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Table of Contents
Introduction By Dan Kennedy ........................................................................................... 4
How This One “Fast-Cash” Tactic Took Me From Being Deep In Debt To Earning
Up To $32,000 Per Month! ................................................................................................... 9
Step #1: How To Choose Your Target Market… One That Will Gladly Fork Over
Their Hard Earned Money! ................................................................................................ 13
Step #2: Create A Lead Generation Magnet That’ll Siphon Hordes Of Prospects
To Your Sales Funnel!......................................................................................................... 16
Step #3: How To Create Your First Product In Less Than One Hour! .......... 19
Step #4: 6 Critical Elements You MUST Have When It Comes To Creating A Killer
Website! .................................................................................................................................... 23
Step #5: The Most Powerful 3-Step Formula Ever Devised That’ll Get Your
Prospects To Whip Out Their Wallets And Buy Your Information Product! 25
Step #6: The #1 Secret Most Information Marketers Will NEVER Know That Could
Triple Your Customer Value! ............................................................................................ 27
Step #7: The Key To Attracting More Authority, Power, And Control In Your
Marketplace Your Competitors Will Envy! ................................................................. 29
Conclusion: The #1 PROVEN Method For Massively Accelerating Your Success
As An Info-Marketer! ............................................................................................................ 31

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Introduction By Dan Kennedy

In this report I am going to tell you about the fastest “get rich quick” strategy ever
devised. It’s the most profitable business model that, I am proud to say, I’ve had a huge
role in developing—and in this report, I’m going to give you a concrete step-by-step plan
for creating a solid second income in 30 days or less.

When you take action on what I’m about to share, you’ll have the power to create
income at will. I guarantee your competitors in your area aren’t using this simple “fast
cash” strategy that could add extra zeros to your bank account in a very short amount of

Why? Because you don’t have to run out and rent more office space. You don’t have
to hire more employees, nor do you have to tie up a lot of your existing capital in this
lucrative second business. There simply isn’t a faster, more effective business model
that requires so little time, money, and maintenance, yet could unlock the hidden profits
in your business—or even create a lucrative second stream of income that could
supplant your existing business.

You’ll be able to attract more freedom and independence in your life. The extra money
you’ll be attracting will absolve all of your “money worries” you’re going through right
now and could allow you to never worry about money ever again.

You see, for 40 years I’ve written copy to sell hundreds of millions of dollars in info
marketing in every media—print advertisements, direct mail in the US and abroad, TV,
radio, inside seminar rooms, on VHS, DVD, and audiocassete and CD “audio sales
letters”. I’ve also written online and video-assisted and video sales letters, webinars,
product launches…you name it.

To put it bluntly, there is no application where my methods and my copy have NOT
made millions of dollars. So let’s just say I am uniquely qualified to sharpen your ability
to augment your existing income and even replace the existing income in your brick and
mortar business.

Now I am sure that you probably read the promotional materials leading up to this report
and were probably a little skeptical. You probably thought this was some kind of
pyramid scheme, cheesy business opportunity, or you might have told yourself “I’ve
heard all those promises before!”

After 40 years in this business, I can say one thing confidently and swiftly:

There’s No Virtue In Getting Rich Slowly!

Despite what you may have heard from other marketers and your peers, there’s
absolutely nothing wrong with getting rich quickly. When you deposit checks, money
orders, or PayPalTM payments into your bank account, they don’t tack on a bonus for
making the money “slowly”, nor do they add on a penalty or “tax” for making the money
too quickly.

Very often “getting rich quick” is looked down upon as ‘hokey” or something that is just
for other people who happened to get “lucky” or do something wrong and immoral to
earn that kind of money.

In David Schwartz’s book The Magic of Thinking Big, he talks about “negators”: people
who automatically dismiss an idea because they think it won’t work, or believe it’s an
outright lie. This includes the notion that one can “get rich quick”…and that it’s just for
people who break the law or scheme people out of a lot of money.

However, there’s one truth about these people: chances are they have never gotten rich
quick, or achieved any modicum of success themselves! However, if you ask
successful people, like the many 6-figure and 7-figure earners who are GKIC members,
they’ll be the first to tell you that it IS possible to “get rich quick” because they’ve done it
over and over again.

Getting rich quick is my reality. I have helped many customers and clients get rich
quick for the past 40 years and I will tell you that it is possible. It’s become so routine
that I know for a fact that any brick and mortar business owner can do this—no matter
their income, schooling, background, IQ, gender, or ethnicity.

So what’s this secret “fast-cash” strategy? There are many legitimate modalities one
can use to get rich quick but:

No Other Business Offers You The Kinds Of

Fascinating And Lucrative Opportunities That
Information Marketing Does!
So what exactly is information marketing? I like to think of it as providing solutions to
problems in a convenient and useful format. If you’ve ever read a book or listened to an
audiobook, that’s an example of information marketing. The method by which content is
disseminated can also be webinars, teleseminars, CD courses, DVD courses, coaching
programs and seminars—both face-to-face and online.

You have probably been exposed to information marketing and haven’t realized it.
Tony Horton’s P90X, Tony Robbins’ Personal Power, Carleton Sheet’s No Money Down
are examples of information marketing. Guthy-Renker, a company for whom I consult
and write copy for, brings in 1.3 billion per year in sales—most of the sales are through
information products.

The benefit of information products is this: people are getting busy. They need
information delivered to them that’s convenient to consume so they can solve a problem
that’s holding them back from achieving their goals and desires. They may have been
able to learn strategies and tactics on their own a mere 10 years ago, but now they want
everything done for them. This can be through a DVD course that holds them by the
hand to teach them how to get more clients to their brick and mortar business, or a
coaching program that helps face-to-face salespeople close more sales—thus
eliminating the time and “learning curve” these people would have to undergo to
achieve these goals.

Remember this: **an information product is a tool that solves a problem within a
market. For example, one of GKIC’s members, Ben Glass, created a coaching program
that teaches attorneys how to market themselves better so they can attract the best
cases to their practices. Personal injury legal services are notoriously competitive and
many lawyers are barely able to put food on the table for their family because they
hardly earn enough money. Ben’s course solves that problem and lawyers pay him a
lot of money for his information products to solve this pain.

