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Unit 1

Rivne College of Economics and Technologies.

Цілі: формувати лексичні навички й навички вимови; вдосконалювати навички читання й
усного мовлення; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію студентів; виховувати
зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
1. Warm-up
TERM/SEMESTER - The academic year is usually divided into four (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer)
ESSAY - A short literary composition on a single subject, usually presenting the personal view of the author.
TO REGISTER FOR CLASSES - to sign up for classes.
TO TAKE NOTES - to quickly summarize (in writing) what someone says (during a lecture).

1. I have a lot of very difficult ________ this term.

2. To ________ means to study hard in a short period of time (usually before an exam).
3. I thought that the ________ I wrote for my Spanish Literature class was great, but I only got a C.
4. Q: Did you pass? A: No, I ________!
5. A ________ student is someone who already has an undergraduate degree, and is trying to get an M.A.,
M.S., Ph.D., etc.
6. A Masters ________ is something you have to write in order to obtain a Masters Degree.
7. The maximum ________ for undergraduate degree students is 21 credit hours in a semester.
course load
class number
8. A ________ student, is one who doesn't have a full course load.
9. When you write a ________, you're writing a formal written report that includes both research findings and
your own ideas.
research paper
research work
10. She is a very smart girl. She always gets good ________.

2. Reading
Do ex. 1.

3. Listening and speaking

College Life
Victoria: Oh, hi Albert. Long time, no see!

Albert: Hi Victoria. I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d drop by.

Victoria: Come on in. [Thanks.] Take a seat. Would you like anything to drink? I have Sprite or
orange juice.
Albert: Sprite would be fine. Uh, so, how have you been?
Victoria: Oh, not bad. And you?
Albert: Oh, I’m doing okay, but school has been really hectic these days, and I haven’t had time
to relax.
Victoria: By the way, what’s your major anyway?
Albert: Hotel management.
Victoria: Well, what do you want to do once you graduate?
Albert: Uh… I haven’t decided for sure, but I think I’d like to work for a hotel or travel agency
in this area. How about you?
Victoria: Well, when I first started college, I wanted to major in French, but I realized I might
have a hard time finding a job using the language, so I changed majors to computer science.
[Oh].With the right skills, landing a job in the computer industry shouldn’t be as difficult.
Albert: So, do you have a part-time job to support yourself through school?
Victoria: Well, fortunately for me, I received a four-year academic scholarship [Wow] that pays
for all of my tuition and books.
Albert: Wow. That’s great.
Victoria: Yeah. How about you? Are you working your way through school?
Albert: Yeah. I work three times a week at a restaurant near campus.
Victoria: Oh. What do you do there?
Albert: I’m a cook.
Victoria: How do you like your job?
Albert: It’s okay. The other workers are friendly, and the pay isn’t bad.
Make up your own dialogues

4. Writing
► Practice the new vocabulary.
Write out the adjectives from the text with the help of which you can characterize your college.
Make sure that you know the meaning of all these words.

5. Reading and speaking

Read the text again. Retell the text with your own words.
► Work in pairs.
Speak about your specialty.

I like my specialty because ____.

I enjoy being around my group mates because ____.
My favorite subjects are_____ because ____.

10. Summary

Think of three things to describe the ideal college, group mate, and teacher. Use the vocabulary and
expressions from ex.1,2

11. Homework
Write a dialogue about our college.
Unit 1
Rivne College of Economics and Technologies.
Цілі: вдосконалювати лексичні навички та навички вимови, аудіювання, читання й усного
мовлення; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати загальну культуру cтудентів.
1. Warm-up
Listen to each sentence describing a personality type (for example, “A person who is happy”). Then
choose the word that describes that personality type (“cheerful” in this example).
Personality Types 1
1) A person who likes to give or share things with others.
2) Someone who always tells the truth.
3) A person who is quick at learning new things.
4) Someone who is always on time.
5) A person who can’t keep a secret.
6) Someone who does not think about other peoples’ feelings.
7) A person who speaks in a very direct and honest way.
8) Someone who is educated or has good manners.
9) A person who comes up with new and original ideas.
10) Someone who has a strong desire to succeed.
1) 6)
A) selfish A) talented
B) interesting B) brilliant
C) generous C) inconsiderate
2) 7)
A) comical A) sloppy
B) honest B) frank
C) ungrateful C) helpless
3) 8)
A) spoiled A) childish
B) clever B) nasty
C) easygoing C) cultured
4) 9)
A) punctual A) creative
B) bland B) timid
C) skeptical C) narrow-minded
5) 10)
A) bigmouth A) forgetful
B) depressing B) ambitious
C) pushy C) disorganized

Key: 1 c; 2 b; 3 b; 4 a; 5 a; 6 c; 7 b; 8 c; 9 a; 10 b.

2. Reading
► Practise the vocabulary.
Do ex. 1,

3. Writing
Do ex. 1 Write your own sentences with the new words.

4. Reading
Read and translate the text.
Rivne College of Economics and Technologies
Rivne College of Economics and Technologies was founded in 1961.
During 50 years the college has trained about 20 thousand specialists for light and textile industry.
Today Rivne College of Economics and Technologies is a powerful unit of the National University
of Water Management and Natural Resources Use, which trains young specialists from ten specialties of five
1. Textile and light industry (specialties: "Production and design of fabrics and knitted fabrics",
"Production and design of non-woven textile materials", "Garment Industry", "Modeling and design
of industrial products");
2. Art (specialty: "Design")
3. Mechanical engineering and material working (specialties: "Maintenance and repair of equipment
of enterprises of textile and light industry", “Repair and maintenance of household equipment”);
4. Economics and Business (specialties: "Accounting", “Informative activity of enterprise”).
5. Culture (specialty: "Office work").
66 teachers and masters of industrial training give their knowledge and experience to students. Among
them there are 45 teachers who have the first and the higher qualification category, 13 specialists of
educational methods, 7 exemplary workers of Education of Ukraine and one awarded with the Ministry of
Education and Science of Ukraine medal.
Annually more than 600 students study at the college.

5.Grammar. Four types of questions.

1. Загальне запитання (General Questions)

Загальне запитання в англійській мові є найпростішим. Це питання, яке передбачає в якості відповіді
або “так“, або “ні“. Тобто питання, для отримання загальної інформації. Тому інколи це питання
називається “yes/no question“.

Воно утворюється шляхом переміщення допоміжного дієслова або модального дієслова на перше
місце в речення. Повне правило:

Допоміжне дієслово+підмет+смислове дієслово+додаток

Допоміжне дієслово залежить від того, в якому часі ви хочете запитати:

 Past Simple – Did

 Present Simple – Do / Does
 Future Simple – Shall / Will
 Past Continuous – Was / Were
 Present Continuous – Am / Is / Are
 Future Continuous – Shall / Will
 Past Perfect – Had
 Present Perfect – Have / Has
 Future Perfect – Shall / Will + після підмета йде допоміжне дієслово have
 Past Perfect Continuous – Had + після підмета йде допоміжне дієслово been
 Present Perfect Continuous – Have / Has + після підмета йде допоміжне дієслово been
 Future Perfect Continuous – Shall / Will + після підмета йде допоміжні дієслова have been
 Future in the Past – Would

Відповіді на загальне запитання можуть бути як короткими (Yes/No +підмет та допоміжне або
модальне дієслово) так і повними. Час при цьому залишається незмінним. Приклади:

Have you been to London? – Yes, I have (Yes, I have been to London). – Ти був у Лондоні? – Так (я був у

Did you buy this car? – Yes, I did (Yes, I bought this car). – Ти купив цю машину? – Так (я купив цю

Do they play football? – No, they don’t (No, they don’t play football). – Вони грають у футбол? – Ні (вони
не грають у футбол).

Could you do that? – No, I couldn’t (No, I couldn’t do that). – Ти міг би зробити це? – Ні (ні, я зможу це

2. Спеціальне запитання (Special Questions)

Спеціальне запитання – це запитання, для отримання додаткової інформації. Це питання завжди

розпочинається з питального слова (окрім питальних слів What та Who – вони використовуються у
питаннях до підмета). Повний список питальних слів в англійській мові є тут.

