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General Warm-Up

2 Rounds
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Grasshoppers

30-sec Pigeon Stretch, each leg

30-sec Chest Stretch, each arm

Specific Warm-Up
Walks them through each movement and helps with establishing scales
Grab barbell and DBs

Round 1:
150m Row, Legs only
5 Push-Ups
4 Shoulder Presses
3 Burpees with DBs
2 False Grip Ring Rows
Round 2:
150m Row, Arms only
5 Pike Push-Ups
4 Push Presses
3 DB Box Step Overs
2 Low Ring Transitions
Round 3:
150m Row
5 HSPU Negatives
4 Push Jerks
3 DB Burpee Box Overs
2 Ring Dips/Jumping Ring Dips/Ring Push-Ups

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