If these lawyers had to do all the marketing themselves, they would have to spend
hundreds of hours figuring it all out – and this is on top of a full case load and other
demands of running a practice. This is enough to dissuade most lawyers from trying.
So Ben’s business helps lawyers solve the problem of marketing their business in a way
that saves them a lot of time and headaches—and they’re willing to pay him big money
to do so. Because it’s not about just solving the problem, it’s also about solving it in a
“done for you” solution that saves time.

So that’s a working definition of information marketing: providing solutions to problems

in a convenient and useful format. This could be digital downloads, books, CDs,
courses, webinars, teleseminars, and in-person seminars.

The best part is information products have extremely high profit margins and they’re
extremely low cost and fast to manufacture. And if you’re selling electronic information
products the cost is even lower. Considering information products sell for anywhere
between $97 and $1997 (or higher), the profit margin advantage of information products
is enormous. Think about the overhead you have currently in your brick and mortar
business and imagine an overhead ten times less than what you’re experiencing now!

When you read every single word of this report, you’ll discover how you can implement
information marketing in your brick and mortar business in 30 days or less. This
business could definitely liberate your time and income and allow you to achieve
unparalleled certainty and sustainability in your business…and life. And the best part is

You Can Run This “Quick Cash”
Business From Your Kitchen Table Or From
A Beachfront In Hawaii!
Thanks to the freedom information marketing gives you, you can travel (or not) as you
please and make it tax deductible if you choose. You can either earn an easy $500 to
$1000 per month “part time” or you can really blow it up and place yourself in the “top 1
Percenters Club” in as little as one year.

I know many info-marketers who work anywhere they please, as they please. They
don’t have to get permission from anyone—if they want to run off to the beach and
“work” from there, they can do that.

Here are some other benefits of information marketing:

 You can have no employees, some employees, or many employees. Some like
to work in isolation with no employees (like me). Others have 5-10 employees
that work for them so they can leverage their time and get more done.

 You can work this business yourself, or you can easily outsource it all—making
everything as hands-free as possible. You’ll discover how you can easily “hand
your business off” to other people so you can just collect the checks and bank
transfers while you’re goofing off in all of your spare time.

 You can either be a “hermit” and never interact with your customers, or you can
hold coaching calls, seminars, or teleseminars with your customers. As one of
GKIC’s 7-figure earners, Ali Brown says: “you can design your business to create
an extraordinary life.”

 You can spend as much time with your family and friends as you want and create
a legacy. One dentist was able to retire at the age of 55 and spend the rest of
his life pursuing his passion: travel and spend time with his family.

Why is all of this possible? That’s because information marketing is a proven low-
cost/high profit way to leverage what you know and sell it to a hungry target audience
that will gladly pay you money to have their problem solved in a “done for you” fashion.

I have said this over and over again in my 40 years in info-marketing and I’ll say it

Every Brick And Mortar Business Owner Has

Specialized Knowledge People Would Gladly Pay Big
Money To Discover!

And the best part is information marketing works for every business. One of my clients,
Dr. Tom Orent, once gave me a sign to hang at my seminars that says “But My
Business Is Different!” This was a common objection from our seminar attendees who
didn’t believe the marketing techniques GKIC taught were applicable for their specific
business or application.

The truth is this: information marketing works in any business and market—even for
your brick and mortar business. That’s because every prospect in every market has
problems or “barriers” from getting the results they want.

Best part: you can start audaciously or humbly as well. One person I worked with 35
years ago made a nice side income helping people rid their garden of gophers. Another
client I recently helped sells a $40,000 coaching program. You can go as “big” as you
want…it’s all up to you.

This special report will reveal some of my deepest closely-guarded secrets when it
comes to information marketing culled from 40 years in this business. I believe I have
mastered the magic alchemy of generating money out of “thin air” – a proven formula
anybody can duplicate despite his or her IQ, smarts, income, race, gender, or ethnicity.
And I want to teach you how you can get started in 30 days or less.

You’ll also hear from Dave Dee, Chief Marketing Strategist of GKIC and a savvy
information marketer who runs our mastermind groups, who will share his expertise on
how he went from being dead broke to earning up to $30,000 thanks to information

If you take action, work hard, and provide a lot of value to your customers, you can
easily augment your existing income for your current brick and mortar business—even
if you’re a dentist, lawyer, florist, car restoration expert, computer fixer-upper, or
exterminator--thus providing you with more security, certainty, and stability in this
remarkably uncertain economy. This is the first time I’ve ever revealed these secrets
for free and in a step-by-step fashion that could be the turning point in your
business…and life!

I look forward to hearing your success story!

Dan Kennedy

How This One “Fast-Cash” Tactic
Took Me From Being Deep In Debt
To Earning Up To $32,000 Per Month!

Dave Dee

I remember it like it was yesterday.

I was stuck in Atlanta traffic on a summer afternoon 14 years ago. It was a muggy 96%
and I was miserable. Not because of the sweltering heat and humidity, but because I
was working a job I hated and I was sick and tired of working for someone else.

It was so pathetic that I had to roll the window down in my car because I couldn’t afford
to repair the air conditioning. I wanted to make more money but I didn’t know where to

You see, I had a dream to become a professional magician. But I was doing three
shows a month and falling further and further behind financially. The debt started to pile
up and I remember those long nights waking up at 2 in the morning—worried about
money and ticked off that I wasn’t doing what I wanted.

Fast forward a couple of years. I bought Magnetic Marketing

( and thanks to GKIC-style marketing, went
from 2-3 shows a month to 28-30 shows a month! Things were starting to turn

…But Then I Got Burned Out Performing In Front

Of A Bunch Of Screaming Kids Every Month!
Plus I realized there was a “ceiling” to my income. There was only so much of “me” to
go around and I needed a way to stop trading my time and effort for dollars and start
leveraging my skills as a professional magician in a way that didn’t require me to be

But thanks to this “thin air” secret that most of the masses will NEVER know, I was able
to pay off thousands of dollars in debt and rake in $10,000 - $30,000 per month all on

Here’s what was so cool about this business:

 I ran this entire business out of a spare bedroom in home. No employees, no
hassles, and I could work in a T-shirt and shorts and nobody would bother me.
And I didn’t have to constantly please a crummy boss either!

