherwise inevitable
collision between A and B, a projectile P traveling at a speed of 300 m=s
relative to A is shot toward B. Take advantage of the solution in Example 2.26,
and determine the time it takes the projectile P to reach B and the projectiles
distance traveled.


Referring to Example 2.26 on p. 141 of the textbook and to the figure on

the right, which is Fig. 3 in Example 2.26, we denote by the angle ACO B,
so that D 48:2 . In addition, we denote by tf and th the time at which
the projectile is fired and at which the projectile hits the target, respectively.
Finally, again as was done in Example 2.26, we denote by d the distance
between A and C at t D tf , so that d D vA .4 s/ D 72:00 m. The time
taken by the projectile to hit its target is

t D th tf : (1)

To find this time, we observe that the distance traveled by the projectile in
the x direction, is given by

dx D d sin : (2)

In Example 2.26 on p. 141 we had determined that the (absolute) velocity of the projectile was

vEP D .vA sin C vP =A cos  / {O C .vA cos vP =A sin  / |O: (3)

Observing that vP is constant, then we have that t in Eq. (1) is simply equal to the distance in Eq. (2)
divided by the x component of vEP , i.e.,

d sin
t D ; (4)
vA sin C vP =A cos 

which, recalling that we have d D 72:00 m, D 48:2 , vP =A D 300 m=s, and  D 64:4 (see final result in
Example 2.26), can be evaluated to obtain

t D 0:375 s:

To find the distance traveled, we observe again that vEP is constant, which implies that the absolute path
of the projectile is a straight line segment. Letting rEP .t / denote the position vector of the projectile as a

August 10, 2009

240 Solutions Manual

function of time, the two endpoints of the segment in question are identified by / and /. Hence, again
because the velocity of P is constant, the distance traveled by the projectile is given by
.vA sin C vP =A cos  /2 C .vA cos vP =A sin  /2 .d sin /
jErP .th / rEP .tf /j D jE
vP tj D ; (5)
vA sin C vP =A cos 

where we have used the expressions for vP in Eq. (3) and t in Eq. (4). Recalling that we have d D 72:00 m,
D 48:2 , vP =A D 300 m=s, and  D 64:4 (see final result in Example 2.26), we can evaluate the
right-hand side of Eq. (5) to obtain

Distance traveled by P D 111 m:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 241

Problem 2.194

Consider the following variation of the problem in Example 2.26 in which a

movie hero needs to destroy a mobile robot B, except this time they are not
going to collide at C . Assume that the hero is traveling on the train car A
with constant speed vA D 18 m=s while the robot B travels at a constant speed
vB D 50 m=s. In addition, assume that at time t D 0 s the train car A and
the robot B are 72 and 160 m away from C , respectively. To prevent B from
reaching its intended target, at t D 0 s the hero fires a projectile P at B. If
P can travel at a constant speed of 300 m=s relative to the gun, determine the
orientation  that must be given to the gun to hit B. Hint: An equation of
the type sin A cos D C has the solution D  C sin 1 .C cos /, if
jC cos j  1, where D tan 1 A.

We base the solution of this problem on the solution of Example 2.26 on p. 141 of the textbook. This
means that the definition of all the quantities used in this solution are understood as having been defined
in Example 2.26. In addition, we report here Eq. (14) from Example 2.26, which remains valid under the
conditions stated in this problem and which determines the value of the angle  that we want to determine.
The equation in question reads
.` d cos / cos  d sin sin  D .vB d vA `/ : (1)
vP =A
We then proceed to divide this equation through by the term d sin , so that we have
` d cos vA ` vB d
sin  cos  D : (2)
d sin vP =A d
The above equation is a transcendental equation in  whose solution can be obtained using the following
technique. We consider the term multiplying the cos  on the left-hand side of the equation and we define an
angle  such that
` d cos 1 ` d cos
tan  D )  D tan D 64:40 ; (3)
d sin d sin
where, from Example 2.26, we have used the following numerical data: ` D 160 m, d D 72 m, and
D 48:2 . Then, using the definition in the first of Eqs. (3) and recalling that tan  D sin = cos , we can
rewrite Eq. (2) as
sin  vA ` vB d .vA ` vB d / cos 
sin  cos  D ) sin  cos  sin  cos  D
cos  vP =A d vP =A d
.vA ` vB d / cos 
) sin. / D ; (4)
vP =A d
where we have used the trigonometric identity sin  cos  sin  cos  D sin. /. Then, again recalling
that (from Example 2.26) we have ` D 160 m, d D 72 m, and D 48:2 , using the result in the last of
Eqs. (3), the last of Eq. (4) can now be solved for  to obtain
1 .vA ` vB d / cos 
 D  C sin D 63:6 :
vP =A d

August 10, 2009

242 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.195

Consider the following variation of the problem in Example 2.26 in which a

movie hero needs to destroy a mobile robot B. As was done in that problem,
assume that the movie hero is traveling on the train car A with constant speed
vA D 18 m=s and that, 4 s before an otherwise inevitable collision at C , the
hero fires a projectile P traveling at 300 m=s relative to A. Differently from
the problem in Example 2.26, assume that the robot B travels with a constant
acceleration aB D 10 m=s2 and that vB .0/ D 20 m=s, where t D 0 is the time
of firing. Determine the orientation  of the gun fired by the hero so that B can
be destroyed before the collision at C .

The general strategy for the solution of any moving target problem has been discussed in the Road Map of
Example 2.26 on p. 141. The main idea underlying the strategy in question is that, letting t D 0 be the time
at which the projectile is fired, there exists a time tI > 0 such that

rEP =B .tI / D rEP .tI / E

rEB .tI / D 0; (1)

that is, there must exist a time at which the projectile and the target meet. To solve this problem we need find
the position of the projectile and of the target as functions of time and then set them equal to each other as
required by the above equation.
Because A is moves at a constant speed along a straight line, then vEA is
constant. Once P is fired, its velocity is also a constant given by

vEP D vEA C vP =A uO P =A .0/; (2)

where vP =A D 300 m=s. Hence,

rEP .t / D rEP .0/ C vEA .0/ C vP =A uO P =A .0/ t: (3)

Because B is has a constant acceleration, constant acceleration equations

can be used to express rEB .t /. Specifically, we have

rEB .t / D rEB .0/ C vEB .0/t C 21 aEB t 2 : (4)

Using Eqs. (3), and (4) to enforce Eq. (1), we have

EB tI2 E

rEP .0/ C vEA .0/ C vP =A uO P =A .0/ tI rEB .0/ vEB .0/tI 2a D 0; (5)

Referring to the figure on the right (which is essentially identical to Fig. 3 in Example 2.26 and represents the
geometry system at the time of firing) we have that rEA .0/ D rEP .0/, so that Eq. (5) can be rewritten as

rEA=B .0/ C vEA=B .0/tI C vP =A uO P =A .0/tI 1

2aEB tI2 E
D 0: (6)

The problem is solved when we are able to express all of the terms in Eq. (6) in terms of known quantities
and the only two unknowns of the problem, which are tI and the firing angle . We therefore proceed to
determine convenient expressions for each of the vectors in Eq. (6).
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 243

Since the position at t D 0 in this problem is the same as that in the figure shown, we have

rEA=B .0/ D d sin {O C .` d cos / |O D . 72:0 sin 48:2 / {O C .160 72:0 cos 48:2 / |O m; (7)

where, using the results in Example 2.26, we have d D 72:0 m and ` D 160 m. Equation (7) can be evaluated
to obtain
rEA=B .0/ D . 53:67 {O C 112:0 |O/ m: (8)
Also, again referring to the geometry at t D 0, we have

vEA .0/ D .18 m=s/ uO C =A D .18 m=s/.sin 48:2 / {O C .cos 48:2 / |O D .13:41 {O C 12:00 |O/ m=s (9)
vEB .0/ D .20 |O/ m=s; (10)

so that
vEA=B .0/ D .13:42 {O 8 |O/ m=s: (11)
Since t D 0 is the time of firing, we must have

uO P =A .0/ D cos  {O sin  |O: (12)

Finally, the problem statement along with the geometry of the problem tells that

aEB D aB |O D .10 m=s2 / |O: (13)

Substituting the expressions in Eqs. (8), (11)(13) into Eq. (6) and expressing the result on a component by
component basis, we have

. 53:67 C 13:42tI C 300tI cos / m D 0 and .112 8tI 300tI sin  5tI2 / m D 0: (14)

The equations above form a system of two equations in the two unknowns  and tI that can be solved
numerically with some appropriate mathematical software. We have used Mathematica with the following
FindRoot!"!53.67 " 13.42 tI " 300. tI Cos#$ $ 0, 112. ! 8. tI ! 300. tI Sin#$ ! 5. tI2 $ 0%,
&&, 64.4 Degree', &tI, 0.375''(

Notice that we have provided the root finding algorithm an initial guess for the solution consisting of the
values  D 64:4 and tI D 0:1 s, which coincide with the solution to the case discussed in Example 2.26.
The above code yields the following solution (expressed to 3 significant figures):

 D 65:9 and tI D 0:39 s:

August 10, 2009

244 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.196

A park ranger R is aiming a rifle armed with a tranquilizer dart at a bear (the
figure is not to scale). The bear is moving in the direction shown at a constant
speed vB D 25 mph. The ranger fires the rifle when the bear is at C at a
distance of 150 ft. Knowing that D 10 , D 108 , the dart travels with a
constant speed of 425 ft=s, and the dart and the bear are moving in a horizontal
plane, determine the orientation  of the rifle so that the ranger can hit the
bear. Hint: An equation of the type sin A cos D C has the solution
D  C sin 1 .C cos /, if jC cos j  1, where D tan 1 A.


Place a Cartesian coordinate system with origin at R. Let P be the projectile. Thus, we
have the situation depicted by the figure at the right. The velocity vector of the bear and
the dart are then written in the xy plane as

vEB D vB .cos {O C sin |O/; vEP D vP .cos  {O C sin  |O/; (1)

where vB D 25 mph D 36:66 ft=s, and vP D 425 ft=s. Let t D 0 be the time of firing,
and tI be the time at which P hits B. Then it must be the case that

rEP =B .tI / D 0; (2)

rEP D vEP t D vP t .cos  {O C sin  |O/; (3)
rEB D rEB .0/ C vEB t; with rEB .0/ D d.cos {O C sin |O/: (4)

Enforcing Eq. (2) requires that

. vP cos  tI C d cos C vB cos tI / {O C . vP sin  tI C d sin C vB sin tI / |O D 0; (5)

whereupon, considering the vector components individually, it is determined that

|O W d sin D vP tI sin  sin ; (6)
{O W d cos D vP tI cos  cos : (7)
Dividing Eq. (6) by Eq. (7) (since cos  vP cos 0), we have

sin  vP sin
tan D vB
 : (8)
cos  vP cos

Rearranging and multiplying by cos yields

sin  cos cos  sin D .sin cos cos sin / ; (9)
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 245
sin. / D sin. /; (10)
1 vB
 D C sin sin. / : (11)

Hence, satisfying the values for , , vB , and vP it is determined that

1 36:66
 D 10 C sin sin.108 10 / ; (12)

which can be evaluated to obtain

 D 14:9 :

August 10, 2009

246 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.197

An airplane flying horizontally with a speed vp D 110 km=h relative to the

water, drops a crate onto a carrier when vertically over the back end of the ship,
which is traveling at a speed vs D 26 km=h relative to the water. If the plane
drops the crate from a height h D 20 m, at what distance from the back of the
ship will the crate first land on the deck of the ship?


Let C represent the crate which undergoes projectile motion after being dropped. The
acceleration of C is aEc D g |O. The velocity of the crate is

vEc D vp {O gt |O: (1)

Note that the .O{ ; |O/ component system is fixed relative to the water and the origin is at the point where C is
released. The position of the crate is
rEc .t / D vp t {O 21 gt 2 |O: (2)
The position of the back of the ship is
rEs .t / D vs t {O: (3)
Let td be the time at which the crate hits the deck.
1 2 2h
rcy .td / D rcy .0/ h ) 2 gtd D h ) td D (4)

rEc=s D rEc rEs , where for t D td rcy D rsy .

rEc=s x
D ` D vp vs D 47:1 m:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 247

Problem 2.198

An airplane flying horizontally with a speed vp relative to the water drops a crate
onto a carrier when vertically over the back end of the ship, which is traveling
at a speed vs D 32 mph relative to the water. The length of the carriers deck is
` D 1000 ft, and the drop height is h D 50 ft. Determine the maximum value
of vp so that the crate will first impact within the rear half of the deck.


Let C be the crate. Use a component system fixed relative to the water and with its
origin at the point where C is released. C undergoes projectile motion. The acceleration
of C is aE D g |O. Therefore the velocity of the crate is

vEc D vp {O gt |O: (1)

The position of the crate is

1 2
rEc .t / D vp t {O 2 gt |O: (2)
The position of the back of the ship is
rEs .t / D vs t {O h |O: (3)
Let td be the time when the crate will hit the deck. Considering the vertical component of rEc , we have
h D 21 gtd2 ) td D : (4)

Now we want to solve the equation

rEc=s .td /  {O D 12 ` (5)
for vpmax , where
rEc=s .td /  {O D Erc .td / rEs .td /  {O: (6)
Using Eqs. (2) and (3) along with the result in Eq. (4) we have

` ` g
vpmax td vs td D ) vpmax D vs C D 331 ft=s D 225 mph: (7)
2 2 2h

August 10, 2009

248 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.199

The object in the figure is called a gun tackle, and it used to be very common on
sailboats to help in the operation of front-loaded guns. If the end at A is pulled
down at a speed of 1:5 m=s, determine the velocity of B. Neglect the fact that
some portions of the rope are not vertically aligned.


By neglecting the fact that some portions of the rope are not vertically
aligned we are able to write the length of the cord as

L D yA C 2yB :

The length of the cord is not changing so we calculate its derivative

with respect to time as

0 D yPA C 2yPB :

Solving for yPB , substituting the given data yPA D 1:5m=s, expressing
our answer in vector for and to 3 significant digits, we have

vEB D . 0:75 m=s/ |O :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 249

Problem 2.200

The gun tackle shown in the figure is operated with the help of a horse. If the horse moves to the right at a
speed of 7 ft=s, determine the velocity and acceleration of B when the horizontal distance from B to A
is 15 ft. Except for the part of the rope attached to the horse, neglect the fact that some portions are not
vertically aligned.


