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Remote Sensing Platforms

Remote Sensing Platforms

By Alden P. Colvocoresses


United States Department of the Interior
ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary

Geological Survey
V. E. McKelvey, Director

Free on application to the U.S. Geological Survey, National Center, Reston, Va. 22092

Page Page
Airborne platforms -------------------------- 1 Airborne platforms-Continued
Balloons ------------------------------- 1 Aircraft-Continued
General considerations --------------- 1 Des.criptions of aircraft-OoJ].tinued
Free balloons ----------------------- 2 High altitude, service ceiling above
Payload-altitude capabilities ----- 2 15 km (49,000 ft)-Continued
Flight duration ----------------- 2 Lockheed SR71 (YF-12) ---- 16
2 Bell helicopter 47G-3B-1 -------- 16
Cost ---------------------------
Stability ----------------------- 2 Northrop Falconer drone -------- 16
Some meteorological considerations Goodyear blimps --------------- 17
for free ballo6n flights -------- 3 Schweizer sailplane SGS 2-32 ---- 17
Project Stratoscope ------------- 3 Spacecraft ---~----------------------------­ 18
Powered balloons ------------------- 4 General considerations ------------------ 18
Data transmission ------------------ 18
Tethered ballo~ns ------------------- 4
Descriptions and capabilities ____ _ Platform stability ------------------ 19
Descriptions of spacecraft --------------- 19
Winches ----------------------- 5
Experimental, unmanned, Earth view-
Tethers ------------------------ 5
ing ------------------------------ 19
Tethered balloons for archeological
Film return -------------------- 20
studies ----------------------- 6
Electronic data transmission, gen-
Tethered and free balloon
erally sun synchronous -------- 20
manufacturers ---------------- 6
Nimbus -------------------- 21
Aircraft ------------------------------- 7 21
TIROS ---------------------
General considerations -------------- 7 Earth Resources Technology
Platform stability ------------------ 8 Satellite (ERTS) -------- 22
Descriptions of aircraft ------------- 9 Electronic data transmission,
Low altitude, up to 9 km (29,500 geosynchronous --------------- 23
ft) service ceiling, propeller Application Technology
driven ----------------------- 9 Satellite (ATS) ---------- 23
Cessna 180 Skywagon ______ _ 9 Synchronous Meteorological
Beechcraft Bonanza --------- 9 Satellite ( SMS) ---------- 23
Cessna Super Skymaster ___ _ 9 Proposed high-resolution
Beechcraft Queen Air ______ _ 10 geosynchronous systems __ _ 23
Grumman Mohawk ---------- 10 Experimental, unmanned, extra-
Lockheed Y0-3A ----------- 10 terrestrial ------------------------ 24
Medium altitude, 9 to 15 km Ranger ------------------------ 25
(29,500-49,000 ft) service ceil- Lunar Orbiter ------------------ 25
ing, propeller or jet.----------- 11 Surveyor ----------------------- 26
Rockwell Standard Jet Com- Mariner (flyby) ---------------- 26
mander 1121 -------------- 11 Mariner 71 (Mars Orbiter) ------ 26
Gates Learjet --------------- 11 Mariner Venus/Mercury --------- 27
Fairchild Hiller Porter _____ _ 11 27
Viking -------------------------
Lockheed NP3A Orion ------ 12 Pioneer (Jupiter) --------------- 28
Douglas Skywarrior RA-3B __ 12 Experimental, manned space flight __ _ 28
Lockheed NC130B (RC130) __ 12 Mercury ----------------------- 29
Boeing Stratolifter (RC135A) 13 Gemini ____ - _________ - ____ ------ 29
E-Systems (formerly LTV) Apollo ------------------------- 29
L450F reconnaissance air- Lunar Rover Vehicle ------------ 30
craft --------------------- 13 Skylab ------------------------- 31
High altitude, service ceiling above Space Shuttle ------------------ 31
15 km (49,000 ft) ----------- 13 Operational-NOAA ----------------- 32
North American Rockwell X15- 13 ESSA-TOS -------------------- 32
General Dynamics/ Martin ITOS -------------------------- 32
RB57F (WB57F) --------- 15 ITOS-D ------------------------ 33
McDonnell Douglas RF-4C __ 15 GOES ------------------------- 33
Lockheed U-2 -------------- 15 Bibliography 33

FIGURE 1. Graph showing payload- altitude capabilities of polyethylene free
balloons ---------------------------------------------------- 38
2. Graph showing payload- altitude capabilities of scrim free balloons 39
3. Photograph of sunrise inflation of a 23,000-m3 polyethylene balloon_ 40
4. Photograph of a tandem balloon system being reeled up in prepara-
tion for launch --------------------------------------------- 40
5. Graph showing cost estimates for polyethylene and scrim free bal-
loons ------------------------------------------------------- 41
6. Map showing typical stratospheric wind fl~w at 37 km (120,000 ft)
during midsummer ------------------------------------------ 42
7. Map showing first approximation of areas in the northern hemi-
sphere where balloon hovering and boomerang drifts are feasible
during summer within the altitude range 14 km to 22 km ------ 42
8. Diagram of hovering balloon flight C70~18 --------------------- 43
9-12. Photographs:
9. Project Stratoscope II carrying a 3-ton optical telescope to
an altitude of 24,400 m (80,000 ft) ------------------ 44
10. The Stratoscope II telescope with guidance package and
high-resolution camera equipment --------------------- 44
11. A 710-m3 spherical tethered balloon being prepared for
launch at the White Sands Missile Range, N. Mex. ___ _ 45
12. Single-hull British A-shape kite balloon with a volume of
2,800 m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45
13. Graph showing payload versus altitude for British barrage balloons_ 46
14-24. Photographs:
14. Walking the balloon and aerial camera to the target area __ 47
15. The radio-controlled Hasselblad EL 500 camera hung in its
gimbal as seen from below --------------------------- 47
16. Cessna 180 Skywagon ---------------------------------- 48
17. Beechcraft Bonanza A36 ------------------------------- 48
18. Cessna 337 Turbo-System Super Skymaster -------------- 48
19. Beechcraft Queen Air B80 ----------------------------- 49
20. Grumman OV-1 Mohawk observation aircraft ------------ 49
21. Lockheed Y0-3A quiet reconnaissance aircraft __________ _ 50
22. Rockwell Standard Jet Commander 1121 ---------------- 51
23. Gates Learjet 24 -------------------------------------- 51
24. Fairchild Hiller Porter -------------------------------- 51
25. Diagram of NASA 927 Lockheed NP3A Orion flight con-
figuration ------------------------------------------- 52
26-28. Photographs:
26. Douglas Skywarrior RA-3B --------------------------- 52
27. Lockheed NC130B (RC130) Earth Resources Aircraft
(NASA 929) --------------------------------------- 53
28. Boeing RC135A --------------------------------------- 53
29. Diagram of isometric view of Boeing RC135A showing the USQ-28
aerial electrophotomapping system --------------------------- 53
30. Photograph of E-Systems L450F reconnaissance aircraft in piloted
configuration ----------------------------------------------- 54
31. Photograph of North American Rockwell X15 research aircraft __ _ 54
32. Diagram of General Dynamics/Martin RB57F ------------------ 54
33. Photograph of McDonnell Douglas (Phantom II) RF-4C ________ _ 55
34. Diagram of McDonnell Douglas (Phantom II) RF-4C flight con-
figuration -------------------------------------------------- 55
35. Photograph of Lockheed U-2 ---------------------------------- 56
36. Photograph of Lockheed SR71A strategic reconnaissance aircraft__ 56
37. Diagram of USDA Forest Service helicopter fire spotter, Bell 47G-
3B-1 ------------------------------------------------------- 57
38-41. Photographs:
38. Northrop Falconer surveillance drone ------------------- 57
39. Goodyear blimp Columbia ------------------------------ 58
40. Television camera mounted on blimp ;.l'Jayfiower --------- 58
41. Schweizer sailplane SGS 2-32 -------------------------- 59
42. Diagram of proposed film return Earth-sensing space vehicle
(USGS) --------------------------------------------------- 59
43. Photograph of aircraft recovering a capsule such as might contain
film from an Earth-sensing spacecraft ----------------------- 59
44. Diagram of Nimbus D satellite -------------------------------- 60
45. Diagram of TIROS M spacecraft ------------------------------ 60
46. Artist's conception of Earth Resources Technology Satellite
(ERTS) --------------------------------------------------- 61
47-49. Diagrams:
47. ERTS system ----------------------------------------- 61
48. ATS-B systems and interior experiments ---------------- 62
49. ATS-B exterior experiments --------------------------- 62
50. Artist's conception of ATS-F and ATS-G ---------------------- 62
51. Artist's conception of Synchronous Meteorological Satellite (SMS) 63
52. Diagram of a 6-satellite high-resolution geosynchronous Earth-
sensing system --------------------------------------------- 63
53. Photograph of Ranger lunar probe ----------------------------- 64
54. Artist's conception of Lunar Orbiter spacecraft ----------------- 64
55. Photograph of Lunar Orbiter E, showing camera lens ------------ 64
56. Diagram of Surveyor lunar lander ----------------------------- 65
57. Photograph of Mariner 4 spacecraft (flyby version) ------------ 65
58. Artist's conception of Mariner 9 spacecraft (Mars Orbiter) ______ 65
59. Diagram of Viking spacecraft --------------------------------- 66
60. Artist's conception of Pioneer spacecraft ----------------------- 67
61. Artist's conception of Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo spacecraft ____ 67
62. Photograph of Apollo service module, showing Scientific Instrument
Module (SIM) ---------------------------------------------- 68
63-66. Diagrams:
63. Sketch of instruments carried in Apollo SIM bay -------- 68
64. Sketch of Lunar Rover Vehicle, showing instruments ---- 68
65. Skylab-A --------------------------------------------- 69
66. Skylab-A, activation and operation-periods of occupancy__ 70
67. Artist's conception of Space Shuttle --------------------------- 71
68. Diagram of evolution of TIROS, TOS, ESSA satellites___________ 72
69. Photograph of TIROS Operational Satellites (TOS) ------------ 73
70. Photograph of interior of the Environmental Survey Satellite,
ESSA 3 ---------------------------------------------------- 73
71. Artist's conception of NOAA .Satellite ITOS -------------------- 74
72. Diagram of NOAA Satellite ITOS-D -------------------------- 75


AFCRL Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories MATS Military Air Transport Service
APT Automatic Picture Transmission ~bps Megabits per second
ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency MHz Megahertz
ATS Application Technology Satellite NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administra-
AVCS Advanced Vidicon Camera System tion
bps Bits per second NOAA National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
dm3 Cubic decimeter Administration
EREP Earth Resources Experiment Package Pulse Code Modulation
ERTS Earth Resources Technology Satellite
PM Phase Modulation
FAA Federal Aviation Agency
Focal length SAM OS Satellite and Missile Observation System
FM Frequency Modulation SEOS Synchronous Earth Observation Satellite
GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental SIM Scientific Instrument Module
Satellite SLAR Side-looking Airborne Radar
Hz Hertz SMS Synchronous Meteorological Satellite
inm International nautical mile SPM Solar Proton Monitor
ITOS Improved TIROS Operational System TIROS Television Infrared Observation Satellite
kbps Kilobits per second TOS TIROS Operational Satellite
kn Knot TV Television
LST Large Space Telescope VHF Very High Frequency
MAC Military Airlift Command VTPR Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer

Rem~ote Sensing Platforms

By Alden P. Colvocoresses

The author of this report is actually the consideration, but sensing of the other planets
author-editor with major contributions by and moons is also considered. Astronomy, ex-
others as follows : George Nolan of AFCRL cept to the extent indicated above, is not in-
(balloons), David Landen of USGS (aircraft), cluded nor is the measurement of the force
Stanley Addess of USGS (NASA spacecraft), fields such as gravity or magnetics.
and Arthur Schwalb and Lewis J. Allison of AIRBORNE PLATFORMS
NOAA (NOAA spacecraft).
This report was initiated by the American BALLOONS
Society of Photogrammetry as a chapter in the GENERAL CON SID ERA TIONS
forthcoming "Manual of Remote Sensing." A The objective of this section on free and
preliminary version titled "Platforms," dated tethered balloon platforms is to provide suffi-
January 1972, has already been given limited cient technical and descriptive information to
distribution for reviewing purposes. the experimenter so that he can judge whether
Typical vehicles which carry remote sensors a balloon is an appropriate platform for his
into the atmosphere or beyond into space are sensor. He can obtain an indepth understanding
described and illustrated, and their performance of balloon capabilities, limitations, and new
characteristics are listed. No attempt is made developments by referring to the literature in
to completely catalog or to cover the history of the bibliography and contacting the organiza-
remote-sensing vehicles. Airborne platforms tions involved in balloon activities.
and spacecraft in use or defined as of 1971-73 Although balloons were used as camera plat-
were selected from the vehicles which have forms during the Civil War, it was not until the
gained widest acceptance, demonstrated a late 1950's that a serious program was initiated
unique capability, or have been· defined for fu- to utilize balloons for a wide variety of remote-
ture remote-sensing missions. A wide variety of sensing experiments. By 1972, balloons had
nonorbiting rockets have carried cameras and risen to above 49 km (160,000 ft) and carried
other sensors into space, but since current a wide variety of sensors that looked at the
United States remote-sensing programs do not Earth's surface, the atmosphere, and celestial
include rockets, except for astronomic observa- bodies. Practically all remote-sensing balloon
tions, rockets are not included. However, as of flights are unmanned, but manned balloon
1972, British industry was building a variety of flights, particularly by astronomers, have also
rockets specifically designed as remote-sensing been successful (Stehling, 1971).
platforms. Except for a unique British kite bal- The balloon is a remote-sensing platform
loon, only American platforms are covered, and, which permits the experiment or operation to
therefore, this circular could be viewed as a define the shape, size, and performance required
contribution to any international effort to cover of the carrier; however, the use of balloons is
the subject. restricted by meteorological factors, especially
Remote sensing of the Earth is the prime by wind influences.


PAYLOAD-ALTITUDE CAP ABILITIES Zero-pressure balloons usually carry ballast,

which may be released either to increase the
The current range of altitude and associated ascent rate or to compensate for a descent
payload capabilities for free balloons are shown caused by thermal effects. The quantity of
in figures 1 and 2. In figure 1, each curve repre- ballast that can be carried determines the flight
sents a single, flight-proven balloon made from duration of a zero-pressure balloon. This weight
a superior quality, lightweight polyethylene factor is an important consideration in selecting
film. (Not all of the existing balloon designs are the proper balloon to meet special flight-profile
included on the charts.) Scrim balloons are requirements or to achieve a flight longer than
made from Mylar film laminated with a rein- 1 day.
forcing scrim, or mesh, of Dacron thread. The In contrast to the zero-pressure balloons,
high-strength scrim materials are used for superpressure balloons are completely sealed
carrying payloads much heavier than is possi- and require no ballast. They float at a constant-
ble with polyethylene balloons. Figure 2 indi- density altitude and are capable of flight dura-
cates the range of payload-altitude capabilities tions of many months. The superpressure
for designated volumes of scrim balloons. balloons, however, can carry payloads of less
Although it is convenient to designate the than 40 kg and are relatively expensive. There-
balloons shown by their volumes, it is important fore, their use is generally restricted to special
to note that each curve represents an individual applications that involve long duration flights
design and may be very different from the with lightweight sensors.
others in gore pattern, material thickness, type
and placement of reinforcements, and location
of ducts, valves, etc. Rough estimates of the costs of free balloon
In addition to the weight of the sensor, the platforms made of polyethylene or scrim ma-
payload includes the weight of parachute, in- terial may be made from figure 5. Costs for
strumentation for balloon command and con- items such as helium, operations, flight-control
trol, tracking beacons or radar reflectors, instrumentation, and travel are not included.
ballast and rigging, and other structures. For payloads greater than 1,000 kg, polyethy-
A gas valve located at the top of the balloon lene balloons are normally reinforced with load
is a highly desirable component of a balloon tapes and a cap on the top.
platform. It gives the operator the flexibility of
controlling ascent and descent rates to conform STABILITY

to a desired flight profile, or of changing alti- The inherent stability of the free-floating
tude to take advantage of more favorable wind balloon is one of its most attractive assets for
conditions. Furthermore, a valve provides an scientific applications. If reasonable care is
added means of bringing the balloon to Earth taken in mounting and packaging the instru-
after payload separation. ments, camera systems, spectrometers, mag-
Figure 3 shows the inflation of a 23,000-m 3 netometers, telescopes, and interferometers ·can
polyethylene balloon shortly after sunrise-the be flown without difficulty.
time of day when surface winds are normally The motion of the payload is dependent upon
most favorable for launches. the mechanical properties of the payload sus-
Operational requirements sometimes will pension system. As the partially inflated balloon
necessitate the use of a tandem balloon system ascends through the atmosphere, the loadline
as shown in figure 4. In this system all of the tends to wind and unwind in random fashion,
lifting gas is contained in the top or launch bal- causing the payload to rotate at rates that are
loon before release. As the system ascends, the usually much less than 2 r/min. At the same
expanding gas transfers into the main or bot- time, the payload may behave as a simple or
tom balloon. compound pendulum. Angular displacements

