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Major Test 1500 Wordlist (A-B)

1. Abhor --------------------hate--------------------ঘৃণা করা -----------------abhor sounds like "a

whore" and we generally hate a to hate someone is abhoring that person
------------------She abhors cats
2. Abrasive --------------rough; coarse; harsh--------ঘসে ফেলা যায় এমন-----------
abrasive:ab-Erasive:which means rubbing away--- A+BRA+sive.. it is very harsh
behaviour if we touches a womens bra.. which is not good..
--------------- The waves had an abrasive action on the rocks.
3. Abasement-------------humiliation; degradation----- নীচতা---------- A - Base - Ment ... can
mean bringing someone down to BASE level.
------------When Tiffany failed her test, she felt abasement when the class laughed at her.
4. Abrogate-------------cancel; deny; repeal------------বাততল করা, রদ করা , খাতরজ করা-------
- ab (now) + rog (disease) + ate (eat) so, eat the disease and abolish it now.
----------------- Executions also abrogate the possibility of redemption.
5. Absolution---------------forgiveness; pardon; release----------ক্ষমা করা-------------
ab(now)+solution - now solution given--> forgiven or pardoned
------------------------Some were already seeking absolution for screwing up the economy.
6. Abstain-----------------desist; go without; withdraw--------------- তনসজসক তনবৃত্ত করা ,
তবরত থাকা---------- ab+stain...we tend to stay away from stain(কলঙ্ক)....
--------------------- They would either go in favor or abstain on all substantive votes.
7. Abstemious ------------------self denying; refraining from indulging--------------- েংযমী---
---- focus on 'abs' part of this word. Abs...To build a six-pack abs, eat n drink carefully
--------Smokers tend to die younger than do their abstemious peers, by nearly a decade.
8. Abstruse-----------------------difficult to understand; obscure------------ দুসবাধ্য------

abstruse rhyme with CONFUSE, there is confusion when things are not clear
------------The professor’s lectures were so abstruse that students tend to avoid them.
9. Accolade---------------------tribute; honor; praise------------- প্রশংো , োধ্ুবাদ-------
accolade ac=accept,take; col=>college;ade-->aid; College aid is given as an award of
----------------- He does not praise his employees; silence is his highest accolade .
10. Acquiesce----------------------------to agree to; give in to--------তনরসব েম্মতত ফদওয়া---------
acquiesce = A(Agree) + quie(Quietly) = Comply passively
--------------------Elizabeth said no more but her mind could not acquiesce.
11. Acrid----------sharp; pungent (used of smells and tastes)---------------- উগ্র , ঝাাঁজাসলা--------
--- sounds like ACID....all acids are bitterly pungent and corrosive
------------------ It has a pungent odor and an acrid taste.

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12. Acrophobia------------------fear of heights---------------- উচ্চতা ভীতত ---------------- a-crow,
crow fly at a HEIGHT, phobia-fear hence easy to remember
--------------------------- Acrophobia causes the driver to go slowly and insist on running the
air conditioner with the windows up.
13. Acuity------------------sharpness (mental or visual)---------------------- তীক্ষ্ণতা -----------------
---- acuity....sounds like acute-means intelligent and quick and intelligence is nothing but
sharpness of mind.
-------------------------- he argued with great acuteness
14. Adamant------------------forceful; inflexible------------------- অনড় , অনমনীয় ------------------
------- A+DAM+ant...A DAM IS GENERALLY INFLEXIBLE AND HARD so vehicles can pass
through it.
------------------------- he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind
15. Adroit----------------skilful,Highly competent-------------দক্ষ------------- adroit ~ a + draw it :
sounds like draw. for drawing something you must be skillful
------------------------She was particularly adroit at the art of damning with faint praise.
16. Adulation---------------------strong admiration; worship---------------- ফতাষাসমাদ--------------
adult boy flattering with his girlfriend
---------------------- Navin is enjoying the attention and adulation of his friends.
17. Adversity-----------------------hardship-------------------- দুসভবাগ, প্রততকূল -----------------------
After UNIversity when you are jobless, you are in ADversity (misfortune, great hardship).
-------------------Despite this adversity , many residents hold deep feelings of affection for
their communities.
18. Advocate----------------------support-----------------েমথনব করা,ওকালতত করা -------------------
-- advocate: add+ur VOICE
--------------------- The doctor advocated a smoking ban in the entire house
19. Aesthetic-------------------concerning art or beauty-------------- ফেৌন্দযসবাধ্
ব েংক্রান্ত ,
নান্দতনক --------------------- aes + thetic opposite of "pathetic"..means beauty
----------------------- There are practical as well as aesthetic reasons for planting trees
20. Affable----------------friendly; social; easygoing----------------- ভদ্র , অমাতয়ক --------------
affection+able=affection to others
------------------------- He's an affable guy, with a wide mouth and an ironic smile.
21. Alacrity-----------------eagerness; enthusiasm; quickness----------------- উত্োহপূণ ,ব োনন্দ
,আগ্রহ ---------------------- take the suffix crity we can link it with creativity.creative
people are so eager to learn n create things differently.
-------------------------- he accepted with alacrity