We can write the rope length L as

L D 2yB C xA2 C h2 : (1)

The length of the cord is not changing so we calculate its derivative with
respect to time as
xA xPA
0 D 2yPB C q : (2)
xA2 C h2
Solving the above equation for yPB = vB , substituting the given data h D 8 ft,
xPA D 7 ft=s, and xA D 15 ft, we have
xA xPA
yPB D q D 3:088 ft=s: (3)
2 xA2 C h2

Expressing the above answer in vector form and using 3 significant digits, we have

vEB D 3:09 ft=s : (4)

To obtain the acceleration of B we differentiate with respect to time the expression for yPB in Eq. (3) and,
observing that xR D 0, we obtain
h2 xPA2
yRB D : (5)
2.xA2 C h2 /3=2
Again recalling that we have h D 8 ft, xPA D 7 ft=s, and xA D 15 ft, expressing our answer in vector form and
to 3 significant figures, we have

aEB D 0:319 ft=s2 :

August 10, 2009

250 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.201

The figure shows an inverted gun tackle with snatch block, which used to be
common on sailboats. If the end at A is pulled at a speed of 1:5 m=s, determine
the velocity of B. Neglect the fact that some portions of the rope are not
vertically aligned.


By neglecting the fact that some portions of the rope are not vertically aligned we are
able to write the length of the cord as

L D yA C 3yB :

The length of the cord is not changing so its derivative with respect to time is

0 D yPA C 3yPB :

Solving for yPB , substituting the given data yPA D 1:5 m=s, expressing our answer in vector
form and to 3 significant figures, we have

vEB D . 0:5 m=s/ |O : (1)

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 251

Problem 2.202

In maritime speak, the system in the figure is often called a whip-upon-whip purchase and
is used for controlling certain types of sails on small cutters (by attaching point B to the
sail to be unfurled). If the end of the rope at A is pulled with a speed of 4 m=s, determine
the velocity of B. Neglect the fact that some portions of the rope are not vertically aligned.


We will refer to the length of the rope attached to A as L2 and the length of
the other rope is referred to as L1 . We write the lengths of the rope as

L1 D 2yB yD ;
L2 D yD C sA :

The length of the ropes are not changing so we calculate their derivatives with
respect to time as

0 D 2yPB yPD ; (1)

0 D yPD C sPA : (2)

Substituting sPA D vA into Eq. (2) and eliminating yPD from Eq. (1) and Eq. (2)
we get
2yPB D :
Substituting the given data vA D 4 m=s and expressing our answer in vector form, we obtain

vEB D . 2:00 m=s/ |O :

August 10, 2009

252 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.203

The pulley system shown is used to store a bicycle in a garage. If the bicycle
is hoisted via a winch that winds the rope at a rate v0 D 5 in:=s, determine the
vertical speed of the bicycle.


Assume that pulleys B and C are always at the same height. Let A represent
an arbitrary point on the rope segment approaching the motor. The length of
the rope is
L D 4yB C sA :
The length of the rope does not change as it is winched in. Note that sPA D v0 .

sPA v0
0 D 4yPB C sPA ) yPB D D :
4 4
Recalling that we have v0 D 5 in: D 0:4167 ft=s, and observing that the speed of the bicycle is equal to jyPB j,
we have
vbicycle D 0:104 ft=s:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 253

Problem 2.204

Block A is released from rest and starts sliding down the incline with an acceleration a0 D 3:7 m=s2 .
Determine the acceleration of block B relative to the incline. Also, determine the time needed for B to
move a distance d D 0:2 m relative to A.


Expressing the length of the rope L in terms of the coordinates of A and B

and then differentiating L with respect to time, we have

L D 3xA C xB ) 0 D 3xPA C xPB ) 0 D 3xRA C xRB : (1)

xRB D 3xRA D 3a0 : (2)
Hence, recalling that a0 D 3:7 m=s2 and expressing our answer in vector form
and to 3 significant figures, we have

aEB D . 11:1 m=s2 / {O @:

Now we use the constant acceleration equation s D s0 C sP0 t C 12 ac t 2 where s D d , s0 D 0, sP0 D 0, and
ac D xRB=A D xRB xRA D 4a0 .

dD 2a0 t 2 ) tD D 0:164 s: (3)

August 10, 2009

254 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.205

Assuming that all ropes are vertically aligned, determine the velocity and acceler-
ation of the load G if v0 D 3 ft=s and a0 D 1 ft=s2 .

Referring to the figure on the right, the length of ropes 1, 2, and 3 are
L1 D yG C 3yB ;
L2 D yG C yD 2yB ;
L3 D yG C yA 2yD :
The derivatives with respect to time of the rope lengths are
0 D yPG C 3yPB ; (1)
0 D yPG C yPD 2yPB ; (2)
0 D yPG C yPA 2yPD : (3)
Eliminating yPB from Eqs. (1) and (2), we obtain
5yPG C 3yPD D 0 ) yPD D 3 yPG : (4)
Recalling that yPA D v0 , substituting Eq. (4) into Eq. (3) and solving for yPG , we have
3yPA 3v0
yPG D ) yPG D : (5)
13 13
Recalling that v0 D 3 ft=s, expressing our answer in vector form and to three significant digits, we have

vEG D . 0:692 ft=s/ |O :

Taking the derivative with respect to time of the first of Eqs. (5) and recalling that yRA D a0 , we have
3yRA 3a0
yRG D ) yRG D : (6)
13 13
Recalling that a0 D 1 ft=s2 , expressing our answer in vector form and to three significant digits, we have

aEG D . 0:231 ft=s2 / |O :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 255

Problem 2.206

The load G is initially at rest when the end A of the rope is pulled with the
constant acceleration a0 . Determine a0 so that G is lifted 2 ft in 4:3 s.


Referring to the figure on the right, the length of ropes 1, 2, and 3 are

L1 D yG C 3yB ;
L2 D yG C yD 2yB ;
L3 D yG C yA 2yD :

The derivatives with respect to time of the rope lengths are

0 D yPG C 3yPB ; (1)

0 D yPG C yPD 2yPB ; (2)
0 D yPG C yPA 2yPD : (3)

Eliminating yPB from Eqs. (1) and (2), we obtain

5yPG C 3yPD D 0 ) yPD D 3 yPG : (4)

Recalling that yPA D v0 , substituting Eq. (4) into Eq. (3) and solving for yPG , we have

3yPA 3yRA 3a0

yPG D ) yRG D ) yRG D ; (5)
13 13 13
where we have used the fact that yRA D a0 . Observe that the last of Eqs. (5) implies that the acceleration of G
is constant. Hence, using the constant acceleration equation s D s0 C sP0 t C 21 ac t 2 with s s0 D d D 2 ft,
sP0 D 0, and ac D yRG , we have

3a0 2 26d
dD t ) a0 D D 0:937 ft=s2 ,
26 3t 2

where we have set t D 4:3 s.

August 10, 2009

256 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.207

At the instant shown, block A is moving at a constant speed v0 D 3 m=s to the

left and w D 2:3 m. Using h D 2:7 m, determine how much time is needed to
lower B 0:75 m from this position.


Referring to the figure on the right, the length of the rope can be described as
L D xA C yB C xA2 C h2 :

We will denote quantities evaluated at the initial and final positions of the system
by the subscripts 1 and 2, respectively. Because the length of the rope is constant,
we set the expressions of the length of the rope corresponding to the initial
and final positions of the system equal to each other. Initially we havexA1 D w. In addition, we have
yB2 yB1 D d D 0:75 m. Hence, we have
p q
2 2 2
w C yB1 C w C h D xA2 C yB2 C xA2 C h2
p q

) xA2 C d w w 2 C h2 D xA2 C h2
p 2 p
C h2 :

) xA2 C d w w 2 C h2 C 2xA2 d w w 2 C h2 D xA2

The last of the above equations can be solved for xA2 to obtain
p 2
h2 d w w 2 C h2
xA2 D p  : (1)
2 d w w 2 C h2

The expression above gives the position of A corresponding to the final position achieved by B as given by
the problem statement. Because A and B are connected by in inextensible rope that is assumed not to go
slack, the time taken by B to achieve its final position will be equal to the time taken by A to achieve its final
position. With this in mind, letting t denote the time to be determined, and recalling that the velocity of A is
constant, we then have
2  p 2 3
1 6 h2 d w w 2 C h2
xA2 D xA1 v0 t ) tD 4w  5 D 0:156 s,
v0 2 w 2
d C w Ch 2

where we have used the fact that xA1 D w and where we have used the following numerical data: v0 D 3 m=s,
h D 2:7 m, d D 0:75 m, and w D 2:3 m.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 257

Problem 2.208

At the instant shown, h D 10 ft, w D 8 ft, and block B is moving with a speed
v0 D 5 ft=s and an acceleration a0 D 1 ft=s2 , both downward. Determine the
velocity and acceleration of block A.


Referring to the figure on the right, the length of the rope can be described as
L D xA C yB C xA2 C h2 :
Since the length of the rope is constant, differentiating the above equation with
respect to time, we have
xA xPA yPB xA2 C h2
xPA C q D yPB ) xPA D q : (1)
2 2 2 2
xA C h xA C xA C h

Recalling that yPB D v0 D 5 ft=s and h D 10 ft, for x D w D 8 ft, expressing our answer in vector form, we
v0 w 2 C h 2
vEA D p {O D . 3:08 ft=s/ {O :
w C w 2 C h2
Taking the derivative with respect to time of the last of Eqs. (1), we have
q q
yRB xA2 C h2 yPB xA xPA
q yPB h2 C xA2 xPA C qxPA xPA
h2 CxA 2 h2 CxA
xRA D q C  2 :
h2 C xA2
xA C 2 2
xA C h C xA

Replace xPA with its expression in the last of Eqs. (1), we obtain
q !
h2 CxA yPB
q q
xA yPB xq
q h2 C xA2 yRB yPB h2 C xA2 2
C q
xA C h2 CxA2 xA C h2 CxA xA C h2 CxA
xRA D q  2 :
h2 C xA2
xA C 2 2
xA C h C xA

Recalling that yPB D v0 D 5 ft=s, yRB D a0 D 1 ft=s2 , h D 10 ft, for xA D w D 8 ft, after simplification, the
above expression, written in vector form, becomes
 p  h  p i
v02 w h2 C w 2 a0 h2 C w w C h2 C w 2
aEA D  p 2 {O D . 0:893 ft=s2 / {O :
w C h2 C w 2

August 10, 2009

258 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.209

As a part of a robotics competition, a robotic arm is to be designed so as to

catch an egg without breaking it. The egg is released from rest at t D 0 from
point A while the arm C is initially also at rest in the position shown. The
arm starts moving when the egg is released, and it is to catch the egg at some
point in such a way as to avoid any impact between the egg and the robot hand.
The arm catches the egg without any impact by specifying that the arm and the
egg have to be at the same position at the same time with identical velocities.
A student proposes that this can be done by specifying a constant value of R
for which (after a fair bit of work) it is found that the arm catches the egg at
t D 0:4391 s for R D 13:27 rad=s2 . Using these values of t and R , determine
the acceleration of both the arm and the egg at the time of catch. Once you
R as has been
have done this, explain whether or not using a constant value of ,
proposed, is an acceptable strategy.


Referring to the figure on the right, we will use a Cartesian coordinate system
with its origin at O. Since RC is constant, we can use the constant acceleration
relations to obtain

C D C 0 C PC 0 t C 21 RC t 2 D C 0 C 12 RC t 2 ; (1)

where C is related to yC as follows:

yC D d tan C : (2)

Since the egg is initially falling under the action of gravity, using constant acceleration equations, at the time
of catch, i.e, for t D 0:4391 s, the y coordinate of the egg is given by

ye t D0:4391 s D 0:6000 m 21 .9:81 m=s2 /.0:4391 s/2 D 0:3457 m:


At the time of catch we mush have ye D yC . Therefore, recalling that d D 0:5 m, from Eq. (2),

C t D0:4391 s D 34:66 :


Combining this result with the general expression for C in Eq. (1) we then deduce that

C 0 D 38:66 : (5)

Now, we turn to the computation of the acceleration of the egg and of point C at the time of catch. As already
stated, up to the time of catch the acceleration of the egg is

yRe D 9:81 m=s2 :

For the arm, we differentiate Eq. (2) twice with respect to t to obtain

yRC D d RC sec2 C C 2d PC2 sec2 C tan C : (6)

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Dynamics 1e 259

To evaluate the expression above we need the value of PC at the time of catch. To obtain this value, we
differentiate Eq. (1) and evaluate it for t D 0:4391 s. Recalling that RC D 13:27 rad=s2 , this gives

PC t D0:4391 s D RC .0:4391 s/ D 5:827 rad=s:


Using this result along with the fact that d D 0:5 m and that C j t D0:4391 s D 34:66 (see eq. (4)), we have

yRC D 44:5 m=s2 :

Since the acceleration jyRC j > jyRe j, the arm and egg will only be in contact for an instant and will then
separate again. Consequently, the proposed strategy is not acceptable for catching the egg.

August 10, 2009

260 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.210

Referring to the problem of a robot arm catching an egg (Prob. 2.209), the
strategy is that the arm and the egg must have the same velocity and the same
position at the same time for the arm to gently catch the egg. In addition, what
should be true about the accelerations of the arm and the egg for the catch to be
successful after they rendezvous with the same velocity at the same position
and time? Describe what happens if the accelerations of the arm and egg do not

The relative acceleration of the arm with respect to the egg must be zero. If yRe < yRC then the arm and egg
will separate right after the catch. If yRe > yRC the egg will experience a jerk.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 261

Problem 2.211

The piston head at C is constrained to move along the y axis. Let the crank AB be
rotating counterclockwise at a constant angular speed P D 2000 rpm, R D 3:5 in:,
and L D 5:3 in: Determine the velocity of C when  D 35 .

Since the piston is constrained to move along the y axis, the law of cosines gives the relation between the
L2 D R 2 C y C2
2RyC cos ; (1)
from which yC is found to be
p p
yC D R cos  L2 R2 C R2 cos2  D R cos  L2 R2 sin2  : (2)

To determine the appropriate solution, observe that for  D 0 we expect yC D R C L. For this reason we
select the solution with the C sign in front of the square root and we therefore state that
yC D R cos  C L2 R2 C R2 cos2  : (3)

Next taking the derivative of Eq. (3) with respect to time and simplifying yields

R2 P sin  cos 
yPC D RP sin  p : (4)
L2 R2 sin2 
Recalling that we need to find the velocity of C for  D 35 , and recalling that R D 3:5 in: D 0:2917 ft,
L D 5:3 in: D 0:4417 ft, and P D 2000 rpm D 209:4 rad=s, using Eq. (4) and expressing our result in vector
form, we have
vEC D yPC |O D . 55:5 ft=s/ |O:

August 10, 2009

262 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.212

The piston head at C is constrained to move along the y axis. Let the crank AB be
rotating counterclockwise at a constant angular speed P D 2000 rpm, R D 3:5 in:,
and L D 5:3 in: Determine expressions for the velocity and acceleration of C as a
function of  and the given parameters.