from the vertical of 2° or less are generally ob- Station-keeping and boomerang balloon flight
served. Mter the system has reached float profiles are also associated with the summertime
equilibrium, however, payload motions need not occurrence of the stratospheric easterlies. How-
be considered for most types of experiments. ever, to achieve these profiles a layer of wester-
Gradual changes in payload orientations do oc- lies (winds blowing from the west) must exist
cur. Torsional rotation rates- are generally a few below the stratospheric easterlies. In this situ-
revolutions per hour with a maximum rate of 12 ation there are opposite flows of air in adjacent
r/h having been observed. Displacements from layers of the atmosphere, providing the setting
the vertical due to pendulum motion have been for a balloon to drift back and forth across an
reported to be no greater than 0.5° or a hori- area of interest merely by changing altitude.
zontal displacement of the payload about Between these layers of easterlies and wester-
1.4 x 10- 3 times the length of the loadline. lies a minimum wind layer exists, which pro-
vides the opportunity to hover or station keep a
balloon over a relatively small area for an ex-
tended period. Figure 7 gives information on
The horizontal trajectory of a free balloon is locations in the Northern Hemisphere where
primarily determined by the winds it encoun- balloon station-keeping and boomerang profiles
ters while airborne. However, a considerable can be flown. Figure 8 shows the horizontal and
degree of trajectory control is possible by vertical trajectories of a station-keeping balloon
selecting periods of the year, as determined flight which remained over an area having a
from climatology, when repeatable wind pat- radius of approximately 75 km (40 internation-
terns exist and by controlling the balloon's alti- al nautical miles) for 72 hours.
tude using ballast drops and gas valving.
Three basic flight profiles may have applica- PROJECT STRATOSCOPE
tion to the use of balloons as platforms for re-
mote sensing of the Earth's surface: precision By the late 1950's, astronomic experimenters
ballooning, station-keeping, and boomerang. found that when only one or two functions in
Fundamental to these profiles is the occurrence the balloon were to be performed it was cheaper
during the summer of stratospheric easterlies, and more convenient to launch a variety of un-
that is, winds blowing from the east. This manned balloons rather than a more complex
phenomenon occurs annually and thus can be manned flight. Simple experiments could be sent
safely used for planning flight operations. A aloft unmanned, with radio signals used to point
typical example of the summertime strato- the equipment, control the flight, and record the
spheric easterlies is given in figure 6, which data.
shows streamline analysis of rocketsonde wind An unmanned project, Stratoscope, achieved
observations at the 5 mb surface (approximate- a series of outstanding successes. Stratoscope I,
ly 36.6 km or 120,000 ft) on July 22, 1964. The proposed by Martin Schwarzchild, an astrono-
lower boundary of these easterl~es is approxi- mer at Princeton University, and funded by the
mately 18.3 km (60,000 ft), and they extend up- Office of Naval Research was originally launched
ward with their strength increasing with alti- in 1957 and was quickly followed by several
tude and also toward lower latitudes at the same flights. The results included a series of very de-
altitude. Peak values occur during the latter tailed pictures of solar surface granulations. By
part of July with minimum values at the begin- 1963, a double-balloon system had taken a 3,150
ning and end of summer. kg (7,000 lb) payload to an altitude of about
The stratospheric easterlies have been used 24,400 m (80,000 ft). That year new infrared
for precision ballooning-operations in which a spectra were obtained of the Moon, Jupiter, and
balloon overflies a specific geographical location, seven stars.
such as an instrumented area on a test range. Stratoscope II was sponsored by the National
One might also envision the utilization of this Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Re-
wind phenomenon for cross-country traverses of search, and NASA. In 1970, this balloon lifted a
balloons carrying remote sensors. radio-controlled 92-cm (36-in.) diameter tele-

scope and brought back extremely high resolu- TETHERED BALLOONS
tion photographs of Jupiter, Uranus, two kinds The basic sources of the material that follows
of nebulas, and Seyfert galaxies whose bright are listed in the references. Particular attention
nuclei resemble quasars (figs. 9 and 10). is directed to the "Tethered Balloon Handbook"
The performance characteristics of Strato- prepared for the AFCRL by Myers (1968). This
scope II were as follows : work is an authoritative compilation of the his-
Ceiling: 24,400 m (80,000 ft). tory, development, applications, and listings of
Size : Length, 200 m ( 660 ft) ; volume, available modern equipment for tethered bal-
148,600 m 3 • loon activities. A paper by Young (1968) pre-
Payload: 3,150 kg (7,000 lb). sents an excellent overview of tethered balloon
Special equipment: A 64-channel radio tele- technology and. offers predictions for future
metry system provided a high degree of capabilities. A report by Battelle Columbus
remote control. A guidance system for Laboratories (1971) sponsored by ARPA pro-
the remotely controlled telescope made vides both a survey and technical assessment of
by RCA Laboratories, Princeton, N.J., tethered balloon systems.
provided a pointing accuracy of 0.02 sec- When considering the use of tethered bal-
ond of arc. A key element of Stratoscope loons, it is essential that the initial planning be
II was a precise optical system with a concerned with the atmosphere and the air space
180-kg (400-lb), 92-cm (36-in.) diame- in which the balloon will be flying. Are wind
ter primary mirror. The Stratoscope tele- conditions and other meteorological factors
scope was designed by Perkin-Elmer favorable, and are there air-safety constraints
Corp., Norwalk, Conn. It had a 5.5-m imposed on the location of the desired opera-
(18-ft) main tube assembly with a 3.3- tion? The restrictions imposed by meteorologi-
m (11-ft) side arm forming an L-shaped cal factors will depend in large part upon the
telescope. The side arm held the guidance type of tethered balloon system being consid-
equipment, the camera equipment, and ered. The use of air space must be coordinated
the high-resolution TV camera. A low- with the controlling agency. In the United
resolution TV camera was boresighted States this is either the FAA or the responsible
with the main telescope. After each agency in the case of use of a restricted air
flight, the system and the exposed film space. FAA regulations pertaining to tethered
were returned to Earth. balloons can be found in "Federal Aviation
Regulations," pt. 101, v. 6.
POWERED BALLOONS Although tethered balloons have been associ-
ated historically with wartime, serving as both
During 1972 the U.S. Air Force launched at a passive means of defense against aerial at-
least one powered balloon, Pobal, which has been tacks and as observation platforms for artillery
reported by "Aviation Week and Space Tech- spotters, present-day usage is much broader,
nology" (1973). The balloon of 20,200 m 3 encompassing a variety of scientific disciplines.
(710,000 ft 3 ) rose to a height of 18,300 m Tethered balloons are being used to carry aloft
(60,000 ft) and was powered by a battery- various types of sensors, meteorological measur-
driven slowly rotating propeller of 9 m (30 ft) ing equipment, communication relays, and
diameter. The experiment had a successful dura- antennas.
tion of 3 hours after which the rudder became
dislodged due to winds. A powered balloon as DESCRIPTIONS AND CAPABILITIES
compared with the passive type has the advan-
tage of being remotely controlled and, within Tethered balloon systems are usually custom
limitations, being guided along a path or hover- tailored for a particular operation. The three
ing over a given area. If successfully developed, main types of tethered balloons in use are the
this mode has considerable potential application sphere, the natural shape, and the single-hull
as a remote-sensing platform. aerodynamic or streamlined shapes in a variety

of finenes~ ratios and fin designs. The hull de- Vorachek, 1971 ; and Doyle and others, 1973)
sign chosen for a system depends on such re- and experimental (instrumented flights) are be-
quirements as downwind displacement, altitude, ing utilized to improve tethered balloons and
payload, windspeed, flight duration, and antici- also to provide accurate stability data for exist-
pated life. The sphere has been used since the ing systems. The recently developed ARPA
inception of tethered balloons and is far from Family 2 balloons, for example, fly in 140-km/h
obsolete. Although spheres are generally limited (75-kn) winds. Measurements directly applica-
to winds below. 55 km/h (30 kn), there are sev- ble to sensors have been obtained by cinetheo-
eral areas of the world where tethered systems dolite and telemetry at the U.S. Air Force
utilizing a spherical balloon could be used sever- tethered balloon facility in New Mexico. The
al months per year to fly at altitudes up to 3,000 data include position, velocity, accelerations,
m (10,000 ft) above sea level. The principal ad- and pitch and roll of the payload on a 2,800-m 3
vantage of the sphere is its relatively low ·cost (100,000-ft 3 ) A-shape (modified BJ barrage)
compared with the streamlined shapes. balloon with cable lengths up to 2,750 m (9,000
Figure 11 shows a 710-m 3 spherical balloon ft) in winds to 50 km/h (27 kn) . Similar data
readied for launch. This system employed three were obtained using an 800-m 3 (28,000-ft3 )
tether lines to assure control of the balloon in natural-shaped balloon on a tri-tether at alti-
maintaining its position over a relatively small tudes up to 610 m (2,000 ft) in winds to 25
area. This particular balloon has been used re- km/h (13 kn).
peatedly as a platform for a variety of experi-
ments. It has, among other combinations of pay-
load and altitude, the capability of carrying a Winches for tethered balloon operations are
200-kg (440-lb) payload to 1 km (3,300 ft) used to raise and lower balloons to the desired
with a maximum wind of 35 km/h (20 kn). altitude and to make the necessary operational
The natural shape, mainstay of free balloon- adjustments of the balloon altitude during flight
ing, also provides a suitable tethered balloon. Its operations. Relatively inexpensive hand-oper-
principal advantage is relatively low cost. How- ated winches, or even fishing reels, may be used
ever, its use is limited to winds of less than 30 for small, low-altitude balloons. Power-driven
km/h (15kn). winches come with a multitude of available fea-
Streamlined balloons have much higher wind- tures and can range in price from several hun-
speed limitations. They also tend to fly nearer dred dollars to several hundred thousand dollars.
to the tether point than spheres in the same Some of the features of power-driven winches
wind fields on a single tether. Figure 12 is a for tethered balloon applications, which add sig-
picture of a 2,800 m 3 single-hull A-shape kite nificantly to the cost of the winch, are variable
balloon, designed and manufactured by Airborne speed drives, capstan or traction drives, level
Industries, Ltd., Leigh-on-the-Sea, Essex, Eng- wind mechanisms, and various line speed, ten-
land, previously called Lea Bridge Industries. sion, and footage-measuring instruments. The
This type of balloon was used in World War II. winch system installation may be permanent,
Figure 13 is a payload-altitude graph for the mobile, or portable.
three most popular models. These curves were Tethered balloon winches are rarely off-the-
developed for 135 kg winch tension on the tether shelf items and are usually custom tailored for
cable, 30°F superheat temperature of the bal- a specific application. Many winch manufac-
loon gas above ambient standard temperature, turers have standard components from which
and a cable weight of 134 kg/km. Costs range special winches can be assembled, thereby elimi-
from $15,000 to $35,000 and are subject to nating much of the design time and expense
change. The envelopes of these balloons have which would otherwise be required.
safely withstood windspeeds in excess of 110
km/h (60 kn).
Modern tools, both theoretical (computerized All tethers require a suitably high tensile
models) (Myers and Vorachek, 1971; Doyle and strength, a high strength-to-weight ratio, low

drag, low stretch, torque stability, high flexi- pack, radio receiver, antenna, and magnesium
bility, abrasion resistance, and easy splicing. gimbal mount, was 2.8 kg ( 6 lb) . The gross
Typical balloon-tethering configurations are the weight of the balloon and payload was 10 kg
single, dual, or tri-tether arrangements. The (23 lb) plus tether lines that weighed several
different configurations offer the various de- kilograms. Remote-sensing equipment included
grees of freedom which are dictated by the a variety of small photographic cameras, which
intended balloon operations. In many instances were either pneumatically or radio controlled
the tether line is designed to serve additional from the ground.
purposes: to carry the antenna, to encase the As a result of Whittlesey's work, the U.S.
power line running from ground to sensors, to Geological Survey is investigating the use of
support an array of sensors along its length or tethered airfoil balloons as platforms for photo-
the tubing for transferring helium to the bal- graphically recording paneled control points in
loon, etc. Tapered or stepped-diameter tethers support of photogrammetric mapping.
may be desired for high-altitude flights where
the weight of a constant-diameter tether can- TETHERED AND FREE BALLOON MANUFACTURERS
not be safely borne. Most tether manufacturers
have the capabilities for producing a unique The names and addresses of manufacturers
tether to fit a specific need. of tethered and free balloons are listed below
for the reader who wishes to obtain more cur-
TETHERED BALLOONS FOR ARCHEOLOGICAL STUDIES rent information, including the cost of a par-
ticular balloon. (This list may include companies
Tethered balloons have been used successfully
no longer in the business and may omit new
by Julian H. Whittlesey to support aerial cam-
eras for recording and mapping archeological
sites (figs. 14 and 15) in Turkey, Greece, Italy,
Airborne Industries Ltd.
and Cyprus. Camera altitudes ranged from 10 Airborne Works
to 610 m (30 to 2,000 ft), with Linhof, Graflex, Arteria~ Road
and Hasselblad cameras in single and multiple Leigh-on-the-Sea
(multiband) form. Aerodynamic airfoil balloons Essex, England
were also utilized in the presence of high winds.
E. Bollay and Assoc., Inc.
Various schemes were used to obtain stereo- Boulder, Colorado 80302
scopic coverage. Some of the sites photographed
were in shallow water. The performance of the Dewey & Almy Chemical Division
tethered balloons used by Whittlesey was as 62 Whittemore A venue
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140
Ceiling: From 10 to 610 m (30 to 2,000 ft). Robert Fulton Company
Windspeed: With parafoil or ovoid shape, Old Ridgebury Road
flown in winds from 25 to 40 km/h (15 to Danbury, Connecticut 06810
20 kn). Spherical balloons were tethered
Goodyear Aerospace Corp.
in relatively calm winds up to 10 km/h 1210 Massillon Road
5 kn). Akron, Ohio 44315
Size: Up to 20m 3 (700 ft 3 ) .
Payload: From 1.4 kg to 2.8 kg (3 to 6lb). ILC Industries, Inc.
350 Pear Street
In one arrangement, an electrically advanced, Dover, Delaware 19901
radio-controlled Hasselblad EL 500 camera was
hung in a gimbal from the tethered balloon by Jalbert Aerology Laboratory
means of four lines (Whittlesey, 1970). This 170 N.W. 20th Street
arrangement provided for an unusual degree of Boca Raton, Florida 33432
platform stability. The balloon was filled with Raven Industries, Inc.
hydrogen. The weight of the entire payload, con- Box 1007, 205 E. 6th Street
sisting of calibrated camera, lens motor, power- Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57101

G. T. Schjeldahl Company of this class are used for most of the aerial
P.O. Box 170 photography in the United States for private
Northfield, Minnesota 55057
and governmental organizations. Such planes
Semco Balloons are adequate for lower altitude aerial photog-
2002 N. 11th Street raphy and other types of remote sensing where
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 instrumentation is light and simple.
Winzen Research, Inc. A single-engine or light twin-engine aircraft
401 W. 84th Street is generally more economical and maneuverable
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55420 than a large 2- or 4-motored aircraft; however,
the selection of the aircraft should be based
Some of these manufacturers provide com- on the operator's intended use, the geography
plete operational balloon planning and field sup- and meteorology of the operating area, the
port. The National Center for Atmospheric capital and operating cost, maneuverability,
Research, Boulder, Colorado 80302, is an excel- safety, performance, and ease with which the
lent source of information on all phases of aircraft can be converted to remote-sensing
balloon operations. This organization also fur- operations.
nishes eomplete flight services. The balloon Planes used for remote sensing are usually
group at the Air Force Cambridge Research either commercial or military types that are
Laboratories, Bedford, Massachusetts 01730, modified. Modification can be very expensive,
provides complete balloon services for U.S. Air and it is generally more economical to select
Force and Department of Defense relevant an aircraft that requires minimum change.
activities. Technical details relative to the problems asso-
ciated with selection and modification of air-
craft for aerial photography can be found in
GENERAL CO:"J"SIDERATIONS the "Manual of Photogrammetry," (1966) ; the
Praetically every type of aircraft built has "Manual of Photographic Interpretation,"
been used, at one time or another, as a re- ( 1960) ; and the "Manual of Color Aerial Pho-
mote-sensor platform. From the aircraft types tography," (1968), all published by the Ameri-
listed in "Jane's All the World's Aircraft" can Society of Photogrammetry. Adapting air-
(Taylor) and others, a representative selection craft for any other type of remote sensing is
has been made from those currently utilized as generally a highly s~pecialized operation which
remote-sensor platforms. A sizable number of must be considered on a case-by-case basis.
conventionally powered aircraft are described, However, many nonphotographic sensors are
whereas only single examples have been se- designed to fit standard mapping-camera ports,
lected for unconventional types, which include and thus aircraft designed for mapping opera-
helicopters, drones (unmanned aircraft) , tions may be suitable, with minimum modifica-
blimps, and sailplanes. Selected aircraft are tion, for other remote-sensing operations.
described in abbreviated terms and additional Remote sensors of the active, wave propagating
data are available from Jane's, the aircraft form require considerable power, which may be
manufacturer, or the organization using the a major consideration in the choice of aircraft.
aircraft. Jet aircraft have a high potential for remote
Conventional aircraft currently used for re- sensing because of their excellent rate of climb,
mote sensing vary in size from small single- high operating ceiling, and maximum speed,
engine piston-powered craft to the sophisticated but the cost of acquisition and conversion from
4-engine jet military version of the Boeing 707 commercial or military types restrict their
(RC135) and the Lockheed SR71. The remote- wider use. High-altitude jet photography is be-
sensing application of widest use is in obtain- ing used increasingly for making photomaps
ing mapping photographs. Figures 16 to 19 and orthophotomaps where a single exposure
illustrate some of the smaller aircraft fre- may cover an entire map quadrangle. Most jet
quently used by private aerial mapping con- aircraft applications to remote sensing, how-
tractors in the United States. Small aircraft ever, are still limited to NASA experimental

