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The Maleo anticline formed primarily as a result of transpressive inversion associated with continuing

left-lateral movement along the Rembang-Madura-Kangean (RMK) wrench zone.

At reservoir level (Early - Late Pliocene), the Maleo structure is a doubly plunging anticline modified by
a complex series of normal faults.

The hinge line of the anticline trends NNW-SSE;

The Maleo fold has continued to develop until very recently with seismic sections showing that sediments
just below the sea floor (probably less than 100,000 years old) are involved in the folding.

The reservoir rocks at Maleo are contained withinthe Mundu and Paciran Sequences.

Mundu Sequence is bounded by the T40 and T50 sequence boundaries and the Paciran Sequence is
bounded by the T50 and T60 sequence boundaries.

Within the Mundu and Paciran Sequences are a series of bioclastic grainstones, packstones and
wackestones that contain the reservoir (Globigerina Limestone)

The depositional environment of the Pliocene bioclastic limestones has been the subject of much
debate. Buglass (1985) proposed a contourite model with deposition on a relatively deep shelf, with water
about 400 feet deep. Henk (2001; 2002) interpreted the wackestones in the lower part of the Mundu
Sequence as being deposited on the outer shelf but thought that the packstones and grainstones that make
up most of the reservoir unit were deposited in middle shelf, inner shelf and even transition zone
environments. He cited the presence of planar to low angle crossbedding and ichnofacies assemblages
such as Thalassinoides and Ophiomorpha, made by decapod crustaceans (shrimps), in support of this
interpretation. Other workers have concluded that the globigerinid rocks are deep water oozes (PT
Rocktech Sejahtera, 1993; PT Corelab Indonesia, 2006) deposited in water depths between 200 m and
2000 m.

The Maleo gas is almost pure methane, containing only about 1% carbon dioxide and higher alkane
homologues combined and no hydrogen sulphide (DANGEROUS)

Stable isotope data from Maleo-1 indicate that the gas is biogenic with a minor thermogenic component.
Maleo-2 however, had isotopically
heavier gas indicating a more significant
thermogenic component but overall the Maleo gas
is primarily of bacterial origin.

Source rocks for the biogenic gas are assumed to be the claystones and siltstones of the Mundu and
Paciran sequences, based on the work of Noble and Henk (1998).

The difference in composition between

Maleo-1 and Maleo-2 also implies that there has
been incomplete mixing of the gas within the gas
pool. It is not known whether this is a function of
field compartmentalization or ineffective diffusion.


The two dominant processes that generate methane in nature are methane generated by methanogenic
archaea, known as ‘biogenic’ methane; and methane generated during the thermally-activated break-
down of larger organic molecules, termed ‘thermogenic’ methane.

Biogenic Gas is gas produced by bacterial degradation of organic matter in sediments where the
main byproduct of this degradation process is methane which is formed by microbial
fermentation and carbon dioxide reduction.

The stress caused by the northward motion of Indian-Australian plate with the most prominent faults
trend northeastward. The faults may have originated as dextral strike-slip faults.

Mundu Formation: The formation is dominated by fossiliferous yellowish white to greenish gray
marl, while in the upper part of this formation is presented by interbedded
fossiliferous greenish grey sandy calcarenite and greenish grey sandy marl, the
so-called Selorejo Member (or also long known as Selorejo Formation). The
formation was deposited during the Late Miocene to Pliocene (N19-N21) in the
outer neritic environment.

