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Note: A big thank to Madam Catherine Grey Kaling and Miss Priscilla
for the sharing of idea and advicess. Compliment to Teacher Siti Nor
Falisha, Mr. Mohana Ram Murugiah and Teacher Nuha for the
sharing of notes and questions.





1. Poems:
- open ended questions
- 2 questions  3 marks
2. Students must learn and understand the elements of:
- the persona
- the meaning of every difficult word or phrase
- the meaning of every line
- themes
- moral values / lessons / messages
- the expressions used
- tone and mood
3. Answer could be lifted from the extract or could be paraphrased.
4. For “YES / NO” question, marks are given for a relevant reason which is related to the
For Example:
Do you enjoy reading the stanzas? Give a reason. (The River, 2 marks)
Answer: Yes, I enjoy reading the stanzas. (1 mark)
The river is personified like a man. (1 mark)
5. There may be a personal response question. You have to give your opinion or feelings
about the issued raised in the poems.
For example:
If you were the grandfather, what would you say to the grandchild?
(Heir Conditioning, 2 marks)
Answer: I would tell him life was happier during my time. (1 mark)
I was contented with the basic necessities in life. (1 mark)


THE RIVER 1. The river is always moving from one place to 1. Setting of Place: 1. The persona or speaker is
another through valleys and hills. in the countryside probably a teenager or a young
(FORM 1) 2. When it twists and turns, it looks like it is dancing where there is a river. adult.
along. 2. The persona is an observant
3. The river makes bubbling and musical sounds, which 2. Setting of Time: person.
echoes in the village. the present time. 3. The persona compares the flow
4. The river keeps many things on its bed. of river at different stretches with
5. The river can be dangerous where it may cause soil different types of people he/she
erosion and floods. When it floods, people drown. knows.

MR. NOBODY 1. The poem is about a common situation in the house. 1. Setting of Place: 1. The persona is probably a parent
2. When anything goes wrong, we blame others. in a house. Things are or any other person who is used
(FORM 1) 3. Nobody admits to doing them and nobody knows broken, dirtied, to handle all the daily chores in
who did them. So, we say, “Mr Nobody did it!”. misplaced and thrown the house.
4. Mr Nobody is an imaginary person who is strange about. 2. The persona is a practical person.
and quiet. 3. The persona notices the
5. He walks in and out of the house silently doing all the 2. Setting of Time: happenings in the house.
mischievous things but is never caught. across time – can be in
6. Nobody admits to it and nobody takes responsibility the past or in the
for it. The culprit remains silent. present.
7. When chores have to be done in the house, nobody
wants to do them.
8. We just wait for somebody else to do it.

I WONDER 1. The persona admires nature and its beauty which is 1. Setting of Place: 1. The persona is a young child who
all created by God. in the outdoors where is intelligent , observant and
(FORM 2) 2. The persona wants to know the answers to a lot of the persona observes curious about nature.
questions such as why the grass is green and how the nature in its many 2. The young child is amazed by the
birds build their nests. forms. wonders of nature and asks
3. The persona’s father does not answer the questions. questions of things about nature.
4. Perhaps the persona’s father does not know the 2. Setting of Time: 3. The child is puzzled why adults
answers of the questions. starts with a bright day, will not answer his/her questions.
5. Like the persona, we too should stop and look at the continues through a
wonders of nature around us. clear night, then during
a storm and ends after
the storm.

HEIR CONDITIONING 1. This poem is in the form of dialogue between a 1. Setting of Place: 1. In Stanza 1:
grandchild and his/her grandparent. the grandparent’s home - The persona is the
(FORM 2) 2. This poem compares: or the grandchild’s grandchild.
a) the olden time and the modern time. home. - He/she asks his.her
b) the older generation and the younger grandparent simple questions
generation. 2. Setting of Time: about life.
3. In the first stanza, the grandchild: modern times (the 2. In Stanza 2:
a) asking how is life in the olden days. present time). - The persona is the
b) wonders how the older generation lived without grandparent (either
modern inventions like air conditioning and grandfather or grandmother).
faxes. - The grandparent answers the
c) thinks life is easier now than before. grandchild’s questions.