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22. Alchemy------------------medieval chemistry; attempt to change base metal into gold-------
------ মধ্যযুগীয় রোয়নশাস্ত্র, অপকৃষ্ট ধ্াতু সক তকভাসব ফোনায় পতরণত করা যায়-------------
------- alchemy ~ ALL + CHEMIcal :related to chemistry
---------------------- He also has scores of old books, many on chemistry and alchemy .
23. Alibi-------------------- an excuse that shows someone was not at a crime scene---------
অপরাধ্মূলক ঘটনার েময় অতভযুক্ত বযক্তক্ত ঘটনাস্থসল উপতস্থত তিল না এই মসম বআক্তজ ব
তনসবদন-------- Sounds like "are bhai" if pronounced by a child; Imagine a kid giving self-
justification for something he broke or is accused of, and he says : Ali (are) + bi (Bhai)
suno to, maine ye nai kia hai..
--------------------- Investigators have said they aren't satisfied with his alibi .
24. Allay------------------------------ to lessen------------------ প্রশতমত করা, হ্রাে করা -----------------
allay allay allay rote nhi chup ho jaao
------------------- This does not lessen anybody's grief, but it should allay some fears.
25. Alleviate---------------make less severe-------------- উপশম বা প্রশতমত বা হ্রাে করা--
--------- ALL (all)+ EVI (evil)+ ATE (has been eaten up) so hence you are relieved of
the pain and you feel relief
--------------- Exercise can alleviate mild depression, but exactly how it does so is unclear.
26. Aloof-------------------distant; detached; cold--------------- দূর দূর , উদােীন -----------------
-- Aloof (ALOne in the rOOF), when some is alone in the roof, he is at distance from
other members of house.
-------------- The idea of going to a place and staying aloof of the people is a mistake
27. Altruism---------------------putting others first; being self-sacrificing------------পরাথপরতা
ব -
-------------- ALL+TRUE....when a person is true for all,he is selfless i.e unselfish...
------------- This is altruism towards strangers, for example, charity.
28. Amass -------------------accumulate-------------- জসড়া করা -------------- amass ~ add
masses and hence to collect things.
--------- Social media is an opportunity to amass trust in business sustainability programs.
29. Ambiguity----------------uncertainty; vagueness------------দ্ব্যথবযঞ্জক
ব ফকাসনা তকিু
------------- The actual paper presumably would clear up this ambiguity .
30. Ambiguous----------------unclear in meaning; can be interpreted in different ways----------
------ দুসবাধ্য
ব , অস্পষ্ট , দ্ব্যথসবাধ্ক----
ব ambi means two/both..guous sounds like
guess..both are wild guess so its doubtful
------------- Many of its details are ambiguous , leaving much scope for bickering(to argue
about things that are not important) when it is implemented.

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31. Ambivalence---------------lack of clarity; wavering; being undecided------------ ফদাটানায়
পসড়সি এমন , তদ্ব্মুখী ------------- matches with "ambulance" . In case of severe
emergency, inside an ambulance, you have mixed emotions.. bachega ya nahi!
------------------- In private conversations, there is ambivalence and uncertainty.
32. Ambulatory--------------able to walk around (used of hospital patients)--------হাাঁটসত
পারা----after getting in ambulance we go to hospital get treatment and are finaly able to
-------- Doubled the number of clinics in the ambulatory system.
33. Ameliorate-------make better------ উন্নতত করা---- Ameli (Imli) improves the taste of
----- I'm very glad to see someone working to help ameliorate that situation.
34. Amelioration------------------improvement----------উন্নতত-----amelio+ration(ration is given
for poor people for betterment of their lives)
35. Amiable-------friendly-------- অমাতয়ক, বন্ধুভাবাপন্ন------- am + I + able or lovable
----------- When smiling, all of us look more approachable and amiable .
36. Amity--------------friendship-------- বন্ধুত্ব,মমত্রী--------- ami means friend in
usually words which involve ami=friend. ex: amiable, amicable, amity etc
----------- A Day for Peace and Amity
37. Amorphous---------lacking in shape-------- তনতদবষ্ট আকারহীন-------- In Greek 'morphe'
means shape/form. So, amorphous(a + morph + ous) means 'without shape/shapeless'.
Similarly 'morphing' means shaping(the original). 'Metamorphosis' = Change in
-------------- This is because “living standard” is a highly amorphous concept.
38. Analgesic-----medicine to combat pain-------ফবদনানুভূততনাশক----- anal(anus) +
ges(gas).. when gas is released from anal we feel it is something which gives
-----------He died of pain, he waited for analgesic and got none till he died
39. Analogous--------comparable----তু লনীয়,অনুরূপ------ remember analogous from analogy
-------- The therapy is analogous to an ice pack for the spine.
40. Anarchy--------------------chaos; lack of government--------- অরাজকতা , তবশৃঙ্খলা
41. Anecdote--------------a brief amusing story-------মজার গল্প
----------- All that I can share is a personal anecdote .
42. Animosity------------hatred; antagonism--------তবসদ্ব্ষ , শত্ুতা-------- pronounce
animosity like 'Enemy'sity. so if someone is having enemysity he will have ill will

------------- In the past, I felt some animosity, like they wanted to kill me.

