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Name: Tovar Llanos Jaime English V

Your abilities

1. a. IQ test is a test that measure the intellectual skill of an individual. I’ve only taken IQ
tests online, but not official.
 doing your accounts. Intrapersonal - Logical-mathematical
 playing tennis. Bodily-kinesthetic – Visual-spatial
 writing a poem. Verbal-linguistic – Visual-spatial
 designing a building. Visual-spatial
 staying happy. Intrapersonal
 learning a song. Verbal-linguistic - Musical
 resolving an argument. Interpersonal – Verbal-linguistic
 lawyer needs interpersonal and verbal-linguistic intelligences because he/she
must have a good communication with his/her client for empathizing easily and
so, he/she will have success in his/her job. Besides, lawyer’s job is in great part
with people, helping to defend their rights.
 politician needs interpersonal, verbal-linguistic and Visual-spatial intelligences
because he/she works with and for community. Politician must can work as part of
a group and so, taking the best option to a country, a city, a providence or a town.
Besides, he/she must see the world differently for knowing what people need.
 poet needs intrapersonal, verbal-linguistic and visual-spatial intelligences
because he/she must express himself/herself as he/she feels and sees the world
around him/her, to convey a message regardless of what is taught.
 engineer needs bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, logical-mathematical and
visual-spatial intelligences because for devising requires imagination, reasoning,
creativity and a perfect work in group. Besides, he/she must think about issues
that affect to people for solving them.
 doctor needs interpersonal, logical-mathematical and visual-spatial intelligences
because as his/her interesting is in health, then, he/she must work in group, can
understand to people and excel at scientific thinking and investigation for solving
health problems.
 singer needs intrapersonal, verbal-linguistic, musical and visual-spatial
intelligences because he/she must have music abilities as sing, play musical
instruments, compose music and convey a message through his/her music. Always
expressing his/her ideas, thoughts and feelings.
 DJ needs interpersonal and musical intelligences because he/she must
understand to music and people, their musical tastes and desires and so, be able
to choose the best musical mixes.
 social worker needs interpersonal and verbal-linguistic intelligences because
he/she works with people for helping them. Besides, he/she must sometimes
orient them for what must understand them.
Your achievements

1. Aminata. Riding a bike.

Margot. Writing a cookery book.
Charlie. Playing drums.
2. Aminata.
1. She wanted to learn to ride a bike because she wanted to go out with her friends on
their bikes, but she didn’t know how to ride a bike.
2. She started learning when she wanted to go out her friends and she learnt to ride a
bike in a month.


3. Her cookery book is about healthy and tasty food.

4. She is running a restaurant.


5. He joined a Samba band.

6. Together they travel and play in Samba festivals at Ireland.
3. I think it depends because an achievement may be an activity that they like, enjoy, want or
hinder. According to the achievement, so it will be the difficulty of doing.

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