Порядок слів у спеціальних запитаннях такий же, як і в загальних, але з одним виключенням: перед
допоміжним дієсловом розташовується питальне слово. Приклади:

What did you visit in Kyiv last time? – Що ти в останній час відвідував у Києві?

Where do they go? – Куди вони йдуть?

How did you manage to get tickets? – Як тобі вдалося дістати квитки?

2.1. Питання до підмета (Who…? What…?)

Якщо є необхідність поставити питання до підмета, то використовують питальні

слова Who? та What?. Порядок слів у питанні трохи змінений у порівнянні з попередніми двома,
оскільки у питаннях до підмета не використовується сам підмет. Тобто, формула буде такою:

Who/What+смислове дієслово+доповнення


Who is he? – Хто він?

What is that? – Що це?

3. Альтернативне запитання (Alternative Questions)

Альтернативне питання передбачає два чи більше варіанти вибори за допомогою використання

слова or. Порядок слів в такому питанні є таким же, як і в загальному.

Does she like coffee or tea? – Вона любить каву чи чай?

Did he buy motorbike or bicycle? – Він купив мотоцикл чи велосипед?

5. Питання з розділовими знаками (Disjunctive Questions)

Розділове питання називається так тому, що воно розділяється на дві частини за допомогою коми. У
першій частині питання йде ствердження, а у другій – питання до цього твердження. Завдання
розділового питання – перевірити правдивість твердження. Ці питання часто використовуються у
розмовній мові, коли співрозмовник “ненароком” намагається з’ясувати якусь інформацію на основі
наявних фактів.

1 частина частина розділового питання – це типове стверджувальне речення з типовим порядком слів
у ньому: підмет – дієслово – додаток.

2 частина – це допоміжне дієслово у зазначеного у 1 частині часу та підмет. Якщо будуємо питання
від твердження, то в 2 частині буде заперечення. Якщо будуємо питання від заперечення, то буде


You are playing tennis, aren’t you? – Ти граєш в теніс, чи не так?

He goes to the gym, doesn’t he? – Він ходить в тренажерний зал, чи не так?

Bill isn’t famous person, is he? – Біл не відома персона, чи не так?

They haven’t been to Paris, have they? – Вони не були в Парижі, чи не так?

6. Writing
Do ex. 3

8. Summary
1) What specialties are there at Rivne College of Economics and Technologies?
2) What types of questions do you know?

9. Homework
Ex. 1, (to learn the new vocabulary)
Ex. 2 (translate the first part of the text)
Rivne College of Economics and Technologies.
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удосконалювати навички
читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси
студентів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
1. Warm-up
Do ex. 1

2. Reading
Do ex. 2,

3. Writing
► Practise the vocabulary.
Fill in the gaps with the new words. (Word file, there is a misprint — to lose touch)
1) All members of our club continue to ____.
2) The two games have much ____.
3) They stayed ____ all through the next ten years.
4) These boys ____ well most of the time.
5) They ____ when Dean got married and moved away.
6) Novak continued to ____ with the referee throughout the game.
7) His great ____ was to set up his own business.
8) A lot of people doubted that I could ____ in business for myself.

4. speaking
Try to retell this story.
Start like this: This story is about...

5. Reading
An important part of training highly qualified specialists is to create conditions for practical training
of students. At Rivne College of Economics and Technologies there are 6 laboratories and 7 workshops which
are properly equipped. There are also 4 computer classrooms provided with Internet, diploma and course
design room and a library with a reading room there.
The contracts are signed with such private enterprises, companies, firms and factories as «Rivne plant
of nonwovens," "T-Style", "Rivne-style", "Simpateks" "Almi" and "Mayak". Some companies order specific
topics of diploma projects. Students do them on the equipment on the base of customers, where they have
their practical training.
According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Rivne College of Economics and
Technologies is a constituent part of the educational and scientific industrial complex of Kyiv National
University of Technologies and Design. A contract is concluded with Khmelnitsky National University in
training specialists from the specialties "Sewing production" and "Maintenance and repair of equipment of
enterprises of textile and light industry." This furthers the high level of professional knowledge and skills of
graduates and gives them the opportunity to continue their studies at universities.
At our college there are good sports facilities: gym-, game- and tennis halls. On the basis of our college
there are sports clubs on basketball, volleyball, football, athletics, gymnastics and chess. College Sport Teams
are the repeated winners of regional and city competitions.
Students from the "Fashion Theatre" of the specialty " Modeling and design of industrial products "in
November 2010 took part in the International scientific conference in Lutsk State Technical University and
took the first place on the fashion show.
The history of the College is the pride of everyone who works and studies there, a tribute of deep
gratitude to all those who enriched its glory and honor, created traditions and made the foundation for the
6. Speaking
With a partner, make up the dialogue using the information from the text.
You may change it a bit and add your own ideas.

7. Summary
Would you like to continue studying in university?
What university would you like to choose?

10. Homework
Write a dialogue on the topic. Ex. 4
Rivne College of Economics and Technologies.
Цілі: вдосконалювати лексичні навички й навички читання та перекладу; вдосконалювати
навички виконання тестових завдань; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати толерантне
ставлення до інших, а також загальну культуру студентів.
1. Warm-up
1) When was Rivne College of Economics and Technologies founded?
2) How many specialties are there at the college? Can you name them?
3) Where can students continue their studies?

2. speaking
►Act your dialogues about college.

3. Reading
► Practise the vocabulary.
Do ex. 1,

4. Writing
Do ex. 1 Write your own sentences with the new words.

5. Reading
Read and translate the text.
Student Life
It’s great to be a student. Many colleges and universities offer great opportunities for studying and
for social life. Some students even choose to study abroad. There are several reasons why student
life is exciting. First of all, students learn what they need for their future profession. It’s even better
if the student really enjoys the direction he or she chose. Secondly, being a student doesn’t mean
to work and study all the time. They get plenty of free time for their hobbies and favourite pastimes.
Thirdly, students’ social life is very interesting. When students decide to study in foreign colleges,
it’s also rather exciting. They get to meet lots of new people from other countries. They can
practice and improve their language skills. To study at a college students usually have to pay
additional fee. College life is amazing in many ways. First of all, there are many interesting
lections and training sessions. Secondly, students find all sorts of entertainment there. For
example, the ones who like sport join the local sports teams. For many people college years are
the best in life. Almost everyone has good memories of student life. It is even more interesting to
be a student if you live in a dormitory. After the sessions they can play the guitar and sing songs.
The ones, who like dancing, go to local discos. Others get together simply to chat and discuss the
topics they’ve learned. Student life is never boring. It is always full of excitement and interesting

6. Writing
Write 10 sentences about your student’s life.

7. Reading and speaking

Read three points of view on friendship and aspects of friendship. Then share your points of view
and discuss your reactions.
Speaker 1. I think that friendship is a unique chemistry that happens between two people and a lot
of people say they’ve got best friends, but I actually wonder how many people actually do have a
best friend in the real sense of the word. I have two best friends: one works in the theatre, and one is
a sort of entrepreneur: and we see each other about three or four times a year. but I wouldn’t call
that being a best friend, that is a close friend. I think my best friend, without getting too soppy, is
my wife. she is my total best friend, I can discuss anything with her and she can pick up on feelings
that I’ve got inside me whereas my two best chums can never do that unless I’m showing an
expression on my face. Then they’ll say, ‘Oh, what’s the matter, Campbell?’, but my wife. I can
walk into a room and she knows exactly what kind of mood I’m in and that is a best friend.
Speaker 2. I also feel that a best friend is really someone who can understand. I’ve kept in touch
with four friends from schooldays and we don’t see each other very often. One of them or two I see
perhaps once a year. But the thing about it is when we do see other it’s as if there’s been no time
spent apart and we’re able just to slip into our relationship and a kind of feeling that we’ve always
had. It’s like wearing a pair of shoes that you’ve had for a long time, it’s comfortable, it’s safe and
it’s warm, and it’s easy.
Speaker 3. I mean I’ve had friends since childhood and we. we’re essential to each other. We reflect
each other’s journey through life and changes that we’ve gone through. I think there’s a difference
with men and women. I think sometimes for some women friendship is easier, I think often friend-
ship between men is difficult just because it does happen that men are less used to expressing their
emotions. It’s much harder I think sometimes for men to confide their failures. I think a lot of the
trust and the sort of intimacy between women is to do with insecurities and all those things that you
share. I’ve felt immensely privileged actually to have a number of very close friends and for me it’s
in terms of human relationship I think I value it above everything.