 I didn’t have any overhead, lease payments, and other hassles that go with most
businesses. I could spend time with my kids at any time of the week…even in
the middle of a Wednesday afternoon while everyone else was working!

 I had unparalleled FREEDOM! If I wanted to blow off work and goof off on a
Thursday afternoon, I could do that. If I wanted to really “pound the rock” and
work 16-hour days, I could do that, too.

 I didn’t have to put up with constant worry and fretting about my business. It was
great being able to be present with my kids without worrying about money. And
since there’s very little time and money involved, business is extremely low risk—
so there’s no way you can get burned!

Now I’m sure you’re thinking I’m talking about multilevel marketing, doing surveys, or
learning how to stuff envelopes. And you might think this sounds like a scam or it’s too
good to be true. Nope, this isn’t some “business opportunity” where you’re “locked in”
forever like the Mafia.

I’m Living Proof That You Can Make A Lot Of Money And Live
The Life You Desire Thanks To Info-Marketing!
Nowadays I’m the Chief Marketing Strategist at GKIC—as you may know. I have seen
other “regular” brick and mortar business owners like you and me create extraordinary
incomes in their spare time. Some have even created a larger second business
stemming from their original business. Here are just some brick and mortar business
owners who are making it big with information marketing :

 Dr. Ben Altadonna helps chiropractors get more patients into their office, get
paid, and build strong, sustainable practices where the chiropractors NEVER
have to worry about where their next patient is coming from.

 Suzanne Black helps dentists create powerful staffs so the dentists can focus on
repairing teeth—creating a much more sustainable business.

 Sean Greeley provides expert instruction on how gym owners can keep
customers walking through the door and signing up for memberships thanks to
effective marketing.

 Bill Hammond helps estate law attorneys reach out to families who need help
with the difficult legal challenges that exist when elderly family members start to
show signs of declining.

 Michael Jans helps property and casualty insurance agents navigate this
extremely competitive field with marketing and business management skills that
enables them to rise above the fray.

 Greg Milner helps beauty salon owners get a consistent flow of customers—
something most salon owners are clueless about since they don’t teach
marketing skills in cosmetology school.

 Claude Whitacre helps retailers get more customers through the door thanks to
his appearances at retail industry seminars; otherwise, most retailers would have
to endure putting up with hordes of “window shoppers”.

 Bill Gough helps insurance professionals get more sales, referrals, and retention
thanks to his 25+ years as an Allstate insurance agent who consistently ranks in
the top 1-3% of all Allstate agents in the country.

 Used car sales is extremely competitive and Jimmy Vee and Travis Miller create
home study courses and marketing coaching programs—as well as “done for
you” advertising for their clients.

 Rory Fatt creates systems that help restaurant owners market their restaurant
better, build customer loyalty, and boost their profit potential so they can build a
lasting, top producing business.

Now you might read about these people and feel a little envious—or think they have
some special “magical powers” that you don’t have. You may even think they have
some special talent or skill or “high IQ” that makes them successful.

Many of these people barely graduated from high school and some never graduated at
all. And almost all of them are self-made—in other words, they’re not “trust-fund
babies” that got spoon-fed a ton of money when they were born. They’re first
generation six-figure earners and millionaires that started from scratch with no special
advantage or talent that you don’t already have.

What I love about information marketing is you don’t have to go to school to learn these
skills. There’s no “Ph.D. in Information Marketing” that exists at any major university.
All you have to do is follow a simple proven blueprint many others have followed before
you, take action, and you could be added to this special list of ***brick and
mortar***information marketers.

One of my favorite self-help experts is Brian Tracy. And one of his favorite sayings is

“All Skills Are Learnable—And Nobody’s Better

Than You And Nobody’s Smarter Than You!”
This is especially the case with information marketing. Believe me, if I can do it…and
the other brick and mortar business owners above can do it, then you can too. This
report will give you an excellent primer to get you on your way to developing your first
asset that could pay you over and over again…that is, if you are willing to take action
and do the work.

I know that information marketing has changed my life and I know it can change yours.
That’s why I decided to become the Chief Marketing Strategist for GKIC—it is my
mission to not only help as many people as possible attract their ideal customers,
clients and patients to their business, but to help them discover the benefits of
information marketing and how it can augment an existing business—or lead to a whole
new stream of income that could leave you rich, relaxed, and happy!

So you have two choices: you can toil for years and decades with little to show for your
efforts like I did 14 years ago. You can work for a boss you cannot stand or at a brick
and mortar business where you’re working 80 hours a week with no social life or other
interests outside of work. Not being able to gain more liberty, freedom and control in
your business and stressed out and worried about money all the time.

Or you can join the many brick and mortar business owners who are getting rich thanks
to information marketing. Money is never a worry for them and they drive nice cars and
have beautiful homes. They also have a vibrant life filled with travel, interesting people,
and many use their newfound wealth to give back.

So think about what you can do with an extra $500, $1000, $5000, $10,000…even
$100,000 per month of income thanks to your newfound “side business” you can run
from anywhere? Perhaps pay down debt like I did? Buy that new sports car like I was
able to do many years ago? Purchase your dream home? Pay your car payment or
mortgage? Or how about being generous to charity and causes that mean a lot to you?

There is simply no other business model out there that could allow you to generate
quick and sustainable wealth in minimum time, and I guarantee that when you read this
report from front to back, you’ll generate many “a-ha” moments that could lead to HUGE
profit windfalls for your business.

Now we’re going to go into the specific steps you can take to transform your business
with information marketing in 30 days or less. We’re going to transform the ideas and
specialized knowledge that’s in your head into an asset that can produce HUGE profits
for you. So buckle up…here we go!

Step #1: How To Choose Your Target Market…
One That Will Gladly Fork Over
Their Hard Earned Money!

Dan Kennedy

This step is the most important step when it comes to starting an information marketing
business. I’m going to reveal to you what I’ve discovered in the past 40 years of info-
marketing that could either put you on the road to success or freedom, or result in you
throwing a bunch of money and time down the toilet.

