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1) How often do you watch TV?

a) Always/Everyday c) Most often/5-6 days
d) Occasionally/2-3 days
b) Sometimes/3-5 days e) Any other (Pls. Specify)
2) On an average, how many hours, a day you watch TV?
a) 4 to 6 hrs c) 2 to 4 hrs.
b) Less than 2 hrs d) any other (Pls. Specify)
3) Generally with whom do you watch TV?
a) Parents d) Elder brother/sister
b) Grandparents e) Others (Pls. Specify)
c) Alone

4) Why do you watch TV?

a) For learning/ education d) To relax
b) To pass time e) To combat loneliness
c) For entertainment f) Family Routine/ As everyone one
else is watching so I also join
g) Any other (Pls. Specify)
5) Which of the following programmes do you prefer to watch (Kindly rank 1, 2
& 3 in order of your preference)
a) Cartoons/Animated programmes e) Music Channels
f) Reality shows (Big Boss, Nach
b) Children’s shows/serials Baliye, Indian Idol etc.)
c) Knowledge based programmes g) Movies
d) TV Serials h) Any other (Pls. Specify)

6) Do you watch TV advertisements? Yes /No

7) Do you think TV ads are different from TV programmes? Yes/No

8) If yes, tick two important differences between a TV advertisement & a TV
a. TV ads are shorter; programmes are of longer duration
b. TV ads are mere persuasive efforts to sell products & fetch more customers
whereas TV programmes are to entertain & educate
c. TV ads are not part of the main show while programmes have a story, a theme
and/or a moral.
d. TV ads give product information & talk about real things available in the
market where as TV programmes are both about fantasy & real situations
e. TV ads are shown during breaks (before, after or between a programme) while
programmes are in continuation
f. Any other (Pls. Specify) ……………….
9) What is the purpose behind showing advertisements on TV?
a) To give a break in the programme e) To provide product information
b) For entertainment f) To inform about various offers,
free things that are available with
c) To persuade the viewers to buy
products (premium offers, free
the product
things, incentives etc.)
d) Any other (Pls. Specify)
10) What do you do during a commercial break? (Tick one)
a) Leave the room, do some work
b) Switch channels during TV ads.
c) Watch TV ads as I don’t want to miss the main show.
d) Watch TV ads with interest as they inform & entertain.
e) Any other (Pls. Specify) ……………….
11) Do your parents discuss about TV advertisements with you?
a) Often c) Only if I ask them
b) Sometimes d) Never / Seldom
e) Any other (Pls. Specify) ……………….
12) Your purchase requests are motivated by (Rank 1,2,&3 in order of your
a) TV advertisements c) Real needs
b) Attractive display at d) Social / Peer group (friends, siblings, cousins)
the stores e) Any other (Pl. specify) ………………..
13) If my product purchase is influenced by a TV ad, it is because of
a) New or innovated product
b) the premium offers/incentives offered

c) the product quality and attributes shown/validity of the claims for the product
d) any other (Pls. Specify) ……………..
14) When you buy a product by seeing a TV ad, you buy it because the TV ad
a) fun and happiness
b) adventure and thrill
c) dream and fantasy
d) health and nutrition
e) any other (Pls. Specify) ……………..
15) What kind of products you buy after watching an ad on TV?
a) Toys, Games e) Soft drinks, Health Beverages
b) Clothes/Footwear f) Toiletries (Soaps, Shampoos,
Toothpastes, Cosmetics, Creams)
c) Eatables, Food products g) Any other (Pls. Specify) ………..
d) Stationary, Books, CDs etc.
16) What type of appeal in an advertisement influences you to buy a product?
(Rank 1, 2 & 3 in order of your preference)
a) Informative/Utility (It should tell about various uses of the product, how the
product will help me or my family. It compares the product with competitors
and show how the product is to be used).
b) Emotional (It should show relations amongst family, friends; how the product
leads to happy relations with brother / sister / friend / mother etc., shows
people caring for each other, animals or environment)
c) Exhibit/Vanity (It should convince that the product should be bought for
boosting self esteem, to become popular and impress others)
d) Entertainment (It should be funny, having interesting & entertaining story
e) Celebrity (Showing celebrities endorsing the product)
f) Innovative/Unique (It should be different, show new ideas, new way of doing
things, new product, new trends etc.)
g) Brand (The value and pride that is associated with the name of the product or
the manufacturer )
17) Which TV advertisement does you like the most? (Specify the brand & the ad)
18) You like the above advertisement because of?
a) Product itself (The product advertised is good)
b) Slogans/one liners
c) Models
d) Music/songs/jingles
e) Picturization/filming
f) Animation/Cartoon characters
g) Storyline/theme
h) Any other (Pls. Specify) ………..
19) Which TV advertisement do you dislike the most? (Specify the brand & the ad)