flights, government operations, and a few com- oscillations, is desired. Constant motion of the
mercial firms. platform relative to the scene is an expected
Very high altitude remote-sensing aircraft condition and is, in fact, required for many
have to some extent become available to the remote-sensing missions. Compensation for the
civilian community. The X15 (fig. 31), which resulting image motion, if needed, is normally
was strictly a research platform, demonstrated included in the design of a sensor system or its
remote sensing (photography) from an altitude mount rather than the platform. Vibration,
of more than 107 km (354,000 ft). The X15 oscillation, or any other anomalies in the pre-
was a hybrid aircraft/spacecraft since its flight determined relative motion of the platform to
trajectory carried it well above the atmosphere. the scene result in instability which has an
Two other high-altitude aircraft types, the overall degrading effect.
RB57F (fig. 32) and the U-2 (fig. 35), are Aircraft in the atmosphere are inevitably
now available for nonmilitary remote-sensing subject to two types of instability: (1) vibra-
applications. These provide platforms at serv- tions created by the engines or other parts of
ice ceilings of 18.3 km (60,000 ft) and 21.3 the aircraft, and (2) rotations (pitch, roll, and
km (70,000 ft). Military reconnaissance air- yaw) which occur principally because both the
craft, such as the RF4C (fig. 33) and the SR71 aircraft and the atmosphere are dynamic. There
(fig. 36) have reported service ceilings of 15.2 are two basic ways of eliminating or at least
km (50,000 ft) and over 24.4 km (80,000 ft), reducing instability. The first is to provide a
but as yet they have not been used for civilian mount which isolates the sensor from the air-
projects. craft vibration and, by gyros or similar devices,
Another consideration is the role of man in maintains the sensor attitudes with respect to
the aircraft. With balloons and spacecraft, man the scene independent of aircraft rotations.
may or may not be aboard the platform, but Mounts of this type have been designed for
aircraft are generally manned. However, re- general-purpose use by the U.S. Air Force, but
mote-control systems are rapidly being devel- they are normally coupled to a specific sensor,
oped to the point where unmanned aircraft may such as a mapping camera. The second ap-
become practical. Completely automated air- proach to reducing instability is in the selection
craft have monitored atomic explosion tests, and design of equipment and the aircraft it-
and drones are an accepted form of military self. A reciprocating engine creates consider-
reconnaissance. Even if the aircraft is manned able vibration, a turbine somewhat less, and
with a pilot, the number of other people that a jet still less. Propellers and reciprocating
actually fly is a prime consideration relative to engines create torque as well as vibrations,
the type of aircraft and cost of the flight. As but torque is normally neutralized by differ-
operational systems are defined, they tend to entially adjusting wing lift and rudder, or it
become more automated; there appears to be may be eliminated by the use of counterrotating
no real reason why remote-sensing missions, pairs of engines. Vibration is reduced and
once defined and tested, need a flight crew of isolated by the use of appropriate engine
more than one or two. The opposite extreme is mounts. If the remote sensing can be limited
to perform maximum onboard processing and to specific relatively small areas, propellers may
evaluation with a sizable crew; however, this be feathered or the engines even shut down for
approach has not yet been shown to be prac- the critical periods of time if the aircraft is so
tical. designed. A high-lift aircraft, such as the
Porter (fig. 24), with the engine shut off can
actually hover or glide over a given scene for
PLATFORM STABILITY at least half an hour provided that there is a
75 km/h (40 kn) wind in which to head. The
In addition to the fundamental consideration craft will, of course, be constantly losing alti-
of having an aircraft at the right place at the tude while the engine is shut down. Thus sta-
right time, the problem of platform stability is bility is affected by the type, number, and use
paramount. In general, a highly stable plat- of engines. The design of the airframe itself
form, free of both vibrations and long-period as well as the sensor location with respect to
the aircraft center of gravity are other param- Beechcraft Bonanza.-The Beechcraft Bo-
eters that affect stability. Equipping the plane nanza (fig. 17) in the standard Model A36 is
with autopilots, damping, and self-leveling de- a single-engine, propeller-driven, low-wing air-
vices may also reduce the amplitude as well as craft with retractable landing gear. It is pow-
the rates of rotational motion. Heavily loaded, ered by a 285-hp Continental engine. The Model
a plane flies at a steeper pitch than when the A36, marketed in 1968, was developed from the
load is reduced; thus the sensor, if fixed to the Model 35, which was introduced in 1946. Maxi-
aircraft, will change in attitude with the use mum gross weight of the A36 is 1,620 kg (3,600
of fuel. A cross wind will cause an aircraft to lb). Sensor (payload) capacity is estimated at
drift, and if the sensor is not adjusted accord- 360 kg (800 lb).
ingly, the pertinent sensor axis and the ground Performance:
path of the aircraft will not be alined. Service ceiling: 4,870 m (16,000 ft).
A most important factor affecting aircraft Speed: Maximum cruising (75% power)
stability is the local atmosphere. Winds, tur- at 1,980 m (6,500 ft) is 315 km/h
bulence, and other aspects of atmospheric dy- (195 mi/h). Minimum or stalling,
namics cause most platform instability. At any gear down, flaps 30° is 103 km/h (64
given point atmospheric dynamics will vary mi/h) ; gear and flaps up is 120 km/h
hourly and daily as well as seasonally. As a (75 mi/h).
general rule the atmosphere becomes more Range: From 1,290 km (800 mi) (75%
stable with height, and at the operational alti- power) at 1,980 m (6,500 ft) to 1,430
tudes of U-2's and SR71's atmospheric dynamic km (890 mi) (55% power) at 3,050 m
effects are almost negligible. Obviously the sta- (10,000 ft).
bility of a twin-engine jet at 20 or 25 km alti- Special equipment: Optional equipment
tude is far better than that of a single-recipro- includes autopilot, dual controls, and
cating engine aircraft at 5 km altitude. marker beacon receiver.
Cessna Super Skymaster.-The Cessna Super
DESCRIPTIONS OF AIRCRAFT Skymaster (fig. 18) is a twin (tandem) turbo-
prop, high-wing craft with twin tail booms,
capable of carrying up to six passengers or
equivalent. Gross weight is 2,000 kg ( 4,400 lb).
Cessna 180 Skywagon.-The Cessna 180 Sky- The aircraft, marketed in 1965, has been
wagon (fig. 16) is a single-engine (230 hp), adapted for mapping and remote-sensing mis-
propeller-driven, high-wing aircraft capable of sions. Remote Sensing, Inc., Houston, Tex.,
carrying as many as six passengers or equiva- reports carrying the following load of remote
lent. Gross weight is 1,270 kg (2,800 lb). First sensors on this aircraft: a Texas Instruments
marketed in 1968, it has had considerable use RS-310 infrared scanner, an RC-8 or RC-9
as a mapping camera platform and is well mapping camera, and four gang-mounted Has-
adapted for sensor equipment up to 180 kg selhlad 500 EL multispectral cameras. The
(400 lb) in weight. 4-seat version of the aircraft has space for
Performance : equipment weighing 165 kg (365 lb).
Service ceiling: 5,940 m (19,500 ft). Performance :
Speed: Maximum cruising (75% power) Service ceiling: 8,930 m (29,300 ft).
at 1,980 m (6,500 ft) is 260 km/h Speed: Maximum cruising (75% power)
(160 mi/h). Minimum or stalling is is 305 km/h (190 mi/h). Minimum
93 km/h (58 mi/h). or stalling is 113 km/h (70 mi/h).
Range: From 1,120 to 1,920 km (700 to Range: At maximum cruising speed
1,200 mi) with long-range tanks. from 1,900 to 2,500 km (1,190 to
Special equipment: Optional electronics 1,550 mi) with long-range tanks.
for aerial survey projects include navi- Special equipment: Optional avionics in-
gation aids, blind-flying instruments, clude blind-flying instruments, auto-
autopilot, wing-leveling stability aug- pilot, navigation instruments, and an
mentation, and turn coordinator. oxygen system.

Beechcraft Queen A,ir.-The Beechcraft load available for equipment is 2,250 kg ( 5,000
Queen Air B80 (fig. I9) is a twin-engine, light lb).
executive or business transport of conventional In I97I the U.S. Geological Survey obtained
low-wing monoplane configuration. The cabin a Mohawk Model OV-I for research concerning
accommodates 6 to II passengers or a crew of the quality of water and the environment. The
two on the flight deck with space for sensor sensing equipment includes SLAR, a thermal
and electronic equipment. Gross weight is 4,000 scanner, a 230-mm (9-in.) focal-length camera,
kg (8,800 lb). It is powered by two 380-hp and a cluster of Hasselblad cameras for mul-
Lycoming 6-cylinder horizontally opposed air- tispectral photography. This model has a ceil-
cooled and supercharged engines. Sensor ca- ing of about 7,620 m (25,000 ft).
pacity is 820 kg (I,800 lb). Performance:
Performance :
Service ceiling: (OV-IC) 9,000 m
Service ceiling: 8,I70 m (26,800 ft).
(29,500 ft).
Speed: Maximum cruising (70% power)
Speed: Maximum cruising (OV-IA) is
is 360 km/h (225 mi/h) at 4,570 m
490 km/h (305 mi/h). Minimum or
(I5,000 ft).
stalling (OV-IA) is IIO km/h (68
Range: With maximum fuel and 45-min
fuel reserve, 2,500 km (I,500 mi). mi/h.)
Range: (OV-IA) 2,260 km (I,400 mi)
Special equipment: The aircraft has a
deicing system on the leading edge of with external tanks, IO% reserve.
the wings, optional auxiliary fuel Special equipment: Mohawk models OV-
tanks, a pressurization system, and IB, OV-IC, and OV-ID carry inter-
full ground and in-flight air condi- changeable equipment, which includes
tioning. SLAR and an in-flight processor. One
model, the OV-ID, can be converted
All Beechcrafts may be equipped with a full
from infrared reconnaisasnce to
range of avionics, including dual VHF, radio,
SLAR surveillance in about 1 hour.
and elaborate positioning and navigation aids,
and they may be fitted with vertical mapping Lockheed Y0-3A.-Lockheed began studies
camera installations. The twin-engine Beech- and development on quiet aircraft late in I966.
crafts carry weather-avoidance radar. The King The first Lockheed quiet aircraft was the QT-
Air and Queen Air models may be equipped 2 (Quiet Thruster, 2 seat). The first two pro-
with a wide variety of remote sensors; in I972 totypes were fitted with night sensors. It is
Beech announced the RS99 ("Aviation Week reported that reconnaissance flights as low as
and Space Technology," I972) which is a re- 30 m (IOO ft) above ground were made with-
mote-sensing version of the B99 series. out detection.
Grum,man Mohawk.-The Grumman OV-I Potential of the quiet reconnaissance type
Mohawk (fig. 20) is a high-performance 2-seat of aircraft was recognized, and the U.S. Army
observation and surveillance aircraft developed Aviation Systems Command undertook fur-
by Grumman for the U.S. Army. More than ther development with Lockheed in July I968.
365 Mohawks have been placed in service in five This resulted in a more refined quiet recon-
models. The principal difference in the models is naissance aircraft, designated Y0-3A (fig. 2I).
in the navigation and remote-sensing equip- Basis of the design is the Schweizer SGS 2-
ment that has been installed. Some models 32 sailplane, but the new aicraft has a low-
carry a variety of advanced remote-sensing wing configuration. The fuselage has been modi-
equipment, such as the KA-30 high-resolution fied extensively.
optical photographic system (in model OV- Perhaps the greatest single reduction in noise
IA) and integrated flight systems for day and has come from using specially developed pro-
night reconnaissance. pellers with three, four, or six blades that rotate
The aircraft is powered by two I, I60-hp at speeds as low as 500 r/min. A modified 2IO-
Lycoming turboprop engines. Gross weight for hp air-cooled Continental 6-cylinder engine pro-
the OV-IA is 6,820 kg (I5,000 lb). Maximum vides power.

Infrared equipment is carried in the Y0- Mach 0.77 at 12,500 m (41,000 ft) or
3A for night reconnaissance operations. No de- 820 km/h (510 mi/h). Stalling speed
tails on performance are available. at sea level with 4,090 kg (9,000 lb) ,
landing configuration, is 155 km/h
MEDIUM ALTITUDE, 9 TO 15 KM (29,500-49,000 FT) (96 mi/h).
Range : 2,400 km ( 1,500 mi) with 8
passengers, 45-min fuel reserve.
Rockwell Standard Jet Commander 1121.- Special equipment: Figure 23 shows a
This plane (fig. 22) is a high-speed twin-jet Gates Learj et 24, the model most ex-
executive transport with standard accommoda- tensively used in remote sensing, with
tion for a pilot and as many as eight passengers. the special door open to show the
It is powered by two General Electric turbo- camera installation.
jet engines. Gross weight is 7,640 kg (16,800 Several domestic and foreign companies have
lb) . A stretched version of the Commander is built modifications to the Learjet door to allow
known as the Commodore. Production rights cameras inside the pressurized cabin to photo-
were taken over by Israeli Aircraft Industries graph through an optical glass plate in the floor
in 1967. Sensor capacity is 725 kg (1,600 lb). of the special door. A quick-change modifica-
Performance : tion to the door allows the jet to be taken off
Service ceiling: 13,700 m ( 45,000 ft). charter service for camera work and returned
Speed: Maximum cruising is 805 km/ to passenger hauling. The conversion takes
h (500 mi/h) at 10,670 m (35,000 about 3 hours.
ft.) Minimum or stalling is 160 km/ An earlier Learjet Model 23 was used by
h (100 mi/h). astronomers of Rice University, Houston, Tex.,
Range: 2,965 km (1,840 mi) with maxi- in the research project "Flying Infrared Tele-
mum fuel and maximum payload at scope," operating on top of the troposphere, at
economy cruising speed 760 km/h altitudes of 15,200 m ( 50,000 ft) to photograph
( 470 mi/h) at 11,900 m (39,000 ft), the stars, planets, and planetary nebulas. The
no reserve. Learj et was provided by NASA Ames Research
Special equipment: Blind-flying instru- Center (Hudson, 1968 and 1971).
mentation is standard. Provision is Fairchild Hiller Porter.-This is a versatile
made for full range of radio and radar airplane (fig. 24) designed to fill a wide variety
communications, navigation, storm of aerial sensing needs. It has an extremely
warning, glideslope and localizer, and short take off of 90 m (300 ft) and a landing
Automatic Direction Finding equip- distance of less than 45 m (150ft). The Porter
ment. carries as many as 11 passengers, or it can
Gates Learjet.-This twin-engine business jet carry a remote-sensor package weighing 910
(fig. 23) is powered by two General Electric kg (2,000 lb). It has a small but powerful
CJ610 turbine engines. Designed to carry eight turbine engine and reversible propeller. Addi-
passengers, the jet has a gross takeoff weight of tional fuel may be carried in external wing-
5,900 kg (13,000 lb). The business jet has mounted pylons and would extend the plane's
been modified into a remote-sensing aircraft range to a thousand miles. Its gross weight is
operating for altitudes well above 12,200 m 2,200 kg ( 4,850 lb).
(40,000 ft). Sensor capacity is 1,250 kg (2,760 Performance :
lb). Service ceiling: 7,770 m (25,500 ft).
First marketed in 1966, the Learjet 24 re- Speed: Maximum cruising at 3,050-3,650
placed the earlier Model 23. m (10,000-12,000 ft) is 280 km/h
Performance (Gates Learjet 24) : (175 mi/h).
Service ceiling: 13,700 m ( 45,000 ft). Range: 970 km ( 600 mi) with normal
Speed : Maximum airspeed, Mach 0.81 configuration and maximum fuel;
at 9,450 m (31,000 ft) or 885 km/ 1,600 km (1,000 mi) with external
h ( 550 mi/h) . Normal cruise speed, wing-mounted tanks.

Special equipment: The Porter can be Performance :
adapted for aerial photography and Service ceiling: 13,700 m (45,000 ft).
other remote sensing. A military ver- Speed: Maximum cruising 1,020 km/h
sion carries a complete radio com- (630 mi/h) at 9,150 km (30,000 ft)
munications s~stem, a pod containing altitude. Landing speed 269 km/h
three P-2 70-mm cameras, and 40 (167 mi/h).
flares of 2 million candlepower for Normal range: More than 4,650 km
night photographs. It has a floor hatch (2,880 mi).
and large cargo doors for installing
special sensing equipment. Endurance: 5 h, plus 15 h with in-flight
refueling capability.
Lockheed NP3A Orion.-This aircraft (fig.
25) , which was derived from the Electra, is a Special equipment: This aircraft has 16
4-engine turboprop low-wing plane capable of camera windows and sufficient space
carrying a sensor payload of as much as 9,000 and lifting capacity to carry a wide
kg (20,000 lb). Maximum gross weight is array of sensors (Barton, 1972). As
51,400 kg (113,000 lb). NASA 927 is such a many as 12 cameras ranging from 45
craft adapted for remote-sensor research. The to 910 mm (1.75 to 36 in.) are car-
"Annual Report, 1971," of NASA Manned ried simultaneously. Night photog-
Spacecraft Center, Earth Observation Aircraft raphy supported by flares, infrared
Program, describes this aircraft and the sen- scanning, and radar imaging can also
sors in considerable detail. The total sensor- be carried out. A dual viewfinder sys-
related equipment weighs 2,500 kg (5,500 lb) tem also supports the remote-sensing
as configured in this aircraft. mission.
Performance : Additional information on special equipment
Service ceiling: 9,100 m (30,000 ft). is given in "RA-3B Photographic Capabilities
Speed: Maximum cruising is 610 km/h Handbook," published by the U.S. Navy, Fleet
(330 kn). Minimum or stalling is 280 Air Reconnaissance Squadron ONE.
km/h (150 kn). Lockheed NC130B (RC130) .-This plane
Range: 3,700 to 3,900 km (2,300 to 2,400 (fig. 27) is used as a NASA sensor system fa-
mi). cility, which carries both imaging and nonimag-
Endurance : 7 h. ing remote sensors. The data acquisition sys-
Stability: Extent of average deviations tem includes various onboard remote sensors,
from prescribed attitude is ±2° in signal processing, and a control and recording
pitch and roll and ±8° in yaw. system. The Lockheed NC130B is an all-metal
Special equipment: Precise altimeter, high-wing long-range land-based monoplane
Loran navigation system, inertial powered by four Allison turboprop constant-
navigation unit, gyro-stabilized plat- speed engines. The fuselage can be pressurized
form. and airconditioned in flight and on the ground.
Douglas Skywarrior RA-3B.-Production of The military photomapping version has the
the twin-jet RA-3B (fig. 26) carrier-based air- principal mission of executing electronic aerial
craft ended in January 1961, and only four geodetic surveying and photogrammetric map-
remain in service with the U.S. Navy late in ping in an integrated system. Gross weight is
1973. Nevertheless, they are a major element 61,400 kg (135,000 lb). Weight available for
of the U.S. Navy reconnaissance and mapping sensor payload is 9,230 kg (20,300 lb).
effort and are effective, versatile, and durable. Performance :
The RA-3B photographic reconnaissance air- Service ceiling: 10,700 m (35,000 ft).
craft are versions of the standard McDonnell Speed: Maximum cruising is 590 km/h
Douglas A-3 airframe. Weight empty is 19,800 (320 kn).
kg ( 43,500 lb) ; normal loaded weight is 35,500 Range: 4,000 km (2,500 mi).
kg (78,000 lb) ; and overload weight is 37,300 Endurance: 9 h.
kg (82,000 lb). Stability: Extent of average deviations