The most important step to starting an information marketing business is choosing the
right target market. And these are the specific steps you need to follow that could make
the difference between making “some” money and making millions.

1) Find a hungry market. A good sign of this includes markets that have their own
books in Barnes and Noble, periodicals, and spend a lot of money on advertising. It’s
also a good sign if other information products such as ebooks, courses, seminars, and
webinars exist for that market as well. Golf is an example of a rabid market that has a
very high passion index. Every golfer wants to hit the golf ball 250 to 300 yards down
the fairway and will try whatever driver, putter or other gizmo that will shave strokes off
their score.

Think about what market you’re in regarding your brick and mortar business. Is there a
skill you’re extremely proficient at…such as selling, getting referrals, and marketing that
other people in your market would love to pay to discover? Let’s say you’re a dentist
that is booked 6 weeks in advance purely because of referrals. That’s information other
dentists who could be struggling would want to know. Remember, as an information
marketer you have to think of yourself as a problem solver. What problems exist in your
market that you can easily solve and sell to your peers?

It’s best to start in an industry you know and are familiar with. You already know the
problems that exist in your market and can already have affinity with them. You
probably saw the bulleted list of information marketers in the first chapter of this report
who were able to exploit their knowledge in their field and create information products
that solve problems in their respective market. It’s always best to “start with what you
know” when it comes to information marketing.

Now here’s the beauty: if you have an interest or hobby outside of your business, you
can use information marketing to monetize that too! If you love golf or went through a
life experience such as a divorce or bankruptcy, you can easily wrap that experience,
and what you learned from it, into an information product others can learn from.

For example, Stephen Snyder went through a gut-wrenching bankruptcy that wiped him
out clean. However he was able to turn this adversity into opportunity by creating
information products that help others going through the same predicament. His book
Credit After Bankruptcy led to enormous success for him.

So don’t just think about your business—think about what hobbies or interests you can
easily monetize with an information product. The key, though, is to make sure it
“passes the test” after reviewing this chapter as to whether or not the hobby or interest
represents a viable market.

2) Make sure the market is large enough and affordably reachable. For starters, it’s
best to begin with markets that have a target of at least 100,000 prospects. If there are
too many people, it’s usually too expensive to reach the target audience (like weight
loss). But if the market is too small (raising healthy alpacas), you may not see the
results you want. It’s not to say you cannot target larger and smaller markets, it’s just
that it’s easier to shoot for a market that has plenty of prospects.

Think about your brick and mortar business: if you’re a dentist and want to sell to other
dentists, you may be better off selling to dentists who are in the first 5 years of their
practice. This narrows down your target audience and ensures you can easily reach
these prospects with your advertising. And if you’re a lawyer you’ll want to hone your
target market to a specialty…such as personal injury or divorce lawyer.

3) Make sure the average transaction size for your market is large. A car
restoration shop could easily get up to $10,000 or more per transaction, which means
they can invest more in marketing themselves. A coffee shop might have to sell 2500
Mocha lattes in order to make $10,000 to invest back into marketing. This makes it
difficult for these owners to imagine a positive return on investment for a newspaper
marketing campaign. That’s not to say that smaller transaction-sized businesses
cannot benefit from an information product—there are many marketers who create
information products for restaurants who have smaller transaction sizes than a cosmetic
dentist does.

The same goes if you’re thinking about creating an information product out of a strong
hobby or interest. For example, golfers will spend thousands of dollars on equipment
that will lower their scores by 3 strokes…versus if your hobby is running, the investment
is very minimal—just a good pair of running shoes that can be had for only $100.

A good idea is to see what other people are selling in your market. Do several Google
searches, get on other people’s email and mailing lists and get an idea of what other
people in your market are selling information products for currently.

So look at your brick and mortar business right now—is there something that comes
easier to you than your peers when it comes to workflow, getting clients, or getting
referrals? Is there a hobby or interest you’ve always had that could result in a
profitable information marketing business? Take 10 minutes right now to print out this
page and brainstorm possible topics for a potential information product. You can do
that in the space below. Then run your ideas through the “test” above to see if you have
a viable idea that could augment your existing income or provide a more lucrative path
toward wealth and success than your existing business!

Step #2: Create A Lead Generation Magnet
That’ll Siphon Hordes Of Prospects
To Your Sales Funnel!

Dave Dee

Imagine going on a first date and, at the end of the date, asking the other person if
they’ll marry you. If you’re reading this and you’re married, I doubt this is how your
courtship progressed to marriage. And if you’re single, I’m sure you’ll agree that using
this approach would ruin your chances of earning a second date.

In the same vein, if you drove traffic to a website and started pitching them on your
$10,000 seminar right away, your chances of success would be very slim. Why is this?
Because, like the dating example above, you’re asking for too much commitment too
soon from your prospect. Sure, there are times where the “one-off sale” works, but the
best strategy is to present your prospects with an offer that has a low barrier of entry
and allows them to “work their way” up to more expensive purchases you’ll learn about
later in this report. This is a proven model that GKIC has been using for years and is
the foundation of a solid information marketing business.

So you’ll want to create free content you can give to prospects exchange for their
information—usually their name and email address. This is called your lead generation
magnet and this is what is going to attract your prospects to your business so you can
sell them your higher-priced information products.

A lead generation magnet could be a free report, book, autoresponder series, webinar,
teleseminar, or a video. Here are 3 critical elements of a killer lead generation magnet:

1) The offer has to be irresistible. Your lead generation magnet should be so

powerful that people would gladly pay money to get it! The lead generation magnet we
use at GKIC is our “Most Incredible Free Gift Ever” where we give away $633.91 worth
of moneymaking information. You can take a look at that page here: But if you’re starting out, your lead generation
magnet doesn’t have to be this extensive. You can simply create a report that’s only 20
pages long or an audio that only takes 1 hour to create. But it’s critical that the lead
generation magnet solves a problem the target market is going through at the moment
they come to your website.

