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The origen of the city of bayuwangi

Once uop a time,there ,was a local ruler named king sulahkromo thing . prime minister
king has named sulakromo thing primer minister king has named raden sidopekso . pri
minister s wife has named sri tajung she is so beratifull and sweet that the king wanted her to
be his wife has . one day , the king sent the primer mhatinister for long misihesion .
whil the primer minister went the king tried to get sri tajung. But the king faleid .
He was very angry and upse so, when sidopkso back the king told him that his wife was
unfit to him. Primer minister is very angry with his wife . sri tajung said that was not true
however sidopekso said that he wouled kill her .she took him to the rive bamk .
Before he killed himhe hand threw him into the river , he said that he wiil be Proven
inocen , one sidopekso klim him ,he threw his body into the ricame ver dirty. River soon
became clan and start spereading the wonderful aroma and very flagrant water bayuwagi proof
of love born of noble and sacerd that s the origin of the town of bayuwangi

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