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Lesson Plan Pro forma (Health & Physical Education)

Michael Allen 8:50-9:40 13-11-2017

Hip Hop Battle Salisbury Downs PS Year 7
Phone, Speaker, Hip Hop attire

Learning area: Health & Physical Education Band: Middle Years

Student learning Outcomes: Teacher Outcomes:

Evidence of learning The students will ….. The teacher will …….

Cognitive & Physical (including ‘skilful’ play) Management: (operating framework & interactions)
Demonstrate technical form through implementing Create a safe learning and performance space by
strength and precision in arm extensions, low, grounded interacting and encouraging students
posture and body flow Presence: (verbal & non verbal communication)
Evaluate technical form to inform feedback during battle Be very clear and pronounced with non-verbal
Demonstrate musicality by linking movements together, communication to assist students in interpreting
hitting the beat, and playing to ones strengths expectations for performance
Evaluate musicality to inform feedback during battle Utilise an enthusiastic and excited tone that engages and
Personal Responsibility: (Fair Play) motivates students to perform
Demonstrate fair play by acting appropriately in the P’s of Pedagogy: (Presentation of task, positioning
audience, this means paying full attention, applauding, General feedback - acknowledgement )
and providing feedback and encouragement Provide constructive verbal feedback that acknowledges
Social: strengths and identifies strategies for improvement
Work cooperatively with peers in their final performance Utilise questioning that encourages self-reflection of
Affective: (feelings & attitudes) (Resilience) performance so that students can improve their own role
Demonstrate resilience by participating in final routine, in final performance
persisting through challenges and celebrating effort and
Demonstrate hip hop attitude by carrying oneself with
strength and swagger, especially during posed segments
of routine
Evaluate expression to inform feedback during battle

Evaluation Evaluation
Student learning outcomes – address each outcome Teacher outcomes – address each outcome

Complete on a separate page. Complete on a separate page. Consider what happened

Consider what happened (with supportive evidence), the (evidence), the implications (so what) & future directions
implications (so what) & future directions (what now). (what now).
(Students will ……) (Shape +method .. how) (teaching cues or questions) (Shape)
Battle Prep: Routine Practice With teacher
Music: Stronger – Kanye West

I Count 1-4
N Demonstrate technical form by holding (ends on makes us) -‘hold that pose for 4!’
T a grounded stance as routine intro -crouched, head down, arms
R crossed
D Count 5-8
U Demonstrate musicality by rising into (ends on stronger) -‘explode out of that crouch
C standing position on 5th count -5: pop up and into a standing pose’
T -6-8: Power stance
I And without teacher
O Count 9-12
N Demonstrate technical form by being (ends on kill me) -‘how should we move our
precise with push downs and going big -9: right push down arms on the push downs?’
with scoop motion (arm extensions) -10: left push down -‘go big or go home on the
-11: scoop scoop! Bigger is better!’
-12: squat, double thumbs

Demonstrate technical form by moving Count 13-16 -‘Smack everything off the
quickly in an extended position on -13: right wipe table with the wipe’
wipes, flinging arms high, and coming -14: left wipe -‘shoot your arms into the sky’
down sharply into bicep pose -15: arms up, on toes -‘bring the gun show with
-16: bicep pose, on feet (and your pose’

Count 17-24: Vinnie and

Demonstrate technical form with Cooper -POP the arms
strong arm on VINNIE -17: Left Arm ‘VIN’ -lock eyes and stare!
Demonstrate attitude and expression -18: Right Arm ‘…NIE’
on shoulder brush and stare -19: Shoulder Brush (L)
-20: Shoulder Brush (R)
-21: Left Leg Pump
-22: Right Leg Pump
-23: Arms Cross
-24: Stare! (and hold)

Count 25-32: Casey, Rayna,

Amelia -get low and glide, make it
-25: Right slide, left arm pop smooth and flowy
Demonstrate technical form by -26: Left slide, right arm pop -show your attitude through
lowering posture on slides, forward- -27: hop-lean (R) forward, your expression, make it look
back rocks and squat arms wide (Ray!) tough
Demonstrate attitude and expression -28: Jump back (L), arms cross
by holding eye contact on pose (Na!)
-29: hop-lean (R) forward,
arms wide (Ray!)
-30: Jump back (L), arms cross
-31: Squat!
-32: Prop Pose (and hold)

D Count 33-40: Talisha and

E Kayla -‘let your movement show
V Demonstrate flair and attitude -33-36: Grape vine right, clap your attitude, too cool for
E (sassiness) by holding strong facial -37-40: Grape vine (with body school…’
L expressions and moving with a flow roll) left (+lots of flair)
P Count 40-44
M Demonstrate expression by walking -4 counts to move into a -‘carry yourself with bravado’
E with swagger huddle around flosser
N (attitude walk, strong
T expression)

Count 45-52
Demonstrate musicality by playing to Front four: floss -‘hype up the dancers doing
individual strengths Back four: hype (point the floss, big points to them
attention to floss dancers) to direct the observers eye’

Count 52-60
Demonstrate technical form by Cannon from end to end -‘be bold in your pose, put
utilising bold strong arms movements Finishing pose (personal your own hip hop spin on it’
and/or low grounded flowing choice) -‘stare down the audience,
movement into a final pose have a no backing down
Demonstrate expression by keeping attitude on your face’
head up and eyes locked onto the
Additional learning outcomes relevant Battle Performance: Crowd direction…
to performance… Performing
Music: Stronger- Kanye West
Demonstrate resilience by embracing -‘remember, it is ok to make a
the challenge of performance, rolling Sequence and cues are as mistake but we do not want
with errors, and celebrating above during revision to give up’
achievement after -‘embrace your crew, you are
Demonstrate cooperation by all in this together, show that
supporting peers out prior to by having each other’s backs’
performance and out on the stage

Into ending structure

Yellow = floss dancers

White = hype dancers
Evaluate elements of skilled dance Battle Performance: Audience -‘what did you notice?’ Organization to be confirmed
(technical form, musicality, expression) Members -‘what did they do really
and provide praise to dance crews -sit where required well?’
Demonstrate fair play by embracing -respectfully observe, applaud -‘remember we all have to
the role of providing feedback, and provide feedback as perform, treat other groups
ensuring full attention is directed to required just like you would like to be
dance group and celebrating every treated’
C routine and crew

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