HEIR CONDITIONING 4. In the second stanza, the grandparent replies that:

a) life was simpler in the olden days with no
(FORM 2) modern gadgets.
b) people feared God and they did not destroy
nature and environment.
c) life was hard but people were happier.
d) they did not have environmental problems like
pollution and traffic jams.
e) people in modern generation are greedy and
materialistic. They are not afraid of God.
f) people in modern generation destroy nature and
g) people in modern generation have easier life but
unhappy and stressed.
A FIGHTER’S LINES 1. This poem is a monologue. 1. Setting of Place: 1. The persona is a former freedom
2. As a freedom fighter, the persona fought for his most probably in a fighter.
(FORM 3) country’s independence. village. 2. The poem is written in the first
3. He sacrificed his life for freedom. person.
4. He was wounded and wheelchair-bound. 2. Setting of Time:
5. He is old, tired and weak. the present time.
6. His country is facing many challenges and threats
like corruption.
7. He cannot fight anymore because he is old.
8. Nobody will listen to him.
9. He thinks the young people are easily misled and he
is disappointed with their attitude.

A FIGHTER’S LINES 10. He wants the younger generation to fight like them
for freedom.
(FORM 3) 11. He tells them to:
a) be brave and unite.
b) speak up for their rights.
c) fight to protect their country.

LEISURE 1. The poem tells us that: 1. Setting of Place: 1. The persona is possibly the poet
a) we rush through life and have no time for in a village (or in the himself.
(FORM 3) leisure. countryside) 2. The persona is a reflective and
b) we are too busy with our worries and perceptive person.
responsibility so we have no time to enjoy the 2. Setting of Time: 3. The persona mentions that in
beauty of nature. the present time. today’s hectic life, we forget to
c) observing the beauty of nature is a good thing. take a break to simply enjoy life
d) we have no time to see simple things in nature and nature.
like the animals, plants and rainbows.
2. Life is meaningless if we do not take time to admire
and enjoy the beauty of nature.
3. Our working bodies is like a motor which needs rest
to reduce stress and to work efficiently.
4. We need time to rest and reflect.
5. The best way is to slow down and make time to
observed and enjoy the simple things in nature.


THE RIVER 1. Man and nature. 1. We must appreciate nature for 1. Stability is important in life.
example rivers.
(FORM 1) 2. Nature can be beneficial and 2. We must remember that nature,
destructive. like the river, can be useful and it
can also destroy.
3. Challenges in life 3. We should face problems in life
MR. NOBODY 1. Responsibility. 1. We must be responsible for what 1. We must have the courage to admit
we do. our wrongdoings.
(FORM 1)
2. Honesty. 2. We must always tell the truth. 2. Only cowards do not have moral
strength to admit their mistakes.
3. Family life. 3. We must do our jobs or chores
I WONDER 1. The wonders of nature. 1. We must appreciate the wonders 1. Learn to observe and to appreciate
of nature. nature.
(FORM 2)
2. Learning by observing and asking 2. We can learn many things by 2. Be thankful to the one who is
questions. observing and asking questions. responsible for such beauty.
3. Thirst of knowledge. 3. We must hunger for knowledge
just like children do.
4. Belief in God. 4. We should be grateful that God
has created nature and natural

HEIR CONDITIONING 1. Being materialistic. 1. We must no be materialistic. 1. Progress comes with a price.

(FORM 2) 2. Man and nature. 2. We must value and care for nature 2. Our heirs will inherit a bleak world if
such as trees and rivers. we continue with our current ways.
3. Greed 3. We must not be greedy. Greed
brings problems.
4. Being contented. 4. We must be contented with what
we have.
A FIGHTER’S LINES 1. Patriotism. 1. We must be patriotic and show our 1. Life is full of challenges.
love to the country.
(FORM 3) 2. The importance of unity. 2. We should be united to be strong. 2. Society must be free of corruption.
3. Duty towards country. 3. We should do our duty to our 3. People should be united and fight for
country. justice.
4. Sacrifice for independence. 4. We must sacrifice to fight for our
country’s independence.
5. Courage. 5. We must have the courage to
speak up against deceit.
LEISURE 1. The importance of leisure. 1. We must rest and relax to work 1. People should make time to relax
better. and enjoy life.
(FORM 3)
2. The beauty of nature. 2. We must observe and enjoy the 2. Maintaining a balance in life.
beauty of nature.
3. Appreciation of nature. 3. We must appreciate nature.
4. Working without rest. 4. We should not work all the time
with no rest.


STANZA 1 I am old and worn I am old and tired.