from prescribed attitude is ±21f2 o in Speed: Average cruising speed 855 km/
pitch, +7° in roll, and +5° in yaw. h (530 mi/h) at 10,700 m (35,000 ft).
Special equipment: In NASA's version, Maximum level speed 970 km/h (600
each of the four camera windows ac- mi/h).
commodates the field of view of an Range: 7,400 km ( 4,600 mi) with 24,500
R.C-8 metric camera plus allowance kg (54,000 lb) payload. Maximum
for roll stabilization of up to +6°. ferry range is 14,485 km (9,000 mi).
The TV subsystem is used by the pilot Special equipment: The RC135A car-
in following a ground track. N aviga- ries special navigation equipment for
tion subsystems include an inertial improved mapping accuracy. The air-
navigation system, a radar altimeter craft were assigned to the 1370th
set, a navigational computer, and re- Photo Mapping Wing of the MAC.
mote navigation indicators. Aircraft The mapping system was known as
position in latitude and longitude co- the AN /USQ 28 and was probably the
ordinates is displayed at the naviga- most sophisticated ever built.
tor's station. SLAR is boresighted E-Systems (formerly LTV) L450F recon-
with a cam.era window. Military naissance aircraft.-This is a motorized ver-
photomapping versions carry a similar sion of the Schweizer sailplane built to meet
array of special equipment which sup- military aircraft requirements for high-alti-
ports basic mapping functions. tude and endurance (fig. 30). It is powered by
Boeing Stratolifter (RC135A).-This plane a modified Pratt and Whitney turboprop en-
gine. The new design provides the capability of
is a long-range jet transport developed from
carrying data-gathering or electronic relay
the KC135A Stratotanker. The KC135A air-
equipment similar to that of a communications
craft were powered by Pratt and Whitney tur-
satellite. The relay equipment can be carried
bojet engines and became the first strategic
jet transports in the Military Air Transport to an altitude of 13,700 m (45,000 ft) and
could be operated up to 24 h at a time. Alter-
Service (MATS). All KC135 aircraft are simi-
natively, the aircraft can be flown unmanned
lar to but smaller than the Boeing 707 airliner,
by remote control over a radius of 400 km
both derived from the 707 prototype (figs. 28,
29). (250 mi).
For operation in the unmanned mode, auto-
Four RC135A aircraft were built. They were matic stabilization equipment is installed, and
similar to the KC135A but specially equipped complete ground control and monitoring by
for multiple cameras and electronic equipment telemetry allows control of the aircraft in a
for photomapping and electronic surveying of variety of modes. Gross weight is 2,140 kg
the terrain, using SHIRAN, an electronic sys- (4,700 lb). Payload is 160 to 320 kg (350 to
tem for establishing geodetic control. However, 700lb).
the cost of upkeep for photomapping could not Performance:
be justified, and the four RC135A photomap- Service ceiling : 13,700 to 15,200 m
ping aircraft were converted from photomap- (45,000 to 50,000 ft).
ping to other uses during 1972. Ten aircraft Speed: Maximum cruising at 13,700 m
designated WC135B (same as C135·B) were (45,000 ft) is 170 km/h (105 mi/h).
modified for long-range weather reconnaissance Best glide ratio: 28:1.
missions for the Military Airlift Command Range (piloted version) : 9,700 km
(MAC), Air Weather Service. Other Air Force (6,000 mi).
reconnaissance versions include the RC135B Endurance: 24 'to 30 h.
and RC135D. Gross weight (C135B) is 125,000

Performance : (49,000 FT)

Service ceiling: 9,100 to 13,700 m North American Rockwell X15.-This plane

(30,000 to 45,000 ft). (fig. 31) was a highly specialized research ve-

hicle jointly funded by the Air Force, the Navy, Special equipment: Research was under-
and the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- taken to determine the effects of high-
ministration (Aerospace Industries Assoc., speed shock waves and friction-heated
1970). Three aircraft were built, with the first air turbulence on aerial photographs
flight on June 8, 1959. Tests conducted on this taken from a camera mounted in the
unique platform contributed to research, par- nose of the aircraft. Among the
ticularly in studies related to hypersonic and cameras flown was an experimental
hyperaltitude flight regimes. It attained speeds type KC-1 camera body fitted with a
greater than Mach 6 and altitudes above 107,- prototype lens, forerunner of the 152-
000 m (350,000 ft). The No. 1 plane, now in mm (6-in.) focal length f/5.6 Geocon
the Smithsonian Institution, was used for re- I designed by Dr. James Baker. This
search in high-altitude aerial photography, camera was installed in an ART-15
ultraviolet stellar photography, atmospheric gyrostabilized mount in the pressur-
density measurements, horizon scanning and ized instrument compartment just aft
definition measurements, and advanced inte- of the cockpit. A special quartz glass,
grated data systems. It was also used in re- nearly optically flat and 460 mm ( 18
search to determine the effects of flight regimes in.) in diameter, was used for the
covering a wide range of speeds, altitudes, and window. Six flights were made to de-
environmental conditions on photographic film termine geometric image deforma-
resolution and distortion. The No. 2 plane, tions produced by high-altitude super-
shown in figure 31, was fitted with twin drop- sonic flight.
pable fuel tanks, coated with ablative mate- Another series of flights was conducted to
rial, and modified as a ramjet test bed. It was determine image-resolution degradation using
the plane which set an unofficial speed record an experimental KS-25 camera with a 610-mm
of Mach 6. 7 or 7,290 km/h ( 4,520 mi/h) . The (24-in.) focal length lens developed by the Air
No. 3 aircraft was destroyed in an accident on Force Avionics Laboratory at Wright-Patter-
Nov. 11, 1967, in which Major M. J. Adams son AFB, Ohio. This camera was capable of
lost his life. The three X15's made 197 flights resolving better than 115 lines per millimeter on
in 10 years. fine-grain photographic film. It was installed
Performance: in the same ART-15 mount that has been used
Maximum altitude: 108,000 m (354,200 to carry the KC-1 mapping camera. One ob-
ft or 67.1 mi) reached by Joseph jective of this test was to obtain photographic
Walker, chief test pilot, NASA, on images that would, as nearly as possible, simu-
Aug. 22, 1963. late those that were expected to be obtained
later from space. Photographs obtained with
Speed: An official speed record was the X15 thus permitted comparative studies
achieved by Joseph Walker, on June
and interpretation which paved the way for
27, 1962, at 6,620 km/h ( 4,104 mi/h). analysis and evaluation of high-altitude air-
An unofficial speed was recorded at craft and space photography which was to
7,290 km/h (4,520 mi/h) on Nov. 18,
1966, by Major Pete Knight, USAF.
In another experiment, a gimbal-mounted 4-
Total flight life of aircraft: Approxi- camera platform was used for research in ul-
mately 24 h. traviolet steller photography and for photog-
Maximum launching weight: 23,140 kg raphing the stars from altitudes above 65 km
(50,900 lb). (40 mi).
Maximum landing weight: 7,780 kg A horizon scanner was also used to study the
(17,120 lb). light spectrum of the sky and to obtain data on
Payload: Instrumentation payload de- the accuracy of sensing the horizon. These data
signed for the X15A was 590 kg were later used to improve attitude and guid-
(1,300 lb). ance references for Earth-orbiting spacecraft.

General Dynamics/Martin RB57F (WB57F). troradiometer was installed in 1972.
-A General Dynamics/Martin WB57F air- McDonnell Douglas RF-4C.-This high-per-
craft is flown and maintained for the NASA formance fighter-type aircraft (F-4) (figs. 33,
Earth Observations Aircraft Program Office. 34) is modified for multiple-sensor reconnais-
The WB57F shown in figure 32 is a midwing sance. It incorporates optical, infrared, and
4-engine aircraft powered by two Pratt and electronic sensors for reconnaissance missions
Whitney turbofan engines and two auxiliary re- day or night and in any kind of weather. Its op-
movable Pratt and Whitney turbojets carried tical systems include a num.ber of cameras of
in underwing pods. various focal lengths, forward- and side-look-
The data acquisition system comprises an ing cameras, and panoramic cameras that scan
airborne sensor platform, various sensors, and the terrain from horizon to horizon. Films can
ancillary control and data-recording equipment. be processed in flight and ejected over the
The sensor equipment is described in detail in ground command station. The RF-4C also car-
the "Annual Report, 1971," of the NASA ries side-looking radar for mapping on each
Manned Spacecraft Center, Earth Observation side of the flight path and a third radar for
Aircraft Program. Gross weight is 28,600 kg forward-looking ground mapping. It also car-
( 63,000 lb) . Estimated weight available for ries an infrared sensor for day or night use.
remote-sensor payload is 2,160 kg (4,750 lb). Gross weight is 24,800 kg (54,600 lb).
Performance: Performance :
Service ceiling: 18,900 m (62,000 ft). Service ceiling: 15,200 m (50,000 ft).
Speed : Maximum cruising at 18,300 m However, the F-4B version has tem-
(60,000 ft) is 740 km/h (460 mi/h). porarily reached 30,000 m (98,400 ft)
Minimum or stalling is 145 km/h (90 in a time-to-height test which took
mi/h). slightly over 6 min to achieve.
Range: 5,320 km (3,300 mi). Speed: Maximum cruising 2,240 km/h
Endurance: +4 hat service ceiling. (1,390 mi/h) at 12,200 m (40,000 ft).
Stability: Extent of average deviations Range: Ferry range, 3,700 km (2,300
from prescribed attitude is approxi- mi).
mately +0.5° in pitch and roll and Special equipment: Navigation radar
+8° in yaw. including terrain avoidance, central
Special equipment: Considerable special air data computer, navigational com-
equipment is c a r r i e d , including puter, and electronic altimeter.
weather radar in the fuselage nose, an Lockheed U-2.-This unique aircraft (fig.
autopilot, and a navigation system 35) is capable of sustained flight at very high
comprising a C-12 Gyrosyn compass, altitudes. Although basically a manned aircraft,
an APN-102 Doppler radar, and an recent reports ("Aviation Week and Space
ASN-41A navigator computer. A Technology," 1971) indicate the U-2 has also
Litton LTN-51 inertial navigation been converted into a drone. In April 1971,
system was added in 1972. The sys- NASA acquired on loan from the U.S. Air
tem measures the heading, ground Force two U-2 aircraft for high-altitude
speed, and drift angle of the aircraft, photography and research. Gross weight is
and computes present latitude and 7,850 kg (17,270 lb) with external tanks.
longitude, distance to destination, The primary job of the NASA U-2 aircraft
ground track, and relative bearing. An is to complement two Earth resources research
APN-159 pulse-type radar altimeter space flights: the Earth Resources Technology
indicates absolute clearance of the air- Satellite (ERTS) and the manned orbital work-
craft above the terrain. An optical shop, Skylab. Test sites were photographed and
viewfinder enables the equipment op- analyzed before the launch of the spacecraft,
erator to view the terrain ahead of and the U-2's photographed sites simultaneous-
the aircraft and to measure drift. A ly with the passes of both ERTS and Skylab
multispectral scanning imaging spec- in 1972 and 1973.

Performance : record, May 1, 1965. Minimum or stall-
Service ceiling: 21,300 m (70,000 ft). ing not given.
Speed : Maxim urn cruising is 790 km/h Range: More than 3,220 km (2,000 mi) ;
(490 mi/h). with aerial refueling it has global
Range: Internal fuel only, 100 U.S. gal range.
reserve, 3,550 km (2,200 mi); with Special equipment: Equipment ranges
external tanks, 100 U.S. gal reserve, from simple surveillance to multiple-
4,200 km ( 2, 600 mi) . sensor high-performance reconnais-
Endurance: Approximately 5 h. sance systems.
Stability: The U-2 at high altitude is
highly stable as demonstrated by con- BELL HELICOPTER 47G-3B-l

tinuous strips of near-vertical map- The Bell 47G-3B-1 helicopter is utilized by

ping photographs which show no signs the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
of vibration or longer term oscilla- Service, Northern Forest Fire Laboratory, Mis-
tions even though a stabilizing mount soula, Mont., as a platform for a simple infra-
was not used. red line scanner. The Forest Service Fire 8pot-
Special equipment: The Air Force car- ter can be used to locate forest fires that are
ried a variety of frame and panoramic too small to be readily visible to optical detec-
cameras of up to 610 mm (24 in.) tion system. Nominal altitude is 610 m (2,000
focal length. These include mapping ft). Gross weight for the model 47G-3B-:1
cameras in gyrostabilized mounts. shown in figure 37 is 1,340 kg (2,950 lb). Th1s
NASA uses a gang of small multi- model is a 3-seater with high-altitude perform-
spectral cameras to simulate space ance over a wide range of temperatures. This
imagery and also carries a mapping helicopter is powered by a supercharged Ly-
camera of 152 mm (6 in.) focal length. coming engine uprated to 280 hp.
A ventral periscopic sight or view- During 1973, the Forest Service was experi-
finder is included, and an autopilot menting with a telemetry near-real-time system
has also been installed on occasions. as compared with the conventional infrared line
In late 1973, NASA plans to install at scanner from which the data must be physically
least one inertial guidance system. returned and processed before evaluation. With
Lockheed SR71 (YF-12) .-The Lockheed the telemetry system the imagery data are
SR71 (fig. 36) is an Air Force long-range ad- transmitted from the helicopter to the ground
vanced strategic reconnaissance aircraft. One station where evaluation can start immediately.
of the fastest and highest flying aircraft in the Performance:
world, it is capable of worldwide reconnaissance Service ceiling: 4,270 m (14,000 ft).
operations including aerial photographic mis- Speed: Maximum 170 km/h (105 mi/h)
sions and multiple forms of remote sensing. It at sea level. Cruising 135 km/h (83
is powered by two Pratt and Whitney J58 tur- mi/h) at 1,520 m (5,000 ft).
bojets and has a speed of Mach 3, or more than Range: 400 km (250 mi) with maximum
3,400 km/h (2,100 mi/h). The SR71 is the fuel at 1,520 m (5,000 ft) and no
reconnaissance version of the general YF-12 reserves.
series of aircraft. However, the reconnaissance Endurance: Approximately 3 h.
version is the only one in operational use today. Maximum payload: 540 kg (1,190 lb).
Gross weight is 76,500 kg (170,000 lb).
Service ceiling: Over 24,400 m (80,000
ft) ; maximum ceiling reported at 36,- This surveillance drone (see also E-Systems,
600 m (120,000 ft). p. 13) (fig. 38) was developed originally for the
Speed: Maximum 3,340 km/h (2,070 mil U.S. Army Signal Corps. Launched from a zero-
h) at 24,463 m (80,258 ft) a world length launcher, it is controlled remotely by

radio and tracked by radar. It carries still or (7,500 ft). Normal operational alti-
TV cameras for surveillance over hostile terri- tude 300 to 910 m (1,000 to 3,000 ft).
tory. On reaching a predetermined recovery Speed: Maximum 80 km/h (50 mi/h).
area the controller commands parachute re- Cruising 55 km/h ( 35 mi/h) .
covery. The camera is removed, the film is Size: Columbia 58.5 m ( 192 ft) long, 18
processed, and the prints are delivered within m (59.5 ft) high, 15m (50ft) wide.
minutes after recovery. Models are available Volume: Columbia, 5,800 m 3 (202,700
for day or night photointelligence and recon- fV).
naissance duties. The cameras can be replaced Weight: Maximum gross 5,600 kg
by other sensor systems. This propeller-driven (12,320 lb) ; empty 4,100 kg (9,040
platform is powered by a 9-2-hp McCulloch air- lb).
cooled engine. Maximum launching weight is Maximum lift or payload: 1,490 kg
200 kg (440 lb). Empty weight is 160 kg (350 (3,280 lb) or six passengers plus pilot.
lb). Range : 805 km ( 500 mi) .
Performance: Endurance: 20 h.
Service ceiling: 4,570 m ( 15,000 ft). Special equipment: The blimp carries
Speed: Maximum level speed at sea level special TV orthicon viewing cameras
is 320 km/h (201 mi/h). for aerial scenes and transmits the
Endurance at sea level: 35 min. data to a ground-crew bus which
Special equipment: Recovery is by a serves as radio headquarters. It also
single-stage 13.4 m ( 44 ft) extended- carries frame and movie cameras and
skirt parachute deployed on command broadcasting equipment for reporting
or automatically. The radio-command special :events.
flight-control system includes a re- A recent report by the Aero-Mechanical Pro-
ceiver autopilot. Special equipment in- grams of the Goodyear Aerospace Corp. (1971)
cludes two 75-mm cameras, a flare describes the use of airborne sensing equipment
ejector, a radar beacon or passive flown aboard a Goodyear blimp, including iso-
radar reflector pods, and a night light lated nose-probe acoustic sensor, steerable
identification system. Flares are car- acoustic sensor, stereo acoustic sensors, direc-
ried for night photography. tional acoustic sensor, remotely controlled TV
camera, infrared covert illuminator, acoustic
gradient array, low-light-level and daytime TV,
The blimps Columbia, America, and May- remote trailing sensor, and an aft-looking
flower, owned and operated by the Goodyear sensor.
Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, are Test equipment can be located virtually any-
the only lighter-than-air craft known to be where on the airship. Acoustic and infrared
operating in the U.S. today. They were built sensors can be isolated from engine noise and
during the period 1968-1971. The three air- heat. Sensors can be lowered or dunked from
craft are the 297th, 298th, and 299th blimps the airship into hard-to-reach places.
that the company has built since 1917, mostly Acceleration in the cabin of the aircraft dur-
for the U.S. Army or Navy. Power is supplied ing powered flight is less than l/40th g (accel-
by twin 6-cylinder pusher-type 210- hp Conti- eration of gravity) with a vibration frequency
nental engines (figs. 39, 40). range of 10 to 1,000 Hz.
The three blimps are in demand by the news There is no indication that blimps are being
media, particularly television networks, for use used for remote sensing except for their news
as aerial and television camera platforms for media role.
viewing special events. Their aerial photo-
graphs have appeared in virtually every news- SCHWEIZER SAILPLANE SGS 2-32
paper and magazine.
Performance: The Schweizer sailplane SGS 2-32 has an
Service ceiling: Maximum 2,290 m unusually large airplane-type cabin capable of