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43. Annex (n)--------an addition that extends a main building-----ফযাগ করা-------- Annexure
in any application form refers to some additional sheets attached with it
44. Annex (v)----take possession of; seize; capture---অতধ্কার করা--
---------- International law decrees that no nation can annex the moon for itself.
45. Anomaly---------------something which does not fit in a pattern; irregularity---------
অস্বাভাতবক বা অেংগততপূণ ব বা তনয়বতহবভূত ফকাসনা তকিু----- Anomaly sounds like
abnormally.. that is one who deviates from the normal order.
--------- If it happens once, it's an anomaly .
46. Antagonism------hostility; strong opposition------- তবসরাধ্, প্রততদ্ব্ক্তিতা-------- anta (anti,
against) + go + nism; Going against someone is being hostile or opposing to someone.
--------- People respond to antagonism in very predictable ways.
47. Antagonistic-----------opposed; hostile; aggressive--------- দ্ব্িমূলক
48. Antediluvian-----------outdated; prehistoric; very old-fashioned---------- মান্ধাতার
আমসলর------------ Antediluvian = Aunty+de+luv..; Usually, Loving and Caring Aunties are
OLD... very Old.. and hence the meaning..
----------- It is amazing, really, that something so antediluvian and unlike us is still here.
49. Anthology----------a book which is a collection of poems or stories---------
োতহতযেংকলন , রচনােংগ্রহ---------- like ants groups, groups or collections of literacy
sections as logy relates to literate sections
------ This new anthology includes two novels and one story collection.
50. Anthropocentrism---------putting man at the center of one's philosophy, an inclination
to evaluate reality exclusively in terms of human values
51. Antiquated---------outdated; old fashioned--------- ফেসকল , অপ্রচতলত------ read as
antique(old item)+dated(outdated)..hence outdated
------- No idea is so antiquated that it was not once modern.
52. Apathetic--------indifferent; uninterested; lethargic------উদাতেন------ apathetic: A Past
Ethic(a moral principle)which are uninterested to today's generations
---------- At least they're engaged and not apathetic
53. Apathy---------lack of interest or emotion----------উদােীনতা-------- consider
pathy==sympathy, there are two words. 1. antipathy = dislike 2. apathy = disinterested
Since "anti" is stronger than "a".. disliking is 1 step above disinterested..
--------- Try not to allow their apathy to affect your enthusiasm.
54. Apocryphal--------of doubtful origin----------েসন্দহজনক------ Derived from root "crypt"
which means "secret". So, Apocryphal means "of doubtful authenticity"
The story is probably apocryphal , but the child's response was
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55. Appease-----pacify; soothe; calm down; make peace with-----খুতশ করা, শান্ত করা-----
appease…app(appeal)+pease(peace) appeal for peace..…
------------Quick let's say something to appease the masses.
56. Apprehensive-------worried; fearful------- উতদ্ব্গ------ apprehend means arrested, and
arrested person is always in fear about future
------------- We were curious, and a bit apprehensive
57. Arable---------can be cultivated------ আবাদী----- associate the word with ARAB.The
desert is totally unfit for what they want most is land for agriculture
---------- Save the arable land for food.
58. Arbitrary----random; for no definite reason----যুক্তক্ত বা তনয়মবতহবভূত, ফস্বচ্ছাচারী----
'a+bit+tray' flowing of bits in a tray... randomly
---------- Possibly the most arbitrary and useless graph ever made.
59. Arcane -------obscure; known only to a few people------ফগাপনীয়,রহেযময়------- Ar +
Kane(undertakes brother) - Kane's face always remains secret, as he uses a mask.
------------ Stay tuned for a very arcane discussion of Latin grammar.
60. Archaic---------ancient; outdated; old fashioned------আতদম,অপ্রচতলত----- Archealogy -
study of old things.. Archaic - The old things on which we study..
---------- The archaic primates were very successful.
61. Archetype--------classic example of, something that serves as a model -----আতদরূপ,ফমৌল
আদশ---- ব arch(means old) something of old type orof primitive pattern
-------- The literary archetype is easy to identify here.
62. Archives----------collections of old records; place of storage of old documents
63. Articulate----------clear; lucid; eloquent---------- স্পষ্ট------ ariculate sounds like 'article +
ate'. An article in a magazine or newspaper must be 'clear and fluent in what they say'
---------- I'm struggling to articulate my thoughts as well.
64. Artifice----------deception; trickery----------- কারচুতপ -------- ARTIFICE: sounds like
artificial fish which is nothing but a trick.
------- We should remember that all drama is artifice .
65. Artisan-----------craftsman------- Arti(artist)+ san (son): Son of artist is manually skilled
worker or craftsman. ------------------The artisan starts
with a detailed sketch, which then functions as a kind of jigsaw puzzle.
66. Ascetic ------without luxuries; severely simple--------ফযাগী,তপস্বী
---------- His policies had failed, but people admired his sincerity and his ascetic life.
67. Assiduous--------- diligent--------পতরশ্রমী-------- Ass is donkey and donkey is hardworking.
----------- The author is reliable, knowledgeable and assiduous
68. Assuage----to calm---উপশম করা,প্রশতমত করা--- ass-usage in the toilet gives huge
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------------- That fact does nothing to assuage grief or diminish the crime.
69. Astute ---perceptive; sharp-witted--চতু র , তবচক্ষণ---A(MEANS
NOT)+STU(STUPID)..well think of someone who is NOT STUPID,MEANS he is very WISE
-------- She is cultured, emotionally astute and erudite(পাক্তিতাপূণ)ব
70. Asylum----place of refuge or safety----আশ্রয়, অনাথাশ্রম----- asylum sounds like
slum...people living in slums need place for shelter,refuge, or protection during rain
----- It was a lunatic asylum(মানতেক হােপাতাল)
71. Atheist---------person who does not believe in God------- নাক্তিক
72. Atrophy------waste away from lack of use----অবনতত , অবক্ষয়---- One who works
hard all the time can win a trophy but one who WASTES time n doesn't work hard
can’t(A) win the TROPHY
---------- The study found more physically fit people had less brain atrophy.
73. Attenuate---------weaken--- ঘনত্ব হ্রাে করা, কমাসনা------ If tenu(=you) eat(ate)
less you will attenuate
------------- But we are fighting to eliminate, or at least attenuate, many of them.
74. Augment-----------increase; make bigger---- বতধ্তব করা,বাড়াসনা------- you can
remember it as opposite of segment...... segment means to make less.... augment to add
--------- Seems like you'd want the positive to augment the negative.
75. Auspicious---------favorable; promising to turn out well-------অনুকূল-----sounds like
suspicious anything suspicious is not favorable, so a(not ) suspicious means FAVORABLE,
---------- The year got off to an auspicious start.
76. Austere-------severely plain-------কস ার,কস ার আত্মেংযমী------
----------Beyond that, he's not planning on any big changes in his austere lifestyle.
77. Aversion----------a dislike of------ অপিন্দ----- u hate a+version of vista..firm dislike
---------- He endured an aversion to flying to travel to Washington.
78. Abate-------reduce in intensity------কমাসনা , প্রশতমত করা---- rebate means
discount... i.e reducing the price.. abate and rebate are rhyming words
------------ If the music industry drops their prices, pirates will abate.
79. Augury-----prediction, looking for omens [auger (v)]----ভতবষযদ্ব্াণী করা------
Augury.... Augur..... Sounds like Eager. We are always eager to know whats written in
our future...
----------- His shrewd augury, however, was not fulfilled.
80. Ambidextrous ---------able to use both left and right hands equally well----েবযোচী----
------ 'Ambi' means 'both' (am + bi - two); Dexter means skillful.