8. Summary
1. What do you think about student`s life?
2. Do you like to study?
3. Why did you choose this specialty?

9. Homework
Retell the text.
History of Clothing and Textiles.
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення; розвивати мовну здогадку й
мовленнєву реакцію студентів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

3. Reading
► Practise the vocabulary.
Do ex. 1,

4. Writing
Do ex. 1 Write your own sentences with the new words.

5. Reading
Read and translate the text.


The wearing of clothing is exclusively a human characteristic and is a feature of most human
societies. It is not known when humans began wearing clothes. Anthropologists believe that animal
skins and vegetation were adapted into coverings as protection from cold, heat and rain, especially as
humans migrated to new climates; alternatively, covering may have been invented first for other
purposes, such as magic, decoration, cult, or prestige, and later found to be practical as well.
Textiles, defined as felt or spun fibers made into yarn and subsequently netted, looped, knit or
woven to make fabrics, appeared in the Middle East during the late stone age. From ancient times to
the present day, methods of textile production have continually evolved, and the choices of textiles
available have influenced how people carried their possessions, clothed themselves, and decorated
their surroundings.
The term 'Textile' is a Latin word originating from the word 'texere' which means 'to weave'.
Textile refers to a flexible material comprising of a network of natural or artificial fibers, known as
yarn. Textiles are formed by weaving, knitting, crocheting, knotting and pressing fibers together.

6. Writing
Do ex. 3

The following statements are based upon the information in the text. If the statement is correct write T
(true), if it is wrong write F (false) and give the right answer.

1. It is a well-known fact when humans began wearing clothes.

2. Anthropologists think that animal skins and vegetation were adapted into coverings as protection
from the weather.
3. Textiles are felt or spun fibers made into yarn and then netted, looped, knit or woven to make
4. Textile refers to a rigid material comprising of a network of only natural fibers, known as yarn.

7. Reading
► Practise the vocabulary.
Do ex. 2, p. 12.

8. Reading and speaking

Read three points of view on friendship and aspects of friendship. Then share your points of view
and discuss your reactions.
Speaker 1. I think that friendship is a unique chemistry that happens between two people and a lot
of people say they’ve got best friends, but I actually wonder how many people actually do have a
best friend in the real sense of the word. I have two best friends: one works in the theatre, and one is
a sort of entrepreneur: and we see each other about three or four times a year. but I wouldn’t call
that being a best friend, that is a close friend. I think my best friend, without getting too soppy, is
my wife. she is my total best friend, I can discuss anything with her and she can pick up on feelings
that I’ve got inside me whereas my two best chums can never do that unless I’m showing an
expression on my face. Then they’ll say, ‘Oh, what’s the matter, Campbell?’, but my wife. I can
walk into a room and she knows exactly what kind of mood I’m in and that is a best friend.
Speaker 2. I also feel that a best friend is really someone who can understand. I’ve kept in touch
with four friends from schooldays and we don’t see each other very often. One of them or two I see
perhaps once a year. But the thing about it is when we do see other it’s as if there’s been no time
spent apart and we’re able just to slip into our relationship and a kind of feeling that we’ve always
had. It’s like wearing a pair of shoes that you’ve had for a long time, it’s comfortable, it’s safe and
it’s warm, and it’s easy.
Speaker 3. I mean I’ve had friends since childhood and we. we’re essential to each other. We reflect
each other’s journey through life and changes that we’ve gone through. I think there’s a difference
with men and women. I think sometimes for some women friendship is easier, I think often friend-
ship between men is difficult just because it does happen that men are less used to expressing their
emotions. It’s much harder I think sometimes for men to confide their failures. I think a lot of the
trust and the sort of intimacy between women is to do with insecurities and all those things that you
share. I’ve felt immensely privileged actually to have a number of very close friends and for me it’s
in terms of human relationship I think I value it above everything.

8. Summary
4. Is the wearing of clothing exclusively a human characteristic?
5. When did humans begin wearing clothes?
6. What do anthropologists think on this point?
7. When and where did textile appear?
8. What are textiles?

9. Homework
Ex. 4,5
History of Clothing and Textiles.
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення; розвивати мовну здогадку й
мовленнєву реакцію студентів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
1. Warm-up
1. Is the wearing of clothing exclusively a human characteristic?
2. When did humans begin wearing clothes?
3. What do anthropologists think on this point?
4. When and where did textile appear?
5. What are textiles?
6. What is the origin of the term ‘Textile’?
7. What are textiles formed by?

2. Reading
3,300-Year-Old Clothing Found in Chinese Graveyard

A pair of woolen trousers, which were recently discovered in a graveyard in western China, dates
back to about 3,300 years, and archaeologists believe it is the world's oldest pants.
The discovery was made in the Yanghai graveyard in Tarim Basin. The research was conducted
by a team, led by archaeologists Ulrike Beck and Mayke Wagner of the German Archaeological
Institute in Berlin.
Trousers were made for horse riding in ancient days, and these pants are straight-fitted and have a
wide crotch, resembling the modern day riding pants, according to Science News.
The discovery supports the previous work done by researchers that claims nomadics in Central
Asia invented trousers, in order to provide protection to the body and allow freedom of movement
for horseback riding.
"This new paper definitely supports the idea that trousers were invented for horse riding by mobile
pastoralists, and that trousers were brought to the Tarim Basin by horse-riding peoples," said Victor
Mair, linguist, University of Pennsylvania.
In Tarim Basin, the dry environment and hot summers helped in preserving human corpses,
including clothing and other such organic material.
It was found that earlier Asians and Europeans wore gowns, tunics, togas and robes. Over 500
tombs have been unearthed in the graveyard since the early 1970s.
Previous researches, led by Mair, have hunted for mummies from different sites of Tarim Basin
and identified a 2,600-year-old body named Cherchen Man, who was wearing burgundy trousers,
possibly made of wool.
Trousers found from West Asia Scythian nomads dated close to 2,500 years. The researchers now
suspect that horse riding began around 3,400 years ago, and the making of trousers came a little later.
The recently discovered trousers at Yanghai were from two men - 40 years old at the time of death
- who may have been warriors and herders as well, explained the investigators.
One of the men had an ornamented leather bridle, a battle axe, a wooden horse bit and a leather
bracer which provides arm protection. The other body lay with a whip, a bow sheath, a horse tail and
a bow.
Radiocarbon dating was done on the fibres from both trousers by Beck and Wagner's group. The
group obtained radiocarbon ages of fibers from both men's trousers, and of three other items in one
of the tombs.
Rather than the modern day method of cutting down large fabric pieces, the early pants were woven
in accurately sized segments, to form the finishing garment. Each pair of trousers was stitched by
joining three pieces of brown-colored wool cloth. Each of the legs had one piece of cloth and the
other for the crotch.
Beck and Wagner's group describes the prehistoric invention of trousers "a ground-breaking
achievement in the history of cloth making".

3. Speaking
Think out and discuss the following items:
1) What is this article about?
2) What were these trousers made for?

4.Speaking and reading.