carrying two average-sized passengers in addi- ness of the system particularly where sensing
tion to the pilot (fig. 41). It has an all-metal of the actual surface with reflected solar ener-
monocoque structure, and the airframe has been gy is involved. The meteorological satellites
used as a basis for several powered aircraft. demonstrate the Earth-sensing electronic trans-
The SGS 2-32 was chosen by Lockheed Missiles mission space modes even though they do not
and Space Company to form the basic airframe carry sensors that resolve the surface to the
of its Y0-3A quiet reconnaissance aircraft and extent desired for many applications associated
by Ling-Temco-Vought (now E-Systems) for with Earth studies.
its L450F. The sailplane's maximum takeoff Satellites designed for remote sensing on an
gross weight is 610 kg (1,340 lb). operational basis are generally unmanned
Performance: though manned space stations provide similar
Speed: Maximum (smooth air) 225 km/ capabilities. Manned extraterrestrial missions,
h (140 mi/h). Minimum or stalling such as Apollo, can provide opportunities for
77 km/h ( 48 mi/h). Minimum sinking remote sensing of the Moon or planet con-
speed 0.7 m/s (2.4 ft/s) at 80 km/h cerned; however, to date manned missions have
(50 mi/h). not been defined with remote sensing as their
Best glide ratio: 34: 1 at 97 km/h ( 60 primary objective.
Maximum aero-tow speed: 180 km/h GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS
(110 mi/h). No attempt is made to cover either the theory
Special equipment: Optional equipment or the state-of-the-art of space flights. The
includes electrical and oxygen systems, problems of achieving and maintaining the
radio communications, and such spe- proper orbit and providing the power and en-
cial instrumentation as might be speci- vironment for remote sensing are beyond the
fied, including provisions for aerial scope of this circular. However, the problems
cameras or other remote sensors. of data transmission and spacecraft platform
stability are unique to remote-sensing missions
SPACECRAFT and are therefore briefly covered. Information
With the advent of space systems, a new in this section has been obtained from "Jane's
All the World's Aircraft" unless otherwise
dimension has been added to remote sensing.
Platforms are no longer limited by the atmos- noted.
phere, and orbits can be defined which provide DATA TRANSMISSION
the following: (1) Any altitude desired as long
as it is effectively above that of atmospheric All space flights require a network of ground
drag effects (about 150 km) and still within the control stations for data transmission and com-
dominant gravity field of the Earth. (2) Con- mand of the spacecraft. These networks vary
figuration so that the entire Earth or any desig- with the type of mission. The NASA network
nated portion can be covered at specified for Earth and lunar missions is described in the
intervals. (3) Constant position relative to the "Space Tracking and Data Acquisition Network
Earth's surface through the geostationary Manual" (NASA, 1967). The transmission and
mode, thus permitting continuous sensing of a control network for planetary flights is de-
given section of the Earth's surface. ( 4) Remote scribed in "The Deep Space Network" (Calif.
sensing at relatively close range of extrater- Inst. of Tech., Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
restrial bodies such as the Moon and planets 1971).
and without the interference of the Earth's The NOAA system for its operational
atmosphere. meteorological satellites is described in the
Remote sensing of the entire Earth on a "Instructions and Operating Handbook for the
periodic basis and sizable sections on a continu- Improved TIROS Operational System (IT OS)
ous basis thus becomes feasible. Lighting and and the TIROS Operational System (TOS),
atmospheric conditions will limit the effective- Part 4."

Except for the film return mode, as exempli- may develop from onboard mechanisms. Atti-
fied by manned missions, sensor response must tude must he sensed and determined before it
be in electronic signal form and transmitted to can be adjusted. Horizon sensors, particularly
Earth. If this is to be done globally on a real- in the infrared region, can relate spacecraft
time basis, from Earth-sensing systems such as attitude to the Earth or another planet as a
the meteorological satellites, there must be a whole, but there are limits to this procedure,
ground station network capable of continuously which is accurate only to the order of a tenth
receiving from the satellite. Since the wave- of a degree. Truly precise attitude can he ob-
lengths involved require line-of-sight transmis- tained by stellar observations. This approach
sion, several ground stations, depending on the is used on extraterrestrial flights and has also
orbit, are needed to acquire the data. The use of been defined for film-return Earth-sensing mis-
geostationary communications satellites as re- sions. The control of attitude can be accom-
lay stations is a recent development which plished by reaction jets, gim·baled inertial sys-
promises to simplify the data-transmission tems (including gyros), torquing with respect
problem and reduce the number of ground sta- to the Earth's magnetic field, or even a gravity
tions required. Three U.S. ground stations are gradient boom which works on the principle
employed for the Earth Resources Technology that a linear-shaped mass will aline itself in a
Satellite . (ERTS-1) data acquisition. Canadi- gravitational field. To keep from constantly cor-
ans installed a ground station prior to launch, recting for attitude, some limits or deadbands
Brazil installed a ground station during 1973; are imposed before corrective action is intro-
and other countries have asked for advice in duced. The fewer the corrections, the more
setting up similar installations. For areas out- stable and longer lived the platform's attitude
side the ground stations' range, a wide-band control system, and thus reduction of rotational
video tape recorder is included on ERTS-1 rates (damping) is a desirable objective. Some
which stores the data on board and then plays figures relative to deadbands and rotational
it back when the flight is within range of a rates are quoted for described spacecraft.
ground station. This procedure precludes real- Station keeping, which involves adjustment
time transmission, but the delay involved in by jet thrusters, is another source of instability.
transmission will generally be less than 1 hour. On remote-sensing missions it is more desirable
It is important to note, however, that data to allow the orbit to change somewhat rather
processing of ERTS is centralized, and there- than pay the price of constant station keeping.
fore additional delay generally occurs prior to Although there is no such thing as a fully stable
actual receipt of the data by the processing Earth orbit, some spacecraft have remained in
center at Greenbelt, Md. Early in 1973, ERTS-1 the same nominal Earth orbit for several years
lost part of the use of its second tape recorder without station-keeping adjustment.
(the first failed shortly after launch), thus
reducing its coverage beyond the range of the DESCRIPTIONS OF SPACECRAFT
ground stations. The problem of recovering
The spacecraft section is divided into two
hard copy, such as film, is discussed briefly un-
parts. The first covers experimental spacecraft,
der film return (p. 20). During 1973 this mode
was being demonstrated by Skylab. which are flown by NASA, and the second
covers operational remote-sensing· spaceGraft,
which are flown by NOAA.

In theory, a spacecraft might be free of all Three basic unmanned space modes for sens-
relative motion except for its designed orbital ing the Earth have been defined :
vector, and thus be a perfectly stabilized plat- (1) Film return, short-lived, 150-500 km
form. In practice, spacecraft must be controlled altitude, sun-synchronous.
to maintain proper attitude and to dampen in- (2) Electronic data transmission, long-lived,
evitable oscillations, including vibrations that 300-1,500 km altitude, sun-synchronous, except

for TIROS 1-8: (TIROS, ITOS, Nimbus, tion to Equator, sun synchronous, 10:00
ERTS-A&B) 1 a.m. local time for photographic limb.
(3) Electronic data transmission, long-lived, Design life: 30 to 40 days.
36,000 km altitude,· geostationary or geo- Cameras: 2 metric, 305-mm focal length with
synchronous : Advanced Technology Satellite 240-mm (9.5-in.) film width.
(A TS) , Synchronous Meteorological Satellite A pair of stellar cameras are included for
( SMS) , and the proposed Synchronous Earth attitude determination, and the entire payload
Observation Satellite (SEOS). weight would be in the order of 1,000 kg. NASA
has sponsored the design of a laser altimeter for
FILM RETURN such a satellite, and Doppler transponders
which would provide precise location are cur-
The NASA manned spacecraft program has rently used on navigation satellites such as the
repeatedly returned exposed film to Earth ; Navy's Tranet.
however, an unmanned film-return mission has On film-return flights, exposed film is stored
not been flown by NASA except as incident to on board, and at a prescribed interval or at the
the manned program (Apollo 6). Unmanned end of the mission a reentry vehicle, with the
film-return missions have been defined and re- film, is detached on a signaled command. A pro-
quested of NASA by the U.S. Department of pulsion unit reduces the velocity of the reentry
the Interior (1970). vehicle so that it reenters the atmosphere,
Newspapers, periodicals such as "Space Busi- where a parachute further reduces its rate of
ness Daily" (1971) and "Science News" (Dris- fall. Aircraft with grappling lines snag the
coll, 1971), and a recent book by Klass (1971) chute lines, and the reentry vehicle is brought
refer to so-called reconnaissance/ surveillance on board the aircr~Jt. NASA has demonstrated
satellites of the film-return type. Jane's de- this procedure by recovery of its biosatellite
scribes United States SAMOS and U.S.S.R. (TRW, 1969). ThE recovery operation is illus-
COSMOS surveillance satellites in general trated in figure 43.
terms, but official information relative to the
For such remote-sensing missions, onboard
remote-sensing capabilities of such satellites is
data recording to correlate images with precise
not available. The "Aeronautics and Space Re-
time, and thus position, is essential. Attitude
port of the President for 1970" (1971) tabu-
lates basic data on all United States space controls and determination are also needed. The
flights. The semiannual publication "Rockets cameras must be command controlled, with
and Satellites Catalogue of Data" by the World flexibility such as exposure variations being
Data Center A ( 1971) tabulates worldwide highly desirable. Since film will fog due to radi-
data on space flights. Surveillance space flights ation, it must be shielded. Indications are that
would be tabulated in these publications. the practical lifetime is something less than a
Although no unmanned platform designed for year. Obviously the film-return mode involves
film return is specially described, figure 42 illus- high cost since cameras are not recovered from
trates the configuration that such a vehicle their limited-life mission, as now defined, and
might take. General Electric Company· ( 1967b) the film recovery operation requires elaborate
and Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. ( 1967 and logistical support.
1969) have both described film-return missions.
The U.S. Department of the Interior proposal ELECTRONIC DATA TRANSMISSION, GENERALLY
( 1970) of such a mission to NASA did not SUN SYNCHRONOUS
designate the vehicle but did include the follow-
ing specifications: This mode includes NASA and NOAA mete-
Target date: 1972. orological satellites and also the first Earth
Orbit: 232 km altitude, circular, 83° inclina- Resources Technology Satellite (ER.TS-1),
which was launched July 23, 1972. The relation-
Designation of NASA programs that exemplify the ship of experimental to operational meteoro-
mode. logical satellites is shown in figures 68, 69. Such

spacecraft, except for the early TIROS (1-8), ty infrared radiometer, image-dis-
are launched into near-polar circular orbits, sector camera system, filter wedge
which retain a fixed relationship with respect spectrometer, selective chopper radi-
to the Sun-Earth axis. At any given position on ometer, satellite infrared spectrome-
the orbit, local Sun time will be the same, thus ter, backscatter ultraviolet spectrome-
creating the sun-synchronous condition. As the ter, cloud-top altitude radiometer,
Sun latitude changes with the seasons the Sun monitor of ultraviolet solar energy,
elevation on any given earth surface scene will and interrogation, recording, and loca-
also change, but the Sun longitude (time) will tion system.
be basically fixed whenever the spacecraft Payload capacity: 135 kg (300 lb)
passes over the same scene. weight; 100 W available power, 1 m 3
Altitudes of such orbits are in the order to ( 35 ft 3 ) volume.
300 to 1,500 km. Since the flight is long lived, Stabilization: Three-axis active control
the orbit must be completely above atmospheric utilizing flywheels, rate gyros,1horizon
drag effects. The field of view of the sensors scanners, and reaction jets ; to +1 o all
and the density and capability of the ground sta- axes. Active control is augmented by
tions to which all data must be transmitted fur- gravity gradient torquing.
ther define the orbit. Meteorological spacecraft, N aminal orbit: Circular, high noon, sun
in near polar orbit, can effectively sense the synchronous, 80° retrograde, 1,110 km
entire Earth every 24 hours during daylight altitude, 107-min period.
and every 12 hours when equipped with both Design life: 1 yr.
day and night sensors. In a high-resolution sys-
On board storage: High data-rate stor-
tem, such as ERTS, the field of view of the
age on two 5-channel tape recorders.
sensor is small and even at its 920-km altitude
it will take 18 days to completely image the Transmission: S-band communication,
Earth during daylight hours, except for the narrow bands ; PCM 4 kbps real time,
poles, which are riot covered due to the orbital 128 kbps playback.
inclination. To date, 5 Nimbus, 10 TIROS, 9 Launch vehicle: Thorad/ Agena-D
TOS, 1 ITOS, and 1 ERTS have been success- TIROS.-Ten spacecraft in the TIROS series
fully orbited. These are described in chrono- of satellites (fig. 45), launched between 1960
logical order, and TOS and ITOS are described and 1965, were the precursors of the TOS
as operational (NOAA) satellites. (TIROS Operational Satellite) system. The
Nimbus.- The Nimbus program, started in spacecraft were utilized to test instrumentation
1958 and still continuing, was conceived as a and operational system concepts. TIROS design
test bed for spaceborne remote-sensing instru- proved successful and formed the basis for the
mentation. Six launches have been made; five TOS configuration, which was used until re-
were successful. Although primarily meteoro- placed by the ITOS system. TIROS satellites
logical, Nimbus has been utilized successfully returned 650,000 TV images during the pro-
to test application of instrumentation on a gram, which ended during 1973.
broad scale of Earth-observing usage, and a Description:
further launch is scheduled for 1974 (fig. 44). Size: Pillbox shape, 18-sided polygon,
56 em (22 in.) high, 107 em (42 in.)
Description (Nimbus D) :
Size (overall in-orbit dimensions) 2.9 m Weight: In orbit, 122-152 kg (270-338
(9.5 ft) high, 2.9 m (9.5 ft) wide, lb).
sensor ring 1.47 m (4.82 ft) x 0.33 m Typical payload (not all instruments
(1.08 ft). were carried on all flights) : Narrow-
Weight: 570 kg (1,260 lb). angle TV, 5-channel scanning radi-
Typical payload: Infrared interferome- ometer, 40° Hanel radiometer, Univer-
ter spectrometer, temperature/humidi- sity of Wisconsin bolometers, and au-

tomatic picture transmission (APT) Due to the spacecraft stability, scanner per-
system. formance and system corrections made by
Payload capacity: 6.9 dm 3 (11.9 ft 3 ) NASA in processing the initial coverage, the
volume, 75 W total spacecraft power. imagery had the following characteristics: (1)
Stabilization: TIROS 1-8 spin stabiliza- multispectral ( 4-band) response with high
tion maintained by solid fueled spin- radiometric fidelity, (2) high geometric fidelity
up rockets. Mechanical nutation damp- in the form of a defined continuous map proj ec-
er provided Vt o damping. TIROS 9- tion thus providing the potential for an auto-
10 had liquid dampers providing mated mapping system, and (3) spatial fre-
damping to < 0.1 o. Horizon infrared quency (resolution) based on picture elements
sensors provided input for attitude of 80-m side -dimension at ground scale (figs.
control maintained to ± 1 o in pitch, 46, 47).
roll, and yaw. Description (ERTS-1) :
Size: 3 m (10 ft) high x 4 m (13 ft)
Orbit: TIROS 1-8 were programed for
wide with solar panels extended; sen-
740-1,300 km altitude, circular ovbits sor ring, 1.5 m (5 ft) x 0.3 m (1ft).
with a 48°-60° inclination. TIROS 9- Weight: 815 kg (1,800 lb).
10 were programed for sun-synchron- Payload: Three return-beam vidicon
ous polar circular orbits.
cameras, 2 data-colleetion system re-
Design life: 3 mo. ceivers, 1 multispectral scanner ( 4
Onboard storage: Video tape recorders bands), 2 video tape recorders. By late
capable of storing 32 images/ orbit. 1973, the ERTS-1 return-beam vidi-
Transmission : PCM telemetry system ; con cameras had had very limited use,
data rate for TV, 0.5 Mbps, for APT, and tape recording was only a fraction
2 kbps. of original capability.
Launch vehicle: Thor Delta. Payload capacity: 240 kg (530 lb)
Earth Resources Technology Satellite weight, between 350 and 400 W avail-
(ERTS) .-The Earth Resources Technology able power, and 1m3 (35 ft 3 ) volume.
Satellite (ERTS) is designed to demonstrate Stabilization: Three-axis active control
the feasibility of mapping and monitoring utilizing flywheels, rate gyros, horizon
Earth surface features from space. It therefore scanners, and reaction jets ; to + 0.4 o
carries multispectral imaging systems as well in pitch and roll and ±0.6° in yaw.
as auxiliary equipment to collect information Nominal orbit: Near circular, sun syn-
needed to utilize data returned from these in- chronous with local sun time of 0942
struments. At least two spacecraft are planned at descending mode, 99° inclination,
in this series with the first one being launched 900 to 950 km altitude. This orbit gives
into a near-polar circular orbit on July 23, 1972. full Earth coverage except for polar
During its first year of operation, performance regions every 18 days.
of the ERTS spacecraft was literally flawless. Design life: 1 yr, but ERTS-1 may be
Although the vidicons were used for only a operational for more than 2 yrs.
relatively short period, the multispectral scan- On board storage: Two wide-band video
ner was in continuous use, and the ERTS sys- tape recorders each having 30-min
tem in 1 year accomplished the following: (1) capacity at 15 Mbps PCM or 3.5 MHz
complete cloud-free coverage of the United video recording rate. Command stor-
States; (2) cloud-free coverage of a sizable age for 30 commands.
percentage of the remaining land surface, polar, Transmission: S-band communication,
and coastal areas of the Earth ; and ( 3) repeti- wide band (video) 20 MHz bandwidth;
tive coverage, based on the 18-day coverage narrow band PBM 1 kbps real time or
cycle of ERTS, which shows significant tem- 24 kbps playback.
poral changes in the United States and other Other: Capability exists for orbit ad-
land areas of the world. justment with onboard propulsion,

