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General Warm-Up

Line drills from CF Boro wall to end of mats near front garage door

High Knees—>
Butt Kicks <—
Side Lunges —>
Low Bear Crawl <—
3 Squats + Broad Jump —>

Junkyard Dog (Only 6 reps of both parts, each partner)

Specific Warm-Up
Banded Front Rack stretch (band just beneath elbow from pull-up bar)
Banded Internal Rotation Distraction

15 PVC Pass-Throughs
10 Around the Worlds (5R/5L)

Movement Prep & Teaching Points

Grab barbell

Hang Clean Thruster

Focus: Sit back into heels immediately out of squat so that you don’t get caught in your toes at
the top
From high hang with clean grip-width:
5 Shoulder Shrugs (lean back a little)
5 High Pulls (elbows high and back, bar finishes at sternum)
5 Muscle Cleans (aggressive elbows under the bar)
From shoulders:
5 Front Squats (lead with chest and elbows from bottom)
5 Push Press (maintain squeezed legs until lock-out)
5 Thrusters (be patient out of the squat - sit back in heels)
From hang:
2 Hang Squat Cleans
2 Hang Clean Thrusters

Bar Facing Burpee

Focus: New standard and jumping standard
Prep: Practice two reps

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