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Participation/SRC Policy

It is hereby understood that participation is a MAJOR part of any exploratory class (i.e. Band, Choir, Encore
etc.). Therefore, poor behavior on the part of any class member can only detract from said participation.

1. Each student will start every class period with 10 participation points.
“Everyone starts with an A.”
2. Each student will receive only one warning for inappropriate behavior/participation, and will also
receive the “first set of SRC questions.”
3. A second violation (disruption/behavior) will result in a loss of 5 points, the second set of questions and
that student being sent to the SRC (Student Responsibility Center) to write a plan to correct or improve
the behavior.
4. Additional violations will result in a phone call home as well as more severe consequences such as, in-
school suspension.
5. Multiple violations during a marking period will result in additional disciplinary action such as
suspension from school and possible permanent removal from the class.
Exploratory classes should be fun and considered a privilege, not a time to mess around!
**Let’s have fun TOGETHER!**

List of possible offences:

The following is a short list of possible offences. Of course, common sense will dictate each situation on an
individual (case by case) basis. All students know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate

1. Tardy (unexcused)
2. Preparation (not having materials ready by the appropriate time)
3. Participation (not participating as expected on a regular basis)
4. Respect/Consideration (not being respectful and courteous to everyone in the room)
5. Talking at inappropriate times
6. Leaning back on chairs (it’s a safety issue, plus it breaks the chairs)
7. Any inappropriate behavior or language
8. Any gum, food, pop or sports drinks during class/rehearsal.
9. Poor Digital Citizenship
-Cell phones are to remain in lockers, not pockets
-Taking photos or making recordings are not appropriate behaviors for school
-Using iPads for anything other than what is being asked by the instructor will not be allowed

Please keep in mind the fact that this policy can have a huge effect on a student’s grade. One 5-point deduction brings a
student’s daily participation grade for that day to 50%, which is an F (for that day). Slam the door on the way out, or act
disrespectfully and you will lose the other 5 points! Parents, I’d like to make it clear to you that the choir room is a
challenging environment, behaviorally speaking. Most of my groups have twice as many students than that of a typical
core class and that makes behavior management extremely important.

**Remember: Do NOT point fingers. Everyone is in control of his/her own behavior. Do not try to control
anyone else’s, including the instructor’s.**

**Also remember: Just because you’re the only one that “got caught,” doesn’t mean you are “not guilty.”**

Please feel free to call or e-mail with any questions


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