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Difference in content

Angela, please compare the following difference: (all languages the


1) Original site….
2) Translated Site…

Sunny, please see the following:

1) Images in Banner vary from Translated to original site.


Please see the following content in English in

Please see the alignment issue reported below in the following URL:

Toggle is not working.

From EN to Sp site: toggle works Ok.

From Sp to En site : Toggle redirects me to Sp site.

Translated sites are unavailable

When we try to get to the translated sites, it takes us back to English

and the Easy Link kicks in, loading but not doing anything.


Alejandro, could you please see the following?

1) Main banner/ image is not being shown
2) Please, check the drop-down menus on the FRA-CA
Homepage, they are not working correctly
3) Sites are not working (neither original nor translated). They
take too long to load, and finally error appears.

Functionality : menues are not working ok

Nao, can you please work on the misalignments below? When we

hover over the menu, the words become hidden (does not happen in
the original).

Please check the following misalignments on the main nav bar drop-
down menues. They appear when hovering over the third ítem.

Please check the drop-down menus on the xx Homepage. When we

hover over part of the drop-down is out of reach. On the regular
desktop view, it is displaying correctly.


In translated sites (menu /nav bar /…) breaks in two lines. In original
site it takes only one line.

In translated sites text is overlapping main images.

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