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3o Foods Every Man Should

Be Eating

The Ultimate Grocery List For Men

By Christopher Walker
C0-Founder of Truth Nutraceuticals
Degree in Neuroscience at Duke University
Chapter 1: Vegetables

Chapter 2: Nuts

Chapter 3: Meats

Chapter 4: Oils

Chapter 5: Fruits

Chapter 6: Seafood

Chapter 7: Refrigerator Aisle

Chapter 8: Breakfast

Chapter 9: Add-ins

1. Potatoes
Carbohydrates are an important staple in a testosterone-boosting diet, but HOW you get
those carbs is even more important. Potatoes of any kind are great sources of
carbohydrates that do not boost your prolactin or decrease testosterone.

2. White Button Mushrooms

White button mushrooms have polysaccharides, which block the aromataze enzyme that
converts testosterone to estrogen. Other types of mushrooms also have similar
anti-estrogenic qualities.

3. Onions
Onions contain apigening and quercetin, which have potentially testosterone boosting
qualities. In this rodent ​study​, results showed that onion juice significantly increased
testosterone levels as well as sperm count and motility.
4. Garlic
Garlic, when taken with Vitamin C, can raise your nitric oxide levels up to 200%. Eating
garlic can also help you from getting sick, whilst also scaring away your desired gender
with your bad breath. In this rodent ​study​, when given garlic to supplement into their
diets, rodents saw an increase in testicular testosterone and a decrease in cortisol levels
across the board.

5. Parsley
Parsley could be used as a vegetable or a spice/add-in. Regardless, parsley is a plant that
contains apigening. Apigening increases the amount of steroidogenic acute regulatory
protein you have, which in turn increases your free testosterone levels. It’s also easy to
add into your diet as you can throw it in with almost any meal.

6. Macadamia Nuts
Many people are under the impression that all nuts are great for testosterone
production, but this is just not true. Dietary fats are good for testosterone production.
The fats to stick to are monounsaturated fats and saturated fats when you’re looking to
increase testosterone. Unfortunately, most nuts have a ton of polyunsaturated fats,
which are known to lower testosterone. Macadamia nuts, on the other hand, are loaded
with both monounsaturated fats AND saturated fats. They are the perfect nut for
testosterone production.

7. Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts do not have the levels of dietary fats that macadamia nuts contain, but where
Brazil nuts have the advantage is in their levels of selenium. Just a few Brazil nuts can
give you your daily levels of selenium, which is a proven testosterone booster.

8. Epic Bars
Epic Bars are made from 100% grass-fed meats. My favorite is the Bison Epic Bar, which
is packed with protein and is one of the best tasting and best testosterone-boosting
alternatives to a burger on the market. Epic Bars makes lamb, turkey, and beef bars as
well, which are all great for you too!

9. Beef Gelatin
Beef gelatin will give you the nutrients that normal muscle meat is lacking. Beef gelatin
is a tasteless way to get the proline and glycine from the bones and connective tissue of
meat. Proline and glycine act as neurotransmitters, and once you get all of your
neurotransmitters in line, sleep quality will improve and so will testosterone production.

10. Grass-Fed Beef Jerky

Conventional cattle are usually pumped with estrogen, so make sure you stick to the
grass-fed organically raised cattle. Aside from that, grass-fed beef is a killer way to get
testosterone-boosting protein and beef jerky is a convenient way to consume that meat
on the go.

11. Minced Meat

Not only does minced meat taste awesome, it contains the animal protein and fats your
body needs to produce a healthy level of testosterone.

12. Organic Bacon

Again, stick to bacon from organically raised pigs who have not been pumped full of
estrogen. Bacon rocks. It is such a great-tasting way to get not only protein, but
saturated fats and cholesterol which are super important for testosterone production.

13. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

If you get high-quality, organic, extra virgin olive oil you are investing in a great
testosterone booster. Extra virgin olive oil has a fantastic dietary fat ratio for
testosterone production. In this ​study​, Moroccan men exchanged their primary source
of fat with extra virgin olive oil for 3 weeks and results showed a 17.4% increase in

14. Argan Oil

In the study about the Moroccan men above, a group of men also replaced their primary
fat source with argan oil and their testosterone levels increased by 19%. This is for
mostly the same reason of a great fat ratio. Argan oil is used commonly in
Mediterranean diets. Maybe that’s why everyone from that area I know is able to
produce a ton of thick body hair.
15. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil gets a lot of praise in the health world. For our purposes, coconut is a great
source of saturated fat which is optimal for great testosterone production.