Ex. 4,5
Yarn is a long continuous length of interlocked fibres, suitable for use in the production of
textiles, sewing, crocheting, knitting, weaving, embroidery and rope making.
Thread is a type of yarn intended for sewing by hand or machine.
Sewing - needlework on which you are working with needle and thread.
Crocheting-a kind of needlework in which loops of a thread or yarn are interwoven by means of
a single hooked needle.
Knitting -is the name of the craft that involves two needles and yarn or thread. Loops in the yarn
are manipulated with the needles to make a knitted fabric.
Weaving is a textile craft in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced to form a
fabric or cloth. The threads which run lengthways are called the warp and the threads which run
across from side to side are the weft or filling.
Embroidery is the art or handicraft of decorating fabric or other materials with needle and thread
or yarn. Machine embroidery is a process where a sewing or embroidery machine is used to create
patterns on textiles.

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions.

1. Is the wearing of clothing exclusively a human characteristic?

2. When did humans begin wearing clothes?
3. What do anthropologists think on this point?
4. When and where did textile appear?
5. What are textiles?
6. Have methods of textile production continually evolved from ancient times to the present
7. What is the origin of the term ‘Textile’?
8. What does textile refer to?
9. What are textiles formed by?
10. What threads are called warp?
11. What threads are called weft?

5. Summary
1) What do you know about the origin of textiles ?
2) What is weaving?

6. Homework:
Learn the definition of the word textiles.

The History of Clothing and Textiles.
Цілі: формувати лексичні навички й навички вимови; вдосконалювати навички читання й
усного мовлення; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію студентів; виховувати
зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
1. Warm-up
► Occupations: What is my job?
I work in an office. I type letters and answer the phone.
I go to court and defend people’s rights.
I work in a hospital and take care of sick people.
I work in a school and help people learn.
You pay me when you buy something at the store.
I take care of sick animals.
I put out fires.
I wear a uniform and a badge. I help keep your neighborhood safe.
I help keep your teeth clean.
I deliver letters and packages to your home.
Key: secretary, lawyer, doctor or nurse, teacher, clerk or salesperson, vet, firefighter, police officer,
dentist, mailman.

2. Reading
Do ex. 1, p. 20.

3. Writing
► Practise the new vocabulary.
Make up your own sentences with the new words.

Fill in the gaps with the right words.

1) Her jealousy is one of her worst ____.
2) Most house plants ____ regular watering.
3) You don’t ____ much money being a nurse.
4) An ambitious young man ____ high-paid job.
5) The job that gave him ____ experience has been lost.
6) The project is designed to ____ young people with work.
7) The ability to speak a foreign language is highly __ .
8) He’s got a lot of ____ in many areas of the music business.
9) It is __ that our pilots are given the best possible training.
10) The ____ were very helpful.
11) There are quite a lot of jobs that require technical qualifications.
12) He spoke in __ Italian.

4. Reading
Do ex. 2
The history of textile is almost as old as that of human civilization and as time moves on the
history of textile has further enriched itself. Yarn, fabrics, and tools for spinning and weaving have
been found among the earliest relics of human habitations. In the 6th and 7th century BC, the oldest
recorded indication of using fiber comes with the invention of flax and wool fabric at the excavation
of Swiss lake inhabitants. In India the culture of silk was introduced in 400AD, while spinning of
cotton traces back to 3000BC. In China, the discovery and consequent development of sericulture
and spin silk methods got initiated at 2640 BC while in Egypt the art of spinning linen and weaving
developed in 3400 BC.
About the 4th century AD, Constantinople began to weave the raw silk imported from China. A
century later silk culture spread to the Western countries, and textile making developed rapidly. By
the 14th century splendid fabrics were being woven on the hand looms of the Mediterranean countries
in practically all the basic structures known to modern artisans, and there has been no change in
fundamental processes since that time, although methods and equipment have been radically altered.
The discovery of machines and their widespread application in processing natural fibers was a
direct outcome of the industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries. The discoveries of various
synthetic fibers like nylon created a wider market for textile products and gradually led to the
invention of new and improved sources of natural fiber.

5. Speaking and writing

Ex. 3
1. How old is the history of textile?
2. Where have yarn, fabrics, and tools for spinning and weaving been found?
3. When was the culture of silk and spinning of cotton introduced in India?
4. When did the discovery and consequent development of sericulture and spin silk methods
begin in China?
5. When did the art of spinning linen and weaving developed in Egypt?
6. When did Constantinople begin to weave the raw silk imported from China?
7. When did silk culture appear in the Western countries?
8. When were splendid fabrics being woven on the hand looms of the Mediterranean
9. Have methods and equipment been radically altered since that time?

7. Summary
1. Was the discovery of machines and their widespread application in processing natural fibers
a direct outcome of the industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries?
2. What led to the invention of new and improved sources of natural fiber?

8. Homework
Ex. 4, 5.

The History of Textiles.
Цілі: формувати навички письма; вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання;
розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у
розширенні своїх знань.
1. Warm-up
► translate into Ukrainian.
a human civilization
as time moves on
to enrich itself
the earliest relics
human habitations
the oldest recorded indication
spinning of cotton
consequent development of sericulture
spin silk methods
the art of spinning and weaving
about the 4th century AD
textile making
to develop rapidly
by the 14th century
splendid fabrics
a hand loom
a modern artisan
fundamental processes
since that time
widespread application
synthetic fibers
the invention of new sources
natural fibers

2. Reading and speaking

Do task. 1,2

3. Writing
Fill in the chart according to the types of letters and reasons for writing.

Reasons for writing Informal Semi-formal Formal

Giving information
Giving news
Giving advice

I am writing to draw your attention to..., Could you do something for me?, I am writing to apologise
for..., I’ve looked into..., You’ll never guess what..., I am writing to request some advice
concerning.., I’m writing to tell you about..., I would be most grateful if you could..., I am writing
to apply for the position..., Do you know anything about..., This information should be useful to
you..., Why don’t you..., In addition, could you tell me..., I’m really sorry about..., I am writing to
inform you of..., I’m sorry to hear. and I think I can help..., I am writing with reference to your
advertisement which I saw., Glad to hear that..., I would like to express my dissatisfaction..., This
information should help you..., May I bring to your attention..., I really need..., I didn’t mean to..., I
would suggest that..., I am writing to offer my sincere apologies regarding.
4.Reading and speaking.
The History of Textile Dyes
A Bit of History
Long has it been since the industry of textile products left behind its humble beginnings in natural dyes, but
such growth and expansion has only proven to strengthen this facet of the fabric world.
Historically, dyes came from nature, with primary sources consisting of animals or plants. The majority of
these came from roots, berries, bark, leaves, wood, and other organic, naturally occurring substances such as
Archaeologists have even found evidence of textile dyeing going back to the Neolithic period, otherwise
known as the New Stone Age, which began around 10,200 BC. In China, there is evidence that dyes were
created from insects, barks, and plants, beginning about 5,000 years ago.
These dyes, while effective, were rudimentary and simplistic, often depicting ruddy colors (e.g., reds,
browns, and oranges) that faded with use. The more luxurious dyestuffs (substances that produce a dye) which
produced brilliant and permanent colors, such as the natural invertebrate dyes, didn’t gain major popularity
until the medieval era.
Around that same period, plant-based dyes such as woad, indigo, saffron, and madder became important
trade goods throughout Asia and Europe. Spanish treasure fleets then introduced cochineal and logwood to
Europe, thus expanding the amount of available dye colors.
When Europe carried colonists to America, the dyes came with them. These natural dyes continued to
dominate the global textile market, until William Perkin created mauveine (a rich synthetic purple) in 1856.
Then, in 1869, the red dye found in madder was the first natural pigment to be synthetically duplicated,
which began the steady decline of dyes produced from natural sources.

Where did dyes come from?

When did people begin to use natural dyes?
When did the red dye found?

7. Summary
1) What have you learnt about dyes?
2) What do you know about textiles?

8. Homework
Ex. 1,2

The History of Textiles.
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання й усного мовлення; розвивати мовну
здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
1. Warm-up
Write the alphabet in a column. The learners must use every letter as an initial letter of a job. If
necessary you can omit letters which are not initial letters of any job.
Example: Accountant, Businessman, Correspondent, Designer, etc.

