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Part 7



The chakras are invisible energy centers in and above the body, which act as
the interface between the physical and subtle worlds. The meridians of
chakras channel vital energies. If the flow is in balance, you are in general
healthy and you have a positive outlook towards life. Any blocks in any of the
chakras will show as physical discomfort or illness, or any kind of emotional,
mental or spiritual discomfort. Healthy chakras= healthy human being.

1. The Root Chakra/ Muladhara Chakra (Sanskrit: The Foundation Wheel),

the portal to Earth

1. Location: the base of the spine, between the anus and the genitals.
2. Body aspects: legs, feet, muscles, the lungs, skin, large intestine, rectum.
3. Glands: adrenals.
4. Instinct: survival, procreation.
5. Seeds: kundalini, abundance.
6. Color: red.
7. Expressions: healthy and happy in your physical body, concerns of getting
the basic needs met, physical and emotional balance.
8. Gemstones: jasper, ruby, bloodstone.
9. Element: earth.
10. Oils: patchouli, cypress, vetivert.

Kundalini, the life force energy, is awakened, when the first chakra is cleared.
In many cases kundalini reaches only the second chakra. For full vitality all
chakras need to be in balance. Free flow of kundalini, the life force energy is
very important. When kundalini reaches the Crown Chakra, you will have
higher awareness and you are able to see the big picture, also deeper than
the surface.

The Root chakra unbalanced:

- Problems of the lower abdominal area, e.g. constipation, diarrhea, kidney
problems, lower back pain, sciatica, fertility problems, gynecological
problems, muscle cramps/ spasms, knee problems.
- Addictive behavior: alcoholism, drugs, sex, etc.
- Lack of feeling grounded, living in a fantasy world, and feeling off- centre.
- Going out of control easily, hard to contain feelings, difficulties in focusing.
Unable to express feelings, self- centered, mindless violence, stubbornness.
- A need to possess; shopaholic. Excessively materialistic, workaholic
lifestyle, the masculine principle dominates. Unable to let go of things
emotionally. Low self- esteem.

The Root Chakra in balance:

- Good general health for related organs and body parts. The adrenal glands
healthy, not exhausted from over stimulation (stress, etc).
- Ready to meet challenges as opportunities, positive and constructive
approach. An ability to focus.
- The feminine and the masculine side in balance.

2. The Sacral Chakra/ Svadhistana Chakra (Sanskrit: Dwelling place of the


1. Location: the lower abdomen between the navel and the genitals.
2. Body aspects: reproductive systems, urinary systems, kidneys, sexual
potency, adrenaline, loss of appetite, menstrual pain.
3. Glands: testes, ovaries.
4. Instinct: sexuality.
5. Seeds: creativity, compassion, family.
6. Color: orange.
7. Expressions: love and trust in self, responsibility to oneself.
8. Gemstones: carnelian, amber, orange calcite.
9. Element: water.
10. Oils: clary sage, jasmine, rose, ylang ylang, sandalwood.

Nurturing abilities, pleasure, relationships, assimilation and integration of


The Sacral Chakra unbalanced:

- Affects the urinary, reproductive and circulatory systems.
- Impotence/frigidity, sexually transmitted diseases, bladder problems.
- Difficult to give and receive materially or emotionally ® obesity.
- Difficult to separate your own feelings from those of others.
- General lack of creativity, low energy.
- Unable to release negative emotions ® creates toxins in the body. Guilt,
anxiety, unpredictability, clinging on, anger, fear.
- Sexually cold or too much sexual desire. Outrageous flirting is typical in
order to gain sexual attention. Addicted to sensual pleasures.

The Sacral Chakra in balance:

- You go with the flow, and alter your path if necessary. A high level of vitality.
- Body parts and organs connected to this chakra are healthy.
- Outgoing, patient, good sense of humor. Content within yourself. Positive
outlook, enjoying life.
- Comfortable with your sexuality.
- Creative problem solving. You have ability to see other people’s point of
different approaches and attitudes as richness. You are willing to develop
and grow.