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------------ His style is ambidextrous and probably unique.
81. Accretion-------accumulation of matter; growth produced by adding from the outside-----
--- পতরবৃক্তি, বাতহর হইসত যুক্ত হসয় বৃক্তি--------accretion ~ add + creation , this
addition to creation leads to growth
--------Learning, the accretion of new data in memory, depends on short-term memory.
82. Anachronistic------occurring in the wrong time period [anachronism(n)]---কাল মবষময
---------- Yet such a concentration of power is an anachronistic mistake.
83. Anodized------electroplated; coated with thin layer of metal
84. Aphoristic-------expressed tersely(েংক্ষীপ্ত করা) [aphorism (n) = short
85. Amalgamate------join; consolidate [amalgamation (n)]------েংযুক্ত করা েক্তম্মতলত
করা--- amalga+mate ,mate means combine........
---------- The two companies did not amalgamate before June 28, 1926.
86. Avaricious-------------greedy for money--------- অততশয় ফলাভী------ comes from
avarice=a+var(war)::in a war evry1 becomes greedy
----------- He is ambitious and avaricious .
87. Abysmal ------very deep; very bad----অতলস্পশী,অগাধ্----a+bys(take dis as 20 i.e.bees
in hindi)+mal(take it as mile) a 20 mile deep pit in the ground looks like its
------------- The acting was serviceable, but the writing was abysmal.
88. Approbation---------approval [opp. disapprobation]--------অনুসমাদন----
Ap+PROBATION: You get CONFIRMATION/APPROVAL in your job after your Probation
---------- For that message, he deserves our approbation.
89. Arboreal---------------living in trees; concerned with trees------- বৃক্ষ েম্পতকবত-----
arboreal:arrow+bow+real..made out of tree's
-- It arrived in the fall and stayed until early spring as it was a northern arboreal species.
90. Artless ----------without effort; without trickery; simple----- ফকৌশলহীন--- without the
art of deception
------ His pictures can seem at a superficial glance mundane(জাগততক), even artless .
91. Atonement------making amends for sin or crime [atone (v)]------প্রায়ক্তিত্ত-----Atonement
..sounds like amendment.. To make ammends (correct) for something wrong
---------- The depth of its atonement, however, is a matter of debate.
92. Abscission------------cutting; process causing leaves to fall off---------- ab + scission =
scissor separates two things by cutting them ,so separation
93. Asperity-------using harsh or critical tone----ককবশ, বযাবহাসরর রূক্ষতা----- Asperity can
be thought of as A spear with severity. i.e Sharpness
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--------------- To criticism he could respond with asperity or angry chilliness.
94. Acolyte --------disciple; follower or attendant------- অনুচর----- aap ko light(acolyte)
rakhne wala (one who helps u in every way and does lot of your work)
------------- He had served as an acolyte and dreamed of becoming a teacher or lawyer.
95. Alleviated--------made less severe [alleviation (n); alleviate (v)]----- প্রশতমত করা
----------- Symptoms can be alleviated and thus make for better quality of life.
96. Apostrophe ----------------1. punctuation mark; 2. appeal to someone not present (a
figure of speech)
97. Apprehension --------------slight fear; sense of something unfavorable------ েংশয় ,
উসদ্ব্গ---- After that, I worked in a state of constant apprehension .
98. Armada----------fleet of ships------ফনৌবহর--------- do u know narmada river ? fleets
of warship in narmada ~ armada
99. Aberration ---------deviation from the normal------- তবপথগাতমতা,তবচুযতত---- sounds
like abortion which is not normal delivery
------------- For her, such a low grade on an exam was an aberration.
100. Analogue-----------1. something similar; 2. output proportional to input
(engineering)-------- েদৃশ বা অনুরূপ ফকাসনা বস্তু, শব্দ ইতযাতদ------ all
anna(south indians) log are similar...
-------- This is the real analogue deal, not a low bitrate digital copy.

