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* Classroom Rules *

1. Respect, courtesy, and politeness will be observed at all times

2. No talking during lectures unless granted permission by the teacher.

3. Raise your hand to ask and answer questions.

4. No Food, No Gum, or drinks with the exception of H2O (water).

5. Electronic devices will be allowed like cell phones and cameras during labs /
lessons but monitored by teacher.

6. Must wait in my seat until I am dismissed by the teacher and not by the bell.

7. PLEASE, follow all directions. Raise your hand if you do not understand.

8. There will be no use of inappropriate language.

9. Be on time and seated when the bell rings. Hang your backpack (bags) on the
back of your chair.

10. Keep your hands to yourself.

11. Use the bathroom before coming to class.

12. Clean your area before leaving class and push your chair in, NO exceptions.

13. Respect all school property and rules.

14. During lab time there will be no touching of chemicals, specimens, or equipment
unless instructed by the teacher.

15. DO NOT CHEAT. It will have an adverse effect on your grade and school record.

16. There is no writing on the tables. Please throw all waste in the trash bins.

17. Lastly, Be nice at all times. It pays off to be nice.

* Discipline Plan *

1. First time a student breaks a rule:

- Verbal Warning

2. Second Time:
- 2nd Verbal Warning

3. Third Time:
- Snack (Lunch) or afterschool or Saturday detention (Paper pick up)
- Referral to the Dean’s office

4. Fourth Time:
- Parent conference (“It is the law” for a parent to attend, Labor Code
230.8 See Parent Compact Book)

I have read all the classroom rules and agree to the terms. I have also read the disciplinary
plan and acknowledge all consequences. I realize that I will only get two verbal warnings,
which are more than plenty. I agree not to violate any of the rules during my time in class
or at school for the rest of the semester / school year.

Student signature: _______________________________________________________

Print Your Name: ____________________________________________ Period: ______

----------------------------------------PLEASE DO NOT CUT ------------------------------------

I the Parent of ____________________________________ have also read the rules and

disciplinary plan and acknowledge all consequences. My child realizes that they will only
get two verbal warnings in the entire semester. I also agree with all terms.

Parent signature: ________________________________________________________

Print Your Name: _________________________________________________________

Cell Number: ( )__________________ Home Number: ( )___________________

Email (s): _______________________________________________________________

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