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Grab light D-Ball and light DBs

Round 1:
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Bent-Over DB Rows, right arm
10 D-Ball Deadlifts
10 DB Front Squat

Round 2:
30 High Knees in place
10 Bent-Over DB Rows, left arm
10 D-Ball Roll-Ups
10 DB Push Press

Round 3:
30 Butt Kicks in place
10 Bent-Over DB Rows, both arms
10 D-Balls to Shoulder (no drop)
10 DB Thrusters

Specific Warm-Up
Global Extension Stretch on D-Ball (1 minute)
Floor Front-Rack Stretch (1 minute)

Handstand Push-Up
6 DB Strict Press (option for anyone who can’t get inverted)
3 Wall Climbs
3 HSPU — *Hand placement

[Complete Part A: D-Ball and HSPU]

For CTB and BMU: Choose toughest option for BMU scale and then next easiest option for CTB

Chest-to-Bar Scaling Options

1) Ring Rows
2) Jumping Pull-Ups
3) Jumping CTB
4) Pull-ups
Perform 5 reps of whatever you’ll do in WOD

Bar Muscle-Up Scaling Options

1) Jumping Pull-Ups
2) Jumping CTB
3) Jumping BMU
4) CTB
Perform 2-3 reps of whatever you’ll do in WOD

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