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I congratulate you for owning world’s most advanced Vibrational

machine, I have mixed two separate machine into one, Remedy
Maker + Rate detector, I also introduced Base 108 which is exten-
sion of Base 336, when you detect rate for any substance it will be
Base 108 only, conversion to base 336 is very easy mathematical

I want to express my gratitude towards SOHAM FOUNDATION

Badodara (Gujarath) India. For making MGA technology available
for Indians, After going through the entire process of geometrical
representation of Energy, I have understood that MGA is based on
Ancient Indian’s concept of converting Energies into Geometrical
shapes.For discovery of this concept I must express my gratitude to
Mr Malcolm Rae and Yvon Combe for untiring effort.
Parts Identification
1. Tuning Knobs for setting rates.
2. Treat LED, Indicates you medicine is being prepared.
3. Toggle switch used for selecting Treat/ Pulsate mode( Transmission mode)
4. Pulsate mode LED, it will flicker during pulsate( transmit mode)
5. Main ON/OFF switch.
6. Base 44/108 toggle switch, for 336 we need to keep to 108.
7. Medicate/ Rate detect mode, for preparing medicines we need to set
for medicate mode & for Rate detection of new medicinal substance,
we need to set to Rate detect mode.
8. Digit knob, this is used during rate detect mode, for knowing how many
digit should be the rate digit to be found.
9. Please where pendulum can be operated while rate detection.
10.Push button to initiate remedy making
11.Out put, if we want to make remedy in large scale, we can utilize this
12.Out Well, Water, Lactose, Sugar globules can be placed to imprint me-
dicinal vibration.
13.Potency section knob. Most frequently used X & C potencies can be set
14.In Well. This is used when we want to potentise any sample, medicine,
making personal nosodes, Also during rate detection process, rate for
which we want to derive to be placed in INWELL
Procedure For Preparing Remedy
This Machine can simulate Base 44/ Base 336 /Base 108 Remedies
Basic Difference between them is the accuracy, Believed to work on differ-
ent levels.
Select the Rate from Rate directory, Set the knob (6) to 44/108 as per the
rate selection, Knob No(7) to be in medicate mode.
Write down the rate in separate paper then start setting (1) from top left to
right as shown below
1>>> 2 >>> 3 >>> 4
5>>> 6 >>> 7 >>> 8

Press the push button (10) to initiate imprinting process. You will see Treat LED
(2) glows for 60 to 90 seconds, when Treat LED(2) goes off, it indicates that
imprinting process is completed. Since it’s imprint of original substance it is
believed to work like Q when Knob is set to “ 0” , though the absence of
original substance in this simulated remedy. You can make “X” and “C” po-
tencies. For making 50 Millesimal Potency. Either purchase potentiser or Get
it done on special order.
Potentising Sample
Keep alls knobs(1) to Zero, place the material to be potentised in IN WELL,
Set the desired potency in (13) knob. Make sure that toggle switch (7) is in
Medicate Mode. Press the push button (10) You will see Treat LED (2) glows
for 60 to 90 seconds, when Treat LED(2) goes off, it indicates that potentising
process is completed.
Caution: while potentising process container of INWELL and OUTWELL to be
of same material.
The potensited material from the OUTWELL to be removed first. Otherwise
OUTWELL medicines reaches 10MM potency.
Rate Detection Process
Place switch (7) to Rate Detect Mode. Place the material for which you
want to detect the Rate, start with digit Knob(8) slowly move the knob from
digit to digit from left hand from right hand hold a pendulum at squire
marked below OUTWELL, note the gyration of pendulum, if pendulum moves
Back and forth take it as yes if pendulum moves its indicates NO,
Based on this language of pendulum we can detect the digit first, rate start-
ing from top left to right till the desired rate is obtained. Suppose you have
got 5 from digit knob, then we need to turn 5 knobs (1) stating from left to
right till 4th then start with second row left first knob to complete 5 knobs, re-
sults in rate with 5 digit. The rate obtained will be Base 108, which will be the
most accurate rate for you, other person may derive different rate for the
same material, both are right .
How Radionics works
Radionics works on the principal of Energy follows the thought or the inten-
tion. In occult science there are three main ways of influencing the subjects
is by Yantra, Mantra & Tantra. Yantra is machine, Mantra is the rate for
which we select from the rate book. Tanra is the procedure of making and
following certain principles.

Representing Energy in the geometrical and numerical form has been

done since ancient times followings are the renowned examples of ener-
gies in the geometric and Numerical form.

Malcolm Rae has invented the idea of simulating this geometrical shapes
into electronic circuit, He has converted these geometrically coded card
into ratios then ratios into Rates. When these set in the Machine it would
produce the simulation of original substance for which is derived.
Our Chidambar Vibron simulated medicines efficiently using Yvon Combe
Rates, Swami Narayani Rates, Sulis Remedy maker online rates also used by
me as well as Chidambar Vibron User Group. I have been manufacturing
these machines since 17 years with wonderful results. I have been constant-
ly updating my machine according to latest inventions.
Radionics instruments help us to focus our thoughts while healing process.
Actually our mind is powerful tool that does every thing. Radionic Machines
Help us to focus our thoughts utilizing Yantra, Mantra, Tantra, occult tools.
It doesn't mean that Radionics is a occult science But our present day sci-
ence is not that much developed to answer these typical questions.
There is a scientific evidence that thought affects the matter, Emmoto Wa-
ter Research one can google and get treasure of information of imprinting
thought. I personally believe that our thought not only affect water any or-
ganic and inorganic materials, All spiritual healing work with principal of
“energy follow the thought” 70% - 80% our body is water hence we can im-
print intentions.

However I do not claim any miracles by this machine curative powers of

these simulated remedies since it is constructed as a experimental unit, re-
sult obtained by this machine is the whole responsibility of experimenter.

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