1. Arbitrator--------mediator; person appointed to judge a dispute [arbitrate (v)]----

তবচারক,মধ্যস্থতাকাতর--------a + bit+ rate who JUDGES the BIT RATE for data transfer
--------Usually, the arbitrator chooses a position in between.
2. Atavism ----------reappearance of ancestral traits; regression[atavistic (a)]-----বহু প্রজম্ম
ধ্সর পতরলতক্ষত হয়তন, ফকান বযক্তক্তসত এমন চাতরক্তত্রক মবতশষ্টয বা ফদাষগুসনর
পুনরভাব, পূবগানু ব কৃতত -------- by ATAVISM you should remember AVATAR, i.e. you are
an avatar(incarnation) of one of your ancestors...
-------- Isn't drunken atavism a working man's game?
3. Abrasion -------1. damage to skin caused by scraping; 2. process of scraping or rubbing
[abrade (v)]------- ঘষণজতনত
ব ক্ষয় ---------------- All partners of academic leaders
experience that sort of abrasion in one form or another.
4. Adumbrate ---------outline; indicate------পূবাভাে
ব ফদওয়া,অস্পষ্টভাসব ইতিত ফদওয়া----
A dumb brat can't give the details - just a sketchy outline.
------ Adumbrated the principle that which no one owns, no one will care for.
5. Abut -------to adjoin-----প্রাসন্ত থাকা,েীমানার েসি েংলগ্ন-------- A+But : 'But' is used to
(ad)join two sentence as in example : He is good guy, but not a good student.

