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`My Learning Journal

What are the key concepts I have learned?

For our last meeting in school year 20xx, I learned about the different types and channels of
communication which was discussed by Mr X. He also provided us information regarding
customer service delight. After which, Dr. Y talked about the importance of having a good
communication inside an organization. It is to be noted that when disseminating information
from one person to another, there shouldn’t be adding or dropping of details in order to have
a clear and comprehensive understanding of what was communicated.

A summary of what I have covered?

The first day of class involved mostly the getting-to-know stage with the professor and some
of my classmates, as well as discussion of the course syllabus, subject orientation,
presentation of the class policies, election of class officers and assigning of the schedule of
activities for the rest of the semester. And for the past three meetings we had, including the
steward leadership seminar which I have attended, I can fairly say we have covered
information that is very helpful for our development as business communicators.

Things I am not sure of?

There are still a lot of things to know more about business communication and I’m happy I
got the chance to enrol in this subject, although students enrolled in the class were considered
to have not passed the preliminary examination for business communication, that doesn’t
mean we don’t know anything about the subject. There may be some circumstances that
hindered us from passing the exam and I think we all have to consider that learning is a
process and it’s a good way for us to refresh what we may have known from the past but
already forgotten as well as learn something new along the process.

What was new or surprising to me?

What struck me with the topic discussed was about the types of communication. I have been
already working for 6 years and I never thought that written communication is classified as a
verbal communication. By the word verbal, I presume it is about speaking hence, I only
considered oral as a way of communicating verbally.

What do I need to do to overcome these uncertainties?

When overcoming uncertainties, we have to accept the fact we cannot control everything,
thus we need to analyze the facts for what it is and know that only the process through which
we can arrive a decision is the only thing we can control. Hence, we need to critically lay all
the possibilities and think of the pros and cons of every decisions involved. We have to stay
focus on our goal for this subject and that is to learn. But of course, having a positive outlook
would make a difference when thinking of any uncertainties, be it on this subject or with life

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