Since the piston is constrained to move along the y axis, the law of cosines gives the relation between the
L2 D R 2 C y C2
2RyC cos ; (1)
from which yC is found to be
p p
yC D R cos  L2 R2 C R2 cos2  D R cos  L2 R2 sin2  : (2)
To determine the appropriate solution, observe that for  D 0 we expect yC D R C L. For this reason we
select the solution with the C sign in front of the square root and we therefore state that
yC D R cos  C L2 R2 C R2 cos2  : (3)
Next taking the derivative of Eq. (3) with respect to time and simplifying yields
R2 P sin  cos 
P P R cos 
yPC D R sin  p D R sin  1 C p : (4)
L2 R2 sin2  L2 R2 sin2 
Recalling that R D 3:5 in: D 0:2917 ft, L D 5:3 in: D 0:4417 ft, and P D 2000 rpm D 209:4 rad=s, Eq. (4)
can be expressed numerically and in vector form, as follows:
0:292 cos 
vEC D . 6:61 ft=s/ sin  1 C p |O;
0:195 0:0851 sin2 
where we have expressed all known coefficients to 3 significant figures.
Next, recalling that R D constant, differentiating with respect to time yPC in Eq. (4), we have
R3 cos2  sin 
P 2 R cos  R sin 
yRC D R cos  1 C p C sin  : (5)
.L2 R2 sin2  /3=2
L2 R2 sin2  L2 R2 sin2 
Then, again recalling that R D 3:5 in: D 0:2917 ft, L D 5:3 in: D 0:4417 ft, and P D 2000 rpm D
209:4 rad=s, Eq. (5) can be expressed numerically and in vector form, as follows:
0:292 cos 
aEC D 1:28104 ft=s2 cos  1 C p

0:195 0:0851 sin2 
0:0248 cos2  sin 
0:292 sin 
C sin  |O:
.0:195 0:0851 sin2 /3=2
0:195 0:0851 sin2 

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 263

Problem 2.213

Let !EBC denote the angular velocity of the relative position vector rEC =B . As such,
!EBC is also the angular velocity of the connecting rod BC . Using the concept of
time derivative of a vector given in Section 2.4 on p. 88, determine the component
of the relative velocity of C with respect to B along the direction of the connecting
rod BC .


We being by observing that vEC =B D rEPC =B , where rEC =B D L uO C =B . Since L is

constant, we must have rEPC =B D L uPO C =B . Recalling that uPO C =B D !E  uO C =B

vEC =B D L!E  uO C =B :

We now observe that !E  uO C =B is orthogonal to uO C =B . Therefore the component of

vEC =B along the direction uO C =B is

Component of vEC =B along BC D L!E  uO C =B  uO C =B D 0:

August 10, 2009

264 Solutions Manual

Problems 2.214 and 2.215

In the cutting of sheet metal, the robotic arm OA needs to move

the cutting tool at C counterclockwise at a constant speed v0 along
a circular path of radius . The center of the circle is lo-
cated in the position shown relative to the base of the robotic arm
at O.

Problem 2.214 For all positions along the circular cut (i.e., for any value of
P and P as functions of the given quantities (i.e., d , h, , v0 ).
), determine r, r,
Use one or more geometric constraints and their derivatives to do this. These
quantities can be found by hand, but it is tedious, so you might consider using
symbolic algebra software such as Mathematica or Maple.

Problem 2.215 For all positions along the circular cut (i.e., for any value of
), determine rR and R as functions of the given quantities (i.e., d , h, , v0 ).
These quantities can be found by hand, but it is very tedious, so you might
consider using symbolic algebra software such as Mathematica or Maple.

Solution to 2.214

Referring to the figure on the right, we define a Cartesian coordinate

system with origin at O. Then the coordinates of point C are such
r 2 D xC2
C yC2
; (1)
xC D d C  cos  D r cos ; (2)
yC D h C  sin  D r sin ; (3)
so that r can be expressed as
rD .d C  cos /2 C .h C  sin /2 : (4)

Differentiating Eqs. (2) and (3) with respect to time, we have

P sin  D rP cos  r P sin ; (5)
P cos  D rP sin  C r P cos : (6)
Next, observe that we have
h C  sin  d C  cos 
sin  D ; cos  D ; and P D v0 =: (7)
r r
Hence, substituting Eqs. (4) and (7) into Eqs.(5) and (6), we obtain a system of two equation in the two
unknowns rP and P whose solution is

v0 . C d cos  C h sin / v0 .h cos  d sin /

P D and rP D p :
.d C  cos /2 C .h C  sin /2 .d C  cos /2 C .h C  sin /2

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 265

Solution to 2.215

Referring to the figure on the right, we define a Cartesian coordinate

system with origin at O. Then the coordinates of point C are such
r 2 D xC2
C yC2
; (8)

xC D d C  cos  D r cos ; (9)

yC D h C  sin  D r sin ; (10)

so that r can be expressed as

r D .d C  cos /2 C .h C  sin /2 : (11)

Differentiating Eqs. (9) and (10) with respect to time, we have

P sin  D rP cos  r P sin ; (12)

P cos  D rP sin  C r P cos : (13)

Next, observe that we have

h C  sin  d C  cos 
sin  D ; cos  D ; and P D v0 =: (14)
r r
Hence, substituting Eqs. (11) and (14) into Eqs.(12) and (13), we obtain a system of two equation in the two
unknowns rP and P whose solution is
v0 . C d cos  C h sin / v0 .h cos  d sin /
P D and rP D p : (15)
.d C  cos /2 C .h C  sin /2 .d C  cos /2 C .h C  sin /2

To find expressions for rR and R we must take the second derivatives of Eqs. (15) and then replace P with
its expression in terms of v0 and , i.e. P D v0 =. Doing so, after simplification, yields the following

v02 . C d cos  C h sin /.d 2 C h2 C d cos  C h sin /

rR D  3=2 ;
 .d C  cos /2 C .h C  sin /2
v02 d 2 C h2 2 .d sin  h cos /

R D  2 :
 .d C  cos /2 C .h C  sin /2

August 10, 2009

266 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.216

Although point P is moving on a sphere, its motion is being studied with the
cylindrical coordinate system shown. Discuss in detail whether or not there are
incorrect elements in the sketch of the cylindrical component system at P .

The unit vector uO R points in the direction of rE. This is incorrect. For a cylindrical coordinate system, the unit
vector uO R must be parallel to the -R plane and point in the R direction.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 267

Problem 2.217

Although point P is moving on a sphere, its motion is being studied with the
cylindrical coordinate system shown. Discuss in detail whether or not there are
incorrect elements in the sketch of the cylindrical component system at P .

The unit vector uO  points in the direction of decreasing . This is incorrect, as uO  must point in the direction
of increasing  .

August 10, 2009

268 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.218

Discuss in detail whether or not (a) there are incorrect elements in the sketch of
the cylindrical component system at P and (b) the formulas for the velocity and
acceleration components derived in the section can be used with the coordinate
system shown.

(i) The unit vector uO  is pointing in the direction of decreasing . This is incorrect. It must point in the
direction of increasing .

(ii) No, the formulas derived in the section cannot be used since the angle  in this figure is defined from
the xy plane to the line OP . The formulas of this section require that  be defined from the axis to
the line OP .

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 269

Problem 2.219

Discuss in detail whether or not (a) there are incorrect elements in the sketch of
the cylindrical component system at P and (b) the formulas for the velocity and
acceleration components derived in the section can be used with the coordinate
system shown.

(i) The orientations of the unit vectors in relation to the positive directions of r, , and  are correct.

(ii) No, the formulas derived in the section cannot be used since the angle  in this figure is defined from
the xy plane to the line OP . The formulas of this section require that  be defined from the axis to
the line OP . Also the .uO r ; uO  ; uO  /, triad is NOT right-handed.

August 10, 2009

270 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.220

A top-slewing crane is lifting an object C at a constant rate of 5:3 ft=s while

rotating at a constant rate of 0:12 rad=s about the vertical axis. If the distance
between the object and the axis of rotation of the cranes boom is currently
46 ft and it is being reduced at a constant rate of 6:5 ft=s, find the velocity and
acceleration of C , assuming that the swinging motion of C can be neglected.


Referring to the figure on the right, we define a cylindrical coordinate system with
the R direction parallel to the cranes boom going from the vertical axis of the crane
toward point C ; with the axis coinciding with the vertical axis of the crane and
pointing in the direction opposite to gravity; with the  direction defined in such
a way the the triad .uO R ; uO  ; uO is right-handed. Interpreting the data given in the
problem statement, in addition to having R D 46 ft, we can write:

RP D 6:5 ft=s; P D 0:12 rad=s; P D 5:3 ft=s; (1)

RR D 0; R D 0; R D 0: (2)

Substituting the values into the equation for the velocity, namely, vE D RP uO R C RP uO  C P uO , we have

vEC D . 6:5 uO r C 5:52 uO  C 5:3 uO / ft=s:

For the acceleration, substituting the given values into the equation aE D RR RP 2 uO R C RR C 2RP P uO  C

R uO , gives
aEC D . 0:662 uO r 1:56 uO  / ft=s2 :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 271

Problem 2.221

An airplane is flying horizontally at a speed v0 D 320 mph while its propellers

rotate at an angular speed ! D 1500 rpm. If the propellers have a diameter
d D 14 ft, determine the magnitude of the acceleration of a point on the
periphery of the propeller blades.


Referring to the figure on the right, we define a cylindrical coordinate system

with the axis coinciding with the shaft on which the propeller is mounted but
remaining fixed (i.e, not moving with the plane), R direction perpendicular to
the shaft and going from the axis to the point whose acceleration we want to
measure, an such that the triad .uO R ; uO  ; uO is right-handed. Next, we recall that in
cylindrical coordinates the acceleration is given by the following formula:

aE D RR RP 2 uO R C RR C 2RP P uO  C R uO


Using the problems given information we that we have

R D 12 d D 7:000 ft; RP D 0; RR D 0; P D ! D 1500 rpm D 157:1 rad=s; R D 0: (2)

Substituting the above information in the formula for the acceleration we have

aE D RP 2 uO R D . 1:728105 ft=s2 / uO R : (3)

The magnitude of the above vector, expressed to 3 significant figures, is

aE D 17;300 ft=s2 :

August 10, 2009

272 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.222

A particle is moving over the surface of a right cone with angle and under
the constraint that R2 P D K, where K is a constant. The equation describing
the cone is R D tan . Determine the expressions for the velocity and the
acceleration of the particle in terms of K, , , and the time derivatives of .

We use the the cylindrical coordinate system implied by the problems figure. Next we recall that the general
expressions for the velocity and acceleration in cylindrical coordinates are as follows:

vE D RP uO R C RP uO  C P uO and aE D RR RP 2 uO R C RR C 2RP P uO  C R uO :


The problem is solved by determining all of the terms in the expressions for vE and aE and then substituting the
terms in question into the above equations.
We begin with computing the terms related to the coordinate R. We are told that R D tan . Hence,
recalling that is constant, we have

R D tan ) RP D P tan ) RR D R tan : (2)

Next we consider the terms related to  . Specifically, we start with the constraint equation R2 P D K, and
K K 2K P
K D R2 P ) P D 2 D 2 2 ) R D : (3)
R tan 3 tan2
Substituting the first two of Eqs. (2) and the second of Eqs. (3) into the first of Eqs. (1), we have

vE D P tan uO R C uO  C P uO :

Substituting Eqs. (2) and the last two of Eqs. (3) into the second of Eqs. (1), we have

aE D R tan uO R C R uO :
3 tan3

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 273

Problem 2.223

Solve Prob. 2.222 for general surfaces of revolution; that is, R is no longer
equal to tan , but is now an arbitrary function of , that is, R D f ./. The
expressions you are required to find will contain K, f ./, derivatives of f ./
with respect to , as well as derivatives of with respect to time.

We use the the cylindrical coordinate system implied by the problems figure. Next we recall that the general
expressions for the velocity and acceleration in cylindrical coordinates are as follows:

vE D RP uO R C RP uO  C P uO and aE D RR RP 2 uO R C RR C 2RP P uO  C R uO :


The problem is solved by determining all of the terms in the expressions for vE and aE and then substituting the
terms in question into the above equations.
We begin with computing the terms related to the coordinate R. Since we are told that R D f ./, and
keeping in mind that D .t /, using the chain rule, we have

d 2f
dR d df d df df
RP D ) RP D P and RR D P ) RR D R C P 2 2 : (2)
d dt d dt d d d

Next we consider the terms concerning the coordinate . Recalling that we have the constraint equation
P Hence, we can write
K D R2 .

K d P d 2K df
K D R2 P ) P D 2 ./
) R D D 3 P : (3)
f d dt f ./ d

Recalling that R D f ./, substituting the expression for RP from Eqs.(2) along with the expression for P
from Eqs. (3) into the first of Eqs. (1) we have

df K
vE D P uO r C uO  C P uO :
d f ./

Again recalling that R D f ./, substituting the expressions for RP and RR from Eqs.(2) along with the
expressions for P and R from Eqs. (3) into the second of Eqs. (1) we have

d 2f K2
aE D R C P 2 uO R C R uO :
d2 f 3 ./

August 10, 2009

274 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.224

Revisit Example 2.31, and assuming that the plane is accelerat-

ing, determine the relation that the radar readings obtained by
the station at A need to satisfy for you to conclude that the
jet is flying along a straight line whether at constant altitude or

For the plane to fly along a straight line, the airplanes velocity and acceleration vectors must be parallel.
This condition is expressed by the following vector equation:

vE  aE D 0: (1)

Recalling that we can write

vE D vr uO r C v uO  C v uO  and aE D ar uO r C a uO  C a uO  ; (2)

the condition in Eq. (1) takes on the form

vE  aE D .v a v a / uO r C .v ar vr a / uO  C .vr a E

v ar / uO  D 0: (3)

The above equation is satisfies if and only if

v a v a D 0; v ar vr a D 0; and vr a  v ar D 0: (4)

Next, using Eq. (2.138) on p. 157 of the textbook and Eq. (2.140) on p. 157 of the textbook, we can rewrite
Eqs. (4) as follows:

P R sin  C 2rP P sin  C 2r P P cos /

r .r r P sin .r R C 2rP P r P 2 sin  cos / D 0;
r P sin .rR r P 2 r P 2 sin2 / P R sin  C 2rP P sin  C 2r P P cos / D 0;
P R C 2rP P
r.r r P 2 sin  cos / P rR
r . r P 2 r P 2 sin2 / D 0:

The above equations are those that need to be satisfied by the radar reading to conclude that the plane is flying
along a straight line.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 275

Problem 2.225

The system depicted in the figure is called a spherical pendulum. The fixed
end of the pendulum is at O. Point O behaves as a spherical joint; i.e., the
location of O is fixed while the pendulums cord can swing in any direction in
the three-dimensional space. Assume that the pendulums cord has a constant
length L, and use the coordinate system depicted in the figure to derive the
expression for the acceleration of the pendulum.