Paciran Formation: Composed of reefal limestones, partially converted to karst topography and
chalky limestones, deposited from Pliocene (N19) up to Recent.
Formasi Mundu
Formasi Mundu terletak selaras di atas Formasi Ledok. Penamaannya pertama kali digunakan
oleh Klein (1918), berasal dari nama Desa Mundu, kemudian diberi nama Jenjang Mundu oleh Trooster
(1937; dalam Kadar dan Sudijono, 1994). Satuan batuan ini kemudian diberi status anggota oleh Marks
(1957; dalam Kadar dan Sudijono, 1994) dan Brouwer (1957; dalam Kadar dan Sudijono, 1994),
meskipun kedua penulis memasukkannya ke dalam formasi yang berbeda. Lokasi tipe Formasi Mundu
berada di Sungai Kalen, Desa Mundu, 10 km arah barat dari Cepu, sedangkan stratotipenya yaitu lintasan
sepanjang 1,5 km pada sayap Utara Antiklin Kedinding, 3 km ke arah barat Desa Mundu. Ciri litologinya
yaitu napal kehijauan yang masif. Bagian atasnya ditempati oleh batugamping pasiran. Formasi Mundu
diendapkan selaras di atas Formasi Ledok dan dengan Formasi Lidah di atasnya. Penyebarannya sempit di
kawasan Mandala Rembang, yaitu di sekitar Todanan dan Tinggian Tuban. Ketebalan rata-rata Formasi
Mundu adalah 255 meter hingga 342 meter. Umumnya adalah Miosen Akhir hingga Pliosen atau zona
N18-N12 dari analisa foraminifera planktonnya. Lingkungan pengendapannya adalah lingkungan laut
terbuka dengan kedalaman antara 700 meter hingga 1000 meter. Semakin ke atas kedalamannya
berkurang hingga laut dangkal pada zona sublitoral pinggir.

Formasi Paciran
Penamaannya diambil dari Kota Paciran (Pringgoprawiro, 1983), Tuban. Stratotipenya adalah
batugamping terumbu di sekitar Bukit Piramid. Formasi ini terdiri dari batugamping terumbu yang masif,
seringkali memperlihatkan gejala karst. Formasi Paciran diendapkan tidak selaras di atas Formasi Mundu
dan mempunyai hubungan yang menjemari dengan Formasi Lidah. Endapan formasi ini banyak
ditemukan di Tinggian Tuban dan di Pulau Madura dengan ketebalan berkisar antara 105 meter hingga
150 meter. Umurnya diketahui berkisar antara Pliosen dan Pleistosen. Lingkungan pengendapannya
adalah di laut dangkal, jernih, hangat, dekat pantai, zona litoral–sublitoral pinggir.
 transgresi garis pantai condong ke onshore (sea lv. rise)
 regresi garis pantai condong ke offshore (sea lv. decline)

SB (it changes from thickening to fining which means the sea lv suddenly decline, the
rest of the exposed sedimentary then being called sequence boundary)
HST, accommodation < sediment supply (sea level decline), progradasi (thickening upward)
MFS (fining means sea lv rise, it then becomes thickening which means sea lv decline
drastically. Mfs is the processes where sea lv reach its peak rise lv, in other word
the peak lv before it declined.)
TST, accommodation > sediment supply (sea level rise), retrogradasi (fining upward)
LST, accommodation = sediment supply, agradasi (stay same thickness)

The reservoir properties that 3D seismic can potentially predict under suitable conditions are porosity,
lithology, presence of gas/oil saturation as well as pressure.

Lithology, including net-to-gross, and porosity can be loosely estimated from a depositional model of the
reservoir based on well data, 3D seismic facies analysis, and field analogs.

By knowing whether the depositional system is fluvial, deltaic, deep water, or another system, a
geoscience team can apply general geologic understanding and predict reservoir porosity to within
appropriate ranges from reservoir analogues. In some situations more accurate and higher resolution
predictions can be made based on seismic attributes such as amplitude.

Work step:
1. demonstrating a relationship between a log-scale seismic attribute, such as p-wave or s-wave
impedance or elastic impedance and a reservoir property.
2. demonstrating that a useful relationship still exists at seismic resolution and for the anticipated
geometries of the reservoir.
3. demonstrate that the data quality of the seismic at the reservoir level is good, for example,
overburden effects do not obscure or distort the imaging of the reservoir.
4. demonstrate that well synthetics (modeled seismic derived from density and sonic logs)
adequately tie the seismic data.

The presence of hydrocarbons typically lowers the seismic velocity and density of unconsolidated to
moderately consolidated sandstones and hence modifies the impedance contrast with surrounding shales
relative to the contrast of water bearing sands with the same shales. Typically this will increase
reflectivity but if brine sands are harder than shales, the reflectivity can be reduced or change polarity.
If the reservoir thickness is above seismic resolution, a reflection from the hydrocarbon/water
contact may be visible as a reflection event known as a ”flat-spot.” Flat-spots are normally attributed
to a depth (unless there is a lateral pressure gradient in the aquifer) but may not be flat in time.

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