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Perform Count using RF

1. Create Physical inventory Document

2. Perform cycle count using RF. Go to transaction /SCWM/RFUI

3. Scan Warehouse Order
4. Click on F2 LocLi to goto list of Bins
Scenario 1: Scan the Bin on Location List screen

5. Enter Bin Number and press enter

6. On pressing enter on Bin screen system will take to HU screen

7. Enter HU 80005533 and press enter. Press enter again to go to Product screen
8. On Product screen Bin and PI procedure is blank i.e. system doesn’t get reference to the
warehouse order and Bin which have been scanned on the product screen
9. When we can the product system gives a message “An exception occurred” and no further
action can be performed on the screen.

10. On checking the issue it has been observed that IVHEADTAB internal table is blank and doesn’t
have any value of warehouse order, Bin or PI Procedure.
Scenario 2: Scan the sequence number on Location List screen

However when we scan the sequence number in place of Bin, everything works fine. Last time we
scanned Bin Number.

1. Scan sequence number of the Bin.

2. On entering Bin and press enter it takes to HU Screen

3. Scan HU and press enter

4. On pressing enter on HU Screen system takes to Product screen and we can see Bin Number and
Inventory procedure pre populated

5. And we can scan the product here without any issues

6. In this case when we come to product screen from HU Screen, we can see IVHEADTAB internal
table populated with Bin details.

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