2. Reading
Do ex. 2
The history of textile is almost as old as that of human civilization and as time moves on the
history of textile has further enriched itself. Yarn, fabrics, and tools for spinning and weaving have
been found among the earliest relics of human habitations. In the 6th and 7th century BC, the oldest
recorded indication of using fiber comes with the invention of flax and wool fabric at the excavation
of Swiss lake inhabitants. In India the culture of silk was introduced in 400AD, while spinning of
cotton traces back to 3000BC. In China, the discovery and consequent development of sericulture
and spin silk methods got initiated at 2640 BC while in Egypt the art of spinning linen and weaving
developed in 3400 BC.
About the 4th century AD, Constantinople began to weave the raw silk imported from China. A
century later silk culture spread to the Western countries, and textile making developed rapidly. By
the 14th century splendid fabrics were being woven on the hand looms of the Mediterranean countries
in practically all the basic structures known to modern artisans, and there has been no change in
fundamental processes since that time, although methods and equipment have been radically altered.
The discovery of machines and their widespread application in processing natural fibers was a
direct outcome of the industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries. The discoveries of various
synthetic fibers like nylon created a wider market for textile products and gradually led to the
invention of new and improved sources of natural fiber.

3. Speaking and writing

Ex. 3
10. How old is the history of textile?
11. Where have yarn, fabrics, and tools for spinning and weaving been found?
12. When was the culture of silk and spinning of cotton introduced in India?
13. When did the discovery and consequent development of sericulture and spin silk methods
begin in China?
14. When did the art of spinning linen and weaving developed in Egypt?
15. When did Constantinople begin to weave the raw silk imported from China?
16. When did silk culture appear in the Western countries?
17. When were splendid fabrics being woven on the hand looms of the Mediterranean
18. Have methods and equipment been radically altered since that time?

4. Reading and speaking

Weaving Textiles in Ancient Egypt.
Because of the dry conditions of the tombs, thousands of pieces of ancient textiles have survived in Egypt.
Information about the processes and methods of making textiles in Pharaonic Egypt can be obtained both from
the samples of cloth that have been found and from depictions of the various stages of textile production from
the sowing of the flax seed to the weaving of the material. Once fibers were removed from the plant or animal,
they were spun and then woven into a textile. To produce long, useful threads, flax fibers were spun, or twisted
together. This produced a long, cohesive thread that was slightly elastic. The technique of spinning in Ancient
Egypt is seen as two distinct but related processes. In the first stage, an initial loose twist was given to the flax
fibers. In the second stage, the actual spinning of the fibers occurred to produce the thread. The spinning had
three distinct stages: the drawing-out of the fibers, the twisting of the fibers, and the winding of the thread.
Once a spindle was set in motion, the spinner pulled or drew out a few fibers at a time from a mass. As the
spindle turned the fibers, twist, or spin, was added. When there was sufficient twisted thread, the spindle was
stopped and the thread was wound onto the spindle shaft. The most common form of spinning equipment used
in Ancient Egypt was the hand spindle. It was made of a stick, which is called the shaft or spindle, with a
weight, called the whorl. The whorl acted like a flywheel, keeping the momentum of the spin regulated for
speed and uniformity of motion. After the flax fibers were spun into a thread or yarn, they were ready to be
woven into cloth.

Task 2. What is this article about? (Write your answer in several sentences.)
Task 3. Ask questions on the text. Write at least 10 questions.

5. Summary
1. Which job would be suitable for someone who:
• Enjoys embroidering? Has sawing experience and wants to create things with his hands? Has got
drawing skills? Can work in the evenings or at weekend?
2. Was the discovery of machines and their widespread application in processing natural fibers a
direct outcome of the industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries?
3. What led to the invention of new and improved sources of natural fiber?

6. Homework
Ex. 4, 5.

LESSON 1 (10)
Different Types of Textiles
Цілі: формувати лексичні навички й навички вимови; вдосконалювати навички читання й
усного мовлення; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати
зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
1. Warm-up
Write the description of your college following the plan below.
• type
• building
• where it is situated
• kinds of classrooms
• number of students
• subjects you study
Don’t forget to write what you prefer to study (science, humanities, math, literature, history,
language and why) and if you participate in any out-of-school activities.

2. Speaking
Do ex. 1

3. Speaking.
1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘textiles’?
2) Do you have anything made with your own hands?
3) Are you happy with your chosen specialty?

4. Reading
Do ex. 2
A textile is a cloth, which is either woven by hand or machine. "Textile" has traditionally meant,
"a woven fabric".
Fibers are the raw materials for all fabrics. Some fibers occur in nature as fine strands that can be
twisted into yarns. These natural fibers come from plants, animals, and minerals. For most of history,
people had only natural fibers to use in making cloth. But modern science has learned how to produce
fibers by chemical and technical means. Today, these manufactured fibers account for more than two-
thirds of the fibers processed by U.S. textile mills.
Plants provide more textile fibers than do animals or minerals. Cotton fibers produce soft,
absorbent fabrics that are widely used for clothing, sheets, and towels. Fibers of the flax plant are
made into linen. The strength and beauty of linen have made it a popular fabric for fine tablecloths,
napkins, and handkerchiefs.
The main animal fiber used for textiles is wool. Sheep supply most of the wool, but members of
the camel family and some goats also furnish wool. Wool provides warm, comfortable fabrics for
dresses, suits, and sweaters. Another animal fiber, silk, produces one of the most luxurious fabrics.
Silk comes from cocoons spun by silkworms. Workers unwind the cocoons to obtain long, natural
filaments. Fabrics made from silk fibers have great luster and softness and can be dyed brilliant colors.
Silk is especially popular for scarves and neckties.

5. Writing
Do ex. 3
The following statements are based upon the information in the text. If the statement is
correct, write T (true), if it is wrong write F (false). If it is wrong give the right

1. Artificial fibers come from plants, animals, and minerals.

2. For most of history, people had both natural and artificial fibers.
3. Animals give more textile fibers than do plants or minerals.
4. Wool is the main animal fiber used for textiles.
5. Only sheep supply wool.

6. Speaking
Do ex. 4

7. Speaking
Do ex. 5

8. Summary
What’s the difference between natural and artificial fibers?

10. Homework
Learn the new vocabulary. Read and translate the text.

LESSON 2 (11)
Different Types of Textiles
Цілі: вдосконалювати лексичні навички та навички вимови, аудіювання, читання й усного
мовлення; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати відповідальне ставлення до навчання, а
також загальну культуру студентів.
1. Warm-up
A. Translate the following word-combinations and phrases into Ukrainian.

a woven fabric
raw materials
to occur in nature
fine strands
to twist into yarns
making cloth
modern science
by chemical and technical
manufactured fibers
more than two-thirds
processed by textile mills
soft, absorbent fabrics
a popular fabric
one of the most luxurious
to obtain long, natural
great luster and softness
can be dyed

B. Answer the questions:

1) What do you like best about your college?
2) What do you like best in your specialty?
3) What are some of the rules you have to follow at your college?
4) Which rules do you think are unfair?
5) Have you ever got caught breaking any college rules?

