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The objective of the project was as follows:

To provide an impressed current cathodic system as a more efficient and reliable resource to
Genesis Oil and Gas company (GOGC) . The company had a sacrificial anode system in place
previously which has completed its life span and its no longer useful. The Petrochemicals limited is
proposing there cathode system since its Cathodic protection protects steel pipelines from corrosion
and therefore extends the operating life of the pipeline. PCM Cathodic Protection (CP) module
supports the operator in the analysis of CP data and provides access to information about the CP
system to the pipeline. In addition, it offers the opportunity to display and analyse CP survey data in
a geographic context. Thus, the operator can recognise potential threats to the pipeline earlier and
more easily.

• The Pipeline Corrosion Management process and provides a common methodology for
reducing the risks caused by corrosion.

• The process continually improves the prevention and mitigation safeguards against corrosion

• In addition, the process provides an effective and economical approach to corrosion

mitigation, assessment, and remediation

Pravita Valentine is 32 years of age and has years of experience in the cathodic protection
industry. She did her Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering at the University
of Trinidad and Tobago and has her NACE CP Specialist Certification. She worked with
Corrpro, a subsidiary of Aegion Corporation, which is among the world's largest corrosion
engineering, cathodic protection, and corrosion monitoring business for the protection and
preservation of infrastructure. This client planned and manage all aspects of Cathodic
Protection projects, Supervised engineers and technicians assigned to the projects and
Applied comprehensive engineering principles and corrosion theory to prepare supporting
mathematical calculations and conceptual design plan with Corrpro for 6 years so her
experience is greatly acknowledged.

Apart from that she’s currently pursuing her Masters at University of Trinidad and Tobago in
Chemical Engineering and is working towards being the best. The client is not only qualified
in academic standards but knows how to communicate with others and manage her
responsibilities. She’s a very confident individual and is working towards protecting against
the corrosion of industrial pipelines for the protection and preservation of infrastructure.

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