attitude determination system accura- 36,000 km (19,400 inm).
cies 0.07° in pitch and roll and 0.5° Design life: 1 yr.
yaw. On board storage: None.
Launch vehicle: Long-tank Delta. Transmission : PCM.
Launch vehicle: Atlas Agena or Atlas
Synchronous Meteorological Satellite (SMS).
This mode has been well demonstrated by -The Synchronous Meteorological Satellite
NASA's Advanced Technology Satellite (ATS) (SMS), scheduled to be launched in 1974, is the
with remote sensors used for meteorological re- prototype spacecraft to be used by NOAA in
search. The next scheduled effort in this mode implementing the Global Atmospheric Research
is the Synchronous Meteorological Satellite Program, a key step in the international World
(SMS) which will combine technology research Weather Watch. It is the first spacecraft de-
by NASA with meteorological operations and signed for this purpose to fly in geosynchron-
research by NOAA and is scheduled for launch ous orbit and thus will also be known as the
in 1974. These two types of satellites, though Geostationary Operational Environmental Sat-
utilized for meteorological purposes, can also ellite (GOES). Aside from taking cloud-cover
resolve the Earth's surface to a limited extent. imagery, it will monitor the space environment
For terrain observations a much higher resolu- and provide a data relay to aid in speeding up
tion camera, coupled to a tracking telescope, is meteorological data collection (fig. 51).
probably required. Such a system has been pro- Description:
posed to NASA by the U.S. Department of the Size: Pillbox shape, 190 em (75 in.) di-
Interior (1969), and NASA is supporting ameter, 122 em ( 48 in.) length.
studies of this and related concepts. As indi- Weight : 225 kg ( 500 lb) in orbit.
cated on page 31, a very large telescope Payload : Visible and infrared spin-scan
launched by the Space Shuttle could be placed camera system, Space Environment
in geosynchronous orbit for Earth viewing. Monitoring System, and data-collec-
Application Technology Satellite ( ATS).- tion system.
The Application Technology Satellite (ATS) is Payload capacity: 75 kg (165 lb) weight
a multipurpose platform used to test various and 1.26 m 3 (35 ft 3 ) volume; 160 W
types of space systems, including remote sens- available power.
ing, from geosynchronous altitude (figs. 48, 49, Stabilization : Spin stabilized by Delta
50). Through data obtained from this platform, launch vehicle and cold gas system;
concepts for such spacecraft as the SMS were contains nutation dampers.
formulated. Orbit: Geosynchronous altitude 36,000
Description: km (19,400 inm).
Size: Cylindrical, 142 em (56 in.) diame- Design life: 3 yr.
ter, 135-182 em (53-72 in.) length. On board storage : None.
Weight: 295-355 kg (650-780 lb). Transmission : PCM 194-bps S-hand
Typical payload: Multicolor spin-scan communications.
camera, image dissector camera, com- Launch vehicle: Thrust-augmented
munications experiments, and space Delta.
environment experiments. Total space- Proposed High-Resolution Geosynchronous
craft power, 190 W from solar panels, Systems.-In 1969, the Department of the In-
6 Ah batteries. terior proposed that a high-resolution Earth-
Stabilization: Spin stabilized with 4 viewing tracking telescope be flown in geosyn-
monopropellant thrusters, each with chronous orbit as part of the ATS program. Al-
2.2 kg ( 5 lb) thrust ; also magnetic though not feasible for A TS, the concept of
torquing and gravity gradient stabili- monitoring the Earth's surface from geosyn-
zation. chronous altitude has been considered by NASA
Nominal orbit: Geosynchronous altitude and others. Interior recommended that an

operational system be developed by 1980. Dur- 2. Orbiter.-Orbits the body indefinitely. An
ing 1972 and 1973, NASA supported studies of orbiter of defined life which returns to
the Synchronous Earth Observation Satellite Earth with hard-copy film is feasible and
(SEOS) that involve the detailed study of the has been accomplished by the U.S.S.R.
Earth from geosynch~onous orbit (fig. 52). with the ZOND satellite during 1969 and
Description (Interior proposal) : 1970.
Orbit: Circular, geosynchronous on 3. Flyby.-The spacecraft passes close to but
plane of the ecliptic with first satellite does not go into orbit about the body of
at about longitude 95° W., altitude interest. This mode is applicable to the
36,000 km (19,400 inm). more distant planets.
Design life: 5 to 10 yr. The first NASA extraterrestrial remote-sens-
Sensor: Tracking telescope capable of ing program involved the exploration of the
resolving 20-50 m elements on the Moon in support of the manned Apollo program.
Earth's surface in at least three spec- Ranger, Lunar Orbiter, and Surveyor were the
tral bands. Instantaneous field of view three groups of missions which provided
to cover 40-80 km (on a side) of the imagery and other data of the Moon essential
Earth's surface. Primary optic would to the lunar landings of Apollo. In addition to
be of about 1 m diameter. the lunar program, NASA has an extensive
Transmission: Capable of transmitting program of planetary exploration based on the
one 3-band scene per minute. Mariner spacecraft. Mars has been sensed by
Operation: Sensor directable to any sec- flyby missions, and the first Mars orbital mis-
tion of a sizable part of the Earth's sion occurred during 1971. In October 1973,
surface at any time, subject only to Mariner 10 was launched on a flyby mission of
conditions of visibility. Six satellites Venus and Mercury. In 1972 and 1973, Pioneer
could monitor all but the polar regions missions to Jupiter were launched as precursors
of the Earth on a continuing basis and of further outer planet missions. Although plans
in stereo mode, which provides high for the Grand Tour flyby of up to five planets
spatial precision. has been dropped by NASA, at least one Pioneer
mission past Venus is scheduled for 1978, in-
cluding instrumented probes as well as space-
Prior to the space age, remote sensing of the craft sensing from orbit. Russian extraterres-
Moon and planets had been limited to Earth- trial remote-sensing programs are generally
based optical and radio telescopes. Telescopes. parallel to those of the United States.
have been carried in aircraft and balloons, but Unmanned extraterrestrial missions depend
space systems that can escape the Earth's on electronic transmission of remote-sensored
atmosphere and gravitational field have com- signals back to Earth. Transmission from the
pletely revolutionized the concepts of extrater- distant planets can be achieved although the
restrial exploration. Remote sensing of the amount of data is limited by the power, time,
Moon and planets is now feasible in any one of and equipment available. As with Earth-sensing
a variety of modes, which may be categorized missions, ground stations use line-of-sight radio
as follows: signals to control the spacecraft, monitor its
1. Lander.-Either crash (probes) or soft performance, and receive the sensor signals.
landing. The latter may or may not be On the more distant missions, transmission of
capable of returning to Earth. Remote signals back to Earth becomes a limiting factor.
sensing may be achieved during the ap- Power generally comes from solar panels, and
proach, while on the body, or possibly since their generating capacity is limited, the
during the return flight (if there is one). rate of signal transmission is also limited.
The U.S.S.R. has placed two landers on As spacecraft are defined for distant plane-
the Moon which collected samples and TV tary missions, the problems of communication,
photos and then returned to Earth- orbit and attitude adjustment, and thermal con-
LUNA 16 in 1970 and LUNA 20 in 1972. trol become increasingly difficult. Power is the

key to the problems, and solar panels have their Transmission: Two 960 MHz transmit-
limitations. Mariner flybys of Mars and Venus ters, 60 W power each ; two 960 MHz
took days to transmit the contents of an image transponders, 3 W power each.
which took only a few milliseconds to acquire. Other : Midcourse correction thruster of
The use of some form of nuclear power source 28 kg (62 lb). Imagery taken during
appears to be the most promising answer to the final 10-20 min of flight.
basic problem for distant planetary explorations Launch vehicle: Atlas Agena.
(Corliss, 1966). Radioisotope thermoelectric
generators will be used to power the Pioneer
and probably later outer planetary missions. At-
titude reference on such missions depends
The five Lunar Orbiter spacecraft were
heavily on the stars, but reference to the hori-
launched during 1966 and 1967 to photograph
zon of the body itself can also be applied to an
the Moon for selection of potential Apollo land-
orbiter. Durability and dependability become
ing sites. The Orbiter series obtained data on
increasingly critical.
lunar size, shape, and gravitational properties.
The following programs are described:
The spacecraft carried instruments for sam-
Ranger, Lunar Orbiter, Surveyor, Mariner fly-
pling the near-lunar micrometeoroid and radia-
by, Mariner Mars Orbiter, Mariner Venus/Mer-
tion environments (figs. 54 and 55).
cury, Viking, and Pioneer mission to Jupiter.
Size (exclusive of solar panels and an-
RANGER tennas): 152 em (60 in.) diameter,
168 em (66 in.) high.
The Ranger lunar probes were first attempts Weight: 388 kg (855lb).
by the United States to obtain closeup imagery Typical payload : Two film cameras, film
of an extraterrestrial body. The series consisted processors, scanner, and transmitters;
of nine spacecraft; the first two, which failed pressure-type micrometeoroid detec-
at launching were designed to be tested in tors and two cesium iodide dosimeters.
Earth orbit. Of the remaining seven, only Payload capacity: 72.5 kg (160 lb) ;
Rangers 7, 8, and 9 successfully completed their power, 110 W.
missions of taking TV imagery before crashing Stabilization: Primary, three axis refer-
on the Moon. The program ended when Ranger enced to Sun and Canopus; backup,
9 crashed on March 24, 1965 (fig. 53). three axis inertial. Control accuracy
Description: -pitch, roll, and yaw to ±0.1 o with
Shape: A truncated cone mounted on a cold gas system.
hexagonal base 152 em (60 in.) in Nominal orbit: For Orbiters I, II, and
diameter. III, selenocentric-perilune 50 km, apo-
Typical payload: Six slow-scan vidicons lune, 1,850 km, inclination 12°, period
with narrow- and wide-angle lenses of 3.5 hr. Orbiters IV and V had differ-
76 mm and 25 mm focal length. ent, and varying orbits.
Payload capacity: 164 kg (362 lb) ; Design life: About 2 mo.
power from batteries, 40 Ah. Onboard storage: Command of 128 21-
Stabilization: Three-axis stabilization bit words ; Bimat film.
with gyros for inertial reference, Transmission: PCM 50 bps, S-hand com-
Earth and Sun sensors for celestial munication.
reference, and cold gas active control. Other: Onboard film processing, Bimat
Orbit: Orbital planes as defined by the process. Optical-mechanical-electronic
trajectories were inclined 15° to the video scanner of developed film gen-
lunar equator. erates signal for transmission to
Design life: 30 days. Earth.
Onboard storage: None. Launch vehicle: Atlas Agena.

SURVEYOR the spacecraft provided useful data on the in-
terplanetary environment. Of the seven space-
The Surveyor program was designed to dem- craft in this series, two failed at launch. Flights
onstrate the ability to soft land on the moon occurred between 1962 and 1969.
as well as to transmit scientific and engineering Description:
information about the lunar surface (fig. 56). Size : Octagonal 127 em (50 in.) across
Of 7 spacecraft, 5 were successful and 2 had flats, 66 em (26 in.) thick. In flight,
inflight failures prior to landing. 3m (10ft) high, 7 m (23ft) diameter.
Description: Weight: 260 kg (575 lb).
Size: Pyramidal open-frame structure 3 Payload: Mariner 4 to Mars-TV at-
m (10ft) high. With landing gear ex- tached to Cassegrainian telescope,
tended, can fit in a 4.25 m (14 ft) helium magnetometer, cosmic-ray de-
diameter space. tectors, and cosmic-dust detectors.
Weight: 995-1,080 kg (2,200-2,380 lb). Mariner 7 to Mars-two vidicon cam-
Typical payload: Survey TV camera and eras, infrared spectrometer, infrared
auxiliary mirrors, alpha-scattering in- radiometer, ultraviolet spectrometer,
struments, and soil magnets. conical radiometer. Mariner 5 to Venus
Payload capacity: Weight 40 kg (89 lb); -Faraday-cup detector, energetic-par-
power from 90 W solar panels and ticles detectors, helium triaxial mag-
230-Ah rated batteries. netometer. and ultraviolet photomet-
Stabilization: Three-axis gyro referenced ers.
to Sun and Canopus with active control Payload capacity: 48.5 kg (107 lb); 50
by cold gas jets. During landing an W power.
automated closed-loop system was used Stabilization: Three axis referenced to
with radar altimeter and Doppler ve- Sun and Canopus, cold gas system,
locity sensors providing reference pitch and yaw controlled to -+-1/2 o,
data. roll -+-1~ o.
Orbit: Not applicable as Surveyor soft Orbit: Heliocentric epoch 07/16/65
landed at several Apollo landing sites. period 567 days, apogee 1.58 astro-
Design life: 90 days including flight and nomical units radius, perigee 1.1 as-
lunar surface operation. tronomical units radius, and inclina-
On board storage: None. tion 0°.
Transmission: Two transmitters, 2 re- Design life: 1 yr.
ceivers, 2 omnidirectional antennas, Onboard storage: Tape recorded 7.83 x
and 1 high-gain planar-array antenna 108 bits storage.
for transmitting 600-TV-line data. Transmission : PCM 33.3 bps near Earth,
Tracking and engineering data were 8.33 bps near Mars.
transmitted on a 2,295 MHz band at Other: Capability for in-flight trajectory
lOW power. adjustment.
Launch vehicle: Atlas Centaur. Launch vehicle: Atlas Agena.


The Mariner spacecraft were designed to The Mariner 71 (Mars Orbiter) project is a
provide imagery and environmental information direct continuation of Ma:t;iner 69 missions. The
of the planets Venus and Mars. Because of the two spacecraft for this mission were modifica-
dense Venusian cloud cover, imaging systems tions of the Mars flyby configuration, with the
were not included on missions to this planet. main change being a larger propulsion system
The spacecraft were designed to fly by the needed to place the spacecraft in orbit. The
planets and then proceed into solar orbit (fig. two missions were designed to map 70 percent
57). In addition to the planetary measurements, of the Martian surface and make environmental

measurements but also were to look for sea- It may fly by Mercury again in September 1974.
sonal changes and their relationship to surface Imagery of Venus will be limited to the cloud
phenomena. The two spacecraft were Mariner blanket and ultraviolet clouds that appear to
8 and 9. Mariner 8 failed at launch, but Mari- circle the planet every 5 days. The imagery of
ner 9 flew successfully in 1971 (fig. 58). Mercury should be equivalent to that of the
Description: best Earth-based imagery of the Moon.
Size: Octagonal 127 em (50 in.) across The spacecraft weighs 500 kg (1,100 lb) ;
flats, 230 em (90 in.) high. In flight, otherwise the description and payload are gen-
690 em (272 in.) span including solar erally those of Mariner 9. The difference in
panels.· weight is due to the elimination of two solar
Weight: 544 kg (1,200 lb) not including panels.
Payload: Two TV cameras, ultraviolet VIKING
spectrometer, infrared interferometer
spectrometer, and infrared radiometer. Viking, the latest in NASA's series of un-
Payload capacity: Weight 20 kg (44 lb); manned planetary explorers, is scheduled for a
power 450 W, degrading to 330 W. 1975 mission to Mars. The program calls for
Stabilization: Three-axis stabilized using insertion of two spacecraft into Mars orbit,
inertial as well as Sun and Canopus each spacecraft sending a separate landing
sensors. Cold gas system pointing ac- craft to the surface. Viking's primary purpose
curacy is in the order of ± 1 o. is to determine if life once existed, is present,
Nominal (mapping) orbit: or might develop on Mars (NASA, Langley
Apoapsis 16,900 km Research Center, 1970).
Periapsis 1,610 km The Viking spacecraft will travel some 460
Period 12 h million miles through space on its journey of
Inclination 50°-80° about 1 year (fig. 59). Once in Mars orbit, the
Design life: At least 90 days in Mars spacecraft will separate into an orbiter and a
orbit. lander. While the orbiter performs remote-
Onboard storage: 168 m (550 ft) mag- sensing and water-vapor mapping, the lander
netic tape, 1.8 x 108 bits capacity. will take panoramic color pictures of the sur-
Transmission: All-digital system with roundings and obtain geophysical and meteoro-
variable rate, engineering data at 33Ys logical data.
or SYs bps and science data at real- Description :
time 50 bps. Block-coded real time, 16 Size: Total length of Titan III/Centaur
or 8 kbps. Block-coded stored 16, 8, spacecraft 48.8 m (160 ft). Lander
4, 2, or 1 kbps. capsule, 4.3 m (14 ft) diameter x 4.9
Other: Onboard computer flight pro- m (16 ft) height (in flight). Orbiter
gramable with 512-word memory. spread 10.7 m (35 ft) including solar
Ground commandable two degrees of panels.
freedom. Scan platform for holding Weight: Total launch weight of orbiter/
and pointing instruments. lander 3,175 kg (7,000 lb) of which
Launch vehicle: Atlas SLV-3C first the orbital insertion engine and fuel
stage. Centaur second stage. will be 1,815 kg ( 4,000 lb).
Payload: Two TV cameras for imaging,
MARINER VENUS/MERCURY infrared spectrometer for water-vapor
mapping, infrared radiometer for
A modified version of the original Mariner thermal mapping, and a radio sub-
spacecraft designed to fly by both Venus and system.
Mercury, Mariner 10 was launched in October Payload capacity of Orbiter: 68 kg (150
1973 and is scheduled to fly by Venus during lb) for scientific experiments to record
February 1974, Mercury during March 1974. and relay data.

Stabilization: Three-axis, using inertial Stabilization: Spin-stabilized at 4-5 r I
as well as Sun and Canopus sensors. min, with fine adjustment by hydra-
Cold gas system pointing accuracy is zine-fueled thrusters. Attitude refer-
in the order of +1 °. ence by Sun and star sensors.
Nominal orbit: Orbit: Trajectory to carry spacecraft
Apoapsis 32,550 km within 160,000 km of Jupiter and then
Periapsis 14,964 km out of solar system.
Period 24.6 h Design life: About 2 yr.
Inclination (has not been selected) On board storage: Tape recorder.
Design life of Orbiter: 140 days after Transmission: S-hand communications,
Mars orbit insertion, consisting of 50 maximum data rate from vicinity of
days before lander separation and 90 Jupiter, 1,024 bps. Data can be trans-
days after landing. Either orbiter can mitted at eight different rates and
support either lander for the lander's formats. S-hand command system cap-
lifetime, which is 90 days after able of 255 discrete commands.
landing. Launch vehicle: Atlas Centaur.
On board storage: Similar to but some-
what larger than Mariner 9.
Launch vehicle: Titan III/Centaur. To date, no manned space flights have been
defined with remote sensing as the prime objec-
tive. The Manned Orbiting Laboratory, an Air
Force project that was canceled, was probably
the closest U.S. approach to the remote-sensing
The purpose of the Pioneer F and G missions
concept. However, the Manned Orbiting Labor-
is to extend interplanetary measurements far-
atory had numerous other objectives in addi-
ther out into the solar system. Specifically, the
tion to remote sensing. NASA's Mercury,
mission is to provide information on the as-
Gemini, and most Apollo flights were concerned
teroid belt that lies between Mars and Jupiter
with getting man to the Moon, and remote sens-
and to fly by and gather data on Jupiter itself
ing, as typified by hand-held snapshots, was in-
(fig. 60). Pioneer F (now Pioneer 10) was
cidental. Apollo 9 carried a well-defined multi-
launched March 2, 1972; Pioneer G (now Pio-
spectral Earth-viewing experiment, S0-65;
neer 11), April 5, 1973. Interplanetary travel
starting with Apollo 13, a variety of fixed and
time is expected to be 600 and 700 days.
mobile cameras were carried in an effort to ob-
During 1973, a Pioneer Venus flight for 1978 tain systematic photo coverage of selected por-
was under study by NASA but was not yet de- tions of the Moon.
fined or approved. The Apollo program also involved photogra-
Description (Pioneer/Jupiter) : phy and other sensing of the lunar surface.
Size: 2.4 m (8 ft) length, 5.5 m (18 ft) Hand-held and mounted cameras (film and TV)
diameter. were used on all missions that landed on the
Weight: 254 kg (560 lb). Moon, and starting with Apollo 15, the Lunar
Typical payload: Meteoroid detector, as- Rover Vehicle provided a moving platform for
teroid/meteoroid detector, plasma sensors on the Moon's surface.
analyzer, helium vector magnetometer, Skylab, launched in May 1973, carries a bat-
charged-particle detectors, cosmic-ray tery of Earth-sensing experiments although
telescope, Geiger-tube telescope, trap- astronomic observations of the Sun and the
ped- radiation telescope, ultraviolet various experiments aimed at defining man's
photometer, infrared radiometer, and abilities and limitations in the space environ-
imaging photopolarimeter. ment have a higher priority. The Space Shuttle
Payload capacity: Weight 28 kg ( 62 lb) ; has been defined, but other post-Skylab manned
power 23 W supplied by radioisotope space programs cannot be evaluated as remote-
thermonuclear generator. sensor platforms now.