9 By Saifur Rahman

--------This piece of land abuts on a street
6. Arduous ------hard----- কষ্টকর,দুুঃোধ্য------ arduous = read it as: "hard to do for us"
--------- Studying proteins has long been a slow, arduous process.
7. Antipathy--------- hatred------ অনােক্তক্ত,তবতৃষ্ণা------- antipathy-- anti + path.. not on the
same path due to a feeling of intense dislike.
-------- More antipathy towards the West will ease the path of extremists
8. Aver-----affirm----- তনক্তিতভাসব বলা---- A VERy confident statement!
--------Many scientists aver to the contrary but science is not decided by consensus.
9. Abeyance----state of inactivity; disuse----মুলততব অবিা, োমতয়ক অেক্তক্রয়তা--
Interpret it as opposite of obey+ance -- not obeying the given orders and suspend the
-------- Once war broke out, the system went into abeyance
10. Allure------1. attraction (n); 2. to attract (v)------- আকষণব করা----- allure = Al(l) L(ove) u
re(like in hindi).. bcoz u are attractive or enticing ..
----- The hardware has allure, but most users are attracted to the community.
11. Assay--------1. try; 2. assess purity-------ফচষ্টা করা, তবশুিতা যাচাই করা----- "ASSAY THE
ESSAY" means evaluate the essay
--------- Didn't assay anything about teachers to my recollection.
12. Arson-------deliberate, criminal starting of fires------ ইচ্ছাকৃত ও অববধ্ভাসব ফকাসনা
তকিুসত অতগ্নেংসযাসগর দুষ্কম।-----
ব ars(ass)+ on FIRE!!!!
------ Cooking, smoking, appliances and arson top the list of causes.
13. Abraded------worn away; eroded [abrade (v); abrasion (n)]------- ঘষা, ঘতষতব
-------- Most are very heavily worn and extensively abraded.
14. Apposite------fitting; suitable------ উপযুক্ত , যথাসযাগয------ appropriate site
---------- Revolutionary is an abused word in biotech, but here it is entirely apposite.
15. Agog-------amazed; wide-eyed with enthusiasm------ আকুল,বযগ্র,অতস্থর----- agog ~ a
goggle(sunglass) : Just imagine someone who got a new goggle as gift from someone on
his birthday and is very excited to wear it while riding bike.
------- They were agog at the possibilities suggested by the new technology.
16. Amortize-------pay off a debt in installments-----তনতদবষ্ট পতরমাণ অথেঞ্চসয়র
ব মাধ্যসম
ঋণ পতরসশাধ্ করা--- amortize = am + or (again more) + t (short) + ize (size); I am again
becomes short size i.e. decreasing gradually.
------ That's because they amortize the cost over the multiple years they are used
17. Arresting (a)-----attracting attention; striking----- মসনাসযাগ আকষণকারী-------
ব when
someone gets ARRESTed, he is all over the news paper and hets ATTRACTING
------ The portraits, all told, have an arresting intimacy (ঘতনষ্ঠতা)
10 By Saifur Rahman
18. Aisle ---corridor; passageway (esp. between rows of seats)-----আেনসশ্রণীর মধ্যবতী
--------Several people wondered why I didn't have my brother walk me down the aisle.
19. Bigot------narrow-minded, prejudiced person, (noun) a prejudiced person who is
intolerant of any opinions differing from his own -------ধ্মান্ধ
ব ফলাক --------- bi means two
or second. one is intolerable if he GOT second thought or opinion from others
-------Stop being a political bigot and putting words in our mouths.
20. Bilk----------cheat; defraud------ প্রতারণা করা-------Bilk rhymes with milk and the milkman
"cheats" you by adding water.
---------- Computer, phone scams bilk millions out of victims.
21. Billowing----swelling; fluttering; waving---------েুতলয়া উ া, মহাতরি , েমুদ্র-------- billow
sounds like pillow.. pillows r usually swelled up
----------- Then someone spotted smoke billowing from a third-floor window.
22. Blasphemy -----speech which offends religious sentiments------- ঈশ্বর েম্পসকব
অশ্রিার েসি কথা বলা , গালমন্দ করা-------- blasphemy >> bless+famous...Famous
people are so proud of their success that they often disrespect God- they are never to
be Blessed !
------------------- Take your lies and blasphemy elsewhere.
23. Blatant---------obvious , brazenly obvious--------------- স্পষ্টত -------- Bla( Blah Blah Blah) +
Tent..... so extreme noise in a tent.....
----------- He expects the number of examples of such blatant criminality to be small.
24. Blighted-----damaged; destroyed; ruined-----ক্ষতত, ধ্বংে---------blight (bina light) - if u
read it will DESTROY ur eye sight
------------------- Such miseries blighted the lives of many who got there.
25. Blithe------free-spirited; carefree-----উদােীন, প্রেুল্ল------ Blithe== Be-light-
Hearted. means care free
----- My mom and uncle seemed relatively blithe about the matter.