2. Reading
Do ex. 1,2

3. Writing
► Practise the vocabulary.
Do ex. 4

4. Reading
Read the article. What is this article about?
A team of archaeologists and paleobiologists has discovered flax fibers that are more than 34,000
years old, making them the oldest fibers known to have been used by humans. The fibers, discovered
during systematic excavations in a cave in the Republic of Georgia, are described in this week's issue
of Science.
The flax, which would have been collected from the wild and not farmed, could have been used to
make linen and thread, the researchers say. The cloth and thread would then have been used to fashion
garments for warmth, sew leather pieces, make cloths, or tie together packs that might have aided the
mobility of our ancient ancestors from one camp to another.
"This was a critical invention for early humans. They might have used this fiber to create parts of
clothing, ropes, or baskets—for items that were mainly used for domestic activities," says Bar-Yosef.
"We know that this is wild flax that grew in the vicinity of the cave and was exploited intensively or
extensively by modern humans."
The items created with these fibers increased early humans chances of survival and mobility in the
harsh conditions of this hilly region. The flax fibers could have been used to sew hides together for
clothing and shoes, to create the warmth necessary to endure cold weather. They might have also
been used to make packs for carrying essentials, which would have increased and eased mobility,
offering a great advantage to a hunter-gatherer society.
Some of the fibers were twisted, indicating they were used to make ropes or strings. Others had
been dyed. Early humans used the plants in the area to color the fabric or threads made from the flax.
Today, these fibers are not visible to the eye, because the garments and items sewed together with
the flax have long ago disintegrated. Bar-Yosef, Kvavadze and colleagues discovered the fibers by
examining samples of clay retrieved from different layers of the cave under a microscope.
The discovery of such ancient fibers was a surprise to the scientists. Previously, the oldest known
were imprints of fibers in small clay objects found in Dolni Vestonice, a famous site in the Czech
Republic some 28,000 years old.
The scientists' original goal was to analyze tree pollen samples found inside the cave, part of a
study of environmental and temperature fluctuations over the course of thousands of years that would
have affected the lives of these early humans. However, while looking for this pollen, Kvavadze, who
led the analysis of the pollen, also discovered non-pollen polymorphs – these flax fibers.
Bar-Yosef and his team used radiocarbon dating to date the layers of the cave as they dug the site,
revealing the age of the clay samples in which the fibers were found. Flax fibers were also found in
the layers that dated to about 21,000 and 13,000 years ago.
Bar-Yosef's team began the excavations of this cave in 1996, and has returned to the site each year
to complete this work.
"We were looking to find when the cave was occupied, what was the nature of the occupation by
those early hunter-gatherers, where did they go hunting and gathering food, what kind of stone tools
they used, what types of bone and antler tools they made and how they used them, whether they made
beads and pendants for body decoration, and so on," says Bar-Yosef. "This was a wonderful surprise,
to discover these ancient flax fibers at the end of this excavation project."

5. speaking
► Work in groups.
Collect your ideas and discuss the following:
1) Are there any differences between the weaving and spinning?
2) What is the difference between natural and artificial fibers?

6. Summary
1. Where do natural fibers come from?
2. What plant produces soft, absorbent fabrics that are widely used for clothing, sheets and
3. What is the main animal fiber used for textile?

7. Homework
Be ready to speak on the topic.

LESSON 3 (12)
Different Types of Textiles
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання, письма й усного монологічного мовлення; розвивати
пізнавальні інтереси студентів; виховувати відповідальне ставлення до навчання, а також
загальну культуру студентів.
1. Warm-up
1. What is “textile”?
2. What are fibers?

2. Listening
Listen to the dialogue. What museum did they visit? What did they see there? Did they like the
A: Let's go to the Historical Museum, I've never been there.
B: Let's go.
A: I should like to visit the "History of Clothing" Hall.
B: So would I.
(At the museum)
A. : (to the guide) Would you be so kind as to tell us where the "History of Clothing" Hall is?
G. : The first to the left.
A: Thank you very much.
G. : You are welcome.
B : I think we'll start with the pre-historic period.
A: Yes, of course. Look! There are garments here. Aren't they fine? They are ornamented so well,
especially the woman's close-fitting jacket and the trousers.
B: Oh, it is so interesting! Greek and Roman draped costumes are shown here. It is worth pointing
out that the material was never cut and seldom sewn.
A: How did they make garments?
B: They simply arranged the material over the body to hang in loose folds.
A: How wonderful!
B: I think our modem garments are all very much alike in line and design.
A: Let's go to the next hall and see some of the principles of cloth designing.
B: Yes, let's go! I am sure we'll enjoy it.

3. Listening
Do ex. 3, 4

4. Reading
Read the information and refer the paragraphs (A-I) with the headings (1-9) below.
It is one of the most versatile fibres and it is widely used for dresses, underwear, hosiery,
blankets, curtains, upholstery, airplane fabrics, etc.
It has a high tensile strength. It consists of 90 percent cellulose and it burns very quickly in a
matter similar to paper. Its fibres conduct heat much more easily than animal fibres do and they have
a low electric conductivity. That is why it is wound around some electric wires.
This fabric has a natural creamy-white colour. It absorbs water slowly and dries slowly. It
doesn`t take dyes so well as the animal fibres do. No special care is needed in its laundering. Its fibres
are not elastic.
Its fibre is derived from the inner bark of the fibre flax plant. It is made up of bundles of
colourless, tapering cells. Like cotton, it consists chiefly of cellulose.
It absorbs water readily and dries more quickly than any other fibre. As it is highly absorbent it
will quickly remove perspiration from the skin. It is a good conductor of heat because air penetrates
it readily. Its natural color ranges between shades of ivory, ecru, tan, or grey. Pure white fabric is
created by heavy bleaching. This fabric has little affinity for dyes and it crushes and wrinkles very
easily. But the problem of dyeing has been solved, and the range of colours has been increased.
These fabrics may be made into table linens, laces, sheeting, toweling, clothing, sewing threads, shoe
threads, etc. Because of its strength, good quality it is a very durable fibre and will wear long. Ironing
can be done at a somewhat higher temperature than cotton.
It has a wonderful power of absorbing moisture and keeping the skin dry.It is known to be a
kind of hair found on sheep, differing from other hair in being crimpy, curly and soft. Through a
microscope the wool fibre appears to be wavy and to have tiny overlapping scales. It is thermostatic
and its fibres act as a natural regulator of body temperature. This thermostatic action protects
against heat as well as against cold. It is also highly durable, able to stretch up to 50% when wet
and 30% when dry. It is also absorbent, porous and resilient. It is highly flame resistant, and
frequently used for mattresses and rugs for that reason.
It has the property of being a very flexible material. For example, a scarf from this fabric can
readily be pulled through a wedding ring, and it will quickly retake its original shape without a lot of
wrinkling. It is light in weight, and it can be easily folded. It tends to fall naturally and hangs delicately
when used as clothing. This gives it an appeal over other fabrics that are more stiff and rigid. It is also
more heat resistant than many other fabrics, including wool, for example, and is actually rather
difficult to burn.

1. wool
2. cotton
3. silk
4. linen

5. Summary
1) Do you participate in out-of-school activities in English?
2) Would you like to study any other foreign languages?
3) Will you future career require the knowledge of English? Why?

6. Homework
Retell the text.
LESSON 4 (13)
Cotton (Fabric)

Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання 2nd Conditionals; вдосконалювати навички читання і

говоріння; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань .
1. Warm-up
1. How many petals does the cotton plant have? What color are they?
2. When the petals fall off what do they leave?
3. When are the seeds and masses of white/creamy and downy fibres revealed?
4. What is the length of cotton fibres?

2. Writing
► Practise the vocabulary.
Do ex. 4
Fill in the gaps with the new words
The cotton plant is a member of _____________ family, and the first records of its
______________ come from India. The fruit, called a ___________, is about an inch across and
_____________ twenty or more seeds attached to which are long white hairs. When the fruit is ripe
the boll bursts open, forming a boll of cotton wool, called _________. When these have been carefully
picked, the cotton is separated from the hairs by beating with sticks.
Different varieties of cotton plants have evolved over the years. In India and Asia they grow
as small trees with red or yellow flowers and in America as bushes 1-1.5 meters high with creamy-
white flowers.

3. Reading
Read the text and find the answers to the following questions:

1) What are advantages of cotton fabric?

2) What are disadvantages of cotton?
3) What is added to cotton fabric to give it better qualities?
4) What temperature can stand cotton?
5) How can cotton be ironed?