Russian manned space flights to date have Description :
been limited to Earth orbits, but otherwise they Size: Truncated cone, 305 em (10 ft)
are parallel to the United States efforts, except diameter, 574 em (18.8 ft) long.
that their flights emphasize the development of Weight: 3,175 kg (7,000 lb).
manned space stations, which do have a sizable -Typical camera payload: 70-mm modi-
remote-sensing potential. fied Hasselblad and 70-mm and 16-mm
Vehicles of the following programs are de- Maurer cameras.
scribed: Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, and Payload capacity: 125 kg (275 lb), total
Space Shuttle. spacecraft power from 160-Ah bat-
teries and 6,570 Ah-fuel cells. Viewing
through two windows or with hatches
Project Mercury was the first series of man- open.
ned space flights conducted by the United Stabilization : Three-axis jet-reaction
States. The capsule was designed for one man attitude control system with automatic
and carried many experiments, including ter- and manual modes.
rain photography. The experiment was ex- Orbit: Up to 1,370 km (740 inm) apo-
tremely successful and led to further experi- gee, inclination :::::::::30° to Equator.
mentation in later manned programs. There Design life: 2 wks.
were four orbital missions in this series (fig. On board storage: Film.
61). Transmission: Not applicable.
Description : Launch vehicle: Titan II.
Size: Cone, 189 em (74 in.) diameter,
335 em ( 132 in.) long. APOLLO
Weight: 1,360 kg (3,000 lb).
Typical camera payload: 70-mm modi- The Apollo program followed Gemini in ex-
fied Hasselblad camera, 35-mm zodi- tending manned space activities. In addition to
cal light camera, and 16-mm Maurer providing a mechanism for lunar exploration,
camera. Apollo again demonstrated the useful applica-
Payload capacity: Size and weight not tion of Earth-orbital photography. Apollo 6
available. Total spacecraft power from flew in unmanned mode, but considerable pho-
500-Ah batteries. Window-viewing tography of the Earth was obtained on that
capabilities. mission. The S0-65 multispectral photographic
Stabilization: Three-axis attitude con- experiment (Apollo 9) provided the basis for
trol by jet reaction thrusters with au- definition of such dedicated remote-sensing mis-
tomatic and manual modes. sions as ERTS.
Orbit: Apogee 266 km (144 inm), peri- On the early lunar missions, Apollo 8 through
gee 161 km (87 inm), inclination 14, the only remote sensors were cameras, pri-
:::::::::32° to Equator. marily the 70-mm Hasselblad with interchange-
Design life : 3 days. able lenses. On Apollo 15, 16, and 17, much
Onboard storage : Film. larger camera systems and other orbital remote
Transmission: Not applicable. sensors were mounted in the service module.
Launch vehicle: Atlas. These three missions produced high-quality
mapping photographs for about 25 percent of
the Moon's surface, while other sensors which
Project Gemini was a continuation of Mer- could also operate on the dark side increased
cury. A new design spacecraft enabled two men the total coverage to about 35 percent.
to remain in orbit for an extended period and Description:
thus allowed for more sophisticated and selec- Size: Command module 4 m (13 ft)
tive experimentation. There were 10 missions in diameter, 3.5 m (11.5 ft) long. Service
the Gen1ini program. module 4 m (13 ft) diameter, 7.5 m

(25 ft) long. Lunar excursion module LUNAR ROVER VEHICLE
6.7 m (22 ft) high, 9.5 m (31 ft) di-
agonal across lunar landing pads. The Lunar Rover Vehicle (LRV), which was
Weight: Command module 5,760 kg used on the Moon by the Apollo 15, 16, and 17
( 12,700 lb), service module 23,500 kg astronauts, has been called by NASA "a man-
(51, 700 lb), lunar excursion module ned spacecraft on wheels." It is undoubtedly the
15,300 kg (33,700 lb). most advanced and highly specialized motor
vehicle ever built. Since it carried an array of
Typical sensor payloads: 70-mm Hassel- remote sensors and had a unique application, it
blad, 16-mm Millikon, 35-mm Maurer, is included here even though it is a ground-
460-mm (18-in.) Hycon, and color TV based platform. The whole vehicle weighed 220
in command and lunar modules. Start- kg ( 480 lb) on Earth and carried a payload of
ing with Apollo 15, lunar-sensing de- about 450 kg (1,000 lb) consisting of the two
vices were carried in a bay of the astronauts and their life-supporting equipment
service module and designated the Sci- weighing 360 kg (800 lb). The remaining 90
entific Instrument Module (SIM). On kg (200 lb) of payload included cameras, scien-
Apollo 15 and 16 these devices in- tific experiments, and rock samples on the re-
cluded: 76-mm (3-in.) mapping cam- turn to the service module (fig. 64).
era, 76-mm (3-in.) stellar-attitude
camera, 610-mm (24-in.) optical-bar Performance:
panoramic camera, laser altimeter, Speed: Maximum 15 km/h (9 mi/h).
mass spectrometer, gamma-ray spec- Cruising 8 km/h ( 5 mi/h) forward or
trometer, and X-ray and alpha par- backward.
ticle spectrometer. On Apollo 17, the Climb: LRV can climb a 20° slope and
spectrometers were replaced by the stop on a 30° slope. It can climb ob-
lunar sounder (side-looking radar) structions up to 0.3 m ( 1 ft) high and
and infrared scanning radiometer. The cross crevasses 70 em (28 in.) wide.
SIM in lunar orbit is shown in figure Weight: Empty 220 kg ( 480 lb) ; with
62. A diagram indicating the various payload 450 kg ( 1,000 lb).
sensors is shown in figure 63. The Size: Length 3.1 m (10.2 ft), width 1.8
Lunar Rover Vehicle, also carried on m (6 ft), wheelbase 2.3 m (90 in.),
Apollo 15, is described separately. and clearance 36 em (14 in.).
Payload capacity: Size and weight not Range : 65 km ( 40 mi) total distance.
available; total spacecraft power from Power: Two nonrechargeable 36-V sil-
1,250-Ah batteries and 19,300-Ah fuel ver-zinc batteries.
cells. Engines : Each wheel powered by a 185-
Camera viewing: Through windows at W ( 0.25-hp) electric motor. Power
various attitudes or as exposed in the steering by two 75-W (0.1-hp) electric
SIM. motors, one for each axle.
Special equipment: The LRV carried a
Stabilization: Three-axis, jet-reaction
dead-reckoning navigation system
attitude control with automatic rate
which reported speed, total distance
and manual modes operating liquid
traveled, and direction and distance to
propellant thrusters.
the lunar excursion module through-
Orbit: Earth, lunar, lunar trajectory. out the entire traverse.
Earth orbits had an inclination of
about 30° to Equator. A lunar communications relay unit transmit-
Design life: About 2 wks. ted directly to Earth the radio signals of the
astronauts' voices, biomedical data, and color
On board storage: Film.
TV images from a TV camera mounted near the
Transmission : TV in real time. front of the vehicle. The vehicle carried a 16-
Launch vehicle: Saturn 1 or 5. mm movie camera, and a 70-mm Hasselblad

camera with interchangeable lenses. A hand- Design life: 28 to 56 or 85 days per visit,
held unit for drilling cores of lunar geologic three visits, nearly 1 year overall.
material as deep as 3 m (10 ft) was carried Onboard storage: Film in film vaults;
along with rakes and tongs for collecting sam- magnetic tape, voice annotation and
ples. A magnetometer and traverse gravimeter digital.
were also included. Other: Special mounts provided for in-
Launch vehicle: Saturn.

Skylab-A, which was launched in May 1973, SPACE SHUTTLE

is aimed at increasing man's role as an experi-
menter in space. Skylab utilizes the empty tank Early in 1972 the Space Shuttle was defined
of a Saturn IVB as a semipermanent space base, and development started (NASA, 1972). The
which was visited three times during the pro- shuttle is scheduled to be operational by
gram for long-duration experimentation. The 1980 and involves the concept of a reusable
program ended early in 1974. The data obtained manned space vehicle. The shuttle is scheduled
during each visit were returned with the crew to launch, service, and retrieve unmanned satel-
for analysis on the ground. The particular in- lites but has also been defined for manned mis-
strument cluster pertinent to this circular is the sions (sorties) which include remote sensing of
Earth Resources Experiment Package (EREP), the Earth (fig. 67).
a module located physically in the docking adap- Description (Winged orbiter, capable of re-
ter. Extensive observations of the Sun were also entry and reuse, attached to large pro-
carried out with special solar sensors (figs. 65 pellant containers for launching) :
and 66). Size : Wingspan 24 m ( 80 ft), length 38
Description (Apollo-derived spacecraft de- m (124ft), with a payload bay 4.5 m
signed for intermittent manned occu- (15 ft) in diameter by 18 m (60 ft)
pancy for a wide variety of experi- in length.
ments, including remote sensing of the Weight: Payload weight is 29,500 kg
Earth): (65,000 lb) for takeoff and 18,000 kg
Size: Not applicable. (40,000 lb) for landing.
Weight: Not applicable. Remote-sensor payload: Not defined to
Remote-sensor payload: Multispectral date, but sortie configuration would
photographic· assembly consisting of permit the use of a very large assort-
six bore-sighted cameras of 152-mm ment of remote sensors, including the
(6-in.) focal length, 460-mm (18-in.) Large Space Telescope (LST) with
focal length Earth Terrain Camera 3-m (10-ft) diameter primary optics.
(ETC), infrared spectrometer, 13-band The LST is designed for astronomic
multispectral scanner, microwave ra- observations but might be adapted for
diometer/scatterometer and altimeter, Earth observations, particularly from
and L-band radiometer. a geosynchronous orbit.
Payload capacity (not including control Stabilization: Not defined.
units, film storage, etc.): 1.3 m 3 (45 Nominal orbit: 200 km (108 inm) alti-
ft 3 ) volume, 340 kg (745 lb) weight, tude at various inclinations, including
and special viewing windows. polar. With a secondary propulsive ve-
Stabilization: Three-axis stabilization hicle called the "Space Tug," geosyn-
control mainly by jet reaction engines. chronous orbits or trajectories to the
Desired attitude determination to Moon or planets are feasible.
+0.1 o. Desired attitude rate to be Design life: Life of an unmanned satel-
known to +0.005° /s. lite which may be launched by the
Nominal orbit: 435 km (235 inm) alti- shuttle is indefinite. The manned sor-
tude and 50° inclination to Equator. tie mode is nominally of 7 days dura-

tion but can be extended to 30 days sight) of the satellite. APT receivers number-
when required. The orbiter, being re- ing in the hundreds are relatively simple to
usable, has an extended life. construct, and therefore the APT system is
available on a worldwide basis (figs. 69 and 70).
Remote sensing from space has reached the Size: Pillbox 18-sided polygon, 56 em
operational stage only in meteorology. The Na- (22 in.) high, 107 em (42 in.) diam-
tional Oceanographic and Atmospheric Admin- eter.
istration (NOAA) is the United States agency Weight: 148 kg (327lb) in orbit.
charged with such operations. NOAA absorbed Typical payload: A VCS version carried
the Environmental Science Services Adminis- redundant 800-line vidicon cameras
tration (ESSA) which controlled the original with tape recorders and low-resolution
operational meteorological satellite. The first flatplate radiometer. APT version car-
operational weather satellites were the ESSA- ried tape recorders replaced with APT
TOS series with the first launch in 1966. Since transmission equipment.
that date at least one weather satellite has been Payload capacity: 6.9 dm 3 ( 420 in. 3 ) vol-
in operation continuously. In 1970, the ITOS ume, 75 W total spacecraft power.
series was introduced. The latest, ITOS-D, was Stabilization: Spin stabilized with mag-
launched in 1971. Both TOS and ITOS satellites netic torquing attitude control, liquid
fly in near-polar sun-synchronous orbits and dampers provide short-term nutation.
image the globe every 12 hours. The SMS, which Attitude controlled to +-1 o in roll and
will be geostationary, has been described under yaw, attitude determination accuracy
NASA spacecraft, but it will also perform an ±0.1 o, short-term nutation controlled
operational role as the GOES satellite. ESSA- to +-0.2°.
TOS, ITOS-A, -B, -C, and -D are described Nominal orbit: Circular, 1,460 km (790
here. inm) altitude; inclination 101.6° (78.4 o
The evolution of the meteorological satellites, to Equator); period 115.1 min; AVCS
including the experimental NASA and the op- version sun synchronous at 1500 local
erational systems, is outlined in figure 68, in solar time, APT version sun synchron-
which the actual missions are tabulated. ous at 0900 local solar time.
Design life: 6 mo.
Onboard storage: Video tape recorders.
The ESSA-TOS spacecraft were the first of Transmission: PCM TV 0.5 Mbps, APT
the operational meteorological satellite system.
2 kbps.
They were used to provide cloud imagery for
Other: Cameras are mounted on the
operational as well as res~arch usage. Specifi-
spacecraft as spokes on a wheel so that
cally designed to provide a platform for the
they point directly down once during
instrumentation developed to meet mission re-
each spin of the spacecraft as it rolls
quirements, these spacecraft can be considered
along its orbit.
as a group of separate but coordinated subsys-
Launch vehicle: Thrust-augmented Delta.
tems operating as part of an overall data-
gathering system. This type of spacecraft has
been superseded by the ITOS system. Two ver-
sions of the ESSA spacecraft were operated.
The ITOS (A, B, C), an improved TOS satel-
One version carried an Advanced Vidicon Cam-
era System (AVCS), which stores the sensor lite, represented a newer development in the
signal on board and then transmits to a desig- meteorological system. Its configuration in-
nated receiver in a short period. The other ver- cluded a larger payload with redundant APT
sion carried an Automatic Picture Transmis- and A VCS systems (fig. 71).
sion (APT), which transmits in real time to Description:
any station within range (basically line-of- Size: 100 em x 100 em x 122 em (39 in.

x 39 in. x 48 in.), excluding solar ar- Stabilization: Three-axis stabilization
rays. utilizing momentum wheel. Attitude
Weight: 308 kg (680 lb). controlled to + 1 o with reference to
Payload : Two scanning radiometers, 2 Earth's magnetic field. Attitude deter-
AVCS, 2 APT systems, 1 flatplate ra- mination accuracy 0.! o. Short-term
diometer, and 1 solar proton monitor nutation controlled to +0.3° by liquid
(SPM). dampers. Attitude rate less than 0.05
Payload capacity: Weight 59 kg (130 dampers. Attitude rate less than
lb) ; available power 32 W. 0.05° /s.
Stabilization: Three-axis stabilized utiliz- Nominal orbit: Circular, 1,460 km (790
ing momentum wheel with passive at- inm) altitude, sun synchronous at
titude control provided by magnetic 0900 local solar time, inclination
torquing. Liquid dampers used to con- 101.6° (78.4 o to Equator), period
trol short-term nutation. Stabilization 115.1 min.
is to +1 o. Short-term nutation is to Design life: 6 mo to 1 yr.
+0.3° with short-term rate less than On board storage: 44-min incremental
0.05° /s. Attitude determination ac- video tape recorder.
curacy +0.1 o. Transmission: Redundant PM transmit-
Nominal orbit: Circular, 1,460 km (790 ter for SPM data, redundant S-hand
inm) altitude, sun synchronous at 1500 transmitters for wide-band data.
local solar time, inclination 101.6° Launch vehicle: Delta.
(78.4 o to Equator), period 115.1 min.
Design life: 6 mo. GOES
Onboard storage: 44-min incremented
video tape recorder. (See Synchronous Meteorological Satellite,
Transmission: Redundant FM transmit- page 23.)
ter for APT, redundant PM transmit-
ter for SPM, redundant S-hand trans- BIBLIOGRAPHY
mitter for wide-band data.
Launch vehicle: Delta. Aerospac-e Industries Assoc., 1970, The 1970 aerospace
yearbook, 48th ed.: Washington, D.C., p. R-99.
ITos-n Allied Research Assoc., Inc., 1965, Nimbus I users'
catalog: AVCS and APT: Prepared for Nat'l
The ITOS-D satellite was specifically de- Aeronautics and Space Adm. under contract NAS5-
signed to provide a platform for instrumenta- 3253.
American Society of Photogrammetry, 1960, Manual of
tion developed to meet NOAA's mission re- photographic interpretation.
quirements. The configuration enabled stabiliza- - - 1966, Manual of photogrammetry, 3d ed.
tion permitting the sensors continually to face --1968, Manual of color aerial photography.
the Earth. It has the capability to view the globe Aviation Week and Space Technology, Nov. 29, 1971,
Nov. 13, 1972, and Aug. 13, 1973.
twice each day, once during daylight, once at
Barton, J. H., 1972, U.S. Navy cartography: Am. Soc.
night (fig. 72). of Photogramm .. Photogramm. Eng., v. 38, no. 2,
Description: p. 147-154.
Size: 100 em x 100 em x 108 em (39 in. Boeing Co., 1967a, Lunar Orbiter 1, extended mission
x 39 in. x 42 in.) . spacecraft subsystem performance. Nat'l. Aero-
nautics and Space Adm., CR-870.
Weight: 355 kg (785 lb). - - 1967b, Lunar Orbiter 2, mission system perform-
Payload: Two-channel scanning radi- ance. Nat'l. Aeronautics and Space Adm., CR-
ometer, 2-channel very-high-resolution 66437.
radiometer, vertical temperature pro- Briggs, D. E., Scanlon, .:f. G., Golden, R. R., and Kaed-
file radiometer, and SPM. ing, D. A., 1969, TOS Evaluation Genter (TEC)
post-operational test results for ESSA 3: Nat'l.
Payload capacity: Weight 57 kg (125 Aeronautics and Space Adm., Goddard Space
lb), available power 89 W. Flight Center, X-481-69-457.