26. Blunderbuss-----------1. ancient weapon (type of gun); 2. a clumsy(তবশ্রী,অসশাভন)
person-------- This also means a clumsy person. Blunder+Buss-> one who makes a
blunder, tend to act clumsy
-------- It is the kind of greeting that makes you consider reaching for your blunderbuss .
27. Bolster-------support; prop up----েমথন,লম্বা
ব বাতলশ---- RELATE TO BOLT>> USED TO
--------------This new study seems to bolster that view.
28. Bombast----arrogant, pompous language-----আড়ম্বরপূণ ব ভাষা-----sounds like bomb
11 By Saifur Rahman
------- Along with the bombast was some truly original and prescient thinking.
29. Boorish-------ill-mannered------অেভয ফলাক----- BOOR , BOORISH; mean the same,
remember the root word, BOOR---rude,ill-mannered
-------- Boorish behavior has become a point of pride for some.
30. Bourgeois-------middle class------মধ্যতবত্ত ফশ্রণীর ফলাক---- “high class” family chicks are
“gorgeous”, but “middle class” ones are a little bore... They are nothing but “bourgeois
31. Braggart-----------someone who boasts--- দাতিক ফলাক------ braggart sounds like dragg
art.. the art of dragging oneself too much(boasting)!!!
------- Not to be a braggart, but the captains mentioned me frequently in their journals.
32. Brawny--------muscular-----ফপশীবহুল----- try to relate it to the cartoon network's
character JOHNY BRAVO, who was rugged n muscular in appearance
-------- But no matter how brawny individual computers become, they will never be as
powerful individually as collectively.
33. Brevity -----being brief------ েংতক্ষপ্ততা, ক্ষতণকতা---- brief + tea session, tea time is
------- People now are willing to discuss eternity and the brevity of life.
34. Bristle --to show irritation--ফক্রাধ্ প্রকাশ করা--One use his 'Pistol' to express his
------ Some scientists might bristle at that business model.
35. Broach --------start to discuss; approach-----ফকাসনা তবষসয় আসলাচনা শুু করা----
When a Boy appROACH a girl for the first time,he needs to BROACH.
---------It was a legitimate subject to broach .
36. Brusque--------blunt; abrupt---- রূঢ়---- brush kyun??? I dont want to brush and kiss
you directly!!!
---------His manner was brusque and sometimes overbearing(কতৃত্ব
ব প্রয়ােী,উিত)
37. Bulwark--------fortification; barricade; wall-----রক্ষাপ্রাচীর---- BULL + WORK--BULLs were
carrying bricks for the WORK of a wall construction.
---------- Most important, the rainforest is also a bulwark against global warming.
38. Bureaucracy-------officialdom--- আমলাতন্ত্র---- bureau(noun........means..a source
which provide information..may be an office or an
organization.)+cracy(means...goverment or the rule....) goverment run by
officials......or officials doing the kind of work that either a rular or a g
----------- He says that ideology and bureaucracy are to blame.
39. Burgeon--------grow; flourish; put forth new shoots----- তবকতশত হওয়া--- burgeon ~
burger; If you eat a lot of burgers, you will gain weight (hence grow)
----------- Expect the black market to burgeon again.
40. Burnish---------polish----- পাতলশ করা
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41. Buttress ------strengthen; support-----ফদয়াসলর ফ কনা,শক্তক্তশালী করা ------
buttress=butt rest...butt gives u support so u tk rest on ur butt generally while sleeping
or sitting
----------- They buttress each other and serve to reinforce each other.
42. Byline ---------the line that tells you who wrote an article
43. Balk-----------hinder and prevent; hesitate over----- বাধ্া--- balk sounds like a dog's
bark; if you see a dog barking, you refuse to go ahead. hence, dog acts as obstacle
(hindrance) in your walk.
-------- Poor nations balk at trade proposals.
44. Banal------common; dull ----- গতানুগততক--- 'ban + al' --> 'ban all' those directors
whose movies are 'banal' (the same old story lines are repeated;
---------- The writing was banal but the story was good.
45. Banality---------ordinariness; dullness
46. Bane---------troublesome influence----- ধ্বংসের কারণ -------- ban+e -- Things which are
harmful or poisonous (can make your life misery) are always banned by government.
------------- Traffic jams are the bane of any commuter.
47. Bard--------poet-----কতব----bard sounds like beard!! so poets will b having beard
------------ William Shakespeare is sometimes referred to as the Bard of Avon.
48. Bastion -----fortress; stronghold---- ঘাাঁটট--- In a war the base station has the
strongest protection.
------------ Hollywood has long been considered a bastion of liberal activism.

