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Driver installation for win7

1. Install “MS_USB_ComPort_Driver_exe_v1.1032.1”
2. Install “ PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v130”
3. Install “MTK_Datacard_FWT_USB_Driver_exe_v1.1145.0”
4. Decompression Driver_Auto_Installer_v1.1236.00.rar and SP_Drivers_v1.5.rar
5. Install Driver_Auto_Installer_v1.1236.00,
Unplug devices which connect with PC through USB cable
Uncompress package of driver auto installer
Run Install.bat

5. If warning prompt shown about unsigned drivers installation, please confirm it

6.Wait a moment till prompt of installation completed

7. ONLY a small prompt may appear on system tray, OS will recognize it and make it available

8. Now You need to Download a software(anyone is ok) by tool (SP_DEWAV_Multiport

Download_V1.4.0) ,then the SP_Drivers_v1.5 driver will be auto Installed

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