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Are these services available in your country? For those that aren’t do you think they
would be a good idea?
A: Can you have your portrait drawn by a street artist?
B: Sure! You can have it done at Malecom or Las Peña’s.
A: Can you get your blood pressure checked at a pharmacy?
B: Hum I think could be a good idea because all people could go pharmacy. You can get
its service at Hospital.
A: Can you have your clothes dry-cleaned at work?
B: No, I think so bad idea because the salary could be less for this service at work. You
can have it service at Clean & Clean.
A: Can you get your Library books delivered to your home?
B: Sure! You can have it at Library.
A: Can you have your Shoes shined on the street?
B: Sure! You can have it done at Eloy Alfaro Street or Av. Quito Street.
A: Can you get your car washed for less than $15?
B: Yes, you can get its service at Floresta 2
A: Can you have a suit made in under 24 hours?
B: No, this service doesn’t available in Ecuador, but I think could be a good idea because
you get an elegant party could be reserve your clothes less 24 hours.
A: Can you get your teeth whitened?
B: Yes. You can get its service at Clinic Dentist.
A: Can you have pizza delivered after midnight?
B: No, I think could be a good idea because you could be enjoying a delicious food at 3
Imagine you’re and advice columnist at a magazine. Choose one of the letters
below and make a list of suggestions. Then write a reply.

My best friend seems anxious a lot. She bites her fingernail and always looks tired. I
don’t think she’s eating right, either. How Can I convince her to take better care of


One thing you could do is invite your best friend to house when you think can give him

Maybe you could go to a gym with your friend.

I t might be a good idea to go Doctor with friend and she think is for you, but you pay a
consult for her.
Use the word in part A to describe people you know.
• Ambitious
• Argumentative
• Carefree
• Conscientious
• Naïve
• Pragmatic
• Rebellious
• Sensible
• Sophisticated.

1.My older brother is argumentative. He disagrees with me about everything.

2. Juan is sophisticated. He always dresses. He knows lots of intelligent people.

3. Paula is ambitious. She wants to own his own business.

4.My son is rebellious. He always doesn’t listen to me when I’m talking.

5.Carlos is carefree. He always sent his homework too late.

6. Cecilia is so ingenious. She always asks why his brother have got a punishment.

7.Alex is so pragmatic. He always resolves his problem of form practical and efficient.

8.Cecilia is so sensible. She always cries when watch a romantic movie.

9. My little brother is conscientious. He always says the true and doesn’t lie.
Homework: Chose one of your favourite products. Read the question and make
notes about the best way to sell it. Then write a one-minute radio o tv commercial.

What’s good or unique about the product?

Generator 3 phase -95% efficiency to Full load

Why would someone want to buy or use it?

Simple this generator has less cost with compare a regular generator mark as example
ElectroEcuatorianics Generator and so practical on the moment to use.

Can you think of a clever name or slogan?

If you want a generator intelligent function don’t hesitate more our generator be so
excellent this work.

Are you looking for a generator 3 phase with excellent efficiency that is also less cost?
Buy Electric Load this generator has less cost with compare a regular generator mark
and so practical on the moment use. Don’t hessite more our generator be so excellent
this work!!!.

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