The best lead generation magnets are those that provide an immediate result for the
prospect. For example, if you’re a chiropractor and you have a “secret” for getting
referrals, they should be able to take the information, implement it quickly, and get
immediate results. That said, checklists and “templates” are very valuable and work
very well as lead generation magnets - the more “done for you” the better.

“But I don’t want to give away all my secrets because I won’t have anything to sell!”,
you’re probably thinking to yourself. Don’t worry, you’re just giving away one piece of
what you know so your prospects will immediately trust you and buy your information
product. That’s why the lead generation magnet is a critical piece of your information
marketing business.

2) The lead generation magnet has to have an awesome title. This is where most
marketers fail—they choose a lame title for their lead generation magnet and end up
wondering why they aren’t getting any leads.

Let’s say you’re a carpet cleaner and come across the following call-to-action on a

“Enter your name and address to receive our information kit.”


“Enter your name and email address to receive my free report, “How Any Carpet
Cleaner Can Unlock Their Hidden Profits Thanks To My Proven 5-Step System To
Getting Hordes Of Referrals!”

I’m sure you’ll agree that the second lead generation magnet is more enticing. You see,
you have to think of your lead generation magnet as a headline on top of a sales
letter—the title literally has to jump off the website or page, grab your prospect by the
lapels, and force them to take action to grab your lead generation magnet!

3) The lead generation magnet should have a strong call to action for your paid
information product. A good content-to-pitch ratio for a lead generation magnets is
80% content and 20% pitch. The pitch should be located at the end of the lead
generation magnet and should be presented in the framework of offering the prospect a
chance to “take it to the next level” by purchasing your product.

So take 10 minutes right now and brainstorm potential lead generation magnets you can
offer your target market. That’s right…don’t just ignore this lesson and move on to the
next chapter, print this out right now and brainstorm. It helps to do a simple Google
search to get ideas from marketers in your niche and even outside of it.

The people who make millions with information marketing are those who take action
immediately and don’t wait for “someday” to do something to improve their lives.
Someday Island is a very lonely vote yourself off that island and take action
right now!

Step #3: How To Create Your First
Product In Less Than One Hour!

Dan Kennedy

Now it’s time to start making money! This chapter is going to show you how to create a
product quickly in as little as one hour. You’ve already created your lead generation
magnet and now it’s time to tackle the next step in your sales funnel.

You see, one of the things that trip up most new information marketers is
“overcomplicating” their first product. Which makes sense--after all, they see other
marketers selling 10-DVD info-products with slick packaging and professionally-
produced video. This can be intimidating to the busy brick and mortar business owner
who neither has the time nor budget to create elaborate info-products you see online.

The truth is you can create an outstanding product in less than an hour. In fact, there
are some products in the GKIC catalog that are 20-40 minutes long and each sell for 97

There are several ways you can do this. The easiest is to use a good computer and
a decent microphone or headset that can be had for less than 99 dollars. Thanks to
today’s advances in technology and computers, the cost of equipment is no longer a
barrier to entry versus 20 years ago when you needed a professional recording studio to
create a product.

You can do the same for video as well. You can purchase a simple flip camera or use
the video recorder on your cellphone. When you do this, don’t worry about having the
proper lighting or background. Just hit the record button and start talking. You can do
the same for a PowerPoint slideshow, too.

There are several “hidden psychological elements” you’ll want to make sure you insert
in your product. Some semblance of the below list is in every single GKIC product and
it would behoove you to do the same for your product as well.

1) Use the first part of your product to sell them on the content they’re about
to discover. The sale doesn’t end after they bought your product. That’s why
it’s critical you devote the first part of your product toward reminding them why
they bought the product in the first place. Get them picturing the result they’re
going to get when they take action on what you’re about to teach. This is
important for several reasons 1) this will lower refund rates and “buyer’s remorse”
2) this will further position you as an expert in their minds by restating your
credentials for teaching them the content in the product—thus strengthening their
bond with you, and 3) get the prospect excited for what they’re about to discover.

2) Refer to case studies and testimonials of other customers who have
achieved results with the content you’re presenting. People will believe
other people before they’ll believe you and interweaving case studies of other
customers engenders social proof in your product.

3) Reinforce what they just discovered at the end of the product and have a
strong call to action for your more expensive product in your sales funnel.
You can also use this space to pitch another product of equal value or a
newsletter—as we do the No B.S. Marketing Letter when we create a product.
You can find out how to get a 2-month trial of this newsletter here:

It is very important to do your research regarding what other people in your market are
selling. And make sure your product has a unique selling proposition that makes it
stand out from the rest of the crowd. The worst thing you can do is follow what everyone
else is doing in your market and copy what they’re doing.

Craig Valine, one of GKIC’s Independent Business Advisors, posted the following
comment in GKIC’s Community forum and reveals an essential strategy I implement for
all my brick and mortar information marketing clients:

Best advice I ever got from Dan Kennedy was, "The last thing you ever want to
be compared to is just another ______." "Create a category of one." I went from
being a Marketing Consultant to "Marketing Performance Strategist." I no longer
have to compete with other consultants because "I am not one." :)

A unique selling proposition is a way of explaining your position against your

competition. When a supermarket chain or big-box retailer like Wal-Mart labels itself as
"THE Low Price Leader;" it's made a positioning promise.

A USP is also a way of summarizing and telegraphing one of the chief benefits, often
the chief benefit of the business, product, or service being marketed.

In the early 1990s, Chrysler was making much out of being the only American carmaker
to include driver's-side air bags as standard equipment. That briefly worked for them as
a USP, but competition quickly caught up.

A few years back, the Subway chain enjoyed great success repositioning itself as a
weight-loss business, first with the story of Jared, one of its customers, and then by
comparing the number of fat grams in its sandwiches to those from McDonald's. How
long the company could sustain this was open to question at the time.

Your USP may express the "theme" of your business, product, or service. Think: Which
coffee is "mountain grown"? Which beer is made with "the cold, clear water of the

These examples show that a USP can be based on just about anything: price, product,
ingredient, positioning. There are USPs based on color, size, scent, celebrity
endorsement, location, hours of operation, and on and on.