Who is I in this line?

“I” = an ex-soldier / a former soldier / a
former freedom fighter / a war hero.
Based on the first stanza, who do you think the
persona was?
He was a former soldier who fought for the
independence of his country.

Why is I tired?
He had fought really hard for his country’s

Why is the persona ‘old and worn’?

He is tired as he has fought for independence.
and have lost all my strength I am weak

Why is the persona weak?

The persona is weak because
– he is old and tired
– he was badly injured from the war
– he became disabled from the war

Why do you think the persona has lost all his

Because he is old and tired.
sufferings I had suffered a lot of difficulties when I
fought for the country’s independence.
and the history of the fight for independence The persona explains that the war for
have forced sacrifices independence sacrificed many lives.
that know no name
or life What were the sacrifices that the persona had
to make?
The persona had to sacrifice his youth,
strength, soul, energy and was separated
from his loved ones.

Give the line from the poem which tells us that

‘freedom has a price’.
(Nyatakan baris drpd. puisi yg. memberitahu
kita bahawa setiap kebebasan mempunyai
The line is ‘have forced sacrifices that know no
name or life’.
STANZA 1 and the history of the fight for independence What happened to all those people who had
have forced sacrifices fought for independence?
that know no name They had lost their lives.
or life
STANZA 2 from the wheelchair of the rest of my days ‘wheelchair’ = the persona is weak and

What does the word ‘wheelchair’ tell us about

the persona?
He is a disabled person.

What does the word ‘wheelchair’ symbolises?

The word ‘wheelchair’ symbolises the
persona’s disability.

Which line shows the physical condition of the

The line ‘from the wheelchair of the rest of
my days’.
I, body and energy crushed I am weak and crippled. I do not have energy
see and cannot do much and strength to contribute to the country as
much as I want to.

Give 2 phrases to indicate that the persona is

old and weak.
a) ‘I, body and energy crushed’
b) ‘and have lost all my strength’
c) ‘I have no more voice’
these times are too big a challenge The persona realises that the threats faced by
his country are now a different nature.

What kind of challenge did the persona face

when he was young?
– He had to fight for his country’s
freedom from the coloniser like the
British, the Japanese army and the

What kind of threats or challenges does our

country face today?
– Corruption / The abuse of power /
Moral decay / Hedonism

Why do you think the persona said ‘these

times are too big a challenge’?
He is old and unable to do much.
STANZA 2 for the remnants of my crippled years Even though the persona is worried about the
challenges faced by his country, he is too old
and weak to do anything.

What it means by ‘for the remnants of my

crippled years’?
It means that the persona does not have
much time left.
the net of deceit spread everywhere The net of deceit disturbs and worries the
disturbs me persona.

What does the phrase ‘the net of deceit’ refer

It refers to corruption / abuse of power (salah
guna kuasa/rasuah) / bribery (rasuah) /
dishonesty (ketidakjujuran) / lie (penipuan) /
betrayal (pengkhianatan)

What disturbs the persona now?

Dishonesty and corruption.
STANZA 3 In the name of justice The younger generation must be unite and
Wake up and form ranks sons of our ancestors brave in order to defend the nation from
Be brave enemy and threats.
And erect a wall of people
Stand up heirs of our freedom Younger generation must stand up for justice
and freedom that they have inherited.

Based on the last two stanzas, who do you

think the persona ask to ‘wake up’?
The young people / The younger generation.

What is means by ‘And erect a wall of people’?

It means that everyone in a nation needs to
be united.
STANZA 4 ‘I have no more voice' I am old and weak. I do not have the energy
to speak.
It is you now who should speak! The younger generation must speak for their

What does the line ‘It is you now who should

speak!’ refer to?
It refers to the younger generation/ It refer to
the young people.
Possible Questions:

1. Explain one value that you have learned in this poem. (Wilayah Persekutuan – Trial)
The persona appeals the young people to be brave and stand united. In doing so, they can
fight what they want.

2. Identify one phrase that indicates the persona is tired and weak in the poem. (Wilayah
Persekutuan – Trial)
The phrase ‘and have lost all my strength’.