COTTON, cool, soft, comfortable, the principal clothing fiber of the world. Its production is one
of the major factors in world prosperity and economic stability. Cotton "breathes". What would we
do without cotton? Since cotton wrinkles, polyester was added to give it wash and wear properties
for a busy world. In recent times, the consumer determined that polyester, although easier to care for,
took away the cool from cotton and also added a "pilling" effect to cotton/polyester blends.
Consumers now often request "100% Cotton". Permanent finishes also added to the all cotton fabric
gave a wash and wear property to cotton. cotton. The cotton fiber is from the cotton plant’s seed pod
The fiber is hollow in the center and, under a microscope looks like a twisted ribbon. "Absorbent"
cotton will retain 24-27 times its own weight in water and is stronger when wet than dry. This fiber
absorbs and releases perspiration quickly, thus allowing the fabric to "breathe". Cotton can stand high
temperatures and takes dyes easily. Chlorine bleach can be used to restore white garments to a clear
white but this bleach may yellow chemically finished cottons or remove color in dyed cottons. Boiling
and sterilizing temperatures can also be used on cotton without disintegration. Cotton can also be
ironed at relatively high temperatures, stands up to abrasion and wears well.
Mercerized cotton is treated to permanently straighten the cotton fibers which then becomes a
smooth, rod-like fiber that is uniform in appearance with a high luster. Cotton is often blended with
other fibers such as polyester, linen, wool, to "blend" the best properties of each fiber.

4. Summary
Would you use cotton fabric for a summer dress?
Why do you think so?
About how much does a cotton dress cost if you sew it by yourself?

5. Homework.
Read and translate the text

LESSON 5 (14)
Cotton (Fabric)
Цілі: формувати лексичні навички й навички вимови; вдосконалювати навички читання й
усного мовлення; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію студентів; виховувати
зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
1. Warm-up
Do ex. 1

2. Reading
► Do the quiz.
1. Anthropologists believe that animal ______ and vegetation were adapted into coverings as protection
from cold, heat and rain.
a) fat:
b) habitation;
c) skins;
d) food.
2. Yarn is a long continuous length of interlocked ______ suitable for use in the production of textiles,
sewing, crocheting, knitting
a) fabric;
b) fibers;
c) loop;
d) lace.
3. Sewing - needlework on which you are working with needle and ______ .
a) yarn;
b) fiber;
c) thread;
d) hook.
4. ______ is a textile craft in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced to form a fabric
or cloth.
a) embroidery;
b) weaving;
c) knitting;
d) sewing.
5. By the 14th century splendid fabrics were being woven on the ______ .
a) habitations;
b) hand looms;
c) plants;
d) artisans.
6. Fibers are the ______ materials for all fabrics..
a) right;
b) wet;
c) prepared;
d) raw.
7. Cotton is a natural fibre of vegetable ______.
a) origin;
b) production;
c) construction;
d) nature.
8. Cotton is popular because of its ______ .
a) origin;
b) ancient history;
c) low price and versatility;
d) frost resistance.
Key: 1) с; 2) b; 3) c; 4) b; 5)b; 6) d; 7) a; 8) c;

3. Speaking.
1) What is yarn?
2) What fabric is popular?
3) What are the advantages of cotton fabric?
4) What disadvantages of cotton fabric do you know?

4. Writing and speaking

► Work in pairs
Make up a list of all the things which are connected with sewing.

5. Writing
Make up and write down your own sentences with the new phrasal verbs.

6. Reading and speaking

Read the text and do the tasks.

Cotton fabrics are known to be used thousands of years ago. There are two reasons of the popularity of
cotton- its low price and its versatility.
Cotton being one of the most versatile fibres is used for dresses, underwear, hosiery, blankets, curtains,
upholstery, airplane fabrics, etc.
Under the microscope the cotton fibre appears to be a flattened tube with many twists along its length.
Because of the natural twist, cotton fibres may be easily spun into yarn. By the way some cotton fibres having
no natural twist are subjected to the process of mercerization and the fabric to be obtained is called mercerized
Cotton has a high tensile strength. It consists of 90 percent cellulose and it burns very quickly in a matter
similar to paper. The cotton fibres conduct heat much more easily than animal fibres do and they have a low
electric conductivity. That is why cotton is wound around some electric wires.
Cotton has a natural creamy-white colour. It absorbs water slowly and dries slowly. Cotton doesn`t take
dyes so well as the animal fibres do. No special care is needed in laundering cotton. Cotton fibres are not
Batiste, chintz, damask, marquisette, muslin, organdy, poplin, rep and others are made of cotton.

► answer the questions:

1. What is cotton?
2. What are some characteristics and properties of cotton?
3. Is cotton popular among people?
4. Do you have any cotton dress?
5. How is cotton utilized in everyday life? What kinds of fabric can be made of cotton?

7. Writing
Complete the sentences using the words given in brackets:

(garments, elastic, to absorb, to dry, cotton)

Cotton fibres are not _________.A great many people dress in _________. Cotton ____________
water slowly and _________ slowly. In Africa and India cotton is widely used for _______.

8. Summary
1) What is cotton used for?
2) What does cotton fibre appear to be under the microscope?

9. Homework
Ex. 5,6

LESSON 6 (15)

Цілі: формувати навички письма; вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання;

розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву студентів; виховувати зацікавленість у
розширенні своїх знань.
1. Warm-up
Do ex. 1 Translate the words

to derive походити, отримувати

inner внутрішній
bark кора
taper звужений, загострений
cell клітина
bamboo бамбук
perspiration піт
smooth гладенький, рівний
lustre глянець, блиск
to stain забруднювати
ivory слонова кістка
ecru сірувато-бежевий
tan жовтувато-коричневий
bleaching знебарвлення
affinity здатність
to crush м`яти, знищувати
wrinkle зморшка, зморщувати(ся)
sheet простирадло
quality якість
durable міцний

2. Reading
Do ex.2
The word linen comes from the word "lin" meaning "flax". Linen, obtained from the flax plant, is,
perhaps, the oldest of all the woven materials used for clothing, and it is still best for strength. The linen fibre
is derived from the inner bark of the fibre flax plant. It is made up of bundles of colourless, tapering cells.
The fibres are constructed with pointed ends. Under the microscope flax looks like a bamboo cane. It is
stronger than cotton. Like cotton, flax consists chiefly of cellulose.
Linen absorbs water readily and dries more quickly than any other fibre. As linen is highly absorbent it
will quickly remove perspiration from the skin. Linen feels smooth, cool and has a beautiful natural lustre. It
is free from lint and doesn't stain easily. It is a good conductor of heat because air penetrates it readily. Its
natural color ranges between shades of ivory, ecru, tan, or grey. Pure white linen is created by heavy bleaching.
Linens have little affinity for dyes and they crush and wrinkle very easily. But the problem of dyeing has been
solved, and the range of colours has been increased. Linen fabrics may be made into table linens, laces,
sheeting, toweling, clothing, sewing threads, shoe threads, etc. Because of its strength, good quality linen is a
very durable fibre and will wear long. It is easily refreshed by washing, and ironing can be done at a somewhat
higher temperature than cotton.

3. Writing
Do ex 3,4
Complete the sentences using the words given in brackets:
(stronger, ironing, products, touch, to appear, to wrinkle)
1. Linen textiles _________________to be some of the oldest in the world: their history goes
back many thousands of years.
2. Many ______________________ are made of linen: apron, bags, towels, napkins, bed linen,
linen tablecloth, chair cover, men's and women's wear.
3. Highly absorbent and a good conductor of heat, linen fabric feels cool to the ____________.
4. It is a very durable, strong fabric, and one of the few that are ______________ wet than dry.
5. Linen __________________ very easily, and so some linen garments require ____________
often, in order to maintain perfect smoothness.
Do ex. 5
1. Linen is smooth, making the finished fabric lint free, and gets softer the more it is washed.
2. When properly prepared, linen fabric has the ability to absorb and lose water rapidly.
3. The fibers do not stretch and are resistant to damage from abrasion.
4. Mildew, perspiration, and bleach can damage the fabric, but it is resistant to moths and
carpet beetles.
5. Linen is relatively easy to take care of, since it resists dirt and stains, has no lint or pilling
tendency, and can be dry cleaned, machine washed or steamed.

