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Trial division is the simplest test for primality. It is based on the definition of a prime
number. A number is prime if it has no divisors other than itself and one.

2. 2

Let n be the number you want to test.

3. 3

Divide n by 2. If the result is an integer, then n is not prime because 2 is a factor of n.

Look at the last digit and if it's an even number, it's divisible by 2. If not, continue.

4. 4

Divide n by 3. If the result is an integer, then n is not prime because 3 is a factor of n. If

not, continue.

5. 5

Continue dividing n by each number between 2 and n1/2 inclusive. If any of them
divide evenly, then n is not prime because you found a factor. If n has no factors less than
its square root, then n is prime. It is sufficient to check only for divisors less than or equal
to n1/2 because if n = a*b, then a and b can't both exceed the square root of n.

6. 6

This can be optimised by skipping the test division by numbers which are obviously
not prime. For example, skip every even number greater than two and every multiple of
three greater than three.

Fermat's Little Theorem

1. 1

Technically, Fermat's test is a test for compositeness, rather than for primeness.
This is because, if the test fails, the number is certainly composite, but if the test passes,
the number is very likely prime, but might possibly be a composite pseudoprime.[1]

2. 2

Let n be the number to test for primality.

3. 3
Pick any integer a between 2 and n-1.

4. 4

Compute an (mod n).

o Compute this efficiently by using squaring instead of multiplication whenever

possible. That is, compute 3100 as (((((((32)*3)2)2)2)*3)2)2, not as 3*3*3*3*...*3.
Reduce modulo n after each operation.
5. 5

Check whether an = a (mod n). If not, n is composite. If true, n is likely prime.

Repeating the test with different values for a can increase the confidence in the outcome,
though there are rare composite numbers that satisfy the Fermat condition for all values
of a. These pseudoprimes are the Carmichael numbers and the smallest is 561.


1. 1

The Miller-Rabin test works similarly to Fermat's but handles pathological cases
like the Carmichael numbers better.[2]

2. 2

Let n be an odd number to test for primality.

3. 3

Factor all powers of 2 from n-1, expressing it in the form n-1 = 2s*d where d is odd.

4. 4

Pick a random number a between 2 and n-1.

5. 5

Compute ad (mod n). If ad = 1 or -1 (mod n), then n passes the Miller-Rabin test and is
probably prime.

6. 6

Otherwise, compute a2d, a4d, ... and a2s-1d. If one of these equals -1 (mod n), then n is
also passes and is probably prime.

7. 7
If n passes the Miller-Rabin test for some value of a, try another a to improve the
confidence in the outcome of the test.

8. 8

If n is in fact prime, it will pass with any value of a. If n is composite, it will fail for at
least three quarters of the values of a.

Edit Tips
 While trial division is slower than more sophisticated methods for large numbers, it is
still quite efficient for small numbers. Even for primality testing of large numbers, it is
not uncommon to first check for small factors before switching to a more advanced
method when no small factors are found.

 The 168 prime numbers under 1000 are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43,
47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139,
149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239,
241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349,
353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457,
461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577,
587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683,
691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821,
823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941,
947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997 [3]

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