Keeping in mind that the length of the pendulum is constant, we have that the position vector of the pendulum
bob is described as rE D L uO r , where the radial coordinate r is such that

r D L D constant: (1)

Therefore the time derivatives of the radial coordinate must be equal to zero, i.e.,

rP D 0 and rR D 0: (2)

Now recall that the acceleration in spherical coordinates is given by

aE D rR r P 2 r P 2 sin2  uO r C r R C 2rP P r P 2 sin  cos  uO  C r R sin  C 2rP P sin  C 2r P P cos  uO  :


Therefore, using Eqs. (1) and (2) the acceleration becomes

aE D L P 2 C P 2 sin2  uO r C L R P 2 sin  cos  uO  C L R sin  C 2P P cos  uO  :

August 10, 2009

276 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.226

An airplane is traveling at a constant altitude of 10;000 ft, with a constant speed

of 450 mph, within the plane whose equation is given by x C y D 10 mi and in
the direction of increasing x. Find the expressions for r, P ,
P , P r, R and R that
R ,
would be measured when the airplane is closest to the radar station.


The figure on the right shows the trace of the path of the airplane on the xy
plane. Using the coordinate system shown, then velocity and acceleration
of the plane are
vE D p .O{ |O/ and aE D 0E
where v0 D 450 mph D 660:0 ft. Point P 0 in the figure is the projection
on the xy plane of the point on the airplanes path that is closest to the
origin O. Based on the geometry of the path, we have that xP 0 D yP 0 D
5 mi D 2:640104 ft. Therefore, referring to the bottom figure on the right, the coordinates of the point P
(the point on the path closest to the origin) are

P W .xP 0 ; yP 0 ; h/ D .26;400; 2:6400; 10;000/ ft; (1)

where h D 10;000 ft is the altitude at which the airplane is flying.

Referring to the figure on the right (bottom), the distance between P
and O is s
x2 y2
r D h2 C P C P D 38;650 ft:
4 4
The angles  and  when the plane is closest to the radar are
p !
1 h 2
 D 45 and  D 90 tan D 75:01 : (2)

Then, the unit vectors uO r ; uO  , and uO  of a spherical coordinate system with origin at O are expressed as

uO r D sin  cos  {O C sin  sin  |O C cos  k;
uO  D cos  cos  {O C cos  sin  |O sin  k; O
uO  D sin  {O C cos  |O:

The components of the velocity in the uO r ; uO  , and uO  directions for  D 45 are

vr D rP D vE  uO r D p .sin  cos  sin  sin / ) rP D 0.
v D r P D vE  uO  D p .cos  cos  cos  sin  / ) P D 0.
v0 v0
v D r P sin  D vE  uO  D p . sin  cos / ) P D D 0:0177 rad=s,
2 r sin 
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 277

where we have used the fact that v0 D 450 mph D 660:0 ft,  D 45 , and  D 75:01 (see Eqs. (2)).
The components of the acceleration in the uO r ; uO  , and uO  directions for  D 45 are

ar D rR r P 2 r P 2 sin2  D 0 ) rR D D 11:3 ft=s2 :

v02 cos 
a D r R C 2rP P r P 2 sin  cos  D 0 ) R D D 78:110 6
rad=s2 .
r 2 sin 

a D r R sin  C 2rP P sin  C 2r P P cos  D 0 ) R D 0,

where, again, we have used the fact that v0 D 450 mph D 660:0 ft,  D 45 , and  D 75:01 (see Eqs. (2)).

August 10, 2009

278 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.227

An airplane is being tracked by a radar station at A. At the instant t D 0, the

following data is recorded: r D 15 km,  D 80 ,  D 15 , rP D 350 km=h,
P D 0:002 rad=s, P D 0:003 rad=s. If the airplane were flying so as to keep
each of the velocity components constant for a few minutes, determine the
components of the airplanes acceleration when t D 30 s.

Referring to Eq. (2.140) on p. 157 of the textbook, recall that, in spherical coordinates, the components of
acceleration are given by
ar D rR r P 2 r P 2 sin2 ;
a D r R C 2rP P r P 2 sin  cos ; (1)
a D r R sin  C 2rP P sin  C 2r P P cos :
Therefore, to solve this problem, we must provide the values of r, r, P r, P ,
R , , P and R for t D 30 s.
R ,
We will now use the assumption that the velocity components are constant to determine the value of the
quantities just listed. With this in mind, it is useful to recall that the expression of the velocity in spherical
coordinates is (see Eq. (2.137) on p. 157 of the textbook)

vE D rP uO r C r P uO  C r P sin  uO  D vr uO r C v uO  C v uO  : (2)

Then, under the assumption that vr is constant, for the radial coordinate r we have

vr .0/ D r.0/
P D constant ) R /D0
r.t and r.t / D r.0/ C r.0/t:
P (3)

Recalling that r.0/ D 15 km D 15;000 m and that r.0/

P D 350 km=h D 97:22 m=s, then, using Eqs. (3), at
t D 30 s we have

r.30 s/ D 17920; P
r.30 s/ D 97:22 m=s; and R
r.30 s/ D 0: (4)

Next we proceed to determine the values of , ,P and R at t D 30 s. To do so, referring to Eq. (2), we
P Hence, using the expression for r in the last of Eqs. (3) we have
start from the consideration that v D r .

r.0/.0/ P
P .0/
v D r P D constant D r.0/.0/;
P ) P D ) R D : (5)
r.0/ C r.0/t
P r.0/ C r.0/t
P 2

The last two of Eqs. (5) will allow us to compute P and R at t D 30 s. However, we also need the value of 
at t D 30 s. To compute such a value we now proceed to integrate the second of Eqs. (5) with respect to time.
This gives

d P
Z t P
P D D ) .t / .0/ D dt
dt r.t / 0 r.0/ C r.0/t


) .t / D .0/ C ln 1 C t : (6)
r.0/ r.0/
Using the last of Eqs. (6) and the last two of Eqs. (5) we then have

.30 s/ D 76:86 ; P
.30 s/ D 0:001674 rad=s; R
and .30 s/ D 9:08610 6
rad=s2 ; (7)
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 279

where we have used the following numerical data: r.0/ D 15 km D 15;000 m, r.0/ P D 350 km=h D
97:22 m=s, .0/ D 80 , and .0/ D 0:002 rad=s.
P and R at t D 30 s. We start from the fact that v D r P sin 
Next we proceed to determine the values of ,
is assumed to be constant. Hence, we have

P sin .t / D r.0/P .0/ sin .0/ r.0/P .0/ sin .0/
r.t/.t/ ) P .t / D
r.t / sin .t /
r.0/ .0/ sin .0/fr.t P /g
P / sin .t / C r.t /cos .t /.t
) R D : (8)
r 2 .t / sin2 .t /

Hence, recalling that r.0/ D 15 km D 15;000 m, r.0/ P D 350 km=h D 97:22 m=s, .0/ D 80 , P .0/ D
0:003 rad=s, and using Eqs. (4) and (7), for t D 30 s, we have

P .30 s/ D 0:002540 rad=s and R .30 s/ D 0:00001278 rad=s2 : (9)

In conclusion, substituting Eqs. (4), (7), and (9) into Eqs. (1), for t D 30 s we have

ar D 0:160 m=s2 ; a D 0:188 m=s2 ; and a D 0:223 m=s2 :

August 10, 2009

280 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.228

An airplane is being tracked by a radar station at A. At the instant t D 0, the

following data is recorded: r D 15 km,  D 80 ,  D 15 , rP D 350 km=h,
P D 0:002 rad=s, P D 0:003 rad=s. If the airplane were flying so as to keep
each of the velocity components constant, plot the trajectory of the airplane for
0 < t < 150 s.

To plot the trajectory of the airplane we need to find expressions for the coordinates of the airplane as a
function of time. Clearly, this must be done while enforcing the condition that the velocity components
remain constant during the time interval of interest. For this purpose, we consider the general expression for
the velocity in spherical coordinates, namely (see Eq. (2.137) on p. 157 of the textbook),
vE D rP uO r C r P uO  C r P sin  uO  D vr uO r C v uO  C v uO  : (1)
Then, under the assumption that vr is constant, for the radial coordinate r we have
vr .0/ D r.0/
P D constant ) r.t / D r.0/ C r.0/t;
P (2)
where r.0/ D 15 km D 15;000 m and that r.0/
P D 350 km=h D 97:22 m=s.
Next we proceed to determine an expression for .t /. To do so, referring to Eq. (1), we start from the
P Hence, using the expression for r in the last of Eqs. (2) we have
consideration that v D r .
v D r P D constant D r.0/.0/;
P ) P D : (3)
r.0/ C r.0/t
Then, to determine .t / we now proceed to integrate the last of Eqs. (3) with respect to time. This gives

d P
Z t P
P D D ) .t / .0/ D dt
dt r.t / 0 r.0/ C r.0/t


) .t / D .0/ C ln 1 C t ; (4)
r.0/ r.0/
where r.0/ D 15 km D 15;000 m, r.0/
P D 350 km=h D 97:22 m=s, .0/ D 80 , and .0/ P D 0:002 rad=s.
Next we try and provide an expression for .t /. We start from the fact that v D r P sin  is assumed to
be constant. Hence, we have
r.0/P .0/ sin .0/
r.t /P .t / sin .t / D r.0/P .0/ sin .0/ ) P .t / D : (5)
r.t / sin .t /
Although the expressions for r.t / and .t / are currently known, even if one were to substitute these
expressions into the above equation, we would obtain an expression for P that cannot be integrated with
respect to time in closed-form. Hence, we must proceed to integrate with respect to time numerically. This
can be done with a variety of pieces of mathematical software. We have used Mathematica as described

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 281

Referring to the above trajectory, the airplane is moving from the upper right to the lower left.

August 10, 2009

282 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.229

A carnival ride called the octopus consists of eight arms that rotate about the
axis at the constant angular velocity P D 6 rpm. The arms have a length
L D 22 ft and form an angle  with the axis. Assuming that  varies with
time as .t/ D 0 C 1 sin !t with 0 D 70:5 , 1 D 25:5 , and ! D 1 rad=s,
determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the outer end of an arm when 
achieves its maximum value.

Since both 0 and 1 are positive, the function .t / D 0 C 1 sin !t is maximum when sin !t D 1.
Therefore, we have
 D max D 0 C 1 D 96:00 for !t D .=2/ rad: (1)
Now that we have determined the maximum value of the angle , we observe that to compute the
magnitude of the acceleration we need to compute the component of the acceleration. In turn, given that we
are using a spherical coordinate system, we recall that, referring to Eq. (2.140) on p. 157 of the textbook, the
components in question are
ar D rR r P 2 r P 2 sin2 ;
a D r R C 2rP P r P 2 sin  cos ; (2)
a D r R sin  C 2rP P sin  C 2r P P cos :
P r,
Therefore, to solve this problem, we must provide the values of r, r, P ,
R , , P and R corresponding to
R ,
 D max D 96:00 . Clearly, the value of  is already known, since  D max D 96:00 . In addition, we

r D L D 22 ft D costant ) rP D 0 and rR D 0: (3)
Also, from Eq. (1), we have that for  D max D 96:00
P D 0 and R D 1 ! 2 sin !t D 0:4451 rad=s2 ;

!t D.=2/ rad

where we have used the fact that 1 D 25:5 and ! D 1 rad=s. Finally, for P and R we have
P D 6 rpm D 0:6283 rad=s D constant ) R D 0: (5)
Using the results in Eqs. (3)(4), the ar component of acceleration for  DD max D 96:00 is
ar D rR r P 2 r P 2 sin2  ) ar D LP 2 sin2  D 8:590 ft=s2 : (6)
Similarly, the a component of acceleration for  D max D 96:00 is
a D r R C 2rP P r P 2 sin  cos  ) a D L1 ! 2 LP 2 sin  cos  D 8:888 ft=s2 : (7)
Similarly, the a component of acceleration for  D max D 96:00 is
a D r R sin  C 2rP P sin  C 2r P P cos  ) a D 0 ft=s2 : (8)
Now we recall that the magnitude of the acceleration for  D max D is 96:00
q  2  2
aE D a2 C a2 C a2 ) aE D P 2 sin2  C L1 ! 2 LP 2 sin  cos 

max r   max L  ;

which, using the results in Eqs. (6)(8), can be evaluated to obtain

aE D 12:4 ft=s2 :


August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 283

Problem 2.230

A golfer chips the ball as shown. Letting D 23 , D 41 , and the initial

speed be v0 D 6 m=s, determine the x and y coordinates of the place where the
ball will land.

For projectile motion ax D 0, ay D 0, and a D g. Hence
1 2
x D x0 C xP 0 t; y D y0 C yP0 t; and D 0 C P 0 t 2 gt :

At time t D 0 the ball is at the origin of our coordinate system so x0 D y0 D 0 D 0. The initial components
of the velocity are

xP 0 D v0 cos cos ; yP0 D v0 cos sin ; and P 0 D v0 sin :

Using the equations written so far, we have that the motion of the ball is described by the following equations:
1 2
x D .v0 cos cos /t; y D .v0 cos sin /t; and D .v0 sin /t 2 gt :

To determine the location of landing, we observe that the coordinate of the landing spot must be D 0.
Next we find the time corresponding to D 0, i.e.,

1 2 2v0 sin
D .v0 sin /t 2 gt D0 ) tD :
The x and y components of the position corresponding to this time are

v 2 sin 2 cos
2v0 sin
xland D .v0 cos cos / ) xland D 0 D 3:35 m;
g g
v 2 sin 2 sin
2v0 sin
yland D .v0 cos sin / ) yland D 0 D 1:42 m;
g g

where we have used the following numerical data: v0 D 6 m=s, D 23 , D 41 , and g D 9:81 m=s2 . In
summary, the location of the balls landing spot is identified by the following coordinates

xland D 3:35 m; yland D 1:42 m; and land D 0:

August 10, 2009

284 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.231

In a racquetball court, at point P with coordinates xP D 35 ft, yP D 16 ft, and

P D 1 ft, a ball is imparted a speed v0 D 90 mph and a direction defined by
the angles  D 63 and D 8 ( is the angle formed by the initial velocity
vector and the xy plane). The ball bounces off the left vertical wall to then then
hit the front wall of the court. Assume that the rebound off the left vertical wall
occurs such that (1) the component of the balls velocity tangent to the wall
before and after rebound is the same and (2) the component of velocity normal
to the wall right after impact is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to
the same component of velocity right before impact. Accounting for the effect
of gravity, determine the coordinates of the point on the front wall that will be
hit by the ball after rebounding off the left wall.

From P to the left wall the racquetball undergoes projectile motion and therefore the components of the
balls acceleration in the given coordinate system are ax D 0, ay D 0, and a D g. In turn, the coordinates
of the ball as a function of time are
1 2
x D xP C xP 0 t; y D yP C yP0 t; and D P C P 0 t 2 gt ;

where xP D 35 ft, yP D 16 ft, and P D 1 ft. Next, the initial components of velocity are

xP 0 D v0 cos sin ; yP0 D v0 cos cos ; and P 0 D v0 sin :

Hence, first part of the motion of the ball is described by

1 2
x D xP .v0 cos sin  /t; y D yP .v0 cos cos  /t; and D P C .v0 sin /t 2 gt :

The racquetball will impact the left wall when y.t / D 0. Recalling that that v0 D 90 mph D 132:0 ft=s,
 D 63 , and D 8 , and letting tlw denote the time at which the ball hits the left wall, we have
y left wall D yP .v0 cos cos / tlw D 0 ) tlw D D 0:2696 s:
v0 cos cos 
The corresponding x and coordinates at t D tlw are

xlw D xP .v0 cos sin  / tlw ) xlw D 3:598 ft;

1 2
lw D P C .v0 sin / tlw 2 gtlw ) lw D 4:783 ft:

After impact the x and y components of velocity are

xP lw D v0 cos sin  and yPlw D v0 cos cos :

The z component of velocity after impact is calculated with the constant acceleration equation v D v0 C at.

