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Social Action Plan

Topic :

Let ‘s Nourish The Future Minds

Sub topic:

Establishment Of Community Kindergarten With A Difference


Gujarat: Beacon house school


4 months


Counseling the future mind and awareness among the parents

Problem statement:

As the name of our topic employees, we are interested in establishing a facility for socialization
and skill making for preschool children. Often, children who have not any chance to get good
socialization in the pre school age in their families. They often lack basic skills that should be
important for them to succeed in early years of schooling. So we offer a service for the preschool
children. It is kindergarten with a difference; we use some concept from remote culture such as
Japanese culture. Where the children will be able to experience preschool training with the help
of elderly of the community. One of the method could be that elderly, teach them basic civic
sense skills and elderly will tell them stories with moral lessons, stories from various parts of
life. This will help us bridging the gap between old and new generation and creating minds
which are prone to become effective student in their early school days. It is significant that a kid
learns early that the world does not and will not revolve around him or her alone, and its aids the
child learn that we live in a multicultural society full of various different types of people.


 To bridge the gap between the older and newer generation by providing some essential
social and moral norm at preschool level
 To create a community kindergarten which is owned by community and run by
community where various categories people such as elder help us preschool children and
bridging cultural gap
 To provide preschool children with essential linguistic skills basic English speaking so
that they can be successful at their early school years

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