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General Warm-Up

Play “Roxanne” on loud speakers - Do a burpee every time you hear “Roxanne”

[Meet at TVs - Give heads up of what’s to come - Emphasize KB weight because they will use it
in the warm-up]

Specific Warm-Up
Grab green band - put on rig
Overhead Banded Distraction (30-sec. each arm)

Put away green band & grab foam roller, bar, and KB
T-Spine Opener (3x10-sec hold)
Super Samson (30-sec each leg)
Pigeon Stretch (30-sec each leg)
Goblet Squat Hold w/ KB (5x10-sec with 20-sec rest between - ON COACH’S WATCH)
Put away foam roller

Burgener Warm-Up with empty bar

Build to Snatch weight

[Complete Snatch WOD]

Put away bar and weights

Grab abmat

Complete 1 Round:
3 cal Bike/Ski
6 AbMats
9 Russian KB Swings

[Complete WOD]

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