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Point 001.

Affiant has no record or evidence that Affiant is any other than a Child of
Jacob/Israel, with the claim of life; and that, Affiant has no record or evidence that
Affiant does not have Right Of Soil, as a living man upon the land, being a declared
Steward and Child of the Birthright Promise of the Creator and True Owner of the soil.
Such Child of Promise Creation is in direct contrast with any/all fiction(s), i.e.,
corporations and governments, who, according to the lack of record or evidence in
possession of this Affiant, such fictions have no Right Of Soil, whatsoever, as referenced
at; POLLARD v. HAGAN, 44 U.S. 212 (1845), "We think a proper examination of this
subject will show that the United States never held any municipal sovereignty,
jurisdiction, or right of soil in and to the territory, of which Alabama or any of the new
States were formed... ...[B]ecause, the United States have no constitutional capacity to
exercise municipal jurisdiction, sovereignty, or eminent domain, within the limits of a
State or elsewhere, except in the cases in which it is expressly granted... ...Alabama is
therefore entitled to the sovereignty and jurisdiction over all the territory within her
limits, subject to the common law..." as per EXHIBIT 001 - NOTICE OF BIRTHRIGHT,
NATALE, AND RIGHT OF SOIL. Point 019(a) – V is in direct reference to Affiant’s
Birthright, being as such a man child whose Native Soil is the Nation of Missouri, a
Missourian, upon the continent of America.

ADMIT - Libellee(s) admit to all facts and notations of evidence as listed in Point 001 as



TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS COME, be informed, take Notice, I, John-Quincy:

Jones, hereafter known as Affiant, makes known to the entire world that; Affiant is a
Living Man with Standing upon the Land, being of Israelite descent and stock, upon the
American terra firma, within the surveyed geographical boundaries of the organic State
of Missouri and in capita holder in due course by Birthright, born a legitimate child, in
the image of his Heavenly Father who is Creator of all that is, and by way of this
Affidavit of Truth, assures all that Affiant is a living man of substance and surety and able
to give credit where Affiant chooses, in any amount, without limits, but without limited
liability. Affiant is NOT a corporation, fiction, legal entity, legal fiction, debt, debtor
(dead - deador), or any other juristic "person".

Affiant plainly declares that he was “birthed” of the water from his Mother’s womb upon
the dry land of the Nation of Missouri; and that the water from his Mother’s womb was
the only water whereby Affiant was “born”. Affiant explicitly denies any association
with the “birthing” of a new vessel in the world of commerce other than Affiant’s own
“person”, yielding nothing to the assumption that any vessel owned by any legal entity,
legal fiction, or corporate association that may have been created at, or near, the same
time had, or has, any semblance of association with Affiant. Definition of “semblance”
sem·blance (sµm“bl…ns) n. 1. An outward or token appearance: “Foolish men
mistake transitory semblance for eternal fact” (Thomas Carlyle). 2. A representation;
a copy. 3. The barest trace; a modicum: not a semblance of truth to the story.

The married parents of this living man celebrated Affiant's Nativity on September 09,
1944, on Douglas County, Republic of Missouri, Affiant being the sixth of eight children,
conceived and born, under lawful Christian parentage, introduced and witnessed, with
entry into the Family Bible, into the Birthright of Jacob/Israel, bearing to this day and
forward the Birthright and Promise of Affiant's Creator, Yahweh. Affiant declares full
Rights as a Legitimate Child under the Law.

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary; NATURAL CHILDREN. In the phraseology of the

English or American law, natural children are children born out of wedlock, or bastards,
and are distinguished from legitimate children; but in the language of the civil law,
natural are distinguished from adoptive children, that is, they are the children of the
parents spoken of, by natural procreation. See Inst. lib. 3, tit. 1, §2.√

With this knowledge of the Truth, this Affiant, offers testimony before the Gates* of any
Juristic Society, Counsel of Men, or any fiction of character, that Affiant is in no way
"bonded or bound" to any, save Affiant's Master, Yahshua, the only begotten Son of the
Living Creator, who became Affiant's surety by way of Blood Sacrifice at the Price of
thirty pieces of silver (a commercial transaction), given into the hand of a hired liar and
deceiver (a fiction), working in conjunction with the Courts of the day, an estimated 2000
years ago. Therefore, Affiant cannot be induced into any "body politic" contrary with
sound Christian Doctrine instilled upon the conscience of Affiant.

This Affidavit of Truth is offered as Corrective NOTICE that any Certificates of Birth
entered into the fictional, corporate world of commerce were based in fraud, propagated
in fraud, brought forward in deceit, and joined in deliberate and malicious trespass upon
the conscience and free will of a man bearing the Birthright of Jacob/Israel and Right of

This Affidavit of Truth is Fair Notice and Warning for any and all Actors, Fictions, and
Corporate Representatives that the Natal Soil of this Child of the Jacob/Israel Birthright
was NOT a "Port of Entry" for any newly birthed "Legal Entity" to be entered into the
fictional, or factional, corporate marketplace as bond, surety, equity, futures, chattel,
stock, or trade material, and stands as correction of any assumption, presumption, or
position in any corporate realm to the contrary.

Affiant reserves the right to amend in order that the truth be ascertained and justly
*In Biblical reference, Gates (of a city, etc.) was the location where most courts/trials
were held.
Verified Affidavit
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, [John-Quincy: Jones], Sui Juris, solemnly affirm and verify
that I have read the foregoing, and know its contents to be true to the best of my
knowledge, except as to the matters which are therein stated on my information or belief,
and as to those matters, I believe them to be true. This instrument is submitted upon good
faith effort that is grounded in fact, warranted by existing law for the modification or
reversal of existing law and submitted for proper purposes, and not to cause harassment
and unnecessary delay or costs, so help me God. See Supremacy Clause (Constitution,
Laws and Treaties are all the supreme Law of the Land).
I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the Republic of Missouri, without
the United States, that the foregoing is true and correct.
by___________________________________authorized representative

[John-Quincy: Jones], Sui Juris


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