20) You disliked the above-mentioned advertisement because of?
a) No catchy slogans, jingles
b) The product advertised is not good, invalid claims
c) Poor picturization, bad photography
d) Wrong or unattractive models
e) Mediocre music
f) Weak storyline
g) Animation not used/poorly used
h) Any other (Pls. Specify) ……………
21) How you get involved in the purchases that your parents make for themselves or for
a) By simply telling them about the best product available, and let them choose on their
b) Mostly by advising them on various options available.
c) Deciding what is best suited to their requirement.
d) I get involved only if they want my opinion otherwise I don’t participate.
e) Any other (Pl. Specify) ………..
22) Do you buy products or ask your parents for them, after seeing TV
Often / sometimes / rarely / never
23) What do you generally do to get what you want from your parents, after seeing
an advertised product on TV?

Statements Always Often Can't Rarely Never


a. Simply ask, request

b Bargaining, offer to do something

in return

c. Demand, use threats, show


d. Get the approval of older members

of family, or seek help of people of
close contact

e. Pleading, Imploring or Nagging

f. Emotionally motivate/black mail

g. Sweet talk, unexpected nice
behaviour, first get parents in good
mood & then ask

24) If your parents refuse you to buy the product you saw on TV, what do you do?

Statements Always Often Can't Rarely Never


a. I accept the situation, understand the denial &

agree with parents point of view

b. Keep on nagging, or requesting till they agree

c. Get angry, show tantrums

d. Keep on sulking for long or till parents agree

e. Show silent resentment (by not doing things

they want me to do)

f. Make another request for an agreeable option

g. Get depressed disappointed


Following are some statements. There is no right or wrong answer. Only your opinion
matters. Against each statement, 5 alternatives are given, which you may tick. After
reading each statement carefully, please tick the corresponding column as per your

Statements Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly

agree agree disagree

1. I learn a lot from watching TV


2. By seeing TV ads, I
sometimes know more about
the products than my parents

3. Most TV ads are amusing &


4. TV ads interrupt the show and

are waste of time.

5. TV ads are not for

entertainment, information or
social awareness.

6. I ask my parents to buy those

products which I find good in
TV ads.

7. It’s interesting to discuss TV

ads with my friends.

8. Many TV ads contain little

information and many other
unnecessary things.

9. TV advertisements make
misleading claims; do not
deliver what they promise.

10. Many TV ads are to make fool

of people and to catch them in
their trap.

11. Many TV ads are better than

TV programmes.

12. I like TV ads but don’t buy

things because of them.

13. TV ads persuade people to

buy things they do not really

14. TV ads are an important

source of product information.

15. If I go shopping on my own,
while choosing things, I keep
TV advertisements in mind.

16. I use ad jingles, one liners in

my conversation.

17. TV ads make you try new

products, improve life styles
and raise standard of living.

18. I buy the products by their

brand names and not on the
basis of what TV ads say.

19. I ask my parents to buy those

products whose TV ads tell
about free gifts, premium
offers etc.

20. TV ads tell only the nice

things, hiding the bad about
their products.

21. TV ads tell which brands have

features that I am looking for.

22. I buy a product only if the ad

convinces me of its benefits.

23. I like to follow the trends of

clothes & footwear shown by
TV ads.