As you concentrate on developing a USP for your information product in your brick-and-
mortar business, you'll be newly aware of the USPs of other businesses, and you can
learn from their examples. To hone your marketing mind, you need to become USP-
sensitive and ask these questions about every business, product, and service you
encounter in your daily activities:

Does this business have a USP? Does it stand out so it’s “not just another _____”

If not, can I think of one for it?

If so, is there a way I can think of to improve it?

Is there any idea here I can "steal" for my use?

A good source of ideas is the public library. There, free of charge, you can wander
through Yellow Pages directories and newspapers from cities all across the country, as
well as hundreds of consumer, business, trade, and specialty magazines.

Another source of ideas is the Internet: as you roam cyberspace, visit Web sites within
and outside of your business category in search of inspiring USP ideas. Then you can
boldly go where few others go, into the marketplace with a really exciting USP of your

This will immediately make you stand out from your competition so you’re not thought of
as “just another _______” in your market. And they’ll think of you automatically when
they think of your product or service.

See if you can answer the following question in your prospect’s mind:

“Why should I, your prospect, choose to do business with you versus any and every
other option available to me in your category?

If you can answer this question, you can turn things upside-down in your marketplace.

So now’s the time to take action: print out this page and quickly jot down potential
product names and ideas for your first information product. If you’re a cosmetic dentist
a potential product name would be “How To Triple Your Fees Using This Simple 3-Step
Formula Other Cosmetic Dentists In Your Area Don’t Want You To Know!”

The product could be an hour long with just audio, or it can be a 2-CD set with
transcripts. It can also cost $27 for a simple eBook or $197 for a 3-DVD course. To
quote GKIC member Mike Litman, “You don’t have to get it right, just get it going,” so
put pen to paper and jot down ideas now!

Step #4: 6 Critical Elements You MUST Have When It
Comes To Creating A Killer Website!

Dave Dee

Now is the time to create your website to sell your information product. We’ll leave the
copywriting portion up to Dan in the next chapter, but for now let’s talk about the 2
websites you’ll need when launching your information product;

1) A lead capture page: this is the site you’re going to give away your lead
generation magnet in exchange for a prospect’s contact information. This page
is usually a simple design with short copy. An example of a proven lead capture
page is You can either use video or written
copy for your landing page—based on testing, we’ve determined that this video
converted very well. Here’s an example of a lead capture page with just copy:

2) A sales or landing page: This is usually a long copy sales letter that sells the
benefits of your information product and motivates your prospects to take action
and purchase your product. A good example of a sales letter can be found by
browsing the GKIC store at

There are 6 critical elements of a website you must tattoo on your forehead and make
sure you implement—or it could cost you sales and sabotage you from finding success
as an info-marketer:

1) The website must make it clear that the target audience has reached the
right place. This is usually accomplished by calling out to your specific target
audience in your headline or pre-headline. For example, the following copy,
“Attention Divorce Lawyers” would immediately get the attention of the target
audience and get them to stay on the website.

2) The website must have a “Big Promise” or benefits to be gained if they

proceed as instructed. For example, a restaurant owner who promises their
prospect “will be able to double the number of patrons who frequent their
restaurant without “grunt work” like sticking flyers on cars” needs to relay that
promise immediate via a strong, attention, grabbing headline.

3) The website should make it clear to order or take action. Many sales are lost
because the order process is obfuscated. A good idea is to get someone who is
not tech or Internet savvy to order your product. See if they’re able to order
easily. For your lead generation magnet there should be a specific call-to-action

asking people to enter their name and email address to claim, and there should
be ample order buttons and boxes on your sales letter.

4) The website should make it clear what’s going to happen after they take
action. Are they going to get your lead generation magnet in their email? On the
next page? After ordering, are they going to be taken to a confirmation page
where they can download their product? Make it clear to your target audience
what will happen after they take the action you want them to. This serves to
“future-trip” your prospect as if they’ve already ordered—thus leading to a boost
in sales.

5) The website should have no “windows of escape.” The sales person (you)
should have control of the sales process, not the prospect. That means there
should be no links or ways for the prospect to exit the page for the most part.
The more choices a prospect has, in general, the more confused they get and
the confused mind never buys.

Regarding creation of your website, I recommend the following 1) hire someone you
know and trust and that has a good reputation. 2) if you absolutely cannot afford a Web
design professional, go to one of the freelance sites like and have
a web designer bid on your project. This is considered to be the “cheap” route and
quality could be hit and miss. 3) use one of the many themes that allow you to use
Wordpress as the content management system. One very good one is Optimize Press
( This allows you to create lead capture pages and sales
pages without having to mess around with HTML, Php, and all that geeky stuff.

Now it’s time for your action step: I want you to take 10 minutes right now to go to the
internet and search for other sites in your niche—and outside of it as well. Make note of
the designs you like and don’t get caught up in making sure your website looks “pretty”.
This is about getting ideas for your own website regarding copy (which we are going to
cover next) and design so you can implement this for yourself.

Step #5: The Most Powerful 3-Step Formula Ever
Devised That’ll Get Your Prospects To Whip Out Their
Wallets And Buy Your Information Product!

Dan Kennedy

In this section I’m going to share one of my most powerful formulas you can use to sell
your first information product. This formula is predicated on one simple fact:
everybody would rather avoid pain than to get gain. And since you should consider
yourself a problem solver when it comes to your information product, this simple
copywriting formula fits perfectly.

You see, I have used this basic formula in 136 industries—many of them include brick
and mortar businesses like dentists and restaurants. Heck, it may be the most
reliable sales formula ever invented!

Are you ready? Here it goes:

The first step is to define the customer’s problem. This could be a problem they
either know about or they don’t know about. So the letter starts describing the problem
in a very straightforward manner:

It’s a royal pain to spend thousands of dollars on advertising and only attract a
bunch of “tire kickers” and “looky loos” to your menswear store who do nothing
but window-shop, isn’t it? Heck, these ‘el cheapo” customers will do anything to
haggle on price and nickel and dime you out of a sale. I mean, what’s the point
of blowing a huge wad of money on advertising if all you attract to your retail
store are cheapskates?