California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Gerwin, H. L., ed., 19:67, ATS-4 GSFC concept design
Laboratory, 1965, From project inception through study: Nat'l. Aeronautics and Space Adm., God-
midcourse maneuver, v. 1 of Mariner Mars 19'64 dard Space Flight Center, X-730-67-10.
project report, mission and sp·acecraft develop- Goodyear Aerospace Corp., Aero-Mechanical Programs,
ment: Calif. Inst. of Tech., Jet Propulsion Lab. 1971, Airborne sensor pl'atform: Goodyear Inf.
Tech. Rept. 32-740. Circ. 8330-9/71.
- - - 1966a, Mission description and performance, pt. Heacock, R. L., Kuiper, G. P., and Shoemaker, E. M.,
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Propulsion Lab. Tech. Rept. 32-800. pt. 2 of Ranger 8 and 9: Calif. Inst. of Tech., Jet
- - - 1966b, PDP Mariner Mars 1969: Calif. Inst. of Propulsion Lab. Tech. Rept. 32-800.
Tech., Jet Propulsion Lab. Proj. Doc. 69. Hudson, J . .F., 1968, Research role for the Learjet:
- - - 1967, Mariner Mars '69 project: Calif. Inst. of Wichita, Kans., Learjet Contrails.
Tech., Jet Propulsion Lab. Rept. 13. - - - 1971, Aircraft performance, Gates Learjet 24:
- - - 1969a, Mission plan, pt. 2 of Mariner Mars 1969 Wichita, Kans., gates Learjet Corp.
mission plan and requirements: Calif. Inst. of Klass, P. J ., 1971, Secret sentries in space: New York,
Tech., Jet Propulsion Lab. PD91. Random House.
- - - 1969b, PDP Mariner Mars 1969 project: Calif. Kollsman Instrument Corp., n.d., U.S. Air Force AN/
Inst. of Tech., Jet Propulsion Lab. Proj. Manage- USQ-28 aerial electro-photo mapping system: Elm-
ment Rept. 41. hurst, N.Y., Standard Kollsman Industries.
- - - 1969c, Surveyor project final report: Calif. Inst. Kosofsky. L. J., 1964, Mission description and perform-
of Tech., Jet Propulsion Lab. Tech. Rept. 32-1265. ance, pt. 1 of Ranger 7: Calif. Inst. of Tech., Jet
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Tech., Jet Propulsion Lab. Tech. Rept. 32-1526, v. Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Space Systems Divi-
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Corliss, W. R., 1966, SNAP nuclear space reactors: Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., NAP-E1 2-4-67.
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AFCRL-71-0406. Prepared by Goodyear Aerosp,ace Co. with Mark Systems, Inc.
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Fordyce, D. C., 1969, PDP Applications Technology United States aircraft, missiles and spacecraft:
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Proj. Dev·el. Plan (PDP). 1971, A survey and technical assessment of low-
General Electric Co., 1967a, Percheron suitability, ap- altitude tethered balloon systems: Columbus, Ohio,
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- - - 1967b, Summary report covering an analysis of operating handbook for the Improved TIROS Op-
spacecraft systems with physical recovery capabil- erational System (ITOS) and the TIROS Opera-
ity to perform earth oriented applications experi- tional System (TOS), pt. 4.
ments: Prepared for Nat'l. Aeronautics and Space Remote Sensing, Inc., 1971, -Brochure of remote sensing.
Adm. under contract NAS-W-1691, 3v. Schnapf, A., 1963-64, TIROS, the television and infra-
-.-1971, ERTS data users handbook: Gen. Elec. Co. red observation satellite: British Interplanetary
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tics and Space Adm., Goddard Space Flight Center Schultz, F. L., 1966, Mariner-Mars science subsystem:
under contract NAS 5-11320. N at'l. Aeronautics and Space Adm., TN 32-813.

Science, 1962, Mission of Mariner 2, preliminary ob- U.S. Fed·eral Aviation Agency. n.d., Moored balloons,
servations: Science, v. 138. p. 1095-1099. kites, unmanned rockets and unmanned free bal-
Science News, 1971, Scientific spy eyes for NASA: Sci. loons, pt. 101, v. 6 of Federal Aviation Regulations.
News, v. 99, no. 15, p. 240. U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Sloan, R. K., 1968, Mariner Mars 1964 project report, 1965, Mariner-Venus 1962, final project report:
scientific experiments: Calif. Inst. of Tech., Jet Nat'l. Aeronautics and Space Adm. SP-59.
Propulsion Lab. Tech. Rept. 32-883. - - - 1966, Manned space flight experiments, interim
Sp·ace Business Daily, 1971, v. 56, no. 2·1. report Gemini 9 mission.
Stampfl, R. A., 19·63, Nimbus spacecraft and its com- - - - 1971, The Pioneer mission to Jupiter: Nat'l.
munication system as of Sept. 1961: Nat'l. Aero- Aeronautics and Space Adm., SP-268.
nautics and Space Adm., TN D-1422. - - - 1972, Space Shuttle: Washington, D.C., 23p.
U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Stehling, K. R., 1971, A case for more balloon astron-
Goddard Space Flight Center, 1967a, ATS-D ( S/
omy: Smithsonian, v. 2, no. 3, p. 28-33.
G1) spacecraft and telemetry measurements list:
Stoldt, N. W., and Havanac, P. J., 1973, Compendium Nat'l. Aeronautics and Space Adm., Goddard Space
of meteorological satellites and instrumentation: Flight Center, S-460-ATS-15.
Nat'l. Aeronautics and Space Adm. Nat'l. Space - - - 1967b, Operations plan 1967 Applications Tech-
Science Data Center, NSSDC 73-02. Prepared by nology Satellite (ATS-C): Nat'l. Aeronautics and
U.S. Air Force Environmental Tech. Applications Space Adm., Goddard Space Flight Center, X-
Center. 513-67-457.
Taylor, J. W. R., ed., v. d., Jane's all the world's air- - - - 1967c, Space tracking and data acquisition net-
craft: London, Jane's Yearbook, 19·61-62, 1962-63, work manual: N at'l. Aeronautics and Space Adm.,
1963-64, 1966-67, 1967-68, 1969-70, 1970-71, 1971- Goddard Space Flight Center, X-350-67-304.
72, and 1972-73. Also distributed through McGraw- U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Hill Book Co., N.Y. and McGraw-Hill Co. of Langley Research Center, 1970, NASA 75 project,
Canada, Scarborough, Ontario. Viking mission definition: Nat'l. Aeronautics and
TRW, 1969, TRW space-log: Redondo Beach, Calif. Space Adm., Langley Research Center, M75-123-l,
U.S. Air Force, 1970, Standard aircraft characteristics. app. D.
U.S. Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, 1963, U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
AFCRL balloon symposium proceedings: U.S. Air Manned Spacecraft Center, 1963, Mercury project
Force Cambridge Research Labs., AFCRL-63-919. summary: Nat'l. Aeronautics and Space Adm.,
- - - 1965, AFGRL scientific balloon symposium, 1964, Manned Spacecraft Center, SP-45.
proceedings: U.S. Air Force Cambridge Research - - - 1971, EREP users handbook.
Labs., AFCRL-65-486. U.S. National Aeronautics and Sp·ace Administration,
- - - 1966, AFCRL scientific balloon workshop, 1965, Manned Sp·acecraft Genter, Earth Observations
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Research Labs., AFGRL-67-0075. Manned Sp·acecraft Center, Earth Observations
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- - - 1970, Proposal to NASA for a film-return earth future: Am. Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
sensing experiment. AIAA Paper 68-941.

k ft. km
165 50



~ 105


~~ 0.14X10 m
5 3

~ O.IOX 10 5 m3 NOV. 1970

0.76 Xl0 4 m3

45 0. 34 Xl0 4 m3
200 600 1000 1400 1800 2200 ki logroms

100 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 pounds


FIGURE 1.-Payload-altitude capabilities of polyethylene free balloons.



::::> .15XI06 m3
_.J '.45X 10 5 m3
5 3
20 .69X 10 m

.33 x 10 5 m3


NOV. 1970

20 6
500 2000 4000 6000 kg.

3000 7000 11,000 15,000 lb.

FIGURE 2.-Payload-altitude capabilities of scrim free balloons.

FIGURE 3.-Sunrise inflation of a 23,000-m' polyethylene balloon.

FIGURE 4.-A tandem balloon system reeled up in preparation for launch.

$200,000 (BALLOON ONLY)



-I I)

u $10,000

I JULY 1970
$ I ,000 L___-L.____u_:..~~__J__J_..LL_ _ __L_____JL-J.____L_..L-L.L.LL--L______l___-L_JL___L_L....L.J.....J___ _ __

IXI0 3 IX10 4 IXI0 5 IXI0 6 cubic meters


IXI0 5 IXI0 6 10XI0 6 IOOX 10 6 cubic feet


FIGURE 5.-Cost estimates for polyethylene and scrim free balloons.

F'IGURE 6.-Typical stratospheric wind fiOIW at 37 km (120,000 ft) during midsummer.

FIGURE 7.-First approximation of areas in the Northern Hemisphere

where balloon hovering and boomerang drifts are feasible during sum-
mer within the altitude range 14 to 22 km.

70 --·DAY 2 X

••• .. DAY 3 X
X X XX DAY 4 ., ... 4 •••

65 X

LLJ ~ ••••
, ••• •• ••• •••
•.I X

/ XX X X
<{ __ ..,, "

12 12 00 12

16 '- - - - -
; I
," 201-
/ ,
/ I
., """'.,-,
lc:c - - ....._, "

.......... l~

... ····· / .·
~ , "'··...... ...

·: , ...
----- ~

A •.
• . _, ~
_, 04 .

.......... .:.- ...

··.. ..... ...


FIGURE 8.-Hovering balloon flight C70-18 launched from Chico, Calif., Aug ust 17, 1970. Flight
duration, 72 hours.


FIGURE 9.-Project Stratoscope II carrying a 3-ton optical tele-

FIGURE 10.-The Stratoscope II telescope with guidance package and high-
scope to an altitude of 24,400 m (80,000 ft). Its observations
resolution camera equipment.
yielded much valuable astronomical data.


FIGURE 12.-Single-hull British A-

FIGURE 11.-A 710-m' spherical tethered balloon being prepared for launch at the White Sands Missile
shape kite balloon with a volume
Range, N.Mex.
of 2,800 m'.
kft 3
A, 2832 m3 volume (I 00,000 ft )
20 km 3
B, 2000m 3
6 ( 70,600 ft )
c, 1274m
3 II
(45,QOOft )

5 Altitudes attainable in calm winds


~ 10 3

200 400 600 800 1200 kg


400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 lbs

FIGURE 13.-Payload versus altitude for Briti sh barrage balloons.

FIGURE15.-The radio-controlled Hasselblad
EL 500 camera hung in its gimbal as seen
from below.

FIGURE14.-Walking the balloon and aerial

camera to the target area (Turkey).

FIGURE 16.-Cessna 180 Skywagon.

FIGURE 17.-Beechcraft Bonanza A36.

FIGURE 18.-Cessna 337 Turbo-System Super Skymaster.

FIGURE 19.-Beechcraft Queen Air B80.

FIGURE 20.-The Grumman OV-1 Mohawk observation aircraft.

FIGURE 21.-Lockheed Y0-3A quiet reconnaissance aircraft.

FIGURE 22.-RockweU Standard Jet Commander 1121.

FIGURE 23.-Gates Learjet 24.

FIGURE 24.-Fairchild Hiller Porter.

.4 GHz
APN 159
1.6 GHz

FIGURE 25.-NASA 927 Lockheed NP3A Orion flight configuration.

FIGURE 26.-Douglas Skywarrior RA-3B.

FIGURE 27.-Lockheed NC130B (RC130) Earth Resources Aircraft (NASA 929) .

FIGURE 28.-Boeing RC135A.

Terrain Profile



Prime Prime
Camero Camero

FIGURE 29.-Isometric view of Boeing RC135A showing the USQ-28 aerial electro-photomapping

FIGURE 30.- E-Systems L450S reconnaissance aircraft in piloted configuration.

FIGURE 31.-North American Rockwell X15· research aircraft.

FIGURE 32.-General Dynamics / Martin RB57F.

tD Camera Systems and Data Annotation ffiB Infrared Reconnaissance Set
. . Forward-Looking Radar fim Communications (HF, UHF, IFF , TACAN and ADF)
-ELRAC E::!J Side- Looking Radar

~-------Fuel and Englnes------- - -- - -to>-- - -

/---Electronics -1

FIGURE 33.-McDonnell Douglas (Phantom II) RF-4C'.


FIGURE 34.-RF-4G flight configuration.

FIGURE 35.-Lockheed U-2.

FIGURE 36.-Lockheed SR71A strategic reconnaissance aircraft.

FIGURE 37.-USDA Forest Service Bell Heliwpter fire spotter, Model 47G-3B-1.

FIGURE 38.-Northrop Falconer surveillance drone.

FIGURE 39.-Goodyear blimp Columbia.

FIGURE 40.-Television camera mounted on blimp Mayflower.

FIGURE 41.-Schweizer sailplane SGS 2-32.




FIGURE 42.-Sketch of proposed film-r eturn Earth-sensing space vehicle

(USGS) .

FIGURE 43.- Aircraft recovering a capsule such as might contain film from an
Earth-sensing spacecraft.





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FIGURE 44.-Nimbus D satellite (sketch) .

FIGURE 45.-TIROS M spacecraft.




FIGURE 46.-Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS). FIGURE 47.-Sketch of ERTS system.

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FIGURE 48.-ATS-B systems and interior experiments. FIGURE 49.-ATS-B exterior experiments.

FIGURE 50.-Concept of ATS-F&G.



.......---- ECLIPTIC -----+-


I \
1-4--------46,000 N.MI. ------~
FIGURE 52.-Sehematic drawing of a 6-satellite high-resolution geosynchronous
FIGURE 51.-Synchronous Meteorological Satellite ( SMS). Earth-sensing system.
FIGURE 53.-Ranger lunar probe.

FIGURE 54.-Lunar Orbiter spacecraft (artist's con- FIGURE 55.-Lunar Orbiter E, showing camera lens.







FIGURE 56.-Surveyor lunar lander.

FIGURE 57.-Mariner 4 spacecr aft (flyby

version) . FIGURE 58.-Mariner 9 spacecraft (Mars Orbiter) .

FIGURE 59.-Viking spacecraft.

FIGURE 60.-Pioneer spacecraft.

FIGURE 61.-Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo spacecraft.


stowage bags
L.C.R.U .

FIGURE 62.-Apollo service mod-

ule, showing Scientific Instru- FIGURE 64.-Sketch -of Lunar Rover Vehicle, showing instruments.
ment Module (SIM).








FIGURE 63.-Sketch of instruments carried in Apollo SIM bay.


bd ·'V!f>


r '
(or up to 70} DAYS
SL-1 SL-2 SL-3 SL-4
FIGURE 66.-Skylab-A, activatiJon and operation-periods of occupancy.
1960-63 1965-66 1966-69 1970-73

TIROS IX ESSA 2, 4, 6 and 8
• Television Feasibility • First Wheel Mode • APT Spacecraft For TIROS M and ITOS A, B, and C
• Infrared Experiments Spacecraft Real-Time Global • Daytime Global APT
• Narrow and Wide-Angle • Near-Polar Sun-Synchronous Readout Readout
Television Orbit For Daily e Daytime Global AVCS
Global Observation ESSA 3! 5, 7, and 9 Readout
TIROS II • Forerunner of the TIROS • AVCS Spacecraft For • Day and Night Real-Time
• Magnetic Torquing Operational System - Daytime Global TV and Remote IR and
• Narrow and Wide-Angle • Wide-Angle Television Observation Visible Channel Scanning
Television - Remote Sensing and Radiometer
TIROS X Storage for u.s. • Solar Proton Monitor
TIROS III • Interim Operational Readout • Flat Plate Radiometer
...:) • Limited Operational Use Satellite • Earth-Stabilized
tv • University of Wisconsin • S-Band Transmission From Platform With
• Wide-Angle Television
Radiometer ESSA 7 and 9 Growth Capability
• NASA Radiometer ESSA 1 For Future Sensors
• Wide-Angle Television • Operational Satellite • ITOS 1 (formerly TIROS M)
• Wide-Angle Television launched January 23, 1970
TIROS IV through VI • NOAA 1 (formerly ITOS A)
• Limited Operational Use launched December 11, 1970
• Wide-Angle Television
ITOS D,E,F, and G
TIROS VII • Scanning Radiometers and
• Limited Operational Use Very High Resolution
• Ion Temperature Probe Radiometers For Day and
• NASA Radiometer Night Real-Time and Re-
• Wide-Angle Television mote IR and Visible Data-
Global Coverage
TIROS VIII • Vertical Temperature
• First Use of APT Profile of Atmosphere
Real-Time Television • Solar Proton Monitor
• Wide-Angle Television

FIGURE 68.-Evolution of TIROS, TOS, ESSA satellites.


FIGURE 69.-TIROS Operational Satellites (TOS).

FIGURE 70.-lnterior of the Environmental Survey Satellite, ESSA 3.

FIGURE 71.-NOAA Satellite ITOS.










FIGURE 72.-NOAA Satellite ITOS-D.

·:.· u.s . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1974-543-SBt / 65

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