P lw D v0 sin gtlw :

After the impact with the left wall, the ball is projectile motion. Hence, the equations describing the motion
of the ball after the impact are
1 2
x D xlw .v0 cos sin  /t; y D .v0 cos cos  /t; and D lw C .v0 sin gtlw /t 2 gt ;
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 285

where we have reset the time variable so that t D 0 now corresponds to the when the ball bounces off the
the left wall. We are now ready to consider the impact of the ball with the front wall, which is described by
the condition x.t / D 0. Letting tfw denote the time at which the ball impacts the front wall, we have
x front wall D xlw .v0 cos sin  /tfw D 0 ) tfw D D 0:03089 s:
v0 cos sin 
The corresponding values of the y and coordinates at t D tfw are

yfw D .v0 cos cos / tfw ) yfw D 1:833 ft;

1 2
fw D lw C .v0 sin gtlw / tfw 2 gtfw ) fw D 5:067 ft:

In summary, the coordinates of the point on the front wall that is impacted by the ball, we have

xfw D 0; yfw D 1:83 ft; and fw D 5:07 ft:

August 10, 2009

286 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.232

The figure shows the displacement vector of a point P between two time instants
t1 and t2 . Is it possible for the vector vEavg shown to be the average velocity of
P over the time interval t1 ; t2 ?

No. vEavg needs to have the same direction as Er .t1 ; t2 /.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 287

Problem 2.233

The motionpof a point P with respect to a Cartesian coordinate system is described

by rE D f2 t {O C 4 ln.t C 1/ C 2t 2 |Og ft, where t is time expressed in seconds.
Determine the average velocity between t1 D 4 s and t2 D 6 s. Then find the time
tN for which the x component of P s velocity is exactly equal to the x component
of P s average velocity between times t1 and t2 . Is it possible to find a time at
which P s velocity and P s average velocity are exactly equal? Explain why. Hint:
Velocity is a vector.

Recall that the average velocity over the time interval t1 ; t2 is

rE.t2 / rE.t1 /
vEavg .t1 ; t2 / D : (1)
t2 t1
Using the given function for rE and letting t1 D 4 s and t2 D 6 s, we have

vEavg .t1 ; t2 / D .0:4495 {O C 20:67 |O/ ft=s; (2)

which, expressed to 3 significant figures, gives

vEavg .t1 ; t2 / D .0:449 {O C 20:7 |O/ ft=s:

Next, we compute the velocity of P by differentiating the position vector rE.t / with respect to time. This
1 4
vE D p {O C 4t C |O ft=s: (3)
t 1Ct
To determine tN we then need to solve the equation
vx .t / D p ft=s D 0:4495 ft=s ) tN D 4:949 s; (4)
which, expressed to 3 significant figures is

tN D 4:95 s:

Next, we use the result in the last of Eqs. (4) to compute the y component of the velocity vector in Eq. (3).
This gives
vy .tN/ D 20:47 ft=s .vavg /y : (5)
This result implies that

In general, it is not possible to find a time instant in an interval t1 ; t2

for which the velocity and the average velocity are equal.

While it is always possible for a scalar function to find a value of time tN at which the function is equal to its
average over a time interval containing tN, when it comes to a vector function, finding a common time that
works for every scalar component is, in general, not possible.
August 10, 2009
288 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.234

The velocity and acceleration of point P expressed relative to frame A at some

time t are

vEP =A D .12:5 {OA C 7:34 |OA / m=s and aEP =A D .7:23 {OA 3:24 |OA / m=s2 :

Knowing that frame B does not move relative to frame A, determine the
expressions for the velocity and acceleration of P with respect to frame B.
Verify that the speed of P and the magnitude of P s acceleration are the same
in the two frames.

In order to express the velocity and acceleration vectors in terms of reference frame B, the unit vectors of
frame A need to be expressed in terms of the unit vectors of frame B. Letting D 15 the unit vectors of
frame A can be expressed as

{OA D cos {OB C sin |OB ; |O1 D sin {OB C cos |OB ;
D 0:9659 {OB C 0:2588 |OB : D 0:2588 {OB C 0:9659 |OB :

With the frame A unit vectors known in terms of those of frame B, it is found that the velocity in frame B is
h i h i
vEP =B D 12:5.0:9659 {O2 C 0:2588 |O2 / ; m=s C 7:34. 0:2588 {O2 C 0:9659 |O2 / m=s;

vEP =B .10:2 {O2 C 10:3 |O2 / m=s:

Similarly, the acceleration vector in frame 2 is found to be

h i h i
aEP =B D 7:23.0:9659 {O2 C 0:2588 |O2 / m=s2 3:24. 0:2588 {O2 C 0:9659 |O2 / m=s2 ;

aEP =B D .7:82 {O2 1:26 |O2 / m=s2 :

The speed of the particle in frame A is found by taking the magnitude of the velocity vector vEP =A where
vP =A D .12:5/2 C .7:34/2 m/s D 14:5 m=s;

Similarly, for frame B, q

vP =B D .10:2/2 C .10:3/2 m/s D 14:5 m=s:
The magnitue of the acceleration in frame A is found by taking the magnitude of the acceleration vector aEP =A
where q
aP =A D .7:23/2 C . 3:24/2 m=s2 D 7:92 m=s2 ;
Similarly, for frame B, q
aP =B D .7:82/2 C . 1:26/2 m=s2 D 7:92 m=s2 :
Therefore, the magnitude of the acceleration and velocity vectors are verified to be independent of the
reference frame.
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 289

Problems 2.235 and 2.236

A dynamic fracture model proposed to explain the behavior of cracks propa-

gating at high velocity views the crack path as a wavy path. In this model, a
crack tip appearing to travel along a straight path actually travels at roughly
the speed of sound along a wavy path. Let the wavy path of the crack tip be
described by the function y D h sin.2x=/, where h is the amplitude of the
crack tip fluctuations in the direction perpendicular to the crack plane and  is
the corresponding period. Assume that the crack tip travels along the wavy path
at a constant speed vs (e.g., the speed of sound).

Problem 2.235 Find the expression for the x component of the crack tip
velocity as a function of vs , , h, and x.

Problem 2.236 Denote the apparent crack tip velocity by va , and

define it as the average value of the x component of the crack velocity, that is,

va D vx dx:

In dynamic fracture experiments on polymeric materials, va D 2vs =3, vs is

found to be close to 800 m=s, and  is of the order of 100 m. What value of
h would you expect to find in the experiments if the wavy crack theory were
confirmed to be accurate?

Solution to 2.235
Using the coordinate system shown, the velocity of the crack tip has the form vE D xP {O C yP |O. Hence, letting
vs be the speed of the crack, we must have
vs D xP 2 C yP 2 : (1)

Now recalling that y D h sin.2x=/, we have

dy dx 2h xP 2x
yP D ) yP D cos : (2)
dx dt  

Substituting Eq. (2) into Eq. (1) we have

s s
2x 2
2h P
x 2x 2h
vs D xP C cos D xP 1 C cos ; (3)

which can be solved to find that the x component of the velocity is

xP D q ; (4)
2 C 4h2  2 cos2 

where we have chosen the positive solution will be used since the crack is assumed to propagate in the
positive x direction.
August 10, 2009
290 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.236
To solve this problem we need to first determine the x component of the velocity of the crack tip. Once, we
determine an expression for vx , then we will solve the equation stated in the problem numerically for h.
We begin by observing that, using the coordinate system shown, the velocity of the crack tip has the form
vE D xP {O C yP |O. Hence, letting vs be the speed of the crack, we must have
vs D xP 2 C yP 2 : (5)

Now recalling that y D h sin.2x=/, we have

dy dx 2h xP 2x
yP D ) yP D cos : (6)
dx dt  
Substituting Eq. (6) into Eq. (5) we have
s s
2x 2
2h P
x 2x 2h
vs D xP 2 C cos D xP 1 C cos ; (7)

which can be solved to find that the x component of the velocity is

vx D xP D q ; (8)
2 C 4h2  2 cos2 

where we have chosen the positive solution will be used since the crack is assumed to propagate in the
positive x direction.
1 vs  vs
va D q  dx D q  dx: (9)
 0 2 C 4h2  2 cos2 2x 0 2 C 4h2  2 cos2 2x

Recall that we have vs D 800 m=s, va D 32 vs D 533:3 m=s, and  D 100 m. Hence, since the variable x
in Eq. (9) has the role of dummy variable of integration, Eq. (9) is an equation in the single unknown h. The
equation in question is an integral equation and can be solved numerically using appropriate mathematical
software. We have used Mathematica with the code given below. As is often the case with the numerical
solution of equations, we had to supply Mathematica with an initial guess for the solution. Since the quantity
h is expected to be of the same order of magnitude as , our guess for h was set to the same value as the
given value for .
EqIntegral!h_" :! NIntegrate# ,

$100. " 10#6 % $ 4 h2 2 Cos# (

2 2x 2
&100. " 10#6 '

)x, 0, $100. " 10#6 %*(

FindRoot+533.3 & EqIntegral!h", )h, 10.#4 *,

The execution of the code above yields the following result (expressed to 3 significant figures):

h D 29:410 m:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 291

Problem 2.237

The motion of a peg sliding within a rectilinear guide is controlled by an

actuator in such a way that the pegs acceleration takes on the form xR D
a0 .2 cos 2!t sin !t /, where t is time, a0 D 3:5 m=s2 , ! D 0:5 rad=s, and
D 1:5. Determine the total distance traveled by the peg during the time
interval 0 s  t  5 s if x.0/
P D a0 =! C 0:3 m=s. When compared with
Prob. 2.45, why does the addition of 0:3 m=s in the initial velocity turn this into
a problem that requires a computer for the solution?

We have acceleration as a function of time so we can integrate it as
Z t  
P / D x.0/
x.t P C R / dt D a0 C 0:3 m=s C a0
x.t sin 2!t C cos !t a0 :
0 ! 2! ! !

We can use the double angle formula, sin 2x D 2 sin x cos x, to obtain
a0 a0
v.t/ D sin 2!t C cos !t C 0:3 m=s ) v.t / D cos !t .2 sin !t C / C 0:3 m=s:
! !
To find the distance traveled, we need to established if and when the peg switches direction during the time
interval considered. This can be easily done by using any appropriate mathematical software that can plot the
function v.t/ over the time interval considered. Recalling that a0 D 3:5 m=s2 , ! D 0:5 rad=s, and D 1:5,
we have used Mathematica with the following code:
Parameters ! !a0 " 3.5, " 0.5, " 1.5";

Cos$ t% &2 Sin$ t% % ' % 0.3 (. Parameters, !t, 0, 5", Frame " True,

FrameLabel " !"t &s'", "v &m(s'"", GridLines " Automatic, AspectRatio " 1)

The above code yields the following plot:

v !m#s"

0 1 2 3 4 5
t !s"

As can be seen from the above plot, the velocity changes sign near t 3 s. Hence, we need to solve the
equation v.t / D 0 to determine where exactly the sign switch occurs. Because the expression we have
for v.t/ includes the constant term 0:3 m, the equation v.t / D 0 cannot be solved analytically. Hence, we
must use a computer to find the times when velocity goes to zero. This can be done with any appropriate
August 10, 2009
292 Solutions Manual

mathematical software. As it is common with root finding algorithms, we need to provide a guess for the
solution. Based on the graph presented above, we set our guess to t D 3 s and then use the following
Mathematica code:
Parameters ! !a0 " 3.5, " 0.5, " 1.5";

Cos$ t% &2 Sin$ t% % ' % 0.3 & 0 (. Parameters, !t, 3")


which yields the following solution (expressed to 4 significant figures):

t D 3:166 s: (1)

to find the root numerically at 3:166 s. Using this result, and letting d denote the distance traveled, we have
Z 3:166 s   Z 5s  
a0 a0
dD cos !t .2 sin !t C/C0:3 m=s dt cos !t .2 sin !t C/C0:3 m=s dt: (2)
0 ! 3:166 s !

The above integrals can be computed either numerically or analytically. Since this is a computer problem,
we have chosen to carry out the integration numerically. As usual, this can be done with any appropriate
numerical software. we have used Mathematica with the following code:
Parameters ! !a0 " 3.5, " 0.5, " 1.5";

Cos$ t% &2 Sin$ t% % ' % 0.3 (. Parameters, !t, 0, 3.166") &

d ! NIntegrate#

Cos$ t% &2 Sin$ t% % ' % 0.3 (. Parameters, !t, 3.166, 5")


The execution of the above code, yields the following result (expressed to 3 significant figures):

d D 52:8 m:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 293

Problem 2.238

The acceleration of an object in rectilinear free fall while immersed in a linear viscous
fluid is a D g Cd v=m, where g is the acceleration of gravity, Cd is a constant
drag coefficient, v is the objects velocity, and m is the objects mass. Letting v D 0
and s D 0 for t D 0, where s is position and t is time, determine the position as a
function of time.

We must integrate the acceleration which is a function of velocity. If we let t0 D 0 and s0 D 0, it follows that
Z v  
dv dv m Cd
aD D g Cd v=m ) t D ) tD ln 1 v :
dt 0 g Cd v=m Cd mg

We invert t.v/ to find velocity as a function of time.

Cd Cd
t mg Cd
1 vDe m ) v.t / D 1 e m :
mg Cd

Now that we have velocity as a function of time we can integrate it to obtain position as a function of time.

ds mg t
vD ) sD 1 e m t dt )
dt Cd 0
mg Cd
s.t / D 2 Cd t C m e m 1 :

August 10, 2009

294 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.239

Heavy rains cause a particular stretch of road to have a coefficient of friction

that changes as a function of location. Under these conditions the acceleration
of a car skidding while trying to stop can be approximated by sR D .k cs/g,
where k is the friction coefficient under dry conditions, g is the acceleration of
gravity, and c, with units of m 1 , describes the rate of friction decrement. Let
k D 0:5, c D 0:015 m 1 , and v0 D 45 km=h, where v0 is the initial velocity
of the car. Determine the time it will take the car to stop and the percentage of
increase in stopping time with respect to dry conditions, i.e., when c D 0.