16. Raisins
Raisins may now be your favorite part of trail mix after all. Raisins contain an
antioxidant called resveratrol, which has been known to increase testosterone and
reduce estrogen. Raisins also contain enough boron to significantly increase your
testosterone as well.

17. Avocados
Avocados are mostly fat, and of that fat they are mostly monounsaturated fat while also
containing some saturated fat. Plus they taste fresh and awesome and go well with any
meal in my opinion. Well-made guacamole from a trusted brand makes a great and
filling snack for testosterone production.

18. Pomegranates
In a previous post, Pomegranate (and watermelon) juices were discussed as great
testosterone boosters and ways to get your testosterone while on a diet. This is for good
reason, because in this ​study​, results showed that consuming pomegranate juice daily
for just two weeks increased salivary testosterone levels by 24%. A ton of other health
benefits can come from pomegranates, including drops in blood pressure.

19. Dark Berries

The darker the berry you consume, the higher it will be in antioxidants. And what do
you get when you consume lots of antioxidants? Less oxidative damage and
inflammation leading to, you guessed it, increases in testosterone production. So load
up on darker berries like blueberries, acai berries and blackberries.

20. Oysters
Oysters are packed with zinc, magnesium, selenium, copper, and Vitamin D. All of these
are vital to a strong testosterone production. That is why you will see oysters on almost
every grocery list online like this one. There aren’t many foods that are better for
testosterone levels than oysters.

Refrigerator Aisle:

21. Eggs
Eggs are a perfect source of the cholesterol you need for a testosterone boost. Add these
to some organic bacon to make a testosterone man’s breakfast. Just ask Ron Swanson
what he thinks…

22. Yogurt
According to this ​study​, introduction of a probiotic to your diet could increase your
serum testosterone levels. A great probiotic source is yogurt along with most other
fermented foods.
23. Blue Cheese
Another fermented food that can help you get the good gut bacteria you need is blue
cheese. Add this to burgers or spinach as a topping and get your bacteria and saturated
fat for optimal testosterone production.

24. Grass-Fed Butter

Just as mentioned before under Grass-Fed Jerky, make sure you are getting the organic
butter from a reputable source. Butter contains tons of saturated fat and also lots of fat
soluble vitamins to boost testosterone. Use this when cooking and as a topping for easy


25. Coffee
Coffee has become a necessary part of my diet. It not only jolts me awake, but also
contains antioxidants and boosts cAMP levels and testosterone production. Many
anti-coffee people cite that coffee raises cortisol levels, but the spike in cortisol is very
temporary and does not outweigh the healthy benefits.

26. Real Salt

We're talking the clumpy salts full of tons of healthy minerals, not your average table
salt. This includes natural rock, crystal or sea salts. Any real salt will be much better for
you than table salt. This one is just on the list to protect you, and real salt, in my
opinion, adds a nice kick to meals that table salt cannot offer.

27. Ginger
Ginger is notorious for clearing the sinuses, but it is also a powerful anti-inflammatory
agent. To add to that, according to this ​study​, ginger supplementation can boost your
testosterone levels by 17%.

28. Baking Soda

If you supplement baking soda, you can increase your cAMP levels, which can increase
your testosterone levels as well. According to Ali Kuoppala at, it is
also “a great ergogenic aid that can dramatically improve your squat and bench press
performance, cellular adaptation to HIIT, and can be used to supercharge your creatine

29. Raw Cacao

Before you get excited thinking this means dessert, we're not talking about the type of
chocolate that comes to mind when you hear the word cocoa. We’re talking about raw
cacao that is unheated and not processed. Cacao is filled with testosterone boosting
minerals like magnesium and zinc and also contains a great dietary fat ratio with high
saturated and monounsaturated fats with a very small amount of polyunsaturated fat.

30. Sorghum
Sorghum is a type of grain that is gluten-free and androgenic. Normal grains tend to
boost prolactin levels and suppress thyroid function (​both not good things…​). However,
Sorghum is different than typical grains you would eat. It has the ability to increase
5-alpha reductase levels which leads to increased DHT conversion within the body, and
ultimately leads to higher testosterone levels. All very good things!

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