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Princeton Science School - Home of Young Achievers

#68 Taurus St., Bolbok, Batangas City

Elementary Department

Lesson Plan in Language 4

April 24, 2023

I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, 90% of the pupils must be able to:
a. give the appropriate prepositions in the following statements;
b. supply the correct coordinating and subordinating conjunctions in
sentences; and
c. sort the different kinds of sentences based on its function.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Review Test
Tools: Whiteboard, marker, pen and paper
Values: Individuality and comprehension
References: Enjoying Language 4
Prepositions Worksheet from
Kinds of sentences Worksheet from

III. Lesson Proper

A. Pretask
1. Introduction
Activity: Previously in Language…
Directions: As part of the review, the students need to answer the following
a. What did we discuss last meeting? “Subordinating Conjunction”
b. Great! But what is the function of Subordinating conjunctions?
c. In the sentence, “I’m staying in _____ its snowing.” What is the
subordinating conjunction that we should use?
d. I met them ____ we were in Paris. What is the subordinating conjunction
that we should use?

Kindly get your whiteboard. Let’s have our review test today.

2. Creative Entry Point

Activity: REVIE W TEST!
Directions: The students will get their whiteboards. They need to write their
answers on their boards. A point will be given for every correct answer. Their
total points will be recorded.

Directions: Complete the following statements by supplying the correct
1. I hung the picture (above, on) the fireplace. (above)
2. Michigan is situated (in, between) Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.
3. Don’t forget to put your return address (in, on) the envelope. (on)
4. He piled the books (above, on top of) the table. (on top of)
5. Your score on the examination is well (above, over) average. (above)
6. He sat (near, against) the camp fire. (near)
7. The door was locked; so I shoved the letter (under, around) the door.
8. While waiting for my train, I took a walk (around, across) the station.
9. Is Jane (at, in) home? No, she is (on, at) the library. (at, at)
10. He asked me to come (at, in) noon. (at)


Directions: Identify each sentence as either declarative, interrogative,
imperative or exclamatory.
11. Did you lock the door behind you? (I)
12. I am sick and tired of this kind of weather. (D)
13. Go get another paper towel from the kitchen. (I)
14. You can find more paper towels in the cabinet under the sink. (D)
15. How beautiful your rose garden is! (E)
16. My iPod was here just a minute ago, and now it’s gone! (E)


Directions: Supply the appropriate conjunction in the given sentences.

17. Owen has a lot of friends, ___ he is kind and outgoing. (for)
18. The dog drinks water ____ he waits for his owner to walk him. (while)
19. The car works _____ you put gasoline in it. (after)
20. The principal loves to go to school, ____ he doesn’t like to work there
on the weekends. (but)
21. You can return the coat ___ it doesn’t fit you well. (if)

Directions: Accomplish Worksheet 1: Subordinating Conjunctions posted in
the LMS.
Submission: April 26 until 5 pm

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