See how that states a problem the brick and mortar prospect could be going through
right now? You might want to make “describing the problem” a little longer along with a
little bit of proof if you’re dealing with a more complex problem. For example, for the
excerpt above you can insert statistics that show the percentage of prospects that come
into a retail store and never buy. Or the average income of the typical retail shopper.

The next step is to crank it up a little and inject emotion into the problem. I call this
“agitating the pain”. We tap into the prospect’s anger, resentment, guilt,
embarrassment, fear—any and every applicable emotion. Here’s some “agitation copy”
from the example above:

Here’s what’s going to happen when you keep attracting cheapskates to your
retail menswear store who always ask you or your staff for your discount rack:
you’ll start to drain your advertising dollars in a New York Minute and all the time

and staff-hours you’re throwing down the toilet dealing with these people are
going to frustrate your staff so much that they’ll eventually quit and work for a
competitor in your town or demand a raise in order to stay with you. Pretty soon
your competition, who attracts better clientele, will eat you alive—leaving your
forever scraping by with meager profits, working longer hours, and constantly
worrying about your business when you should be “mentally present” with your

If you were the owner of a retail store, wouldn’t this tick you off a little bit? Notice I didn’t
just talk about losing money and profits—I talked about losing out to a competitor and
interfering with family time. By the time your prospects read this section, they should be
all lathered up, pacing the room, and telling themselves, “I’ve got to do something about

This is where you want to whip out your solution---the answer to the pain they’re going
through that your information product is going to solve. Here’s some sample copy for
the retail example above:

Well, I’ve found a solution! This marketing system I am going to reveal to you
attracts more affluent customers that don’t haggle on price. You see, the affluent
have different buying triggers you can easily appeal to in your advertising—
ensuring you’re only going to get prospects that have disposable income and
won’t haggle you to death on the sales floor. I mean, you’re going to be
spending money on advertising, why not attract prospects that make buying
decisions on factors other than price? The best part is that affluent customers
buy over and over again and tell their affluent friends about you—which will
further increase your products and absolve these headaches you’re going
through now.

So now I want you to take 10 minutes and jot down the problem you’re solving with your
information product, phrases that will agitate that problem in your prospect’s mind, and
the solution your information product will provide. If you write your sales letter with
these 3 elements in mind, you’ll be light years ahead of any brick and mortar business
that attempts to write a sales letter. Don’t worry about writing in complete sentences,
just brainstorm and jot down notes as fast as you can.

Step #6: The #1 Secret Most Information Marketers
Will NEVER Know That Could Triple Your Customer

Dave Dee

Now I know that when you read every single word of this chapter you’re going to think to
yourself, “Gee, I just created a product…now you’re asking me to create another one?”
Hang in there because the real profit generators in an information marketing business is
to sell more products to your prospects.

Let’s say you want to take up golf. You go out to the local sporting good store and buy
a set of golf clubs, some golf shoes and perhaps a golf glove. You’re done right?

Wrong. You’ll also need to spend money on greens fees, entrance to a driving range,
books on how to play golf, instructional videos, and perhaps one-on-one lessons from a
golf pro. You’ll also need a golf bag, golf balls, tees, a divot repair tool, and on and

You might think that your prospect who purchased your information product to solve
their problem will not need any more help solving their problem. This cannot be further
from the truth! Someone who has purchased a solution to a problem is the best
prospect to sell additional products and services to solve that problem.

This is the bread and butter of a successful information business and something that
GKIC practices every day. Let’s say you’re a used car lot owner and you want to sell
an information product on how other used car lot owners can increase the number of
referrals they get from satisfied customers. Well, chances are these used car lot
owners would also like to have a “done for you” marketing solution to drive more
prospects to their lot, and they may also want to learn better closing techniques when it
comes to selling used cars. You can easily create additional information products that
address the other methods your target prospect can use to solve a problem that keeps
them up at night: getting more sales so they can increase their income.

Here are some ideas for products you can create and upsell your customers, clients or
patients in your brick and mortar business:

1) Sell a more advanced version of your initial information product. This is a

proven tactic that can immediately increase your lifetime customer value.

2) Sell one-on-one coaching so your prospects can get personal attention and
achieve results faster. You can really charge a lot of money for this.

3) Invite prospect to travel to a seminar or workshop. Many people prefer in-
person learning rather than learning through a book or course. GKIC holds
events as expensive as $7500 for customers who want one-on-one attention.

In general, the more “done for you” your solution is in your sales funnel, the more you
can charge. For example, when you offer one-on-one coaching or invite prospects to a
seminar, you can charge a lot more because you’re providing personalized help for that
prospect which can accelerate their chances of getting results.

At GKIC, we upsell our customers immediately as soon as they purchase one of our
information products. This usually adds to 20-30% greater profit right off the bat. But
we don’t stop there—we are also extremely aggressive at following up with customers
and selling them related products and we can often triple the transaction value of that

As you progress in your information marketing business, you’ll notice that a small 1-2%
of your customers will represent your best customers and give you the most money. At
GKIC, we call this “moving money up the pyramid”, because these customers tend to
represent the more affluent customers with more disposable income.

So now what I want you to do is take 10 minutes to jot down potential upsell ideas you
can offer your target audience. Don’t stop and “think about it”…just write, write, write!
You can refine these ideas later. Think about other products you can sell them,
coaching programs you can provide them, and seminars you can create. Don’t put this
off—do it now!

Step #7: The Key To Attracting More Authority,
Power, And Control In Your Marketplace Your
Competitors Will Envy!

Dan Kennedy

Congratulations! You’re on your way to creating your first info-product! Not only are
you on your way to earning a healthy second income stream, you’re on your way to
attracting more of your ideal customers, clients or patients to your brick and mortar
business. Here’s why:

Having your own information product builds up your authority and credibility in your
marketplace. Let’s say you moved into a new town and wanted to hire a personal
trainer. You perform a Google search and come across 2 potential trainers. One of
them is “just another trainer” but the other one has created an information product
called, “How To Lose 30 Pounds In 30 Days”

Which trainer will automatically get your immediate reverence and respect? Of course,
the one who has created an information product on the subject because they are
recognized as an established authority in your eyes.