24. I try mostly all chips /cookies/

candies/ chocolates/ cokes etc.
that they show on TV

25. I generally want every

accessories/stationary product
that come on TV

26. TV ads shows true picture of
society. It portrays people,
their ways, the way they
actually are

My name is ______________________ (if you want to disclose)
I am a boy/girl
I read in ____________________ class
I study in __________________________________school
My age is (8 to 10 years) / (10 to 12 years) / (12-14 years) / (14-16 years)
I am eldest / youngest / middle / only child of my parents


Following are some statements. There is no right or wrong answer. Only your opinion
matters. Against each statement, 5 alternatives are given, which you may tick. After
reading each statement carefully, please tick the corresponding column as per your

Statements Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly

agree agree disagree

1. I am generally interested in
watching TV advertisements.

2. TV is an educator for children,

it complements formal school

3. TV advertising has a
progressive and educative
influence on my children.

4. TV advertising shapes child’s

beliefs about the world around

by the messages that cast deep

5. TV advertising make kids

smarter than my generation.

6. TV advertising has a civilizing

influence and lead to socially
desirable behaviour amongst
children (e.g. it shows
cooperative & caring
behaviour with friends,
siblings, parents, society etc.)

7. TV advertising can explain

children how to handle a
fearful situation (e.g. first day
at school, a visit to a dentist is
not as terrible as expected).

8. Through TV ads, children are

being urged just as we are, to
live by the standards of rich.

9. TV advertisements are too

persuasive for children.

10. Children are developing

unhealthy eating habits
because of TV advertisements.

11. TV advertising is responsible

for making children

12. TV advertising dictate carefree

/ careless attitude (as they
reveal much of this world on a
perpetual holiday, eating out,
shopping endlessly, just
having fun and nothing else to


13. Children are negatively

affected by adult
advertisements which are for
products not related to

14. I often feel hesitant /

embarrassed in watching some
advertisements with my
children (e.g. advertisements
involving adult subjects like
family planning, aids etc.,
advertisements on sanitary
napkins, condoms etc.)

15. There is too much of

advertising on TV today which
leads to waste of time and
longer sedentary viewing.

16. TV advertising lead to unsafe

behaviour, children are
impressed by the dangerous
activities shown in them.

17. TV advertising dictates that

doing mature things at young
age in allowable. (They show
children as miniature adults
doing shopping, cooking,
dispensing medicines and
going out with friends on their

18. TV ads lead children to

pressurize parents to purchase
those products which they
would otherwise have ignored.

19. There is rise of conflict
between parents and children
because of children’s ever
increasing demands; due to
TV advertisements.

20. I feel my children interfere in

the products that I buy for
myself/family because of TV

21. The free gifts offered with

products shown on TV, affects
my child’s purchase requests.

22. I have an overall good image

of TV advertising.

23. If my children want to follow

the clothes/footwear trends of
TV advertisements; I see no
harm in it

24. TV advertising leads to

unnecessary desires amongst
children and so the rising
dissatisfaction amongst them

25. TV advertising has shortened

children’s attention span.
(because of advertising’s rapid
fire editing style)

26. Exposure to TV ads make

children memorize catchy
jingles / one liners & use them
in their conversation.

27. There should be a strict

government control on TV

28. TV ads aimed specifically for
children or portraying children
should be banned.

29. TV ads have potential to incite

violence, aggression or tension
amongst children.

30. There is lot of objectionable

content in TV ads which leads
to sexual awareness or an
undesired curiosity at a young

31. It is possible for parents to

exercise restrictions regarding
TV programmes but not
regarding TV ads

32. TV advertisements many times

show such things which
contradict my family values

Name______________________ (if you want disclose)
Occupation: _______________________________
Spouse’s occupation: _________________________
Family income group (Monthly)
Below Rs. 35,000 Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 45,000
Rs. 55,000 to Rs. 65,000 Rs. 45,000 to Rs. 55,000
Above Rs. 65,000
Age group
Up to 25 years 35-45 years
25-35 years Above 45 years

Educational Qualification _______________________________________________

Which type of family do you live in? Joint family/nuclear family


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