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Personal Statement

September 28, 2017

In the December of 2015,my dad brother had to undergo a kidney transplantation surgery,for
which my dad had to take huge debts.The debts which my dad had to clear were summing up(They
were around seven times my college tution fee).This has forced the family to sell a property.I did
not want to add some more trouble to them and started looking for part-time job.Dr. Peter
Naajen(Assistant Professor,Ship and Offshore Hydromechanics) offered me a student assistant
part time job.In the beginning of summer,I was barely left with money and this helped me spent
the summer(though it was five hundred plus euros,I had to travel daily from Den Haag HS to TU
Delft,so I had just enough to sustain basic human necessities).
This was all the beginning,for what were to come was even dreadful.In the month of September
of 2016,I broke up with my girl friend(the relationship started in 2011) and it had bad toll on
me.I had to take a break for ten days and on the week,I presumed my work,I heard another bad
news from my father,that my mother had tumor cells in the urinary bladder.This was all I could
take.My whole world fell apart and I could not work for another ten days.After ten days,I had to
resume work,but I was not completely focused.This could be really seen in my performance,as the
last course,for which I submitted the report was in the first week of August. I did an research
assignment with Dr.Henk de Besten,but it started in June and was completed in October end(which
was also delay,but due to course work).It took me december end to submit the report.In the early
days of December 2016,my work efficiency turned down to almost zero and though I knew that I
had no finances,I had to go back home to see my mother.
By then,my mother had six chemo and thirty-three radiations.I met the doctor,who said
that we are collecting her blood samples and sending for further testing periodically.I had an
appointment with my professor and came back to Netherlands.In the late January,my mother
was cured of cancer,though she will undergoing precautionary chemos till April end.The complete
period of Early September-Early January,my efficiencies were very low,which is the cause for delay
in my graduation.

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