3. Solar Plexus/ Manipura Chakra (Sanskrit: The Palace of Jewels-wheel)

1. Location: between the navel and the breastbone.

2. Body aspects: the digestive system and related organs (liver, stomach, gall
bladder, pancreas, spleen, organs of excretion), storing and releasing energy.
3. Glands: pancreas.
4. Instinct: power.
5. Seeds: autonomy, individuation, selfless service, fulfillment of dreams,
6. Color: yellow, turning to gold when a person is clear and self- realized and
in one’s total power.
7. Expressions: full of vitality, energetic.
8. Gemstones: citrine, gold when you are fully cleared and all chakras in
balance, fully in your power.
9. Element: fire.
10. Oils: rosemary, juniper, geranium, ginger, black pepper.

The production and storage of energy that allows us to live our lives
effectively. It helps us recognize that with effort and action we can achieve
what we want.

Solar Plexus unbalanced:

- You feel too hot or too cold.
- Ulcers, upset stomach, diabetes, hypoglycemia, alcoholism, anorexia.
- A tight hard belly, large belly or sunken diaphragm.
- Powerless, low self- esteem.
- More easily swayed by the opinions of other people.
- Uncontrolled extreme emotions, e.g. violent passions, jealousy, anger,
frustration, quick tempered.
- Doubts, fear, confusion. One has a tendency to manipulate others.
- Obsessive or addictive; overly critical to yourself.

Solar Plexus in balance:

- Your life purpose becomes clear, and you can align yourself to it.
- Effective communication.
- Family and interpersonal relationships become stable.
- A sense of personal power, ability to bring things together, the power of
- A healthy will and autonomy.
- A well balanced chakra gives a great deal of energy; might show up as fast
metabolism -> a warm body.
- Enthusiasm for development and transformation in your life.
- Clear thinking, extroverted, feeling bright.
- Constructive use of power; pro- active, assertive, confident, healthy self-
- Naturally aware of your responsibilities.
- An inner strength that allows you to perform actions with ease and grace.
- A sense of abundance in your life.

4. The Heart Chakra/ Anahata Chakra (Sanskrit: Unbound Wheel)

1. Location: between the centre of the chest.

2. Body aspects: the heart, the circulatory and respiratory systems, the
breasts, chest and shoulders, immune deficiencies, asthma.
3. Glands: thymus.
4. Instinct: love, unconditional love.
5. Seeds: selfless love, forgiveness.
6. Color: green (unconditional universal love), pink (love between lovers).
7. Expressions: truth, a commitment to.
8. Gemstones; aventurine, rose quartz, rhodocrosite, jade, emerald.
9. Element: air.
10. Oils: jasmine, rose, mimosa, neroli, marigold.

The fourth chakra brings together the forces of the first three chakras. They
can be then transformed into energies to achieve higher goals. The heart
chakra= the transition point between the grounding lower chakras and the
spiritual higher chakras. Knowing who you are and self- acceptance, loving
yourself and others unconditionally.

The Heart Chakra unbalanced:

- Heart conditions, high blood pressure, asthma, arthritis of the arms, immune
- Feeling conditional type of love.
- Sense of loneliness.

The Heart Chakra in balance:

- The related organs and immune system are healthy.
- Balanced and harmonious relationships.
- Open, willing and able to live without fear, able to love unconditionally.
- Knowing that you have all you need within you.

5. The Throat Chakra/ Visuddha Chakra (Sanskrit: Purity wheel)

1. Location: the base of the throat.

2. Body aspects: the neck, the organs of the neck (e.g. the voice box, airway
of the throat).
3. Glands: thyroid, parathyroid.
4. Instinct: psychic expression
5. Seeds: personal power, faith, will, truth, communication.
6. Color: sky blue
7. Expressions open to the spirit, communication with the spirit.
8. Gemstones: diamond, aquamarine, turquoise, blue lace agate, lapis lazuli,
blue quartz.
9. Element: light.
10. Oils: frankincense, chamomile, sandalwood.

Verbal expression of all the thoughts and feelings are encompassed by the
lower chakras. It affects our speech and how we express ourselves. It is
linked to truth and honesty. It connects our feelings and intuition with our
thoughts; helps to form our future. This is a psychic center, responsible for
clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and telepathic communication.