49. Befuddle-------confuse-----তকংকতববযতবমূর হওয়া ------befuddle sounds like being in the

flood of river, at that time one gets confused where to go.
-------- It's an art that can befuddle even technically adept people.
50. Begrudge--------resent-----ফকাসনা বযাপাসর অেন্তুষ্ট হওয়া----- be + grudge when u
have grudge(অেসন্তাষ) on somebody u always wish ill for him
51. Beguile ---------mislead; lure-----প্রতাতরত করা , তচত্ততবসনাদন করা-------
BE+GUILE....guile means guile means to cheat or deceive....
--------- She'd used her daughter's identity to beguile the two men.
52. Belabor ---------explain in unnecessary detail------তনন্দা করা ----- Imagine boss
saying "you be labor" : he is criticizing, verbally attacking
---------- There is no need to belabor the wobbly nature of this third term.
53. Beleaguer--------besiege; attack-------অবসরাধ্ করা--- not able to withstand the
HARASSMENT of the senior players the new player opted to BE out of the LEAGUE
------------ Once beleaguered and defeated, they now glow with life and hope and humor.
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54. Belie-------contradict------অেতয ধ্ারণা ফদওয়া-------belie ~ lie means something false.
---------- The facts belie that notion.
55. Belittle---------to demean----- তু চ্ছজ্ঞান করা----- be+little-->if u tell someone to 'be
little',it is like deprecating them to be only 'small'
--------- Don't belittle others when you're not so sharp yourself.
56. Bellicose---------war-like; aggressive-------যুিতপ্রয়,তববাদতপ্রয়------- Belli ~ Billi (cat); two
Billi (cats) very close about to attack : billi-close::bellicose
------------ The current dispute has excited bellicose passions.
57. Belligerent---------aggressive; ready to fight------ যুিভাবাপন্ন----- belli (TOM) and
gerry always quarrel in TOM and GERRY cartoon
-------- Now you're just getting belligerent because people don't agree with you.
58. Bemoan---------complain about------ ফশাক করা-----bemoan... look at moan..means
crying,..when does one cry when they loose something..when one looses something
they express disapproval…..
------------ Yes, we can bemoan the losses and cry and shake our heads
59. Benevolent----------kindly----দয়ালু-------- bene(root bene means
good)+volent(voluntarily) good person voluntarily donating his all GOODS to people.
---------- He's a very benevolent person.
60. Benign-------------kindly; harmless-------অমাতয়ক, েদয়------ Benign sounds like B9 ~
BNice .. Therefore kind
----------- Some of them are benign, and some of them are malignant.
61. Benignity---compassion; gentleness; fondness---েহৃদয়তা--- Break the word as
---------- That allows us to imagine that the world goes round in ways that accord with
our sense of the benignity of all things.
62. Bequeath-----------leave something in one's will to be given after one's death-----
েম্পতত্ত উইল কসর কাউসক দান করা-------'be + qu + eath' before quick death, 'leave
ur property to someone by a will'
----------Embrace and learn and bequeath something of value to future generations.
63. Berate -----------scold; criticize----তীব্র ভর্বেনা করা-----be+rate ~ he was RATEd
BElow expectations and hence forth scolded.
---------There is no need to kick or berate others for their abilities or lack thereof.
64. Beret-----------type of cap------ এক ধ্রসনর চযাপটা ফগাল টুতপ
--------------So if you're thinking about a hat for fall, consider the beret .
65. Bestial--------behaving like a beast; brutal---- পশুতু লয , অশালীন---- bestial ->
beastial means beast like
---------- They also tear across the stage with bestial ferocity.
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66. Blandishment------words used to coax or flatter [blandish (v)] -------- ফতাষাসমাদ----
BLAN (like PLAN) + DISH (food) = PLAN a DISH to FLATTER somebody...
------------- They are listening to the blandishment of snake-oil salesmen.
67. Boor--------ill-mannered person [boorish (a)]-----ববরব বা অেভয ফলাক------ boora in
hindi resembles something bad. boore log, boora kaam...
---------- Maybe he'd best use an alias, lest he come across as a total boor.
68. Boycott----------refuse to have dealings with-----বজবন করা------- BOY CAUGHT taking
drugs so he decided not to take them or use them forever
---------- They are mad about the delay so they are going to boycott the film.
69. Baleful ----------evil----- অতনষ্টকর----- Baleful ~ bail+ful; when any dangerous convict
gets out of jail taking bail, he could be threatening
---------- The expression in his eyes was baleful , aloof, and slightly suspicious.
70. Bent(n)---------- inclination; aptitude------ প্রবণতা----- bent~sounds like "bend it like
beckham" a movie where a girl is determined to prove her natural talent of football
--------- They seem bent on getting their undergraduate years over as soon as possible.
71. Blowhard------------boastful person----- blow + hard -- imagine someone who blows
words in a way as if he is blowing air -- too many words, hence talkative
-----He's a blowhard whose only talent is attracting a rabid audience of complete idiots.
72. Burlesque-----------1. comic play; 2. Lampoon------ বযিাত্মক অনুকরণ,প্রহেন--- if
you want to ridicule Barclays premier league than you can write Burlesque premier
------The humorous situations are mostly burlesque, and it includes satire(বযািকাবয)
73. Brook-----------1. small stream; 2. Tolerate------ফিাসটা নদী,েহয করা--- In class if you
don't bring the BOOK teacher will not BROOK it.
----The situation is too pressing to brook delay, and immediate measures are necessary.
74. Barrage------- extended gunfire to cover an attack; dam across river; deluge or
information etc.------ বাাঁধ্---- BAR+AGE...when you go to a wine or beer bar at low
age, you will have to face a rapid succession of questions and criticism
------------ I'll certainly be prepared next year for the barrage of Santa questions.
75. Balm---- soothing ointment or anything soothing [balmy (a)]----ফবদনা উপশমকারী
--------- It's no secret that alcohol is often used as a balm for human frailty.

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