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The first story involves a young woman named Kudo Michi ([[Kumiko Aso]]) who works

at a plant sales company. She has recently moved to the city and her main friends
are her three colleagues, Sasano Junko, Toshio Yabe and Taguchi. At the start of
the film, it appears Taguchi has been missing for some days working on a [[computer
disk]]. Michi goes to visit his apartment and finds him distracted and aloof; in
the middle of their conversation, he casually makes a noose, leaves and hangs
himself. Michi and her colleagues inspect the computer disk he left behind and
discover it contains an image of Taguchi staring at his own computer monitor, which
is displaying an image of Taguchi staring at his computer monitor, creating an
endless series of images. In the other monitor on his desk, Michi and her friends
discover a [[Ghost|ghostly]] face staring out into Taguchi's room.

Yabe later receives a mysterious phone call of a distorted voice saying ''"Help
me"'', over and over. Upon checking his phone, Yabe sees the same image found on
Taguchi's disk. He goes to Taguchi's apartment and sees a ghostly black stain on
the wall where Taguchi was found dead, before finding a crumpled piece of printer
paper with the words "The forbidden room" on it. Upon leaving, he notices a door
sealed up with red tape and enters, encountering a ghost. Yabe shows up at work
late, depressed and uncommunicative, with Junko expressing her exasperation with
him to Michi. On her way home, Michi watches on as a woman hurriedly seals a door
with red tape. Yabe's strange behavior continues into the next day, ultimately
taking to hiding in a storage room. When Michi goes to check on him, he is evasive
to her concerns however expresses that he had seen something horrible in "the
forbidden room." Michi asks if it is a room sealed by red tape to which Yabe snaps
at her, returning to his unresponsive state and retreats to a separate room shortly
after. Michi, returning home from work, pauses by the sealed door she had seen
prior before continuing on. Soon after she witnesses the woman she saw taping up
the door jump to her death from the top of a silo at a cement factory.

Michi's boss is shown sealing himself in a room using red tape, she and Junko
become worried when he does not show up to work and attempt to search for him.
While calling various customers of the company Michi receives a call like the one
Yabe had received, prompting her to check on him as he continues to recluse in the
storage room of the nursery. Upon entering, she sees a black stain on the wall like
the one left by Taguchi's corpse, mistaking it for Yabe himself. Michi leaves to
find Junko and panics when she realizes Junko has unsealed and entered a red-taped
door. Inside, Junko is sitting on the floor in shock, attempting to escape Michi's
comforting. Michi sees a motionless figure standing in the corner of the room,
prompting her to try and bring Junko to safety but she is pushed away as the figure
begins to approach. Junko is cornered by the ghost and, sceeching in terror, is
pulled away by Michi. Junko is seen being cared for by Michi, however she remains
in a mostly catatonic state refusing to communicate and becoming deeply unsettled
when left alone. When Michi mistakenly dozes off, she awakes to see Junko standing
by the window, looking out. After getting up to make coffee, Michi is asked by
Junko if "she will die this way," to which Michi assures her she would not
prompting her to reply that she would just "keep living all alone." Upon saying
this, she steps towards the wall and becomes a black stain. With no one else left,
Michi calls her mother for solace who picks up but does not respond to Michi.
Becoming worried, Michi goes to check on her mother which leads her to meeting

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