3. What did the persona fight for? (Perlis, Pahang and Penang – Trial)
The persona fight for his nation’s independence.

4. What lesson have you learnt from this poem? State two (nyatakan dua). (Perlis – Trial)
a) We must be patriotic to our country.
b) We must be loyal to our country.
c) We should be united to be strong.
d) We should carry out our duties to our country.
e) We must be brave and courageous to fight for the country’s independence or freedom.
f) We must maintain/uphold peace.
g) We must maintain/uphold freedom.
h) We must maintain/uphold harmony.
i) We must fight for our rights.
j) We must be courageous to do what is right.
k) We must fight against corruption.
l) We must speak up against injustice.

5. State two themes that you found from this poem.

Pick any two themes from the notes given above.

6. Suggest two ways to show your love for the country? (Pahang and Penang – Trial)
a) Fight for the country.
b) Buy Malaysian product.
c) Respect the flags (Hormat bendera)
d) Raise the flags during celebration of Independence Day.
e) Celebrate Independence Day.
f) Sing the National Anthem (Lagu Negaraku).
g) Stand still when the National Anthem is palying.

7. Who are the ‘sons of our ancestors’? (Selangor – Trial)

The younger generation / Youth / The young people / Present generation.

8. How did the persona loss ‘all my strength’ in Stanza 1? (Selangor – Trial)
By fighting for independence/fighting for freedom.

9. What does the word ‘you’ in the last line refer to? (Terengganu – Trial)
The younger generation / Youth / The young people / Present generation.
10. Why does the persone feel helpless? (Terengganu – Trial)
a) He is disabled.
b) He is old and worn.
c) He lost all his strength.
d) He is weak.

11. From stanza 1, we could say that the persona is now a weak and ___________ person.
(Negeri Sembilan – Trial)

12. From stanza 3, state two things that the persona wants the younger generation to do.
(Negeri Sembilan – Trial)
a) be alert / be patriotic / be united
b) be brave / be confident / be just and fair

13. What does the title ‘A Fighter’s Lines’ speak of?

Patriotism towards one’s country.

14. The persona has not lost his spirit despite his age and condition. Why?
The persona has made a lot of sacrifices. He would not want the sacrifices go to waste.

15. Give one thing that the persona had to do when he was young?
When he was young, he fight in the war.

16. Based on the first stanza, who do you think the persona was?
He was a former freedom fighter who fought for the independence of his country.

17. From the second stanza, give a reason why the persona cannot do much?
He cannot do much because he is crippled and too weak.

18. In stanza two, which words show that the persona is alert and aware of current social
The words ‘disturbs me’.

19. Use a sentence or phrase and summarise the persona’s wish in Stanza 3.
Stay united and fight for justice.

20. How does the persona feels about the younger generation today?
They need to be aware of the deceit around them.

21. Give two messages that the persona wants to convey.

a) We should love for our country.
b) We should be brave and united.

22. What would you do if you were the persona facing such a challenge?
I will not give up but continue to face the challenge until I had succeeded.
23. Which line in the poem tells you the persona has sacrificed his youth and strength to fight for
his country?
‘have forced sacrifices that know no name or life’

24. State one phrase in the poem that shows the persona is helpless?
a) ‘I have no more voice'
b) ‘I, body and energy crushed’
c) ‘and have lost all my strength’

25. Based on the poem, what one appeal is made by the persona?
He appeals to young people to fight for justice.

26. Give a reason why he makes the appeal.

It is because the net of deceit spreads everywhere.

27. State two things the persona asks his listeners to do.
The persona asks his listeners to show their courage and speaks up for the sake of justice.


COUPLET 1 What is this life if, What is the purpose of life if
full of care, full of worry (because too busy with work &

What it means (maksud) by ‘full of care’?

It means our life is full of worries and
We have no time to stand and stare. We do not have time to pause and admire the
nature around us.
COUPLET 2 No time to stand beneath the boughs Busy people do not have time to stand under
the trees
And stare as long as sheep or cows. Just like sheep and cows which graze in the
fields. They just stand and stare at their

What cows and sheep do in the field?

They are grazing.
COUPLET 3 No time to see, when woods we pass, Busy people do not see squirrels hide their
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. nuts in grass when they pass through the

What does the word ‘wood’ refer to?

(Apa yg. dimaksudkan dgn. perkataan wood?)
The woods refer to the forest or the jungle.

What do squirrels feed on?


Where do squirrels hide their nuts?

They hide their nuts in grass.
COUPLET 4 No time to see, in broad daylight, Busy people do not have time to see the rivers
sparkle in the sunlight.

