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The Republic-Monitor • www.perryvillenews.

com NEWS Thursday, August 17, 2017 • 8A

Haertling returns to head ILS Board at the Chester High School

gymnasium on Thursday,
Aug. 24 from 4-7 p.m. The
school is located at 1901
From Page 1A
Swanwick Street in Ches-
By Amanda Hasty being constructed there. ter.
The veteran’s wall board The city and county
members suggested the public auction, which was
The Immanuel Lutheran
name Veterans Drive for scheduled for Oct. 21, was
Church and School has seen
the city’s portion of the found to also coincide with
a lot of transformations over
highway, but staff under- the farm implement auction
the past year, from enjoying
stood that the name was al- by Heartland Auction Ser-
the 150th anniversary of the
ready in place in the Le- vices across town. Buer-
church to seeing the retire-
gion Lake area. ck shared that the resched-
ment of both Pastor Thomas
The aldermen were in uled city/county auction
Handrick and school princi-
favor of the “Veteran’s” was moved to Nov. 4 and
pal William Unzicker. Now,
portion of the title, but would see a better turnout
the school will see the return
more information for the at this time.
of one of its beloved mem-
roadway’s name category City engineer Tim Baer
bers to take the position
would be needed. reported that the Edgemont
of acting principal, Velda
According to city en- project is nearing comple-
Haertling. File Photo
Velda Haertling is pictured with three of her grandchildren, (from left) August, gineer Tim Baer, there are tion. Crews have opened
Haertling is a member
Alaina and Amelia. Her oldest grandson, Tucker, is not pictured. certain definitions that Shelby and Gahnal Streets
of the Immanuel Lutheran
qualify a roadway for one to thru traffic again and
Church and began her career
Unfortunately, the indi- and all of the kids,” she said. said. “With Pastor Handrick moniker, such as Boule- pavement work on Jackson
in Perryville at ILS in 1969
vidual who was called did “Plus you think about being and Mr. Unzicker retiring at vard, over another, like Av- Street will begin sometime
teaching second grade.
not accept the offer and was an educator for all those the same time, this is a time enue or Street. More re- this week.
Over her career, she also
unable to inform the school years, my identity was really we need to stand together search will be completed The expected Edgemont
taught kindergarten and sev-
until mid-May, which left with my career for so many with leadership to get some before a final name can be opening date is still nearly
enth grade as well as English
the school board in a predic- years. Yes, I was a wife and transitioning done so the decided upon. two weeks away, and stop
and literature for grades 5-8,
ament with no leader for the mother and now a grand- new people coming in can City administrator Brent signs will be added to the
and she acted as coach for
approaching school year. mother, but I was like ‘Who take off running.” Buerck shared with the intersections on Shelby and
volleyball and cheerleading.
The school had put out an am I since I am not the prin- Though Haertling is board the date of the first South Jackson Streets, cre-
She also served as assistant
invite to current staff to see cipal?’” happy with filling the ad- open house for the ongo- ating a no-stop flow of traf-
principal at the Perry Coun-
if anyone was interested in By her second year of ministrative position, she ing Chester Bridge Study. fic down Edgemont once
ty Middle School in 1998
filling the position internal- retirement, she had settled is looking forward to going MoDOT will be holding an completed.
before taking the position of
ly, also with no luck. into a routine where she was back to her self-described open to the public gather- The next city council
principal in 1999.
So, in June, the board more focused on a relaxing, “me-time.” ing looking for public opin- meeting is scheduled for
As the Immanuel School
again addressed Haertling, healthy routine, of course “It’s like coming home ion and insight into the pos- Tuesday, Sept. 5 at 6:30
began the calling process
this time inviting her to step including ample time for af- because I was here for near- sible updates to the bridge. p.m. in the meeting room at
for a new principal, the con-
in until someone could be ternoon naps. ly 28 years and at PCMS for The meeting will be held City Hall.
gregation asked Haertling if
someone was not found for found. When the school called, 17,” she said.
the next school year if she Haertling retired from finally asking her to take the “So it’s kind of like com-
would act as the temporary
administrator. She decided
the education system in the
spring of 2015. At first, re-
job, Haertling asked herself
if she wanted to step back
ing back to the same old
stomping grounds, except
Check us out!
that, though she was com- tirement was an adjustment, into administration after fi- it’s a brand new building.”
fortable with her retirement, though she had been looking nally settling into her time
she would consider the offer. forward to some time off. off.
“I was first approached Since she left school she But for her the choice
in January with the option to has been spending more time was actually easy once both
help,” Haertling said. with her grandchildren and sides decided on a set of
“In March the school dividing her efforts between arrangements saying that
several community groups Haertling would fill in as
board called to say that
and functions, but said after principal only temporari-
Day Long
someone had been called
for the job, but asked me a while she became bored ly. As soon as someone was Pre-Eclipse of
to keep the option open if after going through the men- found to fill the position, she
they did not respond. I said I tal transition of retirement. would step down. the Sun Party
would consider it short term “I was used to being so “There are lots of things with a
if it came to that.” busy, I missed the business I can do to help here,” she
Martin Luther
Heritage Center
75 Church Street,
Altenburg, MO
August 20
9:00 a.m. Join us for Church at Trinity Lutheran, Altenburg
10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Lions Club Fried Chicken Luncheon at Trinity School
1:00 p.m.-3:00 Tour the Lutheran Heritage Center Campus
3:00-4:00 p.m. “Perry County Lutheran Chorale” Concert in Trinity Church
4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Local Food Vendors, Beer, & Live Music by
Barefoot on Sunday
7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. “Martin Luther, The Idea that Changed the World”
Movie sponsored by Thrivent Financial

Thrivent Financial will be providing “Eclipse Glasses”

in order to “Eclipse Hunger” for a donation of three
canned goods! For the Immanuel Lutheran Food
Pantry-Perryville, MO
Enjoy music, Entertainment, Great Food, and Luther’s favorite
beverage, BEER!

We want to thank our event partner:

It’s your
let everyone
know about it!

P.O. BOX 367



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