The Throat Chakra unbalanced:

- Sore throats, loss of voice, neck and throat conditions.
- Sleep disorders.
- An under- or over- active thyroid, headaches from neck muscle tension,
insomnia, flu, even cancer.
- Any difficulty in expression or communication. One has a tendency to
dominate conversations or discussions.
- Holding back your opinion or showing your thoughts or feelings.
- Critical, tactless, deceitful, lies, gossiping.
- Anorexia, bulimia, constant dieting -> thyroid gland situated in the throat
area, and it is responsible for metabolism.

The Throat Chakra in balance:

- The throat area is physically healthy.
- You are able to envision possible futures and to act on your vision.
- The freedom of infinite possibilities.
- Effective expression and clear communication, clear and pleasant voice.
- Creative, mature, inspirational.
- Honest, compassionate, tactful, non- judgmental.
- Sense of serenity and devotion.

6. The Third Eye/ The Brow Chakra/ Ajna Chakra( Sanskrit: Unlimited power)

1. Location: between and just above the eyebrows.

2. Body aspects: brain, eyes, nervous system, mind function, insomnia,
deafness, dyslexia.
3. Glands: pituitary, pineal.
4. Instinct: truth, intuition, wisdom.
5. Seeds: enlightenment, self- realization.
6. Color: indigo.
7. Expression: insight and knowledge.
8. Gemstones: diamond, amethyst, quartz, lapis lazuli, black opal, sodalite,
9. Element: pure light.
10. Oils: frankincense, sandalwood.

This chakra is linked to the brain and nervous system. The hormonal system
is affected by the sixth chakra, through pituitary gland. This chakra is involved
in the capacity for intuition, imagination, visualization, clairvoyance. Intuition is
the link between intellectual and psychic abilities; it is a link to the force
greater than us. It is a powerful psychic center.

The Third Eye Chakra unbalanced:

- Headaches, migraines.
- Eye, ear, nose, sinus conditions.
- Hormonal imbalances, insomnia, nervous disorder -> physical pain.
- Depression.
- Problems focusing and concentrating, confusion, negativity, inadequacy,
lack of direction, intellectual stagnation.

The Third Eye Chakra in balance:

- Organs and glands related are healthy.
- You are able to determine what will enrich you.
- You are able to observe thoughts and feelings without becoming overly
attached to them. Good level of direction, devotion and high ideals.
- You have a feeling of oneness and unity within yourself.
- When the sixth chakra is fully awakened, you experience self- realization.
- Your inner vision enables you to bring spirit down to earth. 

7. The Crown Chakra/ Sahasrara Chakra (Sanskrit: Emptiness Wheel), the

portal to Heaven
1. Location: on top of the head, at the ‘soft spot’ that is the anterior fontanel.
2. Body aspects: the brain, the whole nervous system, the pineal gland,
hormonal balance.
3. Glands: pineal.
4. Instinct: universal ethics.
5. Seeds: transcendence, illumination.
6. Color: violet, gold.
7. Expression: truth, knowledge, bliss.
8. Gemstones: amethyst, diamond, selenite, clear quartz, pearl.
9. Element: pure energy.
10. Oils: lavender, bay laurel, valerian.
While the root chakra acts as an entry point of human life, the crown acts as
an exit point. When kundalini energy is fully awakened, it grounds you and
keeps you connected to the higher realms.
The Crown Chakra unbalanced:
- Paralysis, MS, Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral tumors, increased pressure in
the skull.
- Psychoses, neuroses, depression.
- SADS (Seasonal Affective Disorder Syndrome), feeling low during cold time
of the year of less daylight, sleeping disorders.
- A sense of isolation from the world, emptiness.
- A loss of direction, low energy levels, fatigue, closed mind. One lacks
spiritual direction.

The Crown Chakra balanced:

- You have a sense of unity with other people whilst being aware of your
- You have knowledge born of wisdom and enlightenment.
- You are not overly influenced by opinion of other people.
- You will follow your own ethical ideas, you feel peaceful and whole.

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