Since we are given an acceleration as a function of position, we will first relate the acceleration to the velocity
using the chain rule, and then relate the velocity to time. We therefore proceed as follows:
Z v Z s
d sP ds d sP
a.s/ D ) a.s/ D sP ) sP d sP D a ds:
ds dt ds v0 0
s r r
g 2 g c 2
1 2
1 2
2 v0 D 2c .cs k / ) vD v0 C .cs k /2 2k : (1)
0 c g
We need this expression later. For now set v D 0 and solve for s.
k 1 cv02
sf D 2k ) sf D 26:31 m or 40:35 m:
c c g
sf D 26:31 m is the meaningful solution because it occurs first, where the subscript f stands for final.
We now go back to the velocity, given by Eq. (1), as we relate it to time as follows:
Z t Z s r Z s
ds ds c ds
v.s/ D ) dt D ) tD q : (2)
dt 0 0 v g 0 c 2
v C .cs  /2
g 0 k k

We now perform the following change of variables of integration:

c 2 1
AD v 2k ; x D cs k ) dx D c ds ) ds D dx: (3)
g 0 c
For s D 0 we have x D k and for s D sf we have x D csf k . Hence, the integral in the last of
Eqs. (2) becomes
csf k
1 dx
tf D p p : (4)
cg k A C x2
Using a table of integrals or some appropriate mathematical software we obtain
x C A C x 2
1  p  csf k 1 xDcs k
tf D p ln x C A C x 2 ) tf D p ln   f ;

cg k cg x C A C x2

xD k

which, recalling the definition of A in the first of Eqs. (3), after after simplification yields
1 csf k
tf D p ln p D 5:840 s: (5)
cg v0 c=g k
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 295

where we have used the following numerical data: c D 0:015 m 1 , g D 9:81 m=s2 , k D 0:5, and
v0 D 45 km=s D 12:50 m=s. Expressing tf to 3 significant figures, we have

tf D 5:84 s:

With dry conditions, i.e., for c D 0, the acceleration of the car would be sR D k g. Hence, we can use the
constant acceleration equation sP D sP0 C ac t to find the time. This gives

0 D v0 k gtf ) tf D 2:548 s:

Comparing this result to that in Eq. (5), we find the percent increase to be
tfwet tfdry
 100 ) 129%

August 10, 2009

296 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.240

The acceleration of a particle of mass m suspended by a linear spring with spring constant
k and unstretched length L0 , (when the spring length is equal to L0 , the spring exerts
no force on the particle) is given by xR D g .k=m/.x L0 /. Assuming that at t D 0
the particle is at rest and its position is x D 0 m, derive the expression of the particles
position x as a function of time. Hint: A good table of integrals will come in handy.

We have acceleration as a function of position and we integrate it as follows:
xP x  
d xP dx k

aD ) xP d xP D g x L0 dx:
dx dt 0 0 m
1 2 k 2 kL0 k 2 2kL0
2x D gx x C x ) xP D 2gx x C x:
2m m m m
Now we have xP as a function of x and we therefore relate it to time as follows:
Z t Z x Z x
dx dx dx
xP D ) dt D ) tD r  :
dt 0 0 xP 0 2kL0

k 2
x m C 2g mx

m 2kL0 gm
Now we let A D k m C 2g D 2 L0 C k
and we rewrite the expression for t as follows:
r x
r  p  x
m dx m x

tD p ) t D2 tan p :
k 0 Ax x2 k A x 0

Making use of the trigonometric identity 1 C tan2  D sec2  , we have that

r ! " r !# r !
2 t k x 2 t k t k
tan D ) x sec D A tan2 :
2 m A x 2 m 2 m

Now making use of the trigonometric identity sin2 .=2/ D 12 .1 cos  /, we can express x as
r ! " r !#
t k A k
x D A sin2 ) xD 1 cos t :
2 m 2 m

Finally, recalling that A is the quantity 2 L0 C k
, the expression for x can be written as

gm k
x D L0 C 1 cos t :
k m

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 297

Problem 2.241

In a movie scene involving a car chase, a car goes over the top of a ramp at A
and lands at B below. Letting D 18 and D 25 , determine the speed of
the car at A if the car is to be airborne for a full 3 s. Furthermore, determine the
distance d covered by the car during the stunt as well as the impact speed and
angle at B. Neglect aerodynamic effects. Express your answer using the U . S .
Customary system of units.


This problem is a projectile problem and we begin by relating the jump

speed v0 to the velocity of the car and then to the cars trajectory. Re-
ferring tot he figure on the right, the initial velocity and acceleration in
the .x; y/ coordinate system are

xP 0 D v0 cos. C /; yP0 D v0 sin. C /;

xR D g sin ; yR D g cos :

Using the constant acceleration equation s D sP t C 12 ac t 2 , we have that the coordinates of the (airborne) car
as a function of time are

x D v0 cos. C /t C 21 g sin t 2 ; (1)

1 2
y D v0 sin. C /t 2 g cos t : (2)

We want to satisfy the condition that y D 0 at t D tf D 3 s, where the subscript f stands for flight.

1 2 gtf cos
0 D v0 sin. C /tf 2 g cos tf ) v0 D D 64:19 ft=s; (3)
2 sin. C /
where we have used the following numerical data: g D 32:2 ft=s2 , tf D 3 s, D 25 , and D 18 .
Expressing the result for v0 to 3 significant figures, we have

v0 D 64:2 ft=s:

We now observe that the distance d is equal to the value of x at time t D tf . Hence, using Eq. (1) and the
value of v0 we computed in the last of Eqs. (3), we have that the distance d is given by

gtf cos
dD cos. C /tf C 12 g sin tf2 D 202 ft:
2 sin. C /

To find the impact speed and the impact angle, we need to determine the velocity at impact. To do so, we
use the constant acceleration equation v D v0 C ac t and we obtain

vEi D v0 cos. C / C g sin tf {O C v0 sin. C / g cos tf |O D .87:77 {O 43:77 |O/ ft=s; (4)

where we have used the value of v0 in the last of Eqs. (3) along with the following numerical data: g D
32:2 ft=s2 , tf D 3 s, D 25 , and D 18 . Therefore the speed at impact is given by
2 2
vi D vxi C vyi D 98:1 ft=s:

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298 Solutions Manual

We now let  be the impact angle of the car with the ground at B, i.e., with respect to the slope. Hence,
this angle is given by

1 vy
 D tan D 26:5 measured clockwise from the slope:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 299

Problem 2.242

Consider the problem of launching a projectile a distance R from O to D with

a known launch speed v0 . It is probably clear to you that you also need to know
the launch angle  if you want the projectile to land exactly at R. But it turns
out that the condition determining whether or not v0 is large enough to get to
R does not depend on . Determine this condition on v0 . Hint: Find v0 as a
function of R and  , and then remember that the sine function is bounded by 1.

For projectile motion we have the initial velocity and acceleration in the .x; y/ coordinate system, i.e.,

xP 0 D v0 cos ; yP0 D v0 sin ;

xR D 0; yR D g:

Using the constant acceleration equation s D sP t C 0:5ac t 2 we obtain

x D v0 cos  t; (1)
1 2
y D v0 sin  t 2 gt : (2)

For t D tD we have y.tD / D 0. Using this fact in Eq. (2), yields the following expression for tD :

2v0 sin 
tD D :
The substituting the above expression for tD into Eq. (1), setting x D R and using the trigonometric identity
2 sin  cos  D sin 2 , we obtain

v02 sin 2 gR
RD ) v02 D :
g sin 2

The smallest value of v0 corresponds to sin 2 D 1. Therefore the condition on v0 is

v0  gR:

August 10, 2009

300 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.243

A skater is spinning with her arms completely stretched out and with an angular
velocity ! D 60 rpm. Letting rb D 0:55 ft, and ` D 2:2 ft and neglecting
the change in ! as the skater lowers her arms, determine the velocity and
acceleration of the hand A right when D 0 if the skater lowers her arms
at the constant rate P D 0:2 rad=s. Express the answers using the component
system shown, which rotates with the skater and for which the unit vector |O
(not shown) is such that |O D kO  {O.


We begin by providing a convenient description of the position of point A.

Referring to the figure on the right, let Q be the fixed point on the spin axis
that is at the same height as the shoulders. Then the position of A relative
to Q is given by
rEA=Q D .rb C ` cos / {O O
` sin k:
Since Q is a fixed point, the time derivative of rEA=Q coincides with the
velocity of point A. Hence, we have
vEA D `P sin {O C .rb C ` cos / {PO `P cos kO ` sin k: (1)
Now we observe that since the unit vector {O always points towards A, then is changes its orientation with
O In addition, since kO does not change its orientation, then kO is a constant unit
the angular velocity !E D ! k.
vector. Hence, using the concept of time derivative of a unit vector, we have
{PO D ! kO  {O D ! |O and kO D 0: (2)
Substituting Eqs. (2) into Eq. (1), we the have that the velocity of A can be expressed as follows:
vEA D `P sin {O C .rb C ` cos /! |O `P cos k:
O (3)
For D 0, we then have

`P kO D 17:3 |O 0:44 kO ft=s:

vEA D0 D .rb C `/! |O

TO obtain the acceleration, we now differentiate vEA in Eq. (3) with respect to time and, recalling that P
and kO are constant, we obtain
aEA D `P 2 cos {O `P sin {PO P sin |O C .rb C ` cos /! |PO C `P 2 sin k:
`! O (4)
Using the first of Eqs. (2) and observing that the same idea that allowed us to derive the first of Eqs. (2) tells
us that |PO D ! kO  |O D ! {O, Eq. (4) can be simplified to
aEA D `P 2 cos C ! 2 .rb C ` cos / {O 2!`P sin |O C `P 2 sin k:
Hence, for D 0 the acceleration of A is

aEA D0 D `P 2 ! 2 .rb C `/ {O D . 109 {O/ft=s2 :


August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 301

Problem 2.244

A roller coaster travels over the top A of the track section shown with a speed
v D 60 mph. Compute the largest radius of curvature  at A such that the
passengers on the roller coaster will experience weightlessness at A.

For this condition the centripetal acceleration must be entirely from gravity.

v2 v2
Dg ) D )  D 240 ft

where we have used the fact that v D 60 mph D 88:00 ft=s and g D 32:2 ft=s2 .

August 10, 2009

302 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.245

Determine, as a function of the latitude , the normal acceleration of the point

P on the surface of the Earth due to the spin !E of Earth about its axis. In
addition, determine the normal acceleration of the Earth due to its rotation
about the Sun. Using these results, determine the latitude above which the
acceleration due to the orbital motion of the Earth is more significant than the
acceleration due to the spin of the Earth about its axis. Use RE D 6371 km
for the mean radius of the Earth, and assume the Earths orbit about the Sun is
circular with radius RO D 1:497108 km.

The tangential velocity of P due to the rotation of Earth is vP D RE !E cos . The radius of curvature as a
function of  is P D RE cos . The normal acceleration of P due to rotation is

vP2 ! 2 R2 cos2 
aP D D E E ) 2
!E RE cos , (1)
P RE cos 

where RE D 6371 km D 6371103 m and

1 1 6
!E D .1 rev=day/.2 rad=rev/.24 h=day/ .3600 s=h/ D 72:7210 rad=s: (2)

The tangential velocity of P due to the motion of the Earth arounf the Sun is vE D RO !O , where

.1 rev=year/.2 rad=rev/ 7
!O D D 1:99210 rad=s: (3)
.365 day=year/.24 h=day/.3600 s=h/
Hence, the normal acceleration of P due to to the motion of the Earth around the Sun is
vE ! 2 R2
aO D D O O ) 2
aO D !O RO D 5:9410 3
m=s2 ,

where we have used the fact that RO D 1:497108 km D 1497108 m. Consequently, the latitude  above
which the acceleration due to the motion of the Earth around the Sun is greater than the acceleration of due to
the Earths spin about its own axis is
1 !O RO
 D cos 2
D 79:8 ;

where we have used the fact that RO D 1:497108 km D 1497108 m, RE D 6371 km D 6;371;000 m,
and the values of !E and !O in Eqs. (2) and (3), respectively.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 303

Problem 2.246

A jet is flying straight and level at a speed v0 D 1100 km=h when it turns to
change its course by 90 as shown. The turn is performed by decreasing the
paths radius of curvature uniformly as a function of the position s along the
path while keeping the normal acceleration constant and equal to 8g, where g is
the acceleration due to gravity. At the end of the turn, the speed of the plane is
vf D 800 km=h. Determine the radius of curvature f at the end of the turn and
the time tf that the plane takes to complete its change in course.

Recalling that we are given an D 8g D 78:48 m=s2 (since g D 9:81 m=s2 ), v0 D 1100 km=h D 305:6 m=s,
and vf D 800 km=s D 222:2 m=s, the radii of curvature at the beginning and end of the turn are

v2 vf2
0 D 0 D 1190 m and f D D 629:1 m: (1)
an an
Expressing the value of f to 3 significant figures, we have

f D 629 m:

Next, recalling that we are told that  decreases uniformly with the position s
along the airplanes path, i.e., that d=ds D constant, denoting the constant in
question by , we have that the radius of curvature, expressed as a function of
s must have the following form

.s/ D 0 C s; (2)

where, referring to the figure on the right, we have set s D 0 to correspond to the

location of the airplane along the path at the beginning of the turn, and where
the nondimensional constant will be determined later. Now, we recall that that,
at every point along the airplanes trajectory, we can define an osculating circle.
Let C.s/ denote the center of the osculating circle corresponding to the position s along the path. Then,
consider the radial segment of length .s/ going from C.s/ to the airplane. In addition, let the orientation of
the segment in question be described by the angle .s/ that the segment forms with the line connecting C.0/
and the airplane when s D 0. Based on how we have defined .s/ we have .0/ D 0, .sf / D .=2/ rad,
and we have that  changes with time with an angular velocity we will denote by !, i.e., P D !. Because of
the properties of the osculating circle and because of how we have defined , we must have
!.s/ D ; (3)
where v is the speed of the plane. Then manipulating the above equation, we have
v d d ds d d 1
!D D D Dv ) D : (4)
 dt ds dt ds ds 
August 10, 2009
304 Solutions Manual

Separating variables in the last of Eqs. (4) and integrating, we have

.=2/ rad sf 
0 C sf

ds  1  1
d D ) rad D ln ) rad D ln ; (5)
0 0 0 C s 2 0 2 0

which can be solved for to obtain

D ln D 0:4058: (6)
Knowing that represents the rate of change of curvature with respect to position ( D ds
) we can take the
derivative with respect to s of the equation an D  D 8g to obtain

dv d dv
v 2 D 8g ) 2v D 8g ) v D 4g : (7)
ds ds ds

However, v dv
P Therefore, we have
represents the quantity v.
tf vf
dv dv 1
D 4g ) dt D ) tf D .vf v0 /: (8)
dt 0 v0 4g 4g

Using the value of computed in Eq. (6), and recalling that we have g D 9:81 m=s2 , v0 D 1100 km=h D
305:6 m=s, and vf D 800 km=s D 222:2 m=s, we can evaluate the last of Eqs. (8) to obtain

tf D 5:24 s:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 305

Problem 2.247

A car is traveling over a hill with a speed v0 D 160 km=h. Using the Cartesian
coordinate system shown, the hills profile is described by the function y D
.0:003 m 1 /x 2 , where x and y are measured in meters. At x D 100 m, the
driver realizes that her speed will cause her to lose contact with the ground
once she reaches the top of the hill at O. Verify that the drivers intuition
is correct, and determine the minimum constant time rate of change of the
speed such that the car will not lose contact with the ground at O. Hint: To
p the distance traveled
p by the car along the cars path, observe that
ds D dx C dy D 1 C .dy=dx/2 dx and that
2 2

xp 1 
Z p p 
1 C C 2 x 2 dx D 1 C C 2x2 C ln C x C 1 C C 2 x 2 :
2 2C

The minimum speed to loose contact with the ground is such that
vmin 2
Dg ) vmin D g.0/: (1)

To calculate the radius of curvature at the origin of the coordinate system indicated in the problems figure we
use the following equation:
3=2 3=2
1 C .dy=dx/2 1 C .0:006x/2
.x/ D ) .0/ D D 166:7 m: (2)
d 2 y=dx 2 0:006
vmin D g D 40:44 m=s: (3)
Since v0 D 160 km=h D 44:44 m=s, we conclude that

the car will loose contact with the ground.