4. Speaking and writing

Do ex. 6
1. What is linen?
2. How are the fibres of linen constructed?
3. What does flax chiefly consist of?
4. Does linen absorb water easily?
5. Does it dry quickly?
6. Why is linen a good conductor of heat?
7. What are the natural colours of linen?
8. How is pure white linen created?
9. What are the disadvantages of linen?
10. How is linen refreshed?
11. Can ironing be done at a lower temperature?

5. Summary
Give some characteristics of linen.

6. Homework
Ex. 2 Retell the text.
LESSON 7 (16)
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання й усного мовлення; розвивати мовну
здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію студентів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх
1. Warm-up
► Do the quiz.
1. Fibers are the ______ materials for all fabrics..

e) right;
f) wet;
g) prepared;
h) raw. =
2. Cotton is a natural fibre of vegetable ______.
e) origin; =
f) production;
g) construction;
h) nature.
3. Although cotton is widely planted in both hemispheres, it remains a ______ plant .
a) wet-loving;
b) sun-loving; =
c) cold-loving;
d) frost-resistant.
4. The cotton flower has ______ large petals, which fall off, leaving capsules, or "cotton bolls".
a) three;
b) five; =
c) seven;
d) ten.
5. Cotton is popular because of its ______ .
e) origin;
f) ancient history;
g) low price and versatility; =
h) frost resistance.

6. Flax fibers are among ______fiber crops in the world.

a) the youngest;
b) the worst;
c) the oldest; =
d) the most uncommon.
7. Plants ______ more textile fibers than do animals or minerals.
a) need;
b) provide; =
c) product;
d) destroy.
8. Cotton fibers produce soft, absorbent fabrics that are widely used for ______.
a) sheets and towels; =
b) dresses and suits;
c) headdresses;
d) scarves and neckties.
Key: 1) d; 2) a; 3) b; 4) b; 5) c; 6) c; 7) b; 8) a;

2. Listening
Listen to a piece of information:
Appropriate Dress and Grooming.

Read the following extract from the General Catalogue for students that is designed to explain the
basic rules and standards.

An individual’s dress, personal appearance, cleanliness, and behavior demonstrate his or her
sensitivity to and for others. The student’s individual appearance is mainly the responsibility of the
student or his/her parents or guardian. Student attire and grooming should be appropriate for the
business-like atmosphere of school. We believe that there is a correlation between appearance and
behavior and that requiring proper dress and grooming is good preparation for the world of work.

We expect students to be clean, neat and modest in appearance. more specifically, we believe that
clothes designed primary for athletic or recreational activities (running shorts, cut-offs, etc.)
extremely short skirts, halters and bare midriffs are unacceptable on our school setting.

Students must wear shoes all the time. Outwear (coats, gloves, hats, jackets) are to be left in lockers
during the school day. The school administration and individual teachers will continue to encourage
all to behave and dress in fashion that they judge to reflect good taste and a style appropriate for a
school day.

►Find the suitable underlined equivalents for the following explanations:

Taking care of own appearance by keeping your hair and clothes neat and tidy, the part of the body
between your chest and your waist, formal clothes, one’s feelings, a person who is really responsible
for looking after students, to say or do smth that helps a person have the confidence to do smth, to
show, correct or suitable, a duty to be in charge of or look after, a connection between two ideas, most
important, activities that you do for pleasure or amusement, a type of clothing for women that ties
behind the neck and across the back, so that the arms and the back are not covered, a small cupboard
where you leave your outdoor clothes.

3. Reading
► Read the information below and translate it. Use dictionaries if necessary.

How to Make Linen Thread From a Flax Plant

Linen is a fabric woven from flax plants. Linen was originally the staple fabric of Ireland, due to
its high durability and comfort. Historically, families would grow their own flax from seeds, harvest
it, form the thread, weave it into fabric and form the fabric into their clothes. While most linen is now
produced in factories, it can still be made at home using the traditional method.


1. Spread the flax stems out onto a sunny dry surface. Leave them to dry for two weeks.
2. Fill the water trough with water and set the flax stems into the water. The stems should ret for
10 days. Retting is the process of soaking the flax stems in water to loosen the individual
3. Spread the flax stems out again onto a sunny spot and leave them to dry out for three weeks.
4. Scutch the stems by beating them with a wooden mallet. Scutching is the process of pounding
the stems to break up the stiff fibers. The stems will separate into tangled fibers.
5. Comb the fibers straight with hackling combs. Hackling is the process of combing the fibers
with various thicknesses of combs into soft, straight and workable fibers. Begin with the
widest toothed comb and end with the finest toothed.
6. Spin the fibers into yarn on a spinning wheel.
7. Wind the spun yarn onto bobbins.

4. Summary
1) Have you ever made linen threads from f[ax plants?
2) Do you think it`s a very difficult process?
3) What household articles are usually made of linen?

5. Homework
Write an essay “In what ways has technology improved our lives? In what ways has it made life
LESSON 8 (17)
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удосконалювати навички
читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси
студентів; виховувати інтерес до самостійного пошуку потрібної інформації, а також
загальну культуру студентів.
1. Warm-up
► Which of these sentences describe people’s clothing positively, negatively or neutrally?

1. His suit is baggy.

2. The skirt is loose.
3. My new shoes are too tight.
4. She likes to wear close-fitting frocks and skirts.
5. I prefer long-sleeved blouses to short-sleeved.
6. He bought a new V-necked sweater.
7. Who is this elegant woman?
8. She always looks scruffy.
9. She wears her clothes with great chic.
10. Emma buys her clothes in Camden Lock, a trendy north London flea market.
11. His clothes are always slightly out of fashion as though he buys them in the sales.
12. She wore an old-fashioned smocked nightdress.

2. Reading
Do ex. 1 Read and memorize the words
to depict
linseed oil
to extract
to soak
to rot
to ret
to scrape
to require
edible oil

3. Listening
Listen the text and express the main idea in Ukrainian.
The first plant that was grown for spinning and weaving was flax, and cloth into which it is made is known
as linen. Flax fibers are amongst the oldest fiber crops in the world. The use of flax for the production of linen
goes back at least to ancient Egyptian times. Dyed flax fibers found in a cave in Dzudzuana (prehistoric
Georgia) have been dated to 30,000 years ago. Pictures on tombs and temple walls at Thebes depict flowering
flax plants. The use of flax fiber in the manufacturing of cloth in northern Europe dates back to Neolithic times.
In North America, flax was introduced by the Puritans. Currently most flax produced
in the USA and Canada are seed flax types for the production of linseed oil or flax seeds for human nutrition.
Flax is a slender, straight-stemmed plant. The blossoms of different varieties may be coloured pink, red,
purple, white or blue. Blue-flower flax is considered to have better spinning qualities than varieties with white
Flax grows in a temperate climate under a wide variety of climatic conditions, but does best with cool
temperature and considerable rainfall. It requires a growing season of 85 to 100 days.
Flax is grown both for its seeds and for its fibers. Various parts of the plant have been used to make fabric,
dye, paper, medicines, fishing nets, hair gels, and soap.
Flax fiber is extracted from the skin of the stem of the flax plant. The stalks are soaked in water until the
green part of the plant rots away (called retting) and the fibres are then separated and dried. The fibres are
scraped to remove any pieces of wood dirt and combed to leave the fibres straight and parallel to one another.
Flax fiber is soft, lustrous and flexible; bundles of fiber have the appearance of blonde hair, hence the
description "flaxen". It is stronger than cotton fiber but less elastic. The best grades are used for linen fabrics
such as damasks, lace and sheeting.
4. Translating
Do ex. 2 Translate the text

5. Speaking
► The following statement are based upon the information in the text.
If the statement is correct, write T (true), if it is wrong, write F (false).

1. The first plant that was grown for spinning was cotton.
2. Flax is grown only for its seeds.
3. The stalks are used to make linseed oil.
4. The stalks are soaked in water until the green part of the plant rots away.
5. The fibres are scraped to remove any pieces of wood and dirt.

6. Writing
Find antonyms of these words in the text.

to join

6. Summary
1) What was the first plant that was grown for spinning and weaving?
2) How old are dyed flax fibers found in a cave in Dzudzuana?

Ex. 5,6

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