Why do you think the streams look like stars at

Because the water catches the sunlight and
sparkles like the stars twinkling in the sky.
Streams full of stars, like stars at night. In the day, the rivers look like stars at night.

Explain in your own words the line ‘Streams full

of stars, like stars at night’.
The rivers are sparkling like stars shining at
COUPLET 5 No time to turn at Beauty’s glance, Nature is personified as a beautiful woman
who is glancing and dancing.

What is nature compared to (dibandingkan

kepada apa?)
Nature is compared to a beautiful woman who
is dancing.
And watch her feet, how they can dance. Busy people do not have time to admire the
changes (movement) of nature. When a
woman glance or dance, she will move parts of
her body. When nature changes, it is like a
beautiful dancer.

What does the persona means when he says

‘And watch her feet, how they can dance’?
People are too busy to admire the changes of
COUPLET 6 No time to wait til her mouth can Busy people do not have time to watch the
Enrich that smile her eyes began. changes in nature. When nature changes, it is
like a woman’s smile that starts from the eyes
and spreads slowly to the mouth.

COUPLET 7 A poor life this if, full of care, It is a sad life / Life is meaningless

Which phrase (frasa manakah) in the poem

means ‘life is meaningless’?
The phrase ‘A poor life’.
We have no time to stand and stare. If we do not have leisure time.

Possible Questions:

1. What does the ‘woods’ in Stanza 3 refer to? (SBP – Trial)


2. List two activities of leisure mentioned in the poem. (SBP – Trial)

a) Stand beneath the boughs.
b) Watch the squirrels
c) Enjoy the beautiful stars at night.
d) Enjoy nature.

3. What word in the poem means branches of trees? (Melaka – Trial)


4. Why are streams full of stars in broad daylight? (Melaka – Trial)

This is because of the reflection of the sunlight in the streams.
5. State two themes that you found from this poem.
Pick any two themes from the notes given above.

6. What is the poem mainly about?

The poem is mainly about asking us how to be too busy in our life until we do not have
time to admire nature.

7. What can the persona see while in the woods?

Squirrels hiding their nuts in the grass.

8. What does the persona mean when he says ‘a poor life this if, full of care’?
We should be living a miserable life if our life is filled with worries and responsibilities.

9. Give two suggestions how we can find the time for leisure?
a) Take breaks on weekends and evenings
b) Arrange time for leisure during the holidays.

10. What it means by leisure?

Leisure means free time when we do not worry about our duties.

11. Which word in Couplet 1 means anxiety?

The word ‘care’

12. Have you ever stopped to smell the flowers? Why?

Yes, because smelling flowers makes me relaxed.
No, because I have no time as I have so many things to do.

13. What does the poet remind people to do?

He wants people to relax and enjoy life and nature.
He reminds people to stop worrying and enjoy the nature around us.

14. Name two natural elements mentioned in the poem?

a) Streams
b) Stars

15. In Couplet 5, what does the word Beauty represent?


16. In Couplet 5, what does the word Beauty compared to?

A graceful dancer.
17. Do you enjoy the environment around you? Why?
Yes, I do because I am surrounded with lush greeneries that are soothing to the eyes and
relaxing to the mind.

18. Name two things that the persona says people have ‘no time’ to do.
a) To relax under the tree.
b) To notice simple things.
c) To see the changes in nature.

19. Why does the persona urges people to relax and enjoying nature?
So their life will not be meaningless.

20. Give two benefits (kelebihan/kebaikan) of taking the time to stand and stare.
a) Rest and relaxation.
b) Enjoy the beauty of nature.

21. What does the phrase stand and stare in Couplet 1 mean?
Relax and observe nature.

22. Why do people find it hard to stand and stare?

They are too busy in their work. They cannot take time to relax.

23. What do you think the persona means when he said that we would lead a poor life?
We are so busy with work that we have no time to admire nature. This shows that we are
missing out on something in life.

24. What does the persona keep asking us to do?

The persona keeps asking us to take time to appreciate our surrounding.

25. Why is it important to have leisure in life?

So that we are not too stressed out in our life.

26. Suggest one way that you can do when you have your leisure time.
Suggest one activity that you would like to do during your leisure time.
a) Reading
b) Surfing the Internet
c) Listening to music
d) Playing computer games
e) Helping parents
f) Walking in the park as it is quiet and I am able to reflect my life in silence.

~ To be continued ~

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