Now we have to find the minimum constant value of vP D ac such that the car does not loose contact. Since
we need to relate a change in speed to a change in position, we can use the constant acceleration equation
v 2 v02 D 2ac .s s0 / with s0 D 0 and vf D vmin , where s is the path coordinate along the profile of the
hill. This gives
2 v2 v02
vmin v02 D 2ac s ) ac D min ; (4)
where the subscript f stands for final. To evaluate this equation we need to express the path coordinate s in
terms of the Cartesian coordinates x and y. Taking advantage of the hint given in the problem, we can write
Z 0 q  p
x 1  p 0
2 2 2 2 2
sf D 1 C . 0:006x/ dx D 1CC x C ln C x C 1 C C x D 105:7 m:
100 2 2C 100
Using this result in Eq. (4), along with the fact that v0 D 160 km=h D 44:44 m=s and vmin D 40:44 m=s (see
Eq. (3)), we have
ac D 1:61 m=s2 :

August 10, 2009

306 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.248

The mechanism shown is called a swinging block slider crank. First used in various steam locomotive
engines in the 1800s, this mechanism is often found in door-closing systems. Let H D 1:25 m, R D 0:45 m,
and r denote the distance between B and O. Assuming that the speed of B is constant and equal to 5 m=s,
determine r, P r,
P , R and R when  D 180 .

We start by defining a polar coordinate system with origin at O and radial direction along the segment OB
so that the coordinate r measures the distance from O to B. We take as transverse coordinate, the angle .
Observe that for 0 <  < 180 , r is growing. For  D 180 r achieves its maximum value rmax D R C H ,
and for 180 <  < 360 , r decreases. Therefore, the rate of change of r for  D 180 must be equal to
zero, i.e.,

rP D 0:

In polar coordinates, the velocity of B is expressed as

vEB D rP uO r C r P uO  : (2)
Therefore, in view of Eq. (1), for  D 180 , recalling that B is moving counterclockwise with the constant
speed v0 D 5 m=s, we have
vEB D180 D rmax P D180 uO  D v0 uO  ) P D180 D

D 2:941 rad=s; (3)
where we have used the fact that R D 0:45 m and H D 1:25 m. Expressing the above result to 3 significant
figures, we have
P D180 D 2:94 rad=s:

Next we recall that the general expression of the acceleration in polar coordinates is
aEB D .rR r P 2 / uO r C .r R C 2rP /
P uO  : (4)
Recalling that for  D 180 , r D R C H , rP D 0 and P takes on the expression in the second of Eqs. (3), we
have that, for  D 180 , Eq. (4) reduces to
uO r C .R C H /R D180 uO  :

aEB D180 D rR D180
We now observe that, due to the fact that B is in uniform circular motion along a circle with center at A, the
acceleration of B is always directed toward A and, for  D 180 , we must have
aEB D180 D uO r : (6)
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 307

Setting Eqs. (5) and (6) equal to each other component by component, we have

v02 v02
2 1 1
rR D180
D ) rR D180 D v0

.R C H /R D180 D 0:

Recalling that v0 D 5 m=s, R D 0:45 m, and H D 1:25 m, we can then express our results in numerical form
as follows:
40:8 m=s2 and R

D180 D D 0:

August 10, 2009

308 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.249

The cam is mounted on a shaft that rotates about O with constant angular
velocity !cam . The profile of the cam is described by the function `./ D
R0 .1 C 0:25 cos3 /, where the angle  is measured relative to the segment
OA, which rotates with the cam. Letting R0 D 3 cm, determine the maximum
value of angular velocity !max such that the maximum speed of the follower
is limited to 2 m=s. In addition, compute the smallest angle min for which the
follower achieves it maximum speed.

Let y denote the position of the follower when in contact with the cam. In addition, let f (where the
subscript f stands for follower) denote the value of  that identifies the radial line on the cam that goes from
point O to the follower. Hence, we have that the relation between f and  is f D 90 . Keeping in
mind that yP describes the velocity of the follower, we have

d ` df
y D `.f / D R0 .1 C 0:25 cos3 f / ) yP D : (1)
df dt

Since Pf D P and P D !cam , we have

d` d`
yP D P ) yP D !cam : (2)
df df
Since !cam is constant, yP is maximum when d is maximum. Hence, taking the derivative of `.f / with
respect to f , we have
D 0:75R0 cos2 f sin f : (3)
To maximize df
, we differential the above quantity again with respect to f and set the result equal to 0.
This gives

d 2`
D 1:5R0 cos f sin2 f 0:75R0 cos3 f D 0 ) cos2 f 2 sin2 f D 0 (4)
) sin f yPmax D 1=3 and cos2 f yPmax D 2=3:

Thus, the maximum magnitude of Eq. (3) and the maximum magnitude of Eq. (2) are, respectively,

d` R0 !cam R0

D p and yPmax D p : (6)
f max 2 3 2 3

Setting jyPmax j D vmax and solving for !cam , we have

vmax 2 3
!max D D 231 rad=s:
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 309

The minimum angle  for which the follower achieves its maximum speed is obtained by recalling that
f D 90  and that, by the first of Eqs. (5), we have

1=3yPmax D 90 min D 90 1
p p p
sin f D 1=3 )  D sin  ) sin 1=3; (7)

where the value of sin 1 1=3 is understood to be limited to the range 0 < sin 1
1=3 < 90 . Therefore,
p p

the numerical value of min is

min D 54:7 :

August 10, 2009

310 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.250

A car is traveling at a constant speed v0 D 210 km=h along a circular turn with
radius R D 137 m (the figure is not to scale). The camera at O is tracking the
motion of the car. Letting L D 15 m, determine the cameras rotation rate as
well as the corresponding time rate of change of the rotation rate when  D 30 .


Let r represent the distance from O to the car. From the geometry of the
figure we have

r cos  C R cos  D R C L; r sin  D R sin ; (1)

R sin 
tan  D : (2)
R C L R cos 

Recalling that R D 137 m, L D 15 m, when  D 30 from the above

equations we have

 D 64:04 and r D 76:19 m: (3)

Next. referring to the figure on the right, we see that we have defined both
a polar component system with unit vectors uO r and uO  , as well as a normal-
tangential component system with unit vectors uO t and uO n . For later use we
now write the equations relating these two component systems. To facilitate
this task, we define to be the angle between uO t and uO r , using the first of
Eqs. (3), for  D 30 , we have

90 D  C ) D 4:037 : (4)

Hence, going back to writing the relationships between the unit vectors of the polar and normal-tangential
component systems defined, we have

uO t D cos uO r C sin uO  uO n D sin uO r cos uO  :

Now we observe that the velocity of the car in the .uO t ; uO n / component system is converted to the .uO r ; uO  /
component system as
vE D v0 uO t ) vE D v0 . cos uO r C sin uO  / : (5)
Then, matching Eq. (5) with the expression of the velocity in polar components, namely, vE D rP uO r C r P uO  ,
and recalling that v0 D 210 km=h D 58:33 m=s and using the value of in Eq. (4), for  D 30 , we have
v0 sin
r P D v0 sin P D30 D

rP D30 D v0 cos D 58:19 m=s and ) D 0:05390 rad=s:

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 311

Expressing P at  D 30 to 3 significant figures, we have

P D30 D 0:0539 rad=s:

Next, the acceleration of the car in the .uO t ; uO n / component system is converted to the .uO r ; uO  / component
system as
v2 v2
aE D 0 uO n ) aE D 0 . sin uO r cos uO  / : (7)
Matching the expression in the radial component of acceleration in the second of Eqs. (7) with the general
expression for the radial component of acceleration in polar coordinates, namely, a D r R C 2rP , P we have

2  2 
v 1 v
r R C 2rP P D 0
cos ) R D 0
cos C 2rP P :
R r R

Hence, recalling that v0 D 210 km=h D 58:33 m=s and R D 137 m, and that for  D 30 we have r is given
by the second of Eqs. (3), is given by the second of Eqs. (4), and using Eqs. (6), for  D 30 , we have

R D30 D 0:243 rad=s2 :

August 10, 2009

312 Solutions Manual

Problems 2.251 through 2.253

A fountain has a spout that can rotate about O and whose angle is controlled so as to vary with time
according to D 0 1 C sin2 .!t /, with 0 D 15 and ! D 0:4 rad=s. The length of the spout is
L D 1:5 ft, the water flow through the spout is constant, and the water is ejected at a speed v0 D 6 ft=s,
measured relative to the spout.

Problem 2.251 Determine the largest speed with which the water particles are released from the spout.

Problem 2.252 Determine the magnitude of the acceleration immediately before release when D
15 .

Problem 2.253 Determine the highest position reached by the resulting water arc.

Solution to 2.251
We define a polar coordinate system with origin at O and transverse coordinate coinciding with . The
expression of the velocity of the water particles as they leave the spout is given by
vE D rP uO r C L uO ) v D rP 2 C .L/ P 2: (1)

where, based on the problem statement

rP D v0 D 6 ft=s and P D 20 ! sin !t cos !t D 0 ! sin.2!t /; (2)

where we have used the trigonometric identity 2 sin x cos x D sin.2x/. Substituting Eqs. (2) into the last of
Eqs. (1) we obtain the following expression for the speed:
v D v02 C L0 ! sin.2!t /2 : (3)

From the above expression, recalling that v0 , 0 , and ! are constant, we se that v is maximum when sin.2!t /
is maximum. Since the sine function has maximum value equal to 1, we have

vmax D v02 C L2 02 ! 2 D 6:02 ft=s;

where we have used the following numerical data: v0 D 6 ft=s, L D 1:5 ft, 0 D 15 , and ! D 0:4 rad=s.

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 313

Solution to 2.252
We define a polar coordinate system with origin at O and transverse coordinate coinciding with . The
expression of the acceleration of in polar coordinates is

aE D .rR r P 2 / uO r C .r R C 2rP /
P uO : (4)

Now, recalling that v0 is constant, when the water particles leave the spout we have

r D L; rP D v0 ; rR D 0; P D 20 ! sin !t cos !t D 0 ! sin.2!t /; and R D 2! 2 0 cos.2!t /; (5)

where we have used the trigonometric identity 2 sin x cos x D sin.2x/. Now, we observe that 0 D 15 and
therefore for D 15 , we must have D 0 and sin.!t / D 0, which implies t D 0. Hence, for D 15 ,
we have
r D L; rP D v0 ; rR D 0; P D 0; and R D 2! 2 0 ; (6)
so that, for D 15 , the acceleration takes on the form

aE D 2L! 2 0 uO : (7)

Consequently, for D 15 , we have

aj D 2L! 2 0 D 1:24 ft=s2 ;


where we have used the following numerical data: L D 1:5 ft, 0 D 15 , and ! D 0:4 rad=s.

August 10, 2009

314 Solutions Manual

Solution to 2.253

Referring to the figure on the right, in the solution of this

problem we will use two coordinate systems. The first is
a polar coordinate system with origin at O and transverse
coordinate . Let N be the value of corresponding to
the trajectory of water jet achieving the maximum height.
Then the second is a fixed Cartesian coordinate system with
origin coinciding with the position of the mouth of the spout
corresponding to . N Letting v denote the speed of the water
particles at the spouts mouth, then the velocity of the water
particles at the spouts mouth is
vE D v.cos {O C sin |O/: (8)
Once the water particles leave the spout their motion is a projectile motion and the trajectory with the
maximum height is determined both by the vertical component of the speed, i.e,

vy D v sin ; (9)

and the vertical position of mouth of the water spout.

To derive an expression for the speed v of the water particles as they leave the spout, we use the chosen
polar coordinate system, for which the velocity at the mouth of the spout is expressed as
vE D rP uO r C LP uO ) v D rP 2 C .L/ P 2: (10)

where, based on the problem statement

rP D v0 D 6 ft=s and P D 20 ! sin !t cos !t D 0 ! sin.2!t /; (11)

where we have used the trigonometric identity 2 sin x cos x D sin.2x/. Substituting Eqs. (2) into the last of
Eqs. (10) we obtain the following expression for the speed:
v D v02 C L0 ! sin.2!t /2 : (12)

Consequently, the vertical component of velocity at the spout is

vy D v02 C L0 ! sin.2!t /2 sin 0 .1 C sin2 !t / :

Now let h D h1 C h2 where h1 is height of the mouth of the spout with respect to the base of the spout, and
where h2 is the maximum elevation of the water jet measured from the horizontal line going through the
mouth of the spout. Hence, for h1 we have

h1 D L sin D L sin 0 .1 C sin2 !t / :


By contrast, h2 is found using the constant acceleration equation v 2 D v02 C 2a.s s0 / in the vertical
direction. Recalling that for y D h2 vy D 0, we have

2 2

0D v0 C L0 ! sin.2!t /2 sin 0 .1 C sin !t / 2gh2 ;

which can be solved for h2 to obtain

1 n 2 o
v0 C L0 ! sin.2!t /2 sin2 0 .1 C sin2 !t / :
h2 D (15)
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 315

Consequently, the expression for the height of the water jet as a function of time is
1 n 2 o
h D L sin 0 .1 C sin2 !t / C v0 C L0 ! sin.2!t /2 sin2 0 .1 C sin2 !t / :

This function needs to be maximized. This can be done by differentiating h with respect to time and setting
the result equal to zero. Doing so, after simplification, yields the following equation:

0 ! n
sin.2!t / 2Lg cos 0 .1 C sin2 !t / C 2L0 cos.2!t / sin2 0 .1 C sin2 !t /
C v02 C L2 02 C ! 2 sin2 .2!t / sin 20 .1 C sin2 !t / D 0 (17)

Recalling that we have L D 1:5 ft, 0 D 15 , ! D 0:4 rad=s, and g D 32:2 ft=s2 , and although this may
require plotting the terms within braces as a function of time, it turns out that the term within braces can
never be equal to zero. Hence, the solution of the above equation reduces to the solution of the equation
n  n
sin.2!t / D 0 ) t D0 and tD ; with n D 0; 1; 2; : : : (18)
! 2! !