Society gives great reverence to individuals who publish books, courses, and other
information products. So creating your information product is one of the top things you
can do right now to start attracting more customers, clients, and patients to your
business. In other words, you’re bound to make more money even if you don’t sell a
single copy!

But we’re not just looking for “good enough” here—we’re here to make money! So
here are more information marketing tips that’ll help you launch your second stream of
income in 30 days or less:

1) Implement continuity in your info-marketing business: Continuity is income

you receive from your customers on an ongoing basis. This can be a game
changer for your information marketing business because you only need to make
one sale and you can get paid month after month. Think of your electric
company as the ultimate continuity program. Continuity can include newsletters,
membership sites, ongoing coaching, etc.

2) Use joint-ventures to launch your info-product business. Here you’re

leveraging the relationship and the good name of the host marketer to promote
your information product for a commission. This is the easiest way to start
getting sales and you don’t pay the host marketer unless he generates a sale for

3) Increase the value of your product by adding word-for-word transcripts,
examples from your presentation, and workbooks. Sure you can offer just
the audio, but you can increase the value of your product—and the price—by
offering transcripts, workbooks, exhibits, and other materials. People learn
differently and may prefer to read through a transcript rather than listen to an
audio…and vice versa.

4) Outsource your information marketing business. You don’t have to do

everything yourself—it’s easy to hire other people to do the work for you!
Freelance sites like and enable site user to post
projects for service providers to bid on. Many tasks can be completed relatively
cheaply. So if you’ve hit a brick wall in your information marketing business,
outsource it and you could literally have people bidding on your project in
minutes (no kidding!).

Conclusion: The #1 PROVEN Method For Massively
Accelerating Your Success As An Info-Marketer!

Dan Kennedy

I hope you got a lot out of this report and I hope you use it to help you launch your info-
marketing empire—whether it’s a small “mom and pop” brick and mortar operation from
a spare corner in your living room or a full-fledged operation with 10+ employees. I
know that info-marketing has the power to change your life from just “getting by” to
allowing you to experience the wealth and abundance you deserve.

However, there’s only so much you can learn by reading books. It’s been shown time
and time again that in-person learning is a better and more impactful way of learning
new strategies when it comes to adding another additional stream of income to your
brick and mortar business .

If you are the type of person who wants the best advantage and is willing to deepen
your understanding, and deepen it some more, and again deepen it more, then you’ll
find the 2013 GKIC Info-SUMMITSM deeply fascinating. You can read more about it

The fact that you took action and claimed a copy of this report--and absorbed every
single word of this report including all the secrets you can implement right now to make
your first sale as an info-marketer---tells me that you’re this type of person.

The 2013 GKIC Info-SUMMITSM is THE event where 6 and 7-figure information
marketers flock to exchange strategies, meet other marketers, learn what’s working now
in information marketing, and set their sights on deeper and higher goals for the next

I am sure you’ve gotten 1 or 2 ‘A-ha” moments out of reading this report. Well, the
strategies and tactics shared at the 2013 GKIC Info-SUMMITSM are guaranteed to
summon many more “writer-downers” that’ll put you and your business over the top so
you can enjoy a more prosperous life.

I know I sound like a broken record, but info-marketing is the world’s best method
anybody can use to generate a healthy second income and even supplant their existing
brick and mortar business when it comes to profits. It has made a guy like me—with
hardly any education, smarts and what some would consider a difficult personality - to
earn millions of dollars thanks to this “thin air” money-making strategy. So I am
uniquely qualified to sharpen your ability to master this easy yet little-known skill called
information marketing—the scope by which I barely scratched the surface of in this

Now a common objection I hear is this: “Geez…I don’t have time and money to invest in
the Info-SUMMITSM. You might feel “over quota” regarding travel, seminars, and time
away. Well consider this:

 Will being better at creating money out of “thin air” thanks to information
marketing allow you to earn an extra $1000/month, $5000/month, even $15,000
per month by simply “following in the footsteps” of successful people before
you—people who don’t have any special smarts, talent or high IQ that you don’t
already have?

 Have Dave Dee and I showed you methods in this report that can realistically
help you earn your first dollar in information marketing in 30 days or less—and
have we proven to you that we are well-qualified to “pull back the curtain” and
show you the REAL “inner workings” of an information marketing business that
could lead to breakthroughs in your own business—and life?

 Have I thoroughly proven to you that I have the experience, tactics, and
wherewithal to take you by the hand and show you the path to a potential 6 and 7
figure income—something I have single-handedly helped many clients achieve
thanks to the power of my words during the past 40 years that I’ve been involved
in information marketing?

 Isn’t there real money at stake here when you consider that the fee for Info-
SUMMITSM is a drop in the bucket compared to the realistic 5-10% boost (for
starters) in income coming to the event could provide you?

If you answered yes to those four questions, then the 2013 GKIC Info-SUMMITSM is a
very important place to be. This is not only the official information marketing seminar for
GKIC, but also for the Information Marketing Association—the top info-marketing
association in the country.

You’ve seen the real-life examples of brick and mortar businesses earlier in this report.
Insurance agents, dentists, chiropractors, retailers, salon owners who have turned
ordinary incomes into extraordinary business that gives them financial freedom,
independence and control most brick and mortar business owners would die for?

Also, our Celebrity-Entrepreneur Guest “Body by Jake” and “Business by Jake” Jake
Steinfeld is going to show you how he went from “shy guy with a terrible stutter” to
selling a cable TV network for $500 million. Believe me, there is less separating you
from fortune and fame—and a bigger life—than you think.
If you duplicated just 0.01% of his success, then attending the Info-SUMMITSM would be

There’s a reason why GKIC members have stuck with us for 5, 10, 15, even 20 years.
They know the money they invest in us gets paid to them tenfold, a hundredfold and
even higher through more disposable income, less worries, more security, and more
agility knowing they have the knowledge to materialize money out of thin air without
extra equipment, employees, buildings, and locked up capital.

So I look forward to shaking your hand at the book-signing/photo opportunity after the
first day at the Info-SUMMITSM. You can register for the GKIC 2013 Info-SUMMITSM by
going here:


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