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Three components of physical fitness

a.) Health-related physical fitness( HRPF) consists of specific

components that have a relationship with good health, or a lower risk of
HRPF includes: body composition, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility,
muscular endurance and muscle strength

b) Skill-related physical fitness (SRPF) pertains to components related

with learning motor skills quickly and ability to achieve high level of
performance in sports.
SRPF includes: agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time
and speed
c) Physiological Fitness relates to biological systems that are influenced
by one’s level of habitual physical activity
Physiological Fitness includes: Metabolic Fitness (MetF), Morphological
Fitness (MorF) and bone integrity (BI)
a) AEROBIC – moves your large muscles, such as those in your arms and
legs. Aerobic activities make your heart best faster than usual. Regular
aerobic activity strengthens your heart and lungs.
Examples: walking, running, swimming, bicycling, dancing, sports such as
basketball and
b) MUSCLE-STRENGTHENING – improves strength, power and
endurance of muscles.
Examples: doing push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups, lifting weights, climbing
the stairs, digging the garden
c) BONE-STRENGTHENING activities – helps your bones grow and
keeps them strong. When your feet or arms support your body’s weight,
and your muscles push against your bones, these are bone-strengthening
Example: jumping, skipping, hopping
How to Stay Safe During Exercise and Physical Activity

Begin your exercise program slowly with low-intensity exercises.

Wear appropriate shoes for your activity.

Warm up before exercising, and cool down afterward.

Pay attention to your surroundings when exercising outdoors.

Drink water before, during, and after your workout session, even if you don’t feel
Dress appropriately for the temperature outdoors, or opt for an indoor activity if
it’s very hot or cold.

WARM-UP - a period or act of preparation for a game, performance, or

exercise session, involving gentle exercise or practice.
Three types:
1. Passive warm-up- when one elevates body temperature through the use of heat
packs or hot showers.
2. General warm-up- involves light movement of major muscle groups.
3. Specific warm-up- mimics actual moves of the sport or activity that will be
engaged in very light levels of intensity.

STRETCHING - Is performed in order to maintain or increase flexibility.

straighten or extend one's body or a part of one's body to its

full length, typically so as to tighten one's muscles or in order to
reach something.
Types of Stretching

1. Ballistic stretching- makes us of rapid and jerky movement.

2. Static stretching/stretched-and-hold- increases range motion as well as relaxes the


3. Dynamic stretching- is similar to ballistic stretching but the movement is not jerky
and uncontrolled. It avoids bouncing and sometimes include movement which are
Stretching Routines from Head to Toe

A. Neck
 Head rotation (face left, face right)
 Sideward neck bends (left, right)
 Forward and backward head bends (forward and backward tilts)
 Neck circumduction (half circle backward, half circle forward)

B. Shoulder, Chest, Arm

 hand at back elbow pulls
 Hand at side elbow pulls
 horizontal arm swings
 vertical arm swings
 arm circles (both directions)
 shoulder rotations
C. Wrist
 inward
 upward
 downward
 forward pronated
 forward supinated
 One hand wrist rotation
 fingers clasped wrist rotation
D. Trunk, hips, thighs, calves series E. Floor stretch series
 straddled back stretch  sitting toe reach
 Side bends  one leg bent toe reach
 Forward bends  figure four toe reach
 Hip rotation  both legs bent (downward push)
 Bow and Arrow  Both legs bent (forward stretch)
 Gecko stretch  One hand toe touch
 Kneeling hip stretch  spread legged forehead to knee
 Wall push  Spread legged forward stretch
 Foot circles/rotation
 Quad stretch
 the act or an instance of allowing physiological activity to return
to normal gradually after strenuous exercise by engaging in less
strenuous exercise.

Activity Time Activity Time

Light jog (A) 2 min Cobra (stretching) 30 sec

Back pedal (A) 1 min Pretzel stretch (stretching) 1 min
Lower back stretch (stretching) 1 min
Standing hamstring stretch 2 min


Activity Time Activity Time

kick downs (MS) 2 min 2 feet lateral hops in place (A, 30 sec
modified pus-ups (MS) 1 min BS)
modified plank (MS) 30 sec Modified tricep push-ups (MS) 30 sec
froggers (A, BS) 1 min Alternating step back lunges 30 sec
side lunge (MS) 1 min (MS)
recover/rest 30 sec Recover 15 sec
2 feet forward/backwards hops in place (A, BS) 30 sec Jumping jacks (A, BS) 1 min
Plank (MS) 1 min Abdominal curls (MS) 1 min
Squats (MS) 1 min Modified push-ups (MS) 30 sec
abdominal curls (MS) 1 min Recover 30 sec
recover/rest 30 sec Modified plank (MS) 1 min
opposite arm/leg extension (MS) 1 min Burpees (A, BS) 15 sec
Squat hold (MS) 1 min
Shoulder press (MS) 1 min

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