Since the function D 0 .1 C sin2 !t / is at a maximum for t D 2! n! the function h will also achieve
its maxima for t D 2! ! . In addition, since the function h is a periodic function with period ! , the values
of h for t D 2! ! are all identical to one another and we can therefore evaluate hmax by simply letting

t D 2! , i.e., for n D 0. Hence, recalling that L D 1:5 ft, 0 D 15 , ! D 0:4 rad=s, and g D 32:2 ft=s2 ,

for t D 2! D 1:250 s, we can evaluate h in Eq. (16) to obtain

hmax D 0:890 ft:

August 10, 2009

316 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.254

A plane is initially flying north with a speed v0 D 430 mph relative to the ground
while the wind has a constant speed vW D 12 mph in the north-south direction.
The plane performs a circular turn with radius of  D 0:45 mi. Assume that the
airspeed indicator on the plane measures the absolute value of the component
of the relative velocity of the plane with respect to the air in the direction of
motion. Then determine the value of the tangential component of the airplanes
acceleration when the airplane is halfway through the turn, assuming that the
airplane maintains constant the reading of the airspeed indicator.


Let the subscripts P and W denote quantities pertaining to the airplane and wind,
respectively. Then, referring to the figure on the the right and using a normal
tangential component system, the velocity of the airplane and wind are
vEP D vP uO t and vEW D vW . cos  uO t C sin  uO n /: (1)
Therefore the velocity of the airplane relative to the wind is
vEP =W D .vP C vW cos  / uO t vW sin  uO n : (2)
Now we recall that that the quantity measured by the airspeed indicator is the component of vEP =W that is in
the direction of motion, i.e.,
vai D jE
vP =A  uO t j D vP C vW cos ;
where the subscript ai stands for airspeed indicator. Now, recalling that the measure of  in radians is given
by  D s=, we can rewrite vai as follows:
vai D vP C vW cos : (3)

Observing that for  D 0 we have vr D v0 C vW and recalling that vai is maintained constant along the turn,
we can solve Eq. (3) for vP as a function of s to obtain
vP .s/ D v0 C vW 1 cos : (4)

The tangential component of acceleration is the time derivative of Eq. (4). Hence, we can write
dvP ds dvP s vW s
at D D vP ) a t D v0 C vW 1 cos sin : (5)
ds dt ds   
For s= D .=4/ rad, we have sin.s=/ D cos.s=/ D 2=2. Therefore, midway through the turn, we have
" p !# p
2 vW 2
a t D v0 C vW 1 : (6)
2 2

Recalling that v0 D 430 mph D 630:7 ft=s, vW D 12 mph D 17:60 ft=s, and  D 0:45 mi D 2376 ft, we can
evaluate the above expression to obtain

a t D 3:33 ft=s2 :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 317

Problem 2.255

The piston head at C is constrained to move along the y axis. Let the crank
AB be rotating counterclockwise at a constant angular speed P D 2000 rpm,
R D 3:5 in:, and L D 5:3 in: Obtain the angular velocity of the connecting rod BC
by differentiating the relative position vector of C with respect to B when  D 35 .
Hint: You will also need to determine the velocity of B and enforce the constraint
that demands that C move only along the y axis.

Referring to the figure on the right, the can describe the position of C relative to B
as follows:
rEC =B D L uO C =B : (1)
Then, using the concept of time derivative of a vector, we have that
vEC =B D L uPO C =B D L!EBC  uO C =B ; (2)
where the angular velocity !EBC , which is the angular velocity of the vector rEC =B , is
the angular velocity of the connecting rod. Next, again referring to the figure on the
right, we must have
!EBC D P kO and uO C =B D sin  {O C cos  |O: (3)
Substituting Eqs. (3) into Eq. (2) and carrying out the cross-product, we have
vEC =B D L uOP C =B D L.cos
P  {O sin  |O/: (4)
To enforce the condition that C can only move only in the y direction, we must compute the velocity of B
and then apply the relative kinematics equation vEC D vEB C vEC =B . Since B is in uniform circular motion
along a circle of radius R and center A, we have
vEB D P R.cos  {O C sin  |O/: (5)
Therefore, combining Eqs. (5) and Eq. (3), we have
vEC D vEB C vEC =B D .LP cos  P R cos  / {O .LP sin  C P R sin  / |O: (6)
Since vC x D 0, we have
R cos  P R cos  P O
LP cos  P R cos  D 0 ) P D  ) !EBC D  k; (7)
L cos  L cos 
where we have used the definition in the first of Eqs. (3). In order to complete our calculation, we need to
determine the angle . Using trigonometry, we see that
L sin  D R sin  )  D sin 1 .R=L/ sin  ) 

D 22:26 ;
where we have used the fact that R D 3:5 in: and L D 5:3 in:. Hence, evaluating the last of Eqs. (7) using the
value of  in Eq. (8) and recalling that P D 2000 rpm, for  D 35 we have

!EBC D . 1170 rpm/ k:

August 10, 2009

318 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.256

A child A is swinging from a swing that is attached to a trolley that is free to

move along a fixed rail. Letting L D 3:2 m, if at a given instant aB D 3:4 m=s2 ,
 D 23 , P D 0:45 rad=s, and R D 0:2 rad=s2 , determine the magnitude of the
acceleration of the child relative to the rail at that instant.

The acceleration of A relative to B is most easily described by setting up a polar coordinate system with
origin at B, radial coordinate r going from B to A, and transverse coordinate . Recalling that the expression
of the angular acceleration in polar coordinates is aE D .rR r P 2 / uO r D .r R C 2rP P / uO  and observing that the
length of the rope is constant so that r D L, we have

aEA=B D LP 2 uO r C LR uO  ; (1)

The acceleration of the trolley can be described using the chosen component system as follows:

aEB D aB .sin  uO r C cos  uO  /: (2)

Hence, using relative kinematics, the acceleration of A relative to the fixed rail is

aEA D aB sin  LP 2 uO r C aB cos  C LR uO  :


Consequently, we have q
2 2
aA j D aB sin  LP 2 C aB cos  C LR : (4)

Recalling that L D 3:2 m, aB D 3:4 m=s2 ,  D 23 , P D 0:45 rad=s, and R D 0:2 rad=s2 , we can evaluate
the above expression to obtain
aA j D 2:58 m=s2 :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 319

Problem 2.257

Block B is released from rest at the position shown, and it has a constant
acceleration downward a0 D 5:7 ft=s2 . Determine the velocity and acceleration
of block A at the instant that B touches the floor.

Note: The units of the given quantity a0 are incorrect. The given value of a0 should be a0 D 5:7 m=s2 .
The length of the rope is
LD d 2 C yA2 C yB : (1)

For t D 0, we have that yA .0/ D l w. Letting tf represent the time at the

final position, the length of the rope at the initial and final positions is
q q
L D d C yA .0/ C yB .0/ and L D d 2 C yA2 .tf / C yB .tf /: (2)
2 2

Subtracting these two equations and rearranging terms, we have

q q
d C yA .tf / D d 2 C yA2 .0/ yB .tf / yB .0/ D 0:
2 2

Since yB .tf / yB .0/ D h, squaring both sides of the above equation we

obtain q
d 2 C yA2 .tf / D d 2 C yA2 .0/ 2h d 2 C yA2 .0/ C h2 : (4)
Solving the above equation for yA , we have
r q
yA .tf / D yA2 .0/ C h2 2h d 2 C yA2 .0/ D 0:1864 m; (5)

where we have used the following numerical data: yA .0/ D l w D 0:25 m, h D 2 m, and d D 2:5 m.
Next, differentiating Eq. (1) with respect to time and solving for yPA , we have
yA yPA yPB
0D q C yPB ) yPA D d 2 C yA2 : (6)
d C yA 2 y A

Now, we wse the constant acceleration equation sP 2 D sP02 C 2ac .s s0 / to find yPB after B has traveled a
distance h. This gives p
yPB2 D 2aB h ) yPB D 2aB h D 4:775 m=s; (7)
where we have used the fact that aB D a0 D 5:7 m=s2 and h D 2 m. Then, evaluating the last of Eqs. (6), the
velocity of A when B hits the ground is

yPA .tf / D 64:22 m=s; (8)

August 10, 2009
320 Solutions Manual

which, when expressed to 3 significant figures, gives

yPA .tf / D 64:2 m=s:

Now we differentiate Eq. (6) with respect to time to obtain


q q
yRA D 2
d C yA C d 2 C yA2 :
yA d 2 C yA2

Recalling that d D 2:5 m and yRB D a0 D 5:7 m=s2 , and since we determined that yPA .tf / D 4:775 m=s and
yPB .tf / D 64:22 m=s, we can evaluate the above expression for when B hits the ground to obtain

yRA .tf / D 22;100 m=s2 :

August 10, 2009

Dynamics 1e 321

Problem 2.258

At a given instant, an airplane is flying horizontally with speed v0 D 290 mph

and acceleration a0 D 12 ft=s2 . At the same time, the airplanes pro-
pellers rotate at an angular speed ! D 1500 rpm while accelerating at a rate
D 0:3 rad=s2 . Knowing that propeller diameter is d D 14 ft, determine the
magnitude of the acceleration of a point on the periphery of the propellers at
the given instant.

Using a cylindrical coordinate system with origin at the propellers axis of rotation and axis in the direction
of motion, the general expression for acceleration is

aE D RR RP 2 uO R C RR C 2RP P uO  C R uO :


For the propeller tip we have R D d=2, RP D RR D 0, R D a0 , P D !, and R D . Thus the acceleration is

d! 2 d
aE D uO R C uO  C a0 uO ;
2 2
and the magnitude of the acceleration is

2 2
d! 2
C a02 D 173;000 ft=s2 :

aE D C
2 2

August 10, 2009

322 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.259

A golfer chips the ball as shown. Treating , , and the initial speed v0 as
given, find an expression for the radius of curvature of the balls trajectory as a
function of time and the given parameters. Hint: Use the Cartesian coordinate
system shown to determine the acceleration and the velocity of the ball. Then
reexpress these quantities, using normal-tangential components.

This is 3-D projectile motion. we will follow the hint and develop equations both in Cartersian components
as well as in normal-tangetial components. In Cartesian coordinates the components of acceleration are

xR D 0; yR D 0; and R D g:
O and .uO t ; uO n ; uO b / compo-
Using constant acceleration equations, the velocity vector expressed in the .O{ ; |O; k/
nent systems are

vE D v0 cos cos {O C v0 cos sin |O C .v0 sin O

gt / k;
vE D v uO t ;

where, v is the speed, which can be given the form

q q
v D vx2 C vy2 C v2 ) v D v02 C g 2 t 2 2v0 gt sin ; (1)

and where the tangent unit vector uO t can be related to the base vectors of the Cartesian component system as
v0 cos cos v0 cos sin v0 sin gt O
uO t D {O C |O C k: (2)
v v v
To express the acceleration in normal-tangetial component, we will need an expression for the time derivative
of the speed. Hence, we proceed to provide differentiate v with respect to time, to obtain

g 2 t v0 g sin g 
vP D q D gt v0 sin : (3)
v02 C g 2 t 2 2v0 gt sin v

O and .uO t ; uO n ; uO b / component systems are

The acceleration vector expressed in the .O{ ; |O; k/

v2 O
aE D vP uO t C uO n and aE D g k:

Equating the above expressions for the acceleration, we obtain an expression for the normal unit vector

vP uO t C g kO :

uO n D (4)
Using Eq. (3) we can rewrite Eq. (4) as follows:
g 1 O
uO n D 2 .gt v0 sin / uO t C k :
v v
August 10, 2009
Dynamics 1e 323

Now, recalling that we must have uO n  uO n D 1, we obtain the following equation:

2 g 2
1 2 2 O
1 D 4 1 C 2 .gt v0 sin / C .gt v0 sin / k  uO t : (5)
v v v

Observe that the last term on the right-hand side of Eq. (5) requires the computation of the product kO  uO t .
This computation can be done by using Eq. (2), which shows that kO  uO t D v0 sinv gt . Consequently, Eq. (5)
2 g 2 2 g 2  2
1 2 2 2
.gt v0 sin /2 :

1 D 4 1 C 2 .gt v0 sin / 2
.gt v 0 sin / D 6
v (6)
v v v v

Keeping in mind that, in the end, the above expression is to be solved for , the term v 2 .gt v0 sin /2
can be simplified using Eq. (1) and the trigonometric identity cos2  D 1 sin2  as follows:

v2 .gt v0 sin /2 D v 2 g 2 t 2 C 2gt v0 sin v02 sin2 D v02 v02 sin2

D v02 .1 sin2 / D v02 cos2 : (7)

This result, allows to rewrite Eq. (6) as follows:

2 g 2 2
1D v cos2 : (8)
v6 0
Solving Eq. (6) for , we have
D : (9)
gv0 cos
Finally, substituting the expression for v in Eq. (1), we have

.v02 C g 2 t 2 2v0 gt sin /3=2

D :
gv0 cos

August 10, 2009

324 Solutions Manual

Problem 2.260

A carnival ride called the octopus consists of eight arms that rotate about the
axis with a constant angular velocity P D 6 rpm. The arms have a length
L D 8 m and form an angle  with the axis. Assuming that  varies with
time as .t/ D 0 C 1 sin !t with 0 D 70:5 , 1 D 25:5 , and ! D 1 rad=s,
determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the outer end of an arm when 
achieves its minimum value.


Using a spherical coordinate system the components of acceleration of a point C at the end
of an arm with constant length L are

ar D L12 ! 2 cos2 !t LP 2 sin2 .0 C 1 sin !t /; (1)

a D 2
L! 1 sin !t LP 2 sin.0 C 1 sin !t / cos.0 C 1 sin !t /; (2)
a D 2L1 ! P cos !t cos.0 C 1 sin !t /: (3)

To determine the minimum value of phi re call that  D 0 C !1 sin !t. Because the iminum of the sine
function is equal to 1, then the minimum value of  is

min D 0 1 D 45 D 41  rad: (4)

In addition, we observe that such a minimum value occurs when

!t min D 270 D 23  rad:


Evaluating the acceleration components for  D min D 0 1 and !t D 32  rad, we have

1 P2 1 P2
a D L ! 2 1

ar D 2 L ; 2 ; and a D 0: (6)
Consequently, the magnitude of the acceleration is for  D min , we have jE ajmin D ar2 C a2 C a2 , which
1 P4 4 2 ! 2 P 2 1 D 2:53 m=s2 ;

aE D
L 2  C ! 1

where we have used the following numerical data: L D 8 m, P D 6 rpm D 0:6283 rad=s, ! D 1 rad=s, and
1 D 25:5 D 0:4451 rad.

August 10, 2009

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